Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 28 (2007) 393-429 Submitted 6/06; published 3/07 Bin Completion Algorithms for Multicontainer Packing, Knapsack, and Covering Problems Alex S. Fukunaga
[email protected] Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91108 USA Richard E. Korf
[email protected] Computer Science Department University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90095 Abstract Many combinatorial optimization problems such as the bin packing and multiple knap- sack problems involve assigning a set of discrete objects to multiple containers. These prob- lems can be used to model task and resource allocation problems in multi-agent systems and distributed systms, and can also be found as subproblems of scheduling problems. We propose bin completion, a branch-and-bound strategy for one-dimensional, multicontainer packing problems. Bin completion combines a bin-oriented search space with a powerful dominance criterion that enables us to prune much of the space. The performance of the basic bin completion framework can be enhanced by using a number of extensions, in- cluding nogood-based pruning techniques that allow further exploitation of the dominance criterion. Bin completion is applied to four problems: multiple knapsack, bin covering, min-cost covering, and bin packing. We show that our bin completion algorithms yield new, state-of-the-art results for the multiple knapsack, bin covering, and min-cost cov- ering problems, outperforming previous algorithms by several orders of magnitude with respect to runtime on some classes of hard, random problem instances. For the bin pack- ing problem, we demonstrate significant improvements compared to most previous results, but show that bin completion is not competitive with current state-of-the-art cutting-stock based approaches.