E274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 18, 2021 Kazakhstan. This commitment to a continued OBITUARY: ARTHUR F. WALSH Art was blessed to find great happiness in cooperation across multiple platforms was ce- retirement with his wife Carole Benner Walsh, mented in the 2018 document, ‘‘United States HON. TOM COLE moving to the Eastern Shore of MD, where and Kazakhstan: An Enhanced Strategic Part- OF they enjoyed 20 years of fun. Together, Art nership for the 21st Century,’’ which outlines IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Carole traveled, played golf and cele- the goals and priorities of the bilateral agenda brated with friends and enjoyed the beaches Thursday, March 18, 2021 and sets a long-term vision to support future of Maryland, their dog Charlie, and life as cooperation. Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, Arthur ‘‘Art’’ grandparents to their expanded family. Ambassador Kazykhanov holds a bachelor’s Francis Walsh passed away early in the morn- Many thanks go to the care providers at degree in Oriental Studies from Saint Peters- ing of February 24, 2021 in Salisbury, MD. Art Lakeside at Mallard Landing for their kindness, burg State University and a Ph.D. in History was a good man, a loving husband, a loyal fa- care and loyalty throughout the last two dif- from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. He ther, who loved his family and served his ficult years. has authored many articles focused on country and community. He had a great ca- So, raise a glass, say a prayer and give Kazakhstan’s foreign policy, economic diplo- reer. He enjoyed life and a good joke. He thanks to a good man, a Marine, a son, a macy, and multilateralism, among other topics. made people laugh; enjoyed golf, children, brother, a father, a husband, a grandfather, a He speaks Russian, English and Arabic, and and pets; and had friendships that lasted his friend . . . to a life well lived . . . and, to has received numerous awards and recogni- entire life. He loved and was loved. His final quote Art, ‘‘keep smilin’’. tions for his years of service. days were difficult, but he slipped into the Art is survived by his wife Carole Benner Both he and his wife, Danara, who have two arms of God peacefully in his sleep and we Walsh; children Brian O. Walsh (and Natasha) children, will be greatly missed by the Wash- are thankful. and Andrea Walsh Silva (and Nicholas); his ington diplomatic corps and by all who know Art was born on April 13, 1942, to Marion sister-in-law Georgann Russo, step-children them in Washington, D.C. Along with my fel- Veronica Walsh (nee Kiernan), a mother of Jeffrey D. Benner (and Rochelle) and Cheryl low Caucus co-chairs, we wish them both the six, and Howard John Walsh Sr., a Deputy Oursler (and George), and his siblings Howard greatest success and happiness as they return Sheriff and Detective with the New York Police Jr., Virginia, and Maureen Walsh and was pre- to Nur-Sultan. And as the Ambassador pre- Department, in the South Bronx neighborhood deceased by siblings Patrick and Loraine. Nu- pares for his new role as a senior advisor to of New York, NY. merous multigenerational nieces and neph- the President, we hope that he will continue to He often shared memories of his carefree ews; and his four grandchildren and six step- emphasize the importance of the bilateral rela- days of his youth playing stickball and ram- grandchildren that brought him great joy will tionship between the United States and bling around the neighborhood with his sib- sadly miss him. Kazakhstan. lings and hundreds of other Irish Catholics f kids, walking home for lunch from P.S. 35, f watching baseball at nearby Yankee Stadium REMEMBERING RAYMOND J. KAPPER CONGRATULATING THE RED RAID- and vexing the clergy of St. Angela’s School ERS BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM and Powell Memorial Academy. Art enlisted in the Marine Corps, trained at HON. TIM RYAN HON. SCOTT FITZGERALD Paris Island, SC, then served in the Marine OF OHIO barracks at 8th and I Streets in Washington, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF WISCONSIN DC, where he was meritoriously promoted to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the rank of Lance Corporal and was selected Thursday, March 18, 2021 Thursday, March 18, 2021 for the Marching Twenty-Four unit, performing Mr. RYAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to silent precision exhibition drills. As a member honor the life of Raymond J. Kapper, who Mr. FITZGERALD. Madam Speaker, I rise of the Marine Corps Honor Guard, Art served passed away at his Florida home on