
SIMPLE ENGLISH PROPERS For the Form of Sundays and Feasts

Melodies by Adam Bartlett

Organ accompaniment by Ryan Dingess

VOLUME I , , Lent, , and Simple English Propers is licensed in the Creative Commons, 2011 CMAA

Organ accompaniments © 2014 by Ryan Dingess. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License: (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Antiphon text translations by Solesmes Abbey, licensed in the Creative Commons.

Psalms reprinted from The Revised Grail Copyright © 2010, Conception Abbey/The Grail, admin. by GIA Publications, Inc., www.giamusic.com . All rights reserved.

Psalm tones for modes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, modes 1, 5, and modes 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 by Fr. Samuel F. Weber, O.S.B., © St. Meinrad Archabbey, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Psalm tones for Introit modes 3, 7, Offertory modes 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and Communion modes 3, 6 by Adam Bartlett, licensed in the Creative Commons.

Psalm tone for Communion mode 4 excerpted from the Meinrad Tones, © St. Meinrad Archabbey, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

This book was engraved, typeset and designed by Ryan Dingess, Arizona, United States.

Cover design by Steven van Roode, Breda, the Netherlands.

Cover art: A page from a 15th c. by Francesco di Antonio del Chierico (b. 1433, d. 1484, Firenze). The manuscript is an illumination of the chant Ad te levavi , the Introit for the First of Advent. In the initial letter is shown King David, the primary author of the Book of Psalms. INTRODUCTION

The original book of Simple English Propers includes an introduction by Jeffrey Tucker, providing guidance on interpreting the chants, as well an informed explanation of their importance in the . Instruction on the singing of the psalm verses, the pointed writing of the texts [ italicized and boldboldbold syllables] and understanding the various barlines in the music are included in that introduction. Vocalists are encouraged to read from the neumes of the original book, and vocalists and organists alike ought to look to Tucker's writing for guidance on interpretation. This collection is only a supplement to the original publication.

Organ Accompaniments

The organ accompaniments are written so that they can be performed comfortably with use of the pedals or on manuals alone. In a few cases, the left hand spans the interval of a 10 th . If the organist's hand cannot accomodate this stretch, the bass note can be moved up an octave so that the interval is only a 3 rd , or the right hand may take the tenor note. If pedals are used, the interval is not an issue. The octave in which pedal parts are played may vary at the discretion of the organist, so long as smooth voice-leading is the musical line is observed.

Organ registrations should be such that they provide a subtle underpinning texture, never drawing attention to the organ or distracting from the vocals. Registration changes are suggested in distinguishing between the antiphon and verses. Some effective examples are to use fewer stops on the verses, inclusion of a celeste stop, using pedals on the antiphon (but not on the verses), or any other number of options that the instrument and organist's experience make possible. Some antiphons are intended to be intoned by a cantor, up to the asterisk (*), and then joined by the full choir. If this practice is observed by your choir, it is common for registrations to outline this as well, again by the inclusion of pedals an/or variation in stops.

Notation and Performance

Three methods are used for notating optional endings to antiphons. The intention of these alternate endings is to leave the antiphon without harmonic resolution; so that if there is yet more to follow, the music reflects this.

Parenthetical notes with the comment " last time only " are self explanatory. If the antiphon is sung only once, the parenthetical notes should be played. If verses are to follow, or the antiphon is to be repeated, the parenthetical notes should be ommitted. For an example, look to page 52, the Introit for the of , Joseph, and Mary.

i The final time is performed:

All other times are performed:

Ending brackets for the "first" and "final" endings are sometimes used. The final ending should be used, of course, only at the conclusion of the final antiphon. The "first" ending is to be used all other times. For an example, look to page 8, the Introit for the Second Sunday of Advent.

The final time is performed:

All other times are performed:

ii Black parenthetical notes may be included or ommitted at the end of antiphons except for the final time. There they are always ommitted. These notes defer the harmonic resolution of the antiphon, indicating that there is yet more to be sung. For an example, look to page 16, the Offertory for the Third Sunday of Advent.

The final time is performed:

All other times may be performed:

At the start of some antiphons, the harmony intended to be held includes a previous melodic note. The intended harmonic note is notated at the first point possible without cluttering the score. It should be held over from the melody, although the notation does not include a tie. This choice was made for a clearer presentation of the melodic line. For an example, look to page 20, the Introit for the Fourth Sunday of Advent.

It appears:

It should be performed:

iii The rhythmic placing of harmonies reflect my own understanding and interpretation of the chants. There are sure to be other ways of hearing them, and at the discretion of the director the harmonies may be moved to nearby syllables to reflect a different rhythmic emphasis of the text. Creative organists may find alternative harmonies or inversions more desirable to their tastes. This is not discouraged. The written harmonies are by no means authoritative and are meant only to provide a quick and convenient resource for those who wish to accompany the Simple English Propers on the organ.

Special thanks to Sister Sarah David Eddy, O.P. for her assistance in proofreading this collection, and to the CMAA community for their support and encouragement.

I pray that this collection proves useful to your parish and contributes to the edification of the faithful.

Ryan Dingess, M.M. May 2014


i Introduction

ADVENT 2 First Sunday of Advent 8 Second Sunday of Advent 14 Third Sunday of Advent 20 Fourth Sunday of Advent

CHRISTMAS 28 Christmas – Vigil Mass 34 Christmas – Midnight Mass 40 Christmas – Mass at Dawn 46 Christmas – Mass of the Day 52 Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary 60 Mary, Mother of God 68 Second Sunday After Christmas 74 The of the Lord 80 The of the Lord

LENT 88 Ash 94 First Sunday of Lent 100 Second Sunday of Lent 108 Third Sunday of Lent 118 Fourth Sunday of Lent 130 Fifth Sunday of Lent

HOLY WEEK 142 Passion (Palm) Sunday 148 Holy Thursday EASTER 156 The 160 Easter Sunday 166 172 182 188 196 Sixth Sunday of Easter 206 The Ascension of the Lord 216 Seventh Sunday of Easter 224 – Vigil Mass 232 Pentecost – Mass of the Day 238 The Most Holy Trinity 248 The Body and 258 The of Jesus ADVENT SEASON



Un to you have I lif ted up my soul.* O my God, I trust in you,

let me not be put to shame; do not al low my en e mies

to laugh at me; for none of those who are a wait ing you

will be dis ap point ed.

2 | First Sunday of Advent 1.1.1. O LORD , make me know your waysways. * Teach me your pathspaths.

Guide me in your truth, and teach me; † for you are the God of my salvavavavation. * I have hoped in you all day longlonglong.long

2.2.2. Remember your compassion, O LORD , † and your merciful lovelovelove,love * for they are from of oldoldold.old

3.3.3. Do not remember the sins of my youthyouth, * nor my trans gresgresgressions.gres

In your merciful love remember mememe,me * because of your goodness, O LORD .

Glory be to the Father ...

First Sunday of Advent | 3 OFFERTORY

Un to you, O Lord, have I lif ted up my soul; * O my God,

I trust in you, let me not be put to shame;

do not al low my en e mies to laugh at me;

for none of those who are a wait ing you

will be dis ap poin ted.

4 | First Sunday of Advent 1.1.1. Guide me in your truth, and teach me; † for you are the God of my sal vavavation.va * I have hoped in you all day longlong.

2.2.2. Remember you compassion, O LORD , † and your merci ful lovelove, * for they are om of old old.

3.3.3. Do not remember the sins of my youthyouth, * nor my trans gresgresgressions.gres

In your merciful love remem ber me me, * because of your good ness, O LORD .

4.4.4. Good and upright is the LORD ; * he shows the way to sin sinners.

He guides the humble in right judgjudgment; * to the humble he teach es his way way.

