Preparations for Early at the LHC

Large Hadron Collider & Planck Telescope XIV IFT Christmas Workshop: December 17, 2008 Madrid

Joe Incandela University of California Santa Barbara Acknowledgements

– For slides: • Davide Boscherini, Jurgen Schukraft, Daniel Froidevaux, Dan Green, Steinar Stapnes, Jörg Wenninger, Sally Dawson, Ian Hinchliffe, Karl Jacobs, Oliver Buchmuller, Ian Low, Albert De Roeck, Andy Parker, Roberto Tenchini, Guenther Dissertori, Jorgen D’Hondt,… – For discussions and special info • Steve Giddings, Peter Jenni, Henry Frisch, Paris Sphicas, Claudio Campagnari, Chris Quigg, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Philip Schuster, Natalia Toro, …and many more – … many others from SPS, Tevatron, LEP, and LHC experiments Ian Low 3 Current Situation – • Many precise measurements without substantial discrepancies with the Standard Model – Astrophysics and Cosmology • Abundant evidence for physics beyond the standard model – Dark energy and non-baryonic dark matter – Neutrino oscillations – Cosmic matter-antimatter asymmetry – Cosmic density fluctuations consistent with inflation – There are many good reasons to expect this dilemma to begin to be resolved by experiments at the TeV scale

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 4 The Dark Side of SUSY • Relic Density for non-baryonic dark matter: 2 – 0.094 < DM h < 0.129 (95% CL), h = 0.71 (km/s)/Mpc (Hubble expansion) – Matter is only ~5% of the energy in the universe and only about 15% as common as dark matter

• Weak scale SUSY with R-Parity conservation is perhaps the best-motivated framework around – Provides a natural dark matter candidate (neutralino) with about the right relic density

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 5

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 6 Or maybe not • The somewhat surprising absence of SUSY at LEP and the Tevatron has led theorists astray – Little Higgs (with T Parity) – Universal extra dimensions (with KK parity) – Strong dynamics – Large extra dimensions – Warped extra dimensions – Hidden Valleys – …

• In any case, if you don‟t exactly know what you‟re looking for, a hadron collider is a good tool to be using.

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Hadron Colliders 7

– Access high com energies – A broad range of energies – Large physics cross-section

Discovery machines …

– but what‟s interesting is rare

– It takes great experiments (and a bit of luck…)

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Good things come early…and late. • SPS & Tevatron Discoveries – SPS turn-on led to quick major discoveries – Not true at the Tevatron • SPS had a lot of data CDF & D0 – Already probed quite a bit higher than the mean constituent com energy of ~100 GeV Single top Di-bosons – Tevatron needed to ~match SPS Mt ,MW integrated luminosity in order to probe a “new” energy domain • And then discovered top! Precision W&Z masses – Early discoveries have been followed by other important results at hadron colliders – but these have generally come late

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 9 LHC will startup in new territory

gg luminosity @ LHC qq luminosity @ LHC gg gg luminosity @ Tevatron qq

qq luminosity @ Tevatron

Ratio of LHC and Tevatron parton luminosities luminosities parton parton Tevatron Tevatron and and LHC LHC of of Ratio Ratio

C. Campagnari

– At 1 TeV constituent com energy • gg: 1 fb-1 at Tevatron is like 1 nb-1 at LHC • qq: 1 fb-1 at Tevatron is like 1 pb-1 at LHC

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 10 Parton Luminosity falls steeply

C. Campagnari • At the LHC it falls ~ x10 every 600 GeV in multi-TeV LHC region:

gg – If you have a limit M > 1 TeV qq for a pair-produced particle, your sensitivity improves by ~ (600/2)=300 GeV = 30% for 10 times more integrated luminosity

• New states always produced near threshold

– If nothing new is found Improving sensitivity is tough.... relatively early, you may need but you can turn evidence into an observation to wait a long time

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 11


Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 13 The Large Hadron Collider at CERN

LHC : 27 km long ~100m underground


Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 14 The Large Hadron Collider at CERN pp, B-Physics, CP Violation

O.Buchmuller ALICE Heavy ions, pp Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 15 The Large Hadron Collider at CERN


CMS +TOTEM General Purpose, pp, heavy ions


Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Jörg Wenninger 16

The LHC Accelerator Complex Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Jörg Wenninger 17 The LHC injector complex Beam 2 Beam 1 LHC 5 4 6

7 3

SPS TI8 8 2 TI2 1

protons Booster LINACS CPS Ions Energy gain per machine is x10 to x20 because this is the typical useful range scale of magnets LEIR Peak energy [GeV] Circumference [m] Linac 0.12 30 Limit stored energy  8 power sectors. PSB 1.4 157 ~1 GJ/sector CPS 26 628 = 4 x PSB Sector = 2.9 km, 154 dipoles + 50 quads SPS 450 6‟911 = 11 x PS LHC 7000 26‟657 = 4 x SPS Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Jörg Wenninger 18 Vast stored energy! • LHC magnets:

• 1 dipole magnet Estored = 7 MJ

• All magnets Estored = 10.4 GJ

Compared to previous accelerators : • A factor 2 in magnetic field • A factor 7 in beam energy • A factor 200 in stored energy Melt 12 tons of Copper!

