■ / ■:5?» THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1«, 1954 Avers^ Pfily Net Preee Rub t A O f c l i ^ T Y J'tT Per the Week EeMM The WestlMa illanrt;p0tifr ^araing U m ld S* . Sept. 11, liM •c D. a. O fm m u lllmi jlln •Urn * 11,305 Cleniy, caal « •afghi-fdg.d& ■ " ''* 3 midnight. Lasr •sar se. Otemigg^. ■ \ Mcenber of the Andit Bnrenu of Clronlatlon partial'etoarfag, towmm. MiglftgA, - fif '79. Manche$ter-^A City of VtUage Chonn ■T J

L X X n i, NO. 302 (OhMMified AdverUelng on Pnge If) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1954 ^EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE F I ^ CENTS It*s Only a Practical Lesson- Dulles, Eden Weigh Plam^

...tU-tt \ \ At HALTS SELF SERVE and MEAT DEPARTMENT Armies HALE'S ^ PIIEHIER UGHT MEAT INSTANT FLAVOR COFFEE TUNA BoAn Arms ^Thanks Fellas, Thales Good Enough’’ Chancellor Oroohd To Order No Oil Odded DAILY A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 7 O z s . ALLSWEET Block Hold OPEN FRIDAY N iCteS UNTIL B:30 its Flavor Stands Out j Unrealistic W « Uk* to feature brand names, names you «aK tru st... / nompare the quality and the price . . . you tirili save on these self service case specials: Strasbourg,’ France, Sept. HIO. 17 (^) — A former British London. Sept. 17 S. Secretary of State Jolna Come to S02 Main St. for PHILADELPHIA Foreign Minister, Laborite SWUT PREMXim FULLY COOKBD / \ For 29e Herbert Morrison said today Footer DuDea affrecd today ROBART FARM FRE^ JACK AUGUSTS the slogan "No arms for Ger­ with the Churchill govotR" SMOKED PORK SHOULDER U>. 49c CREAM ment to preaa for an tarty f b t /• *»d;Fine Results in West also say ‘No arms for Ger­ mans.' ” , 1 Chris Button and Louis Obersle. (AP Wirephoto). ' ^ hto last stop, to Paris, Eden and Weekly'delireriet to our etoret iniure complete etecke of alt virietiei.'~ ej^eeeeeeeeee with the Atomic Energy Com- A 1 ■ "Can Germany be permanently Pramiar Ptarra Mandaa-Franca to- Tested by Reds mission to build an experi- A - W C a D O I l i r i a l disarmed? This is really the quto- sued a Joint communique which a mehtal nuclear power plant Inin ^ tion whether Germany can perma­ French Foreign Office apokeasnaa nently be denied the powers of s Pope Suffers aaid meant than waa haaie agraa- Waahlngton, Sept. 17 (BT—Dr. New England "at an early ■ Moscow, Sept. 17 (JP)—’The So­ . PKBSb^ sovereign state, and the answer of U. S. Plans to Rebuff 'oMnt oa Bdan’a idea for a aavan- Tony Buysee made the Selections >r the special STOKLEY'S eoeoeeeeeeeeeeee Ralph Lapp, an atomic acientiat, date.” viet Union announced today that it nearly everybody would be no.” nation Waat Buropaaa dafcBM al­ in the service meat section weekend... apeculated today that Ruaaia may William Webiter, executive vice has exploded “m e of a type of But Morrison addsd that he O f Tiredness^ liance ioUudiiig Waat OaraMay, All special "red” meat, values, eac|i item ■’cut from "\1 have exploded an atomic warhead president of New England Electric atomic weapons'’ with "valuable would not today offer an alterna­ Britain and Franca. choice tender beef: ORANGE deaigned for u*e in an airplane System and also president of the results.” tive to- "the great idea" of the The brief-'announcement by the Mao’s New UN Bid Repart Many OsnAW sna cannon, anti aircraft gun* or Yield new Yankee atomic firm, said yes­ EDC, either in his own name or Doctor Says Later, however, there ware pub­ terday: official News , Agency Tass said JUICE EDUCATORS SALTINES artillery piece*. that of his party. lished reporta Mmdea-Fraac* had SIRLOIN or NESCAFE tnpp,' though pot now connected "If proposed arrangements the test "will enable Soviet scien­ Quick, Safe Solution 46 Oz. Tin tists ^and engineers to solve suc­ ■Vatican O ty, Sept. 17 (>H—Pope Washington, Sept. 17 (/P)—-American officials are preparing attached many ifs and condttiona It’s nice to be busy, but not as SHORT STEAKS . .v Large Jar With the government atomic pro­ work out saUstoctorily there is Earllei', British .Conservative to thto baalc agreement. Informed gram,' worked on the Manhattan every reason to balievo that wlth'% cessfully problems of defense from Delegate John MacLay had advo­ Piiis XII is suffering: from fatigue for a one-day, sudden death struggle over Communist renewal rushed as we were last Friday atomie attack.” soureaa said detalto ar* to b* night . . . for then it's impossible project whfiph produced the firat in the . foreseeable future the cated full membership for West caused by ovenvork but his condi­ next Tuesday of Red China’s bid for United Nations member­ ROUND STEAK or ' Ainerican A-bomb. homes and factories of Now Eng' ' Taaa gave no details., on where tion to npt causing any serious worked out at a conferenca to. to give you the proper service. 1 Ik^ p kg . Germany. in the North Atlantic ship. The simple strategy, whjch has been effective in most Lnadon beginniag about Sapt. 27. SIRLOIN TIP ROAST Other Interpretmtlen Bated land will be mppUed in part with ths explosion took place or. what Treaty Organisation as ths quick concern, hto private physician said of th« 150 fruittoaa attempta Ytyy-" • < • < < < • «■ Hurricane Scares do not occur LB. He told a reporter that *tUI an­ electric power ftoen a plant d i v ­ type of weapon waS involved. today after visiting the Pontiff. Eden met the Amaricaa Secre­ every week so we know you will CubejBteaks (froinckoice Round j^teak) •'ml' safe way to soivs the prob­ the (k>mmunlsts to unseat Cl„htong tary of State at London afipmt other poaelble interpretation of ing its best from nuclear flsston. ’The announcement said: lem. The Pope received .350 doetora Kai-shek’s Nationalist delegatss. excuse last week’s "jm session” Ruisia’* announcement last night New England Electric ^ d the in audience today at his summer aoon after ha gave a 90-miimt* re­ and shop Pinehurst s>idsy “ In accordance with the plan for He said he favored restoration will, be to svoid a showdown vote night that it .had conducted a new companies proposing to invest in scientlBc research w'ork, trials of residence, in Caslel Gandolfo and Truman Claims port to Prim* Minister Churchill or latorday this week. FrozahFdods . on the issue. Instead, the fight to and the cabinet on hto trip. atomic teat la thia: the project represent moYe than 90 one of a type of atomic weapons (Contfaraed on ihtge Ten) spoke to them for nearly 15 min­ planned on a move to- defer action. Soviet weapon bxperta may have per cent of the eloc^c output of ware carried out in the Soviet utes. ' His appearance indicated DuUea lunched' with IMea ’and A quick settlement of the peren­ Democratic Aid OiurchUl at the latter’s office for been *tua]ring the effect* on build­ the six-state regioii. Union during recent days. there was no serious concern over nial question'would Clear the way SALADATEA SNOW CROP PEAS .. c 19e ing and other atnicture* "to see Webster said tbr.t through con­ his condition. . about 2>i hours. Than Dull**,'ISdan PREMIER Solve DefeBae Problem for policy statements next week and thstr top advtoani conttouad what structure* would be needed struction of the proposed plant, *Tlie 'aim of the trial was the Hia physician. Prof. Riccardo and thus free Seerbtary o f State Needed* by Ike . PINEHURST FROSTED FOODS a* defense against ..any hydrogen "we expect tc.-explore the econom­ 1646 Iron F^ih Galcazzi-Lisi, described the Pon­ the UUu at the Foreign Mtototry. 1c SALE FRUIT study of an atomic explosion. Dulles in plenty of time for the Talked Wttk Adenamw Brands you know . . '. values you can check. SNOW CROP L e m o n ADE ur.. to.. 3 ic bomb attack^’ ic and practical aspects of this ‘"Ths trials produce^ valuable tiffs condition simply as fatigue proposed meeting in late Septem­ type of electric generation. :-L •Dulles flew here from Bonn, 2S% More Tea When You Buy But Lapp said he conaidered it results, which will enable Soviet due to a renewed heavy burden of ber of nine countries pn the ques-1-r Indianapolis, Sept. .17 (ffV-For- Yt Lb. Pkg. at Reg. Price COCKTAIL more likely that the Soviets were "It may take eeverat yeari of Is Restpred as tvork and denied that he had had where he conferred wiUi Chancel­ scientists and. engineers to solve tlon of German sovereignty’ and ‘ Truman called to- lor Konrad Adenauer 'bo Gorman FOUR FISHERMEN Pkg. ^ Large Tin 4 FISHERMEN FISH STICKS >oo,.47c trying out "a series of warhead* experimental work befora we can any recurrence of the hiccups rearmament. | day for the election of ■ a Demo- for air-to-air u*e of ground-to-air determine to what extent atomic successfully problems of defense that weakened him dangerously sovereignty and rearmament < from atomic attack.” Living Museum Dullee To Attend Seasioa 4 ^ a tic Congress to. help Prealdertt In a Joint airport statement to Prc-Cookad FISH STICKS energy will be used in the future dqring his grave illnesa early this Dulles, now (CoBtlnaed on Page Thirteen) by New England’s electric com­ year. vtoiting Europe to fitonhower ”go down in history Bonn. DnUes and Adenauw made panies.” In Tokyo, the Kyodo News Serv­ y Saugua, Mass., Sept. 17 (P>—A The pope’s physician denied also colifer with 'German Chancellor a successful President who no specific msnUon o f Bden’s Pre-Cooked SCALLOPS * BOX 'The parUcipatlhg companies ice reported that the meteorologi­ $1,CUQ,000 , restoration of Ameri­ Konrad Adenauer and British For­ helped to save the Free World.” plan to link a rearmed West Ger­ reports that. the Swiss specialist. eign Secretary Anthony Eden, has MEAT DEPARTMENT would buy and diGtribute Uia proj­ cal laboratory of Kyoto University ca’s first successful iron works Dr. Paul Niehans. who attended Truman said in a letter to Dem­ many to the BrussMs Pact u d This weekend, shop in our had recorded unusual instrument wa* dedicated as a living muaeum announced plans to attend the ocratic National Chairman Ste­ NATO. S W I^ S PREMIUM e Reulher Drops ect’s entire output, subject to fed­ the Pope in January, and Febru­ opening session Tuesday of the DoIe’g^PinieappIn' MORTON'S NEW friendly super market, where SW IFTS M MIUM eral and state regulatioh.. readings on Aug. 2« similar to today and. chairman Edward L. ary, was again in Rome to help phen A. Mitchell that "It seems ■They said inataad that Weat L.Y SIZE IH LB. every customer is queen . . . shop those obaerved when the United Ryerson of Inland Steel Co., in a care for him. ninth U.N. General Assembly to me that President Eisenhower German sovereignty should ha Chunks . . . , 2 for>49c The Slae You Like PUUY COOKED Webster said the ’’potentialities meeting at New-York (Nty. He will ^ FRUIT PIES in comfort where you’ll have free­ Shank nr Butt Portion j are unlimited, because the ooncen' States made atomic testa at the ptopared dedication speech pre­ The Pepe’s physician said that should'be secretly wtsliing for n "restored with aU apeed." They Six Aides for Bikini atoll. dicted that in 35 years thia coun­ address the 60-nstlon assembly, added: that Germany's partidps- Pineapple Apple.'Sherry. Peach dom of selection among Nationally' ^ ■ trated energy possessed by atomic Dr. Niehans to In Switzerland. probably Thursday. . Democratic Congress” because "he famous brands, ail clearly marked HEINZ KOSHER . PALMDALE fuels will simplify problems of Jyodo said a student at the lab­ try, would have a steel industry Hto doctor's visit this morning is pledged to a foreign policy of tion “ in full equaUty to the system Juice ...... 2 forS9c Choice 55e with low, low prices. Special fea­ capable of 200 million tons annual America’s new. U.N. delegation, coo^cafion with other free na-' of collectiva security” should he Smalt Whole Sonther^ 7T C i l f l r c 1 / r d l l C l : plant iocaUon, fuel transporUtion oratory reported a laboratory to the 78-year-old- head of the headed by Ambassador Henry tures: ” ' and storage.” manometer, or pressuie gauge, production. Roman was de?- tioits but a majority of hia party considersd as "soon ad practleabia Ths ancient Saugus iron works Cabot'Lodge. J r. was called to the with the other Interested gevam - The group bellevei|, he added, gave the reaJinga on that date at cribed as a normal and regular State Dept, today .foreswearing in leaders are against i t ” i DILLPIBKLES DAISY HAMS New York, Sept.'^ IT Of) — A ’-‘that the new fuel ia going to play 8 a. m. (Japan time) and again which functioned, from 1846 to visit. menu, and foUbwing a NATO / exercises. Map Campaign. Stmtogy Large J i^ YAMS directive by CIO President Walter an important role in New Ehig- at 1 p. m. 1670—and now fully reconstructed Viscount Montgomer>'',-who had ministeribi meeting, should be P. Reuther has resulted in the The five representatives and. five Mitchell made public tbe letter translated into concrete action.” Can , land's electiHc- future and we feel A. apokeaman for the Central by the American Iron and Steel a private audience with the Pope in advance of a closed session of PINEHURST FARM FRESH suspension of six union officials Institute—had a capacity of hard­ alternatives were briefed yesterday In a statement at London aip* 6faxweII House lb that the lessons learned in the Metaorological - Observatory ..aald by State Dept., officials on what' to the Democratic National Commit­ FRUITS ... VEGETABLES " lb following testimony in a state plant will give an answer as to there was no accompanying evi­ ly more than a ton of cast iron per ‘ (Continued on Pnge Ten) port Dtilles told newsmen: probe of union welfaro funds. day., expect. The usual attempt by (tom- tee here to map campaign strategy "W e in the United SUdaa great­ ' what extent we may depend upon dence- of radioactive particles or muiitot (Thina to gain the aeat now in the battle with the Republicans Local farmers are bringing in C^auliflower i,, Coffee ...... lb. can |1.09 73 Reuther yesterday order e d electricity from the atom in fomn, radtati.on. But Ryerson sajd its iron mas­ ly admire tha initiative and vigor foe control of Congress. - Maxwell Instant Ig. jar $1.07 "prompt remedial action” against ters and workmen spread to found held by Nationallat (Thina waa which Mr. Eden has ahoWn to at- Green Beans . . . Peppers . . . Crisp Celery . ing our. short and loiig range ex­ ’There was no Immodlate reac­ forecaat aa the probable first clash ®upR®rtlng the contention of a half dosen top officers -of the pansion plans. tion to the Russian announcement ever-^growing indusIHes elsewhere Slicing Tomatoes . i . Parsley . . . Wax Beans PoHlfry is sriH a food buy owd at l^oli's sottefactioR k guarawtood. Retail, Wholesale and Department between the free world told the Mitchell and ■ other Democratic (Centfaiued en Peg* Tbn) Shurfine Coffee ..hag $1.09 Applications soaking prelimi­ from American officiala. . A in the colonies. The year before Communists. . . . Nice Butternut and Acorn Squash from Store Union (RW D) adding that World War steel making .capac­ leaders that' the economic situa­ nary approval of the new corpora­ White House Press Secretary n, News Tidbits It to expected that a Communist tion will bs a major issue in the Glastonbury, selling at only 10c lb.. Pincfhurst Gut-Kite Wax Paper . . . .22c the Cib "cannot and not tole­ tion have been filed with the' Mas- JiHnes C.' Hagerty, with Resident ity had risen in. the United States rate crooks or Oomfhunists in the Colled fronji "AP .Wirea j delegate, either from Ruaaia or A campaign. I^ m a n aaid

^ ...... ' I, p4 V f." \ IM - : v . K » ' \ ’ ^ - t - - i'\ ■ \ "■ I ■■ ■■■ '•sfeRBSi K A N ^ SSTER EVENINCkH?RALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1964

Group to Discuss . New Btfbks Listed « a . t h iciah to Stay on Duty MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1954 Parent Problems At Cheney Library Kiwdnis Club May Organize To^ Sell Orford Dwellings 70 in the summertime and suite FMlar* 8Mwa One* League, Schedules Joni James Sings or clothes that women wqar here Problema concerning parents and New books received at the Mary at 1;*S. fhsHs at liW teenagers will be diwussed at the , Featara Abawa at 4:lM iU ‘Ex-MIG Pilot Spending in the spring were always com­ Cheney Library include the follow­ Malia OaHarya-Mayar’s fortable. In'Area; Meeting Planned initial meeting, Oct. 11, of the Public Housing Admlnistratloii^purchaslng the. houaea ing fiction and non-fiction: Membership Tea At State, Hartford IM CHEVROLET 4-IKMNl ■ ■ Hdme School Council of Manches­ Mrs. Manley waa foHnerly an officials on duty at Orford Villaga now living in have SO days from Fiction; Brave Pursuit, Mar. R ^ o , heater. Nice shape. No aioBajr iIo w b . ter High 'School by William H. “GONE W ITH officer with the Women’e Army said today that their office there the notification of sale date in ^ e r ite -Allis; Twilight of tha Joni JAihes, one of the nation's ^r‘ llAckvUIt, 8«p t 17— (Sp«cUI)..;Hazardvllle Methodist Church MacKey*. MacKay is the 'director which to buy. Tenants who are Reward for Education The League of Women Voters of Corps, and since her- marriage in —AiwUier Mrrice orfantuUon j starting at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. Har- will be open from 8 a. m. until 5 Dragon, Peter Bqume; Vale of THE WING” Manchester will hold its annual foremost'alnging- stars, who rose 1948 to Mr. Manley, an executive of probation in the Juvenile Court unauccessful in a drawing for a Tyranny, Suzanne Butler; Pride of la Trekalcalar • WMa ficraaa to fame with har recording of may aoen bcfin operatloiu hart, vey Conklin of Westerly, R. I. will for the state of Connecticut. p. m., Monday through Friday, un­ 4al. t p.ai._KM M*w."W klp Wlliaa- By VKBN HAUGLAND membership tea at the new Vemon- of the Anchorage RaUroad. she house and want to purchase some the Peacock, Ruth Chatterton; "Why Don't You Believe Me”, wUl Early today it was learned that > be the presiding officer. The Rev. Meetings throughout the year til the sale of the buildings in the other dwelling will have an addi­ Ckarla*‘ trial .StarrrK _____ NeiWArk, bel.. Sept 17 UP)— haa lived in Anchorage. Mra. Mul- federally owned project is com­ Mary Anne, Daphne DuMaurier; TriM*- Faatara Frasram I LydaU School'WediMday, at 2:30 headline the big stage bill, at the laney and Mra. Mahley-Are daugh- a n being made to establiah Robert W. Smyres, a missionary are planned by the Home ^ h o o l tional five days to make on offer. MaMaaa will aad 4 aviMk, all Kanny No, tha former Oommuniat Opens Office Here a Klwaiiia Club. ! on furlough from India will apeak pleted. Quiet Woman, Mrs. Agnea .Fiaher; cklMraa laavlaa. pilot who fiew a MIGI5 jet fighter p.m. State Theatre, Hartford, this Sat- tera of Mr. and Mrs. FYank Obrem- *495 Council to'''enable parents of high Although some o f the govern­ It was explained that drawings Don Oamillo’s Dilemma, Giovanni lirday and Sunday, for 2 days ohiy. aki, 134 Hilliard St. An organiaatlonal meeting will > |h the afternoon on ‘'India in the school students to discuss the will be necessary in cases where 'Btakaa Laaea” ClaaaMacayai from out behind Korea’a Iron (hir- Mra. John D. Briscoe, president he) heldkali HiuradayThuraday evening at the News. " . . ment officials will be needed in Ouareachi; Death and the Oantla tain a year ago—and collected a of the State League of Women Vot­ Joni wtu offer a brilliant program This cor eorrios oor Goodw* problems of teenagers and to hear both tenants o f a two-family build­ Bull, Richard Lockridga, and Mra. of songs featuring her new hits, Riolan Social Oub on Snipsic Wheel Chair Secured opening up a similar sale in New ing have the same priority rating. <100,000 reward—enrolled t h i ■ ers will be the guest speaker. Mrs. • Unit No. 14 of the American speakers who are specializing in Frances Lockridge; UhU> a Good Briscoe will apeak on, ‘‘What the "In A Garden of Reece’’, “ Maybe 'TO K SURE Street. AU interested are asked to high school-age work. Britain, there will continue to be Interest StIid nigh . week aa a freshman at the Uni- Boy Admits Setting he at the hall at 7 o’clock. A Legion Auxiliary . v announces w that .. at leaat one representative on duty Land, Vilhelm Moberg; Tales of the Tcraity of Delaware. League . Can and Cannpt Do and N )»t Time”, “MAmA, Don't Cry at SEE MeCLURr* The officers and committee Interest in the government's sale Oaarks, W. B. Mowary. dinner will precede the meeting. wheel thair has been purchased in the local project to receive of­ of the dwellings was reported still : I From Gen. Mark Clark, the man Why.” "She will also review the My Wedding”, and many other top Herman Ktaekemler of H art-; from the proceeds of the magazine chairmen for the school year fers to buy and answer qiieationa, Non-FicUon: How To H elp State and National agenda for -the timea Two School Fires 1954-SS are as follows: lively today, four days after< the FOK YOUR DINING PLEASURE VISIT THE - responaibls for the award, came fbrd. la promottag the drive to es-^drive for trte use in the a i « by it was stated. Older People, Julietta K. Arthur; coming year. Featured on the eurroundlng Mr. and Mrs. John. M. Dormer, 200 tananta living in the develop­ hearty.congTAtulatlone. Mrs. Loula F. Heard, president of tahliah S e chib in town. He aaidfw»yo"e requiring It. The Public It was repdrted that iffora than ment were officially notified that Screen Wortd, 1954, Daniel Blum; TIolBg the Right Tklng** a^tage revue will be Robert Mait,- Branford. Sept. 17 (F) — SUte that akready SO have artnounced i «« » * ‘ h Nursing Assn, will have prj^dent; Mr, pmd..>|ra. Raymond 50 offers have been received ao Weatem World Coatuma, C. G. the Manchester League, will ex­ Scnaller, vice-president; Mr. and the often-rumored sale o f the proj­ "Ha'a doing the right thing," plain the local agenda and intro­ w'en, ’’America's Foremost Jaxs P o lic e say S'9-yaar-old boy haa MiKiLURE PONTIAC, Inc. their intentions o< attending th e, charge of the chair which is avaU- far, although no deals havt been Bradley; Electronics, G, F. Cor. Mra. Edmond J. Descy,' secretary;, ect was finally going to take place. I Gen. ClAric told the . Aasoclated duce the board members. Harpist"; Gary Morton, noted aaeMing. able free to anyone needing it, as completed for any of the 125 Moat o f , the tenants have indi­ coran, and H. W. W e e ; Trans­ Broadway comedian; 'B o b b y confessed to etartlng two fires in 373 MAIN STREET MANCHBSm is the case with the hospital bed and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Carlson, o x Y O K E Preae .by telephoile from Charles- Following the introductions tea At present two other service buildings and none will be until portation for Management, F. M^ hia school — both of them during OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 10 treasurer. cated a desire to purchase the - t(m, 8. C., where he heads the miU- will be served, and for those who Brandt, in "Tapaody In Rhythm'' duba. Rotary and Exchange are' and the polio pack heater donated all offers have been screened and homes they sure living in. and It Cushman; Doctor To the Islands, CbLUMHA, CONN. recess time: State P o lice m a n prevloualy by the Auxiliary. Committee heads are; Mr. and • tary school, the Citadel. wish, there will be a tour through and other top names in the world active. A third, the Linns gave priority perlodq have expired. was doubted that many divelUnga T. R. A. H. Davis and Mrs. U H. , "It's wonderful that he is using of entertainment Aa usual, per­ Francis Whelan of the State Fire Accept* Position Mrs. Sanol J. Solomon, public rela­ Veterans Have Option Davis; Nothing la Dripping On the new school building.’ up its charter earlier this y*w would be aold to anyone not now the money wisely—and I am sure Mrs. John H. Conklin, member­ formances will be continuous both Marshal's Office said the boy con- and diahandod srhen interest Miss Marie Hewitt, daughter of tions; Mr. and Mra Raymond Veterans and non-veterans who Ua, Eva Knox Witte; Innaide GOOD FOOD'* fesaed to setting the fires Wed­ Schaller, program; Mr, and Mra. living in' Orford Village. Officials ‘vrar • he has good advice. ship chairman and Mrs. Ekimund days, with lata stage shows sched­ dwindled. Mr. and Mrs.' Albert Hewitt of 1 live In the project, and who have have predicted that all houses Nantucket, Frank Bunker Oll- nesday in the Laurel St. Grammar Center St., who. has been at St. John Cervlnl, w'ays and means; "He has seen Communlam— Cox, hospitality chairman, - are re- The Rev. Heibert De Soozo uled to start nightly at 10 p.m. CLEANING AND INSTALLING Some of the prospective mem- ■the top two priority ratings for would be aold In about two months. breth; Management in the Home, SANDWICHES — LUNCHES — DINNERS knows what it la to have to live aponaible for planning the tea. Ponular admission prices wiU pre­ Sch(X)l and to starting a blaze this bers voiced opinion this morning Vincent’s Hospital in the Dietary Mr. and Mrs. William Minnick. Mrs. U E. Gilbreth and O. M. summer which destroyed a neigh­ Department for three years has hospitality; and Mr. and Mrs. Oa Raate 8-A Betweea CohimMa aad Habroa M under it 1 send him my warm re- Members of Mra. Cox’s committee The Manchester Retreat League vail. that a Kiwanla Club should be toward a regimeoted agriculture." Thomaa, and Eleanor C I y m e r; garde and wish him all kinds of are Mra. Charles King. Mrs. W.. B. bor’s garage, SEPTIC TANKS and CESSPOOLS able to atep into the local picture accepted a position as Assistant Elmer Swanapn,- membership. Rooaevelt Family of Sagamore THE HAYNES FARM la sponsoring a lecture at the Wad­ Whelan quoted the boy aa say­ Administrator in the Dietary De­ Acting as co-chairmen on the Nixon Launches That law replaced high,' rigid ■ • •uccess.*’ Spencer, Mrs. Joseph Kowell, Mrs. A eonpleto orgaalzatloB of ’TRADfED SEWAGE SFECtALinO and would benefit the city. price supports on basic farm crops Hill, Hermann Hagedom; Red car­ FOR SPECIAL PAR’nES OR RESERVATIONS ‘ . The world’s moat unusual college Benjamin Cheney, Mrs. (tester dell School, Sept. 21, at 8:30 p. m. ing he started the fires because he nahig the most medeni equipmeat aBfi iiiadiliwj B U IIIll'i A Bootea Chaagrd partment at United Hospital. Port- membership committee are; Mr. Woman Returns had a book o f matches and wanted cheater, N. Y. and Will atart her with a new system bf sliding scale pet for Itemte, Alden Hatch; Can Wllttmaatic HArrisoa 8-8930 • • freshman lined up with 575 other Koblinsky and Mrs. D, M, Cald­ The speaker on this occasion will BETTER Job at a LOWER PRICE. Raymond E. Ramsdell, assist­ and Mrs. ’Thornton Griswold. Mr. Trumanism Attack Emotional Problems of Children, to uae them. One fire deatroyed new duties Monday. A graduate of and Mrs. Graydon Lockwood, Mr. price props ranging between 82 >4 beginners at registration desks well. be the Rev. Herbert A. DeSousa, ant superintendent of schools, has Harry Joseph and Gordon Zem; Mra. George Marlowe and Mra. about <300 worth of supplies in a St. Joseeph’a College, West Hart­ and Mrs. Daniel Lang, Mr. and and 90 per cent of parity, a price CLOSED THURSDAYS • Wedneaday* in this quiet college S. J., and hia topic will be "Reli­ From Anchorage a New nadergronafi tsater THIS IS WHT announced another change in ford, she is studying at Fairfield (Ooatimiod froaa Fago Oae) standard declared by law to be World Furniture Treasures, Lsater ^Utown 12 miles southweet' of Wil- Dr. Benjamin L, Spector John P. Cheney, Jr., will pour, as supply closet. liaee laataUed. transportation of pupils on the Mrs. Charles 'Twitchell, Mr., and Margon; The Faiths Men Live By, ■ mington. steted by Mrs. CStarles House and gion-and Politics In India.” .The other waa in a metal waste University for her Maater'a De- Mrs. Albert Martin, and Mr. and fair to farmers In relation to their • Samp pampa laatailed to . . . more psapl* cal yellow achool busses as of today. rang tax cut and rayiaion bill In coats. The Elacnhower adnUniatra- Charles Francis Potter; In Sara’s ’ I He donned the blue-and-gold Dr. ttanjamin L. Spector- has MT^. Francis Cowan.* Father DeSouza la a native of Mrs. Mary B. Mullaney, 134 Hil­ receptacle in the boys’ lavatory. A The bus that picks up "pupils gn*- Mra. Edwin. Johnson. teacher who extinguished the lat­ remove water from year McKimiw Bna. Cbnrch School Sessions our century.” “ tipn had urged the changeonr. Tents, Walter F. Starkle; Guide eIaas-of-'58 "l^nky," the cap which opened an office for the practice Invitations have been sent to all -ilndla who can trace hia family liard St., returned late Thursday cellar. an Elm Hin Road and Taylor ter fire suffered a burned hand. (1) Pronpt Serriea Earlier .Nixon spoke at Topeka, "The 83rd Congress.” said Ben­ To Modem Management Methoda, freshmen traditionally have been of orthodontice at 571 Center St, members and prospective mem­ faith back to the tinle of St. Fran­ from Anchorage, Alaska, where o New "rootpreof* aewer Stnet will not go down Elm Hill Church School sesaiona for the Perrin Stryker, "The G entle First Oongregationnl Church of the atate capital. He aaid 'Wednea- aon. "rostored price Supports to required to wear on or off the Manchester. . ' bers. All pther intereated women of cis Xavier. His lectures have al­ she has been -vieltlng her brother- Uaes b ista ll^ (2) Quamy Work Road. It will turn around at the their proper role, that of improv­ House’', Anna P. R. Wright: Early ... campua. Dr. Spector, the eon of Mrs. the community are Invited to con­ ways met with enthustaetlc re­ in-law and aister, Mr. and Mrs. (3) Rcaaoaabk Prieso Vernon resume at 9:30 on Sunday Discussion Group day'a modification of government • Flagged eewer Haea deaa- lataraectien of Elm Mill Road and restructlona on uae of acreage di­ ing the stability of farm prices at American Crafts and Hobbles, IC • And ha moved into one of the ivy Abraham Spector of Hartford, at­ tact Mra. John Conklin or Mrs. sponse from"'audiences throughout John E. Manley for the past six Thylor Street Pupils living on when the morning worship will re­ F. Yates and Mra. M. W. Yates. ^ clad red brick "Froah” dormitories months. During her stay there the ed electrically. IE SAFE ’. . . IIS U R I vert to the 10:45 hour. It is urged verted from surplus crops "has a levels which do not provide Incen­ tended college at .the University Edmund Cox 1/ they wish to at­ the country. ' iptn HUI Road will have to walk Invites Members tendency to pull the rug out from tives for excess production.” « overlooking the univefelty'a pleas- of Connecticut and studied den­ tend. It la hopeil. that there will be 'VHls actlviti^ have not been had opportunity to visit the Turk- rH iaLW iTA iSl that alt pupils be on hand for the -7 ant, tree lined lawns. As a freah- ingtbn family at Homer, and the the Intersection. Pupils liv­ first Sunday when registration will under the Democrats on this is- Benson took occasion to com­ tistry at the University of Penn­ a large attendance of members confined to the United States. He At LOW PRICES ing on Taylor Street, east of the New members are being Invited The Democrats, he said, had ment on a speech made by Adlal f M i or w \ man, he may not own or drive an sylvania, earning' hia degree in and, especially, proepecUve mem- is known for his brilliant tallu Henry Maddens who are home- take place. Due to overcrowding in ■teadiflg about 20 miles from An­ Cati McKin n e y bros; railroad crossing will also walk to to join the Manchester Great looked upon the origlnaf crop con­ E. Stevenson, the Democrats’ ^ .automobile. He’ll leam about other 1944. 'Following graduation he bei%. with the ,^ th o lic Ehridence Guild the Church School the nursery and 'underclaaamen’a limitations aa he A nursery will be provided for chorage. She said she waa surprised } the same intersection and ride the kindergarten will meet In the Tol Books group, which wtu have its trol order as a blow to farmers. 