MULTI-STATE LOTTERY ASSOCIATION 4400 NW Urbandale Drive Urbandale, Iowa 50322 Telephone: 515-453-1400 Fax: 515-453-1420 Request for Proposal The Multi-State Lottery Association (MUSL) is requesting a proposal for a security assessment of its information systems. MUSL is a non-profit government benefit association based in Urbandale, IA responsible for administration of multi-jurisdictional lottery games, including Powerball. MUSL is fully owned by its lottery members. Please direct correspondence to
[email protected]. Bid requests sent out/posted: 07 May 2018 Question submission deadline: 14 May 2018 Bid submission deadline: 21 May 2018 Expected winner notification: 25 May 2018 Desired project start date: 04 Jun 2018 Desired project completion date: 29 Jun 2018 Status reports: weekly MUSL seeks the following services: External network vulnerability assessment and penetration test Internal network vulnerability assessment and penetration test Web application assessment All other services related to the above and commonly included in this type of assessment MUSL expects the following systems/networks/locations to be within scope: Approximately 20 computers used by staff, Urbandale, IA Approximately 100 servers, mostly virtual, Urbandale, IA and remote datacenter Approximately 5 computers used by staff, remote office All related network equipment MUSL will attempt to answer any questions submitted by 14 May 2018 and post those answers on its website. MUSL may elect to not post answers that could disclose sensitive information about MUSL’s systems – in this case, MUSL will disclose answers as deemed appropriate by MUSL security staff, which may include disclosure via email to parties that have expressed interest in bidding.