• Kinetic energy of 2808 p bunches: 11 • Ebunch = Np x Ep = (1.15 x 10 ) x 7 TeV = 129 kJ

• Ebeam = k x Ebunch = 2808 x Ebunch = 362 MJ • 90 kg of TNT • 15 kg of chocolate

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 19 LHC Startup - 10 September 2008 20 LHC Startup - 10 September 2008

Roger Bailey (CMS Week Sep. „08)

Beam circulated for 30 minutes within days of start.

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 21 First Event in CMS ~2x109 protons on collimator 150 m upstream of CMS

Ecal - pink, HB,HE light blue, HO, HF dark blue,Muon DT green Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 22 Energy Deposits: ECAL vs. HCAL Beam dump at collimators produces many proton collisions upstream that reach 100s and 1000s of TeV in CMS!

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 23

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 24 LHCb 1st Alignment w/ Beam Data Muons originating from the beam stopping in P2 (~300 m away from LHCB) are used for alignment (e.g. injection test from August 24) LHCB

VELO Alignment with straight muon tracks. Good agreement with test beam data for large sensor pitch values. Some disagreement at lower values - residual mis-alignment?! VELO Already very little beam data can be very useful for commissioning! Sensor pitch is R dependent

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Beam-splash event in ATLAS ATLAS Beam-halo event with magnets on 26

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara It Works?! ALICE on the 10th of September 28 clean event with 7 tracks from a collision

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 29 But it didn‟t last long…

• September 19th – A resistive zone led to an electrical arc in sector 3-4 (one of 8) while raising the currents on the magnets. – “the current was being ramped up to 9.3 kA in the main dipole circuit at the nominal rate of 10 A/s, when at a value of 8.7 kA, a resistive zone developed in the electrical bus in the region between dipole C24 and quadrupole Q24” – This created a rupture in the helium enclosure of the magnets

• Considerable damage – Several tons of helium were released in the tunnel…

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 30 LHC incident Sep. 19, 2008

• 600 MJ dumped • Detection and monitoring – 400 into dump resistors – Post-mortem check of thermometry – 200 into Arc (section of LHC)! shows a warming of 20 mK at the failure point. • At fault: 1 of 10k brazed joints • “we didn‟t realize the significance” – Suspect it was not made! – Develop calorimetric method & look • 100-200 n impedance elsewhere: heating seen 4 places. “We‟ll never know why… Essential • Consistent with 50-100 n thing is that it never happens again” impedance but is it real? Put nanoVoltmeters across 2-3 splices • Remedial steps and find they‟re perfect! – Spring-loaded flanges at spare – Something else is causing the ports in cold sections, replace heating valves in warm sections • Dipole problem in one case. • One case ok – has already been • NB: better p-release would tested to high current have avoided damage to • Sector 1-2 has ~100n seen magnets, cleaning would still require removal, so time lost is – Decide in January if need to warm comparable up and remove • Sector 5/6 anyway has a non- conforming interconnection cryostat

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 31 Bus-bar splice

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 32


Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 33 The plan for 2009

LHC cold

Last magnet goes into sector 34

2009 Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

Removal of damaged magnets Cleaning and repair “We agreed on 5 TeV in the past and I Cold testing see no reason to re-open it… We Reinstallation won‟t go to 7 TeV” Interconnection Pressure testing CMS week Cool down Dec. 8, 2008 34

Current Status ALICE AND LHCB

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara J. Schukraft 35

Formal end of ALICE installation Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 36 ALICE

HMPID – High Momentum Particle Identification detector, ITS – Inner Tracking System, Muon arm–Muon detector, PHOS – Photon Spectrometer, PID – Particle Identification detector, PMD – Photon Multiplicity Detector, TOF – Time of Flight, TPC – Time Projection Chamber, TDR – Transition Radiation Detector

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 37 Alignment with Cosmics

~50k cosmic  for alignment collected since end of May (~0.1 Hz), using Pixel trigger

ITS Event display Distribution of clusters in the 6 layers

Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD): Silicon Drift Detector (SDD): Silicon Strip Detector (SSD): ~10M channels ~133k channels ~2.6M channels

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 38 TPC Performance

• Preliminary results from cosmics – dE/dx resolution (goal: ~ 5.5%) Momentum < 6% Resolution