1952 presidential candidate, at a served with, the Army Dental in Hyde Park, ^ glan d . k Arthur Drug Stons SEWAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY yellow bus. Pupils west of the first meetl^ of the season on Meanwhile, other - top echelon Democratic farin conference In ^ goes Along. Corps in the. Philippines and Ja­ children, two years old and older. He is in this "country studying that it wasn't colder, that the tem­ kHOURS 8 A. M. to II P. M.J TEL. Mitchell <-5308—ISd-lSS PEARL 9T., MANC land County Home School,- next South Dakota late last unonth. DRIVE-IN pan during IVorld War II. He There will be a charge of fifty perature at Anchorage ran up to railroad crossing will ride the Con- door to the church. Wednesday, Sept. 22 at 7:30 p.m. Republicans penetrated the Mid­ r- At hip- dormitory the huskily American school administration. aecticut Co. bus as usual. at the Mary Cheney Library. west, upper South and Eteat. yes­ Benson said Stevenson "said not ^ built, broad fac44 22-year-oId Ko- studied orthodontics a t ' Columbia cents per parent, if they wish to Apart from hia lectures. Father ’The high school clasa will meet one word to Indicate that high, For a real treat try onr deUdons La- -w rean was found in typically col­ University. leave their children during the tea. Dus to overcrowded conditions, at the study in the Manse with the Homer’s "Iliad” will be discussed, terday proclaiming Eisenhower ad­ Tonight: Refrular Prices! DeSouza la preparing for the day the yaUow bus will make a second Sponsored by the Y.W.C.A. and ministration accomplishments aiid rigid , price supports would be re­ aagae thla,;|reekMid. We knew it will be 'll' legiate Blacks and sport shirt. He Dr. Spector la married and has when he can return'to hie native rest of the school from grade one instated if he were President.” the beet you ever tasted. Make It a date ■ was polite, agreeable— and retl- one child. trip on the Vernon Avenue-South through eight meetiijg in the the library, the group meets twice pleading fOr a GOP-Controlled 84th MlMDEStllEEN! FUUIENCIII India and assist in the founding Street run. Therefore, pupils of a month on Wednesday evening Congress to carry forward the And, Benaon added, Stevenson try aome tonight or tel, MI-9-8088 aad . cent. He lived up well to the "No” Area Men Enlist of a Catholic University of India. church. "torpedoed” what the Agriculture -r-, pert of his name. No pictures, no grades Svs, six and seven will be from 7:30 to 9:30 to discuss social, President's program. we wUl reserve your order. it has I coeducational This la the second lecture to be Reginald T. Roberts is superin- secretary said was Democratic story, no comment allowed on the second trip. Plck- tandent; Mra. Hoadley Willes, pri- political, economic and religious 1940. sponsored by the Manchester Re­ vqi> pointa will bs as follows: cm:- The word ‘‘Trumanlam” showed campal)^ strategy to "make the "I wish ( very much to be con­ In U. S. A ir F orce treat League. Tickets may be ob -mazy-xuparlntendent; and Mra. questions which are brought up in up in at least two I epublican HAVING A PARTY? It haa no aviation department'. Bsr o f Lawience and R ospect fight this yean on the basis of sidered as any other student." No tained from the members or at James Harriaa{M, one said. "I don't like,for people to Kenny says he has done no flying Strsets; ini front o f the old East high, rigid price supports versus Us Oqr Taka Out Service—All Food Indlvldnally Packaiejl of late, has no Idea when or if he the door the night of the lecture. teaching staff includes Mrs. Har-. Among the works to be studied tack the GOP campaign May take. flexible supports." la Leak Proof Plates For Easy Haadllaf read about me a ^ see my face in Four local men have enlisted in School, building No. corner old Ellis, Mias Marian Nielsen, this year are: St. Thomas Aquinas’ ' Back in Warhington,- iMn. Joseph will pilot a planE again. He re­ the U.S. Air Force during the Brooklyn and Market Streets; Hills a RAVIOU e SPAOHEtn the newBpapera,/M I would rather Mrs. Scott Brown.; Miss Jpdiih "Treatise On God." Kant’s “Cri­ R. McCarthy (R-Wlsl confirmed not talk If yod^are a writer.” ceived hia advanced and jet flight month of August at the recruiting Rockville and 'Clarence R. Tatem Lumber Yard; com er Of Vernon Wtlaon. Miss Maureen Sullivan, tique of Pure Reason,". and Tol­ a BROILERS a STEAKS Instruction from Russian pilots In station in Manchester, which is of Andover hayb. also enlisted. earlier reports that he would not SHOW STARTS AT 7:45 a VEAL CUTLETS ^ a GRINDERS The yoi Korean lieutenant Avenue and South Street. The Mra.' Willes, Mrs. Edward Brace, stoy’s "War and Peace.” conduct an active speech-roakthg Pearson Contests flew lnt(i,fenr,le by delivering to the Mioicinifnr, and'has said that more located in the post office building. All are basic airmen now In pu^ls in kindergarten through FEATURE a t 8:15 aTORTELLINI a LASAGNE Russian than North KorEao pilots Mrs. . Norman Strong, Mrs. John 'nie public la invited to join the campaign for the Republican tiaiue U. S r Force its first complete S.Sgt. Ronald A. Doucette, com­ training at Sampson Air Foi grid* four who have-been riding Rogers, Mrs. John Mellen, William group, and no special educational this falL Snaday: iebn Wayae indamaged MIG at Kempo were flying for the Communists in mander of the'Alr’ Force recruiting Base, Geneva, N. Y., except Aid- T ax D odge Charge LEGAL BEVERAGES SERVED And the Korean War. . the Connecticut Co. bus will con­ Mason. Miss Harleen Robinson, background la necessary, other To Help CtefH Mesa "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon** A ield near Seoul, Sept. 21, 1953. station announced site that a rich, who is an A. l.C. and has tinue on the Connecticut Co‘. bus John Baker. C. Gordon Beckwith, In contrast to the Communist Rockville and an Andover man been sent to Mitchell Air Force than the abtlity to read, and to ^f^Carthy said a statement CHILDREN ”-;7"'FRtr ie said at the time that he had as usual. Miss Barbara Willes, James Van- enjoy a good discussion. yesterday he feeie* he van be 'of Washington, Sept 17 (JP) —News known nothing of, the <100,000 system from which -he fled. No in have (uiliated. Base In , N. Y. The w tnijlnnd , IJMJ--U PI lyijMiumi H-• i th'e United States has become Back to Scheel Dance dervoort, Robert Hansen and Ray­ All persons Intereated in joining more value to the Ftepublicans by commentator Drew Pearson haa Charter Oak Restaurant Award. - Manchester recruits are Paul F. airmen will, take an exteqalve A Back to School dance spon mond Barr. the group may register at . the Investigating graft, corruption and No aaid hia sole purpose^ .then more than a little of a capitalist. Ryan Jr., David J. Lindsay, Mar­ basic training course of apprOxi- challenged an Internal Revenue IM CHARTER OAK STREET TEL. Ml-8-8088 His <100,000 has been placed In a sored by the senior class o f the Rural Sehool Assn. Mary Cheney Library or call Mrs, Gommuniam. He said that -would FRANK aad HELEN BAU80LA. Propa. was to "come to a free country be- tin S. Starin and Richard" E. -mately 11 weeks wfiich. includee High School will be held this eve- Alan Olmstead, of 669 Tolland help fuifill "ttie R^mbli'an pi;oai- Service claim that he owes. |1S,- cauao over years 1 long - to. be trust fund administered by a Pa­ Seavey, Gordon B. Aldrich of 54 training days. T h e 'Rural Vernon School Aasn. cific Coast law.firm. With the in­ iring at the Sykes gymnasium with will meet Monday at the Vernon Tpke. for further information. Ise to ‘clean up the mess in Wash­ 290.70 in'"’ Income taxes on pay­ T H ttW m free.” dancing from 8 to midnight. Mu­ Elemsntaiy School in a "Get-Ac­ ington.’" ments made to him when a radio Gen. Clark, as United. Nations come from this fund he has set up sic will be furnished by the quainted” . meeting, for teachers The Wiscomtin Republican said sponsor cancelled his contract. commander In chief in Korea, had a bank account, from which he Rhythm-Aires. Freshmen will he plans -.to fulfUr commitments A suit filed by Pearson In the offered <100,000 to the first Red pays his student fees, board and and parents. Prlnclpsi Ernest room charges and other coats. bs admitted free ai^ there will Weekes v.ill introduce theteachers Argentina Arrests already made for three speeches In U. S. Tax Court, it was disclosed pilot to bring in a MIG, and <50, NOW READY be door primes. Nebraska and Illinois. But that, yestei'day, contends that payments 000 for later ones. Few of his classmates have such NEW and following - the meeting, there an aaaured and sizable income. Bid Opening Monday will be. an opportunity for consul­ Ex-hoss. of A-plaut McCarthy said, will be all. except of <10.500 in 1950 and <20,000 In H V P fK S O /V Some persons argued that since Alderman Harry Ertel of the possibly for some radio and TV the Korean fighting had ended be­ A Washington attorney, ap­ tation -with the various teachens 1951 made to him by the Lee Hat pointed by the State Dept, aa his TAILORING and Public Works Conunittee of the In t'lelr rooms. appearances. ‘Ihe speeches on hia Co. were'- hot compensation for TELEVISION fore No made his escape, the re­ Common Council announces that Democratic Meeting (CoutiBoed froin Fagp Om ) s^edule: Omaha, Sept. 25; Whea­ ward no mnger applied. counsel, has advised him not to services, and thus should not be talk to reporters, -bMauM o f "a DRY CLEANING DEPARTMENT th e ' opening of the bids . for the Rockville - Ellington - Somers ton, lU., 'Sept. 26; Bloomington, taxed as income. Clark, from Charleston, aaid he p rop oM new sidewalks in front ter’a 1951 axperiments with atomic ni., Oct., 1. felt No was entitled to'the reward. couple of contracts” for magazine Democratic Club will hold a meet­ 'The revenue service had con­ Astidea. o f the new Northeast School has ing Monday evening at 8 ht the energy under Frasldent Juan Postmaster General Arihur E. tended the payments were ea m ^ PROGRAMS "There was nothing In tSe Offer Asked how his writing for a boen postponed until Monday at Ellington Town Hall. Final plans Pcpon’a . sponsorship were a faU- Summerfleld, ipeaklhg to the by Pearson in his profession of about an armistice Intervening," 7 p . m. nre. 1 ' ' ---- ' Women’s National Republican Club video Everyday—All Rights Reserved—l ^ . Dickineon A Co.. Inc, he aaid. magazine with huge circulation will be completed for the trip to news analyst. fittdd in with hia wish - to shun WSC8 Session the United Nations on Monday, The chamber voted' 92-10 that In New York yeeterday, said the Clark also aaid that although he Tuesday Evening From 7 p-al The columnist — commentator, ilfliVl'n.-il'-'-iH::” ’’-in publicity. No explained, "that The Norwich District Women’s Stpt. 27. Anyone interested In the scientist’a teleg;ram implied Republlcana will win in November however, said in hia suit that the bad given the matter no thought, Society of Methodist churches contempt. The opposition Radicals because "no political party aver there,really wme no reason why No won’t come out for a while yet. By msking the trip should attend <30.1500 was paid in settlement of that time it won’t matter so which' covers the area east of the Monday’s meel!\ng. The speaker cast the only votes against his ar­ had more good things to talk couldn’t have enrolled at the Cita­ LOWER STREET FLOOR LEVEL—NEXT TO SHOE REP-AIH rest. a claim for damages “to hia stand­ much.” Connecticut River including this will be Mrs. Maiy Brennan, of about.” ing. prestige and repuUtion by del Instead "o f Delaware—except This is an 'Op«n Houst* planned to givp you a praviaw d ty and town will hold their fall Somers, candidate for State Sen­ In 1951, Peron announced Rich­ « ’’Let's talk about getting the posaibiy for the language difficulty. district, meeting Wednesday at the ter had found ways to produce reason or* the contract cancella- "We have cadets from South ator-.’ I war stopped in Korea," Summer- tion. Tba contract, signed In ROBERT MAXWEll En|oy Hw wendsrfiil m w Coming' Events thermonuclear energy with metals field said. “That’s what our people (^ R V /'^ORTOM-BOBflT RBANOt America, and we can provide aa- Ijliliipiijlljiljmilljliljjlin of,the new furniture fashions^thpt aro makii^^ the lighter than uranium and plutoni­ 1945, called for the hat company A S.-ivjdtoijf qr/\Of SHoa Blstance in Spanish—but we "have Members of the local lodge of wanted and that's what they got.” to sponsor hia radio broadcasts. |TV progrown eomlim tip Elks will visit Branford tomorrow um. A big development project was Secretary of Agriculture Eara K uI l.! : I .Vau i*;m ; in no one' here who speaks Korean," headlines during Nation,ai Home Fashion Tima. Vr-hen Braihdford Lodge vdll be in- set up costing millions of'dollars. Taft Benaon said the new farm a MW H^LOOK he said. EAST HARTFORD stituM . There will be a paradg The program priived to be futile. law checked "the rapid drift When No, waiting In Okinawa, Refreshments Servei and dinner., Richter told'a recent news con­ 19SS M ot decided he wisHed to use part of FAMILY DRIYE4N A t the meeting o f the Grange ference he was kicked off the proj­ hia neve, fortune fo r a College edu Our entire staff will serve as hosts and hos^ssas, and ROUTE 5—SOUTH WI'TISOR this evening at the Grange Hall ect in 1952 and has been unable to cation, the State Dept, canvassed see Peron since. He said he would DOOR PRIZE! TONIGHT and SATURDAY visiting officers night will be ob­ the field and sent him literature on will be delighted to hava.you drop in. served. go to court to recover back pay 177 IR O A D the four best prospects—one uni­ claims. > MANCHESTER versity from eacn geographical Special Store Hours Fcir Next Wee! HUMPHREY ; The Adult Membership Class of SALES aad T £ l [ V I S I 0 N Area. ' We will be open Tuesday From 9 A .' the Methodist Church meets to­ STAT SERVICE Take your home to heart'. , bring your family to tha QUAKE R.qTTLES TAIPEH No chose Delaware, "with its night at 7:30 at the chapel. , Talpeh. Formosa. Sept. 17 (ypi— 6cLTt?N HEADQUARTERS FOR , Until 9 P. M. Closinir Wednesday lit Tax collector Frrncis Rup^recht 1,900-atudent enrollment, andi -ita Noon. Open Thursday Evenings Unt^l A brief, sharp earthqu. ke rattled Chaasal a (faraMrly e> Maw location In a town -of 10,000, be­ : Big Home Fashion Tima. Browse through our floors to BOGART will be at the Dobsonville Fire­ FOR • 8 1 ( BAD l i f e OF BlLBV-WUUam • iGalGlGllfl lit THEATRICALS-\By wlndowv- and swayed buildings In/ house tonight for the collection of STARTS _ Caaa. B€ndix cause he wished to g(t to a smaller 9 P. M. Regiilar Hours from 9 A. !■ In iM f H em legw ey's this capital of Nationalist .China 5 DAYS Chaaatf M Maw Brilala, Caa school, Jli a smaller town. Newark ■■ ii v ■> ■*** ** * the ’’’Ire District tax from '6 td 8. Sen Tkis Great Big TODAY Ckaaael J* Balyak*, Mats. , (M) TOFFlCB-atarTtaf And J»I- Until 6:30 P. M. yOpr heart's coHtfnta ypy will be more than welcome* today. There apparently was no Chaaacl U , ^ a . freys . * haa one main business street T}ie Lad.ies Aid Society of Trin­ serious damage or casualtte.s. Outdoor Pteturo Outdoors! cnwaaal et §] (M) TBE OOLDBEBUS TO HAVE and ity Lutheran Cb.urch meets tonight C:CC 1 M il BIO BTO BY.^ few blocks long, one theater, no SELVA The IVeather Bureau rated the ^baa- McKinney, Tulsa, large etores. at 8 at the church. (Okla.) World tremor grade three op a scale of (j> aiLL*a CASTooMa John E. Hocutt, -dean* of srtu- .4mf rica'a flnoet D a n e e six. , ■ ■ . (ti) MM « amresM (Ml COLONEL MABCa denta, aaid the collitge authoritica NOWTHEMOTIOILPICI TUKA. , ^ («) FLAYBOU8 E OF STABS— Shoes with Balanced-Deslgii HAVE NOr All Talcott%-Ule sad Vernon news To Dt.-' .decided at the start that the young itotoM are .pow handled tbrengk OUT w: WbalfB • :M ( M l) DEAB FBOF.BB — Pelar On-Staning—with PtNET (M l. OUB MIBB b S o OBS ledge of English. The Newest Rockville bureau located at One im e o lx v Eva Ardrn^^ Brennuv—Dolores Moran a\9 t ' N' I TiONf o < i-ei) aowpy ooim y Tutx „ (Ul MB. A MBA NOBTH Accordingly, No lived on the Market Street, telepfioae Rockville FOCB STMr S FLAYMOCBE—------'Delaware campus for six weeks Hoagy Carmichael 5-3136. «U) BIBLE FUFFiT STOUEk in EASTWOOD TOWM OBIEK during the past su'ih::(er, "audit­ a Balirt SUpppPS.. -•r-Heei and Toe Tapa EXCITING CO-tilT • ( t) BOY CBBLEY UBW ing” a summer school course In e Toe Slippers a Leotards In all sizes and Advertisement— GREATER THAN EVER ON <*•> SSW* AT n x-P ete 8u»*r OpM Evenings UntH 8:30 Ei^llah. Then he went to Colum­ e Fur Toe Pads colors. JiRinii* Stswort Auction, Saturday, Sept. 18, (Ul FILM * Tap Shoes OUR GIANT SCREEN ten COWBOY f l a y Mo v 8 e iMONDAT tkrMgh FRIDAY bia University, , for e Ribbons—and all acceaaories. "WINCHESHR 73" Weqleyan Hall, Park Place, 7 p. m .’ THE EBBLY 8 BOW— IA special counre in English for for- KROEHLER Antiques. Modem Furniture, Glass, 'M ^ e of thf ATracer.” Special Orders Handled Promptly. ' Always Two Color Cartoons ‘‘GONE WITH < « ) FILM eigii students. In that course, the Household Appliancesf Home Can­ (U> WEATMEBMAM-BIII Martla PERSONALIZED atLxlenta lived together, , MX>Ke CHILDREN UNDER . U FREE ned Goods, Home Baked Goods, (SHOE bEPT.— MAII^ FtOOR)' THE WIND” (HI fiPOBTfi-Bill Keatlna FLOORS. Inc. ' nothing but Engllah. -< SHOW STARTS 7:M Homer Waltz, auctioneer. - Spon­ I f) SPOBTSCOFE-^aJall 8S8 Mala SL — ’TeL Ml-8-8888 H(xmtt bad several letterii.fro'at M otl Holes, Cigarette Bums, MODERN Cama Eariy—Leave Early sored by Methodist Church Men's I la. Tecbalcoldr , (iU O BEADUMB EDITIOM Club. with Clark GaUe ' le il 8 FOBT8 VIEW* Ko, and they showed definite Im­ T e ^ and Rips disappear like H I II WBATHEB FOBECAST provement.. No also adopted the , . Vh-iaa lirigh-OUvIa DeHaVllaad It) WOBLD NEWS TODAY M:ca ( MU_CAVAI^ADE OF 8 POBTS njiagic''^ with our - expert re­ . .SiMMra At 1:M • T;M ABBA MEW8 - 8 FOBT8 te: Us* U IrsBtk ut Ike'fralar* LOCAL KEWai-FVel Dwytr T S F * * * " ' ’« TBE MAMfi 'lintil Kceiitly he was known as weaving service, need to dMr ■pes« '■Isktlir jl;iS,.Berferni- WOT (Cl) WOJM^ NEWS TONIOBT g a m b l e o n LOVE - for re-weaving, STARTS SUNDAY MANCHESTER IC:« ( M GBU-TEST MOMENTS IN on the Delaware campus last sum­ RROKEN LANCE 8 FOBT8 mer for him to acquire the niok- living room comfort Jhat In. dnemaScopej "REAR WINDOW" < « ) W ALTEB KIEB.NAM name Ken, or Kenny. To his pro- TIRE CO. UMC < •) I LEO THBEB U VEB HI • • . . . . .—Rtehard Carlton • • faaaors he la Mr. No. you will see at Keith's. New Onataateed (M l NK1T8 .AT ELEVEN Asked hia preference In studies, RE-CAPS Peta Stoner Ken surprised hia mentor • by wish­ designs, new Colors, new J as low M ing to major in political science. EDNA KEPT YOU 8786 '"H it educational background— decorator traatmant . . as B r ^ SL ll;tC (M l L- ^- —g * S ------u S w - r- 'Man About hia training in advanced chemis­ AWAY l a s t SATURDAY Tha Houaa" Pkaae UtU (U) MOONUGBT MOVIES try and physics and matheiQAtlca wall, as 18th Century re­ M l-fi-dm (CD WEATBEB-Johto QulU —points toward engineering,” Ho­ :::::: Twin •ecHenal sefat* NOW cutt said. ,WkSa yoB Mrs productions for every GET READY YOUNGSTERS m rifhl (H left each.... ENDS MONDAY^ T:ea < ai o v e s t a c o m o v e b y The upshot has been registra­ NOTHING WILL KEEP YOU AWAY THIS (Odala ! cA naw vu»3o For Sports Ecpiipmont tion in arts and sciences—a fairly •BHlra ^ room. Do plan to saa them. ( i l l aWEATMEB^olin______QuiU 7 :te (til UTTLE BBOW light course chosen because lan­ Doors Open at'12:30 7 )U ( i) TBB FASBEBBY guage difUculties may make a (U) JOBM DALY—N*«s Nossiff ArmsCo. ^ven teak about three times as ^TURDAY Starts At 1 P. M. " J A M E S STEWART (H) MABOB AMD ABFF difficult for him as tot an Ameri­ (« > B1 0 BU 0 MT8 ------r’ Sorvhg CoraocHcnt —Tom Cotton can. In hia Bophoradre year No FOR THE NRST .4LKRED HITCHCOCK S 7 :U (Ml WBATBBBVAME — CatsU lots Main St. ' may be able to decide which way l i i ^ _ Jobfrt his training shall go—to engineer- 1 8 1 (MI) BDDIE mBEB.BBOW S P E C IA L ! 53 Pc. PROFESSIONAL TOOL SET! •SMC) OOVOLAS nO w A jU ia ABC ttill (U) IITH BOUB MOVIE—CAara . Ing or'to political science. r e a r W IN T D O W tlia a«ws Jle Chao The Korean la WfHl of sports, You’d pay'fSO.lO If bought separately! Profesalonal tools for averj- carpehte/ job in^ . THM n TBD LUrr U :M < •> BADGE Ma; n 4 -W il)i .Jack especially soccer, which la played . tha home . . . complete \^ith wood wall shop case. An outstanfilng Keith value at .... ' ' TZC.HSICOUD'R litt « a«> NBW8 CABAVAB — Jeha W*bb U8C ( •) MYBrEBY TMEATEB at football-famous Delaware. His $ COME ON ALL YOU YOUNGSTERS (M> F *i^T " V A M ns DOINGS—Oorothy hitting the books, however, that ROYAL — UNDERWOOD INittcr FOR THE GRANDEST KIDDIE SHOW OiRcsr ‘J* MAMA-Poaay Wood-., they may not see much of^hlm^on SMITH-CORONA I (M> TV T in U T B B ■ Taaaaam w'a Dayttaia Blihllakla tha athletic fields. r e m in g t o n WE RENT Fronk (Ul FBATOBB THBATBB A PRESENTING In ihe (iarh...« U:M I e> BIO The unlveraity-haa had a num- Smith TBK FLOBIAM lABACfl 1;M ( SI aOLDtXB FABADE ‘ bar of Asiatic stqdenU. moat of Sales, Rentals, crime of posiion BBOW l:U (SII CANADUN PBO FOOTBALL ALL MAKES A U t h ^ l it t l e , t o t s in p e r s o n (CD TB B DUBB - 1:N (M) BAT. MATINEE ' them in its gradiute schools One Repairs, Supplies blozodi f “ -RICHAfiDLBRffli of the nation’s venerable Inatltu- PUIS A ViG WESTERN " Chlldrea’a Admlaalen For Tida Attractloa 88o AU Tliaca tionA--ita roots go back to 1743— AI40: i ^CARTOONS — • PLUS AN OUTBTANDINOaaw-e^*^maw CO-Hm •. a. ♦ . a r CAVEY’S RESTAURANT ft CHILDREN U»a-AOULT8 «5e — ripEAtURUTditURUfd — ' GRACE KElly' WEhTOEa COREY' XHEIM/l DANE CLARK DANCING ThurseJay. FritJoy Saturdo-j fthniig to Buili? ANDY DBVINB ‘'IN U N D E fl PASS” — SEE — FIm : "LAW VS. H U Y THE KID" In TbcIl 45 EAST CENTER STREET W. H. INGLAND^ MMN sr 0Pt'0:-irf H H ■ \ LUMIER COM Pd^ 1- fW . MS-OP8M i - ' r i) ■ 4 ‘ 9'. ■'■■a

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. COtO^.. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17.1954 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C0NN„ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1954 r A G i Hebron ferich place, former WhitA reei- Andover mlngton, N. C Peter will prabeed tion Mart at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow ice. Hebmyhaa entered into by train to Ooral Gablaa, Hal Boyle Elks to Attend . and local Klks arc requested U eement wKh Marlborough in the where be la a sophomore at tha to 'WBAV— be there at that tinte. Elks who s w o m o ^ im Daily Radio plan. Irving Stanley University of Miami. Mr. and Mrs. ara driving their own cars and 'Canes Bemain Property Deeded Sprenkle will vacation at Wrights- Branford Affair 1 ' W tlG —lIM who plan to leave at 12:30 p.m. ’Three Amston Lake iota have viU Beach for three weeka. It Takes More Than are requested to stop at the Auc­ SMIUNff ^S H V iei Big News Item bpen deeded to the Ampton Lake Home, from Oaaeoa Slated A large number of Manchester tion Mart and pick up those mem- sehedHl«»^ii Improvement Aaan. from the ' A caifcua for the nomination of Tb« taUawinr^fCmn I ^ Y —Nit# Watch BEST PUKES BIks will attend Institution cers- bcl-s who desire transportation abd Amston Lake 06. ’The area will be mn aupfUti Iv-ttM nujlo m $aaf- w nc—Hear America Swinging a Repraaentatlve and fioojuetlees who are unable to leave at 9:30 WDRC—Amos 'n' Andy — Hebron, Sept. 17 (Special)—^To used for the site for a clubhouac. Andover, Sept. 17 — (SpeclalV—r IN OR OUT OF TOWN ON monles-Saturday at Branford wherf Irving Stanley is back home after the peAce to be 'elactod^JNhv. 8 Beauty Today, Girls a.m. * nwita SDd ar« subjact to ebantc WGTH—Red ^ x va Waahlngton some local people who auhtalhed A restrlctian Is that Clubhouse and a Lodge of Elks will be accepted spen&ig the summer In the moun­ be held at the Town Hall, Moa- without notloft. lots in the two recent ’canea. It grounds art to be ablely used by 8 p. m. by the RepubUcanA. ■|?HAY—NIta Watch *' tains of Colorada* By Relmsa Mortar over the countty, A month’s trip into the Order. - WTIC—Hear America Swinging was something of a shock to dis­ the grantee, its succeeeora and aa- TO Commlttea will mast tra- WUAT—Neva: Palka Hop WDRC—Music lull signs for clubhousa purposes and For about two mootha he worked AUTOMATIC (For Hsl Boyle) to Bhirbpe, with her hijubend, is A jwrade will be held at 12:00 WGTH—Red Sox vs Washington medtab after tha caucus. on the schedule. Sale of Tomatoes WCCO—RoearO R M f / cover that Insurance in the form of aball not Involva any commercial for the VB. Forest Service, apray- New Yoi\, 18 )—It could be that noon followed by the Institution, WKK^BascboIl MaUnoo ■ \ U:aa— extended coverage, means that the ing apnica trees against destruc­ Gnutyo Nows The contest also lad her to WTIC—Bamtaao ntUo WHAY—Nlte Watch or business uaa. The wni hold Its regular the vsrious” Misa Something” con­ Initiation and Installation cere­ \ Wnc—Cavalcade of Sports policy holder haa to shoulder loss The Amston Laka Oo. haa also tion ity spruce beetleis. ’Ihe crew in WASHERS, DRYERS something else she wanted, a' A n io u i^ to $1,804 ^OTU^^Sc/a’*\Kunrortui WDRC-Mr. Keen for the flrat $50 expense sustained. which Irving worked was made up bnday, contra» to MAYTAG, HOTPOINT, BLACKSTONE, ABC-O-MATIC | tests ars going, to ntake some part-time job doing televiaion monies. A banquet at 5 p.m. will WaiH—Red i^x va Washington deeded to Lawrence K. Dewey of imant. M «n- I terminate the day’s activities. Sev­ <:1>— That is to say if loas is only $60 mainly of college students and also a _ changes in the outlook'of t)tat (air commercials. "I think svsry ■■■ — \ WHAT—Maara; PoUia Hop U:U- New Britain, lot number M, section bars on thb\Wfresluaant commit­ eral thousand Connecticut and Yesterday■ salea at tha Manches­ WCCC—Roeard Rotuo WHAY—Nile Watch', the policy holder doesn’t get aiff ,E of tbe Lake. ’The company haa included Navajo Indiana and part- creature, the American woman. housewife should have an interest, WKNB-xBaaObalt Matlneo w nc—Cavalcade of-Eporls help St all from Insurance. If th4 time silver, lead and gold miners. tee are Mrs. JoJtuaaaU ’niompson, They certainly prove that if some form of occupation, outside other visiting Elks will be present ter Auction Markt amounted to a W n c - « ^ DaUaa WDRC—Moods for Romance also deeded to David L. and Etta for the occasion which is unique in loas is $55 he gets $5 Worth >of Ostrow of Hartford, lot number 87 Their camp was located 40 miles Mlsa Anni MlUefc Mr. and Mrs. DISHWASHERS girl wants tbe extyiia in life, )>eauty her home,” ahe says. total of $1,804. Only ona coimaodi- WPRC-*OMKoI^ _ , ' \^TH—Red Sox va Washington the annals of Connecticut Elkdom. WGTB>-J^'« Wamrttrlit inauran(;e. However, for those at the Lake. southwest of; Tellerold; and was Robert Mann, l^ ^ a d Mrs. Origin HOTPOINT, KITCHEN AID, AMERICAN aloi;ia isn’t enough;v... Will it Deem like anderella at ty, tomatoes, was sold. . \. “ what—Nile Waten fair from civUiaation. They lived in Kingsbury, Mrs. Wright Object example: ’The new ” MiM midnight when the year ends? She ’ Manchester Lodge will no longer Records show that 1,070 hVlf *'?raAY—koiw; Rotka Hop WnC—Cavalcade of 'Sports whose loss was $150 or so ths in­ In Tralalag Sherwood C. Farris, brother of tents 8,000 feat' above aea-level, Lecturer Muriel Moog reports i^merlca.” Miss Lee Ann Meri- laughed. ’Tve been Mrs. Jennings be the “Baby” Lodge of Connecti­ bushel baskets went at a high WCCO>-Raoara Koru. WDRC—Moods for Romance surance really does help along. cut with the organization of a new W’KXB^Raoeball Malinco WGTH—Bed Sox vs Washington The extended coverage includea Mrs. Henry A. Jones, haa enlisted and worked at altitudes up to that the Mystery R l^ w iU te on RANGES, REFRIGERATOkS , wether Is a very (etching lass, in­ for nine years—one year isn't go­ $2.25 and a low of $1.25 per bas­ WTIC-*-WlMv Brow* M;tt- in the U. S. Navy. He reported 10,000 feet above aea-level. All ’Tuesday instead of deed. But without her other talents ing to change me.” Lodge at Branford. ket *»-’■ WDRC—Cat tolhi- ^WHAY—Nitv Aatch loaa by windstorm, hail, and other ALL LATEST UPTO DATE MEHCHANDISB In accordance with tradition, the ■ wnc—Civalcade of . Sports destructive forces. Wednesday at the Hartford Recruit­ equipment was carried to working previously planned. Cars WUl leavp and qualifications, she would have Well; here fk a housewife who WGT»^dfck*a waxworka the Town Hall promptly a lT pm. wanted some extra dividends from goat which w*aa p rin ted to Man­ 4;«S— WDRC—Moods for Roroanca First selectman W. S. Porter haa ing Station. He will take hla phyli- locations by mule pack train. And iMen Jurt another pretty girl up WHAY—NaWfl PoIkA Hop WGTH—Red Sox va. Washington ical teat in Springfield and will go Irving rode to work on horseback. Wivea and huabanda of Q W l there on’theatage at Atlantic C3ty. life and now she has them. chester Lodge last year will be wcco-nfem rotuo U 4 » - . asked for $L000 in emernBOT dis­ membera ara especially urgM to But it took more than beauty. passed on to Branford Lodge. The WtCNR-f-SirTMai Hallnoo WHAY—Newa; Nile Watch aster help in an eatimaur auDmlC- io Bainbridge, Maryland, for hla He also had time to see.some of She. played, solo, a tricky scene WnCi^Wipnaii tn Bouaa w nc—Newa itoot trainbty'; He -is a'graduate’'of the-naturAl wonders of the area. come along and loin ^ fim. \ ABC APPLIANCE CO. from the play, "Riders to the Sea,” goat. ceremony will be conducted, WDRC—Kewa ted to state officials this week. HaUowen-Teonaim and then delivered some sensible in the appropriate Elk manner dur­ WGTH—Nawa Windham lOgh School. He 'Visited Mesa Verde National THE HOUSE OF FINE SERVICE ' Waxworka $2,000 of this is for damage to Park, where the famous Phebio Mrs. .Albert Forden HsUowm. remarks, with poise and aimpllcity, ing the afternoon activities. U:U- roads, culverts,' etc., and $1,000 lMI-9-1575 21 m a p l e ST. Indonesia Leader kV—wastern Caravaa WHAY—Nlte Watch Manchester Evening Herald He Indian clUf dwellings are found. announces the marriage^ of her I to an audlencf big enough to scare (gartered buses will depart \ ^WCO(>>-«Raoord Revuo wnc—World Newa for work of town aid crews in Grand Canyon, and Stone Arches daughter, -Margaret Forden, to the loafers off the average teeh- from the Charter Oak Street Auc­ WKNB-^Bka^lI Matlnea WDRO-eRadio Aiihasae taking care of trees blown down broB eorrespondent, Mias Susan WnO—JofctA«Iair BU WGTH—Sporta PeadleeeB, telephone HArrIsea National Monument, near Moab, Richard Peter TeomAns, on S ^ t •ter. Has. Two Wives WDRC—Newa U:S8— and obstructing roads. s-ns5. Utah. With a group of fellow 11 in 'Wayne, Pa./Taomans ia An equally striking example is WGTH—Riit«r Eacle WHAY—NIU Watch RC-lC-%aaaaiy TUtoi *TEtlileal Diaper ServleF' cleaned and washed and Ironedf Motor Vehicles Dept, worker they Mrs. EUgene Parker Otase, wife Robert Annia and hia infant aon, WrightsviUa Beach, near Will- Mrs. S. Kartowijoni, chairman WGTH«^Ud nil BidlOk Barry, diad aa a result of a colli­ and performed all the usual of the women's orgapiution Per- CLUB BALLROOM« . aaid has been booking horse race of Prof. Chase of Lafayette Col­ WHAT»-Na«a , lege, Easton, Pa., was a caller on sion between Annie’ bar and a homespun chores. v/ari, said Soekarno's besfutiful ' -Good Evenlnx. Good male beta over state telephones during trailer truck operated by Pwter F. Incidentally, she says her houM- 29-year-old first wife Fatmawati, 2* V»o9« StTMt -Kewa; Scorca friends here this week. When -NOwa working hours. asked if the family did not have Bather; 36. of Middletown. N. T. work tskes an average of two or had hot agreed to her hus4>and's RockviN* .PHONE three hours a day, and she thinks WDRC—Nea He was identifled as Joseph E. a wonderful time in Paris during Miv. Harris Annin, 25, and her second marriage and is ready to WGTH—Wawa fouFryear-old sjn. Scott, together that shopld be par for the course seek a divorce. Fatmav/ati and the Mltchdt 9-7196 •:1S— Bouchaird, a< stock clerk in the their summer vacation,' ahe assent­ EVERY M ^ D A Y WHAT—Sporta SpoUlchi ed, but said the best part of. ail with Bather weie in aerioua con­ in any well-managed home. ( I ’m President have four children.' or Mitchell 3-8606 Motor Vehicle Dept, who is being only reporting what she said, . WPCjS-Good Evening. Good Uoaie held in bonds of $1,000 for police was getting home again, and back dition at Hancock Hospital tII Thomas . ing 'week to take Up studies At aaWii - Hcbm aa4 Oa 4wwlas CaaS Hans Am lea” contest is the toughest of yacht has been provided f6r the WGTH—Newa: Weather tective Marshall A. Woods of the .ledmilal Aan. WMk saaAarafar h> loves her colorful rubber tile flooring . . .'^her sparkling them all. Judgments are made not BOY COAT Hartford Police Dept, aaid Bou­ Worcester Polytechnic Institute. President of tha United States WANDELL- Roxboard tiled walls and ceiling. . \ pnl,v on the basis of intelligence since 1873, WHAT—Newa:WHi Supper IkrenSda chard was engaged in his illicit Choral CUb Started and personality. They emphasize n s * M ^ h end wntsr-repeHent w nc—Roaa Miller The Choral Club haa started WDRG>-Tenn. Ernie activltiee during working hours. •nscrtioiioll Naturally, he’s pleased because we consider his budget /home-making qualities. WGTH-4Vlton Lewis again, with Robert H. Horton and Mrs. Jenning.s is of Norwegian * Tsmpe-Retitfo insulefed lining William E. Leary heading the pro­ ANDERSOM 'Sle Wi Dwa ef Ame laeAe I with our painless terms. The entire toh, (done by expert 1:U - Aela PnaSiiS Ttaa AAmx'— On workmen we recommended) is coating him only. descent but the favorite-dUh DESIGNER ORIGINALS * Wrinkle proof WHAT—Supper SerWMda gram. ’Ihe first meeting was Waatti - a s . Hawa af I recipe she submitted fOr a region­ w nc—Roee HUIyr Jobless Claims Building A4* Oea*. Am asman^.lilaV.8. THE HOME OF Motorola WDRC—Tern.. Ernie Wednesday evening at the old al judging was that delectable town hall, with vocal singing. focus on the * Stylish, cemferteble. dureble WGTH—J. Vandercook $ 4 * Italian creation, pizza!' * “We carry a complete line of Decrease by Two Both Horton and Leary air* accom­ Contractors per week In addition, she had to submit Motorola products." 1955 tele« WHAT-Supper Serenada plished musicians, x ’The club had SAVE NOW FULL-DRESS PUMP ' "f ^ - wnc—Newa of World RMidMtid-CDmnMKtal nfoyoM nl . . an essay on home-making and vision sets, radios, car radios ■ WDRC—Thorallera a aueceaaful year last year, end­ As ua to estimate . . . no obligation. v community service. There were and record player#. in nevy end c'eibel ?.|4 $ 3 7 . 5 0 WGTH-G. Heatter Menchegter had two leas claima ing with a fhie concert. A clos­ i fashion-cued by T:«- AlNn»ieii»-.Remedii|lH9 Itsafti-igfaFjrj tJVUVS the usual competitions- in better ir^-dur Annual Lay-A-Way Sale WHAT—Supper Serenade; for unemployment compensation ing concert is planned for the end La MMA ah mm awaned living. Last May. at ’ Ellinor Vil­ w nc—One Man'a FamUy this week than last, according to of this course. "Bosiness Bailt- On - , WEST SIDE in nevy to to I4 $4 9 .9 8 . WDRC—E. R. Murrow lage, Fla., she defeated 50 other LARRY ALDRICH the weekly report of the Connects Road To Be Ffadehed • finalists for the title. WGTH—In the Mood The conatructlon of Paper Mill Customer Satisfaeikm’* vRECORD SHOP Ut. Labor D^artment's emp:by- ” My hifsband was shocked,” she TODDLER'S ALL SUFER 9 Road, leading to the south from the Fall lasarance Cove^ge , aaid. "Neither of us coidd believe Ba^ida *ad A®*****'l** ■ ■ Star, • ment ^securtty division. Hebron-Mariborough Road, a few ■•■ 'It.'*-' ‘ ■ r ^ •' • WDRC-Mr. Keen It showed a total of 352 claims miles west of the Green, Is oat the TeL MI-9-3033 or 9AMES A. WOODS WGTH—BaaebaU Bandatand in ..Manchester for the week ended TeL MI-3-6651 Prizes showered -down. She has NYLON S :ll- docket for completion by later in ^ been on television and radio pro­ WHAY—Bong nme Sept. 11, of which 49 were initial the fall. It is to be a hard auifaced After 5:00 P. M, \ $83 Center St MI-9-1M8 w nc—Prank Slnitrn claima. The previous Weeks i total grams, met celobrities, traveled all 3-Pc. WASHABLE RUFFTWILL LONGIES WDRC-Mr Keen road, and will extend to the Hcl 82 Baldwin. *Road WGTH—BaaebaU BandaUnd was 354. ■ g;W^ Statewide Initial claims, started Manchester, Conn. WHAY—Going Forward— :— when people are first out of work, SNO-SUITS by Billy the Kid WTIC—Hear' America Bwtnglnf \ WDRC—Arthur Godtrey Otgeof were down to the years lowest J ______. WGTH—Red Sox vs Washington figure of 3,740. Initial claims dur­ MANCHESTER iits - , ing the previous week totaled WHAY-Gotng Forkrard MIUWORK COMPANY w n c—Bear America Swinging 4,809. / s88 i- WDRC—Arthur OodtreV DIgasi While unemployment dropped 264 Brand SL—’TeL M1-9-S28S ■/ Rosalie A. Chapdelaine RED or BROWN WGTH—Red Sox va WaahtagtoR 'for'. the' sixth straight week ■ - \ CALF WHaY—Lake Compounpe. throughout the state, Bridgeport Regult^rly $16.98 WTIC—Hear Atherfca' Swinging is still the area with most unem- SEE US FOR: -/• Plantland O'' PaHuiray WitRC—Arthur Godfrey Digest t w cni—Red Sox va Washington ■ployment, with 5,191 clrinw of all • Complete Window >4 kinds. Then comes the Hartford Very ciite looking for the little gu.vg—aketched • :t f l- ^ Units SCHOOL of DANCE above. It> the Little Pixie Snowstiit and is bMuti- WHAY—Lake Compounce area, including Manchester, with w nc—Hear America Swinging • ^ Size Poors fih w L \ f WDRC—ArtHur Godfrey Digest 4.195; Wnterbury. 3,464; and New fully made for warmth, looks and wear. The jacket worn—Red Sox vs Washington Haven with 3,002. Free Estimates ANNOUNCES is lined with nylon pile and riyion quilt. Has zipper Some rehiring was reported in Cheerfully Given tjif metal vmrklng Industry with R«glstrarions Aro StiN Boing Aceoprod front, wrijitlets and the front is .prettied up with em­ Television Froflrrains m broidered figures. The pants have the built-in bib the laigest layoffs reported in the Open 8 AJM. to 8 PJL Dally / On Pace Two electrical products field. EVERGREENS \ CLASSES OR PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS IN ; front with su.spenders and is lin^ wtih n.vlon quilt, in Red, Green, Teal and Coral for boys and girls. 'TAP . . BALLET . . TOE . . AND C^RACTER " Includes Pixie hat for girls and helmet for boys. — Sizes 2 to 4. This suit sheds dirt and is water re- TLom ^tiidiO—ZIpfiM’ Club — 35 Braincnd PkK* .pellent. . ' Gain a full sacnon't growth by pkrtifing of this V. furthtr informoHon Td. MI-9-1110 rtma. ;[■ Cho