First Sunday of Advent | 5 COMMUNION

4e Lord will be stow his lov ing kind ness,

and our land will yield its fruit.

6 | First Sunday of Advent 1.1.1. O L ORD , you have fa vored your landland, * and brought back the captives of Ja Jacob.

You forgave the guilt of your peo people, * and covered all their sinssins.

You averted all your ragerage; * you turned back the heat of your an anger.

2.2.2. Bring us back, O God, our sav savior! * Put an end to your grievance against us.

3.3.3. Will you not restore a gain our life life, * that your people may rejoice in you you?

Let us see, O LORD , your mermercy, * and his glory will dwell in our landland.

4.4.4. His salvation is near for those who fear him, * and his glory will dwell in our landland.

5.5.5. Merciful love and faithful ness have metmet; * and peace have kissedkissed.

Faithfulness shall om the earthearth, * and justice look down om heavheavheaven.heav

Glory be to the Father ...

First Sunday of Advent | 7 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT


Peo ple of Zi on be hold,* the Lord is com ing to save all na tions;

and the Lord shall cause you to hear his ma jes tic voice

1. Final 2 4

for the joy of your heart. heart. 2 4

8 | Second Sunday of Advent 1. O shepherd of Is rael, hear us, * you who lead Joseph like a AockAock:

enthroned on the cherubim, shine forth † upon Ephraim, Benja min, Ma nesnesnesseh.nes * Rouse up your might and come to savesavesave us.

2. O God, bring us backback; * let your face shine on us, and we shall be savedsaved.

3.3.3. How long, O LORD , God of hostshosts. * will you be angry at the of your peo people?

You have fed them with tears for their breadbread. * an abundance of tears for their drinkdrink.

You have made us the taunt of our neighneighbors; * our foes mock us among them selvesselves.

Glory be to the Father ...

Second Sunday of Advent | 9 OFFERTORY

You will turn toward us, O God,* and res tore our life a gain,

and your peo ple will re joice in you. Show us, Lord, your mer cy

and grant us your sal va tion.

10 | Second Sunday of Advent 1.1.1. O LORD , you have favored your landland, * and brought back the captives of Ja Jacob.

You forgave the sins of your peo people, * and covered all their sinssins.

You averted all your ragerage; * you turned back the heat of your an anger.

2.2.2. Bring us back, O God, our sav savior! * Put an end to your grievance against us.

Will you be angry with us for evevever?ev * Will your anger last from age to age age?

3.3.3. I will hear what the LORD God speaks; † he speaks of peace for his people and his fath fathful, * and those who turn their hearts to himhimhim.him

His salvation is near for those who fear him, * and his glory will dwell in our landland.

4.4.4. Merciful love and faithfulness have metmet; * justice and peace have kissedkissed.

Faithfulness shall spring from the earthearth, * and justice look down om heavheaven.

5.5.5. Also the LORD will bestow his bounbounty, * and our earth shall yield its in increase.

Justice will be foreforefore him, * and guide his steps on the way way.

Second Sunday of Advent | 11 COMMUNION

A rise, O Je ru sa lem,* and stand on high;

and be hold the joy that shall come to you from your God.

12 | Second Sunday of Advent 1.1.1. O , glori fy the LORD ! * O Sion, praise your GodGod!

He has strengthened the bars of your gatesgates; * he has blessed your children with ininin you.

He established peace on your bor borders; * he gives you your Ell of En est wheatwheat.

2.2.2. He sends out his word to the earthearth, * and swiFly runs his com mandmand.

3.3.3. He hurls down hail stones like crumbscrumbs; * before such cold, who can standstand?

He sends forth his word and it melts them; * at the blowing of his breath the wa ters AowAowAow.Aow

4.4.4. He reveals his word to Ja Jacob; * to Israel, his decrees and judgjudgments.

He has not dealt thus with other nat nations; * he has not taught them his judgjudgments.

Glory be to the Father ...

Second Sunday of Advent | 13 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT


Re joice in the Lord al ways;* a gain I say re joice.

Let your for bear ance be known to all men. 4e Lord is at hand.

Do not be an xious o ver an y thing; but in all man ner of prayer,

let your re quests be made known un to God.

14 | 4ird Sunday of Advent 1.1.1. O LORD , you have fa vored your landland, * and brought back the captives of Ja Jacob.

You forgave the guilt of your peo people. and covered all their sinssins.

You averted all your ragerage; * you turned back the heat of your angeranger.

2. Bring us back, O God, our sav savior! * Put an end to your grievance against us.

Will you be angry with us for evevever?ev * Will your anger last from age to age age?

3.3.3. Will you not restore a gain our life life, * that your people may rejoice in you you?

Let us see, O LORD , your mermercy, * and grant us your sal vavavation.va

Glory be to the Father ...

4ird Sunday of Advent | 15 OFFERTORY

O Lord, you have blessed your land,*

you have put an end to Ja cob's cap ti vi ty;

you have for giv en the guilt of your peo ple.

16 | 4ird Sunday of Advent 1. You forgave the guilt of your peopeopeople,peo * and covered all their sinssinssins.sins

You averted all your rageragerage;rage * you turned back the heat of your an anger.

2. Bring us back, O God, our savsavsavior!sav * Put an end to your grievance a gainst us.

Will you be angry with us for evevever?ev * Will your anger last from age to ageageage?age

3. Will you not restore a gain our lifelifelife,life * that your people may rejoice in youyouyou?you

Let us see, O LORD , your mermermercy,mer * and grant us your sal vavavation.va

4. I will hear what the LORD God speaks; † he speaks of peace for his people and his faithfaithful, * and those who turn their hearts to himhimhim.him

His salvation is near for those who fearfearfear him, * and his glory will dwell in our landlandland.land

4ird Sunday of Advent | 17 COMMUNION

Say: Take cour age, you who are faint heart ed, and do not fear;

be hold, our God will come and he will save us.

18 | 4ird Sunday of Advent 1.1.1. 4e desert and the parched land will ex ultultult;ult * the steppe will rejoice and bloombloom.

2.2.2. 4ey will bloom with a bundant Aow Aowers, * and rejoice with joy ful songsong.

4e glory of will be giv en to themthem, * the splendor of Carmel and SharSharon;

4ey will see the glory of the LORD , * the splendor of our GodGod.

3.3.3. Strengthen the hands that are feebfeeble, * make Erm the knees that are weakweak,

4.4.4. 4en will the eyes of the blind be op opened, * the ears of the deaf be clearedcleared;

5.5.5. 4en will the lame leap like a stagstagstag,stag * then the tongue of the dumb will singsing.

Streams will burst forth in the de desert, * and rivers in the steppesteppe.

6.6.6. 4e burning sands will become poolspools, * and the thursty ground, springs of wa water;

4e abode where jackals lurk * will be a marsh for the reed and pa pypypyrus.py

Glory be to the Father ...

4ird Sunday of Advent | 19 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT


Skies, let the Just One come forth like the dew,*

let him des cend from the clouds like the rain.

4e earth will o pen up and give birth to our Sa vior.

20 | Fourth Sunday of Advent 1.1.1. 4e heavens declare the glo ry of GodGod, * and the Ermament proclaims the work of his handshands.

Day unto day con veys the mesmessage, * and night unto night imparts the knowknowledge.

2.2.2. No speech, no word, whose voice goes unheeded; † their sound goes forth through all the earthearth, * their message to the utmost bounds of the worldworld.

3.3.3. 4ere he has placed a tent for the sun; † it comes forth like a bridegroom coming om his tenttent, * rejoices like a champion to run his coursecourse.

Glory be to the Father ...

Fourth Sunday of Advent | 21 OFFERTORY

Hail Ma ry, full of ,* the Lord is with thee.