– pt resolution (goal: ~ 5% @ 10 GeV) (uncalibrated) ~ 10% @ 10 GeV w/o calibration

Particle Identification

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 39 Looking Forward to Physics

• Configuration 2008 – complete: ITS, TPC, TOF, HMPID, muons, PMD, V0, T0, ZDC, Acorde,.. – partially complete: TRD (25%), EMCAL (0%), PHOS(20%) • Complete ALICE: TRD (2009), DAQ/HLT(2009), PHOS (2010), EMCAL (2011) • Physics of the first „year‟… – „day 1‟ physics in 2009 with pp: global event properties (0.9/10 TeV) • requiring only subset of detectors, few 10,000 events – „ early pp physics‟ 2009: detailed studies of pp • First heavy ion run will be „at the end of the first long pp run‟ – Is the quark gluon plasma an ideal fluid?

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Pascal Perret 40 LHCb

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara LHCb is ready for data taking 41

• All sub-detectors >95% channels are working

With the first fb-1 LHCb will already be doing core physics:

Bs  , Bs  J/, B   K*, cosg etc. Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 42

Current Status ATLAS AND CMS 43 ATLAS and CMS See D. Froidevaux & P. Sphicas An. Re. Nucl. Part. Sci 56 (375) 2006

|η|<2.5 : Tracker |η|<2.6 : Tracker 5  / pT  510 pT 0.01 [GeV] 5 ATLAS CMS  / pT 1.510 pT 0.005 Mass [tons] 7000 12500 |η|<4.9 : EM Calorimeter Diameter 22 m 15 m |η|<4.9 : EM Calorimeter  / E 10%/ E [GeV] Length 46 m 22 m  / E  25%/ E Solenoid 2 T 4 T |η|<4.9 : HAD Calorimeter |η|<4.9 : Had Calorimeter  / E  50%/ E 0.03 [GeV]  / E 100%/ E 0.05

|η|<2.7 : Muon spectrometer |η|<2.6 : Muon spectrometer

 / pT  0.07 (1TeV muons)  / pT  0.10 (1TeV muons)

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Davide Boscherini ATLAS Detector 44

45 m

24 m

7000 Tons

LHC and ATLAS, Motivation and Status

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara ATLAS 45 TOROIDS

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Davide Boscherini 46 Running with cosmics

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Davide Boscherini 47 Cosmic event in ATLAS

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 48 Cosmic in ATLAS Pixels and Strips

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Davide Boscherini 49 Inner detector alignment with cosmics

ID alignment performed in steps with increasing DoF

global sub-detector sub-sub-detector single elements O(100) tracks O(10k) tracks O(50k) tracks O(1M) tracks

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Davide Boscherini 50 Cosmics in the Transition Radiation Tracker

Alignment TRT event display hit resolution = 174m cosmic event in the barrel TRT (already comparable to 130m design) with magnetic field on

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 51 4T Solenoid CALORIMETERS ECAL HCAL 76k scintillating Scintillator/brass PbWO4 crystals sandwich


TRACKER Pixels Silicon Microstrips MUON 210 m2 of silicon sensors ENDCAPS 9.6M channels Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) Total weight 12500 t MUON BARREL Resistive Plate Overall diameter 15 m Chambers (RPC) Overall length 21.6 m Drift Tube Resistive Plate Chambers (DT) Chambers (RPC)

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 52 CMS Central Detector

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 53 CMS Endcap Preshower (ES) ES „ready for installation‟ by beg-Jan 09. Installation foreseen in mid-Feb and mid-Mar

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 54 CRAFT

• CMS Cosmic Run At ~Four Tesla – Ran 4 weeks continuously and 19 days with B=3.8T • 370M cosmic events collected in total • 290M with B=3.8T and with strip tracker and DT in readout • 194M with all detectors

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 55 CRAFT Global Muon with pixel hits

I. Osborne

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 56 Pixel Occupancy Maps

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 57 CMS Tracker Alignment

Silicon Microstrips (~4M tracks) Inner Outer Barrel Barrel 26m 27m Pixels 55K tracks

% modules with>30 hits: Strips: 47m Inner Barrel 96% Inner Disks 98% Outer Barrel 98% End Caps 94% (was 112m) Pixels: Barrel 89% Forward 4%

Pixels:200-350 hits/module Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 58 CRAFT PT Spectrum

Tracking: 7 M tracks, 500 K with P> 100 GeV CMS Preliminary

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 59

CMS & ATLAS PREPARATIONS FOR PHYSICS 60 SM at 10-14 TeV – Low initial luminosity • Study Min Bias, dN/dh etc – Constrain Underlying Event , PDFs • Jets – Optimize algorithms for resolution & scale – Study lepton fakes, b tagging, photons • Then more complex final states – Also calibrate with known objects • Study “candles” for leptons and photons – o,,  initially to understand detector, QCD tracking, leptons & other objects Jets – Extend to W or Z leptons – Compare to MC V+Jets A new window on Nature • – Extend into tt core region and then Parts of SM we have not seen. • Somewhat familiar but with – Deal with tails… more jets than we‟re used to !

