European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS e-ISSN: 2357-1330 DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.05.27 OPIICS 2019 International Conference of Psychology, Sociology, Education, and Social Sciences COSMOVISION AND IDENTITY IN MARRIAGE —SAWARI— OF THE KICHWA PEOPLE OTAVALO, ECUADOR) Nhora Magdalena Benítez Bastidas (a)*, Miguel Ángel Posso Yépez (b), Ana María Hernández Carretero (c), José Luis Gurría Gascón (d) *Corresponding author (a) Technical University of the North, Av.17 de Julio 5-21, Ibarra, Ecuador,
[email protected] (b) Technical University of the North, Av. 17 de Julio 5-21, Ibarra, Ecuador,
[email protected] (c) University of Extremadura, Av. de la Universidad, s/n, 10003 Cáceres, Spain,
[email protected] (d) University of Extremadura, Av. de la Universidad, s/n, 10003 Cáceres, Spain,
[email protected] Abstract In the Andean cosmovision, marriage is one of the most important life cycle milestones just like birth or death. It is celebrated with rituals symbolizing the combination of nature and culture. The few studies on this social reality show that western practices tend to overlap traditional rituals as a result of our lavish modern world. This paper analyses with a qualitative approach the cosmovision revealed in the Otavalo kichwa marriage. More specifically, it pretends to reveal the symbolism and particularities of ancestral Andean rites that have survived in both urban and rural areas and it also looks at how these rituals have been affected by socio-cultural dynamics. To do so, the ethnographic method was used to interview under informed consent 70 selected people from 14 communities.