k OpOn Upright Yews ...... I • .• • • f • f I .From $5,95 3 sizes 18124”, 2-2^2 > 2H-3’ Spreading Yew8 ...... From $5.95 3 .«izc8 15|18” , 18124”, 2-2Vt' .N ' ' ' ^ Hick’s Yew ...... - ...... At $5.95 Globe Arborvitae ...... ;.. From $2.15 Dark AniericaiR Arborvitae*...... r-.... From $2.65 .. Pyramidal AltOiTits^ -X,...... From $2.65 Rhododendron Catawbiense ...... At $6.95 '• i" Colorado Blue Spruce...... From M .5 0 White Spruce . . .At $1.98 Mugho Pine for busy • • • • • • • $ 4.45 Irish Juiiiper ...: At $2.K Spiny Greek Juniper ______...... At $4.85 ■ X> Pfitzer Junipef ...... • V I - r...... At $4,45 TUNE-UP ^ Senforized Lengiss Savin Juniper______Yes, neighbor, you efin pick up all ...;v^..At $3.95 Suro. your cor hos b««i starting good, bilt wffl * it * 2 in front pockets Check List Csnadian Hemlock...... At. $5.35 V* weekena. supplies tomorrow at McKinney short on Hws* cold FoN days? _ * Cempletoly washable Who Are Contemplating The Purchase Of The Paneling These pUuite are all aorsery-growa specimens that, when ’::L - Lumber and Supply . .. just east of Bolton planted, wUI create a completed appearance to jronr landscaping. To mok* suro of quick startmg eem* in and lot our Nevy, groen, neturel . Notch Bridge. Ample parking .at our front Roofer Boards factory traintd nwchonics tun* your motor. door. — ' > Wood Gutters SUEDE Houses They Now Live^lh Are Invited To^See Acoustical Tile CHRYS(t>ITHEMUMS sf; Asphalt Shingles Large vtgorona planU Inlw ts, filled with buds and bloom, to Special This Month Only! sixes 6 to 10 Our yard offors all the lumber and mason add hr*fSt eohw Jonr (aU garden. Hardy vaHetles that %vUl supples you'll nood., Oilt now, enlarged Windows and FTamee Mootn each y e * . Kitchen C!abinets This tank For store presents a finer a$$6rtment of bard* P H ’S Lolly Columns $ 1 s 0 0 Each 3 For $ 2 . 7 5 PARTS wore, paints and tools than pyor hafdre. Patching Plaster Cement Blocks.,,^ BULBS thi$ now store displays acfual installations f PLUS . Drain Tiles - to ckom from. Topt quality HolbuMl«*frown Mlijib Boy's Dress-up Shirts of numerous .wall paneling so you'll know Interior Paints pilCGds V ■ 8 Cyl. Cars $11.50 PARTS exactly how they look boforo buying. Plywood Finishes Mortgage, Financing ShellM Tilipt inn 75# $s i m -$ M S hanlnl Includts rightan cylinder' hood and manifold .. Ask for frao booklets packed with practi­ Stains. clean ond tightan beittary terminals— cleen and sot Tie and Cuff Links cal informotion to help give your wopkond Window Glaae DaffMlIls 2S»$1JS • - HJi h u M ^ g s — test comprossion— recondition distributor jobs a professional touch. (More to'Pome) off esm— tast'fuM pump-^wosh air cltonur set It's his own sanforised dreaa ahirt. Small clamps of Mountain Laurel. Sturdy, healthy plants French-cuffed, OQmptete with a bow tie ‘■•“Cv in perfect condition for tran^Ianting. -...... <$1.00 timing— adjust corteiotar and rocM tast. HOW D O - It C E N T E R and niatching cuff links in a wideetMice "Buy! The Best^and Save" CoN Appointment Pbou« MI>3*S113 '. of checks ai^ white. Sixaa t to *7. H. SAXRY, SmviCe Monoger V of Manchester A V . 9 8 A MUTUAL Si^VINGS RANK j 4 $ 0 P F I. Y < 0.-* • O L T O N N 0 T C H Plantjand Parkway f fy ■ • ROY MOTORS, inc (XEHOIISE&SON ^ Tontthd Turnpike at Wilbur Ci Highway I M e . Manchester; Conn. 241 NO. li|MbN ST .| ; MAN^SSTER ■ 6PEN; AU, DAY SATURDAYSEASY PARKING - ON llOUTE W E C ^ V E JtareHEEM S^TAMPff \ . ... 44A Phone MltchcH 9-25M ' I. ■■ i

SOL AlANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,19M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, €X)NN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17.1954 Rdpubltcsn candldau snywAcrt- against a weapon they would big, 17-foot waterwheel was dis­ U th< AttaricAit p«opU at* liirht, ileMr UM themaalvea. Droodles 1646 Iron Firm covered, pl«ae.ryed tn moist earth llling to Speak lui they usually are, tlili will be t Contrast tliis withJLTnitcd States 21 feet under-the street level. The ADMISSION FREE In V^rnon-Workskop £aniitig l|rralii W’Kat does happen. >- propaganda policy on the atomic By BOOBR excavation confirmed geologiata' theories that the Atlantic coaat- At Lions Event bomb, which ia one of continually Is Restored as llne la sinking slowly. For the OUTDOOR • '■ 1 "I -J “ II »»«I1 W * '^threatening to use it on sbmebody water wheel pita today are lowef H»nche»WXL.SSS»L_„ LoKically, Mwched thah the surface of the tidal rivar Arthur H. Bllng, superintendent THOMAS F. rra ow oN . else, while the real fact ia that we Living Museum ■■'^ Fony Rldea of schools in Manchester, will [be WALTER R. EROU80N Would- probably have much more —indicating that the land. In rela­ Grab Bag PublUher* It should be no secret by now guest speaker Monday at the Li»«ter/ Conn., as miUtery estimate in the Pentagon, blast furnace, forge,. rolling and While the archaeologiat’a crews Tables FAIR The Chiistm u ruah haa started ; 6:30 p.m. ClAM Mall Matter. . to the effect that oily German tough, leaWng to Russia the Vein alitting mill, wharf and warehouse, probed the site, historical research Lunch 1-- In Vernon as well as at Santa's llling has choaen for the name of was rushed through thbasands of workrttop in the North Pole. To Make Work SUBSCRIPTION RATES armies can cieate a .vituation of of pious mildness. were state and other induatrial of­ Counter ’ , (Rain or Shine) . hla talk, "Your Money Goes to Payable In Advance ficials. I7th century documents by Prof,- Free ^uraery Kiddies haven’t ye^ started to ■ School." military setfunty for ua in Eu- One Year ...... Scheduled participants included-- E. N. Hartley of the Massachu­ For Small SECOND '' be "extra” good so that their' Gueata of honor who will atttend m K MOnttM e e* ee ee e eeeee eeee ee ee ♦ T.< ropa. Gov. Christian A. Hertcr of Mas­ setts Institute of 'Technology, as­ Children CONGREGATIONAL > stockings will be filled,on the the event are Raymond Matheaon, Jtonthf ...... j.yous mom, but the toys they district governor; Thomas Leonard, OQA IConill a a e e eeeee* eeeeeee e ee eee That is why we are pressing for McCarthy to Limit sachusetts, Siih. Leverett Salton- sisted by colleagues on both sides CHURCH ...... will find are now being made, i deputy district governor; ana Easier For Myself the rearmament, of Germany stall. Prea. J. Sanger Attwill of the of the Atlantic. Tlie queat slftad North Main al North Straet 0ln«i« Copy First Ir'on Works Assn., and papers of the famous Winthrop John F. Strickland of Main ! Frank Rusaell president of the ' llEUBfiR OF ^ ahead of anytliing else for Ger­ Talks ill Campaign Chairman Benjamin F. Fairleas of family, One of .the founders of the Street, Vernon, doesn’t make all j Waat Hartford Liona Club. THE ASBOCIAriJ© PRESS _ ‘‘8«a*y OUve Sticking 11 A.M. >0 DARK the toye which bring jiibiliation I Wive* of members mre cordially The Aaeodated Preaa ta excluilvely many. That is why. to the ac'i Out It* Plmiento" United States Steel Corp. iron works was John Winthrop, The original plant waa operated SATURDAY to the youngsters, nor does he tr y ,: invited to attend the anniversary enUtled to the use ol repiWlMUon of companimen*. of a sigh of relief (Contlnaed from Pag* Om ) This Droddle might '‘also be Jr., whose father was governor of all newa dlipatchee v-Tedited to it. or here. 10 miles north of Boston, -With John it's perely a hobby. celebration. By Taking from thoEe same Pentagob plan- called- “A Tadpole Wearing a the Masagehusetts Bay Colony tn SEPTEMBER 25 not otharwiie cr^t(4 *" ,‘5**.. ****^ interest in the campaign on my from about 1646 to 1670. From It 1629, ' - Yes, making wooden toys in a and alao the local oewa published here. ner.i, we are on the way to aban­ Sweater." Or even “A Grapefruit amall shelter at the rear of his All rigota of republlcatlon of epMlal with Guriaight So It Can Aim Its went .the Iroji masters and Iron dtepatchca herein are aleo reserved. >. doning France, which proved a part," he said. "I think it would workers who spread the industry pro|>erty keeps him busy and the Squirts." Now these titles, should State GOP Ticket E A. Ssrv- military povvder-puff in World be a (fa^eciy fo f the country and through the colonies. sale of the items pays his (A tr- Full eervlce client ol N. show you why Droodlihg will even­ head and. nets a small profit. 1 Ice.>. Inc. — War n. The planners of their the world if the Re^blicans did Behind the restoration is a com­ Advantage Of Publlshera Repreacntatlvee; Tlie tually do away with Psychiatriata bination detMtive story and treas­ ’ About 12 years ago John retired Introduced on TV Ju i^ ’ Mathew* Special A|en«r — New Pentagon, as is their professional not return to power in the Senate and other types of Crazy Eloctors TpSr Chicago. p«rolt an(L^*too. ure hunt. And the heroine is a as superintendent of the tabrtat- and House this falL” I>y ’ gettin/ rid of unusual ideas Ing department at the Hartford . MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU o r busine8.v, arc planning the next little New- England school teacher Hartford, Sept. 17 (#)—Connec­ cmcuLAnoNR McCarthy said he would carry auclj M:,the above which otherwise Mias M. Louise Hawkes. It was she Bills Piling Up? Accident Insurance Co. He worked war. And they cm see only one would just lie around in the back ticut Republicans, headed by Gov. The Herald PrlnUng CoInpMy, Inc., out three speaking. engagements %ho focused the attention of pub- there 20 years and might still be way to fight it. In Europe. That of your head, (or mine) and get In , on the job if illness hadn't forced John Lodge, offlcially etarted their aaeumee no financial reeponilbully for made some time ago. Otherwise, he lip spirited citizens, steel ..execu­ state campaign in a statewide typographical errors appeanng In ad- la, with German soldiers. added, he plahhed no campaigning the way when we- were trying to tives, archaeologists and historical him to thi sidelines. ynrt^ments and edher readM mattsr add up our bill at the supermarket fAY THEM ALL AT ONCE WITH A "kickoff" television program last tn The Manchaatar Kvenln* Herald. This overpoiverlng desire and except possibly some radio and re.searchera upon what a few A doctor advised him to stay or cheat at canasta. A Psychia­ active, buVIn an entirely different night. conviction of tlieiro has apparent­ television appearances. years' ago waa a debris and weed- The entire State^ OOP-ticket waa Display advwrttalng cloemg hours: trist would take two j^ears and hidden site on the bank of the .'type of work. John told the phycl- ....for Bonday-^1Bond p. ra. Friday, ly finally taken the State Depart­ The three dates lined up. he MANCHESTER TRUST PERSONAL LOAN cian that he had no idea how he Introduced to .the'television audi­ for Tuesday—I p. m. Monday. ■ said, are in Omaha, Neb., Sept. 2S. charge you 92,000 to get rid of Saugus River. ence. “■tr Wedneiday—1 p. m. Tuesday. ment into camp, too, its' position even one - of the Ideas mentioned could carry out the suggestion. - . — . - nv Wednesday. Wheaton, HI., Sept. 26, and The story began with her suc­ I-odge, campaigning for re-elec­ Or Thursday—1 p. being that wc have been too long above. Droodllng will do It In a cessful fight to prevent the re­ Immediately the , medic recora- Or-FHday—1 P. m. xnuraoay. Bloomington, ill.. Oct,. 1. ■■ mended that he try woodworicing tion. said the Dem ocrat, headed patient with a faithless France, McCarthy aaid hts Inveatigationa flash. So get to work. Remember moval of the old ironmaster's by Abraham A. Rlbicoff, are cam­ m. each there are only 99 more Drooditng house to Dearborn. Mich., in 1941, aa a hobby. day of publlcaUoa cacapt Saurday — and should now find ourselves an would prove "that the Republican The Fimt Sale paigning on promises to do things • a. m. party U not represented by those daya 'til Christmas. as a gift to the late Heniy Ford. that his Republican administration ally on the mainland of Europe few people who have misconstrued She finally persuaded the then That is the beginning of Striek- already has done. Friday, S?pt. 17 upon whom we can raly, in other the Republican promise to clean Massachusetts Gov. Leverett Ssl- laml's story. He readily admits "Our opponents, like the great words, that great and good friend up the m ess.. tonstall and Henry Ford, himself, that he was completely green at majority of the citizens of Con­ The Clue Of Case ; first, took no Iea.'x>ns and attained of two world wars, Germany. Apparently renewing his pro- A Thought for Today to have the house left here. necticut, appear to recognise that A Daughters o f . the American his present finesse throu||;h the the things which this administra­ The moat Intereirting special test teata against administration aecul- lliere is one curious fact about ity regulations, he suggested some Revolution chapter bought part of time worn trial and error routine. tion has been doing iuid the things in die forthcoming Novemher Ught. Bulb to Bum the historic site. The first Iron Surrounded by toys of brilliant which we plan to do are the right Alt this Pentagon planning. It Republicans want to "classify,” or A Million Hours electioiia will certainly be that in pdt a secrecy label, on what he Works Assn, was formed. , And hue.s he recalls that the first item things for Connecticut.” he* said. doesn't explaUV how we have held The dally paper saya the Genera) he sold was a lawn chair.' " I lost At least they are promising to do New Jersey, where the McCarthy referred to aa "the mesa." retired steel executive Quincy Kurope for the past nine years, Electric has perfected a light bulb Bent became intertsted and en­ money. If memory serves me cor­ the same things themseives; This "Thoae few are the type of wing o f the Republican party has without Germans in uniform. which has a life expectancy of a listed the board of , directors 6i rect I. charged 94 and the materials , is only what most of ua would ex­ Mobiie come directly out in the open in people who would have started million hours! the American Iron and Steel In­ cost me much more than that. pect them to do." y Nor does it explain how we are censure proce^ings against Paul its effort to prevent the electioji Imagine a bulb Which will bum stitute. "And it was with reluctance that going to hold Europe for the two Revere for giving out military .eight hours a day, every day for Archaeologist Roland Wells I made the sale. In fact I felt sorry o f the Republican nominee for years after wc get German re- secrets in his midnight ride,” he over 342 years, or Until the year for the custorners, but it must have said, Robbins was engaged. Sifting and Vnited States Senator, Clifford P. 2295! digging through thousands of tons served' them well, because they Dish Washer anhament started—the two years A resolution that would cen­ Case. It is estimated that this bulb of earth, which including moving never brought It back. Now I know ^'PRE^RIpfiSNS'l V it would iake to pi;t a German sure McCarthy's conduct as tend­ the workmanship wasn't high." Herald Photo Case, the typical Easenhowei- will use 91640 worth of electricity one of Saugus* streets, Robbins army into actual being.. ing' to bring the Senate into dis­ irt a million hours, and give out His. first effort might have been c a r e f u l l y ' c o m p o u n d e d ^ Republican, who hi^ipens to be repute was introduced by Sen. uncovered' the remains of the an­ And that, o f 'courao, is the pon­ 286,000,000 lumens, or units Of cient blast fumaCe. And he un­ crude, but not the finished products work is on display In front of the Few of Strickland’s pieces sell for running as a result of pleas from Flanders (R-Vti. A special Senate light. which roll off the one-man produc­ Vaiue derous, professional allliness of the covered other main- features of family home on Route 30 and many more thati $7.50 on the market and the White House, might possibly committee now la considering If, and when, these long-lasting M A NCHES TER TR US T tion line today.' atop to purchase pieces. The great­ many are priced as low aa 91.50 in whole thing. These planners ask charges brought against McCarthy what once had been a fully in.te- Dump trucks, trailer trucks, have avoided the contro^’er8y bulbs become popular, bulb snatch­ grated iron works. er portion of Strickland’s sales the stores. aume, on ttie oAe hand, that Rus- In support of the resolution by ing will really be a crime. MAIN OFITCE cradles, doll carriages, miniature come from retailers who market He -maintains that woodeh toys ..:3i which now engulfs him. He didn’t Flanders and Sens. Morse llnd- In six years more than five tons -high chairs, stools, doIl-slze lawn aia is. so certain io try to conquer Think of the convenience of hav­ of artifacts were recovered— 889 Main, Opposite St. Janses* Church the toys. are safer (or children and last have to issue that atatemdnt. e a r l/ Ore) and Fulbright (D-Ark)! ing a light bulb which will last chairs, and just about any kind He lists variety as one of the ad­ longer. "Plastics break a'hd metal Europe that we mi-at have Ger­ ranging, from tiny brass pina to this summer, attacKlnj,. McCar­ McCarthy said he had received over. 342 years! We know some­ NORTH BRANCH of a toy a child would. desire. vantages of his present work. Sel­ toys are dangerous with their sharp man aoldiers in uniform. They a 505-piound iron hammerhead, It Haa To Be Good dom does the Meriden bom wood ei^jea.” SHERWIN-WILLIAMS thy's metho^. But he' did issue "hupdreda of requests to speak in thing infinitely superior to that! driven by. water power in the 19 No. Main, Comer Oakhupd Bt. . Open Thursday Evenlags • to S assume that we cannot possibly behalf of very able Republican The -promise to Israel is; "The Strickland, puts his toys through specialist produce. more than 10 The detail in each unit and the PAINTS It, because he believed' it, and that original forge. There were pots and and Saturday morainga 9 to I t the toughest test of all. When he pie.qes of, any particular type of toy fact he refuses to hire help despite withstand such a Russian attack candidates" but that he felt it Lord shall be unto thee an ever­ pans, knives, axes, paws, shovels,' was taken by the McCaithy wing "more Important" to attack “the lasting, light, and thy (3od thy haa an idCa for.a different type of during a run. ' customer pressure is a true indica­ W. H. ENGUND without German aoldiers. And, scissors, pieces of leather shoes, plaything he builds it and im­ .No. Tlme Clock tion that John brings many hours of the party as sufficient reason tremendous-backlog of work which glory" (Isaiah 60:19-20). broken, pottery. All are now on LUMIER COMPANY on tha other hand, they assume has piled up in the months I have mediately turns it over to his In the summer months production of pleasure to children and for him, •for an opei^ declaration of war on And that which He will be to display. grandchildren Barry and Kathy TN. MI-9-0244 6-E Mobile Maid that Russia, with'rtia Ann inten­ been immobilized by investiga­ Israel, He will be to everyone who lags because of John's interest in it’s a pleasure. . him. , • • ■ ■ / tions..'.” By 1951', the remnants of the Dugan, next door neighbors. baseball. "There's no time clock in tion o f fighting some time,, is nev­ bellevea’ on Him as'Savior and "If they don't play with It, I So, spurred on by the gleeful Lord. this 'shop," chides the mild man­ ertheless not going to fight now, don’t bother to make any more. nered worker. chirps'of Washington commenta­ S.500 ITN DEAD RETURNED He it the Light of the world, and But if they do, I% o to work." when our military planning says HS Said He came into'the world. Panderoaa, white pine and red­ / tors who follow the' McCarthy His grandchildren are six and wood are used most frequently by Russia could win in' Europe, but PantnunJomi.-'^3ept. 1'.' (db-^Th* V Selected. eight years old respectively and -lin e, .some of the/extrem e right U.N. 'Commimd has received tha Strickland. All - the’ painting of the ia going to v/ait until we have Sponsored by the Manchester have more toys than the average toys is done by a spray gun which wing Republtcaits In New Jersey bodies of 3,500 Allied, dead sine* Council of Churches. changed the situation, by adding department store toyland. he operates with a professional have organised a special' commit­ the Korean War dead exchenge Shutting off his electric table German aoldiers to It, so much began.-Sept. 1. touch. tee. with tlie avowed obiect of HARD B rn E N saw, Strickland explained he One o f his pet pieces is a minia­ that we would be certain to ,Avln. '1%* total .includea 1.621 -Amer­ makes only wooden toys. He has forcing Casa i^' withdraw as icans, S62.-Soiith Koreans,,.M Bri­ ture steam shovel made entirely of By Uieir own professional logic, Richmond. 'Va. 48?)—A man her* about 'J2-‘‘’ltems he manufactures wood. It haa a handle near the cab candidate, .btit ^ t h the real ob­ tish. 19 Austrai.ians and 1,217 of got a bad reaction fMm a dog bite. if Russia firmly intends the con­ regularly, takes gjrdgnr for special which cranks the peirfectly formed ject. of course, of throwing Repub­ unknown nationality, Police answering hi's complaint ar­ pieces and tries his hand at pro­ shovel back and forth. GIT For Your quest of Europe, and plans it so The U.N, - has returned- 8,000 lican votes, in the election, to. the rested him -on -. three robbery ducing new units. , A silver painted locomotive with firmly that w « have to arm the Communist war dead to the Redz.- charges.' Mouty Democrttic candidate, whoever he K,'.. ' ' ; During the pleuant weather hla two cars is another of his favorites. Germans ,n order to be able to Is, so that, whatever happens, the oppose It, these Pentagon planners Kbersl. inUlUgent Case,: thb kind are also, if tl'.eir planning is valid, o f candidate politics .needs more 7 making something else inevitable. Of, shall be defeated. Plant Of The Month HOOFING AND They make it'inevitable that Rus­ GREAT EASTERN This situation, with its clear SIDING COMPANY sia should be marching now, this FOR SEPTEMBER IT'S threat that Republicans of the Mc­ , / 21 OAK STREET-^MANCHESTER -t-', ' min'Ute. In fact, by. their logic, Carthy wing will desert the party A. V. “ BURT” LINDSAY, Prop. Russia must'have marched long In New Jersey in order to get ven­ WE SPECIAUZB 04 ago. ■ geance on Case personally and in order to puniah President Risen' Tha trouble is, of course, that RESIDING YOUR HOME • professional mllitaiy planning ‘hower and the n a tio ^ .adminis­ AlomlBaia dapboM dlof, Asbestos, FUstie and Insalzted doesn't. really ha\'e all the an­ tration for supporting Case, has TAKE YOUR CHOICE FROM THE HELD SIdiaf, la a wide variety of color* aad stylea. . swers. But what Is getting to be everybody worried, from the Pres TELEPHONE 9^-9-8271—or Sn-9-2480 Ident dowrn. . It w'sa in attempted a special additional trouble with LARGE PLANTS - 85c / WE FINANCE vbuR DEAL ua, right now, is that this profes- cure of the siluatioh that the Pres­ Blonal miiitai'y plaiining is becom­ ident had Case, to .the White GLADIOLI BOUQUETS FRESHLY CUT ■K- •GRAYRANNELS House, and had,, there Senator ing the only policy, we have in the world. • BROWN FLANNELS' Dirksen o f 'Illtnoia, right winjg landscaping?? . ' _ • SHARKSKINS leader and McCarthy supporter, -Ex^lent selection of e.\tra quality evergreens—medium and - HARDY MUMS NOW IN BLOOM to go through the public hypocrisy large ^l/pf,. Use ARBORVITAE. J1!NTPERS and HEMLOCKS, • NOVELTY WEAVES . Wolf Bleat And Sheep Roar LAUREL — RHODODENDRON'S — AZALEAS. o f supporting Cm . It is in ati • WORSTEDS \ f l o w e r i n g SHR17BS tbmpted cure o f the, situation that 'W^.-presume that Soviet Russiai e Sofas and CItairs HpuSei Speaker Martin is in New being In much the same position ' SOW ASGROW GRASS .SEED THIS FALL -- FOB A BEAl "TIFi;!, LAWN NEX/ SPRING Jeasey, appealing,fot party unity, we are in the world, has approxi­ TEDFORD'S mately' the. same motives wc have J^ in g to pull the McCarthy Re­ Pett«d P^^nials:— Dtlpliinium — CelMHiblM publicans hack into the fold. But in developing atomic armapients. • . — Lupiii — Oricnl^ PeppiM, Etc.' FERN GARDENS meanwhile. th« McCarthy wing -It wants to see what an atomic oc at savings to hydrogen bomb might do,to New S0e^3 for $1.35 goes merriry on, smearing Care ai Now Is the time to yet yonr Srst choice of inaay plaata aad a ‘‘parlor pink," and '.vorsc, .quot­ York, just as we are fascinated by AFRICAN VIOLETS—3" POTS Sfe of tho most attractive colors. . ing, or misquoting, the late Rob­ what one would do to.JIoacow. It LIME — FERTILIZERS — GERMAN PEAT MOSS •.../ See these plants, aow^ The perfect plant for your plaatiny ert A. Taft as a a/n g that Case ^anta to emphasize to its ^poten­ Nfixf Tuesday evening we hpld our annual Home Fashion Time Open around the home and-for cemetery urns or pots. , was the one man he v.'ould never tial enemies that it .has the capac­ OODLAND GARDENS House. In order to make changes in pur Main Floor diiplaysi this ity to retaliate for any atomic at'-: foiigive for the outcome in the JOHN J. ZAPADKA < group of Modern upholstered sofas, love seats, chairs and sectional, CUT FLOWERS AVAILAILE naUonai convention in. 19^2, .falsi­ tank; upon itself.' 168 WOODLAND ST. — PHONTO Ml-S-8474, MANCHESTER pieces are reduced for immediate clearance. Just one of each, of Directions: From Sooth Main Street, take Srst left past Man­ fying c a m 's voting fred^il^'when But if its real motives are much OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL DARK chester Conatry Club. From Charter Oak Street, turn Hght at he was in Congre.s.v, and behaving, th'S same as ours, it must be given course, subject to prior sale. . ^ I /'i Gardner Street, then ta)ce second rljtht onto Fern Street. . in genera); aa if it had fmaily cor­ credit for a much gi-eaier propa­ nered Joe Stalin himself. ganda, subtlety. Reg. 1139,00 Lounge Chair; biscuit pleated... Reg. $189.00 Left Hand Bumper Ipve Seat, All this is, then, a^key test be­ It cloaked its' very first, an­ seat, back and jsidey with button triiri: olive 51-inch size; latex cusHion.- Matches pieces Ns Nssdf no inttollotioni. .. connocts right tween the ^senhower brand , of nouncement of an atomic explo­ frieze cover .98.00 above; charcoal, cover ...... 139.00 THIS WEEKEND BE SURE TO ViSit Republicanism, and McCarthy- sion., in the claim that it was ex­ Reg. $250.00 81-int’h Lounge Sofa; similar iam, Wdth McCarthyism preparing perimenting witii the peaceful pub­ Reg. $189.00 Love Seat with cut-back arms; to your Mtchon foycot. . . p ro -rin^ wosb« ^ aulls, which will enable' Soviet' Seat, matches piece de-'’cribed previously; olive ba_se: good T\'’ chair; black and gold tektured 449 Hartford Road — :Near McKee Street FREE ALTERATIONS a )i^. (No tpeojil ^uaMag i L) , And Senator H. Alexandew^ni'illV ilCientlsts and engineers to solve . texture covef...... ;119.00 covering ...... ; ...... 89.00 JOSEPH S. LUKAS, Prop, and Baker diihet, glatie*, film —yc4, pots has entered the fray, maintaining Reg. $99.50 Lounge Chair with right arm successfully problems of defense - Reg. $149.00 Love Seat with button back; You get. yDouMe-fhe-Weai” In these kaadeomely— aad pans, too! ^ a t "on the whole" this fracas only; ensemble.8 with pieces previously describ­ • Ma>f».Ma4liHi H ayiro d — juit ktuik e i loow from atomic attack.' tight Seat, sweeping arms. Green and gold tex­ tailored 2-pants suits. Large selection te rhonec Within tha Republican party is a ed; olive texture c o v e r ...... 74.50 Weekend Specials ‘ 1 food a^iieQHr dUiM are til laidy for the Mobil* ■So, by the claim, Russia ex­ tured co v e r...... 112.00 from. Sizes for all men. Slip Into one tomorrow • Camplaffly Mebib—ioll h good thing ' because it will em plodes atomic bombs oply to find Reg. $82.50 Slipper Chair; armless; matche.s Reg. $59.95 Midriff Occasional Chair; button- -V' CHOCOLATE CREAM FIE \ nnd you’ll understand w hat a-w onder^ Iwy this Is. to ta ^ for loaidinf . r*. to nak Maid." i . V phasize Case's Independent record. out how to defend itself against piece.s above; olive texture cover ...... 6 4.5 0 trimmed back, open arms. Natural ai^ black for waihinf. , . to ttoraie cd)i-. "I have been attacked the same them when oUiers drop them. It Reg. $179.00 Love Seat with left arm: 49 textured covering ...... 4 5 .0 0 BANANA CREAM FIE w m y" aaid Senator Smith, "as be­ ■wouldn’t think of dropping atomic TO SEE THESE NEW ARRIVALS inch size; latex cushion."Charcoal cover with Reg. $98.00 Midriff Occasional Chair with net for uak>adiat. • Maw, i^ t a Uad Adiwtabla Badb^ do aot silver threads...... ',....135.00 FINEAFFLE CREAM FIE ing too liberal, by the same peo­ bombs Itaelf—not out loud, at any FORD THUNOi;hBlRD ... .\...... Me walnut finished frame; open arms. Black arid raquiia fooviag ct ilkliB i to take yotR full Wad... ple. I never lost any votes by^ it Reg, 1198.00 Curved Armle.ss Love Seat to rate. CHEVROLET CORVETTE . 1 ...... 89c white spotted covct ...... 74.50 LEMON HLLED B U nER IlY CUFS • Maol far A^HRiMitlt,' aadcaa b* adjoMd to hoM your ttBot ^ - beicause people want, honesty in NAVY VTC FIGHTER ...... 79c ensemble with love seat above; charcoal and By auch piopaganda atrstegy, Reg. $85.00 Midriff Occasional Chair with B uitflawi, ReMed krptt plaM (Net*, too. th* I#' REVELL c o v e r e d w a g o n ...... i....-..99c silver cover ...... 1 4 9 .(^ their candldalea men w^o will say the United Stales, the potential charcoal teittured covering. Blond finish with FILLED FRENCH FA5TRY RING H m u M t fvary HtNM baikaL) ';M iat they believe, like Cliff Case. enemy, ia just aa frightened by the airm rest in walnut ...... •>64.50 a s s o r t e d FRUIT FIU^'GS — And it tt quite true that if the Ruasiwi explosions as we would be Boiera o f New Jersey retain their if the Russians proclaimr'd they CIUlTt* i i STORE -1— OUR s p e c i a l o r d e r d e p t . MEN'S SHOPS • We*h** e a i Orfo* DMwa I „tB|Umgenoe. they , will see that the had been trying out a bonib Just Is rMuIy to servs those s|wctal ’e v ^ t ^ Use .Watkins Easy Payment Plan HOURS needs. We can prednoe deScteiis ' kyyimicaify cl**a. 'SMBre and natui^ of the atUck tha right size for New York. But baked goods for say aeraskm 907 MAIN ST. — WELDON JBUILDING . W j' Open v-r LCaap te tlM h ip e s t compliment the neuttolUCa in the world, unfor­ WesMcialiiie in: : ebold .poeajfi]}' be paid him, aoi tunately, are likely to be imprufed ,Tne8.‘fhm Sun. “ ITHDAY CAKES FORMAL WEAR FOR HIRE. S& H Grooii Stomps , Mie olectloa;' which has evc^-i by this bombast in reverae, this Mitchell C o^er Center and i- 7 A. .M. to « P.M . V i V 3DD1NG CAKES ‘ w n itd wtB-'«Una-aevcaied. pious pntense that the Russians, 9-7233 ■ ' Griswold )KIE TRAYS, etc. CO. With Costr Soln reeult. fw the in their '’atomic expeomenu, are ,\ll Our products VISIT OUR DISPLAY AT WAPPING FAIR A p p R iaca Dap4. O afc 8 L — tM aetf aniy wiUi, defena* ■ r --' Oven J^esh Daily TEL MI-f-SSTB £ ^ • • •• -i > 7 T L. V . n

■ y KP'--' BOBT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17^ 19M / - ' c A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1964 Revolver MiBhap on Zoning Change Four Children in Same Family Injures Policemw Hartford, Bept 17 (jn-^Det LAST CALL Taken to Supreme Court Attend Four Different Schools Capt Joaepb P. McDonald said that Patrolman ^uRlchard Green, FOR 33. was critically wounded last - M in. 0«pt 17 (fl|Mcia})- An^meht of the kindergarten are night by tbs accidental explosloa gHirnT to tM 8q|>reine Court of urged to contact Mrs. Theodore of a fallow Mliosman's rsVblvsr. S r o n b u been token in the ion* .Gaddy or Mrs. Frank Ulm at an Orson was talking with Patrolman Canning Peaches aesM nenr nttmcUnc stoto>-'^dt ‘early date, irteaction to the pro- Donald Unde, oald McDonald, ■ntlon in which a froup of local poeal is strong enough to make it when Linde removed his gun from 'jnMonto aro the plainturfa Atty. possible to proceed with the plan, its bolstor to place it on the seat JOba t>. Lnbello of kCanchorter ar aaki a meeting v^ll be arranged within of hla ear when tbs weapon ex- ywtorday that the apiMal had the next week or two. plodad. The slug struck Grew in Elberta Peaches (w n fllod on Sept. 13 with the Meeting Scheduled the abdomen. He was taken to i ■ O erk of the Court of Common The Women's Auxiliary of the Hartford Hospital whsra bis con,- Vleaa in RockrlUe. .... Fire Dept, will hold its second ditton was said to be asrious. Die caM was orifinally tried in regular meeting on Monday at’ _ ROTH AT TM STAND AND «ha TeSUiid Cdunty Court of Com­ the firriiouae at 8 p.m. Mrs. Peter EK-G Sandstrom succeeds Chief Ed­ MUSIC FOR DAYDREAMING For Further Information C«II Y.W.C.A. Office (MI-3-7206)-^twecn 9 and ^ nsed as the school jp6on\ and out­ mund S. Crowley of Bristol who MELACHRINO STRING—HI.NbELITY--$4.19 door playground s ^ c e has been presided. The new officers were Open Tuee. and Ifenrs. UntU 8:00 PJil,—Wed. Until 8:80 obtained throus^ the generous Instolied by Chief Michael Godfrey Duburoid Rotfiug offer of Mr. and Mrs. George Tay­ of Hartford, former assodatloiv lor whose pioperty adjoins that president. W. H. ENGLAND of the chureh. Joseph C a ^ r of New Hay^n, Dr. Itorrlet Nash of the Pre- q>ecial agent for the Federar Bu­ LUMIER COMPANY Pottertbii^s Bchool Division of the State Dept. reau of Connecticut and carm an Tet. Ml-8-0344 130 CENTER ST^(Comcr of Church) o f Education has been extremely' of the association's cominittee on WE MUST SELL cooperative and enthusiastic about photography and fihgdrpiinting local planning. However, the Rev. was a speaker. Yeager reports that she doubts The association authorised Sand­ the propos^ school could become strom to appoint a oommlttoe on certified by the state. Her doubta traffic safety to/plan an accident are based on two building tech- prevention program for 1WI5, filealiUes. The basement room is X six f ^ below ground whereas'the maximum allowed for state ap- pewval is three feet. The second tochnicality la locaition of toilet SIGN facilities which are on the ground level floor rather than in the base­ ment. Advorfising Approval of the local tire mar- ED'S SIGN CO. iBial and health officer will be obi i l G DELUXE talned before the school is put in MHcImI 3-824S operation. Pr. Nash is very anxious to S a p tm m h e r 2 5 t h AUTOMATIC with any community.'group •ffjnlaal to sponsor the kinder­ \ garten, the Rev. Yeager iMid, and RANGE bMm offered to attend an early maatlng to offer advice and partle- FOR THE KIDDIES \: tilarly “point oiit some of the com­ ' targe Aaaortment rD mon pitfalls of a cooperative nursery.” . [^Arthiir Drug S ttm Big Wide Optning ^arqnts interred in estoblish- K' O vGfi 1 MIRRORS-— AUTO GLASS Pushbuttons ^ FURNITURE TOFS '^Focustd Htat" Broiler J. A. WHITE «VSg This Beautiful Skillat • .XT' Colrod Units ' GLASS CO. Throughout * T FREE With Every 1; 24 BIRCH S T .' T«l. MI 9-7322 Ho Old Fashioned Range Purchasedl Big Oven, Automotic Can’t Hid« Behind Open Coils Onr Product” 2 DOORS ★ 4 DOORS ★ CATAUNA HARDTOFS^ Spacamalcsr Range Choiea ef TrcNMinissfoE eCd AecMiorias IMMEDIATE DELIVERY