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Charged Hadrons • Inclusive charged hadron production (at 14 TeV*) – “first-paper” analysis…

Efficiency vs. p for , K and p T pT Spectra of to very low pT hadrons in various h intervals

*Recently repeated at 900 Gev and 10 TeV

J. Incandela (UCSB): Oxford University Seminar; March 22, 2008 62 Discovery of the SM at 10-14 TeV J/ ϒ Z

ttqq′b b

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara M.L.Mangano 63 Life at low x in a pp collider

• LHC ≠ Tevatron – Small p momentum fractions x are involved in many key searches: • large phase space for gluon emission – Consider tt: • For a jet threshold of ~15 GeV, essentially all tt events will have 1 or more additional jets 160.0 140.0 – Consider V+jets 120.0 • Ratio of LHC to Tevatron 100.0 production cross sections for 80.0 W+jets W/Z + n jets becomes huge as 60.0 Z+jets n increases 40.0 20.0 0.0 0 2 4 6

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 64 tt at 10-14 TeV • We‟ll have to deal with tt – The additional jets complicate reconstruction/isolation of top. • Top is not like W or Z “Top is not a candle, it‟s more like a candelabra” – Ken Bloom (U. Nebraska) – Once we understand the control regions:(W/Z + n jets for low n, and QCD QCD fakes), we can begin to tackle Jets the core regions of tt. – But the devil is in „da‟ tails • If a new physics signal overlaps the tails of top, it will be difficult to untangle …

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 65 Early Searches for New Physics • Follow the data • Dark Matter – Higgs and Dark Matter – We don‟t know what it is seem to be for real – Can think of early SUSY – Good chance we can make searches as effectively both at the LHC looking for Dark Matter, • Higgs whatever it may be • The topologies, methods, – Rocío Vilar will cover this backgrounds relevant to • so I can skip it  SUSY apply to broad class of Dark Matter theories

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 66 “SUSY search”

• Missing Energy: – from LSP

• Multi-Jet: – from cascade decay (gaugino)

• Multi-Leptons: – from decay of charginos/neutralios O. Buchmuller

R-Parity-Conserving SUSY example

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 67 “SUSY search”

• Missing Energy:

– Nwimp - end of the cascade

• Multi-Jet: – from decay of the N‟s (possibly via heavy SM particles like top, W/Z)

O. Buchmuller • Multi-Leptons: Extra dimensions, Little Higgs, Technicolor, etc – from decay of the N‟s

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 68 miss Jets + ET - Inclusive Search

miss ET =360 GeV jet1 ET =330 GeV jet2

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor ET =140 GeV are needed to see this picture. jet3 ET = 60 GeV

M(g̃) ≈ M(q̃) ≈ 500 GeV 1fb-1

Z to invisible

miss ET The simplest topology and the greatest potential Run II V. Shary CALOR04 no cleaning Analysis Strategy: after • Be brave cleaning • Fight background and noise • Use data control samples • Estimate background from data

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara SUSY search with dijet events 69

jet LSP Idea: LSP Search for squark-squark production with squark decay directly to quark + LSP jet Exp. signature: 2 jets + missing ET jet jet

1fb-1 Important analysis properties: • <2/3

• T = ETj2/MTj1,j2 > 0.55 (inspired by arXiv0806.1049)

T > 0.55 LM1: 430 Z: 60 Analysis only relies on t,Z,W: 20 QCD: 0 kinematics of the dijet system: • no direct calorimetric missing Energy dependence • idea can be extended to generic n-jet system O. Buchmuller

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 70 Data Driven Background Estimations  An illustrative example: Z+jets  Irreducible background for Jets+MET search MET Define control samples and understand their Z strength and weaknesses:

   

Z W g

Zll+jets Wl+jets g+jets very clean but low statistics: larger statistics but large statistics, clean for high E factor 6 suppressed not so clean, SM and but not clean for Eg<100 GeV, wrt. to Z  signal contamination

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 71 Predicting Z→Å 100 pb-1 g + jets: 124 events – Backgrounds estimated from data • QCD, electrons Subset – Dynamics is different from Z production. Theory of cuts • QFT correction to reproduce Z spectrum correction – Correction depends on the event selection applied • Out-of-box agreement is already good

W + jets: 24 events W – Backgrounds estimated from data • QCD, tt, Z – Well known correspondence to Z+jets All cuts


Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 72 Inclusive MET + Jets + 1 lepton

• Add lepton  clean trigger ATLAS – Important during early running!

