LPA GUIDELINES MANUAL FOR FEDERAL-AID PROJECTS (Version 1.00) A Summary of State and Federal Requirements DAVE HEINEMAN, GOVERNOR RANDALL D. PETERS, DIRECTOR This online publication is always the most current available version of the LPA Manual. STATE OF NEBRASKA Dave Heineman DEPARTMENT OF ROADS Governor Monty W. Fredrickson, P.E. Director - State Engineer 1500 Highway 2 PO Box 94759 Lincoln NE 68509-4759 Phone (402) 471-4567 FAX (402) 479-4325 www.transportation.nebraska.gov Comment Form Nebraska Department of Roads Local Public Agencies (LPA) Guidelines Manual for Federal Aid Projects Your input is welcome. Please submit your written comments and suggestions by mailing, faxing, or emailing to the address below: Jim Wilkinson, P.E. Local Projects Division Engineer 1400 Highway 2 P.O. Box 94759 Lincoln, NE 68509-4759
[email protected] FAX: (402) 479-3636 Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Local Agency, or Company: ___________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _______________ Zip: ___________________ Phone: ( ) ________________________ Fax: ( ) ______________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________ Comments: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________