Wa Doa't Exafforefe TIm Opeortimity Of $1.77 S1.77 "PHIL” BURGESS Orp Tradot A L H ^ b 269A $3194)0 VALUE PER WEEK Ceme l i Acd Sea Our Othor RcBfB VahMt PER WHK Suggests WE GIVE THBdl - ■ NOW'S THE TIME! Jv. Uf- . X f o r That Night Out YOUR CAR W IU NEVER BE WORTH MORE Id - CoJnc 20 UNION ST.. ROCKVILLE ' t o b e S U R f . . . S e e imburg JSfi PHONE ROCKVILLE 5-2534 *Tr$ DELICIOUS"


' v: t .i; \ J : \-

M^CHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17.19^4 j :------' . .. '-'t. V ision Truman €laim^ 'own Posting Dulles, Eden Weigh Plans Road Accident which recently finished It# legisla­ U. S. Plans to Rebuff Executive Success Club Speaker Alligator Teaches tive work, “piwenied us from slip­ Brings Crash Deiihocratic Aid i|t of Voters Business Signs Indicate ping back into a recession.” To Tie Bonn, West Armies Caused by Dog Tied to Teamwork Governor Lesson , He said this oesolon imved tax­ payers 7 billion 400 ih)inon dol- ORANGE Needed by Ike (Cot tiaoed from Fpge Oae) lu s, which he broke ddwil as a Two Mishaps Caused by B illboi^ Being Erected Jeep Goes Off Highway Mao’s New UN Bid End of Buying Slump 8t. Louia, Sept.17 (B—A number, Loutflvllle, Ky., Sept. 17 (P) — A 8200 annual reduction In tax • - - -■ -• of auccesaful young business axecu-1 downu-right disrespectful alligator liability for; a family o f foiar. He Tnidi Obscurhig Sight On L a ^ so f Municipal ploring the (German! problem and (CkMttnoed tnun Page (Coattaaed from Page Oae). When Animal Hits Arm tlvaa ware told yaaterday theyj taught Gov. Lawrence Wetherby a added that Oongreoa also.made seeking a solution. I have coiAe O bitu ary i>ers Just now is seen as ^ sign they In Successive Days Building; 6^ Ftr Long shouldn't ddlegate authority or] lesson; sure every dollar o f fei^ral gitoo- to campaign this year because of here to learn o r his appraisal of Of Driver, Trailer Tips World countries which are mors ( Now l^rk, Sept. 17 (>P)—Stock expect retail business to mob up Hne tax revenue would be used for BING Local Stocks leas commlttsd to upholding Red paring haa been a chief preoccupa­ hand down orders if they want to SAMIS — i SKClAlS Th« Mkwnd'accident of Its type doctors' orders. He is expected to Residents won't ^,have any the situation, — with the approach of cool weath­ It's easier to wrestle with pol-' roads. 20 China's bid for Sr U.N. seat on its tion of butlneaamen thia summer. remain that yray. In two (lays'occurred early last After hia dog Interferred with er. Some of the appliance mak­ lUcs than reptiles. The Massachuaetts Republican make one speech, however, and grounds for complaint l^h ey find “ My presence here iagaln shows y ■ (iMtatloM Pnrnlaiied By merits. But there are signs today that em- That waa 'the word from . Dr; The governor was attmdlng the .nlfiit at Uie IntersecUon of Spruce the American fa'tli in the princi­ Deaths his driving yesterday by hitting ers also report that re-orde^ g aaid he considered- It “ a great Mitchell said daughter Margaret they have been incom cG y listed Oafeoni B MIddlebroek. lae. Such a motion, having parlia­ phaaiq may be changing to re-or­ Charles N. Kimball of Kansas City,, Kentucky State fair yesterday abd a . Center Streets when two ple of Anglo-American aolldaiity hia arm, a Pennsylvania man told has increased in recent weeks. *rae nati(mal secretary of the Young! tribute to President Eisenhower EVERY SRTURDRY Truman wiU pinch-hit for her in the voting lilts wl\en they go to 1 p. m. ptieee mentary priority, would touch off dering. When and if it does, it will when he was invited to gb one • card collided when a truck coming in dealing with such grave prob­ police, he lost control of the Jeep continuing boom In home building jPresldenta Organization, a group that he was able to put through ao 7:48 F.M. father in some instances. the polls to vote in the town «nd Joha Patterson Bank Stocks debstq immediately, it would bo go a long way toward officially Is their most cheerful prospect. round with the 20-year-old, 8-foot, large a percentage of his pro­ tetweeh them ohecured the drivers lems as now confront lu." burying the -slump. of men and women who bc(uime VMon. T*Wo people suffered minor Truman aaid if Elsenhower wants John Patterson of 2 Pearl St. he was driving, swerved off Cen­ Bid Asked limited debate, probably two 175-pound critter, a feature of the gram." Hq added that this, coun­ state elections on Oct. 4 snd Nhv. "The North Atlantic Community York garment makers re- StatlaticlaaB Wary top executives before reaching thO injuries in the .crash. t^o continue a foreign policy of co­ Tlied this m()rnlng at the Veterana ter Street near Jarvis Road, and Flrat-NAtlonAi Baak speeches o f a few minutes dura­ water show. try’s position aa the leader of free operation with, other free^natlons .2, /■'. .■ in Europe,” Dulles continued, “is that out-of-town store buyers Washington statisticians; how- age pf 39 in compaflies groasing at Kmil Schuls, 22. coming out of A bUlboprd-sised bulletin board confronted with a grave situation SUte Hospital in Rocky Hill after tipped Pver the trailer he was of Manchester ..... 84 38 tion on each side. Amer^an of­ ever;'are more cautious. Their laaat on e million dollars a year, After noting that the reptile’s nations was better because ether *** “ he needs the help of the Demo­ a short illness. He was a reeident hauling., Hartford National ficials expect that by ^ esd a y this week in volume—^ d mouth was tied, Wetherby nations respected Blaanhower. Spruce Street onto E. Center is being -erected on the lawn in aa. a result of the failure to com­ The boyar total is 40 per last figures -are. those for July. It | Hr. Kimball told a Midwest con- crats who created that policy as a of Manchester for the ^ s t 48 Arrested on a charge of reckless 'Poist Co...... 72 76 nightfall the whole matter will grabbed it under the cbln and Street after being vaved ahead by bipartisan enterprise and put Iv into front of the Municipal Building to­ plete thetl European Defense Com- cent lilgher than a year ago. And showed Inventories still being ference iff the organization: a truck driver 'who could not ruake day, and on it will be tacked the munlty (BCD'). years and was employed by .Oieney driving by Patrolman Valere Conn. Bank and have been brushed aside once slashed sharply. But sales fell I ^ ‘"H»e autocratic tycoon of yester- 1 twisted. The alligator did a effect." Bros. Malnville, John La Boiteaux But- many aro, ’ re-ordering apparel ttie turn he wanted to * 1th Schuls town's voting lists, aa compiled by He added-that he had come to Trust Co...... 73 77 more. off, too, so, that stocks at the endi***^ ‘5 American-or, somersault,. landed on Its' belly and “ He will never get his 'trade not Ho was born in Portadown, Ire­ trick, 19, Penn^lvania, no town Manchester Trust . . . 60 65 Items thaibpiey previously stocKed began lashing out with )ts long In the way, Sot in the path of a aid' program, for example, through town officials. consult 'with CSiurchill and Eden Red China's persistent attempts too cautioi '-p f that month were still higher in should be. To.bg a successful mans-1 westbound car driven by Angelo ITie board, which is being put about "ways and means of meet­ land, Feb. 19 1900. He was a vet­ known. poste(r~$35 bohdii. Police Fire Insoranee Compenlee to win U.N. s^ln(Ung have resulted ger you never hand down orders tail. Forsaking dignity, the gover­ a Republican Congress," Truman eran of World War U. aaid he narroWly missed hitting Aetna F ire -...... 69'k 72*4 Sales! losseb through shortagesI m ation to ' sales than they were. nor Jumped. * M cC A N N Gaumertt 37, of Vl^iiiaaUc, which aaserted. up by th* Town Highway Dept., ing Uie situation." in 150 failures, counting commit­ from, over-cauthius ordering Is also at the same time a year earliep any more. Jilt Schulss'a car In the side. will be 65 feet long and stretch Ho was a member of Manchester three other vehicles during the in­ Hartford Fire 172 177 tees of the U.N. Assembly as well ‘‘You get the on ler fellow's idea, I And he leaped again when the "H e will never get the authority Dullea and 'Eden were to edn- Lodge of Masons. Tail Cedars of cident, resulting in the arrest. National Fire ...... 98 103 reperted by aom^torie chains. The accoiinting for the lack of heavy Both. Schuls and Jtrs. .Schuls, completely across the lawn,-- from as four tries in vain at each of give yours, discu discuTs them, reach critter let fly with a second swing. ROASTING■ ■> , CHICKENS 1 and funds for an adequate program tinue Oieir talks most of the Lebanon, DUworth Cornell (}uey In other arrests John Ruddy, 23, Phoenix ...... 90 95 majority of the ct^ns and mail re-ordering at that time. BROTHERS who was with hw husband, w-ere of intematioiial cooperation through the driveway on the west to the the past four fall sessions of the order houses— except the grocery agreement, and thioKwork together That ended the performance for afternoon. The secretary of state Post, American Legion, and the Warren, Mass., and Max G. Rothe, Lite and Indemnity Ina. Goa. It will be two months before toward accomplishment." Dr. John L. Nurnl^rger the governor, who decided he'd ChiekciM arc cconcpical and 'plcntiftd now; when yea x*rayed at Manchester Memorial a Republican Congress. He needs a walk leading to the Municipal is scheduled to fly back to Wash­ Assembly Itself. and drug chaina—report August Hospital for possible skull free Building oh the east. Britirti American Club. 43 Village St., Rockville, were Aetna Life ...... 148 153 the-'Washington statisticians tell rather drive an oatrlch. He did n u m b iB f arc Kcttinit years, be mre yon get the best. Oars are Democratic Congress if he is to go ington tonight. '' charged ^his morning with speed­ - Votes have come on procedural sales taking an unexpesfted down­ Us what the situation is now. But Dr. John U NuTOberger of the tu n s but were discharged after down in history as a s«|ooessful Voters who for any reason think He is survived by hte father and Aetna Casualty a ,. . . 174 179 turn. Some say they-are\ro-order- that last year at the fair. HBfi^Bg CooH octon extVa-oieaty in any dSe, fear to eCven pounds. Dsn’t Eden has won approval from mother, Mr. and Mrs. William J. ing. Ruddy, who has posted 835 Conn. General ...... 365 380 questions, except in I960 when the many businessmen seem to think Institute of Living, Hartford, has treatment for bruiaSs. President, who helped to save the they may be incorrectly listed, are Mendes-France for a 9-power con- Assembly voted on the merits of Ing to fill in understock^ items. Wise Is Namei^f Ho arrests were made by the advised to check the board to Patterson of this town; one bonds, was arrested by State Hartford Steam Boil. . 77 82 the situation, both qa to sales and been engaged by the Mr: and Mrs. forget you can hart ten or mote for your in n e r s i ten free world." ferentm to convene here about Peiping’s hid. That waa right after Others say they are watching very Wottr SytlBim Investigating officer. Patrolman avoid any last-minute hitch in brother, William Patterson, Jr., Patrolihan Charles Sanga, and Travelers ...... 1395 1435 to stocks, has changed. And many Club of Temple^ Beth Sbolom to per cent discount Truman sailed into the Eisen­ Sept. 27 to seek a subsUtute for Rothe by Patrolman Peck. the Korean war started. Although closely lest a sudden spurt in i«tail Stalemate Feared William TkcDowell. Damage to the their voting when they arrive at of Manchester and one sister, Mrs. „ Pnblle UtiUttea are watching delivery changes Frateniit H ^d be guest speaker at Ita meeting hower administration on domestic the EDC. Howard Warnock, of no certain it required a two-thirds vote as a ordering lead to delivery delays^y closely. VnV sBVI f Bchuls car's right side was esti­ issues. He said the Republicans had the polla on election day. ®3J***>eth Maxwell of Bell, CbUif. Ckmn. Light Power ,. 17*4 19*4 manufacturers. Sunday, Sept. 19, at the Temple. mated by police at $300 and that The .displayed voting lists, The British cabinet is believed The funeral will be held from address, was arrested yesterday by Conn. Power ...... 40*4 42*4 substantive matter, it failed oven When re-ordering does start in > If Democrats Win ROGER OLCOn (nit back the armed forces "in the to have decided at its special Patrolman William McDqwell on a to achieve a simple majority. Two Trends ' Herman H. W Jse/ 'o i^ of tlto The meeting will open piomptly to the front end of Gaumeri’s au- face of the greatest menace to our which will remain on view until the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Hartford Elec. Lt. . . . 56 58 jolume, economists say, it irill ,t 8:30 p. m. RhoiM Mltchdi 3.8985 meeUng today to press for early charge of being a common drunk­ Members of this country's U.N. Government figures, out this ve a chain reaction. If, manufac­ owners of the Pine^iniarmacy, was 403 West Center Street tM ^ile at $550. safety In all history." ' after the Nov. 2 elections, will be Main St.'Monday afternoon at 2 Hartford Gas Co. . . . 37*4 40*4 week. Bh(rw two trends working MltcheUft^SU inclusion of West Germany in the o clock. Burial will be in the East ard after a complaint by occupants So. New England delegation, with Lodge aa chair­ turers' order books fatten out recently eIecte(^president of Alpha .Dr. ■ Nurnbergrr will diacuaa Columbus, Ind., Sept. ,17 (/P)— The other accident which bap- The former President said the protected against the weather by against each other: 1. Inventories Zeta Omega, a pharmaceutical family relationships, including House Speaker Joseph Martin aaid peiHid under similar circumstances a water-proofing spray. North AUanUc Treaty Organiza­ Oemetery. at the Sheridan Apartments where Tel...... 39 41 man,. are Sens. H. Alexander sm m ly, they’ll step up • produc­ Republicans had ''passed a rich continue to fall at ail levels, manu­ fraternity, for the year' ending marriage and chili? development. last night that a Democratic vic­ occurred Wednesday at Oentcr Although a state law requires tion. " Friends inay call at the funeral police say he was found asleep in Manufacturing (kHupaalea Smith (R-NJ) and J. William tion schedules, snd also increase man's tax bill,” had “ tried to ban­ a doorway. ► , facturing, wholesaling and retail­ their own re-ordering of raw July 1955. He is a distinguished authority,ln tory in the *Nov. 2 congressional and Grisv/old Streets. Miss Mary krupt” the farmers and “ gave that the voting lists be displayed, Official sources said . Dullea homOBition of the Ger­ from 7 to 9 p.m. charge of vagrancy by Patrolman Arrow, Hart, Heg. . . . 44*4 47*4 Mahoney o f Detroit. ! or longer^ork weeks, for many ter for a convention to be held .chiatry and neurology,- and ia a sources right and left.” Thomaa Graham, Andrew Mooney, cent behind a year ago. Sooner or workers. FMter pay checks will research ^sociate and educational to the last two years of the Hoover Street when she collided with a T h * y have helped the bankers, cording to General Manager Rich­ man q,:eatioh, but hat? avoided Asso. S p rin g ...... 28 31 Alteriiate representatives; Jamra later the twain will meet. in June at which Wise will preside. 1 ^ CRUISES of no certain address, is being held keep store bu m going. director aU the institute. He is administration. ca f driven by Norman Bents, 403 the oil tycoons and have quad­ ard Martin. However. Martin cor^ mitUng the United States until Bristol Brass ...... 17*4 19 <4 Phillip Nash of Austin, Tex.; Ade A t the same time, consumer At least 500 members of the or­ M hj has thoroughly studied the sit- by police. Cheney Bros...... 9 10*4 T hat is whyNWaahIngton keeps ganization are expected to be also assists^. professor of medi­ Martin, making a U|-city tour K. Middle T ^ e . which was going rupled the business of bankruptcy added, there is no penalty clause M. Johnson of Tacoma, Wash.; spending, in general, Is trailing to campaign for election'of Repub­ AIRTICKCTS west and had Just paand a truck for non-compliance. uaUon with Eden. Collins ______105 115 Roger W. Straus and M u. Oswald: such a close watCh on inventories. present at the convention' to be cine and psychiqjry at Yale Uni­ Do It Yourself______8 A V 1 last year’a figures by a much courts with -^^small businets fail­ Fragile Fox The figures tliemmves may make versity, Durihg the wa.- he was licans to Congress, spoke at a 9th waiting to make a left turn. ITi^e ures.” he declared. Authoritative sources aaid Dul­ Em-Hart ...... 28*4 31*4 B. Lord, both of New York City, ■' Smaller margin than is prbduc- held at the Statifx m Hartford. Fafnlr Bearing'...... 37 40 dull, reading. But ui time they'll a captain, and later held the rank District Republican rally at the were no injuries or arrests as a re­ “They were about to pass a bill les' decision to bypass Paris on and career diplomat James J. tion. Booiier or later that gap The Alpha Zeta (>mega Frater­ Bartholomew County fair. He HRST TIME EVER sult of that accident Pope Suffers Landers. Frary, Clk. . 30(4 32*4 telegraph the turn in general busi­ nity has in Its. mcfnbershlp 950 of major, serving 'as chief of the making the Taft-Hartley I4 W even this trip, was not a snub but a A Solid Play Wadsworth, .deputy to Irodge. also will have m be closed. ness activity. urged the reelection of all Indiana FOLEY calculated warning to France that N. B. Mach. Co...... 29 31 store owners -\thtbi>Ughout the general medical section at Fort TO OUR KNOeVUBDGE THAT A worse until the Democrats stopped Sutiday Sales What merchants and manufac­ If retail r,e-ordering in^any cate­ Republican representatives. Steamship and Travel Age*ry ] them.” the French will, not be permitted North and Judd ..... 26*4 29*4 country. Jackson Regl.onal Hospital. Russell Mfg...... \i.. 11 13 turers alike would like to know is; gory of kooSa takes a\ sudden Rep. EsrI Wilsiin, the 9th Dis­ Truman said the election of a to block pipgress toward Eurofpean By LOUIS MANDELL O f Tiredness^ When?' Mrs. Philip Harrison and Mrs. 54 CHURCH STREET Atom Power Plant Stanley Works ...... 62 55 Bonn Arms Block spurt, delivery schedules iniky get L«on Kramer of the Mr. an-l Mrs. trict incumbent, introduced Mar­ RRST UNE tiOmiNATION Democratic Congress “will hot af­ Sought Again unity and West' German artna- It's called "Fragile Fox,” , “the • The inventory slashing haa been snarle)]. * ^ tin. Rep. D. Bailey Merrill, up for HARTFORD 3, CONN. ment. Terry Steam ../V ... Club who win serve as co-chair­ ford a complete remedy to the play unfolded last night in its Torringt()n' ...... the heaviest, in the durable goods, Then the merchants will rail Deaths Last Night reelection in the 8th! also spoke. JA-2-3188 ALUMNUM WimOW Sought for Region world situation," Inlt he added “it On his return'lact night. Eden 26(4 such aa appiiances. It has been men, will be assisted by Mrs. Oscav Martin said the 83rd Congress, world premiere at the Parsons Doctor Says U. S. Envelope com. 91 Held Unrealistic against the manufacturers wim will help very much.” told reporters he had reached a ,the least in the soft goods which, Rottner and Mrs. Mofton Rosen­ MAS BEEN SOLO A T 1 B 18 FRICB Restaurant Men Launch U. S. Envelope pfd. . 70 let their own inventories get too By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS thal. Mrs. George C. Lessner. “It behooves the American “wide measure of agreement” in Theatre^in Hartford, ‘last night, 'lii the main, have been moving low. And in time the factories will XCoatinaed from Pago One) (Continued from Page Oae) Veeder-Root ...... 38(4 (Contiuued from Page Oae) ''.Canton, Ohio—Herbert W. Hoo- Mrs, Jacob Segal and Mrs. Nat people, I think, to give Mr. Eisen­ New Petition Seeking his tar:a with, the leaders of but the production is~‘$oiid enough along better from factory to final complain aboujt the raw material Up to S4”xWr France, Belgium, Holland. Luxem­ The above quotations aie .ibt Ui /?• vrt;, 78, who developed a home- Schwetiel will pouif. chairman o f the New England hower a Democratic C(mgress and to be around for ^uite some time yesterday At Castel Gandolfo, said bo construed as actual markets coiiaumer purchase. producers who cut back output m a ^ vacuum cleaner Into a $51,- far $22Ae hope that we can save him the Adoption of Ordinance bourg, Italy and West Germany. of the sovereignty of West Ger­ Re-ordering by the apparel buy- this summer. Tickets mav be obtained from Atomic Energy., coihmlttee, said But he cautioned that the "prac­ after it opens on Broadway. today "the Pope appeared very many, and her entry into NATO 7l3,()Qp annual business for the members of the committee or at for InatallMAom the group be named several misdeeds of his own party,” Tra- Hoover. Co.,, one. of the world’s man concluded. ' The Manchester Restaurant tical aspects of the enfeiprise are This new play by the prolific ,flt''__at that time. Montgomery on a basis of equality with other the dpor. / I UK| WHAT I SEE IN AN months ago “will piish its hard- Liquor Aa.h. has launched another far frbiin simple . . . A good deal Noi'man A. Brooks covera the members. largest 'to electrical appliances. ast" to help the proposed project. said he and the Pontiff talked for Police and Bank Died *niurqday. ' attempt to legalliee the sale of of work remains to be done before trials and tribulations, Joys and 50 miiu'tea. Such a solution would include College Students Demand guAranYeed He called the plan “ tremendous­ liquor in restaurants on Sundays. a. solution can be presented to the controls of the size of all forces Detroit—Floyd J. Miller, 68. ly significant in expanding the sorrows, disasters and triumphs ‘The Pope did not look tired” , ACT NOWr-OBDER TOUR The association hag circulated worl(L” of Fox Company during the last C oop eration A ired stationed in western Europe, in­ president anil general manager of t W E ER 8 D R U Y R T udiole economy of Connecticut Court Verdict he said, "He seemed no worse than the Royal Oek (Mich.) Dally a petition cf enactment'aimed at The main hurdle Eden faces is winter of World War II. It is cluding the British, he said. Hif^er Standard of Living and New-England.” The prospects passage by the voter# of an ordi­ the last tifne that I saw him.” Tribune and a newspaperman for in the development of atomic-gen- to try to reconcile. French anxiety in actuality, a picture of one of Montgomery last aaw the Pope At an .FBI conference '6 ■< Wed­ There could be no better safe­ nance that would permit Sunday guard than to have all the forces more than 40 yqara. Bom in Ohe- ( u n c i mArpcPfir MANCHESTER arated power are I'fbntaaUcally Against Town for controls over German rearma­ the thousands q t combat Incidents before his illness early this year. nesday at Yale Universll;', attend­ onta, N. Y, Died Iburaday. ■. sales, and Directo.. Walter Ma­ ment with U.S.-backed German on which hinge the final outcome ed by .Police Chief Herman O. uncler one supreme commander, , he By DOROTHY ROE 'pamounts of money during vaca­ alluring” because of the vast pow­ honey h-as placed the matter on Yesterday, following a period continued. Bethlehem, Pa.-:<*aul -itacKall; flIR'COOOITIOOinG er that can be generated, he aaid. demands for full aovereignty. of a major battle. of two weeks during which he gave Schendel, plane were discussed for (AP Wemn’s Editor) tions, and even in some instances 68, retired vice-president lii|bhajrge HOME IMPRCiVEMENT C a Hartford, Sept. 1 7 ^ MB—The the agenda of the Board of Direc­ The British plan for rearming Although the action was ■ a bit closer coperation b-i r/een police No single nation could act with­ during the school year. Says Rand: R euto'44A, Belteo. HaaidMater MI-8-8177 F Participating companies were tors' Tuesday meeting at the re­ many audiences and made five Now that sifveral million par- of sales for the Bethlehem S t^ l listed as: New England Electric town of Manchester was responsi­ West Germany was drawn up af­ slow in getting under way while major addresses to large groups, agencies and state banking author­ out knowledge of this comman()er. •nts havt managed to dig up the "It's not unurual for a young FREE DEMONSTRA t o a M O N H U t o PAT quest-of the restaurant owners. , Notice would have to be given of Co. and onetime mcmt)er /i f the System, Boston Edison Co., Con­ ble for an automobile accident one ter the French National Assembly th4 principals laboriously unveiled the Pope also spoke for more than ities, Schendel said. required college tuition for their person to earn $1,000 during the Board of Directors. Born. in,iP/^0¥£ tion are Austin D. Barney, Hart­ the polilical unity of Western Eu- ' P^ . tho principals, .if any indi­ said, has been trying to persuade of this small eastern Kansas fathef imp must proVlde push­ herself snubbed by her less solvent car, skidded on South Main Street. providing all the signers are quali­ WINDOW SHADES ford; Ralph D. Booth, Boston; rope. vidual honors are to be made, they the Pope to rest more. Despite town. One other patient was button appliances aa well as classmates. Howani J. CaWweU. Oreenlleld, Mrs. DeRobertls wss injured snd fied voters. * The same is true at the more ,flf£e£ ^MAJi(££ Mahoney had the matter, which 2. Giving the Germans full hiem- inust gu to Hfison Adams who that, the Pope has continued his burned seriously. Three es- tuition for hia offspring, in .order, Mass.; Floyd D. Campboll, Cam­ the car was dsm.sgcd, when It played (Daptain Cooney, the drunk­ capd snfpfy. LONG WEARING to induce them to expose them­ respected men’s colleges and uni­ \£0£ €££A7£fl truck a utility pole. hai? been a controversial one in the bership in the North Atlantic audiences. bridge; Chartes A. Coolidge, Bos­ Treaty Organizafibn (NATO) sub­ en officer who charged his mis­ Today he planned to receive selves to a little of the world's versities, where it’s considered an ton; Albert A Cfee, Rutland, V t Mrs. DeRobertls wss rescued past, put on the Directors' agenda honor to wear old clothes and un­ in the form of a question as to ject to certain- safeguards designed takes, to the bottle, and-to James doctors gathered in Rome for the COLLEGE STUDENT MISSING COLUMBIA ARROW learning. W £ T r Thomas GftNgnan, Boston; “ ' from the csr after the pole fell in Gregory, the sharp Colonel Bart­ Cambridge, MaM., Sept. 17 ' The swing toward ^‘ultra-raoder- due ostentation is frowned upon. man R. Knapp, Berlin, Ir­ whether the Board would set a date to block runaway German rearma­ 14th medical history conference R t R R to Order ■uoh a position that it trapped her ment. 'TheSe'safeguards would aim lett who capitalized on every and to deliver - a lengthy address (^)—A Bietty, blonde Radrllffe nity in college life” .is rej orted by win L. Moore, Boston;. Oaido R. iq the car. Following the rescue for a pcblic hearing on the pro­ RIsOV With Your R(illera posed ordinance. at stopping the Germans from situation — except the last — to in French to th(;m. College graduate student waa re­ a )roung man who has built up a PROFESSOR g i v e n GRANT Penera, Boston; Avery R. Schiller, she was'taken to Manchester'Me­ An earlier attempt by the res­ making atomic and hydrogen his own advantage. ported missing today from the rucciMsful bceiness by conducting ManchesUr, N. H.; WiUaim F. Wy­ morial Hospital and released after Cambridge apartment she shared polls among the ‘nation's, youth !New London, Sept. 17 (4>)—Miss iVES: LOOK AT m KB^IU VS HOME bomba a^d other weapons of mass Don Taylor as U. Harry Wood­ man, Augusta, Maine, and Web- emergency treatmeht. taurant owners to have the Sun­ E. A. JOHNSON and reporting -on their .buying Katherine Finney, aasistaht eco­ day sale of liquor legalized was de­ destruction. They also would limit ruff and Dane Clark as Lt. Joseph with another student. Nancy iter. Judge Parmelee pointed out that habits.. He is,Lester Rand, presi­ nomics professor at Connfctlcut feated when the Board of Directors' the size of German forces and gen­ Costa were quite convincing of­ Salvation Army Pluminer, 23, daughter of a 'XBEFORE YOU BUY A N Y ^ 1^- the scene of the accident, a hill, ficers — the type whose f 1 r a t prominent Warren, An. enginevr, PAINT GO. dent o t the Youth Research Insti­ College has been granted an un­ FORECAST BY STRAUSS refused to pass the requested or­ erally ward off any chance of new tute, and he says: was known to town authorities as dinance after - for cpnunereial nabl, 11 Oliver Rd. ‘ , ' The club will meet the third fe. .ynrd after bretdifast. St.?itABtVORI> J We East Center 8t., 8125.- BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A S lig h ­ Wednesday of each month in the- I BfUKk Offlen riican I OW- " ■ , ‘ Hall Memorial Library. .o All Colors • rRDRRAL RESERVE STSTEM 595 M A IN STREET ter to''Mr. and Mrs. Emery* Bea- There are between 50 and jBO ffck ; n it?—H te" ■ tBtoCsy .8 South Bfslu at. ftSSi L ®:dward Glbjrka. 'for'altera- sette, IS Columbus St.; a son to • Interior and Exterior thni Bi^rdsy Is8e to C pJB. £ 3 -, x*"*^FEDERAL *# *. BMsrwBsrMEPOBIT iriSUSSAWC*INSURANCE COnjPOBATIONCORjPORA'nON i , MancheIter, co n n . Co)ehfMer:^CouuectleutColehf Slet; ^Couuectleut , •»< «W m ons to Bwelliiig at speclas of lilies, of which the Ber­ Msnrheeter Evealag Mer»M Bl- .... th^mdsy to a pjB. and Mrs. Edward PaganlrUS muda lUy u considered the best In GARDDI BALES Umar. IIS Mather SL, |200. Charter Oak St. . tagtoa eerreepeaiaet. O. F. 8i» OolrloM ' ___ ...... 1;...... ^ j. •’ - ' '' ' ' ...... ______' I;!; ; L ' the World) B afr, tal^ heas RadnlDa ft-MU. i ' " i r ; . ■ ■ \ ’ i;- X : \