• Typical Characteristics: – Single Isolated lepton • Low pT ~ 20-30 GeV –  3 or  4 jets: • Hard leading (& NL) Jets – Large MET

• Typically > 100 GeV Meff > 100 GeV – Cuts on (jets, MET)

– Large Meff

• Main remaining backgrounds 1 fb-1 – ttbar, W/Z+n-Jets Signal Region : Control Region : Meff > 100 GeV Meff < 100 GeV

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 73 First Kinematic Measurements …With a bit of luck we might see this

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

Jets + MET+ 2 Leptons (SFOS )

M(l+l-) GeV

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

• Estimate same flavour top and di-boson bkg directly from e data max • Relatively precise extraction of Mll in the first few hundred pb-1 max Mee =1.07stat0.36sys GeV for 1/fb (CMS) max M =0.75stat0.18sys GeV for 1/fb (CMS)

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 74 Inclusive MET + Jets + 2 leptons

2 OS SF Leptons L = 1 fb-1

2 SS SF Leptons

L = 1 fb-1

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 75 What we see may be difficult to interpret

• Minimal Universal Extra Dimensions Datta, Matchev, Kong – 1 Extra compact dimension: R q Phys.Rev. D72 (2005) 096006 – Everything propagates in Bulk l  (near)

– KK tower of “SM-like” states l  (far) • evenly separated • nearly degenerate • Signatures like low mass SUSY! – Many Jets CMS AN 2006/008 – Large MET (KK parity  stable LKP) – Leptons CMS Preliminary • With OS dilepton mass edges – High cross-section • Early Physics Potential • Current constraints: -1 – R > 600 Gev (for mH >115 GeV)

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Di-lepton Resonances (Example Z‟) 76 has always been the subject of (clean) searches … Z‟e+e- Discovery Potential

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor MZ‟=1.5 TeV are needed to see this picture.

~80 Events in 1fb-1

Main background: Drell-Yan: <1 event for M>1.5 TeV in 1fb-1

Very early discovery potential with clean signatures!

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 77 Early LHC Discovery Potential Early LHC Runs: 0.1 to 1 fb-1

Model Mass reach Luminosity (fb-1) Early Systematic Challenges Contact Interaction  < 2.8 TeV 0.01 Jet Eff., Energy Scale Z’ Alignment ALRM M ~ 1 TeV 0.01 SSM M ~ 1 TeV 0.02 LRM M ~ 1 TeV 0.03 E6, SO(10) M ~ 1 TeV 0.03 – 0.1 Excited Quark M ~0.7 – 3.6 TeV 0.1 Jet Energy Scale Axigluon or Colouron M ~0.7 – 3.5 TeV 0.1 Jet Energy Scale E6 diquarks M ~0.7 – 4.0 TeV 0.1 Jet Energy Scale Technirho M ~0.7 – 2.4 TeV 0.1 Jet Energy Scale

ADD Virtual GKK MD~ 4.3 - 3 TeV, n = 3-6 0.1 Alignment

MD~ 5 - 4 TeV, n = 3-6 1

ADD Direct GKK MD~ 1.5-1.0 TeV, n = 3-6 0.1 MET, Jet/photon Scale SUSY M ~1.5 – 1.8 TeV 1 MET, Jet Energy Scale, Multi- Jet+MET+0 lepton M ~0.5 TeV 0.01 Jet backgrounds, Standard Jet+MET+1 lepton M ~0.5 TeV 0.1 Model backgrounds Jet+MET+2 leptons M ~0.5 TeV 0.1 mUED M ~0.3 TeV 0.01 ibid M ~ 0.6 TeV 1

-1 (1) TeV (ZKK ) Mz1 < 5 TeV 1 RS1

di-jets MG1~0.7- 0.8 TeV, c=0.1 0.1 Jet Energy Scale di-muons MG1~0.8- 2.3 TeV, c=0.01-0.1 1 Alignment

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 78 Summary • We‟ll run in 2009 (10 TeV?) and all experiments are ready – In 2009 we will commission everything: machine, detector, and physics analysis • We‟ll discover the Standard Model at 10 TeV and start to refine our understanding of the “LHC environment” • We may discover a candidate for Dark Matter early – Low energy SUSY ? – 2009/2010 the year(s) of “SUSY” ? • If it is not low energy (high production rate) it could be difficult and long. • There are many other things that may appear – Many new physics models; Black hole, Extra Dimensions,Little Higgs, Split Susy, New Bosons, Technicolour, etc … • Exciting times…. And…