March today to recognize the Wauwatosa East High presidential support duty for President John F. 14, 2021 at the age of 84. School boys’ basketball team for winning the Kennedy. Ray Kapper dedicated his professional ca- Division 1 state championship earlier this Art then completed six years in the Marine reer to serving his community. Whether serv- month. Reserves and joined the New York Telephone ing the citizens of the City of Akron as an What started as a nail biter with the Red Company, where he built a 30-year career, ris- elected official or young men and women as Raiders trailing the Papermakers 27–26 at the ing from an installer of rotary phones to a re- a coach and administrator, he put the greater- half, ended with a triumphant turnaround by gional manager overseeing fiber optic cable good above his own aspirations. the Wauwatosa East team on their way to a and high-speed internet. He began his professional career as the 62–44 victory. The Red Raiders shot an im- With his first wife, Barbara, Art enjoyed athletic director for the Catholic Youth Organi- pressive 71 percent from the floor in the sec- many nights bowling, gathering with friends zation and as head football coach at St. ond half and finished at 55 percent for the and having fun throughout McLean Avenue in Mary’s High School before moving on to the game. This marks the Red Raiders fourth Yonkers and all over Manhattan. Together, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company where he state championship win in the program’s 17th they moved to the mountains of Ringwood, served as employee activities director. Mr. tournament appearance and their first appear- NJ. He participated in that community as a Kapper was elected to serve the City of Akron ance in the tournament since 2008. member of the Knights of Columbus, local Re- first as a ward councilman and then as coun- I applaud Coach Arndorfer and the entire publican politics, the Ringwood Board of cilman at-large. He ultimately was elected by team for a terrific season. This team overcame Health and St. Catherine’s Parish. His home his peers to serve as the president of the many obstacles in the face of the COVID–19 and pool offered summers away from the city council. pandemic, but they persevered and brought for his sister-in-law Georgann, nieces Steph- In 1984, Ray was appointed to serve as home the win. Congratulations to the Red anie and Donna and nearly nephew Eddie. He service director. In that position he oversaw Raiders, or as they call themselves, the ‘‘band loved people and wanted to help improve their the City of Akron’s Engineering Bureau, the of brothers.’’ This achievement is well-de- quality of life. Art’s large family circle included Public Works Bureau, the Sewer Bureau, and served. step-nieces, ex-sister-in-laws, childrens’ the Water Bureau. Mr. Kapper retired from the f friends, and friends held as family. City of Akron in 1992. Art was a wonderful father to Brian and An- In retirement, Ray continued to work in the PERSONAL EXPLANATION drea and dearly loved sister-in-law Georgann. community and support the causes that were He played, explored the woods and laughed. most important to him. He was especially HON. He hosted swim lessons, went to little league proud of his work with The First Tee of Akron, OF PENNSYLVANIA games and daddy-daughter dances. He made a youth mentoring program that provides edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES it possible for each, plus six step-grand- cational programs that build character and in- children, to graduate college, pursue success- still life-enhancing values through the game of Thursday, March 18, 2021 ful careers and begin families of their own. He golf. He most enjoyed time spent with family Mr. KELLER. Madam Speaker, I was unable taught us to help others, to apply our capable and friends and cheering on his beloved New to attend a vote called on March 17, 2021. hands to any problem we faced, to work hard, York Yankees. Had I been present, I would have voted YEA listen, look others in the eye and give respect Mr. Kapper is survived by his loving and de- on Roll Call No. 89. to all the people you encounter in this world. voted wife of 63 years, Barbara; his children,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:17 Mar 19, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18MR8.024 E18MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS March 18, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E275 David (Jennifer) Kapper, Deborah (Kelly) contemporaneous. Therefore, having been We will continue the fight for equality and Dodson, Jon (Nancy) Kapper, and