i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1954 / • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN-, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1954 I t O U S BY FONTAINE FOX PRISCILLA'S POP BY AL VERMEER OAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1. p r PtTCHER A n tw r to Prtvieut Punl* Coventry fords one means o f checking on BAKED] Reuther Drops Democrats Base O^ptiptism Soviet Reports them and there probably are other S T A N L E Y T O 0 U MY This and That wJE Sense and Nonsense niethoda aa we...iil. In some cases j . Fire Chief Warns Parents the United StalM h a/given out AND HARDWARE CAKK ACBOU DOWN • Six Aides for On Disillusioned^ Voters Fine Results in t)M first information on such The mind of man is rather pierc­ when he took one look at his little b ^ t e behind the Iron Curtain. W. H. ENal^AND ITit (or — i* IBugU call ing than conaiatent, and takea in couain and hurat Into tears o f dla- President Tnnnan first an­ LUMRER CQMRANY 4 N o t a ----- U 3 Region more than it can Join together. appointment (CiMttaiMd (run Page One) O f Existing Water Hazards Welfare Fraud Sen. Joseph IV McCarthy (R -W is), A-weapon Trial nounced in 1949 that U. S. detec­ TeJ. 50-8-8244 tho world 3 Most tensiUva Yoioungster—I thought that Peter tgrget o f censure charges now tion agencies had learned the' S M t A u a 4 Antic He— I don’t like these photoe at waa a rabbit! As they rallisd here for a cam­ pending before a 6-member Sen­ Soviet Union detonated an atomic 5 Arabian SuU all. I look like an ape. (CMttpMd from Pago Om ) Coventry, Sept. l7 — (S p e c ia l)-G Ptenle riaaned paign kickoff muting to bs key­ ate committee. (OMtiaoed from Page Om ) boinb in October of that year. 13 b u t 4 Without The photographer, famous for Agent— She waa arrested for do­ Fire Chief pelmar W. Potter and 'The Coventry Players wilt have MItcheJl mentioned the Wlscon In October, 1961, a White House rhyme or — his .wit as well as for his art, not be condoned by any decent noted by former Gov. Adlai E. - ^ o , ... isrh iit drinkt . ing a fan dsuice. members of the executive? commit­ An annual family , and guests pic­ n i i » i n . k X Senator in passing, linking hia ed that any comment would have announcement apoke of "another favored him with a glance of lofty trade union... Y l 14 Century plant 7 Worm Actor—Because ahe did it with­ tee o f the South Coventry Volun­ nic Sunday at 5 p.m. at the Lake Stevenson of Illinois, Democrats name with that of Vice President to come from the Atomic' Energy atomic bomb” being set off some­ 4 Narrow roads dladaln. out permission T 15 ------and ink teer Fire Co. streu the importance WangumbSug home o f Julie Mori- " I believe that the union ottcial displayed uniform optimism over Nixon in comment on the Maine Commlmidn (A E G ). where in ruasia. Later Trumah’a 0 High notes Photogrepher—You should have s & 14 Rustics Agant— No, becausa ahe did it of parents exercising constant arty. who preya upon the righta or funds their chances of capturing both the election results. Lewis. L. Strauu, the commis­ reeldentlal Press Secretary, 10 Death 25 A bright — 43 Worthless thought of that befora you had without the fan. sion’s chairman, said in New York 14 Makes watch over all children at all Wednesday the group will have of union members has no plape iir Senate and the House In the In panel di.scussions here, Demo- Soaeph Short, announced eiidence 11 Turkish- 34 Sailing vessel (Bib.) / them taken. try-ouU for their fall production City he had no statemrat to piske. unhappy times. They emphasise this pre­ November balloting. craU planned to highlight what of a third nuclear explosion by the governors 27 Counterparts 44 Fish sauea ./ - Champagne to our real friends; to be directed by John LaCroIx of the labor movement and ahould be they believe will be principal is­ The State Dept, likewise cefused Soviets, Qnee^ S t a * H f 30 Repose#' cautionary messure eapeclaJly Stevenson will speak tomorrow 17 Mountain 28 T h e — test 44 DUtant What we take for virtues is of­ real pain to our sham friends. when children are exposed t o ' WUllmantlc and Providence, sent to jnil . . . I call upon you to sues o f the, campaign. comment. Unofficial information indicated y e s : I p i q u r E o i t s 2 t A n ----- o( ten nothing but an. assemblage take protept remedial action night at A i;(00-a-plate fund-rais­ ridges_____ 38ljars (prefix). existing water hazards, whether i t ; _ Social to Be Held ing dinner at*'Which Mitchell ex­ Gov. Frank Clements. Tennesr' Rep. W . Sterfing Cole (R -N Y ), in recent weeks that American ^TIMEi 1 LEARNEDL E > ______TO BE against the Iqcal ofllcera involved com 10 Seaport in Trailed 47 Pen name a t o f different actions, and of differ­ Judge— wmdd advlee you to X i j be wells, brooks, rivers or lakes. ■ public is invited to a social pects to road a measaga from for­ see's Democratic governor, and chairman" > of the Senate-House scientists were showing a parti­ In the malpracticea dlscloaed at S O M E H E L P 33 IndividuaU Portuguese rV| 33 Stair post Charles Lamb ent interesta, that fortune or our etay married to your husfbcsid. Residents «re requested In the including a color film, mer President Truman. Leon Keyserling, former economic Atomic Energy Committee, said at cular watchfulness for possible •TO Y O U ! industry know how to . arrange; these hearinga." 34— as a rock India 38 Bed canopy 48 — down the Divorce Client—Oh, what do you future to call the Fire Dept, im-i* pm., o f the Young Mitchell, who has said he will adviser to Truman, were billed for Hammondspoi% N. Y.; new Rissslsn tests. This alertness 34NauUcal 23 Memoranda 40 Stage whisper curtain and it la not always from^ valor know ihout mrrriage ahyhofw? Said Greenberg, who took offlee " I feel that a t the present I Given On C.O.D. Dei i mediately in the matter of miss- Jr™ '*” ,9*“ ^ *^*,^*1/?*" **“ '* laat May; quit aa National Chairman after an afternoon panel discussion of may have stemr.ied from the fact messure 24 Through 41 Waits 50 Much- and from chaaUty that men are Judge—Well, I admit I’m not "GOP give-aways,” likely to cen­ should conflhe . my remarks to that all the CNmimuniats* previous h i children even before they sta rt; ***” •hows “I personally am ' terribly dis­ the N ov.'2 election, said he thinks 37 Cushion and water 42 Wicked about nothint valiant, and that women ^re snarried myself, but neither am I a the Democrats may gain 40 seats ter largely ore the Eisenhower ad­ raising the question ‘do we n e ^ known am rim ents Jiad- come in chaste. cow, and I'm a better Judge of a a ~ searching party • themselves, i ?„.",* turbed about what the investiga­ any further evidence of the real 30 Imagine ^ ______Chl^. Potter explained "Time is of novel dishes. There will 4m a gaa in the House, whero'^there now are ministration's attitude toward the the montn* from August through glaaa o f milk thgn any cow in this > tion haa uncovered. I n » e r sua- intent of the Soviets toward world r- i essence oil searching calls and the appliance demonstration. Hostess­ 218 Republicans, 213 Democrats, Tennessee Valley Authority October. Hdselan teats, like thoee r 1 1 r 1 r r 1 II Mrs. P.—rl spent last summer In country. es for the evening will include pectad nor knew that ih ele abuses conquest’ ?” 34 As a last • orgsnizAtioni and everything that existed." one independent and three vacan­ (■rVA) and Its power policies. carried on bJ^^A^^e United State, a very pretty city in Swltxerland. Mre. Howard Barrett, Mrs. Ethel cies. Today’s communique from Mos­ preautiiably are hcia“*dven weather S5Xye drops \ IT can be c ^ e d in on mutual • aid ia State Insurance Supt. Alfred J. Mrs. R.— ^Beme? Succeas at firat doth many Cargo and Mrs.- Arnold Carlson. cow-was the first official word conditions, including tipper air RANGE & FUEL OIL :ijzi 38— , drink at the d is i^ a l of local residents.’!' BoKUngcr, at the. close .of the four But the National Chairtnan said Mrs. P.—No, I almost fros«. times undo men at la s t— Venning. Food Sale Tomarrow that, aa of now, the battle for con­ in a^yeai* on atomic testa inSldc currents, are such that danTrerOtn- - 18 It if Persons are reminded to call HAr- daya of hearinge yesterday, Urged and be merry The South Coventry Fire Dept. trol of the Senate, "looks awfully Rusale. contamination will be. carried awey rison 3-2526 or. dial operator and state supervision o f union welfare Scientist Sees 37 Behaves . Lawyer (In dentist's chair)—Do JunlorXWhat do you do at tho Auxiliary wUI conduct a food sale bloae and has not been settled yrt." In August, 1953, the Russians from inhabited areas. ' 18 B give location anh^details. funds to eliminate abuses. 38 Small mSasei you swear to pull the tooth, the office? (To hia father, who was tomorrow Yrom 11 e.m. on at their In the Senate there are 48 Repub­ claimed .that In a series'of tests Three Ways to Check J J 7 ^ At a recent fire 'company meet- Bohlinger said, however, that he they had touched loff a hydrogen 40 Hurt !l - s 8 whole tooth, and nothing but the trying to relax after a hard day's firehoiiae. Mra. A. Samuel LeDoyt licans, 47 Democrats and one in­ Atom Warhead Dr. Ralph Lapp, a scientist con­ The BOLAND OIL CO tooth? .. work.) •)lng Chief Potter said, no firef for ia chairman assisted by Mrs, Fred­ believca most ijmlon welfare fundi dependent. liomb'explosion of great strength. ^■»vr j 41 Babylonian are honestly and efficiently run. nected with early U. S. atomic & P Dad (Im patiently)—Oh, noth­ ,the sixth conseciitlve\week had erick Flaherty end Mre. C. Leo The AEG confirmed that the god m11 B B Memberalirp at 80,000 Cltee Maine Victory projects but now outside the gov-, TEL MltehtR 3.S32D OUT OUR W A Y BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with filAJOR HOOPLB W e have all o f us 8Ufllci,ent for­ ing. Now don't' bother me. been reported. He credits resi­ Landry. The Democratic leaders .inclding blasts Involved both fission 43 Expunge Greenberg said he hopes "the Tested by Reds ernment. has speculated that there P U titude to bear the misfortunes of Junior (after a thoughtful dents with splendid cooperation of Barbecue Listed Mitchell, were buoyed up in their (atomic) and thermonuclear reac- are three possible means o f de­ 45 Quieter . public realises" that the five locals P others. ^ pause)— Dad, how do you know prevention and caution. Tlie vol­ The Democratic party will spon­ hopes by the victory of a Democrat tions-r-the latter a term uaed by L o o i^ .v ie j /AVACATtOM 40 Confirmed involved have a total of about 3,000 tecting distant atomic bleats with when you're through working? unteer firemen are continuing a sor a chicken- barbecue Sunday in the governor's • race in Maine (Continued from Pago Ono) scientists to describe a hydrogen St High priest members compared wit)i a general sensitive Instniments; ( t ) earth YOU SCOFFERS SMCEREO V iH E K ^ ^ ^ COSTS U6 U < The youngster had heard much 6:30 p. m. trAlning program each from 1-5 p.m. at the Manchester and the showing of their defeated explosion, shock or ‘ "aelsmic effect", (2) VEAR* AS VOUBEeU A10NTH6 O F (Bib.) S' • Wednesday a t the - Eastern Con­ union membership of 'more than missiles to be used in shooting Strauss, commenting last Au­ 1 WAS CAU6HTIM THAT BEAR about hia little cousin Peter, al­ ."When we arrived in ChtmL ," a R m and Gun Club on Daley Road. 00,000. congressional candidates in that noise or "sonic effect’’ and (3) AStOM' FOR A.MEW PITPALU I BUILT FO R.TM Er,^ AUL-W (W U- f----- W lIM& I OOR S3 Chilled i though he had never s«an him. A t lady, back from a world eruiae, necticut Training Grounds at Wll- The party committee will meet state. Edmund S. Muskie, who was down strategic bombers.” gust on the 1953 Soviet experi- radioactivity. OBSSERT^IMA 53 Printing P llmantlr. He stressed that resi­ Meanwhile, in Washington yes­ tnents, said the Russiani "tested a BOYS/ IF I TOLD YOO1 long laat he was told Peter was told her friends, "w e went riding ^ e e d a y at 8 p.m. in the Booth- terday, Senate and House commit­ elected Maine’s governor, has been Such teats, he said, would be J The latest Kremlin announce­ ^APTUC?£D a TV" „ RW D are; seats. He said he thinks Indiana (Chester B. Hansen ■Was Recently " It looks as though they are $ M k T H Newly-elected officers of . the Joseph Procopio, an internation­ Democrats wlH start th.e ball roll­ accepted to active membership al vice Qfesident of the store ing by taking four House places trying to take the curse off the and John Bonkowskl as a sustain­ Epworth League who will be In­ offensive aspects of atomic weap­ VIITH stalled at a ceremony Sunday eve­ union; Samuel RoMnzweig, presi­ away from the Republicans, who ing member. ons.'' AMB ning at 7 o'clock in the South dent of Local 923, U>e United ChJ- now hold a 10-1 edge in this state. The motion to change the by. Am plifying on his speculation Methodist Church, include the fol- mary. Bar and Grill Eniployes\ Ronan predicted a Democratic a o M B laws .failed to gain a majority lowln|:; Robert M. Stoplea, president o f sgain of at least four House seats concerning atomic warhteds that necessary for adoption: With 36 might be fired from one airplane- Forrest Howell, president; Miss Local 394, Auto Parts, Tire,. and lit critical Illinois and observed members present at the last meet­ gainst another or from the Elsie Herter, vice president; Miss Accessory Employes;*- Ernest J. that he tliinks Sen. Paul Douglas, \ ing the secret ballot vote wol Dumas, president of Local 377, Democrat running for re-election, ground against a plane above, taken. Elaine Miner, secretary; David Lapp said; ^ CTRwillisms n o w / Hutchinson, treasure';; Miss Au­ United Service Employes; and will defeat his Republican oppon­ President Harold J. Crane ap- VYhat would -be to break up drey Sandberg and Cheater Small, Michael Werner and Micliaei SiUk- ent, Joseph T. Meek. „ President INC •LUI C toit pointed (Tlayton Hertick aa chalr- any hiass flight of strategic bomb­ BoaM'TMigTy yEAgsT^seew a.»%,«««», recreational chairmen. man, president and secretary- Eisenhower )iss endorsed Meek ^^an- o f the Fire Prevention Con- ers.. It would be a very real re­ HIARINO AIM Plans are being formulated by treasurer, respecUyely, of Local and indirectly has chided Douglas FU R N ITU R E .,tisl' Ciifhmlttee for the coming quirement (ln*atdmic defense).’’ this fellowahip group to provide Ills, Restaurant,. Luncheonette as a Democratic "prophet of gloom A N O MUSIC ItAHHnOfrMMMO. A U .E Y OOP Why, Doc! yeaiv John Klein and Stanley Ca- and Soft Drink Employes. The United States has announc­ BY y.T. HAMLIN hoon Vqlunteered'to.asaist, a Well-balanced program of activ­ and doom.” OW TMT-A” lATIMY... aa T * teNml Procopio, who sr.id he ha.s a Ronan said DougUa. was not ac­ ed that tills country lias develop­ 7tt 5IA1N ST. YE9.06CAR. vWEUl -WHY 'fh ltin g a Success ities. An Invitation is extended lASKTtXJ.WHAT IF heart conditidn, also testified that centing the economic iasue, but ed atomic artillery for field use. 3a-8-5888- AS 10W.M 8144 H i Y ltt teMtea'alWI IJUSTCW^i -)NOTMt?? About M. persons attended the .to young adults in the church to SHE IS A VWVRRIOR/^SEE. JU ST A MHSLTrB, I he personally haa drawn, about was setting up himself as a But it has not said whether it has A Bforfuct OKAV. START fireman’s .snnual outing Sept. 12. attend their meetings which are C«HiD«Ay« MiHAWtefitetiB, 6ETH ER .lA FTK A LL MAID FROM THE f DOC, I C A N T HEAR A WORD $6,000 in tick benefits from the "watchdog who will keep his eyes developed air-to-ah' or ground-to- Ta l k i n ',' Frederick Flaliertyallert} received the held each Sunday eyehing at 7 welfare fund ain'-e 1948. air missiles. VSCIENnStS THIRD CENTURY.. V DUNWa 7— SAYN'i open for the signs of economic wfIiH mpy mt4ka) . Irlsli Setter pup^ donated by Al­ o’clock in the church parlor. CoUected 825,000 ARENTSO BYGADFRY,05(ijC deterioration which are appearing tiOH or BWfvktft w / bert Rossi. Robert-Helms was 'Another witneiss was Irving Jaf- • tifStettep AFFERENT SHE'S TH'ONLY chairmah'of the outing. steadily.” , fee o f Jamaica Queens, who testi­ :As the* Democrats gathered FROMPEOPUE WOMAN EVER GOT Donations were glvehs.by Tony fied he got 125,000 in commissions • WMVIDUAUY m riD Temple Officers here, there Wjaa little mention of ARETHEV? Trunella, James O'Brien,x Rossi, over a period of three years in a GUARAimW Archie MscDonald, Leo 'T.\ Fla­ deal involving' hia. brotherMn-law, herty, Gorris and Frederick. Fla­ To Be Installed Rubin Marcus, who was'business lASY WOBIT TRIMS herty. CHARLOTTE R. GRAY agent of the AFL Paper Bag \ Donatioiis received by the coih- . Tanwte Beth Sholdm wlH install Workers, Local 107. i COME M OR PNONI TODAY tnny inalude |25. from . Little it's ..officers for (he 1864-55 season , Jaffee, a 385-«-week paper com-1 fiucfMl Stwtrt PRIVATE CONSMfAtiONS League; STO. Eugene Clark; .-IS- tonight • ( 8 o’clock at the temple. p«ny salesman at the time, said Teacher at Voice and Piano each, W . Eckner, Jack Whitley The executives being installed, are; he told Marcus he wanted to "g et ! AND T. a u. a SM. M. and J. Day. p e r s o n a l ; ”■ **^iL5EiS£aS6. Nat ScKarede:, president; Sidney into the insurance game and Im- i The sand pile in the rear of prove my income." Saiitie Tanks "Origlntlly it WM Just Sfnith A Jonss— thtn Smith Brown, first, vice president; Jacob' Ceae. 1884 by ti Beswsa tea, f MBn-W B »e«. OW- the building has been moved back Sandalr; secopd vice president; Jaffee said Marbua senV-him to ' 71 FOXCROPT DRIVE M lt c M 9.9172 HEARINO SERVICE BOt m trritdl" by town employes in preparation Max Goodstine,. tregsirer; and the Cardinal Insurance Agency, Mashiae ClaaRad Mancbeatef, CMM«tte«k BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Dory’s Thought for ground breaking activities of BY EDGAR MARTIN Daniel Moeler, auditor and comp­ which handled the union's welfare Septic Tanks, Drain RffttwcH l•d -Roclnis Telephone 50-8-43SI' the proposed construction of a troller. 408 Main Street fund insurance transactions. Fields, Dry Wells and \ WttOVh, H'HNObh.V tttw BU Z S A W Y E R three-stall addition to the present Also installed will bd,vice presi­ The witness said the Cardinal's .Chemically Tregted U. S, P ly­ RGD, WM{K\>h'.VOV.Vt6', E,9VWiED VOO BY ROT CRANK ■ firehouse. The construction ’ will dents; PtilHp Harrison, reli^ous; partners, John De Feo and Phil Sewer Lines Installed wood "Weldwodd’' board which begin shortly, according to Helms, Mathias Mobile, school; ' .Philip Martucci’o, arranged for him to and Repaired. is guaranteed not to- warp. snr-nis, suzzo? utssMT ntsenvE... WMLOTOUAOVItE building committee chairman^ Tbe Twice aa rigid as masonite and OthVf THE PEUTA40N. *4131(1; ALL HURRlCAHg OKAV. Z-Vt OR04REO AHOTHER RISKT Bayer7 ■Welfare; Sol-Cohen,'com­ get an insurance agent's license MTOnFORTTW W TWO HOURS. Z'M GOINS ALONG fire company . Is still accepting Nov. 8, 1951. thrpe times as rigid aa fibre. O M t HUMIEEt TO REfORT IMMIPlATBy ANT munity relations; and George YwsmiousosiKr HOW ASOUTTOuf concrete blocks. Marlow, memorial park. J a fff* said he then let De Feo- 24x60 (fo r 1 side of double TO .SuSnClOUS 04$C1S NEMtM1RRICANE5 NOWTOtfRE WniF. TOU MHTSD THIS Pastor Arrives Secretaries for the new season tjilnk we' would take Local 107’s bed) ...... 4.95 MV6S ?OG'& ' MORNH48 ailHE MLKMGfTIMn Dr. Eldon A. Ramige, new pas­ are; Harry Tarlow, financial; buainess away from the Cardinal 30x60 (for twin bed) .... 5.85 PDWteN ACUVh'l EYE OF THE TMTITEtm tor o f the Second Congregational Harrx KoyensHy. corresponding; agency through the influence of Stesle & Son HURRICANff? wArrms we. Church, arrived from New York dieep Specialists from and WiNism Cooper, recording. hia brdUier-in-law, .and quoted De A to Z-Z-Z-Z with Mrs. Ramige to take up res­ Trustees and executive board Feo as- Aaylng; M3 VERNON s i idence in the local parsonage this members will also be installed. "W hy should we fight each Td. Ml»9-0531 o r , SLEKP week. other?” The Rev. Dr. .Ramige will use aa Ml.9.7842 HOWARD'S CENTER PLANT NOW The United States Pood and Ag- Split Commissions 539 MAIN ST.- MI-9-6335 his sermon toplc..jat the 11 a.m. .riculture Organisation ia stiidying Accordingly, Jaffee saiA De Feo . Sunday services her* "W hat Thte preparations from soy beans, pea­ agreed to split commissidhs 50-50. EVERGREENS ^ Church Can Do.” \ nuts and flah as substitutes for Asked what he did to earn the milk in feeding of children. money, Jaffee replied; ' "The only tiling I ever did was, PERENNIALS JEFF COBB Tulips Stamp*Ons to atop down, at De Feo'a office to OP MANCHESTER BY PETER HOFFMAN see how, things were going.’’ FLETCHER CUSS CO. FlfiittGry For Matrons Samuel Albert, welfare fund ad­ Mitchell POTTED ROSES LET'S FACE IT/ A LOT OF 9-iJ MICKEY FINN Opiwsitionl ministrator of Local 122 of the- ^ WEST BOODLE TURNPIKE^ PEOPLE MAY LOSE EVERY BT LANK LEONARD A F L , Retail Wine and Liquor 2 _ CENT THEY OWN IN THIS- r n m o Clerks Union also-testified; LAWN SEED ^ SCHEME OF TROY SLEESONlS./ i MeNes * “ 1 r AUTO GLASS ir^STALLED VMITiM«NUTE>R PONT M SIUY, KNOWITOLP UTHERECANTBEANy’BUTS' . Albert said it waa his custom to ...WE'LL NEED YOUR HELP TO FT A SPECIAL TEMPLATES FOR ALL CARS GET ALL THE FACTS, AND WE'VE FHIL/yW/RENOT) SERGBUiT! I lL THE GOVBINOR THAT A PHIL f GOING SOMN THERE PEUVERY draw 5100 every week or 10 days H A R D Y M U M S SOT TO WORK FAST./ VOUVEGOmOOm T WArSRIGH^ ' THAT FAR teeA article's. Simply press o ff‘<.'the X'MON HXICg dress 'U'ith nice detail in the scal­ ■.-EXHIBITS- M - n K f 7 H > n VV0KK...IVfR n w ru HOLD h m /AS pretty tulips in the new Italian SERVED S-7 P.M. FOtVOU,LAOY,VO^ print effect of emerald green with loped closing, soft hipline gathei;a. mSeJNSS HMBLFj SEBVJ FARM and HOME PRODUCE. POUl/lKT, RMNTHOWNBIE aocL » j tCOMN'WITHMe/ black outline. They arc wma)ia.b!e. Pattern No! 8124 la In slscs 38, N' Pattern No. 5491 contains color 38. 40.'42. 44. 46. 48. 50. 52. Siae BAKED HAM LIVESTOCK. HOBBIES. JUNIOR transfer-for 12 motifs measuring 38, ahoft sleeve, 4 % yards of WAPPING PAIR EXHIBITS. NEW CARS. TRUCKS. FARN from 8)4*’ x 3Vi" to 3>4 x 2ti’’-; 39-lnch. BAKED BEANS — POTATO SALAD ^ MACHINERY, APPLIANCES . PW plus directions for making cafe For,,this pattern, aeiid SOc in curtains. ■' '■ Oolna, your name, address; aiZe DANCE Send 2Sc in coins, your nanie, deslfed,. and ^the pattern number CABBAGE SALAD ' FUN BOOTHS — RmSSHMOnS addness arid the pattern number to to SUE BUENETT. THE 5IAN- Anne Cabot. M AXCHESTER.EVE- IHESTEE EVENING HERALD, ROUND 4Rid IQ U ARI 1 SLICED TOMATOES HOT ROLLS PARADE 2 fAI. NfNC HERALD,. .U5G AVK. 1158 AVE. AMERIPAS. . NEW AM ERICA8. NEW YO RK 88. N. Y, YORK M, N. Y, RkyHuiidrs pr^lMstra GINGER BREAD, W h ip p e d c r e a m QX DRAVUING-t-POMUS TTie colorful 1954 Needlework The. latest issue of Basic Fashion Album contains 58-pages of lovely, — fall and winter '54—iaw*--a« vwavaaMSVcolorful, SAT. EVE.e.^12P.M. COFFEE — MILK DOODLT lUO COWriSIt I ' I designs, "how-to" sections on stimulating andind a complete guide j ridedlewTirk, helpful room Illustra­ In wardrobe-, planning for a new! SEPT, 18 PAIR ADMI^ON afcj.^«4YE‘*nrt. tions and iltrectiona for 8 g ift pat- season, 25 centsaU per copy—sand for'J . A05HSS10N\ l| 8 e ADUL CHILDREN UNDER 12— 7Se ------ik iw .' £ S l . r ~ \terna. 35 getits. it ndw. \ ■ “T l - . \ - "U MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ FRIDAY, SEfTEMBER 17, 1954 ^ » 'rl-tiieft FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17„1954 PAGE 1MB High After Record Hornets Calls Current Club Better THan Miracle • r Rocky and Ez Still M o v es u p L a d d e r Remark Follows Twin Convert EARL W. YOST Cardinal Veep Claims ' ’ I ~ lliidians Xaunch Season Writer Likes Way u M C K n m o tm r v K . 4was coming down. Clubhouse at: Triumph over Braves do mojor >»«»«- tendant Joe Taylor, dressed in a Trades Will Be Made Tomorrow at Mt. Nebo to Fight Charles Relaxes |i»n p u y ^ do in tbe chibhouie white outfit like a hospital in­ By JOE BEirm,fm YTirtually eliminated. The combina­ New York, Sept. 17 Aasociatod Press Bjtetto WiMsr tw itinc for n ru n e to b« played tern, went out and came back in­ (8V-Heavy-wat. 10 p.m., EDT. (9 p.m., B8T), tion there ia three. In JusUce to the By GAYLE TALBOT —Among! to taka off a Httle weight If he tar sultad for ducka ? That's a good Will Shift Elsewhere College Grid CarUer and WiUle Troy in a 10- wanted ta Marciano alrtady'was This was the cue for Jay to get a HusUes Boast aio waiting around to fight for the rounder in Washington, this will be Leo Duroeher today eallsd his 19B4 York, aeries without the services of the waterlofffed set of boxing Mtistlon and one that wa have bucket full—not half-full—of wa­ title. The 15-rounder, twice post­ league leaders a greater club than slugging Jos Adcock, their injured writers snd othsr mlaorilsnsous dpsm so light that hs eouMh’t af- For Pitching Strength telecast (NBC) to homes acroM to toke off any more, could ntamys Ukad to have answered. ter. Someone coaxed Taylor to go Slate Light poned, Is scheduled for Yankee the nation. k ~ —4. _ his 1961 miracle team that cams first baseman. In addition, Eddie experts who watchsd Ws rain bzf- Wadnaaday aftarnoon at the Polo out and look again. Taylor did and Wilson Tens' Rotary Veteran Squad .. S tadium /it U p. nr., EDT (10 p. from way behind to defeat the Mathews .was handicapped by a Oreunds In Now York we found ___ ^ Hffve* Vets; Play a t -2 >'m„ EST) tonight iThe heavyweight title fight will lanM left leg, Bobby Tom pson come down for the aecond straigfatl This eeemed a Uttls oonfiMiBg; when he'walked back through the be seen only at the Stadiumi and Brooklyn Oodgsra with ths never- ant the answar when we vliited the door, therCswas' a s-p-l-a-s-h, Tay­ St. Louis, Sept. 17 0P( — The St. New York. Sept, 17 opj—The Boston, Sept 17 iJP)—Ndrth- Note, it eaya scheduled. Rain to-be-forgotten finish. missed yeeUrday’s twin bill bo- day, there was one of some 301 Inasmuch as it had bssn widely Mlwiuikao Braves In their club­ 1954 college football season opens eastem. New England's. No.. 1 By P/.T BOLDUO washed out the return bout on In theaters across toe country. The cause of bis ailing apkls and Henry years' standing in toe fistic com-1 bsllsved that Chariss was «»»«wg lor was caught in the path of the Louis Cardinals' executive . vice i Coach Walker Brlgga and his theater people cleared a cable for The voluble Uttls manager, munlty who felt that Bzzard house. . water. He was drenched and needed tonight with two first rate games, small college football team of Wednesday and Thursday to equal gushing good will'and in a gleaa- Aaron was out with a busted leg. ----- .... ------■'In at ths heaviest weight of Ws president has told St. Louis fan s' Manchester High football team the eloped drcult telecast for to­ Only one other major league catarlse' chanesa of being ths career—1934 pounds originally— The main purpose of the visit a complete change. . Big Jo<) Ad­ but the big attraction cornea to­ 1953, U the beat of the three! the heavyweight ehampionahip 'em-all attitude, lauded his Giants was to say hello to Ernie John- to expect the disappearance of' minor .grid forces in the Boston will be sh'Ooting for a new record poetponcment record eet in 1648 night and tomorrow night There n m e was played. In that one. the first man ever to rSfaln. ths so that ho coiJd torour It SB Into cock. who blasted four, homers and morrow when highly’ Kgarded will be a nationwide radio broaCast as the “gamest team that ever heavyweight UUe had been con- ■ eon, Milwaukee relief pitcher and a double earlier this season against some regulars before nest season. | area—and could retain its region-; tomorrow afternoon a t Mt, Nebo by Joe Louis and old Jersey Joe walked out on a field” following New York Yankees prolonged their on attempt bo kayo Rocky at the former professional basketl^lstar Oklahoma meets .California at via CBS.. agony, defeating the Detroit Tigera atderably enhanced by the two- outset of the battle. Why would the Dodgers in Brooklyn, was in John L. Wilson said yesterday' al honor. when the Indians play boat to Walcott. what probably was their h ip est day postponement in Manchester and a teammate of street'dress. 4'oe's right thumb is Berkeley in the teleYiaJon game of Tufts and Brandeis are hopeful! Mostly Fair Tonight Gianto President Horace Stone- day of the season. 4-2 to keep their faint pennant he wish to shod Say of tots aoUd the writer. More about Johnson an­ that to strengthen the pitching! East Hartford atarUng at 2 hopee alivbe. They still trail the This was Harry Mendell. the suet aUsuch a late dsteT like a balloon. Uv) result of being' staff in winter trades, some front the day. . but are not expected to reach lofty | The game weatherman, sticking ham got core at the IBC becauM Brilliant PUchlBg former six-day bike promoter and other day. heights. . ' . o’clock. Briggs’ charges, after his chin out again, says it will be it scheduled the tight in opposl- Combining brilllaht pitching, a pace-setting asvsiand Indians by time Wadntoday was 1:30 nicked in Flatbush last week. ., line players must go — but he Oklahoma was a close second to dropping last season’s opener to sight ffames with only nine to go. Broadway pon vivant, * who haS "I didn’t say that he ,waa^" BSrry Bobby Ihomson. v1th the ankle gave no names. Notre'Dame''in AP’a pre-aeaaon Husklps Lack Reeervea "moatly fair" this afternoon and Uon to a Phlladelphla-Glanto U|^t dsfenas and timely hitting, a constant attendant at the hot shortly befoi'e 11 o’clock the Northbaatem's Huskies have 21 the'Hornets, roared bac’t to win tonight. He pi^ctod Wednesday game at the Polo Grounds Just Clavsland also has nine games left protoated. 'T Just aaid that if he that was fractured- in spring train­ He told the Rotary CHub: poll of foptball strength, and Cali­ their next' seven games to tie "the ths Gianto twice whln>sd the-Mil­ Gomez Wine IMh Chartsa training camp both for rain d t ^ started pelting down fornia a a s 12th. The game will be lettermeh among 50 candidates in­ that it would rain Thursday, let up Across the Harlem River. Accord­ waukee Braves by $-8 scores yes­ wanted' to, he coiild. It’s given ing tapped tighter than two fat "All of the other National cluding its entire 1953 storting school’s previous best winning Ruben Gomez aqd Monte Irvin the June engagement with Rocky him a. chance to get exactly toe on New York City. The rain which men in a telephone booth, sat In one or the sternest tests of the in mld-aftemoon, and be cloudy ing to an agreement among the terday to sweep toe torse-game Marciano and too one which did hot let up one ioU finally League clubs recognise that- the backfield headed by the great Sid streak, compiled over a two-year Thwnaliy night. Promoter Jim IBC, CUanto and Yankees, the IBC were the flret game atare fof toe sreight he wants for a cns-pulmh one comer of the upper level of one thing the Cardinals need to be year Jfqr coach Bud Wilkinson's period. Both teams Saturday will series and stretch their first place Glanta Gomez, the Puerto Rican sVsiyone hopes farvenUy wUl be knockout A lot of psopis don't prompted the umpiids to call Of^ (Century Sid)-Watson from Ando­ Norrlr couldn’t wait. The morning can’t put on a fight in competition lead over Brooklyn to 44 garnet. fought tonight at Yankee Sta­ toe acUdn a t 3:8fii our farm Weyniouto High School, takes ford’s 173 average. The senior gameat club I ever managed. Aad Marv Grissom and Hoyt Wilhelm Thi^ was fun galore in the State. In what should be only a Stengel to Live as Pilot p. m., storting time, b^ran apUn. llghter. The Gianto start at 8::15 one of the beat. Certainly better combined to hold the Bravee to "What did hs do after they called ing it a lot easier a t ths tafels. Braves’ clubhouse, the following field of Lewis, Trls Speaker and system to rep{^ any regulars we breather, powerful Mississippi over the Job at Tufts with 18 let­ Burbank (190), playing his third At 10:5^p. m., it was pouring. p.m. (EDT) and should be flnitoed it off for the second time? Why, Sss what I mean" "Harry Cooper. .One of the playej;eT trade away. I>is a gamble and a ter winners among the 45 players year of scholastic football, will than the '51 Gianto. It has more seven hits in toe nightcap. Gria- are a few incidents which can be faces North Texas State. If another postponement ia by toe time the fight gets under­ pitching, a deeper bench aad an aom, making his first start sines he worked out again and' then Vaguely, yea But why didn’t rq^orted. Others, for obvious rea who shall remain nameless, enter­ sacrifice bu> it Is nepeasary.” » The 1954 Version of football finds out for the toani^The Jumbos have team ’with letterman George Wll- forced, the rain-Jinxed scrap will way. went right back to his hotel udth toe extra two diqrs give the cham­ ed-the men’s room and while in­ He callpff minor league prospects ^ Victor While Rebuilding a hard core/'of t(ealed veterans but son (185) at tackle. Sal Squatrltn improved Willie IHqrs.^ M ajri. gave up all the hits before '~|Nritched from ths outfield, Vlc nons, cannot get into print with­ the rules unchanged and the NCAA be rescheduled for Saturday night Werried About Oats "Maybe my 1941 Dodgers wars he was rsmbvwl sftsr Mathsw’s his manager, Al WstU, and hla pion, as well, an opportunity to out sttong protests from raachers side the door was locked from the excellent^ saying the drgantsation again limiting television to one must lean on sophomores and ’.13 (175), anot)>er veteran, will be a t 11 p. m„ EOT, Rain ie forecast The managers of toe flghtera l^rto solved toe Indians’ first make up last-minute corrscttois had tried to weed out older farm New York (NBA)—In the hul­ better. But I’m not oven sure M 87th homsr had Usd ths score /Rt trainer, Charlie Goldman, and con­ and the Mlnistetial Assn. outside. After hollering for game each week except for few .reserves’'to share a major part of ready to spell the two starters. for Saturday. were worried about toe gate but 8-2 with one out In the sixth. 'WTl- ’base problem aad gave them an­ tinued to do nothing but talk in his sbdght that he m t^t have nearly 20 minutes, and getting no players who had little or no chance labaloo about the typical National the Itod, Brightest star'from the Bob Baksieper (165) will have that Anyway, tosss guya of mins other big bat. (NEA). The players started arriving at regional Saturdays later in tjje Beyond Saturday, nobody knows. Norria remalAad opUmlstlc. He said are great Simply great AU of helm gained credit for toe victory, about tbs f i ^ t . In other worda hs' considered necessary? 11:36 and didn’t leave until 4 where, the "insider" banged the make the major, leagues to make season. League finish, leave us, asBs the^they unbeaten frosh of last jtsar ap­ Dave Colas (165) or Dod Dolin The Yankees come home Monday the refund demand wasn’t too bad, stayed right in toe aame fight at- "You don’t seem to get It," Harry room for good younger say in Brooklyn, not overlookook the them." hie 12to, holding the Bravee nin- o'clock, a four and one-half hour door until it came loose from i Notre Dame, under its new and pears to be halfback Hormie (166) as his running mate at and wUl need the park themselves. than there will be about 1800,000 Bobby Btckle, above, Topega leas and hltlasa in 8 2/8 innlnge. moapbere and didn't have a aaid ImpsUenUy. "Rocky already 'w ait... When we finally received phenomenal six-year run of ,the Wright. guard. Grim Grimason ia bound Duroeher had good reason to bo hinges. .Sibbi Sisti, former Hi youthful coach, Terry Brennan, Is The International Boxing Club will in the till, and that the ahow still lightweight, etepped into the big proud of bis team; Once again Ha now has pitched 9 2/8 consecu- chance to relaic. was down >s 1^ os hs could of- the green light to enter the drees* ford infielder who is now a toach Yankees. Brandeis, using freahmen undSr. to see plenty of action In the have to take out its expenMve ring League Leaders "But Charles, after his work­ ford to M and stin be strong. idle this weekend but next week After an unprecedented five might do |600j(>00 with a good last time when he was matched with when the chips were down they Uva hlUsss Innings. Mays slammed " ing quuters, it was Publicist Don; after more than 10 years with the meets Texas, in a thriller. an NCAA ruling permitting it opener. Senior Terry Aitken (180) and seat setup. Norris can't shift day rush; Danny Jo Perez in a nationally his 40th homer snd two singles to out, first went to q>end a UtUe Tliat’s m li^ light for him, 18 8 4 Davidscm. a three-foot midget who Braves, was playing cards with Pennant Races consecutive pennants and world when the enrollment la amall, la in will be center and his relief will to tht Polo Grounds because the cams through Uks champions. Ths Continuing the trend that began The fighters, pf bourse, were dis- televised 10-round match at New mors prscarlouf their position, the boost his bstUng average to '.843 Cleve- time with his mother and then he pounda But he's had to go guided us to Jphnson's locker. three teammates and hot bother­ with the end of World War H. a championships, the New Yqrk. the midst of a youth movement. cohte from Bruce Little, »v200- Giants expect to play in the World went up and spent two hours with working out srhBs it ralnsd and Americans were beaten by the In­ poundi>Junior. ‘ \ gustsd over the pOetj^ements. In York’s St. Nicholas Arena. He harder they have playsiL Four which USd him- with Brooklyn’s iMd. Mlnow. Chlcaso,* .336; Outside of Manager Jolly Cholly ing a soul when h ^ w a s tagged At a Glance ^ fldck of major games are ached There are 27 froeh among the 66 Series and don’t want their field addiUon, they had to weigh (n was. the national and intematimial Duka Snldw for ths Isague leiul Noren N«w York, .to ; lOxTChleafo, his Wife aad his two HtUe glris, ha eo i^ ’t risk taking oft any Orlmm, his coaches and some of dians. They did not beat them­ ■candidates. Bill McKenna, a Two senior lettermen, Joe messed up. times during ths last four wseks. 5*>; York. .812; iWUUonu, "Old FOlks'l by W thew s in the uled for tornorrow, making this again at 12:80 p.m. (EDT) in the Golden Gloves champion. (NEA). NoxbaU Beata Dodgsn Bmumi. .S fs^ l at bau). something hs hadn’t had a chance more weight U he wanted to ha the other players, the Braves were selves. When the , erstwhile Bomb­ superb end, is the captain and is Kearns (180) and Sid Wlenema the Giants’ lead shrunk to throe to do for five wedu. He Just sat form of a large^paper attached (Including Games off Sept. 16) one of the earliest big football Sat­ ers were definitely knocked out Trouble With Gianto Madison Square Garden lobby, The or fewer games and each time Joe Nuxhall, the only lefthander Buiu—Menu*. New York, 181; Mlno- sure of getting up thdaaMhff alspa having ens.b— 1 of a. time with with adhesivr tape..When the urdays of all. Maryland, the Na­ almost certain to prove a national (186). gives, Briggs two brilliant And Norris doesn’t want any '33-year old Charles, making an un­ to bSat Brooklyn at Ebbets Field, M. aum sD. U8; Fox, CSiieasD. 108; around on the floor aad playsd I figure it must h*4n wocTiad Aiaeri<^ League . ifi the double-header in Cleveland, small college standout. mingmen witH a freat deal of ex­ they h|vs come through with rt- Avila. ClevelaiMl. 