Bles sed art thou a mongst wo men, and bles sed is the fruit of thy womb.

22 | Fourth Sunday of Advent 1.1.1. But Mary said to the an angel, * "How can this be, since I have no relations with a manman?"

2.2.2. And the angel said to her in reply, † "4e holy Spirit will come upon you you, * and the power of the Most High will over shadshadshadowshad you.

4erefore the child to be born will be called ho holy, * the Son of GodGod.

3.3.3. And behold, Eliza beth, your rel relative, * has also conceived a son in her old age age,

and this is the sixth month for her who was called bar barren; * for nothing will be impossi ble for GodGod."

4.4.4. Mary said, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the LordLord. * May it be done to me according to your wordword."

Fourth Sunday of Advent | 23 COMMUNION

Be hold, a Vir gin shall con ceive and bear a son,

and his name shall be called Em ma nu el.

24 | Fourth Sunday of Advent 1.1.1. 4e heavens declare the glo ry of GodGod, * and the Ermament proclaims the work of his handshands.

Day unto day con veys the mesmessage, * and night unto night imparts the knowlknowledge.

2. No speech, no word, whose voice goes unheeded; † their sound goes forth through all the earthearth, * their message to the utmost bounds of the worldworld.

3.3.3. 4ere he has placed a tent for the sun; † it comes forth like a bridegroom coming om his tenttent, * rejoices like a champion to run his coursecourse.

4.4.4. At one end of the heavens is the rising of the sun; † to its furthest end it runs its coursecourse. * 4ere is nothing concealed from its burn ing heatheat.

Glory be to the Father ...

Fourth Sunday of Advent | 25 26 CHRISTMAS SEASON



To day you will know that the Lord is com ing to save us;

and to mor row you will see his glo ry.

28 | Christmas - Vigil Mass 1.1.1. 4e LORD 's is the earth and its full fullness, * the world, and those who dwell in it.

It is he who set it on the seasseas; * on the rivers he made it Erm Erm.

2.2.2. Who shall climb the mountain of the LORD ? * Who shall stand in his ho ly placeplace?

4e clean of hands and pure of heart, † whose soul is not set on vain thingsthings, * who has not sworn deceit ful wordswords.

3.3.3. Blessings from the LORD shall he re ceiveceive, * and right reward from the God who saves him.

Such are the peo ple who seek him, * who seek the face of the God of Ja Jacob.

Glory be to the Father ...

Christmas - Vigil Mass | 29 OFFERTORY

O Prin ces, liF up your gates;* be lif ted high, O e ter nal gates,

and the King of Glo ry shall make his en try.

30 | Christmas - Vigil Mass 1.1.1. 4e LORD 's is the earth and its full fullness, * the world, and those who dwell in it.

It is he who set it on the seasseasseas;seas * on the rivers he made it ErmErmErm.Erm

2.2.2. Who shall climb the mountain of the LORD ? * Who shall stand in his holy placeplace?

4e clean of hands and pure of heart, † whose soul is not set on vain thingsthings, * who has not sworn de ceitful wordswords.

3.3.3. Blessings from the LORD shall he re ceiveceive, * and right reward from the God who saves him.

Such are the people who seekseekseek him, * who seek the face of the God of JaJaJacob.Ja

4.4.4. Who is this king of glory? † 4e Lord, the mighty, the val valiant; * the Lord, the val iant in war war.

5.5.5. Who is this king of glory? † He, the Lord of hostshosts, * he is the king of glo glory.

Christmas - Vigil Mass | 31 COMMUNION

4e glo ry of the Lord shall be re vealed, and all Aesh shall see

the sal va tion which comes from our God.

32 | Christmas - Vigil Mass 1.1.1. 4e LORD 's is the earth and its full fullness, * the world, and those who dwell in it.

It is he who set it on the seasseas; * on the rivers he made it Erm Erm.

2.2.2. Who shall climb the mountain of the LORD ? * Who shall stand in his ho ly placeplace?

4e clean of hands and pure of heart, † whose soul is not set on vain thingsthings, * who has not sworn deceit ful wordswords.

3.3.3. Blessings from the LORD shall he re ceiveceive, * and right reward from the God who saves him.

Such are the peo ple who seek him, * who seek the face of the God of Ja Jacob.

4.4.4. O gates, liF high your heads; † grow higher, ancient doorsdoors. * Let him enter, the king of glo glory!

5.5.5. Who is this king of glory? † 4e Lord, the mighty, the valvalvaliant;val * the Lord, the valiant in war war.

Glory be to the Father ...

Christmas - Vigil Mass | 33 CHRISTMAS - MIDNIGHT MASS


4e Lord said un to me: You are my Son,

to day I have be got ten you.

34 | Christmas - Midnight Mass 1. Why do the na tions con spirespire, * and the peoples plot in vainvainvain?vain

4ey arise, the kings of the earthearth; * princes plot against the LORD and his Anointednointednointed.

2. Ask of me and I will give you † the nations as your in herherheritance,her * and the ends of the earth as your possessessessession.

With a rod of iron you will rulerulerule them; * like a potter’s jar you will shatshatshattershat them.”

3. So now, O kings, under standstand; * take warning, rulers of the earthearth.

Serve the LORD with fearfearfear;fear * exult with trembling, pay him your homhomhomage.hom

Glory be to the Father …

Christmas - Midnight Mass | 35 OFFERTORY

Let the heav ens re joice and let the earth be glad

be fore the face of the Lord for he comes.

36 | Christmas - Midnight Mass 1. O sing a new song to the LORD ; * sing to the Lord, all the earthearth.

O sing to the LORD ; bless his namename. * Proclaim his salvation day by daydayday.day

Tell among the na tions his glogloglory,glo * and his wonders among all the peopeopeoples.peo

2.2.2. For the LORD is great and highly to be praisedpraised, * to be feared above all godsgods.

For the gods of the na tions are naughtnaught. * It was the LORD who made the heavheavheavens.heav

3. In his presence are majes ty and splensplendor, * strength and honor in his ho ly placeplace.

Give the LORD , you families of peoples, † give the LORD glo ry and powpowpower;pow * give the LORD the glory of his namename.

4.4.4. Bring an oQering and enter his courts; † worship the LORD in holy splensplendor. * O tremble before him, all the earthearth.

Christmas - Midnight Mass | 37 COMMUNION

A midst the splen dors of the heav en ly sanc tu a ry,

from the womb, be fore the mor ning star, I have be got ten you.

38 | Christmas - Midnight Mass 1.1.1. 4e LORD 's revelation to my Lord: † “Sit at my right handhand, * until I make your foes your footfootfootstool.”foot

2.2.2. 4e LORD will send from Sion † your scep ter of powpowpower:pow * rule in the midst of your foesfoesfoes.foes

3. With you is princely rule * on the day of your powpowpower.pow

In holy splendor, from the womb be fore the dawndawn, * I have be gotten youyouyou.you

4.4.4. 4e LORD has sworn an oath he will not change: † “You are a priest for evevever,ev * in the line of Mel chizchizchizedek.”chiz

5. 4e LORD , standing at your rightright, * shatters kings in the day of his wrathwrath.

6. He shall drink from the stream by the waywaywayside,way * and therefore he shall liF up his headhead.

Glory be to the Father …

Christmas - Midnight Mass | 39 CHRISTMAS - MASS AT DAWN


Ra diant light will shine up on us to day,*

for the Lord is born un to us. He shall be called Won der ful God,

Prince of Peace, Fa ther of the world to come.

His reign shall have no end.