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 79

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 80 Cosmics in CMS

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 81

MORE INFORMATION 50 Best Inventions of 2008 Top 10 Scientific Discoveries 1. Large Hadron Collider 83 Gauge Mediated Breaking of SUSY • SUSY broken at lower scale by Gauge Bosons ATLAS – Couple to “messengers” from hidden sector at

some high energy scale Fo – Gravitino becomes LSP – Neutralino can be NLSP

• Distinctive Signature – Large MET

– Large Meff

– High ET photon • NLSP Lifetime  large ct Non-pointing • Prompt NLSP decays  Pointing • Depends on SUSY breaking scale! • Interesting Phenomenology ATLAS – From E , L, ct g Prel. – Can derive mNLSP and thus SUSY Breaking Scale CMS Prel. 100 pseudo experiment -1 • Early Discover Potential s of 10 fb – N = 1 ; tan  = 1 ; sgn[] = +1 ;

Mm = 280 GeV ;  = 140 Gev – O(1) fb-1

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 84 Object-ID/efficiency: data-driven methods

• Tag and Probe (T&P): – identify object in an unbiased way in order to study efficiencies. • One object (tag) has strict ID criteria imposed on it. Second object (probe) has looser ID criteria. Additional property that links it to the Tag object to ensure a pure sample. • Zee events: one tight electron (tag); the other can be a probe, provided the

invariant mass of the pair is ≈MZ


T&P Zee

Efficiency from T&P: 94.36±0.24 Efficiency from MC truth: 94.63±0.24 } (for 10 pb-1)

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Drell-Yan above the Z peak

Systematic uncertainties +- channel CMS

Drell-Yan production

10% at 1 TeV

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara High mass dimuons: 86 Z‟, graviton resonances, large extra dimensions… Tracking: alignment and propagation muons  tracker important As noted yesterday: Mass resolution (and so discovery potential) not too strongly affected by tracker alignment scenario


Efficiencies from data

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 87 Track Momentum resolution: 10-1000 pb-1

pT resolution integrated over h

Z peak visible with first rough alignments

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 88 New Physics Search with Di-jets

Dijet Resonance Contact Interaction QCD q, q, g q, q, g q q X  q, q, g q, q, g s - channel q q mainly t - channel

Exited Quarks Contact Interaction

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. 100pb-1



Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 89 New Physics Search with Di-jets

Small systematic due to use of ratio: Di-jet Ratio = N(|h|<0.7) / N(0.7<|h|<1.3) Significant discovery potential: e.g. up to ~10 TeV in 2009/2010

Exited Quarks Contact Interaction

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. 100pb-1



Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 90 Dijet xsec ratio and new Physics

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 91 SUSY Searches @ LHC Huge number of theoretical models . Very complex analysis; MSSM >100 parameter . To reduce complexity we have to choose some LHC: gluino and squark “reasonable”, “typical” models; use a theory of dynamical production dominate SUSY breaking (strong couplings) . mSUGRA (main model) . GMSB (studied in less detail) . AMSB (studied in less detail) . Use models to study different SUSY signatures in the Large production detector. rates at “low mass”

Clear signatures of large missing energy, Msp(GeV)  (pb) Evts/yr 6 7 hard jets and many 500 100 10 -10 leptons! 4 5 1000 1 10 -10 (assume R-Parity) 2000 0.01 102-103 Could be very For low masses the LHC spectacular! becomes a real SUSY factory

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 92 Signature based analyses • A Variety of inclusive analyses @ a specific

benchmark points then extended to the m1/2-mo plane using FAMOS (CMS fast detector simulation) – MET + jets @ LM1: MET>200 – Muons + MET + jets @ LM1: MET>130 – Same sign di-muons @ LM1: MET>200 – Opposite sign dileptons @ LM1:MET>200 ~0 ~ – Di-taus @ LM2 :  2 decays 95% to tt: MET>150 – Inclusive analysis with Higgs @LM5:MET>200 – Inclusive Zo @LM4:MET>230 – Inclusive top @ LM1: Top plus leptons: MET>150

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 93 Expected CMSSM Discovery Reach

• As a function of integrated ATLAS luminosity Preliminary

without systematics • For different discovery -1 channels (1 fb ) SN-ATLAS-2002-020 CMSSM:

CMS Preliminary 1 fb-1 Phys. Lett. B, 657/1-3 (2007) Preferred region @ 95%CL:

Expected Tevatron Reach Discoverable with just 6 pb-1 Excludable with less than 1 fb-1! ATLAS Similar

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara SUSY Discovery Potential - 94 CMSSM

Discover Potential for “muli-jet, multi-lepton and missing energy search” is described in the CMSSM. Both ATLAS and CMS have very similar performance (as expected).