104; Carroaquel, Chl- . one Another. players startiM laughing, Sisti got W ^ Fct. OB TP tional (Champion last year but more' trouble with toe Gianto. A precedented third bid to regain the did It again with a route-going 10- caso airi Yoxt. Waxhlnston, 101. vrith ths kida A man who was him and Al WeUl, to a” \ they had - won 95 games. Which Depend na 'Aerial, Qante perience. The slinpriae lineman of conflict with the Gianto. among aoundingr victories. tense and worried about a fight up, lookMKat his shoes, emptied Cleveland 106 .724 — 9 ranked third for 1954, 'takes on were enough to take it all in 1952. heavyweight crown, weighed 1924 Fhro Magic Number ,hitter. The Reds walicqied five Runsjtotted In—Berra. New York.lU: Mote Than Masts The E] Any i^y who tried to take a out all Jits pockets, took off his Kentucky; Georgia Tech, another Much of Northeasterh's success the year may very well be sopho- other things, is the reason for the Brooklyn huriers for IS'hits in­ l^ b r Cleveland. 114: Minoeo. Chteazo. wouldn’t have done that, would Bo oae can rsadlly aee thi51 New York 97 48\.$69 8 9 New Record Promised. more Norm Hohenthal. a tall, 180- —the heaviest of his career on As a result of yesterday’s acti­ lOS: Jenxen Boeton. 108: Roeen. Oeve- few winks wad d>>6ng for trouble. cap (aM showed a shiny head) but powerhouse, opens with Tulane; will depend upon a sound aerial 11 o'clock main event starting Wednesday. Marciano scaled 18 6 4 . cluding home runs by Wally Post, New •fork. 100. he?” ia a whole let more to tola ht Cleveland—At home to), Chi­ So. after five successive success­ pound end. Only lack of experienre time tonight. vities, ths Giants’ masie number We conceded readily t|to Ez ' The leading neai^ter with the didn’t notice anything out of line cago 3. Detroit 3; away I (3), De­ Baylor faces Houston; Rice meets ful seasons, the Yankees forced game to take the pressure off Jake Mints, co-mahager of Bobby Adams snd Ted Kluazewaki. busincea .toan meets the «ya. Braves was imiie' Mathews, the Florida; Washlnyton plays Utah; Watson, an excellent ball. carrier. prevents him from 'bumping the Another reuon is that the IBC is now five. Any combination of It was Klyszewskl’a 49th,'of toe Uolt. 188; Avtla, ^ v e ta n d .lT S : Mlno- certainly must have been rdaxed, Our e«ro fsellag is, ftkakty. that 1 ho stood near a mirror and troit 8. ' the Tribe to what promises to be two starters. C9iarlea, said be thought Ezsy five Giant victorias and/or Dodger JOj ChicasD, 17B; Buabr, Waskinron. muscleman who alpo swings a big .w the sign on his back.. .Math­ and Texas will be tested by Lousi- ’Best news at Tufts has" bebn'the can’t compete, even If it wanted season. but was. that neceesarUy a stga Rocky Marciano, the tootmaker's ■New York—M home (6), Phil­ a new American l,eague record Curiy Passing Star would be Just as heavy. The un­ dsfeatk would cltech toe flag for that he would he a tiger ia "the hat a t the plate. . .While Ai ews, Johnson told us,-is so strong adelphia 3. Waahinidon sjXaway ana State. ' for games -won in a season. 1 1 1 . unexpected appearance on the to, with ito regularly sponsored beaten champ from Brockton. Yogi Berra’s thrse-run homer in lioublee—Vernon. WaxhliMon. 88; hnw ny eon, haa vtoat it tsBes to Pafko was. sitting bn a\JocJ Two new coaches will make their team of a pair' of veterans who Quarterback Co-Captain Joe Friday night radio-television fight New York. ths first inning was all young Bob Minoeo. and Kuenn, Detroit, 37; ring tonight? unravel aU the cdmplexlttsa right ho can pick up a foot locker with (3), Philadelphia 3. The mark is 110, hung up by the M»er.. probably will be a pound The game but hard-luck Bravee, Avila and {hnRh, Cleveland. Berra. Rew writing a letter hato Jjdme, one hand, The third baseman has NpGoaal' League debut tomorrow. Blanton Collier, may do much to help the aquad. Curry (175) is the only vet In Mahr v j ■•rtes. The radio-TV fight. starUng heavier. Grim nssedd to win his 19th gams York uid Yoet, Waidiinzton. 36. •WeU.’'^ Harry said tostUy, ’i t in his two iron flats and toar if 1927 Yankees, generally consider­ Chester’s starting backfield. Thet:; | now 7 4 Jengths off the pace, are of the season for ths Yankeea ‘rrl^a-M lnoeo, aucaso. 17: Ru»- helpa But if it’s the tsehiddd . Mathews was lifting a nwch to biceps and arms like a weightllft Vv. L. Pet. GB TP former Cleveland Brown assistant, ed the greatest of the Bronx’ 20 One ia tackle Norm Stewart of YB8TBBDAY*8 BBSULTS it ksaps OQ ratmag up untB WoiM the bottom of a newq>ap^JMinny Is directing Kentucky, and ' Andy <}uincy, returned from the Army senior letterman ia expected to Aincfloui nelt,*waMnston, 16: V ^ o n , ifraahlns- azpects you want, ws can go into Bsriss tons hs stltt wiU he a bet­ or. .One-half of the dressing quar­ New York 92 53 ,634 — 9 pennant winners. do most of the passing and much that, too. Those two d s^ of ex. Logan was reading.^ivhen the t s is a small canteen t. where BrooklJ’n 88 53 .803 4 4 8 'Wlney, who won his fame a t Notre after being the team’s top tackle New York 4. Delrolt 2. SVroM: lo.""*’ ter fighting man than Baard unsuspecting Logan m sd the Are, iHme, pilots Tulane. The Yankees will be remember­ In 1951. The other la three-year running on- Briggs' option plays. (Only game acheduled), Home itona-Dobr, aeveland, 80; tra gym srorirsnd nmning on the Charlea sandwiches, hot dogs, sOft drinks Milwaukee 84 60 .583 7 4 10 ed for their five consecutive cham­ A guard last season, Tom Smith Greenberg Moves from Bum .. .. . Natlenal —— Brttlif SMiiti WtlHamii. Norton and ManUe, New he bellowed out ^ d the paper and candy may be had, merely by New York.—At home (3), Phil­ In .other games Saturday Oregon pionships long after the Indians. veteran end Cy Shaw who an­ New York M. Milwaukee 2-2. went a-flying.. l ^ t time you see adelphia 3; wway (6), Brooklyn 3, meets Idaho In a Pacific Coast nounced he was available after it (180) will start at left half with (Tlnclnnatt 9. Brooklyn 3. helping yourself. The Giants fed 1954 American League c|iamplons, Jack Farrell (175) operating In (Only zamea echeduled). Stolen B ^ee-Jeiw en, Boeton, M; burned holes iA/btJl players' panU us Well enough upstairs and we Philadelphia 3. Conmen'Ce affair; New Mexico h was thought he would not be. BtANDINOS and the Giants, Dodgers and the wing back position. Unteatetf To Hero Within Six Months Americaa Vernon Keeps Bat Steady^ HInom, CIUcasD and Jacob#. PlUtodel- pockets y o i^ know the reason didn't need any more food..Cal­ Brooklyn—At home (6). New Brigham Young in a Skyline Eight Braves. Currently battling it out On the other hand, Co-Captain 17; FOX and Rivera, Chkaeo, IE Ag^ssive Willie Troy why, if y a y /n H this. There were York 3, Pittsburgh 3; away (2), battle; and 'Virginia Military plays Earl Griffinr a fine tabkle, did not Tom McNally (210) and senior w Pet. GBL Pltchtas (18 decleidael —Coaeuegra, derone, who was acquired from the In the Nations!. < Charles Burdick (180) will alter­ Cleveland .... 166 40 .724 — Yellet. aeveland! more UghtM cigarette butts put in Giants, took advantage of the off- Pittaburgh 2. host to, Davidson In the Southern If so-called modem baseball return to school this fall. nate at fullback. New York (NEA)—I t ia now But Greenberg, who as a com­ New York ... - 97 48_ .669 8 IM, .W ; Lebion, a e v e l ^ , 3»8. .788; one anotoer’s pockets than there day by eating more hot dogs than • Milwaukee—At home (7)<- Cin­ Oonfereiree. Captain John Francint^ a full­ , secret • that • Henry Greenberg W r a s o .1...... '.. 9i91 5S66 .623 14 grim. New York,'!rork7lM,'* •** i - -- NeW'l— \ > Meets Veteran Cartier Oklahoma. A A M Favored started at the turn of the 9entury, Co-captain Stu Parker and Ray would not have come close to win­ batant converted himself from a g^JtroU ...... u 81 .441 41 Uses Comfortable Stance^ York, 19-4. .750. werejh^berries in the pie we had we buy weekly at honie.. Dittmer cinnati 4, St. Louis 3; away (3), 53 years were required for a club back, Bill Sawin and (htick Ward Hutt are the big threats in Coach first baseman to an outfielder to Boeton ...... <3 gi .438 414 _St^eoute—Turley. BalUmore. 178; in /tM Press Room. . Hot foots walked over to his locker and St. Lotiis 3. Oklahoma A A M. expected by are the experienced backs from ning a popularity: contest in Baltimore 60 " „— .342 56 Chlcego and Wynn, aevetend. many to win the Missouri Valley to oop five flags in a row. ' Hank Glardl’a single wing attack. Cleveland. help the Tigers, and obtolq mofs Philadelphia 4« 98 .338 64 U7: Pleree. Chlcafo. 180; Hendnalkn, ’ W ashington,'Bspt 17 (/IP>—AgwS win a pen­ case of Curly Wertz. Sure enough ...... 88 68 .603 4 (Writteni for AP Nearsfeatures) falling shoes, pushed off the top would be even greater that he runs from the tailback slot where­ nant under his stewardship. Milwaukee .....i,. 84 60 .583 7„ NadnnnI lAOzee ter OarUar, mix U up tonight in Loot OMy TM m Warren Spahn, scheduled to pitch of the locker by Buhl and when Hartford,' Sept. 17 (B—Trinity Col­ Laramie. Texas Christian Journeys wouldn’t liv'a to see it happen. dropping football. as Hutt plays fullback. it did, and Wertz, who was firm­ Cincinnati ,,, ...... 70. 78 .- .479 22H It’s hard to .generalise, about BatUnz (878 et b e tx l^ ld e r . Brook- a 10-round fight that l8 virtually against the Giants, was engrossed lege football coach Dan Jesse ran to Kansas, Drake plays Colorado, END OF UNE—Caaey Slehgel McKenna, a 215-pdund wing- It was pointed out that the 81. Louie 67 77 .486 34 batting tips.-(Bo hiany ptoysrf do ^*7*’.N«w York’ .848: kueller. »»*«•. *® Dittmer looked up to see who the ^ ’on Five 'Pennants' Tom Bojko, out for football for Cleveland farms under General ly convinced that he vtould al­ Chtcaso . r .411 334 New York and Muilal, fit Loula. .838: certain to shove ths winner into Otordrtk> and to HOIl^ Mtonoi, a fSI- in an interview. ■. Skipper Grimm culprit was, he (Dittmer) ran into his first string backfield through a Iowa State meets South Dakota lan't u^ed to losing. (NEA) man. is the doss of the Brandeis the first time, has clinched a. stort­ ways have to pay to see a World PilUblirzh well -without conforming to toe Klunewakl.*"------and: imatl. — middleweight title contention. light scrimmage yesterday, and he State, and Kansas State opposes Charles DiUotv^Stengel will be re­ Manager Greenberg’s supervision ...... 51 94 .333 41 Runa—Snider, Biraoklyh and Muald. iow Wartilitotonlan. Miais, rated talked with Coaches Johnny a box dropped off tho top of the membered by th^ublTc as the man eleven. Even Coach Herb. Kopp ing berth at right half. Senior Al Series, will now play in one. TODAY’S GAMES book. So my first Up would be St. l4Hlla, 118; The bout at Turner’s Arena wtll Just hshiad GlardoUo aowiig Cooney and Bucky Waiters and said he is pleased. He said he liked Colorado A A M. can’t find enough adjectives for In six years had not produced any­ When Detroit finally gava up Natioaal Mitya. New York. 114; locker. .When word was relayed the smooth operation of quarter­ who guided the Yai)kees to the five peddle 'Vic Raschi to stomp self- Maturo'and Junior Jim O’Connell one even remotely resembling a _ Pblladdpbia at New York (nichO- stand naturally at the plate. Use AahiNirn, — 107; GUIIam, he on a nationwide NBC tsieviaion middlswalght UUs hopeffnto, ended Jim Enright, portly Mid-West In the South Georgia should not this boy.— on Newhouser and his sore arm, R ^ r t a (30-14) va AntoneHl (2145). Brooklyn, hookup. Set for 10 p. m. EDT, this to the room that the game had back Bob Alexander, fullback be troubled by Florida State, pennants and world championahipa, satisfaction out of the Yankees. are-, rated on par as quarterbacks. wooden Indian, let alone a live iVhatever poeltton is most com­ R (ut ^ t t e d In—KliuaewaU, Troy’s IS-boot wtaning strsak two writer who also is a crack Big Ten been postponed, due to the rains, the master strategist, who in sus- Not with Stengel in the pilot house. . Behind him an'e such as Gerry Parker and Bojko are the visitors’ the long-time Prince Hal got a •.* PlM"burzh (n(zM)- Loea OnclD- is ths bout whiidi to forcing a de­ ysars ago. Chkrlie Sticks and halfbacks Dick whi.le Mississippi State m e e to one. telmhone call from Greenberg. (13-4) va Surkont (8-17). fortable for you. nati. 184; Snider. B i^U yn, 186: sports oftlcial.. Every few minutes there was a ntad scramble for the talned success outdiddl( Cpnnie Mack, In Chicago, the night before the Callagy, a back returning from speed demons, both being mem­ Milwaukee at 8t. LouU (Night) — Here are some other sugges- Kuaial, St. Louii, 133: Hodzea, Brook­ lay in toe Rocky Marctano^Eznrd Nisei and Gene Binds. Geoige Kel- Memphis 'State. Virginia Tech Panned For Has-Beens "When that arm cornea around,” lyn,' 189: ^ n la , Philadelphia. li3. CarUer has hssB hoaton 11 one of the players. Bob Buhl. Ray wash rooms where most players leher, sophomore halfback from John J. McGraW and1 joo MeCtor- Indians applied the coup de -grace sefVice, and 230-pound tackle John bers of the state championship Nichola (9-10) va Haddix (17-11). Uons that oan he used to good ad­ Charles heavyweight title bout Uraes in hto longer ring earsar and Crone, Joey Jay, Sam Calderone, plays North Carolina State and in Cleveland, Stengel, 63, bawled Hicks who has favorably im­ (Class A) relay team. Hank Greenberg was panned ths man said, "there will be a uni­ (Only zaihea acheduled).. x'HII^MaeUer. New York. 194; Snider. until 11 p. m., EDT. Ths Marclano- started shaving and cleaning up.. Sprin^leld, Mass., also Joined the Texas A. and M- tackles Texas for acquiring has-lmns arid never- form for you.” vantage: ’Brooklyn, IM: Moon and Muatal. St. haa fought two draws, the latest Del Crandall, Logan. George Met-' Just as we departed, we could squad for the first time since he ^ Baseball men give Casey^tengel out, the 22-yerr-old Mickey Mantle pressed the staff. AIl-Dratrirt End “• Chlcat^(NIzht)—Turley Get a bat that feeU, comfort­ I^ la . 188; 'Jark and Maya, New York. Charies fight to to bo tslsvtosd to owmi^in hto tost fli^t, affshist hovich or Jack Dittmer would look Tech. in the dugout for not hustling. But this' is predominantly a new­ vvasaers. The baseball comebacks of the (12-16) va H arahm an (14-6). ’ > ' 183. thsstors. hear ca'rpenters busy erecting the injured a leg muscle eight f days In fsr western gsmes Stanford even more ci^it, for they'kpow Co-captain Norm Fournier, all- But my how Hankus Pankus able. Don’t use a hea'vy bat Just Ooublea — Hamner, Pblladelji outside to see how hard the rain broken door to its proper place. or Case dominated baseball ^ ile Caaey Stengel, you aee, was with comer’s team under B^The earner, not a Ihe party which finally fell flat on American International, 18—Hof- John Yacavone, a senior, and fng up and whUe Sam Dente had Gavilan, Saxton What’s good for 0ns batter may return bout with Giardello or a real estate dlialer, placed this ad- Pros File Entnes and AI Smith, a third bOMman been aroUnd and spent last sea­ Stolen Boaee—Bruton. Milwaukee. R;- Ita face on the Cleveland lakefront •stra, 23—>At Massachusetts, Nov. Blackle RepolU who became an extraordinary left bsjMison for another. ' „ n>ndy. Oik-ozo. 30; Temple, anclnnatl shot a t Bobo Olson’s UUe. vertisemnjt in the Winsted Chtizen: before the largest Crowd in the his­ 8—At Connecticut. Both schools will be at full son In tl\e American AssoclaUon, , To Meet Oct. 20 't^en toe pitcher etarto to and Moon, St. Lout*, 18; Mathew*, Mil­ "House for ssle; , DJIspidated. fielder. > the New Jersey handyman was waukee/ Aahburn. Phllodtlphia and OarUer also to smarting under Lcwl Night Fights tory. of the game. And of the three Professionals who ■will compete T u fti^ strength 'for tomorrow’s opener Vic Wertz, Hal Newhouser and throw, cut out . all jrour bat-wig­ Jablonakt. St. LouU, S. a setback by OtordsUo, now rated Roof needa riilngling. One bath, old standbys, 'Berra alone is ex­ Sqpt! 25—At Bowdotn, Oct. 2 ^ with the exception of East Hart­ toe answer. Westlake came l^m gling. Keep.: that bat steady, PItchInz (IS decision*) — Antonalll, needs wash bowl; Grounds need In the ninth annua) Manchester Heinie Majeskl were tabbed as the Pirates with right-hand power. Philadelphia, Sept. 17 New Y ^ . 81-5, .808:., Lore. Broriilyn. too leading challenger for Otopoi's pected to be back next, spring. Open .Monday, at the Country ClUb Wesleyan, 9—Trinity, 16—At Col­ ford’s Mike Copplner. th e 170- otherwise toe are of your swing 18-4. .to; Wilhelm. Rew York. li4. championship. GtoirdsUo won a New cork — Rocky Marctono- grooming. Retaining a-alls erumb- Others have worn out or lost that by, 23—At Williams, 80—At Am­ used-to-be’a. George Strickland, Majeskl is 87, but toe distance twice-poetponed title bout be­ ling.' include Al LabuUs. Ruaa Ebbets, pound veteran fullback is nursing Sam Dente and Wally Westlake wallop is atm there. tween welterweight champion Kid Will be ruined. .750; Nuxhall, anclnnatl, 11-4. .‘to; disputed first round tsc^cal Baaard Chariss hsavyereitht Utte step or fast one.' herst; Nov. 6—At Rochester, 18— a shoulder injury which may force Keep your eye on ths ball, al­ Mozlie. New York and Lawrence, 8L knockout over CkrUer tost Fshrn- bout postponed to tonight (Fri­ No-reasonable pffer refused." Mike Power, Mike Kloe, Ken Leng. were "scrap material from the Farms Are Loaded GavUan and sixth-rank^ chal- Loul*. 184. .884. So Stengel must continue rcT Jack-son Meikle,.Dave Melody, JD$I Massachusetts. him to the sidelines Sat)irday. National League dump." ’ longer Johnny Saxton has been re­ ways. You can't hit what you can’t Strikeouts —Hoddlx, St. Louis. ' 178: "y* ' day), rein. building,' which means that the Kinney, Vic Panciera, Joe Curtin, Brandeis— The Cleveland farms are load­ see. "Guess” hitters never ..last Roberts. Philadelphia, 189: Brsklne, Once rated os a strong Utto poe- Phitodelphto -r-. Jimmy fled!! 186, s. Yankeea' rivals had best look out Considered Nuts ed, as they say in pressure foot­ scheduled for O ct 20 at Conven­ BrroUyn, 167: AntonelU.- New York, Dave Elphick, Eddie Burke, LoU ' Sept. 25—At Boston University, . They considered Greenberg nuts tion Hall. long. 187; flpohn, Milwaukee, 18T. sibtUty,l(torUer went into a slump Philsdelplua. knoeksd out Baby for five more years, or, as. the Ol' Oct. 2—Springfield, 9—Bates, ball, headed by the 20-year-old Try to Bevelop a levtl swing. tost year and fell out of ths top 10 SPEED A THRILLS 'T Gaiby and Alex Hackney. when he gave toe Orioles Bob southpaw. Herb Score, who estab- Promoter .Herman 'Taylor, said UConn Mentor! Ray Jonssb. 138, FhUadrtphia» X Perfesser would put it, -five more The pros will be shooting for 28—^New Hampshire, 30—Bridge­ Too many youngsters want to ratii^. u he can take care of ★ ACTION , years, maybe. You are quite iafe port, Nov. 6—At Temple, IS—At Chakales, a young pitcher of eon- liehed a new American Association yesterday the bout would be“ na­ knock the ball out of too lot every $500 first prize money. aiderable i>romise, for Vic Werto, strikeout record with 330. tionally televised with a blackout Seeks Fiillback Troy, he'll bounce right, back Into CAME TOWIN ' in wagering that Stengjpl will be The Open '^11 start Sunday Buffalo, 26—At New Haven t U g lM a slow and bad outfielder who had Urns and they overswing. Once Yale’s contention. Eaton Rouge (NEA)—'Wintoa / 3 STAR trying. The Yankto flannels’will Teachers. . Greenberg brought on. Al Lopez, imposed over a iOO-mile radius of you get into toe gropve, your Both CarUer and ^Troy haVe BARLOW^MOTOR SALES ROCKVILLE morning when amateurs will com­ quit hitting th» long ball as well the old catcher, to straighten out Philadelphia!' Turner, Louisiana Btats quarter­ have to be cut off the old .outfielder. pete. Monday's play will be for as the short one. power will take c a n of Itoslf. . Storrs, S spt 17 (iPH-Ooach Bob good knockout records and both back, has been hopsfuly givan toe f Third Peanaat Tough the Cleveland.pitching, and no one The fight originally slated for Some hitters are born with more Will Be Named have - fairly classic ring styles. | nteknams. Win. -J'- MOTORCYCLE low handicap amateurs and pros. can say that he hasn’t (kms an Jhly, was poetponed because of a Ingalls’ immediate J^: Find a Stengel returned front the mi­ Officials are hopeful that Bob talent than others, hut successful The Home of CLEAN, QUALITY USED CARS nors th'e greatest Juggler in the By BEANS REARDON ’ outstanding job. ^ broken bone in .Gavilan’s right hitters work at batUng constantly. fullback for the Untvereity of New Haven, Sspt 17 UB—Coach ■7^ history of the business. He had 100 Toski ’Will be back to defend his .24 Years In National League So all of Gresberg's sins have hand which he suffered wMle Connecticut football team to Tf- crown. Local Sport Nothing beato hard work—Unless Jordaa Olivar sa;^ he may decide VISIT OUR MODERN SHOW PUCE TO SELECT YOUR NEXT CAR RACES different batting orders in a aeason, Written for N e A Service been forgotten, IncliiiHng the training'for..a loss to middleweight A full list of starting Umes for it is more hard wofic. place toe Injured Bud Amendola this weekend wtid^vrill be varsity a n d w e e k e n d s t o conclusively 'derhoMtrated the ef­ Quoatlon: The bases are loader! trading of J^innie Minoeo. champ Carl (Bobo) Oleon. ’'■1. who'hroke hfs'leg in a scrimmage' OPEN EVENINOS f P.M. SUNDAY. SEFT. 19 the pros will be carried in Satur­ ' The Indiana finished second with The bout was rescheduled for players on h^s Yale ftball tsant GET RID OF DRIVING fectiveness Of plstoons^ day’s Herald. with one out. T h e batter hits s with Rutgers Wednesday. Ingalls 2:80 P.M. Otnnie Mack always said that, rinking liner to left fleldr'\tolch SELLS 93, 98 and 92 victories,'ordinarily Sept. 1 but Gavilan came down says it is his msjb^ problem at the “We've pretty well decided who enough'to win, the past three falls. .ivovided the m.ahager had the- per-, the fielder traps. The runner fropi with an atJack of virus and the Stephens Would moment th'e first two men," he. said .1951 PONTIAC CATALINA HARDTOP 1952 CHEVROLET ALL METAL HALF MILE DIRT TRAiQK 8onnel,,1t was no trick for a cham­ BLAST FURNACE SWIMMING FOOL at toe East third bsse hustles across the plate! ' There was nothing wrong with mumps the night before. Ths4Sbut Avaitoble for the Job are Al Arl- Uglit bhie bottom with Ivory top. WUte wall SUBURBAN , pionship ciub to repeat.. Flhy-six counties in-. 17 'aSTes Side Rec on'School Street wil) re­ but the runners on first and second ’ Henry Greenberg Mr the whUe, was originally slated for Conhie Like to Manage aon of Stratford, Norm Allard'of yesterday, *But, there to sUU quite tlreo, coatom leather Interior, radio andJieeteri Deep maroon with simulated wood grain finish. Stafford SpriRp “ The third pennant is the tough of the Union, have'toast furnaces. open Monday for the fall and win­ bases,, ..thinking the ball was but you aren't smart in baseball Mack Stadium, Oanielsoti, and Mike. Sikora of a bit of doubt after that W8*D spotlight, faader aldrts. Completely Oiig^hal one,” pointed out the Athletics’ Eighty-seven per t,en;_are located OLDS unless you take it alL w or^ about the starUng lineup af­ Four brand new Goodrich fiilvertown tubeless ter season. PlUnge sessions for caught, return to their bases. The Bridgeport. Sikora. a halfback, la every respect and nuns Jike a new «ar.' Grand Old Man. "Thatja whenf com­ in six states: Alabama, .Jlllnola, There’s got to be seven dumb­ Baltimore, Sspt. 17 (A) —. Vent was Amsndifia’a understudy last ter we have our squad selsctsiL" white wan tires, power glide, heater, clock, many Spaadway, Corr. women will be held every Monday outfielder throws to second base. bells. _ Stephens has given up playing for QUyar, with toe opener against 1951 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA. other aeoessories. This flue suburiiaif has hcen placency sets in." ' * todiardiana. New York, Ohio and Penor and Friday nights, from ' 8 to 9 What’s the best way 'to make thi.") Yesterday^s Stars’ year, Ingalls sent the aquad Adm. $1.20 tax inchid^ But George Weiss, didn't have to Ivanla. •—, ths season and the veteran third through a limited drill yesterday 'University of Connecticut eight 44>eor Sedan. A oae owner car with a dri'vriii only 22.000 ntiles and has been kept In o’clock. Men' msy use the. pool fa­ double play! There are , two men - y)-:. Seventy-nine (kuuisctlcut schools baseman is ready to rscslvs offers days off, said the aquad wUl be. nmfaataed 35,000 actual miles. Radia and superb condiGon throughout. This la the three Children 50c cilities Mondays and Fridays from on first base and a man on second ? but had two days of double ses­ have courses in driving. Battlng-»-Yw Berra, New York of managing. „ f ' sions left before ths opening of a’lout three men deep in each posl- heater, aiitomatie, _tranamlselon. Immaculate seater model. New car goarantee. A.M.A. Sanction 7 to 8 o'clock. Pauline Emonds and Answer: Th. second bnseman Yankees, bit a three-rin homer in Stephens left the BSlUmbre Uon' with an added player o r two iaaida and out. „ " George Krause wilt be the life tng . the runner ht second blsisss . The UCJonns open against 1948 CADILLAC 4-DOOR ' FREE PARKING the first inning to provide the Qrioles yesterday for home In Yals in New Haven Sept 25. in some cases. 1954 DODGE MEADOWBROOK g u a r^ pn duty. base, then step on seieond to force winning margin os rookie Bob Long Besibh, Cal. Manager Jimmy Ceupe. BeawUfnl dark metallic greeii finish, SEDAN MODEL 62 the leading runner nt first: This Grim hurled a six-hit 4-2 triumph Dykes agreed with him that an Q. can an umpire force a pitch­ Radio and hMter, bydramatlc. BeaoGf^Iy kUpt BOVS WISHING to take part move mnkes-lt a-douMe p lay with No 'm atter how - he switches It wWta wall tliea,TMater, elgnal lights, alrfoam over Detroit. ankle he hurt Sept. > would keep Coach Bob Ingalls of the University er to change , his uniform or .any aaala, eteetrlc wind abield wipers. Many 25,000 mile car in the ^-e^ beet of condition. Four In toe' Alumni Baaeball League a force constituting the third out COMPLETE • Pitching—Hoyt 'Wilhelm, New him. out of the last e ig h t' games of ConnscUcut will start a Imck- part of it—which has beeh'niilsd fdaUty acMsaotlee. Lem than 200 miles. brand new Good.venr nylon white wall Hrcs.'ltee tryouts tonight and Saturday night and because of it, the run scoied York Gisnto, pitched 3 2/3 biUean anyway. 'f, ■ field all of Italian descent. Of the illegal for some reason—during s rM ^ww ear warranty. Our special low price and drive this fine ear that has been kept the at Charter Oak Park need only to doea not count. The fielder most an^ scoreless innings to receive Steifiiena will be $4 next month, sight msn,:two(tov.sto, in the back- g s-* e ? V way a fine ear should be kept. report to the field. Each boy Is m ^ e the tag first, RADIATOR credit for his 12th relief victory but haa playsd 14 years Ih ths field only two are non-Italians. A. Yes. . 1951 CADILLAC MODEL 62^ asked to bring his own glove. Pur­ Q. When Babe Ruth hit his 60 as~the Giants defeated Milwau­ majors and three In the minors. Don’t (risk toe driviog haitord of s car tost aright ifip oat of eonMl 1952 CHEVROLET DE LUXE" — pose of the tryouts at this stage homers, how many of them were kee ' 6-2 . in second game of twin Before comliig ’-to Baltimore with la trafik of at high rpssdi. C»rsfi»L sccursss whsil hshweingtaa iimis 4-DOOR SEDAN. CLUB COUPE of the,season is for the coaches to nit In his own park? SERVICE bllL ‘ , toe S t Louis Browns hs playsd for you rsfc. isisrtog r tw t rridiagi Btato with white waB Gres, electric windows, Dark grey Gnish, radio and heater, power glide. get s look St some of the 12-14 A. The Babe hit 28 a t Yankee ths Boaton Red Sex and CMeago arils yoadriva -__ , _ bjndramnMc, radle and iM ter. Beautifully kept by A well kept exceptionally clean ear for this year year olds who will be eligible for Stadium, - EQUALS MARK White Sox. I t . NO MONEY DOWN SPECIAL ongtaal ewaer. This ear, has been kept In show- that .has always bera carefiiUy driven and kept the league next season, ^ y s who CLKANING Atlantic a ty . (NEVA)—Sammy He knocked In 48 runs for toe F (» THE MONTH rooai oeadiMea and If 11 was liTspIn^Td In a new In the finest ^ndttinn. 10,00d original mllet. A played In the A.L. during the past WEfl w atcher MOVIES Boulmetis equalled a eix-year-old Ortoiss, most on the team. He’s OF SBPTEBIBBR B could very easily pass for a full guardntfipmi this flue car. season need not report. • U P A M IN G record when be rode five wlnneia playsd in 1.8to games and hit 1M7 DODGE CONV. COUPE $99 wafor Middletown, Sept. 17 IR-Wesley- in one day a t At)«uiUc City. safely 1,844 timea *SWHEOS 1951 BW^URY 4-DOOR SEDAN 1930 NASH AMBASSADOR BRUNO MAZZOU, president of an a football candidates saw mories •RKCOMNG Radio, haatcr. Better than avgraKe. »61o nnd heater. All the best 4-DOOR SEDAN Hava You Startad the Y ^ow^ng League, reports s of lu t year’s Mlddlebury game yes- ROTATD ^ d S ? T ? L f reeo flnUh. Bnmi- Green-'flalsh, radio and heater, Naeh AIrteqip meeting of all team captains will doors for a w v ijjt^rior ■ H»t looks llko- It bad nevor be^n ■Ir-caaditioning, overdrive. Seldom have we had' Your LaasiH? eU A R A H TEIb be held Wednesday night at 7:30 full Krimmage. Fraternity rutoing $ •X ^ W M K L S had tho very beat of at Maxaoli’s home at 188'; Henry has limited the squad to . Orahsai Hoinses loeal pogiltot says: ^ EXPERTLY INSTAUED Thb cor cantos o«r OoodwM OHoraarM - nmv ear rondifion. Seeing Is believing. LEAGUE lOWLING SONS WEKE BOBN yesterday aew ’68 -OldamoMla really: Base Grading — Machine Spread — Forms Set -rf Power BeUei ftECAPSI at Manchester Memorial Hospital aaid he plans a scrimmage wUh', ‘ 5 .0 0 pStohs a wallop." 8lss Graham Alas i P srt^g Loto---Teanto Courts—- Walks 'TO RE SUkE ^ New Enffland’fi Finest to ths Ninb Paganis and the Eddie a n ^ e r team (unidentified) for 8atf> urday, Wesleyan opens iu s e ^ Hflhnee tor a denioastratlon. You’ll 10% FOB CASH TRANSACTIONS SEE McCLURr* OARR PIOWD UP AND MUnnaUBD m a n y o t h e r c a r s t o c h o o s e f r o m Alleys Paganla Nino and Eddie are vet­ sgalnst Mlddlebury Sept. 25 in Ver- get a GREAT DEAL on a new ear 8 R O W N - Ternw arraaged It desired BANK RATES — ALL CARS GUARANTEED Clean Restrooms For Ladi^ eran Rec. Softball League players. mont,., ~-4tr a Safety-Teotod Used' Car. ALL INSTALLATIONS SUPERVISED BY ‘ 20 Lknes • as kn* as BEAUPRE WRONG BIRD FOB STOVE 'frowers sometimes ^ are DEMAIO BROTHERS BILL’S p ^ ie d ’by the oeed pods, looking m a n c h Ms t e r McCl u r e , PONTIAC, Inc. NICHOLS- MANCHESTER Mountain View, Calif, (ff)—Mrs. ESTABLISHED 1999 llks toinstoes. which grow on the 3S8 t A f T c n m ST. CALL NOW — ANYTOIE Dorothy Morito'a kitchen range planto, but experts say that if ths MOTOR SALES 878 MAIN STREET MANCH^TER SHELL SERVICE Bwlow TIRE, Inc. gave but some- very unhappy seeds are pianied, each separate MANCHESTER MI-S-TiOt — HARTFORD OHspd 7-MlT OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 10 JiMrtd i S . ----- MAIN atod MIIHbLR TIJRNI*|UdD Avenue. RockvilIe--^l. fCMkville 5-2538 iWLINB IREEN chirps. Flremtn lascuad a vqry U2 W. OsGter 8L-4M . MI-9-ffM6 10-84234 . n sS T D E i STORE — 1099 MAIN ST. i . MI-3-4Q47 s ^ d wUl ddyelop a different kind "t ON YOUR LEFT ENTERING CITY •54 CENTER 8T. Recapping Shop — 295 Broad St. — Ml-9*4224 young blue Jay which had flopped of potato,; al» o « never ths same XEU 8U-8-4882 or Ml-$-66n Into the chimney whils laamlng to kind found Mf ths plant that pro­ fly. ■ . y ' • duced the seed. ' ^ ■ MAlfCniESTER E V E 1 # G HERALD. HANCHEST^. CONN.. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17,1964 PAGE / ffirSsl* , 72 H( Far Sals 72 Soburbaa For Sale 75 WllUmontic- Dr. Sawyer Medbury, PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER. EVENING H E R ^ D , MANCHESTER, CONN.,. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1954 Columbia formerly of town, medical advisor Wapping 3CANCHBSTER—Four-room Capa 00 77ETHERBXL ST.—4 room sin^. SOUTH WINDSOR — qiutam ia o f the chapter, will make the Cod on bua lioa. Timken hast, gla, aU im provsm anta, m odem iA i ranch, custom built, sev4n montha presentation. TERMS US LOW R$ ABtoBMibflea for Sal# 4 fiusiBcsB Services Offered 13 Private Instnietioiift S3 Doga—Birds—Peta 41 Hooschfdd Goods 51 ^ W esriiif Wanted To Refit t8 ftraplaea.—$13,000. convaniancas. 3% acres land, gar- old, three acrea (m^e acreage Sunday School Ta Meet Mooday GOP Committee den, ordiard, banw, 3-car garage. 1 ^ CHEVROLET FleetUne deluxe MANCHESTER T.V, Servlca. radio TOUR YARN SHOP, 50 Oottoga 3CANCHE8TBR — So. 'Coventry, available). Beautiful View, three Mrs. John Cragin, chairman of FOR SALE— Ten weeks old mon- ANTIQUES bought, -sold. Furni­ BOtS' PAins, shlrta and jacket, 3CANCftneSTBR-;Six-room ranch. *Vacant. 517,500. Phone 30. 54575 bedrooms, two bathrooms, large two door, radio, heater. Shccellent and T .V . opecialists since 1984. St. T el. 3 0 . 9-3888. F ree Instruc­ ture, glaac, china, pewter, prints. site 10; g irls' costa, dress, Okirta WarrenviUe diatrict. Five room TTiraa badrooma. Yaqr old. F ull alter 4 p.m. * Problems Aired the home economica gfoup of'the Plans Barbecue AMESITE DRIVES Sdi ijyp*y.^^j^y*****” ***"‘ V- living-dining roony with solar wln- Farm Bureau, has aiihounced that .dattifM condltian throughout Douglas House eervlce oaU 58.60. IQ . tion with each yam purchase. books, stamps, coliu, jewelry, and oweater, 11 or 13 years old. tenement o r eingle, up to $40. bdsemtnt. Bus Uao^$ltJM>0. 94860 or ML 8-4607. dQWB, fireplace^ family 'activity the first meeting of the fait sea­ M otors, 555 Mqln. Store hours—Mon. through Sat., fUM. BaUeys Antiques, S83 3 0 . 0-3064. month. References. Coll coUact. FOUR AND lour duplex, excedent .Oilumbia, Bspt. 17 — fSpscial)— Wapping, Sapt. 17 (Bpbcial)—Ttaa'^ NftJIdiMjr^Daini • S f Mmrfhfi 9:46 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thursdays THE— „ NEW MANCHESTER Pet -ro o m , 816,500. Owner transferred. son will he . hold on Monday night Main St. 30 8-0003. ov erla n d 4-3869 a fier I p.m . BOLTON—Five-room ranch. Thra# coiHUtion. Newly renovated. Quiet 30. 90080, / At a recant mrating of the Gen- to Pay • PRTiRf • Driraways AiwrtiNMMts 1954 MERCURT M o n te rr^ 4 -d o o r GONDBSt'S T.V. Service. avaUable untU 9 p.m . Center, 996 Main St., Invites yoii bedrooma, garage. Lot 150 h ISO. nelghbothoorL convenient to bus at the home of Mrs. LoUia Sorac- sixth annual rally and barbacua at sedan, fully equipped, radlo>hoat- any time. Antenna convarslons. to visit peta of aU kinds. Con­ FRANK’S IS buying and selling GIRLS’ TAP Shoes, sties 11%, 3 HERALD Reporter, wife end am, No basement—418,000. and stores. Seen by appointment grcgmtional Church, the growing chi. Mira Cora Webb, home demoo- the Republican Town Cemmlttra • ParidRf Ai CLASSIFIED ADVT. er, MerbomaUc, power brakes, .^ c o factory oupcrvlacd aervlca. READY FOR occupancy, new three necticut bred Parakeets. Wire good used furniture and antiquea, and 3%. 3 a . 