40 | Christmas - Mass at Dawn 1. 4e LORD is king, with majesty enrobed. † 4e LORD has robed himself with mightmight; * he has girded himself with powpowpower.pow

2. 4e world you made Erm, not to be moved; † your throne has stood Erm from of oldoldold.old * From all eternity, O LORD , you areareare.are

3. 4e Aoods have liFed up, O LORD , † the Aoods have liFed up their voicevoice; * the Aoods have liFed up their thunthunthunder.thun

4. Greater than the roar of mighty waters, † more glorious than the surgings of the seaseasea,sea * the Lord is glorious on highhighhigh.high

5. Truly your decrees are to be trusted. † Holiness is Etting to your househouse, * O LORD , until the end of timetime.

Glory be to the Father ...

Christmas - Mass at Dawn | 41 OFFERTORY

For it is God who has es tab lished the world,*

it shall nev er be moved; your throne is es tab lished from of old;

you are from all e ter ni ty.

42 | Christmas - Mass at Dawn 1. 4e LORD is king, with majesty enrobed. † 4e LORD has robed him self with mightmight; * he has girded him self with powpowpower.pow

2. 4e Aoods have liFed up, O LORD , † the Aoods have liFed up their voicevoice; * the Aoods have liFed up their thunthunthunder.thun

3. Greater than the roar of mighty waters, † more glorious than the surgings of the seaseasea,sea * the LORD is glori ous on highhighhigh.high

4. Truly your decrees are to be trusted. † Holiness is Etting to your househouse, * O LORD , until the end of timetime.

Christmas - Mass at Dawn | 43 COMMUNION

Ex ult, O daugh ter of Zi on,* sing prais es,

O daugh ter of Je ru sa lem; be hold,

your King is com ing, the Ho ly One, the Sav ior of the world.

44 | Christmas - Mass at Dawn 1. I will bless the LORD at all timestimes; * praise of him is always in my mouthmouth.

In the LORD my soul shall make its boastboast; * the humble shall hear and be gladgladglad.glad

2. Glorify the LORD with mememe;me * together let us praise his namename.

I sought the LORD , and he answered mememe;me * from all my terrors he set me freefreefree.free

3. Look towards him and be rararadiant;ra * let your faces not be abashedbashed.

4is lowly one called; the LORD heardheard, * and rescued him from all his dis tresstress.

4.4.4. 4e angel of the LORD is en camped * around those who fear him, to rererescuere them.

Taste and see that the LORD is goodgood. * Blessed the man who seeks refuge in himhimhim.him

5. 4e LORD is close to the broken hearthearted; * those whose spirit is crushed he will savesavesave.save

6. 4e LORD ransoms the souls of his serserservants.ser * All who trust in him shall not be con demneddemned.

Glory be to the Father …

Christmas - Mass at Dawn | 45 CHRISTMAS - MASS OF THE DAY


Un to us a child is born,* un to us a son is giv en.

Do mi nion is on his shoul der

and his name shall be called the An gel of Great Coun sel.

46 | Christmas - Mass of the Day 1. O sing a new song to the LORD , * for he has worked wonwonwonders.won

His right hand and his holy armarmarm * have brought sal vavavation.va

2. 4e Lord has made known his sal vavavation,va * has shown his deliverance to the nananations.na

He has remembered his mer ciful lovelovelove * and his truth for the house of IsIsIsrael.Is

3.3.3. All the ends of the earth have seenseenseen * the salvation of our GodGodGod.God

Shout to the LORD , all the earth; † break forth into joyous songsong, * and sing out your praisepraise.

Glory be to the Father …

Christmas - Mass of the Day | 47 OFFERTORY

Yours are the heav ens, yours is the earth,* the world and the full ness there of

have been foun ded by you. Right eous ness and jus tice

are the foun da tion of your throne.

48 | Christmas - Mass of the Day 1. A God to be feared in the council of the hohoholyho ones, * great and awesome to all around him.

2. It is you who rule the raging of the seaseasea;sea * it is you who still the surging of its waveswaves.

It is you who crush Rahab underfoot like a corpsecorpse; * you scatter your foes with your might y armarmarm.arm

3. How blessed the people who know your praisepraise, * who walk, O LORD , in the light of your facefaceface,face

who End their joy every day in your namename, * who make your justice their joyful ac claimclaim.

4. For you are the glory of their strengthstrength; * by your favor it is that our might is ex altaltalted.alt

Behold, the LORD is our shieldshield; * he is the Holy One of Israel, our kingkingking.king

Christmas - Mass of the Day | 49 COMMUNION

All the ends of the earth have seen

the sal va tion which comes from our God.

50 | Christmas - Mass of the Day 1. O sing a new song to the LORD , * 6. He will judge the world with jusjusjustice,jus * for he has worked wonwonwonders.won and the peoples with fairfairfairness.fair

His right hand and his holy armarmarm * have brought sal vavavation.va Glory be to the Father …

2. 4e LORD has made known his sal vavavation,va * has shown his deliverance to the nananations.na

He has remembered his mer ciful lovelovelove * and his truth for the house of IsIsIsrael.Is

3. All the ends of the earth have seenseenseen * the salvation of our GodGodGod.God

Shout to the LORD , all the earth; † break forth into joyous songsong, * and sing out your praisepraise.

4. Sing psalms to the LORD with the harpharpharp,harp * with the harp and the sound of songsong.

With trumpets and the sound of the hornhorn, * raise a shout before the King, the LORD .

5. Let the sea and all with in it thunthunthunder;thun * the world, and those who dwell in ititit.it

Let the rivers clap their handshands, * and the hills ring out their joyjoyjoy

at the presence of the LORD , for he comescomes, * he comes to judge the earthearth.

Christmas - Mass of the Day | 51 HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, JOSEPH AND MARY


God is in his ho ly dwell ing place;*

the God who caus es us to dwell to geth er, one at heart, in his house;

he him self will give pow er and strength to his peo ple.

* last time only

52 | Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary 1.1.1. Let God arise; let his foes be scatscatscattered.scat * Let those who hate him Aee from his presprespresence.pres

As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; † like wax that melts before the EreEreEre,Ere * so the wicked shall perish at the presence of GodGodGod.God

2.2.2. But the just shall rejoice at the presence of GodGodGod;God * they shall exult with glad re joicjoicjoicing.joic

O sing to God; make music to his name. † Extol the One who rides on the cloudsclouds. * 4e LORD is his name; exult at his presprespresence.pres

Glory be to the Father …

Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary | 53 OFFERTORY

In you have I put my trust, O Lord;* I said:

"You are my God, my des tin y is in your hands.

54 | Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary 1. Let your face shine on your serserservant.ser * Save me in your mer ciful lovelovelove.love

Let me not be put to shame, O LORD , * for I call on youyouyou;you

let the wicked be shamedshamed! * Let them be silenced in the gravegrave!

2. Let lying lips be stilled, † that speak haughtily against the justjustjust man * with pride and con tempttempt.”

3. How great is the good ness, LORD , * that you keep for those who fearfearfear you,

that you show to those who trust you * in the sight of the child ren of menmenmen.men

4. You hide them in the shelter of your prespresence, * secure from human schemscheming;

you keep them safe within your tent * from dis puting tonguestongues.

Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary | 55 COMMUNION (Year A)

Take the child and his moth er,* and go in to the land of Is ra el;

for those who sought the child's life are dead.

56 | Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary 1. 4e LORD is king, with majesty enrobed. † 4e LORD has robed him self with mightmight; * he has girded himself with powpowpower.pow

2. 4e world you made Erm, not to be moved; † your throne has stood Erm om of oldoldold.old * From all eternity, O LORD , you areareare.are

3. 4e Aoods have liFed up, O Lord, † the Aoods have liFed up their voicevoice; * the Aoods have liFed up their thunderthunder.