Christopher ratified by Virginia and a sufficient number of work towards a more inclusive and equitable (Collen) Kapper; grandchildren, Abbie, Alex, other states pursuant to Article V, the ERA, in society. Charlie, Hannah, Ben, Frances, Nicole, and my judgement, has become part of the Con- f Kevin; great grandchild Violet; and brothers stitution. HERMAN ROBERTS—BLACK BUSI- Dick, Tom, and Glenn. He was preceded in This resolution is unlikely to add to the argu- NESSMAN, CIVIC LEADER, CHI- death by his parents Raymond and Marcine, ment that the ERA has been ratified, and, be- CAGO ICON and his grandson, Andrew. cause it implies that the deadline needs to be I cannot thank Ray enough for his dedicated removed, it may strengthen arguments against service to the City of Akron and Summit Coun- because if the deadline is binding, then pas- HON. DANNY K. DAVIS ty. It is a great honor to represent the people sage of this resolution in the House, without OF ILLINOIS of Akron in this chamber, and Mr. Kapper passage in the Senate, certainly does not cure IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES deeply exemplified the spirit of the city. My that defect. And even with Senate concur- Thursday, March 18, 2021 deepest condolences go out to his family and rence, the effect of the resolution on state rati- to all whose lives were touched by Ray. fications between the deadline and the re- Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam f moval of the deadline is unclear. So the pas- Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to one of Chi- sage of the resolution in the House and Sen- cago’s brightest lights who recently passed REMOVING THE DEADLINE FOR ate will at best add confusion to the debate away at the age of 97, Mr. Herman Roberts. THE RATIFICATION OF THE and at worst will strengthen arguments against The Chicago Sun-Times wrote that Herman EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT the conclusion that the ERA has been ratified. Roberts came to Chicago with nothing during the ‘‘Great Migration and ended up a tycoon’’. SPEECH OF Nevertheless, forced with a vote, it makes more sense to vote in favor than to oppose At one time or another he owned 35 taxis, HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT the resolution. eight motels, a nightclub, which swung with some of the world’s greatest stars, a bowling OF VIRGINIA Regardless of the outcome of this resolution alley, a skating rink, and oil wells on a 2000- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on the ERA itself, the fight for equality must acre ranch in Oklahoma. Mr. Roberts grew up Wednesday, March 17, 2021 continue. Women still face hurdles in the path- as one of six children in Beggs, Oklahoma, ways to success. On average, women still Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. I rise in support of around his age of about 12 his family moved earn less than men for the same job functions. equality and the principle that our Constitution to Chicago where he went to Burke Elemen- Pregnant women often lack basic protections was designed, not to shore up the dominance tary and Englewood High School on the south- and reasonable accommodation in the work- of the historically powerful, but to ensure the side of the city. After high school he went into place. Perhaps most concerning of all, vio- rights of all and to foster a society in which the taxicab business and built a fleet in the lence against women is still widespread and each of us is free to shape our future based Black Community when and where white undermines the educational and social poten- on our abilities. The resolution today seeks to owned cabs usually would not transport Black tial of women and young children in this coun- remove the deadline Congress put in place for patrons. In the early 1950’s he opened his first try. the ratification of the Equal Rights Amend- lounge, the Lucky Spot and a few years later ment. While ratification of the Equal Rights I am proud to have worked with my Demo- The Roberts Show Lounge in a garage build- Amendment is imperative to enshrine equal cratic colleagues in the House to pass legisla- ing where he had once housed his taxicabs. rights for women, I do not believe it is nec- tion to remedy these inequalities. The House Mr. Roberts was a genius at booking and essary to strike the deadline for ratification. recently passed the Protect the Right to Orga- showmanship. Stars like Nina Simone, Dinah However, by voting on this legislation, we may nize Act (H.R. 842) which protects workers Washington, Sarah Vaughan, Sammy Davis imply that it is necessary for Congress to lift who are