3-7347. desire four room, unfumiehed o ^ . CaU A. C. B. Realty Co. 30. bedroom iVnch with fireplace, oak Sunday School was diacussod. stration agent for the Extenaimi will be held OcU 3, rain oriohlne, DEPT. HOURS y^r the deal of your life see Dick­ TaL ML 9-1486. > Bonds—Stocks— Haired Terriers, Fox Terriers. .iQ. rent. CaU “Whit" Jacobs. 30. Many Other LisUnga Service will speak on Interior aU except stoves and alactrie ra- 93503 floors, idaotered walls, ceramic The heads of the church organ- at the Blast, and'Cart Qub en Grif* MANCHISTIR 8:15 A. M. to 4:S0 P. IL enson Motor Sues, cbmer Center Mortgages 31 94378, Hours Monday through frigOrators. 430 Lake S t 6 84131- decorating. Any one interested and Cooper Sts. DOORS OPENED, kaya flttad, Wanted—To Buy 58 tiled -bath, deep well pump, - full iratlons met to’^talk over the fin Road, MIldMR 94(224 Friday, 10 to 6:80, Saturday 6 to to 6 . 3 0 . 94010. * T. J. CROCKETT, Btcker . YOUR FUTURE HOME cellar, outside hatchway. ’ Lake growth of the church and its prob­ may attend. Hoatera will be Mrs. ooplad, vaetnim cloanars. Irons, 6; Wednesday closed at 3 p.m. 8. maU heatad loft for 1st and 2nd MORTGAGES Phones: Days 30-3-5415 privUeges included. Price $18400. lems for the coming year. John Lsstsr Hutchiiu^ and Mrs. Robert Tha affair is being handled by COPT CLOSING TIME 1941-1940, OLDER ChevroleU, guns, ate., repolrod. Sbaaro, H. Green otampa. USED PIANOS, In good condition. toy aaaambly. Kaga Co. IQ, COULD BE HERE MackUn. R fis t Ir ^ D rivw vM iy Fords, other good transportation. a Good terms available. Location Haasan, superintendent of the Sun- John T. keamey and A. C. Hol­ FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ibuves, mowers ate., put into con­ 'AU summer furniture draattcaUy Top cash price HPotd. 3 n . 3-5680, Tews Vlattor Good credit soobloa us to accept dltian for coming neada. Braltb- Fair Rates—Fast Action TROPICAL FISH. KeUy'a Aquar­ K eipp’a, Inc. * WMkenda sad Evenings 3a-5-7751 For 513,700 you couldn't replace BOIton, TOUond R oad, first heuaV .day School raid the nursery and land. A short program will be held MON. THRU FRL 58 down. Douglas M otors, 555 ]M«Th raddeod for clearance. <- this 9room (1 tmflnished) Cape on left "off 44A. Tel. Clifford idergarten groupa will be m ov^ David Davis is visiting his waita, 63 Paarl otreat. ium, 39 Sunset St. New hours 44 MANCHESTER from.^ 8 to 8 p.m. CSiarles Jewett, 10:80 A BL Frank Burke p.m . until Sept. 80th, Cod at 40 Lyadale Street off Au­ Stephens, 3 0 . 9-2305. to tiu chapel when the school opona cousin, Richard K Davis of Er- THOMRS COLLA CONST. COl 1946 CHEVROLET sedan. Heater, CHA3CBERS FURNITURE ^si^isss For Sale 72 Waat Side—Owner ntoving out doni Road and. will return to his G.O.F, candidate for lieutenant SATURDAY 9 A ll FURNITURE Raflnialilng, anttqua (Formerly with FHA) Ro finished. Insulated 8-cu garage. Caacas teted ^ p.m . v» Phono latdMU 94736. Boxara, 850. Boocer F arm , at Ver­ At The Green rags, patio, ceramic tile bath, cai> tton aluminum windows and closet, fireplace and deep wooded this year foij a library oy the A m U B O A lttD M otors. iO . A0980. ^ (Foraneriy with VA) Gratlam an preferred. 3 0 . 9-7139. eeraana. amastta drive, garage, ^ • itlT Bam, hen house, pond, fruit trees. Republlcms will bold tmir cau­ A large tent hu been procured — FORD FORD — FORD — FORD FORD non. T el. RoekviUe 5-3318, 30-3-0187 peting'; aplit raU fence, utilities. lot make thla sm attractive home. HoVara PorterL<^hooI. This means to house the dinner in the event at H ft I RADIO-TV Service. Service nicely landscaped/tot* One Mock berries^ lovely' “shrybber^ 8% gradra one cus to eeleft candtdatea for Rep­ Dial MI-3-5121 TO BE SURE see.McClure (or a charge 54.00. T el. IH . 9-6665. G ary Hours: 10 to B NEWLY DEOORATEb, BaautifuUy Convenient location. Early occu­ acres. Ready occupancy.'Ecupancy.'E. B. resentative and Justice of the Peace rain. Reservations may be made wonderful deal on a new 1904 (umtshad and apieloos room. The from bua line. /' Reduced to 513:600 for quick to mrat in Yeomi lam onaco. CONNECTICUT WANTED—Good homes for sU pancy. \ LaFIaSh, Broker. JA . 3-0958 JA. quite a oroblem too the Sun­ at a meeting in Yeomans Hall on by calling JA 8-4736. tlcketa may Pontiac or a good will used car. 7:30 to 8:30 P. M. moat complete tight housekeeping 517.500— Fine location, 6 room Co­ See Tttis Today rale. A e-room Cape Cod at 16 94577. be obtained from area captaini. MORTGAGE EXCHANGE weeks old kittens. 3 0 . 9-1344. South Alton Street priced below day Sch^ equipmentxmust be Monday night according to an an­ I Top trades. M cClure Pontiac,. 575 (eclUtiea aiftdlahle in Manchester. lonial, full basement, attaiehed ga­ Wa hays osvaral Cape Coda, nouncement issued by H. S. Holt, CSmrch NeWa MMn. T el. ML 9-4040. Open eve­ 27 Lewis St., Hartford You will marvel at the cleanUneos market value. Hare ik. a house BOLTON LAKE — Attractive four picked after each seraton and Rev. David Crockett will preach MELODY RADIO-tV — Phobo'a e x t r a b i o Trade-in oUowancea rage, ecreened-glaoaed porch. Ranches sad oUwr ^parties again set tn> the followingNreek, Chairman of the Town Committee, nings ’til 10. Guaranteed service. M I. 9-3380. \ WANTED—Good homea for kittens. for your worn/ outdated wood of this building. Children accepted. LAKEWOOD CIRCLE —- "Your ready to move into. AU 6 Of its Sne room single, one year old. Amesite Sunday at 10:48 a.m. at the Com­ DILLON hvaUabla. however, it v the only aolutio firattag Comfortably Loat.aB4 Foood CH-6-8897 3 0 . 9-5888. kitchen or diimte eet. Trade in Osntral. Priced so rtaaonabla Dream Home". 7 rooms, 2-ear ga­ rooms are eparkling clean. Un­ drive,. pafio^ appliances included munity Church on tlW topic. 'The 1964 PLYMOUTH Club sedan, auto­ ALL KINDS antenna work. Call ! . T h o usually lovely wooded lot. Near a t'$9,800. G.'I. approxim ately $1000 The teaching staff will be: J Mrs. Marion WSIah of Columbia rOinn>— Sanaauanal value. Uaed now for up->d-date chrom e you’ll gasp! Be sura and sea this rage, awlmmlng pool, cabana, be%u- Triumph of Righteouanera/’ The I matic drive, two tone paint, radio, Art Pinney, TV Antenna Special­ FIRST ' AND sacuiM mortgagaa one. Idle. D orsey, 14 A rch S t FRANCES K. WAGNfiR all facilities. down. Can 3 0 . 8-7617. William Burnham, grade one; 3(rs. ce. a patient at the Manchcater new organist, who began' her duties IS TOUR 45 R.P.M. recorda. Populur bought for our own account Foot, wrought Ir^ kitch(kitchen furnli furniture.____ tiful surroundings. Many extras. Chauncey Squier, grade tWo; Mrs. lorial Hospital, after an auto­ heater. All extras. Low mileage. ist, Soles And Service. Very fair WANTED—Good homes for three EZ terms/No cash requi:tired. Sen- AGENCY last Sunday, Mrs. Mary Burahom '^utiata. Bnndreda to choose from, confidential servlca. Manchoster BOLTON r Robert Taggart, grade three;, Mrs. mobile accident Sunday evening is Ternu and trade arranged. MI. prices. Tel, JQ, 94773. m ale kittens. Cah 3 0 . 9-8518. aon’a, hfc., 1085 M a ln .j FURNISHED Room (or itent, near Raaltor—3Q-9-0035 You can’t buy more for 513,6ot on cheat. Call M otors, 583 Main. a few moderate aixed' existing 8-6437. St. 3 0 . 8-5831. —3 bedroOme, Youiigetown kitchen, pliw correapendant, 3Irs. Aalue “ as la" 513.96. Home of TV ealee- (throw away your paliit brushes>. room , raar-round, only $8,800. Sev­ Mrs. Clinton Ladd has charge of collided with a catvdrivSn by John GolUns, telephone S atch ell 1-4410. Doc Women. MI. 54640, . ANTIQUES .Rafiniahed. Repairing oeebnd mortgages. Discount ex­ fireplace, ceramic tiled bath, patio, Just what you’ve been waiting eral otheVa. WeUes -Agency, 0>ven- the kindergarten and MiM Abby 1963 NASH RAM BLER hard top, eervice, Benson's, Inc.. 1080 3(idn (or—Colonial home, like new, at­ Shra of WUllmanticNAnd then hit dona on any furniture. Tleman, pected. WANTED—Good home for beautlftil CLEAN, Comfortable single room, carport Constructed of fineet ma­ Moderate Down Payment try. PI. 24872. Tlbblta baa takeft tbs' huraery DEALER bOST-That aatlofled feeling if you low mileage, two tone paint, 189 South lia tn S t Phone ML gray Angora spayed cat. .30. S t • ' bathroom on same floor. Very cen­ tached garage, fireplace, hot water a tree. haven't tried dining at the Koae- terials. Excellent reeidential loca­ For Veterins and Non-Veterans class. \ The Las Kstrellitas 'l^m atic radio, heater. Douglas M otors, 588 9-5848. QUICK ACmON 9-4717. / ANTIQUES — Marble top bureau, tral. 3 0 . 9-7837. ^ tion. heat, oil, copper plumbing, acreens. ANDOVER Attractive ranch (Thurch attendance was alao' .dlB- mount Reataurant, Route 66, Bol­ Main. storm windows. First floor has home, three yeara old. Well-built Club met at the Horace^^rter ton. Rdceptions, banqueU. organ- picture frames. Empire and Vic­ BUILDING LOTS—300 foot front See Jarvis For Your Beat cusaed at length at the meeting. School on Wednesday nlgnKfor Box 807, Manchester TWO SINGLE men are looking (Or living room, dining room, dsn, Mortgage Deal and comfortable\ Nicely situated lilition dmhers Invited. For reaer- 1946 FORD Sedan 8 cylinder, extra RUBBISH REMOVED. Telephone Live Stock—Yehi^cs -42 torian mirrors, brass pieces, two one gentleman to share their six In choice residential area. The average attendance is 125 their''firat fa ll m eeting and eleclbad B l See Him for Vofues Teakwood carved atanda. Man;iny VERNON modern kitchen, two large bed­ JARVIS REALTY CO. on one high aerV. Reduced to with a membership of 361. vatlona contact Charlie ^or Marie clean, radio, heater. 1946 Ford l a . 8-7644. OI and FHA MORTGAGES room (umiahed apartment. Cen­ rooma. upstairs, beautiful oak $13,800. Talbot A gency, A n d over offleera. They are: President; tudor, radio, heater. Douglas WE BUY COWS,WB, ealvta and other items. The Old Art-CriA $17,500—Air-conditioned CaliforaU 654 Center Street Mrs. Herbert Bnglert, chairman C ole. M I. 9-4SW. traUy located. AU uUUties includ­ floors, larg* Iol--^1B>300. Phone P I. 3-6600. -fietty-Anu Falk; vice-president. M otors, 585 Main. Latest low down payments—.70 cauie. Also b o n a < PPlaia h Bros. Shpe, 01 3(iUa St. ing (uUy equipped kitchen avaU­ ranch, modem in every detail. 3 CaU 30-3-4113 of tha music, committee, has an­ Jack . Emerson; secretary, Gloria I lOBT—hlaroon folding umbreUa, In LANDSCAPING. Grading and TeL 3 0 . 3-7406.» . / « bedroOnis, 32’ living room. Thermo- Evenings CaU MI-9-4685 nounced the formation of a cherub year ‘ term mortgages avaUable. FLORENCE Oil and - gas range, able. 3 0 . 8-5416. WKXJNGTON r— Small farm, 70 LMseau; treasurer, Evelyn' Wolff. H R FORD FORDOR vicinity o( Poat\Offlce. CaU MI. 1950 CHEVROLET tudor. A-1 con­ chain saw work. IQ. 94397. pane windows, "rec" room, base­ or 30-3-7847 \ choir which will make four choral $im A mortgage officer wlil gladly z complete. Sciaaora auto-jack, new. DURANT STREET acres. Small house, 3 bedrooma, The group raledted two one-act Vary clean. dition, 5W . Radio and heater, MI. FURNISHEID ROOM for rent lor ment garag^e. bam . two coops. Asking HQ,000. groups in the church. Ths new fdaya to be presented tentatively 8-8913. assist you in solving your prab. P on ltiy ^ d SnppUt 43 M am ie, 43 M aple St. one or two genUemen. Kitchen 4-roOm alngla, full eallar. oil 3UNCHE8TER GREEN — Excal- cherub choir Mdll be directed by 510.500— Attractive Garrison Co­ heat, combination acraeps, sUwms, Terms considered. Talbot Agency, on Wednesday Nov. 10. The'group MASON, FIELDSTONE a special­ privUeges If desired. 3 0 . 3-6612. lonial, 0 rooms, garage, full base­ Isnt six room ranch home, at­ Mrs, George Smith and George PRIVATE P A R TY m ust sell 1949 ty. E . Toth. Phone 3 0 . 9-8297. lem. Open Thursday evenings and GUARAN^EX)t R A N ^ I StricUy fresh eggs deep yard, fenced in, excellent con­ Andover. Phone Pt. 2-6000. ^ has offered to do a play for -the A lU M N netaM ment. Nice shaded lot In fine neigh­ tached garage, tUed bath, enclosed Smith will take over the junior INI FORD RMOH WUON nSIS Oldsmobile 88 (our door, radio, latcheU 9451L fromm burout ownaw poultry farm , deUv- cleaner. Recent m <^. Attach- ONE OR two furnished rooms for dition. 510,500. Reaeonable tOrins. porch; attic storage, ameoite bra ir. Horace Porter Alumni Aeon. The m enU, 535. JA. 8-1685. borhood. RaQo and raotaf. Joat like maw. TOUR TARN SHOP, 80 Opttaga St heater, hydramatic.. Good condi­ PIANO TUNING. Expert piano tun­ eredfd WedneaWednesday, Thursday or Fri- two with light housekeeping, fa- drive, storm windows and doors. Me*- Bnglert remains in charge next meeting will be held Sept 29. ing done by iq>pointinent. Kemp's, MANY MORE SELECT LISTINGS Wanted—Real Estate 77 TeL ML »-835S. Hoadquattero (or tion. For details call MI. 94118 Saturday mornings — Telephone day afternoon. Tel. 30. 99898, STORKLINE Folding baby car­ cUitlea aqd bath. 30. 94770. Fenced in lot Owner leaving JQm- of the senior choir. A -director is Baiaet and Tioga Tama and. Suoan after 6. Ino. • OF MANCHESTER F R'lOM t 59,000 to 550,000 BOLTON LAKE chaster, 515,600 fo r quick sale. LISTINGS WANTED — Singla, needeo^for the intermediate, upper Manchester Evening Herald Co­ riage, three wheel tricycle. 3Q. lumbia Mtrresnondent, Mrs. Hy­ Batea KnltUng acceaaorlea.\Alao FIRST NATIONAL BANK ■7" Articles For Sale 46 96806. ROSEDALE SECTION Howard R. Hastings Agency, 3Ian- two 9-8184. S t 3Q 9-1918. Henry strw t Trade-BInrk 1 I» OMEVROLET CLUB COUPE 59R Registration (or class or prWate Aato Aceesstwles—Urea 6 excellent route. Sacrifice. Price High St. FIRST -nklE ON MARKET location for . children. Asking MARLROROUGH — Route 2. 7- grim Fellowship Os^ty Retreat I and torii clothing,. hoiaery runs, Opan 'tU 7 p.m. The temperatuTs in New Eng­ Radle, beater. A real boy. laaions may bo made by calling handbags repaired, sippqr re-' 11,800. 3 0 . 9-8534. 50,900. Will qualify for veterans room ColoAlal in good condition. READY BITTERS waiting. For im­ meetii\g will be held hir about 100 Oixy-AcfitylfiM O filft. EVERYTHING YOU NEED BEDROOM AND Kitchen, furn­ Six rooms complete. Oil beet, young people. Oct. 10, the Rev. E. land during the next ,flve days. ML 9-5757. BATTERIES — 60% ott. Square placement umbrellaa repaired, BUY YOUR electric rasor where It mortgagSi low down payment. Also Coppers plumbing, full bath, elec­ mediate action list your property aa low os 54.90 ex., long rirpe 3 ^kOgUCTE ished, including gas, electricity, fireplace, open atatrway, full base­ good 4-room single in samc^aection Charles Darthell of grower, Saturday through Wednesday, will Change, tips, in seconds, to men's shirt coUars reversed and can be serviced. Remington, ment, etorm windows, screens, tric pot water. No central heating with the Albert J, Gaftp CO., Real­ average 2 to 5 degrees above the WANTE3>—Folks who don't want to rjO. ------Written guarantee. Cole Help Wanted—Female 35 R003I8 OF BRAND heat and hot water. Also garage. tor 58,500. WiU qualify for vOteran. system but full cellar would per­ Maine, pastor of the First switch from waltUiig to cut­ list FORU TUDOR replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ Schick, Sunbeam and Norelco. large porch. Very clegn through­ tors. CH. 95480, evenings BU. aeoaOhal normal. ’Rlalng temper­ ting.. It’s easy. No attach­ SIMS Bpand 5300 (or a hearing aid. New Hotora. ML 94980. NEW FURNITURE For two adults. References re­ m it easy installation. Bara garags. 0-0959. JA. 93980, fat Church of that city wlllv^ ing Shop. HIGH SC H O ^ SENIORS RuaseU's Barber Shop, comer quired. 3 0 , 8-7030 between 0 and out Lot 70 X 300.-514.500. jral other good singles and ature! over the weekend will be ments needed; no time lost r, overdrive. Very transistor, one battery aids as low Oak and Spruce. AND APPLIANCE L ot 100’ X 320’ within tight of lake. aueat mtniater and dalivar the a od area. as $1M, coating as little as lOc a STANDARD Baneriea—M0.33*. 34 13 noon or after 5 p.m. fam ilies. nermon (of « rededication service foUowed by little change ir. tem­ changing over. FLAT FINISH HoUand window Do you want an after-school Job FOR ONLY 5519.16 CHARLES LESPBRANCE . f t An excellent buy at 59,900. WANTED—Single and multi-fam- month to operate. Come in today month gbarantee. Fits: Ford- PEAT HU30J8, . shredded. Excel Uy homes for ready cash buyers. 'which' will mark the 3S4Ui annl- perature during the 5rat of next Slices through heavy steel; Mere. from '47, Chev. from '40, shades, made to measure. AU leading to full-time' work after MONTHLY PAYMENTS ATTRACTIVE Room, new furni­ • 30-9-7620 j for (roa fitting and demoastrati nisn pay* SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT TWO ROOMS and bath unfurnished. 436 Center Street ALL ALU3QNUM combination win­ 419 N. Main. 3 0 . 9-0676. ' OVERLOOK DRIVE / The adminfstratrix havlnf exhibited '66 Btudebaker HaMtop Qoiiver- too smaU. EiigCne Olrardln, 19 ing handwork. Interested women A—L -B —E -R —T—•—S A D V A N C E M i^ Call WILLIAM McBRIDE her administration account with said 19S2 HUDSON HORNET tible Coupe Commander — Trotter St 30. 94609. dows and doors, oelf-storing, save Court for allowance, it is MI-9-0980 will be taught. Write Box 3t 43-45 Allyn St., Hartford 4-Room Cape Cod. FuU cellar, ORDERED: That the. 23rd day of With automatic jloye. Fully heat, comfort, convenience, last a 30-3-4816 for Appointments 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, hydramatic. Excellent car West Ha^ord, Coim. UfetUhe. Free demonat^lon. CkiU THREE ROOM furnished apart­ OPFORTU^IES new arteaiaa weUs, 2 rooms un­ September. 1954, at eleven o'clock, fore- \ acceaaorlzed. 155. COMBINATION GSa-oil' range, finished, hot air oil heat. 510,900. t " ” " / at. the Probate Office In the throughout! Auto DiivlBC School 7-A noriste—^N^verles 1$ anytima. BUl.TuqHqr. 30. 9-90M1. white. Good ccmdlUon. Very rea­ ment. CaU 3 0 . 9-3552 after .8 .'' Municipal Building In said Manchester, *Dls^avrolet Bel Air Ooupo— sonable. 3 0 . 8-8083. fo r A real buy. J. WATSON LEACH & CO. be and the same is assigned for a hear­ l^TLCXX'S DRiymO School lOEN'S iecond- Second-hand ' iUid rebuUt ing on...... the•nvwsaiiA.g: allowance td Miuskid ■aminiD*'adminia- Ppwei: gUde. Fully equipped. We wUl train you if you have tratlon account with Mid MtmtF. aaccr------confidence quickly reatored ASTER BOUQUETS at Oder- work and dreaa ahoes. Better than SIX ROOMS and bath,/- furnished. GROCERY STORE Realtcra — Hartford —Appraiaera $ Skye 555. FIX)RE!NCE GAS and oil ciMnbina- T el. 3 0 . 9-7337. / . _ . SKIUER MEN Uinment or hffm knd ordpr of distrlbu> by a akllled, courteous instructor, m ann's, 804 P arker S t other selling experience. cheap new ones. Sam Yulyes Shoe tion chrome piping. Good cona­ tion. and this Court directs that notice license Included. Insured, dual Repairing, 10 liaple Street. Fully aqutpped ahd stocked. Good; $10,500—SIX room hom e, near new of the time and place wlffned for Mid 'SI Btodkboker landcruiser—Very / tion. 3 0 . 9-9359. Ne w , Custom built'five rdom rent. school, hot water oil heat, 3-car heafini bo siVon to all persona known 1595 clean...... Save centroUed standard and are always better-thaa-avaragO going business. ' Corset department, full time, FLEXALUM Venetian blinds, made Heated. Hot water, tile bath, yard. garage. Large lot. Immediate oc­ to be Interested therein to Appear and This cor earrific 6Mr GoodwW GuoranfM tic c o n . ML 9-1$98. Roofing—Siding 16 NORGE SPACE heater. Heats 4 tO te Um faaO-expaadiBg aircraft bo heard thereon by publishinfr a copy pehnanent position, plaasant to measure (Or any window. 166 Near bus line, 8125 monthly. Write MANCHESTER HOME cupancy. Madeline Smith, Realtor. of this order in some newspaper havine *60 Fom V 4 Custom Club Coupe 8 room s, $15. Bourret, T aylor St., Box Q, Herald. Indnatry. fie wky aet atort to­ 'TO IE SURE —^Radio and lieater, overdrive. AUTO DRIVINO instiuctioa from R A Y 'S ROOFINO Co. BuUt up working conditions, liberal color combinations, aluminum TalcottviUe. IMPROVEXfENT CO. 3 0 . 9-1643 or 9-1146. a circulation in said District, at least slata, plastic tapes, nylon cords. day to balld a fatura at Pratt five days before the day of said hear- Excellent condition through­ your home. Insured dual eautroi roofs, gutter work, roof, chimney Store diecounta, oalary and MANCHESTER -r-Engiiah colonial, inir. and bv mailing In a reflstered let­ SEE McCLURE" Buy at low cost at Wards. Sq. ft. ANTIQUES, on Saturday, Sept. 18. i^ones: lQ-3-8177. 3-7747, 9-7205 ter on or before September 17. 15M a out Save 551. car. Larson Driving SdiooL hO. repairs. Free esUmatea. Ray incentive bonus. Business Locations and Wbi1***y Aircraft. in quiet and convenient location. 9-6078. Hogenow. 3Q. 9-2314. Ray Jack- 69c. M ontgom ery W^rd, 834 Main Collectors items. Currie and Ives Routs 44-A—Bolton, Conn. copy of this order to Beatrice P. Carl- St., Manchester. ' For Rent 64 Licensed BrokMs Attractive living room, dining aon, d36 South Main Street, Manchester. *80 ChevroletFordorSedan ..5595 son. l a . 3-8335. prinu. Ironstone ware, dolls room and knotty pine kitchen on Conn. • BALLARD’S DRIVING SCHOOL Contact BURTCIN'S, Tnc. dishes, etc. 386 East Middle Tpke. Wostnineed— ' •______JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. *60 Buick Reviera Super—Auto­ “Manchester's oldest." Owner- ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. WARDS SUPER House Paint. Save COLONIAL, 8ta$ large rooms and first floor. Three bedrooms and McCLURE PONTIAC,Inc. matic drive. PrlOed to aavo Certified by AAA and Board at Alterations and addltlana. CeU- \ In Person ■ • more by buying Wards Super Am -O ONO rnONEO o ffices, Cen- • Tool and Die Makers \ sun porch, oU atsam heat, excel­ bath on aecond floor. Fireplace, AT A COURT OP PROBATE hsid many dollars...... 5645 Education. We otfer tracing, ex­ Inga Workmanohip guaranteed. house paint in 6-gaUon can lots. ONE 45 g a l . oil hot water heatei'. traUy located. Phone 3 0 . 9-9779. lent condition. Rusco etorm win­ steam heat, one-car garage. Many at Manchpstpr within and fur the 373 MAIN STREET . MANCHESTER perience. latest methods. 30. Here is as fine a house paint aa Call PI. 2-7946. added featurce. Reasonably priced District of Manchester, on the 15th day A. A. Dion, Inc.; 399 Autumn 83IALL h e a t e d store on Maple • Tool and Gauge Inspec­ dows, nice'lot, trees, garage. Near of Septem^r. A.D 1964. \, OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIHO *49 Studebaker Starlite Coupe 5 6 ^ 9-3346. you can buy—regardless at price. at 815,800. Contact A lice Clampet, Present,/JOHN J. WAtLErTT. Judae. ^^n¥9siigat€ O u r itreet KltcheU V4S60. . WANTED St. near Main, suitable for any tors bus, skbras and schools. Only ______Registered nurse or Self-cleaning. 5 gala., reg. ^.26, TEN PIECE walnut dining room 513,000. Carlton W. Hutchins. 30. Realtor. Phone 3 0 , 9-4543. Other Estate David D. SItSn, late of Man- ; r . *47 Pontiac Sedan Coupe ...5 !^ AUTO DRIVING ihirtnicaon. AU trained attendant at the Hem­ now sale priced at $31.16. Mont­ set, with mirror. Good condition. small business or office. Apply lisUnga available. chpfitrr In aaid district, dreraspd. FOR THE BEST in Bonded built Edw. J, HoU. T el. 3 0 . 34117. • Gsuge Makers 04153, 0-4004. U f»n ^ippHcatlon of Gladys E. Sloan. leaaona on insu^ dual control up roofs, shingle rooff, gutters, locks, \W Prospect St., RoekviUe gomery Ward, 8M Main St., Man Reasonable. 3 0 . 9-5073.' admlni:! rairix, prayinr tor authority \o to r y J—Blue flniah. .. .5395 6-3867 MANCHEfiTBR—O rodfau, two-car com pre______..xs. 11-DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL car. Gapable experienced instruc­ ranductora and'roa repairs eaU Chester. __ . ' . SUTTB of offices for business or MANCHESTER, HamUn St. Duplex ana settle the doubtful and tor. Ooiduer Auto School, la. OLBNWOOD Gas stove, very good • Precision Machinist^ garage, 1% bathe,, two 38' liyjng dlsput/d claims In favor of Mid ostato 5(any Others TSrChoose From Coughlin,_ MltcheU 97707, professional use. Main Street. 0 and 0, laiga rooms, large lot, M a jv l Minor G. K rotsiofr pf W«thera-> 94010. JA . 7-5680. HOUSEWIVES—'If-your children GIVE SHOPSIOTH Mark 0 this condition, $40. 89 Main St. 3 0 . and recreation aresf. E&celient are back in school, use your free , 90800. Plenty of parking. Will tub-divide • Turret Lathe Opei^tors /i. oU heat, two-car garage. Good in­ condition. Near Bowers school and fl^Cnnnrclicut, It Is. E -Z Term s Chriatmas. - A complete power come. Howard R. Hastings Agen­ OltDERED: That th#* foreitoina appll- time to earn with Avon. Neighbor­ to auit tenant. Write Box T, Her­ new High echool. $17,300, from ►n bo hpard and^etprmlnpd at tho GET SET NOW FOR DRIVINQ InstrucUono from your Roofing and Chimneys 16-A Workshop in one ingenioualy de- • Sheet metal Mechanics cy, Idancheater. 30. .0-1107 any home. Dual-control Inaureo car, hood territory now avaUable. aighed tool. Shopamith is a 9" ald. owner. 30. 97154. pbals office. In IfVndhestPr in said CHORCllES MOTORS Phone 3U. 93^14. t DAVENPORT and chair, in good tim q. . . on the 28th di of Sepiember, atandartf or automatic. Can Man­ ROOFING—Speciallatng In repait- bench saw, a 12'' disc sender, a OFFICE TO Rent, Hartford Road, • Fusion Welders 1954. at ten o clock In the fore- SO-Oaklan(LAtre4|i chester Drivlna Academy. PL ing roofs of all klnda Also new condition. 3 0 . 9-1643. FIVE R(X)M bungalow, furnished .....s., and that notice be iriven to alt PART TIME Owning leading to woodworking lathe, horlxontal and near McKee St. Ideal for profes- F i v e r o o m single, weU kept old or unfurnished. Oil heat, basement ’51 CHRYSLER ’45 OLDSMOBILE ’59 DiSOTO Phone MI-9-9483 3-7349, TOU free. roofa Gutter work. Chimneys a ve^col drijl press • - yet yoii |T7 at houae, large lot, two-car ga persons interested in M id esUte of the full time 40 hour week. 10:80 a.m. 7.3 CUBIC FOOT ^Leonard refrig- aional m an. 3 0 . 9-0909. garage, ameaite drive. Call 30. pendency of«/• said application «5and IU the___ cleaned, rwairad, 36 years' ex- ALSO * 1 . ^ - — I t . — New Yorker modeL 4-door to 7:f5 p,m. for alert responsible pay doUara leas than you'd pay for erator, like new $100. De luxe - rage, coc^ r Mumblng, oU ateam 9-3575 after 4. time and place of hearing thereon, by Model "95” deluxe. 6-doar. Cnatara 4-dear pertbnoe. Free eatimatea CaU comparable Single-purpoee tools. heat, priced for Immediate aale publishipc a copy of this order In some BUY A GOOD USED CAR AT MORrARTY BROTHERSx aedan,- black, white watt GuBgcs—Scrrice—Storage 10 woman. Apply in person to dietitt relectric atove with meal minder, newspaper havfnff a circulation in Mid BEFORE TOU Buy a used car Howlay. Manobaater IQtcheU See Shopamith' demcmatrated at Suburban For Rent 66 Janitors t5)S,000, CkOl A. C. B. Realty.CO., WAIT UNTIL you se# this lovely tires. Automatlo tranamlo- Try to Hod a hatter aoet S-6361. clan 1 to 3 p.m. Manchester*' Me­ ^Excellent, condition, new 8395, can wswtasx.1.,district, «$at jeast Ir>rftve u«yndays DPlOrn.inebefore, the right now . . . and you’ll be all Mt for montha to come. aion. Sea Gorman Motor Sales. Buick morial Hospital,: Wards. Only 15% down holds yoiur be bought fo r $125; Phone 3 0 . f a . 9-3893. ' brand new ranch home. Six rooma, day of aald hearing, to 'appear if they Stop in today! Sales and Service, 385 Ms Shopamith until Dec< 15. 8360.00 84245. ."^WO R003I8 exceedingly spacious, attached garagO, three bedrooM , see. cause iwiu Mid time.Mile - wHt-placeand- place pnaland siORACiE SPACE available on brand new air! conditioned apart­ * ; Apply MANCHESTER >- Bargain four be heard relative thereto, and make\re- street MltcbaU 94571. Open eve- Cottage Street. Tel. MI. O-llSS. with % li.p. motor. Montgomery picture window,, thermopane/hot turn to. this court. ' ) CHIMNEYS Rep inted and repair­ W ard, 834 Main St. .M ancheoter, i ment, completely furnished, fuU room axpandsMe Cape Cod, dor" n in ga *— ed. Jdl. 8-6035. I Help wanted-—Male 36 , water oil heat; knotty pine kitch­ JOHN J. WAI.LETT, Juifce. GAS AND OlL combination''etove, tile bathroom. Write Box 835, El Employment Office inara, combination storm doora en, fireplace,' full', cellar,, extra BEFORE TOU Decide to buy a MQtorqrd5i---^B{i7cTe8' U P a i n t e r s wanted—if you ■ ara white, $35. Call after 6, 3 0 . 9-1985. lington. Conn. and windows, large rooms, 7 yaars iaifie lot, elevation, trees. Truly a AT A COURT OP PROBATE held *53 OLDSMOBILE ’51 ELYMOOTH *51 DODOE new or used car drop Ih.and see familiar with, all phasea of opera-' 'usra> BELTONE hearing aid. “ Weekdays old, only 810,900. A lso 3 new ranch at M anchest-r within .and for the Hgating—pKimhing 17 TOLLAND, Brand new ranch home, r fine home of quality and distinc­ District of Manchester, on the 14th day Model “•5" de luxe tnloor. 4 Dick or Milt at Dickenson Motor Uons necessary for high quaUty Model M. CaU MI. 98819. M APLE d i n e t t e set, table and 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. Mr homos in Bolton' excallsht loca­ tion.'Inspect and'coihpaire. Good- of September. A.D 1964, Cranbrook 4-door sedan. Meodowbroek 6 dear Sales at Center and Cooper SUL BOY’S COLUMBIA bicycle," 535. w ork, call M I. 9-8633. four chairs. Reasonable. Call 30. 5 rooms, hot water heat; domestic tion, % acre land, flreplacs, hot Present, JOHN J. WAI.I.ETT. Judae. Tutone gray, hydramatic. Dark bhie. Radle, beater. A Orieen. Radle LENNOX f u r n a c e s and warm RUG WOOL'rond remnants. In- hot water. F or sale $10,500, or wiU child Realty Co., Realtors, Office Estate of Antoinetla Savino, late of radio, heater. We sold It 3lay be seen at 17 Grandriew 8t. 9-4619. water heat. Phone Barbara Woods r e o ^ Cleon c a r! V ery eleoa air heating. Eari Van'Camp. 3Q, sttucUcoa In making beautUul rent at 870 per month. Hartford 15 Forest St. 3 0 . 3-7925 or 3 0 . Manchester. In said Disiricl. deceased. new! aod aot. 1963 CH EV RO LEld, tw o-door and 94844. ' ^ EXPERIENCED eoeat cutter. Also AgOncy, 30. 97703. 94790. The administrator haviha n.xhlbiled four-door, very clean and in excel­ part Ume:..high achool boys for braided rugs that add distinction ONE WHITE Enamel kitchen cir- CHr934S8. PRAn A WHITNEY his administration account with said es­ lent condition. Hurry, hurry, only Business Serrices Offered 13 GUARANTEED Plumbing and mornings and afternoons. Refer­ 460 any hom e. G en's Rug Shop, 00 - culating heater with ABC-oil btira- MODERN four room boms, ptao- tate to this Court for allowance. It Is Talcotr AVa,, RoekviUe. Phone AIRCRAFT tered walls, Timksii oil bsat, ORDERED :__'nutt the 23rd day of 5996. At C e n ^ M otor Sales, 461 heating. Jobbing and new work ences. Apply in person, Bum ck's, ert,~535, uaed one. year, 380 Oak September. 1954. at ten o’clock, fore­ M ain. ^ WIRING INBTALLATION at d l 6-8706. St. 1st floor left. Wsnted To Rent 68 Dlvialoa af Uaited Aircraft aluminum storm windows, clean Lots'For Sale. '50 UNCOLN 4*DR. 1 9 4 9 R U IC K types. No Job too qmaU. PWer Joseph SkeUy. 3U. 9-3014. 467 Hartford Road, Manchester. noon. at. the Probate'O ftloe in the Mu­ M aroon. Corparotioa Sad. neat;'^fonced t h r e e a d j o i n i n g lots on Oak­ nicipal Bulldine In said Maachester. 'be ’59 FORD ’49 CADILUG ■SC FONTMG CHEVROLETS, 1947-1965, tw o4 oors Paataluk. 40 Foster aifeet. Phone BOOKKEEPER or junior account­ FOUR OR FIVE room rent, two , aitiSraa and bua. O i^ and the Mme is designed fop a Hearing $ 8 4 5 adults and nine year old girl. Boat Hartford: Cooa. land atrest. .Pficed for quick sale. on the allowance of Mid adihlhlslrallon and (Our-doora, de luxe and stand- Mitchell 9-7908. Moving—^Tracking ant.'' Must be exp^enced — to GAS r a n g e and glrl'a bicycle. FLORENCE ONE burner oil etove, 80,800. Carlton------W. Hutchins,----- tea, 3 0 . T Cuatom de luxe “8" 4-door Convertible, Model 93. U ghl The eeoaeailcal "V* CUat- Call Write Box A, Herald. Howard R. Hastings Agency. 30. aeppunt with said estate, ascertainment am models moat with equipment. Storage— 20 supervise office in growing bust- M l. 94389; . two years old. 3 0 . 9-5044. 90183, 94004. 91107. - of heirs and order of dlslrlhiillon. arid sedan. Now m otor, aUn y lsof, blue. Radio, heater, kydra-' tala, do hue 4rideor aadoa. Bob Oliver boa a good clean guar- hCBSj Excellent- opportunity and this Court directs that notice of the '46 CHRYSLER 1953 MERCURY RndIfN heater and hydra* ROTOTILLER REUABLiH; Btisinesa couple, no time and place assigned for said hear­ apotllgkt. N matte, electric wiadowV, luiteed used car to auit your bud AUSTIN A^ . CHAMBERS OO., good pay. Write Box J, Herald. ' Diamoods— Watdii OIL HEATER, four or five room SWEBPINO views, large four room CHOICE TWO to twelve acre CoaverttUe. J 3 4 5 4-Door Sedan. u a tlc . get Bank financing. Many are heating capacity with automatic chUdren,. desire ^ 6 or 0 room un- ~ ranch, picture window, fireplace, ing be given to all persons knoam to he FOR HIRE local and long distance moving, n '^fnrniehed reht. References. 30. rural plots, for one or more nice Interested therein to appear and , he Green. Fully local cue owner cars st.^jCeottr BARBER WANTED -J- Ultra m od­ - : Jewelry 48 thermooUt. Practidally new. 30. ceramic tile bath, aluminum heard thereon by publishing a copy of packing,^ storage. Call ML 84187. 94384, 8 a.m.-i-.9 p,m. home#. Reasonable. MI. 9-7337. - equipped...... SAVE! Motor Sales, 461 Mate.______with bperator. Lawns, Gardens, Hartfor** CHapel 7-1428. em, top salary. Campus. Barber 0-8074. FOR RENT storms, hot water h ut, cellar, one this order In some nea-spsper. having a UDONARQ W. t o s t , Jawalar. re- acre, good land. Suburban, $13,800. circulation In said District, at least five > Tobacco Beds Shop. South Campus, Storrs, Conn. BUILDWG LOTS, Vemwi, Wilbur days before the dav of said hearing. '49 MERCUkY SEDAN 1960~l FORD Custom (eur4oor, pairs, adjusts watebas expertly. ADULTS, Three ?eed four or five 4-ROOM - Carlton W. Hutchins, 30. 95183, Iteb Estimates—|(I-S4144 Tel. OA. 9983A After 7:30 p.m. Roasooabis prtoaa ^ a n daily. roomi unfurnished, first or second CrpOM Highway. Nice location. JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. '46 CADILLAC ’S3 HUDSON ’49 PONTIAC ’59 BWGK radio, heater. Verjrgood condition. Moving—Tracking ca ll P I. 3-8063. , ■ Musiul Instruments 5S 0-4694. —7 Priced from $600 and up. Rock- Thursday aviminga Sprues floor. H artford, AD. 8-0084. OFFICE SUITE LIMITATION OBDF.lt S x - v i , . $ 5 9 5 ' M aroon. Can be oeen at Don Willis Garage, vUle 5-7813. after 4:80 p.m . Hornet, 4-doer sedan. Radio, Straamliaer "F*' 4-door ae- Special da hue 4-daor or pliMie >CL 94737 after 4:90 p.m. - Storage 20 YOUNG MAN for farm work, 8 streat UltcbeU 9-4SS7. Exoelieat decor conpleta HENRY STREET—Six room cMon AT A COURT o r PROBATE held $ 545 COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart 3(U8IC Instrumental rental. Com­ YOUNG Oqupje with 8 chUdren de­ at Manchester within and for the keater,,^Ttvin-H power. Light daa. Dark greea. Radio, Calar: Gray. Radia p.m . to 13 noon. F um iah' own foclUtieo. Oeatcr Street lal, thru badfoolns tile bath District of Manchester, on the l'6th day '------—V.