4. Greater than the roar of mighty waters, † more glorious than the surgings of the seaseasea,sea * the LORD is glorious on highhighhigh.high

5. Truly your decrees are to be trusted. † Holiness is Etting to your househouse, * O LORD , until the end of timetime.

Glory be to the Father …

Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary | 57 COMMUNION (Years B & C)

My son, why have you trea ted us so?* Your fa ther and I

have been anx ious ly look ing for you. How is it that you were seek ing me?

Did you not know that I be a bout my Fa ther's bu si ness?

58 | Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary 1. 4e LORD is my light and my sal vationvation; * whom shall I fearfearfear?fear

4e LORD is the stronghold of my lifelifelife;life * whom should I dreaddread?

2. 4ere is one thing I ask of the LORD , * only this do I seekseekseek:seek

to live in the house of the LORD * all the days of my lifelifelife,life

to gaze on the beauty of the LordLord, * to inquire at his temtemtemple.tem

3. For there he keeps me safe in his shelshelsheltershel * in the day of evevevil.ev

He hides me under cover of his tenttenttent;tent * he sets me high upon a rockrockrock.rock

4. Of you my heart has spoken, † “Seek his facefaceface.”face * It is your face, O LORD , that I seekseekseek;seek *

5. I believe I shall see the LORD 's goodgoodness * in the land of the livlivliving.liv

Glory be to the Father …

Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary | 59 January 1 MARY, MOTHER OF GOD


Hail ho ly Mo ther,*

the Child Bear er who has brought forth the King,

the rul er of hea ven and earth for e ver.

60 | Mary, Mother of God 1. Listen, O daughter; pay heed and give earearear:ear * forget your own people and your father’s househouse.house

So will the king de sire your beaubeaubeauty.beau * He is your LORD , pay homage to himhimhim.him

2. And the daughter of Tyre shall come with giFsgiFsgiFs;giFs * the richest of the people shall seek your fa favor.

4e daughter of the king is clothed with splensplendor; * her robes are threaded with goldgoldgold.gold

3. In Ene clothing she is led to the kingkingking;king * behind her are her maiden companions, brought to youyouyou.you

4ey are escorted amid glad ness and joyjoyjoy;joy * they pass within the palace of the kingkingking.king

Glory be to the Father …

Mary, Mother of God | 61 INTROIT (Option 2)

Ra diant light will shine up on us to day,*

for the Lord is born un to us. He shall be called Won der ful God,

Prince of Peace, Fa ther of the world to come.

His reign shall have no end.

62 | Mary, Mother of God 1. 4e LORD is king, with majesty enrobed. † 4e LORD has robed himself with mightmight; * he has girded himself with powpowpower.pow

2. 4e world you made Erm, not to be moved; † your throne has stood Erm from of oldoldold.old * From all eternity, O LORD , you areareare.are

3. 4e Aoods have liFed up, O LORD , † the Aoods have liFed up their voicevoice; * the Aoods have liFed up their thunthunthunder.thun

4. Greater than the roar of mighty waters, † more glorious than the surgings of the seaseasea,sea * the Lord is glorious on highhighhigh.high

5. Truly your decrees are to be trusted. † Holiness is Etting to your househouse, * O LORD , until the end of timetime.

Glory be to the Father ...

Mary, Mother of God | 63 OFFERTORY

Bles sed are you, O ho ly Vir gin Ma ry,*

and wor thy of all praise; for from you

has come forth the sun of jus tice, Christ our God.

64 | Mary, Mother of God 1. Listen, O daughter; pay heed and give earearear:ear * forget your own people and your fa ther’s househouse.

So will the king de sire your beaubeaubeauty.beau * He is your LORD , pay homage to himhimhim.him

2. And the daughter of Tyre shall come with giFsgiFsgiFs;giFs * the richest of the people shall seek your fafafavor.fa

4e daughter of the king is clothed with splensplendor; * her robes are threaded with goldgoldgold.gold

3. In Ene clothing she is led to the kingkingking;king * behind her are her maiden companions, brought to youyouyou.you

4ey are escorted amid glad ness and joyjoyjoy;joy * they pass within the palace of the kingkingking.king

4. Sons will be yours to suc ceed your fafafathers;fa * you will make them rulers over all the earthearth.

I will make your name forev er re memmemmembered.mem * 4us the peoples will praise you from age to ageageage.age

Mary, Mother of God | 65 COMMUNION

Ex ult, O daugh ter of Zi on,* sing prais es,

O daugh ter of Je ru sa lem; be hold,

your King is com ing, the Ho ly One, the Sav ior of the world.

66 | Mary, Mother of God 1. I will bless the LORD at all timestimes; * praise of him is always in my mouthmouth.

In the LORD my soul shall make its boastboast; * the humble shall hear and be gladgladglad.glad

2. Glorify the LORD with mememe;me * together let us praise his namename.

I sought the LORD , and he answered mememe;me * from all my terrors he set me freefreefree.free

3. Look towards him and be rararadiant;ra * let your faces not be abashedbashed.

4is lowly one called; the LORD heardheard, * and rescued him from all his dis tresstress.

4.4.4. 4e angel of the LORD is en camped * around those who fear him, to rererescuere them.

Taste and see that the LORD is goodgood. * Blessed the man who seeks refuge in himhimhim.him

5. 4e LORD is close to the broken hearthearted; * those whose spirit is crushed he will savesavesave.save

6. 4e LORD ransoms the souls of his serserservants.ser * All who trust in him shall not be con demneddemned.

Glory be to the Father …



While a pro found sil ence en vel oped all things,*

and night was in the midst of her course,

your all pow er ful Word, O Lord,

leapt down from your roy al throne.

68 | Second Sunday AFer Christmas 1. 4e LORD is king, with majesty enrobed. † 4e LORD has robed himself with mightmight; * he has girded himself with pow er.

2. 4e world you made Erm, not to be moved; † your throne has stood Erm from of oldoldold.old * From all eternity, O LORD , you areareare.are

3. 4e Aoods have liFed up, O LORD , † the Aoods have liFed up their voicevoice; * the Aoods have liFed up their thunthunthunder.thun

4. Greater than the roar of mighty waters, † more glorious than the surgings of the seaseasea,sea * the LORD is glorious on highhighhigh.high

5. Truly your decrees are to be trusted. † Holiness is Etting to your househouse, * O LORD , until the end of timetime.

Glory be to the Father …

Second Sunday AFer Christmas | 69 OFFERTORY

Bless the Lord, O my soul,* and for get not all his ben i Ets;

and your youth shall be re newed like the ea gle's.

* last time only

70 | Second Sunday AFer Christmas 1. Bless the LORD , O my soulsoulsoul,soul * and all within me, his holy namename.

It is the LORD who forgives all your sinssinssins,sins * who heals every one of your illsillsills,ills

who redeems your life from the gravegrave, * who crowns you with mercy and com passpasspassion.pass

2. Who Ells your life with good thingsthings, * renewing your youth like an eaeaeagle’s.ea

3. 4e LORD does just deedsdeeds, * gives full justice to all who are op pressedpressed.

He made known his ways to MoMoMoses,Mo * and his deeds to the chil dren of IsIsIsrael.Is

4.4.4. 4e LORD is compassionate and gragragracious,gra * slow to anger and rich in mermermercy.mer

He will not always 'nd faultfault; * nor persist in his an ger for evevever.ev

He does not treat us according to our sinssinssins,sins * nor repay us according to our faultsfaults.

Second Sunday AFer Christmas | 71 COMMUNION

O Lord our gov er nor,

how ad mir a ble is your name in all the earth!

72 | Second Sunday AFer Christmas 1. From the mouths of children and of babes † you fashioned praise to foil your enenenemy,en * to silence the foe and the rererebel.re

2. When I see the heavens, the work of your En Engers, * the moon and the stars which you ar rangedranged,

what is man that you should keep him in mindmind, * the son of man that you care for him?

