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[email protected] 2018 Hybrid Non-Hybrid Open Pollinated - Heirloom planted side by side, ensuring that every seed to commercially-produced, hybrid varieties. Definitions will receive pollen from one variety (father) Heirloom tomatoes have a long record of Heirloom (non-hybrid) - they are not a special and grown on a distinctively different variety producing healthy tomatoes without many disease species of plants. They are ‘open-pollinated’ (mother). Each seed is genetically identical. problems; but commercial growers disagree. Many varieties that have been grown for at least 50 The plant is different than both parents, and has tomato diseases cannot be chemically controlled; years. They are non-hybrid varieties, and the distinctive characteristics from one or both of the the plant’s genetics have to withstand them. seeds can be collected and re-planted. Many parents. Hand pollination, isolation, or physical Many heirloom tomatoes have unique shapes heirloom varieties are not used in modern ‘large- barriers are often used in the pollination process. and have a variety of colors, including purple, scale’ agriculture, but they are used extensively F1 hybrids usually have better qualities, better yellow, white, orange, pink, red, green, black, in home gardens. flavor, higher yields, or in some way have better and striped. Open pollinated (non-hybrid) - Pollination traits than their traditional, open pollinated parent However, some gardeners don’t want unusual, occurs by insects, birds, wind, or other natural varieties. You cannot save and replant seeds from misshapen, or inconsistent tomatoes. They simply mechanisms.