-, ■ DODGE 19*0, radio and heater. Re­ R. Wolcott on wringer and auto- iLtNCHESTER - Package O ^ - plete line of instruments. Rental sire 54 room apt. Not to exceed 1 9 5 2 D O D G E green. Aa hwmamlate car! heater aad hydraaratic. heater. matle washing machines, vacitum ary. Local light trucking and transporUUon. CaU M l. 9-7636. (isn l«i— Farm—Dairy applied toeigurchase price. Repre- p'lace, l* lavatory, fully Insuiatad, Soborban For^Sale 7S of September'. A.D 1964. built angina and clutch. Good ------_ ^ 800-805 a month. Tel. CH. 04100, Present. JOHN -J. Wal.LETT. Judge. Meadowbrook. '47 CHEVROLET clsaners, motors, imall . appli- i~ SO^ eenting'CSde,-Sermer, B acb,___ full baaei basement. E. and E. Agency, wim tires. Service man leaving U 8. package ..delivery. Refrigerators, TRUCK DRIVER, experienced in Produets $100 K S MONTH FOR SALE—Bolton, tingle- home, Estate of Beriha Isletb. late of Man­ ancaa. W elding. 180 Main S t f ^ waabera and stove moving a le r and Bimdy. Mette|f% Music YOUNG LADY, school teacher. Ed Dupri Dupre, 30. 94307. qiff Bur- chester. in Mid District, deceased. G r^ and Mae. # 1 3 A C Coops, Black. M L 9-1777. grocery deliveries, 5-day work direct from' owner, 10 mlnutea a^si siiasasxrst a>a • ue- arara.;Ji*m ; *be tiod. Douglas Motmu, 555 Main. Painting—Papering 21 Wearing Appsrel—Furs 57 BOLTON LakeCrent-r-Ranch, cua- tunad or ovarhsuiad. Pickup and fireMace, tils bath, extra birch and■asKS theassx- m Miits a n n w ••are v limited millLru MHUarid OUtOWFnallowed kitchan cablnats, aluminum com­ torn built by■ Gambqlati, lambQli ' 34' living forsees the a,i->ssaisaacreditora within i tllMI whichW.l MWll to((• brlnrUTinr daUvoty aarvlea. Olhoea'a Goraga PAINTING, Exterior and Interior, CONCORD GIU p ES. 187 Charter In their. u - . _ claim------s against M id estate, . . and TERMS ...... TRADES ONLT DOUGLAS Wtif seU ^ _ Help Wanted— Oak St., or tela^one.30. 94048. LADY’S winter coat. Mack, alse i4, bination windows, fire alarm sys­ mom, two> fireplaces,ftieptaces, pi ^ m i^ w ork. OiU or IQ your own! CucumbersMrs JMc a GENTLE3(AN'8 Winter - overcoat. #1^ RADIO I SEWERAGE DISPOSAL CD. J ' .I-''' : Institute, 193 TrUmbuU ' Street , WILL CARe \ g r chUdren days in iiaaket, pick, your own.lO K. ^ m t t o ’a fbaad a few times. SiUa 46. .30. n u E v u n o N ISS^ias Paort S t-T ^ T ^ ^ . ^ H artford. JA . 9-8400. ^ my horat. CaU 3Q. 94901. Farm, Birch Mountain Roai ^97067. ' V iC H i ■ ' ■ . A - 'V . V ■ ‘ , \ ;\' 3 r ^ T T ’ ^ r , - / V- ■ ' .., ' i FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1964 SGHTEEN iianrljiPBter lEurnitts X 4 . ''w«>‘ X \ P v t Ronald A. Cuater, son of Bunaet Council, Degraa of Poca> Mr. and Mrs. Otto Custar of 79 hontas,_ will,. meet .... Monday . . at 8 p. Average Daily f^ei Press Run About Town Sdiool S t has completed tits Unit m. in 'linker Hall, When plans wi Scouts Probe For the Wtiek Ended ■’4 ^ p p ly Specialist Course con­ be made .for delegatea to attend Skywatch Schedule Sept. 11, 1S54 AU mea>l)*r« of U>e MFD are ducted by the «9th Infantry Divi­ Uic Great Council sesaion in Hotel Bunco Center WE ARE CONTINUING nquestad to ba at the fire house sion Artillery at Fort DiXp.N. J. Bond, Hartford, pn O ct.'8 and 9. OHndy. on the comer of Main and Hilliard Sunset Council will - continue / Saturday. Sept. ll8' ■■ k ■ 11,305 monthly meetings, on the third Midntght-2 a.m. , .. ., ,. Dick Fi'oach, Gordon' Pomeroy About a dozen Scouts from Ex­ Low m low Btracta in , uniform tomorrow The first jneetlng of the Ameri­ 2 a.m.-4 a.m...... Volunteers Needed Member of the Audit morninf at li:80 to participate in can Leglqd XwxiUary with the new Monday of the mon^, during the plorer Post 47, of the Smith Meth­ Bmesku of Clrenlatton rain, c«oL High a parade in Newington. coming aeason.' 4 a.m.-8 .*.m...... i.ilieonard Rackowski, J. Leber OUR SALE OF ■ / officers occupying their statiohS, 8 a.m.-9 a.m. . , ...... Volunteers Needed odist Church, went scrambling M m ushehet^A City of ViUag. Chtfrm will be held h ^ d a y at 8 p. m. in' Joseph A. tforiarty, 41 Strong 9 a.m.-Noon ...... Roland Morin around the lower regions of the \ The executive Board of Temple the Legion Hall. Mrs. Richard Nobn-3 p.m...... Genievs Horgan, Jamse Horgan Beth Sholom held lhair first nieet- Vaughn will serve as chairman of St., has left for St. Louia, Mo., to Bunce Center last weekend as part VOL. LX X III, NO. SOS (ClaMtled AdvertMag on Pago IS) resume his sbeond year studiea at 3 p.m.-8 p.m...... Marion Cullen, Virginia Liegl of , their project to aid the. Man­ lANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1954 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENT! Ing of the season Monday and dis­ the hostess committee. The meet 8 p.m.-8 p.m. ,...... Robert Ringuette, Alfred Rlnguette cussed fall husiness. Sunday a t'10 ings are held tiie flmt and third St. Louis University School of chester Assn.-for the Help of Re­ Me^cine,' -where lie Is a member 8 p.m.-lO p.m...... Volunteers Needed tarded Children. p. m. there will be a meeting of Monday' ' ■ evenings of the month. 10 p.m.-Midnight .. Joseph Marcin BEDDING of Fhl BeU Pi; also student mem­ all parents to discuaa the formu­ Volunteers msy register st Civil Defpnse Headquarters, Municipal Under they-direction of Leader lation of a P.T;0. for Temple. ber of the^Connecticut State Med' Jim Irvine end his asalatant. Bob David Davis, 1097 Main St., has ical Soctety and the American Btdlding, Mancheiter on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from Hutson, the Scouts cleaned the Hotel Seion been appointed a delegate >to the Medical Asani ^ He Is the' son of 1-5 p.m. Civil Defense telephone' Number—9-9068. basement of the old building. TTiey Mr. and Mrs. S. Raymond Smith third annual New England pon- M r And Mrs. Joseph Moriarty. of 127 Pitkin St. were surprised ference for Israel Bonds at the hAd their own trailer with them, to attend. A social time with light and' taadq numerous trips back AND LINENS with a party recently at the home ’Hotel Bradford, Boston, tomorrow Mra. Edward Sailng, 80 Bowers A rt G roup Slates refreshments will be enjoyed. and' forth between ths building Wins Fight of William A. Knofla. Mrs- Smith's and Saturday. '' St., la president of^^he Greater brother. The couple celebrated and the town Dbposal Area. Hartford Economics Club, vvhich F irst F all jV teeting Thanks to the Explorer Scouts, their 25th wedding anniversary. Hillstown Grange Fair opened, will meet Tuesday at 7:39 p.in. in the basement is now as clean aa a Good Values In M ai^ Seleetioni For Infant this afternoon and will continue] the parish hoiiae of tha Horace M anager Lauds whistle—almost. • ■ throughout the evening and again i Buslut^ll Congregational Church, Manchester Fine Art Assn, will Another South Methodist Church' tomorrow from 10 a.m.; on. 'Die j Hartford. Mrs. Margarets Ohberg; Tow n Em ployes group rendered Its suport to Paris, Sept. 18 (/P) — A turkey' supper will be served from | Berkeley Farms, Colchester, will hold its 8rst fsll'-piseting, Wednes­ MAHRC this week. The fellow­ Paris court today ordered the 6 to 8 p.m. tomorrow under the speak on "Weaving and Dyeing." day, S sp t.'22. ^ g p. m., in the ship Group of the W8CS, Mrs. tin millionaire Patino family chairmanship of James Coughlin, 'The club a: number of mem­ auditorium of/the Whitdri Memo- General Mainager Richard Mar­ Raymond L. Smith, leader, contri­ CO. to return 4-months-old Isa^ husband of I.ecturet' Mrs. Eveljm bers in this tovm and Rockville. rial Librai^89 N. Main St. A tin has thanked five to^\’^ depart­ buted five dollars to aid the or- j Coughlin. ment heads and the employes under ganization in its work. bela Goldsmith to her father Miss Carol 8. Bents, 403 Middle brief busiiiess meeting will pre­ them for the manner In which they —James Goldsmith, son of a Miss Catherine F. Markateln of Turnpike East, and Robert Vio­ cede thd'program. responded during Hurricaiie Edna wealthy British hotel owner. Glastonbury will be married to- letta of Hartford, will be married guest speaker wilf be Mrs. ISi'l. Fridiy and Saturday. The judgment wae handed 4pwn Churchill Handshake for Dulles m.orrow morning at 10 o'clock to tomorrow at 1 p.m. in S t Mary's H. Hitching of North Coventry, Martin , sent letters to Acting by Jean Ausset, preeident of the Nine Power 15 Nations Laureat. J. Pouliot, 22 Hackma­ Episcopal Church. formerly of Manchester, who haa Civil Defense head Adrian Groot, Tribunal of the Seine Dept. He tack St. The ceremony will take «an associated with the Tolland CTilef of Police Herman O. Schen- said it was i^ecUve at once. place in St. James' Ghiirch. Robert A. Kingsbury, aoii o County Art Aaan. for a number of det, Superintendent Horace Mur- Little Isabella-is the -grand­ tost word in Mr. and Mrs. Robsrt F.' Kini years, and is currently its program I*ey of the Park Dept:, Town En­ am Talks Start In Wrangle daughter of Mrs. Anteno’-' Patino, bury, 21 Main St., Talcottvllie, And chairman. Her activities in art gineer Janies H. Sheekey and As­ who has been holding the child a t Miss Donna Robb, daughter of a graduate of Rockville ^ I g h have been wide and varied.. She sistant Superintendent Fred Thrall 3-TRANSISTOR Mr. and Mrs. Sherivood J. Robb, an undisclosed spot. School, will leave tomorrow for has sketched the feigns for large of the Water and Sewer Dept., In Isabella w,a* bom prematurely Insurance for 88 Adelaide Rd., will enter ^North­ Brunswick, Maine, to e ^ r the tapestries now gracing the interior which he said that ail problems On Sept. 28 Over EDC ampton School for . Girls.. when freshman class at Boytdoln Col of the Church of the Blesaed Sac­ that arose "were handled compe­ after her 18-year-oId mother of the school opens on Sept 23 for lags. rament, New York City, the capi­ tently." the same name died of a brain tu- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Strasbourg, Franca,' Sapt. its 31st year. In his letters, Martin also asked "■•yid.r* more laat May 14. The death Hom eowners tol building in Lincoln^ Neb., and was a tragic aftermath to the A call went out today for a 18 (4P)— Members of tha Eu­ Joseph M. LoufKlin, director of other places. Her paintings in oil for suggestions on improring the T and water colors have been shown rraergency organization and Uie runaway romance of 20-year-old nine-power conference to seek ropean Gmsultative Assem­ the Institute of/PubIic”Servlce at BEARIN6 AItt James and Isabella Patino the pre- a way to bring West Ger­ the Universit^of Connecticut, ia in many local exhibits. Mrs. Hitch­ coordinatioA of departmental act- ^ Gpsratai for ealy t5f ■ bly heard today that West DUE TO A TRANSPOSn^N ing was at ons time''emplwed in tivities. In addUion, he asked for vioua December. Hare’s the atodam, straamHned OF FIGURES among the Mtimial delegatea at­ W-«M>ath iasMsd of IV <• SB ClaliiM Baby Kidnaped many into the Atlantic Alli­ German Chancellor Kmirad way lo buy inauraaoa — the tending th^nlnth annual Confer­ the design department of Cheney an outline-of the department heads' for old-type vacunm- ance, as the United States Adenauer will j*oin tha debata BOW CosapiahaiiaiTa Dwelling Brothers. plane- for coping with large-scale sMi! '^ y fight fiared Into the INSTANT MAXWEU ence oh Gitisenship in the nation's bn on Wednesday when James and^rjtain urged “full equal­ here Monday on German re­ FoUey. ItoomUasoflvapoliciss capitol this week. Loughlin has Members and frisnda are Invtied emergencies. ^ Lifs-liks touad, truer sad Ib < HOUSE COFFEE served as an advisor to General dearer than avert pmplsined to police that his ity”) for the former Reich. armament if French Premiar a . windstpnB, aw. was priced at Ig. Jar 8i>97 la daughter, suffering from anoxemia Secretary of State John Footer Manager Richard Martin on aev-' ★ The one “A" belten laMt a ( la ^ of oxygen in the blood), had Pierre Mendes-France also our advt. laat night. eral problems In municipal admin­ full month . . . no "B” bat­ Former Preoideat Harry S. Truman on Sept. 17 held his first Dbijes and British Foreign Secre shows up. Mendes-Franca UabUity ' tery... fewer batietydMiigHl been "kidnaped.” UrXA"*^**®"y conferring lif 4. B ite Coveragw Tilt corrtef prict Is istration. press oonfermee alme hie illneas aad operation. When asked by a said yesterday he will attend. . The father said his daughter and reporter M ’'to the number of "get well” « a ^ he had received. Tru­ a long l»eMlon here yesterday; de­ $1.70 • " V 4 I 2 5 , her grandmother Patino, disap- cided that the meeting of foreign Appenrmnet ^ tho two govora- B. Special Glass Covecage llleeiCieSetSwSreeiiwy.kib rMi title Ceelt .peared from the Versailles Hotel man shou^ ttie group aomc of the “about five bushels” of greetings. ment lenders—key figuron In high- Truman said he would not,go on a campaigning tour but Is "willing ministers shoqld be held in Lon­ And. it saves you woasy Acemicdhyasr where he had left Isabela while don late this trtomth. level diploinnUc nogoUnttons ovor O uou^ lower, ”paidcage” pro- PINEHURST MMUe to do anything I can, but not what I want to do.” He Is- still under Germany's role la western flofensn aaiam rates. Home M ode he went on a busineas trip to The Foreign OffiA announced Africa. He filed a charge of "non- Cite doctor'a oontrol. The preas conference waa held In His offices that the session willNpperi on or —whs expected to shed addlUonnl Call «is for fhU details. Isfryt Ordert (MHt be MM In doWntown Kansas City. (AP Wlrephoto). . bi seder iseelvedf presentation of child.”- about Sept.'28. ' x light on fsetora Invoivod la tha GROCERY But Mrs. Patino had already Dulles fiew back to the .United touchy negoUntioiU. PIfS and petitioned the civil court for per­ States last night. Heinrich Von Bretnnq, who in manent custody of the grand­ ' NATO Session Oct. 15 floor lender in the Bonn pnrlk^ daughter on the. ground James All 14 members of, the North' ment for Adenauer's Christina GLARKE could not care for her suitably. Adlai Seen Facing Atlantic Treaty Organization Democrat party, made the an­ CAKES Mra. Patino aald the child needed (NATO) also are slated to get to­ nouncement that Adenauer would ImuraMt^Agoney Edith S. Wnilaim ”a feminine presence,” gether about Oct. 15 to study the come to Strasbourg. But Gonnsn 'uinn’^ sources mads plain the Chancellor Teacher of Piano ON ORDER Yesterday Judge Auaaet person­ crucial problem of German rearm­ BritolVs Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill nnd U. S. Secretary of State John Foster Dalles ally, inspected the luxurious apart­ ament. NATO headquarters in would come here only if Menden- ITS EAST CENTER ST. and Piand Accordion h a r n ^ f y shnke hands otilside the Prime Mlnlsjer’s residence In London after n luncheon Sept. 17. Between Franco did tho same. PHONE MI.9.U 71 ment Goldsmith obtained for the Cut-rate Audience Paris called yesterday for the them stands British Foreign Secretary .Anthony Eden. Dulles flew to the British cnpttnl from Bonh. Tel. MI-S-TSSS Beginnera a Specialty child. Today, apparently eatiafied J meeting but did not set the exact Debate On rfeaWi Aettea Phone JA-8-2852 Sweaters # . Germany, to confr> ^Ith Churchill and Ed^n on Britain's new plan for rearming West Gennnay. (AP or MI.3-«4^ - with, the 'arrangements, he ruled time or name a site. Paris has Wlrephoto via radio from London). The 15-natlon Conaultative Aa- that Goldsmith should have the V Indianaiwiis, S«pt. 18 —Democrat8 maintained a na­ been suggested. Athens and Ot­ sembly opened debate yeaterday baby, tionally optimistic attitude today de.«pite a bitter intra-party tawa also have been mentioned. ■V on consequencM of Ftisach ra- * esterday, Mrs. Patino asked the battle which threatened to present Adlai E. Stevenson a cut- The British Foreign Office sin- JccUop of the European' Oafonat Sets or Separates court for. Custody. At a meeting In nounced it would israe invitations Flier, Woman Community (EDC) treaty. the. judge's chambers. Goldsmith price audience tonight for a congressional campaign kick­ at once for the London meeting. jVIysterioiiis ‘C igar’ Nevada Prison Belgian Foreign Minister P te- -■ V - - sald'hls own mother—Mrs. Michael off address. Stevenson, scheduled V They will go to the United States • 1., Henri Spaak, in a speech today, Juat tha thing for crisp fall mornings and cool evenings. SUp- for an appearance at a luncheon ons, sizes 34 to 40. V-necks, turtle necks, mock turtle neck aiid Goldsmith—would come to live and Canada as Well as to the six said he waa "ahoolutely eonvineed’” with the child. She was-with her of Indiana editors and a major nations -u'hich had considered pool- in Shelton 2^m 8 ov^ Rome Officials Probe that unleae West Germany is ra- regular In speech tonight,, had little advance Nixon Pushes T i w J W H A U e e son in the judge's chambers today. I ing their armed force's in the now- armed Amerlcah foreea will ba ' Wept When Verdict Made notice of -what apMared to be a defunct European Defense Commu­ uHthdrawn fnm Europa and tha Unwci i Ti n Coma*. 100% WOOL ...... $2.98 to $5.98 She wept when. Ausset read his squabble betwten nis Mpportara nity (EDO—France, West Ger­ Airplane Crash Rome, S^L... British will follow aulL decision, then rushed to telephone and the Democratic organization Trumanism as many, Italy, Belgium, the Nether­ ‘\ Romaas who Spaak declared: "We have to VICARA NYLON ...... $3.98 a nurse who will take care of the regulars for control of the party lands $uid Luxembourg. Shelton, Sept. IS (Jn—AI\-aro clgar-ehaped Caraon City. Nev., Sept. 18 UP)— answer that terribla queatlOB child. The nurse is one of those muhinery. \ ^ e - conference will be able to Melllal, 81, of Bridgeport and over the eapltal laat A tenseness hung over Nevada must we rearm the Qenaaaat -T ed ORLON ...... $3.98 and $5.9,8 who took pare little leabela This confiict had progressed to Camp^gn Issue take Up actual methods eif linking Corona, N.Y„ and Mra. Patricia od auwapape r.' offirro State Prison today 'ap aiiTho'riUii or no? Speaking aa forette-iaifl)*- when she Mrag in an incubator at thehe point where StephStephen A. Mltch- Germany with NATO, diplomatic A. Dar-ls, 26, of Bridgeport, wOre loua calls. F ' . 'sought to find out how a guard ter I am obliged to say yds. To / the American hospital in Paris. ell, national chairman, told a re- St. Louis, Sept. 18- t/P\—Vice informants said, because the killed at 4 p.m. yesterday when reported plrktag up the misi vhui killed during a reckless es­ aay no would moan the aad of porter hla organization had been _ ' . ,ino-ied out what French government already haa on their Instruments. cape J»y three convicts—all recap­ Judge Ausset said Goldsmith had forced to halt the prinUng of to- Mxon singled out, wnai the seaplane In which they were Europe, the end of the North At­ ^ot been "deprived of his right to agreed in principle to such a tieup. flying crashed on a wooded hlll- Technicians at ~Clamplao air­ tured within 10 houra yeaterday. lantic Treaty Organixatlon as it night’s Jormal progriim, feituringlhe called "Trumanism" here laat The French want \yritten guaran­ field outside Rome described the **iye are trying to get things keep the child." He added that night as the big 1954 campaign akle near the Heosatonlc Blver. exists. Such a change In the eoa- ^ans Goldsmith's five-room apartment Is Stevenson as the principal speaker, -- tee.;!, however, that British' and object as a "half cigar” which back to^Xormal," said Warden A. cept of strategy would iMve Bo- to insert a picture of former Presi­ issue, v' American troops will remain on the appeared at one instant to plum- E. BernkcA He will question the "luxurious, well-ventilated and He called on the same voters, Shelton, Sept. ^A single rope defenselesi.” j y a 0 0 ^ 0 ^ 1 opens on a large tercace." He dent Truman^ continent and German rearmament n«et toward the earth for more three desp^rqdos about the death 100 % WOOL .... V...... $4.98 and $6>8 Stevenson, former Illinois gov­ "Republicans, Demoorats and'iln- engine amphibian plane crashed Ha said if West Germany JFoot also eald doctors he had consulted will not be allowed to run rampant, and burned on a rugged hillside than 1,908 feet, the*n rose at tre- of guard GcOTge Miller, 59, who rearmed the United States will ernor, was/the party's 1952 presi­ dependents," who sent President the sources said. moadoos speed aad finally %’an- WSJ taken aa iTjuMtage wh%n the testified the baby needed "only dential nominee. His picture al­ Eisenhower to the White House here yesterday shortly after land­ withdraw her troops from Butopa. VICARA NYlONX:f,...... $5.98 great precautions" for.her proper Asks EDC Httbstltute ing oh the Housatonic River, kill­ lahed. three convicts aetzi^a milk truck ready WM In the program. in 1952 to go back to the polls and Eden suggested that the nine na­ he waa driving through the yard. Challeaged By Laberlto Carter’s "oh*and-ah" gifts go to the nicest mommy-to-he showers. Everybody care. They agreed the presence of give him another Republiou Con- ing the pilot and his unidentified Ha was chi^Iengad by Britiili ORLON ...... $5.98 pnd $7.98 a woman., was necssary. BlOO TIcketo for $740 ' tions meet to consider a substitute woman companion. They forced him to'^m O ^ open knowsCarter's has faihous Jiffon® necks, no-chafe Neyebind* underarms, watef- Frank McKinney, former na-i^ .gress in November. ■ / for EDC soon after the French the rear gate with the truck- Laborite Alfred Robens to aay Available In a wide i ange of cclora. And, hie added. Mrs. Goldsmith In a speech at a llOO-a-pIata Papers on the pilot's person when the United States had mads '.'has happily agreed to take care tional chairman, aald in a separate Assembly torpedoed ' the unified PoMce Warning Open Fire Oa Track x repellent Dispendt* tapes that save little shirt tails. And all Carter's finest knits Sportswear—Second Floor interview that the Mitchell or­ Republican fund raising dinner, army plan on Aug. 30, hUt the Identified him a:^ Alvaro Melllnl. that threat. of the child and to live permanent­ Nixon said the is^ es now were 31, with two addresses—39 Henry -Guarda oit.hlgh towers opened We have been waraad many wear ever and ever. . . need no ironing. . .are Carter-Set*. . . will not shrink out ly with her." ganization, which controls the na­ fire on the truck with rifled as it tional committee, had failed to sell the sam^ as they/were in 1932. (Continned on Pago Etoven) St., Bridgeport and 101'21’ 44th UhuM by the U. g." gpaali ra- Ave., Corona, N. Y. Shots Halt Pair ran past two Steel gates and' dia- piled;-'.!!! is my abaoluta conviction UHVwv UiUBUVR^W of fit the 1,000 seats at a $100-dollar-a- The issue, he skid, is the "Eisen­ appeared along a dirt road. 'Dia SRugL uncRnYu . / ■ plate dinner which the party hoped hower record versus a return to State police who brought the they wbtdd do ao—Americana do truck was found later half a. mile not bluff". Birteetteeiedr"' ^ nnd M Httio Cartor lift aho’ll lovo right horot to chalk up in a drive' to relieve Trumanism." .victims' bodies to a funeral home away from the prison.' X ■ Czechs Caught what Mitchell has said Is a finan­ ‘ On a 31-state campaign tour he here after a tortuous trip over In Office Break \ Another B^iUah Lehorite, Jamas Probe Verdict Miller'a body waa hanging out Callaghan, propqte tha West cial pinch for Democratic candi­ said he was waging for the sole rough terrain said they were at an open door .of tho truck, s'bulleta'bi !r dates all over the nation. purpose of helping elect a \york- a loss to Identify the woman. No ' Milford. Sept. IS OP)-^Three men ahould give up ttyliig to rearm thtopgh hi.! head. h the Germans and inattod nagotlata ••••••••••••••••••#•••#••# eeeeee eeee«*see*eeei»eee,e*'*^ede*ee*ee»ee*e«e.ee*»eee ••sees, #*••#»• American Spy, McKinney, who once waa Tru­ Ing Republican majority in Con­ Due by Mddle papers were found/-on her person who police said were surp'riaed In Chief of Guards Harry Fletcher man's favorite national chairman, gress in the Nov. 2. general elec­ and injuries and burns made her the Milford Grain Co. office were said Miller had not carried a gun a political aettlement wtth Ruoala. said that tickets for tonight's Ste­ tion, the Vice President intensi­ features slmost unrecognizable. He said U. S. Secratary^fBUfa Bavarians Say venson. dinner address are being captured today, two of them stop- and that the three convicts were Duties was acting aa tf haTM fied his criticism of the Tfcumain Of Next Week When Meltini landed bis plane piag their attempted flight only unarmed when recaptured. I I hawked without too many takers administration in his swing hcross on the Seyipour side of the Housa­ ready to reahm the Garmaos wltli-: after police had fired . warning Bernard would not comment on out the aaaent of Franca. /■ '■ Marktredwitz, Germany, Sept. tonic River to purchase .'gasoline ■hots. - ■ how Miller got shot until he and 18 UP)—Bavarian border police (Conttnned on Page Three)' (Continued on Page Eleven) Washington, Sept. 18 (P)—Sen. shortly before the crash, he told That would mean dropptiig tha Edwin C. Johnson (D-Colo) said The men, held oh a technical Di;|itrict Atty. (Cameron Batjer French overboard. Callaghan aald, said today they believed one of attendants at the gasoline station charge o) idleness pending a fur­ complete their, inveatigation. \ two U, S. Army men captured today he looks for ah eariy Senate that hia passfcnger waa staying on adding that he did not balteva Dm committee repori—perhaps by the ther investigation, were brnked as Other sources, however, said it Allied governments would ba Tto yesterday by Czech frontier a boat in Bridgeport, harbor and Pat Nacca, 34. of West Haven, whs virtually certain Miller was guards was an American officer middle of next week—on cenaure that he waa headed for there at atupid" as to do that. hai^ea a i^ n s t Sen. McCarthy John Daniels, 33, of New Haven, killed in the heavy gunfire from on hia way into the Iron CurtaiiTt',Key AFL Dock Officials the time. and Robert Gioffi, 21, of 'New the „tow;er. . countiV. 9.0 XU espionage miasion.' ^-W ls). ' The plane apparently crashed, Haven..' (Ceattaaed oa Faffs Surcoat An official spokesman said that However, Johnson, vice chair- soon after the take-off from the iTiey fsaid tw o.^llet holes were mkn of a special committee that Police said they were looking for found in . the . truck: one . in the the officer, ,dressed in civilian gasoline station. a fourth man. — i-Dran. ttaddnd. clothes, was recognized by West has bMn atudying. thoae charges, A couple in a New York regis­ rear windshield, the other on a SMrL NevtM.nd ilMmi. ’ Rejoin mval lLA Umbn eaid he feels the Senate should T h e y 'gave this account: front fender. rdM h M liMv* Md German border police as a U. ^S. tered automobile, whose namOk \Policemen Frank Pollzzi and ■•I. fiMiMttd PMt. JIKm mck. Wliilt. Sim: wal\ until .after the November * Batjer said charges would be Army intelligence agent. were .not learned, stopped at the Joseph Zennia, on 'routine patrol for you- Sir! I MM.-1H yn. '* Sim I IMI.-2 yn. Hull, J MM.-l yrt. PiiM t. "According to our oWn liM Mly. hall. Eslarn on the Czech border. stoppage at Grace Line Pier 45. grazed Gioffl's head and ha too aur­ 'The prison-here is not a maxi­ soutberampot tip Of Ja( faitanar, 1 iiitt |rowi la he Was aiming for an Oct. 1 dead­ Into post of man'who claims Com­ rendered. i.,.;' mum aecurity inatitution,"'he.'said. 3 y n . S iM , ^ , ylak, For fall wear. Smart ntw stylM in pouch, boxie and ahouldar The announcement said that the D ^ e r last fall left a $10,000-a- 1 line. munists used to list Lamb among Nacca was arrested later in an- "We've got to have some place strap. Many a ty te with slpper. Colors: Black, brown, navy, tan. names of the -two soldiers were year -Job as hiring boss on Pier Sen. Ervm (b-NC), another B1.89 BS.95 charqoal)- rad. being withheld pending further in­ prospective contributors to party othbe-aection of town, to confine these murderous prison­ CUTS INJURIES RED TAPS 45 to Join the AFL union and fight 'Committee' member, aald in a aep- funds.. Lt. Col. Har.'y Fleming Police. said, the office safe con­ ers we have, been getting." , $ 10.95 “"rf-vp vestigation. the ' iLA' for supremacy on the -arate inUrview he hopes the re- Hartford, Sept. IS (Pv-4k aaw completes court-martial defense taining $319 had toan Worked on but It also'^aaid that -a third mem­ watertroht. syoteomtie piaa foe- -g ;Port on the censure case can be at Ft. Sheridan, 111., with pay^ had not been opened. (Coattaned m Page Eleven) ber of the patrol, who was some Laat Thursday he-was hired on completed by mid-week, but he state empleye laJnrtM lo oavtog "\'-. distance away at the time, re­ ch|atiiats testimony that hunger, the state araoad, SS par osot to .as an assistant at Pie.' 45 by hir­ j declined to discuss the m atter fur­ brutality and “brain washings" each ported the incident. ther. doctor bills by ea'dlag "d'raged ing boss William Kucinskat, not destroyed hla win to resist Com­ roWa of referralsL. regarWsM o t Plus Tax a union member. munist captors. r' COMPLETE STOCK OF ((jontianed on Pago H u m ) the sertQMaess d>-tho tojaty.'* The Grace line, citing an' edict (ConttBoed oa Pago Eiovaa) Nationalist China announces Fish Resigns For America’ State Atty. Gea. WlStoai W by the New York-New" Jersey i four more Russian .crewm'en from Water Front Commlasioh that no | aeized Soviet tanker 'Diapse liavk day la bis aaaual report to Dot- Loclge H its C urtain changes in- personnel be' made,, Pope W orks ^^Hard been granted political aayinm . . . In R ift over Political Aejtion esaor Ladgo. Jackets New Fall Cloves firbd bqth Kucinskas and 'Dwyer.. One of President Eisenhower’s tc^ .) This touched off a work stop- j aides. Brig. <3en'. William P. T. Y0 8 H1DA REJECTS QUIZ O n P 9 litical A ffairs In Spite of Illness Van Raalta fabric glovaa in bUp-on style. Plain or fancy trim page at the pier, with Dwyer and (Pete)Carroll, dies at Army's GhVeago, .S«pt. 18 (iP) The For-fecutive Dunmittee didn't act to Tokye, Seat. lS«D--AOteti Egan urging all other AFL Work­ Walter Befd HosplUI at 44. Afnerica' ’ prganlaatioh accepted meet hia objection he would raleaae hacks. , former 'Rep. Hamilton Fiah'a re­ ssMtoeitttoe ilsmtosted by Pshna SUEDE ^ COWHIDE e- v .:-' Muodus, Sept. 18 ,(P) — Gov. ers "embargo" all plerS, which Vatican City, Sept. 18 (45—De­ Paul L. Tuck, of Longmea- a letter 'jTueeday announcing his ister SMgero Y $19.95 John Lodge Says that^any attempt would virtually shut down the huge'', spite Kia own word that he la not dow, Maas.', held for Oraad Jury signation yeaterday — four jteya reaignation. fees cMid Wm port. Nancy Plunuuer, above, 23, a In Holyoke- on six larceny counts' before he threatSned to T * n But a'few hours after Fiah made STEERHIDE and HORSEHIDE Up to censor ths details of public fully recovered from laat winter’s whea VeabMa ra fated tor Yeaterday, as the wdrk Stoppage RodeUffe CoUege graduate atu-. lllneaa. Pope Pius XII' continued totaling $88,110.15 from Sears, publicly unless the organisation his public announcement the or­ oed ttana bi a weak to business "or to conceal them from at Plee 45 ctontinued, Dwyer told deaf, w-aa reported minalng Sept. today hit heavy program of work. Roebuck A Co... Labor-Manhge- return^ to what he termed Its ganization’s cxeeuUve committee, qiiistirmtog. lh a TS-yaaroM *lv 98 * 2»98 pai'- a meeting of the idle docker, he 17 from the Cambridge, Moqa.. ment Committee on l^ihotioh of original concept fo r political ac-r meeting In Chicago, announced the press is reprehensible in itieU- TaaMiif SlSy eitk e ' T)iia morning the Pontiff held Prime Mlalaler west ahead isHh- ■mkad Jtekat. Saa. ebiddMd kickt. (He) and a body blow to the very prln- wanted "no part '(U the AFL. or apartment .she shared with: an­ hia usual conference, at hia Caatel Massachusetts Fi«ming Industry tlon.* Fish's resignation Itad been ac­ Stan. ftid W f JIaady- qiple of free government." ^ e i r union." ' ' other atudrat ■' Nancy, dniighter to Inspect hurriesae daioage - to Flah. one of the founders of For cepted. (Mat Ikrtesk rtkkae WMM wlUi M m , s m e . Green Stampa Given With Cash Sales Gandolfo aummer reaidence with C«ei.Tladlb«.CIaatd kaar. faalktniHtMtiie. fiak, ytSawylpdiai and Lodge told the fall meeting of jCgan, at the-same meeting, said of Mr. nod Mra- Fred Plummer of Msgr. Domenico Tardini, Vatican New Bedford fishing fleet. America, said in New York yester­ Clarence B. Manlen, co-chair­ Sack. S i m ; 3 4 a m . S mt. Ilia aaly flak. ata«f.(kMta«)MM. the New England Weekly Press (op AFL officials had "hung' up" Warren, Pn., vaalahed Sept. l | en- pro-secretary of stata for extraor­ Robprt H,'rFotheringame. 36, of day that he discovered a clause in man of For America aad former riak, Mw, yaMte, im a . piak. yadaw faaabvd aim Assn, here last night th at public pn .him Thuradsy when he plMded roote to the graduate achooTs Oer- dinary pffairo. The audience lasted Bridgeport, treated in Danbury the organization's charter, which Dean -of Notre Dame Law School USE&SON bfflclaU have a "special responsi- by telephoM for a federation-em­ moa department, nhoat fl«'e Modis fpr about an'hour. . Hoa|itai for InjuriM received in effect, prohibited political activ­ whd quit government service after I M ______BL2S billty" to make the details of pub- bargo against all the ports' pibra. frela her apartment. She was The Vatican Secretary of State when, he aaya, thick he was driv­ ity. . . . " speaking out In support of ■ the CO. Hc business available to the Citl- Both men made it plain they described . aa about 5 feet 10. office said no other audiences ing was fOroMl off road by car enUs Group Uaeleaa lacker amendment, said: DOREEN STAMPS sens. t were w-illing to go back Into the wielghlag 110 peoada. She waa were on the Pope's agenda for to­ n^r , Brewster, N. Y.. .Federal Thia, he said, made the orgaitisa- ‘T am personally sorry that "Stewardship of the peoples af­ ILA. wearing a' skirt, sweater, white day. It ^’ss exj>e«ted that the CHvtl' Defense Vngineera coniing to tion "utterl!)', tot«ly useless.'! He Hamilton Fish found it nsCeatary vX fairs," he-asserted, "does not con- , Whether .the ILA will haVe them aaeakers and a green coronroy ! Pope—aa he Usually doM bn Sat­ Connecticut Wednesdav to help added that 90' per cent of For to msigB.1 slid my aasoclatsa re­ ■v: I fer on the stewnras the prirtlege waa a question. Tho ILA has said Jacket wfaea she left the apart- urdays during hia stay at Castal determine extent of U. K diaaater America mbmbera agroe with hlS gret' it very much. He la fc^pa' -iitS .V'-v amat with aa armful of papm. aM tihida to lowna ouffaring , :T--' (CoattaiMd opi Fag« A i m ) ^ j (OoatInMd on d f lit) (AP WIit^^ioM). y ricana damage, ]__ 'He saw U the organisatloa's Ez- (Csatefil aa tag# . % N r~a . \ ■ (CoaMaaad M Page XhiM) - t