3. Yet you have made him little lower than the ananangels;an * with glory and honor you crowned him,

gave him power over the works of your handshands: * you put all things under his feetfeetfeet,feet

4. All of them, sheep and oxoxoxen,ox * yes, even the cattle of the EeldsEelds,

birds of the air, and Esh of the seaseasea * that make their way through the wawawaters.wa

Glory be to the Father …

Second Sunday AFer Christmas | 73 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD


Be hold,* the Sov ereign Lord is com ing;

king ship, gov ern ment and pow er are in his hands.

74 | 4e Epiphany of the Lord 1. O God, give your judgment to the kingkingking,king * to a king’s son your jus justice,

that he may judge your peo ple in jusjusjustice,jus * and your poor in right judjudjudgment.jud

2. 4e kings of Tarshish and the isisislandsis * shall pay him tribtribtribute.trib

4e kings of She ba and SeSeSebaSe * shall bring him giFsgiFsgiFs.giFs

Before him all kings shall fall prosprosprostrate,pros * all nations shall serve him.

3. For he shall save the needy when they crycrycry,cry * the poor, and those who are helphelphelpless.help

He will have pity on the weak and the needneedy, * and save the lives of the needneedy.

From oppression and violence he re deems their soulssouls; * to him their blood is deardeardear.dear

Glory be to the Father …

4e Epiphany of the Lord | 75 OFFERTORY

4e kings of Tar shish and the is lands shall of fer pre sents;*

the kings of the Ar a bi ans and of She ba shall bring giFs;

all the kings of the earth shall a dore him, all na tions shall serve him.

76 | 4e Epiphany of the Lord 1. O God, give your judgment to the kingkingking,king * to a king’s son your jusjusjustice,jus

that he may judge your people in jus justice, * and your poor in right judjudjudgment.jud

2. May the mountains bring forth peace for the peopeopeople,peo * and the hills jus justice.

May he defend the poor of the people, † and save the children of the needneedy, * and crush the op presprespressor.pres

3. He shall endure like the sun and the moon * through all gener aaations.a

He shall descend like rain on the meadmeadow, * like showers that wa ter the earthearth.

In his days shall jus tice AourAourish, * and great peace till the moon is no moremore.

4. He shall rule from sea to seaseasea,sea * from the River to the bounds of the earthearth.

Let the desert dwellers fall be fore himhimhim,him * and his enemies lick the dustdust.

4e Epiphany of the Lord | 77 COMMUNION

We have seen his star in the East,

and we have come with our giFs, to wor ship the Lord.

78 | 4e Epiphany of the Lord 1. O God, give your judgment to the kingkingking,king * 7. May his name endure forforforever,for * to a king’s son your jusjusjustice,jus his name continue like the sunsunsun.sun

that he may judge your peo ple in jus justice, * Every tribe shall be blest in himhimhim,him * and your poor in right judjudjudgment.jud all nations shall call him blesblesblessed.bles

2. May the mountains bring forth peace for the peopeopeople,peo * 8. Blest be the LORD , God of IsIsIsrael,Is * and the hills jus justice. who alone works wonwonwonders,won

3. In his days shall justice AourAourish, * Glory be to the Father … and great peace till the moon is no moremore.

4. He shall rule from sea to seaseasea,sea * from the River to the bounds of the earthearth.

5. 4e kings of Tarshish and the isisislandsis * shall pay him tribtribtribute.trib

4e kings of She ba and SeSeSebaSe * shall bring him giFsgiFsgiFs.giFs

Before him all kings shall fall prosprosprostrate,pros * all nations shall serve himhimhim.him

6. For he shall save the needy when they crycrycry,cry * the poor, and those who are helphelphelpless.help

4e Epiphany of the Lord | 79 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD


You have loved jus tice and hat ed in i qui ty;*

there fore God, your God, has an noin ted you

with the oil of glad ness a bove your com pan ions.

80 | 4e Baptism of the Lord 1. My heart overAows with noble words. † To the king I address the song I have mademade, * my tongue as nimble as the pen of a scribescribe.

2. You are the most handsome of the sons of men, † and graciousness is poured out upon your lipslipslips,lips * for God has blessed you forev er moremore.

3. Gird your sword upon your thigh, O mightmighty one, * with your splendor and your majmajmajesty.maj

In your majesty ride on triumphant † in the cause of truth, meekness, and jus justice. * May your right hand show your won drous deedsdeeds.

Glory be to the Father …

4e Baptism of the Lord | 81 OFFERTORY

Bles sed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.*

We bless you from the house of the Lord;

the Lord God is our light, al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

82 | 4e Baptism of the Lord 1. Give praise to the LORD , for he is goodgood; * his mercy en dures for evevever.ev

2. Let the house of Is rael saysaysay,say * “His mercy en dures for evevever.”ev

Let the house of Aaron saysaysay,say * “His mercy en dures for evevever.”ev

Let those who fear the Lord say, * “His mercy en dures for evevever.”ev

3. I called to the LORD in my dis tresstress; * he has an swered and freed me.

4e LORD is at my side; I do not fearfearfear.fear * What can mankind do a gainst me?

4e LORD is at my side as my helphelper; * I shall look in triumph on my foesfoesfoes.foes

4. It is better to take refuge in the LORD * than to trust in manmanman;man

it is better to take refuge in the LORD * than to trust in princprinces.

4e Baptism of the Lord | 83 COMMUNION

As for all of you who have been bap tized in Christ,

you have put on Christ, al le lu ia.

84 | 4e Baptism of the Lord 1. Ascribe to the LORD , you heav enly powpowpowers,pow * ascribe to the LORD glory and strengthstrength.

Ascribe to the LORD the glory of his namename; * bow down before the LORD , majestic in holholholiness.hol

2. 4e voice of the LORD upon the waters, † the God of glory thunthunthunders;thun * the LORD on the immensity of wawawaters;wa

the voice of the LORD full of powpowpower;pow * the voice of the LORD full of splensplendor.

3. 4e voice of the LORD shatters cececedars,ce * the LORD shatters the cedars of LebLebLebanon;Leb

4. 4e voice of the LORD Aashes Aames of Ere. † 4e voice of the LORD shakes the wilwilwilderness,wil * the LORD shakes the wilderness of Ka deshdeshdesh;desh

5. 4e LORD sat enthroned above the AoodAood; * the LORD sits as king for evevever.ev

4e LORD will give strength to his peopeopeople,peo * the LORD will bless his people with peacepeace.

Glory be to the Father …

4e Baptism of the Lord | 85 86 LENTEN SEASON



Your mer cy ex tends to all things, O Lord,*

and you des pise none of the things you have made. You o ver look the sins of men

for the sake of rep en tance. You grant them your par don,

be cause you are the Lord our God.

88 | Ash Wednesday 1. Have mercy on me, God, have mermermercy,mer * for in you my soul has tak en refrefrefuge.ref

In the shadow of your wings I take refrefrefuge,ref * till the storms of destruction pass bybyby.by

2. I call to you, God the Most HighHigh, * to God who provides for mememe.me

May he send from heaven and save me, † and put to shame those who as sail me. * May God send his loving mercy and faithfaithfulness.

3. My soul lies down among lililions,li * who would devour the sons of menmenmen.men

4eir teeth are spears and arararrows,ar * their tongue a sharp ened swordsword.

Be exalted, O God, a bove the heavheavheavens;heav * may your glory shine on earthearth!

Glory be to the Father …

Ash Wednesday | 89 OFFERTORY: Ash Wednesday

I will ex tol you, O Lord,* for you have drawn me up,

and have not let my foes re joice o ver me.

O Lord, I cried un to you and you healed me.

