Information supplied on CD Questionnaire Governance and accountability Risk and capital management report Absa Group Limited Sustainability review Question form for the annual general meeting (AGM) of ordinary shareholders to be held in the P W Sceales Auditorium, Key performance indicators Absa Towers, 160 Main Street, Johannesburg on Wednesday, 21 April 2010, at 11:00 and feedback form in respect of the annual report. Customer relations Note: Should you wish to pose a question at the AGM, kindly complete this form and fax it to the office of the Group Human resources Secretary at: 011 350 4009, for the attention of: Hendré van Zyl (
[email protected]), before Wednesday, 14 April Corporate Social Investment 2010. Kindly keep the questions short and relevant to the matters set out in the notice of AGM. We will endeavour to Absa Group Limited Annual report 2009 Absa address the more frequently raised questions during the course of the AGM. If time does not permit us to address all Absa Group sponsorships questions at the AGM we will prepare responses and make these available on our website. Environmental sustainability Group Limited Financial performance Name of shareholder: Annual report Value-added statement Address: Eight-year summary for the year ended 31 December 2009 Telephone number: GRI Index Fax number: Email address: Questions: Kindly provide us with your feedback on the Absa Group 2009 annual report: Amount of information: Very poor/Poor/Average/Good/Excellent Layout of information: Very poor/Poor/Average/Good/Excellent Ease of finding information: Very poor/Poor/Average/Good/Excellent Readability: Very poor/Poor/Average/Good/Excellent Ease of comprehension: Very poor/Poor/Average/Good/Excellent Visual appearance: Very poor/Poor/Average/Good/Excellent How can Absa’s annual report be improved? I, (Name: ), hereby request the Company not to send me a printed annual report in future, but rather to email the electronic version or the link to the online annual report to the following address: (Email: ).