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Preferred CMSSM Parameter 95 Space “LHC Weather Forecast”

JHEP 0809:117,2008 OB, R.Cavanaugh, A.De Roeck, J.R.Ellis, H.~Flaecher, S.~Heinemeyer, G.Isidor, K.A.Olive, P.Paradisi, F.J.Ronga, G.Weiglein

Simultaneous fit of CMSSM

parameters m0, m1/2, A0, tan (>0) to more than 30 collider

and cosmology data (e.g. MW, Mtop, g-2, BR(BXg), relic density)

“CMSSM fit clearly favors low-mass SUSY - Evidence that a signal might show up very early?!”

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 96 SUSY signals (cascades) ~ q q g b ~ 0 0 q    2 h 2 b   0  E miss 0 miss 1 T 1  ET

1 fb-1

Can be discovery channel for the M(bb) 0  h Higgs

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara LM1: MET and 3 jets 97 • Cleanup instrumental bkds, halo, cosmics, etc. – E.g. require • primary vertex • Total EM fraction


– Fem = ET weighted EM fraction in |h|<3 • Event charged

fraction Fch>0.1

– Fch = PT of charged tracks associated to jets over calorimeter

jet ET in |h|<1.7

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 98 Inclusive MET + Jets + 2 leptons • Add 1 Same Flavor Lepton

– Even cleaner d  – Little to no QCD p u d   u  • Typical Selection Strategy W   g ,Z   – Several, high pT Jets – Large MET u – Strong lepton isolation cuts u d • Main backgrounds – tt – Double boson • 2 OS SF : W+W-, WZ, ZZ • 2 SS SF : W+W+, W-W- ~unique to LHC

– Double partons not yet studied • W “+” W, W “+” Z, Z “+” Z

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara A Glimpse at the LHC Physics Program 99 Higgs! Extra Dimensions?? Black Holes???

Supersymmetry? Quark Gluon Plasma? Precision Electroweak!

M MW top

CKM triangle! Physics at a new energy frontier!

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Jörg Wenninger 100 Collimator settings at 7 TeV • Up to now collimators were not needed for machine operation – Used to reduce backgrounds in experiments • LHC: essential for machine operation (above few % of nominal intensity) – A series of collimators and absorbers remove much of the halo and the hadronic showers that they induce. – More than 100 collimators jaws required for nominal LHC beam

RF contacts for guiding image currents 1 mm

Opening ~3-5 mm

Beam spot

Must be aligned to better than 100 m to be as efficient as needed (> 99.9%). Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 101 First Beam on September 10

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara 102

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Post mortem calorimetry in S3-4 and S1-2

Post-mortem analysis of the powering at Analysis of the powering at 9.3 kA of 7 kA of the sub-sector 23R3 (15/09/2008) the sub-sector 15R1 (01/09/2008)

80 2.05 60 1.99 2.03 70 LBALA_24R3_TT821.POSST LBARA_16R1_TT821.POSST LBALA_25R3_TT821.POSST 50 LBARA_17R1_TT821.POSST 1.97 LBALA_26R3_TT821.POSST2.01 LBARA_18R1_TT821.POSST 60 LBALA_27R3_TT821.POSST LBARA_19R1_TT821.POSST LBALB_24R3_TT821.POSST1.99 LBARB_16R1_TT821.POSST 1.95 LBALB_26R3_TT821.POSST 40 LBARB_18R1_TT821.POSST 50 LBBLA_24R3_TT821.POSST 1.97 LBBRA_16R1_TT821.POSST LBBLA_25R3_TT821.POSST LBBRA_17R1_TT821.POSST 1.93 LBBLA_26R3_TT821.POSST LBBRA_18R1_TT821.POSST 40 LBBLA_27R3_TT821.POSST1.95 30 LBBRA_19R1_TT821.POSST LBBLD_25R3_TT821.POSST LBBRD_17R1_TT821.POSST 1.91 LBBLD_27R3_TT821.POSST1.93

mass mass temperatue [K] LBBRD_19R1_TT821.POSST - 30 LQASB_23R3_TT821.POSST LQATH_16R1_TT821.POSST

LQOAA_25R3_TT821.POSST 20 Cold Cold mass mass Cold temperature [K] 1.91 LQATH_18R1_TT821.POSST LQOBA_24R3_TT821.POSST 1.89 opening [%], currentValve [kA] LQATK_17R1_TT821.POSST 20 LQOBA_26R3_TT821.POSST LQATO_15R1_TT821.POSST QRLAA_25R3_CV910.POSST1.89 QRLAA_17R1_CV910AO.POSST

Valve opening opening [%], currentValve [kA], flowCC [g/s] 10 QRLAB_23R3_CV910.POSST 1.87 10 QRLAB_15R1_CV910AO.POSST QURCA_4_FT201.POSST 1.87 RPTE.UA23.RB.A12:I_MEAS RPTE.UA43.RB.A34:I_MEAS

1.85 0 1.85 0 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00

First sign of abnormal dissipation in S3-4 and S1-2: Can we implement calorimetric measurement to detect and to estimate some abnormal resistive heating ?