90 | Ash Wednesday 1. O LORD , you have liFed up my soul from the gravegrave, * restored me to life from those who sink in to the pitpitpit.pit

2. Sing psalms to the LORD , you faithfaithful ones; * give thanks to his holy namename.

His anger lasts a moment; his favor all through lifelifelife.life * At night come tears, but dawn brings joyjoyjoy.joy

3. I said to myself in my good forforfortune:for * “I shall never be shakshakshaken.”shak

O LORD , your favor had set me like a moun tain strongstronghold. * 4en you hid your face, and I was put to con fufufusion.fu

4. To you, O LORD , I criedcried, * to my God I ap pealed for mermermercy:mer

“What proEt is my lifeblood, my going to the gravegrave? * Can dust give you thanks, or pro claim your faithfaithfulness?”

Ash Wednesday | 91 COMMUNION

He who med i tates* day and night on the law of the Lord,

shall bear fruit in due sea son.

92 | Ash Wednesday 1. Blessed indeed is the manmanman * who follows not the counsel of the wickwickwicked,wick

nor stands in the path with sinsinsinners,sin * nor abides in the company of scornscorners,

2. but whose delight is the law of the LORD , * and who ponders his law day and nightnight.

3. He is like a tree that is planted † beside the Aow ing wawawaters,wa * that yields its fruit in due seaseaseason,sea

and whose leaves shall nev er fadefadefade;fade * and all that he does shall prosprosprosper.pros

4. Not so are the wicked, not so! † For they, like win nowed chaQchaQchaQ,chaQ * shall be driven away by the windwind.

5. When the wicked are judged they shall not riseriserise,rise * nor shall sinners in the council of the justjustjust;just

for the LORD knows the way of the justjustjust,just * but the way of the wicked will perishperish.

Glory be to the Father …

Ash Wednesday | 93 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT


When he calls to me,* I will an swer him;

I will res cue him and hon or him;

with long life will I sat is fy him.

94 | First Sunday of Lent 1. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, * and abides in the shade of the Almighty,

says to the LORD , “My refuge, * my stronghold, my God in whom I trust!”

2. He will free you from the snare of the fowler, * from the destructive plague;

he will conceal you with his pinions, † and under his wings you will End refuge. * His faithfulness is buckler and shield.

3. You will not fear the terror of the night, * nor the arrow that Aies by day,

nor the plague that prowls in the darkness, * nor the scourge that lays waste at noon.

Glory be to the Father …

First Sunday of Lent | 95 OFFERTORY

4e Lord will o ver shad ow you with his pin ions,*

and you will End ref uge un der his wings.

His faith ful ness will en com pass you with a shield.

96 | First Sunday of Lent 1. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most HighHigh, * and abides in the shade of the Al mightmighty,

says to the LORD , “My refrefrefuge,ref * my stronghold, my God in whom I trusttrust!”

2. You will not fear the terror of the night, * nor the arrow that +ies by daydayday,day

nor the plague that prowls in the darkdarkdarkness,dark * nor the scourge that lays waste at noonnoon.

3. A thousand may fall at your side, † ten thousand fall at your rightright: * you it will nev er ap proachproach.

4. Your eyes have on ly to looklooklook * to see how the wicked are re paidpaidpaid.paid

For you, O LORD , are my ref refuge. * You have made the Most High your dwelldwelling.

First Sunday of Lent | 97 COMMUNION

He will o ver shad ow you with his pin ions,* and you will End ref uge

un der his wings. His faith ful ness will en com pass you with a shield.

98 | First Sunday of Lent 1. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most HighHigh, * and abides in the shade of the Al mightmighty,

says to the LORD , “My refrefrefuge,ref * my stronghold, my God in whom I trusttrust!”

2. He will free you from the snare of the fowlfowler, * from the destruc tive plagueplague;

For you has he commanded his ananangelsan * to keep you in all your waysways.

3. 4ey shall bear you upon their handshands, * lest you strike your foot against a stonestone.

On the lion and the viper you will treadtread, * and trample the young lion and the serserserpent.ser

4. Since he clings to me in love, I will freefreefree him, * protect him, for he knows my namename.

When he calls on me, I will answer him; † I will be with him in dis tresstress; * I will deliver him, and give him glogloglory.glo

5. With length of days I will con tenttenttent him; * I will show him my sav ing pow power.

First Sunday of Lent | 99 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT

INTROIT (Option 1)

My heart dec lared to you:* Your coun ten ance have I sought;

I shall e ver seek your coun ten ance, O Lord;

do not turn your face from me.

100 | Second Sunday of Lent 1. 4e LORD is my light and my sal vavavation;va * whom shall I fearfearfear?fear

4e LORD is the stronghold of my lifelifelife;life * whom should I dreaddread?

2. When those who do evil draw near * to devour my AeshAeshAesh,Aesh

it is they, my enemies and foesfoesfoes,foes * who stumble and fallfallfall.fall

3. 4ough an army encamp a gainst me, * my heart would not fearfearfear.fear

4ough war break out against me, * even then would I trusttrust.

Glory be to the Father …

Second Sunday of Lent | 101 INTROIT (Option 2)

Rem em ber your mer cies, Lord*

and your love which is from all e ter ni ty. Do not let our en e mies

tri umph o ver us; de liv er us, O God of Is ra el,

from all our tri bu la tions.

102 | Second Sunday of Lent 1. To you, O LORD , I liF up my soulsoulsoul.soul * In you, O my God, I have trustedtrusted;

let me not be put to shameshame; * let not my enemies exult over mememe.me

Let none who hope in you be put to shameshame; * but shamed are those who wanton ly break faithfaith.

2. O LORD , make me know your waysways. * Teach me your pathspaths.

Guide me in your truth, and teach me; † for you are the God of my sal vavavation.va * I have hoped in you all day longlonglong.long

3. Remember your compassion, O LORD , † and your merci ful lovelovelove,love * for they are om of oldoldold.old

Glory be to the Father …

Second Sunday of Lent | 103 OFFERTORY

I shall med i tate up on your com mand ments* which I great ly love;

I will ex tend my hands towards your com mand ments which I love.

104 | Second Sunday of Lent 1. I have said, “O LORD , my porporportionpor * is to o bey your wordswords.”

With all my heart I implore your favfavfavor;fav * as with your promise, have mermermercy.mer

2. I have pondered my waysways, * and turned my steps to your de creescrees.

I made haste; I did not de laylaylay * to obey your com mandsmands.

3. 4ough the nets of the wicked en snare me, * your law I did not for getgetget.get

At midnight I will rise and thank you * for your just de creescrees.

4. I am a friend of all who re vereverevere you, * who keep your prepreprecepts.pre

O LORD , your merciful love Ells the earthearth. * Teach me your statstatstatutes.stat

Second Sunday of Lent | 105 COMMUNION

Tell no one a bout the vis ion you have seen

un til the Son of Man has ris en from the dead.

106 | Second Sunday of Lent 1. My heart overAows with noble wordswords. * To the king I address the song I have mademade. *

2. You are the most handsome of the sons of men, † and graciousness is poured out up on your lipslipslips,lips * for God has blessed you forev er moremore.

3. Gird your sword upon your thigh, O mightmighty one, * with your splendor and your majmajmajesty.maj

In your majesty ride on triumphant † in the cause of truth, meek ness, and jus justice. * May your right hand show your won drous deedsdeeds.

4. Your arrows are sharp—peoples fall be neath you— * in the heart of the foes of the kingkingking.king

5. Your throne, O God, shall endure forever. † A scepter of justice is the scepter of your kingkingkingdom.king * Your love is for justice; your hatred for evevevil.ev

4erefore God, your God, has a nointnointed you * with the oil of gladness above oth er kingskings:

6. I will make your name forev er re memmemmembered.mem * 4us the peoples will praise you from age to ageageage.age

Glory be to the Father …

Second Sunday of Lent | 107 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT

INTROIT (Option 1)

My eyes are for ev er turned towards the Lord;*

for he shall re lease my feet from the snare; look up on me

and have mer cy on me, for I am a ban doned and des ti tute.

