Dulles, Eden Weigh Plam^ Armies

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Dulles, Eden Weigh Plam^ Armies ■ / ■:5?» THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1«, 1954 Avers^ Pfily Net Preee Rub t A O f c l i ^ T Y J'tT Per the Week EeMM The WestlMa illanrt;p0tifr ^araing U m ld S* . Sept. 11, liM •c D. a. O fm m u lllmi jlln •Urn * 11,305 Cleniy, caal « •afghi-fdg.d& ■ " ''* 3 midnight. Lasr •sar se. Otemigg^. ■ \ Mcenber of the Andit Bnrenu of Clronlatlon partial'etoarfag, towmm. MiglftgA, - fif '79. Manche$ter-^A City of VtUage Chonn ■T J L X X n i, NO. 302 (OhMMified AdverUelng on Pnge If) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1954 ^EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE F I ^ CENTS It*s Only a Practical Lesson- Dulles, Eden Weigh Plam^ ...tU-tt \ \ At HALTS SELF SERVE and MEAT DEPARTMENT Armies HALE'S ^ PIIEHIER UGHT MEAT INSTANT FLAVOR COFFEE TUNA BoAn Arms ^Thanks Fellas, Thales Good Enough’’ Chancellor Oroohd To Order No Oil Odded D AILY A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 7 O z s . ALLSWEET Block Hold OPEN FRIDAY N iCteS UNTIL B:30 its Flavor Stands Out j Unrealistic W « Uk* to feature brand names, names you «aK tru st... / nompare the quality and the price . you tirili save on these self service case specials: Strasbourg,’ France, Sept. HIO. 17 (^) — A former British London. Sept. 17 S. Secretary of State Jolna Come to S02 Main St. for PHILADELPHIA Foreign Minister, Laborite SWUT PREMXim FULLY COOKBD / \ For 29e Herbert Morrison said today Footer DuDea affrecd today ROBART FARM FRE^ JACK AUGUSTS the slogan "No arms for Ger­ with the Churchill govotR" SMOKED PORK SHOULDER U>. 49c CREAM ment to preaa for an tarty f b t /</(/<:/ B I G LEAGUt mans" may be emotionally Just heat and serve. No cooking shrlnkags. HEN TURKEYS STEAMED gratifying but it is unrealis­ western coiiferenee dcaigRod CHEESE tic. to bring Weat Gennaay into SWIFT PREMIUM 2 to SH LBS. B(»tELB8S Pinehurst Tsndercure Corned CLAMS He acknowledged that his own 'Tull equality” with the other Bsef . Morrell's Ready-to- Onl o f Shell Ready to Serva party is split on German rearm­ western nations.’ DAISY HAMS lb. Ii9c Eat Hams . and for really 8 Oz. Pkg; 39c Can ling the hnrd way what It’t like to be blind, member* of the L City, Iowa, Lion* Club try to ament, but reaffirmed that its fresh WHITE ROCK CUT-UP eat hUndfoldcXI. 'The dramatic illuatratlon wiia arraaged to m ipii«ei«i Importance of work the club official policy is that West Ger­ POtrt.TRY PARTS. .. Legs d<M for the bllad ia Ita annual broom *ale. London. Sept. 17 J(dm ui- many should contribute to wtotem sw b v PREMIUM . , Breasts . % Wings - . 2 Oz. Pkg. 2 9 t defense in a ^ay that Would pre­ Foster DuUea talked at length soup parts. - r-' vent revival of a German military today with Britain's govtfn- SUCED BACON lb. 79c menace, ^ ment leaders on the question Eggs are lower . » serve with Pinehurst fresir egga ONE PIE CERTO y Cites Anti-Germaw FwUng, of how to put Gemnn sol­ r Morrison wap speaking in a de­ W e ctinue the special low 2 Heg. Mm e ' diers into western Defeniae. price f •NLT m m » m few ar IM m u bate in the 15-uatiOn. European 'Cano 25c C:onsultatlve Assembly ort what to He arrived from Boom alrea d y CH ICK EN do now that the French have in agreement with Chanodlor On Page 29 of October Better Living. Esther Klmme] W IN G S ....... lb. 25c rejected the European Defense says that smoked pork shoulder is a wonderful answer when FOR PIE PILLSBURY For Region by New A-Firm Konrad Adenauer that West Comrnunity treaty. you’re looking for something new and good. She suggests Plenty of Chicken i PMK t lEMIS ^ 29c S6UP PARTS ... lb. 5c “There is, a" good deal of feeling Germany should bo treated aa serving it baked with ^rlcot glaae and savory herb dress­ With Vegetobles an equal partner in anna. ing on a platter with k iry, golden yam puffs, broccoli and 1 /^ PRICE against Geraumy,” he said. “ The H. B. Can BUCKWHEAT Boston, Sept. 17 —- .(Ma I rj • « (Communists say 'No arms for tier- ,.* ’®"** •« from ArkMsas State MenUl Hoapltol. falls to the ground After tiefeo Foreign Secretary Anthony cheese and spicy tomatoes. and feature this weekend Beech-Nut BABY FOODS " 2 SALE Scientist Sees group of New England felecr s o v i e t n e p o r t s wians’T—the very Communists who shot nvo times by off-duty patrolman Gene Smith In Uttle Rork. L d ^ held Mr*. A, D. iwna hostaae Eden also was Just back from a So, at these low prices on smoked fully coeke<| shoulders MIX trie firms have formed lan-; A have armed East Germany. for more than an hour. telUng police "I want to die.” A* he apd Mrs. Lynn came through her front tour of caoUnental capital! with and easy to slice d i ^ hams, you not Only sav4 but have the CHICKEN LIVERS • / STRAINED ........................... Jon 4 for 39e “Some of the Democrats of the d(mr she spun aua.n i(lvlng Smith, n neighbor, n chance to 9re. .4* he died. Long mattered "thanks tha sams topic uppormoat to talka Mias, that s good enough." This picture whs taken from movie akn shot by KARK-TV enmemmen with West European toadars. A t meat bourse for a handsome dinner. \^:79c 2Pkgs. JUNIOR ............ ........... Jd n 3 for 43e Atom Warhead hopek« Atomicto make ETiictrie arrangements &>• *»d;Fine Results in West also say ‘No arms for Ger­ mans.' ” , 1 Chris Button and Louis Obersle. (AP Wirephoto). ' ^ hto last stop, to Paris, Eden and Weekly'delireriet to our etoret iniure complete etecke of alt virietiei.'~ ej^eeeeeeeeee with the Atomic Energy Com- A 1 ■ "Can Germany be permanently Pramiar Ptarra Mandaa-Franca to- Tested by Reds mission to build an experi- A - W C a D O I l i r i a l disarmed? This is really the quto- sued a Joint communique which a mehtal nuclear power plant Inin ^ tion whether Germany can perma­ French Foreign Office apokeasnaa nently be denied the powers of s Pope Suffers aaid meant than waa haaie agraa- Waahlngton, Sept. 17 (BT—Dr. New England "at an early ■ Moscow, Sept. 17 (JP)—’The So­ . PKBSb^ sovereign state, and the answer of U. S. Plans to Rebuff 'oMnt oa Bdan’a idea for a aavan- Tony Buysee made the Selections >r the special STOKLEY'S eoeoeeeeeeeeeeee Ralph Lapp, an atomic acientiat, date.” viet Union announced today that it nearly everybody would be no.” nation Waat Buropaaa dafcBM al­ in the service meat section weekend... apeculated today that Ruaaia may William Webiter, executive vice has exploded “m e of a type of But Morrison addsd that he O f Tiredness^ liance ioUudiiig Waat OaraMay, All special "red” meat, values, eac|i item ■’cut from "\1 have exploded an atomic warhead president of New England Electric atomic weapons'’ with "valuable would not today offer an alterna­ Britain and Franca. choice tender beef: ORANGE deaigned for u*e in an airplane System and also president of the results.” tive to- "the great idea" of the The brief-'announcement by the Mao’s New UN Bid Repart Many OsnAW sna cannon, anti aircraft gun* or Yield new Yankee atomic firm, said yes­ EDC, either in his own name or Doctor Says Later, however, there ware pub­ terday: official News , Agency Tass said JUICE EDUCATORS SALTINES artillery piece*. that of his party. lished reporta Mmdea-Fraac* had SIRLOIN or NESCAFE tnpp,' though pot now connected "If proposed arrangements the test "will enable Soviet scien­ Quick, Safe Solution 46 Oz. Tin tists ^and engineers to solve suc­ ■Vatican O ty, Sept. 17 (>H—Pope Washington, Sept. 17 (/P)—-American officials are preparing attached many ifs and condttiona It’s nice to be busy, but not as SHORT STEAKS . .v Large Jar With the government atomic pro­ work out saUstoctorily there is Earllei', British .Conservative to thto baalc agreement. Informed gram,' worked on the Manhattan every reason to balievo that wlth'% cessfully problems of defense from Delegate John MacLay had advo­ Piiis XII is suffering: from fatigue for a one-day, sudden death struggle over Communist renewal rushed as we were last Friday atomie attack.” soureaa said detalto ar* to b* night . for then it's impossible project whfiph produced the firat in the . foreseeable future the cated full membership for West caused by ovenvork but his condi­ next Tuesday of Red China’s bid for United Nations member­ ROUND STEAK or ' Ainerican A-bomb. homes and factories of Now Eng' ' Taaa gave no details., on where tion to npt causing any serious worked out at a conferenca to. to give you the proper service. 1 Ik^ p kg . Germany. in the North Atlantic ship. The simple strategy, whjch has been effective in most Lnadon beginniag about Sapt. 27. SIRLOIN TIP ROAST Other Interpretmtlen Bated land will be mppUed in part with ths explosion took place or. what Treaty Organisation as ths quick concern, hto private physician said of th« 150 fruittoaa attempta Ytyy-" • < • < < < • «■ Hurricane Scares do not occur LB. He told a reporter that *tUI an­ electric power ftoen a plant d i v ­ type of weapon waS involved. today after visiting the Pontiff. Eden met the Amaricaa Secre­ every week so we know you will CubejBteaks (froinckoice Round j^teak) •'ml' safe way to soivs the prob­ the (k>mmunlsts to unseat Cl„htong tary of State at London afipmt other poaelble interpretation of ing its best from nuclear flsston.
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