Lyn Evans 103 Conclusion (I)

. Calorimetric measurement on sectors 1-2, 6-7 & 7-8 has identified four problematic cases on MB circuit:

– 15R1: local resistance of ~ 90 n confirmed also by electrical measurement (in B16R1). – 31R6: local resistance of ~ 50 n confirmed also by electrical measurement (in B32R6). – 19R1: not continuous heat dissipation of ~ 7 kJ in Q21R1 two minutes after the 7-kA plateau start. Origin identify: Helium refilling during the current plateau. – 31R1: local resistance of ~ 50 nW calculated at 7 kA but with a correlation at lower current not very good.  no electrical confirmation  additional test not possible (S-1-2 under emptying)  correlation with the two other cases (supplier, # series...) ?  analysis of SM18 electrical tests ?

Lyn Evans 104 105 Conclusions (III) • The repowering and investigations performed in sectors 1- 2, 6-7 and 7-8 were very successful

• There is no excessive splice resistance in the dipole bus- bars in suspicious cryo-cell 15-16 of sector 1-2 • – Perfect (nominal) splice resistances of 0.35 nΩ were measured

• An excessive resistance inside dipoles B16.R1, B32.R6 was detected

– The electrical resistance, estimated by two independent methods, is of the order of 100 and 47 nΩ

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara Post mortem calorimetry in S3-4 and S1-2

Post-mortem analysis of the powering at Analysis of the powering at 9.3 kA of 7 kA of the sub-sector 23R3 (15/09/2008) the sub-sector 15R1 (01/09/2008)

80 2.05 60 1.99 2.03 70 LBALA_24R3_TT821.POSST LBARA_16R1_TT821.POSST LBALA_25R3_TT821.POSST 50 LBARA_17R1_TT821.POSST 1.97 LBALA_26R3_TT821.POSST2.01 LBARA_18R1_TT821.POSST 60 LBALA_27R3_TT821.POSST LBARA_19R1_TT821.POSST LBALB_24R3_TT821.POSST1.99 LBARB_16R1_TT821.POSST 1.95 LBALB_26R3_TT821.POSST 40 LBARB_18R1_TT821.POSST 50 LBBLA_24R3_TT821.POSST 1.97 LBBRA_16R1_TT821.POSST LBBLA_25R3_TT821.POSST LBBRA_17R1_TT821.POSST 1.93 LBBLA_26R3_TT821.POSST LBBRA_18R1_TT821.POSST 40 LBBLA_27R3_TT821.POSST1.95 30 LBBRA_19R1_TT821.POSST LBBLD_25R3_TT821.POSST LBBRD_17R1_TT821.POSST 1.91 LBBLD_27R3_TT821.POSST1.93

mass mass temperatue [K] LBBRD_19R1_TT821.POSST - 30 LQASB_23R3_TT821.POSST LQATH_16R1_TT821.POSST

LQOAA_25R3_TT821.POSST 20 Cold Cold mass mass Cold temperature [K] 1.91 LQATH_18R1_TT821.POSST LQOBA_24R3_TT821.POSST 1.89 opening [%], currentValve [kA] LQATK_17R1_TT821.POSST 20 LQOBA_26R3_TT821.POSST LQATO_15R1_TT821.POSST QRLAA_25R3_CV910.POSST1.89 QRLAA_17R1_CV910AO.POSST

Valve opening opening [%], currentValve [kA], flowCC [g/s] 10 QRLAB_23R3_CV910.POSST 1.87 10 QRLAB_15R1_CV910AO.POSST QURCA_4_FT201.POSST 1.87 RPTE.UA23.RB.A12:I_MEAS RPTE.UA43.RB.A34:I_MEAS

1.85 0 1.85 0 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00

First sign of abnormal dissipation in S3-4 and S1-2: Can we implement calorimetric measurement to detect and to estimate some abnormal resistive heating ?

Lyn Evans 106 107 LHC Experimental Challenge • LHC requires a new generation of detectors – 109 pp interactions/sec – Can record for only ~102 out of 4x107 crossings/sec – Level-1 trigger decision takes ~2-3 s  electronics need to store data locally (pipelining) – Large Particle Multiplicity Up to 20 superposed collisions each bunch crossing  1000‟s of tracks stream into the detector every 25 ns – Need fine spatial granularity and time resolution for low occupancy  large number of channels (~ 100 M) – Must handle high radiation levels  radiation hard (tolerant) detectors and electronics

Joe Incandela UC Santa Barbara