Photo: Mayukh Banerjee Manuscript received on 21 on 2012 July received Manuscript author.] [Corresponding [email protected] Email: Kingdom. PE14 United 9SB, Cambridgeshire, Wisbech, Welney, 1Herneside, Inskipp, Tim Engineering Environmental Diseases, Folding Protein and Prions for Centre Alberta, of University Dentistry, and Medicine of Faculty Banerjee, Mayukh 77. 8(3): Indian Subcontinent. Indian the from Turdus pilaris Fieldfare of record photographic T., 2013. &Inskipp, M., First Banerjee, Inskipp Banerjee&Tim Mayukh pilaris Turdus First photographic record of Fieldfare Ticehurst (1940) noted that, ‘Jerdon says it had been oncetheIndian Museum, recentlyfrom which itpassed totheBritish Museum.’ obtainedbyDr. Jameson atSaháranpur, andpresented byhim to one is Indiafrom seen ever have Ispecimen onlyKashmir. The from it recordsAdams and Simla, at onceoccurred has Jerdon, Fieldfare,accordingto ‘Theincorrectly.that, (1890) noted Oates informationtranscribedJerdonthe that common.’ likely seems It pretty forests; oak or particularly ranges, Cashmere the of T.viscivorus ThrushMistlethe forspecies,whereas the ofmention no made b) (1859a, Adams by publications relevant only the However, pine-forestsandCashmere,winter.’ presume,only,theofbut in I oaktolerablyHimalayas. theiscommon in recordsAdamsit that hasbeenrecently found, though onceonly, Simla,atW.the their about expressed of Fieldfare ‘The been that, noted (1862)authenticity. Jerdon has doubt but exist, occurrence America North (Clement &Hathway2000). and Japan, (Kansu), have Arabia, vagrants in Asia; occurred south-western and Europe southern and western in winters Transbaikalia.It and central and west black loresandneck-patchbrownlegs[65,66]. flanks; and breast throat, spotted heavily on rusty-ochre washed head, bluish-grey the are photos the the from discerned (2005)be can that Anderton features diagnostic & Rasmussen by provided description thatthe Fieldfare a was photo suggested the in Inskipp Tim Recently, identification. with help requesting ( one of these was posted on the Indian Birds Photography website was not identified at the time but several photos were taken and was seen in foraging a bamboo just grove adjacent to the river. It it and a was 2011.bird TheMarch, 26 on TeestaRiver), O 65 Fieldfare Turdus pilaris . Fieldfare Building, Room 230A, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2M8 Canada. T6G 2M8 AB, Edmonton, Alberta, of University 230A, Room Building, n h Ida Sbotnn, nme o od eot o its of reports old of number a Subcontinent, Indian the In to east Europe central and northern in breeds species The ajeig itit f et egl o te ih bn of bank right the on in Bengal, West town of district small Darjeeling (a Bazaar Teesta at photographed and spotted was bird a Sikkim, to trip a from back way my n he noted, ‘In the forests and in sequesteredvalleysin andforests the ‘In noted, he . weak white supercilium, white under parts parts under white supercilium, white weak . from the Indian Subcontinent Bsd n the on Based pilaris. Turdus Ticehurst, C. B., 1940. Systematic notes on Indian birds - VIII. 25. On some forms for forms some On 25. VIII. - birds Indian on notes Systematic 1940. B., C. Ticehurst, P.Rasmussen, J. C., 2012. C., & Anderton, Oates, E. W., 1890. Joshua, J., Soni, H., Joshi, N. M., & Joshi, P. N., 2005. Sighting of Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) T.Jerdon, 1862.C., Clement, P., & Hathway, R., 2000. R., Hathway, P.,& Clement, Adams, A. L., 1859b. The birds of Cashmere and Ladakh. and Cashmere of birds The 1859b. L., A. Adams, Ali, S., & Ripley, S. D., 1998.D., S. Ripley, & S., Ali, Adams, A. L., 1859a. Notes on the habits, haunts, etc. of some of the birds of . References to theoccurrenceofspecies. as doubt any eliminating thereby subcontinent, Indian the from Gujarat (Joshuaetal.2005). were sighted on 20 April 2001 at Firozpura, Banaskantha district, individuals two recently, More erroneous.’ ‘probably was report Simla the that or error’ in ‘probably was specimen Saharanpur the of locality the that state not did 1940).’(1940) Ticehurst that (TicehurstNote erroneous probably are Kashmir and Simla reportsanecdotal Old error). in probablylocality and mount old India (one specimen, Saharanpur, N W vagrant, winterUttar-BMNH; ‘Supposed specimen a, wasa very it that Subcontinent, stating Anderton(2012) treated the species as hypothetical in the Indian errorinthe locality ishowever not tobeexcluded).’ Rasmussen & was,‘Accidental. Onerecord (undated) fromSaharanpur, U.P. (an is some mistake over the locality.’ Ali & Ripley (1998) stated that it isverya old one and isin the British Museum. Itis possible there nodoubt, a confusion with Kashmir.commonin palpablyThislatterrecord erroneousis and tolerably is it that saying as Adams quotes and Simla, at found (14) 4(4):722–728. needed. is proof further India British of avifauna the in which of inclusion the University andLynx Edicions.2vols.Pp.1–378; 1–684. Washington, D.C., Michigan and Barcelona: Smithsonian Institution, Michigan State Thacker &Co.;R.Friedländer &Sohn.Vol. 2of4vols.Pp.i–x,1–407. Co.; & Spink, Thacker, Francis; and Taylor Berlin: Bombay; Calcutta; London; ed. ers 45(4):59–60. in Firozpura of Banaskantha district, north Gujarat, India. OrphanPress.Vol.the authoratMilitary 1of2vols.Pp.i–xlv, 1–535. a manual of ornithology specially adapted for India. 1st ed. Calcutta: Published by and orders, and a brief notice of such families as are not found in India, making it genera,species, the families,of descriptions tribes, with India: continental inhabit Black. Pp.1–463. Press. Vol. 9of10 vols.Pp.i–xviii,1–310, 10 ll. back) ed. Delhi: (Sponsored by Bombay Natural History Society.) Oxford University those of Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. Robins to wagtails. 2nd (Hard - Zool. Soc.London 26:466–512 (1858). (395): 169–190. The present is the first photographic record of the species of record photographic first the is present The The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma (Birds). 1st The birds of India being a natural history of all the birds known to known birds the all of history natural a being India of birds The Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan together with together Pakistan and India of birds the of Handbook . 1st ed. London: Christopher Helm, A & C & A Helm, Christopher London: ed. 1st Thrushes. atrogularis Birds of South Asia: the Ripley guide. 2nd ed. .The Saharunpur specimen Proc. Zool. Soc. London Soc. Zool. Proc. Newsletter for Newsletter Birdwatch- 66 Fieldfare Turdus pilaris . Fieldfare Proc. Ibis 27 .