trying to form a union. While in most Jr., Jackie Wilson, Sam Cooke, Red Foxx, a self-imposed deadline in order for the ratifi- of America, women earn less than men, Moms Mabley, Dick Gregory and others were cation to be effective. I do not prescribe to this women and men working under a union con- regular features. In 1960, he built his first view. tract receive equal pay for equal work. We motel on 63rd Street, then six more. In 1974, Congressional authority to propose Amend- have worked to fill the gaps in the patchwork he installed a removable stage in the parking ments to the Constitution and the mode of rati- of existing laws governing how and when lot and brought in stars like Count Basie, Billy fication is outlined in Article V of the Constitu- workers take time off to care for themselves Eckstine, Ramsey Lewis, Della Reese and tion. Article V requires two-thirds of the House and their families. Expanding the Family and Nipsey Russell to name a few. Mr. Roberts did and Senate to propose an amendment. Con- Medical Leave Act to cover more working par- not only spend time looking after his business gress can choose ratification through three- ents and low wage workers who are currently in Chicago; but also spent time at the ranch in fourths of the state legislatures or state ratify- excluded from leave policies is a top priority. Oklahoma. At its peak his ranch had several ing conventions. Once the amendment is pro- There are other initiatives being considered oil wells, 100 horses, pigs, French breed of posed to the states, there is no Constitu- to address inequities. Nearly two thirds of min- cattle and peacocks. In addition to everything tionally imposed time limit on the ratification imum wage workers in the United States are else that Mr. Roberts was and did, the Rob- process. Article V of the Constitution is silent women. The Raise the Wage Act (H.R. 603) erts Motel 500 Room was a major launching with regard to when a state must consider and will raise the income levels of the most eco- pad for the official kick off of The Harold ratify an amendment. In fact, the ratification nomically insecure households and would be a Washington Campaign for Mayor which process for the 27th Amendment took more step in the right direction towards pay equity. changed Chicago Politics forever. I say con- than two hundred years. The Pregnant Worker’s Fairness Act (H.R. gratulations to Mr. Herman Roberts on all his Historically, Congress has ratified amend- 1065) is important legislation that will provide outstanding achievements and thanks to his ments without specific time limitations. The reasonable accommodations to pregnant children and grandchildren for keeping his leg- first amendment to contain a time limit was the women in the workforce. The Violence Against acy and spirit alive, especially to his daughter 18th Amendment, which established the prohi- Women Reauthorization Act (H.R. 1620) which Sharla Roberts, Director of Procurement Di- bition of alcohol. The text of the 18th, 20th, expands protections and provides critical fund- versity at the University of Illinois at Chicago. ing for victim services, law enforcement train- 21st, and 22nd Amendments each contained f language limiting the time frame for ratifica- ing, and data collection, is now pending in tion. In contrast, the text of the Equal Rights Congress. PERSONAL EXPLANATION Amendment ratified by the states does not However, even if all this legislation were to contain a time limit. It is the proposing clause become law, it would not be the same as HON. sent to the states for ratification of the Equal amending the Constitution to guarantee OF NEW YORK Rights Amendment which contains a seven- women equal rights. Discrimination in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES year time limitation. Notwithstanding a lower workplace, violence in the home, and institu- district court ruling to the contrary, the lan- tional barriers require systemic legal and cul- Thursday, March 18, 2021 guage of a proposing clause is not legally tural change. Ratification of the Equal Rights Mr. KATKO. Madam Speaker, I missed the binding. The ratification process of the Equal Amendment provides an additional legal tool vote on Roll Call No. 84 on March 17, 2021. Rights Amendment was properly before the for combatting discrimination on the basis of Had I been present, I would have voted YEA states and was reasonable and sufficiently sex. on Roll Call No. 84.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:32 Mar 19, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18MR8.028 E18MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS