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Note : To view your account details, please use <control> F in the Inoperative Account List below, input your name as maintained in the Bank records and find the information related to your account. Sr No. Customer Name ADDRESS1 ADDRESS2 ADDRESS3 ADDRESS4 City Picode 1 Tejvir Singh Minhas 176 Strone Road, London London E7 8ES 2 ZAKI ANWER F-125, 4 A, 1ST FLOOR, NOOR NAGAR EXTN JOHRI FARM, JAMIA NAGAR, OKHLA JOHRI FARM, JAMIA NAGAR, OKHLA NEW DELHI 110 025 3 GURMIT SINGH JOHAR B-7/24, SAFDARJUNG ENCLAVE, NEW DELHI 110 029 4 Anand Mohan 380 A, Bath Road, Hounslow Hounslow UK TW4 7HT 5 RAJYA WARDHAN 18 PRATAP NAGAR, KHATIPURA, JAIPUR 302 021 6 Ranjit Sngh Johal 27 Millstones Oxspring Sheffield South Yorkshire S36 8WZ 7 Balwinder Kaur 2a Bernard Street, West Bromwich, West Midlands B71 1PJ 8 Pavankumar P Patel 56 Park Rd. Ilford IG1 1SD 9 JALALUDDIN AKBAR T S ALAMEDA ALTO DA BARRA 36, BLOCO D, LOTE 4, 2ND RIGHT, 2ND RIGHT, OEIRAS 2780125 10 Hitenkumar Arya Yasme, White Shack Lane, ChandLers Cross, Rickmansworth Rickmansworth Rickmansworth WD3 4ND 11 Andrew Socorro Nunes 50 Adams Way, Croydon CR0 6JT 12 Vikram Trehan 2 Gladstone Avenue, London E12 6NS 13 Inder Lal 105, ST MARYS ROAD, ILFORD, ILFORD, ILFORD IG1 1QY 14 Jasmin Chamanlal C 236-238, RUSH GREEN ROAD, FLAT 5, FLAT 5, ROMFORD RM7 0LA 15 Asok Kumar Nandi 30, Granville Road Hayes. Middlesex UB3 4PL 16 Gurpal Singh Grewal 66, Orchard Street, Kempston, Kempston, Bedford MK427JD 17 Ranjit Singh 47, Swainstone Road, Reading RG2 0DX 18 Ranjit Singh 47, Swainstone Road, Reading RG2 0DX 19
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