108 | 4ird Sunday of Lent 1. To you, O LORD , I liF up my soulsoulsoul.soul * In you, O my God, I have trusttrusted;

let me not be put to shameshame; * let not my enemies exult o ver mememe.me

Let none who hope in you be put to shameshame; * but shamed are those who wantonly break faithfaith.

2. O LORD , make me know your waysways. * Teach me your pathspaths.

Guide me in your truth, and teach me; † for you are the God of my sal vavavation.va * I have hoped in you all day longlonglong.long

3. Remember your compassion, O LORD , † and your mer ciful lovelovelove,love * for they are from of oldoldold.old

Glory be to the Father …

4ird Sunday of Lent | 109 INTROIT (Option 2)

When I vin di cate my ho li ness through you,* I will gath er you from all lands,

and I will sprin kle clean wa ter up on you,

and you shall be cleansed from all your Elth i ness;

and I will give you a new Spir it.

110 | 4ird Sunday of Lent 1. I will bless the LORD at all timestimes; * praise of him is always in my mouthmouth.

In the LORD my soul shall make its boastboast; * the humble shall hear and be gladgladglad.glad

2. Glorify the LORD with mememe;me * together let us praise his namename.

I sought the LORD , and he an swered mememe;me * from all my terrors he set me freefreefree.free

3. Look towards him and be rararadiant;ra * let your faces not be abashedbashed.

4is lowly one called; the LORD heardheard, * and rescued him from all his dis tresstress.

Glory be to the Father …

4ird Sunday of Lent | 111 OFFERTORY

4e or din an ces of the Lord are right,* bring ing joy to all hearts,

sweet er than hon ey or the hon ey comb.

4ere fore your ser vant will ob serve them.

112 | 4ird Sunday of Lent 1. 4e heavens declare the glo ry of GodGodGod,God * and the Ermament proclaims the work of his handshands.

Day unto day con veys the mesmesmessage,mes * and night unto night imparts the knowlknowledge.

2. No speech, no word, whose voice goes unheeded; † their sound goes forth through all the earthearth, * their message to the utmost bounds of the worldworld.

3. 4ere he has placed a tent for the sun; † it comes forth like a bridegroom coming om his tenttenttent,tent * rejoices like a champion to run his coursecourse.

4. At one end of the heavens is the rising of the sun; † to its furthest end it runs its coursecourse. * 4ere is nothing concealed from its burn ing heatheatheat.heat

4ird Sunday of Lent | 113 COMMUNION

4e spar row has found her self a home,* and the tur tle dove

a nest in which to lay her young: at your al tars, O Lord of hosts,

my King and my God! Bles sed are they who dwell in your house,

they shall praise you for e ver and e ver.

114 | 4ird Sunday of Lent 1. How lovely is your dweldwelling place, * O LORD of hostshosts.

My soul is long ing and yearnyearning * for the courts of the LORD .

2. O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayerprayer; * give ear, O God of JaJaJacob.Ja

Turn your eyes, O God, our shieldshield; * look on the face of your anointnointed.

3. One day with in your courts * is better than a thous and elseelseelsewhere.else

4e threshold of the house of GodGodGod * I prefer to the dwellings of the wickwickwicked.wick

4. For the LORD God is a sun, a shieldshield; * the LORD will give us his favor and glogloglory.glo

he will not withhold any good * to those who walk with out blameblame.

O LORD of hosts, how blesblesblessedbles * is the man who trusts in youyouyou!you

Glory be to the Father …

4ird Sunday of Lent | 115 COMMUNION (When the of the Samaritan woman is read)

Who so ev er drinks* the wa ter that I shall of fer, said the Lord,

shall have with in him a spring of wa ter

wel ling up un to e ter nal life.

116 | 4ird Sunday of Lent 1. On that day, you will saysaysay:say * I give you thanks, O LORD ;

though you have been an gry with mememe,me * your anger has abated, and you have con soled me.

2. God indeed is my savsavsavior;sav * I am conEdent and una fraidfraid.

My strength and my courage is the LORD , * and he has been my savsavsavior.sav

3. With joy you will draw wawawaterwa * at the fountain of sal vavavation,va

and say on that daydayday:day * Give thanks to the LORD , ac claim his namename;

among the nations make known his deedsdeeds, * proclaim how exalted is his namename.

4. Sing praise to the LORD for his glori ous a chievechievement; * let this be known throughout all the earthearth.

Shout with exultation, O cit y of ZiZiZion,Zi * for great in your midst is the Holy One of IsIsIsrael!Is

Glory be to the Father …

4ird Sunday of Lent | 117 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT


Re joice, O Je ru sa lem;* and gath er round, all you who love her;

re joice in glad ness, af ter hav ing been in sor row;

ex ult and be re plen ished with the con sol a tion

Aow ing from her moth er ly bos om.

* last time only

118 | Fourth Sunday of Lent 1. I rejoiced when they said to mememe,me * “Let us go to the house of the LORD .”

And now our feet are standstanding * within your gates, O Je rururusalem.ru

2. Jerusalem is built as a citcitcitycit * bonded as one to gethgethgether.geth

It is there that the tribes go upupup,up * the tribes of the LORD .

3. For Israel’s witness it isisis * to praise the name of the LORD .

4ere were set the thrones for judgjudgjudgment,judg * the thrones of the house of DaDaDavid.Da

Glory be to the Father …

Fourth Sunday of Lent | 119 OFFERTORY

Praise the Lord, for he is lov ing;* sing in hon or of his name,

for he is gra cious. He has ac comp lished

what ev er he re solved to do in heav en and on earth.

120 | Fourth Sunday of Lent 1. Praise the name of the LORD ; * praise him, servants of the LORD ,

who stand in the house of the LORD , * in the courts of the house of our GodGodGod.God

2. For the LORD has chosen Jacob for him selfselfself,self * and Israel as his treas ured pos sessessession.ses

4e LORD does whatever he wills, † in heaven, and on earthearth, * in the seas, and in all the depthsdepths.

3. He summons clouds from the ends of the earth, † makes lightning produce the rainrainrain;rain * from his treasuries he sends forth the windwind.

4. LORD , your name stands for evevever,ev * your renown, Lord, from age to ageageage.age

For the LORD does justice for his peopeopeoplepeo * and takes pity on his serserservants.ser

Fourth Sunday of Lent | 121 OFFERTORY (When the Gospel of the Prodigal Son is read)

En light en my eyes* lest I fall in to the sleep of death;

lest my en e my say: "I have pre vailed a gainst him."

122 | Fourth Sunday of Lent 1. How long, O LORD ? Will you forget me for evevever?ev * How long will you hide your face om mememe?me

How long must I bear grief in my soul, † have sorrow in my heart all day longlonglong?long * How long shall my enemy prevail o ver mememe?me

2. Look, answer me, LORD my GodGodGod!God * Give light to my eyes lest I fall asleep in deathdeath;

lest my enemy say, “I have over come him”; * lest my foes rejoice when they see me fallfallfall.fall

3. As for me, I trust in your mer ciful lovelovelove.love * Let my heart rejoice in your sal vavavation.va

I will sing to the LORD who has been bounti ful with mememe.me * I will sing psalms to the name of the Lord Most HighHigh.

Fourth Sunday of Lent | 123 COMMUNION

Je ru sa lem,* built as a ci ty whose parts are bound Erm ly to geth er!

It is there that the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord,

to give thanks un to your name, O Lord.

124 | Fourth Sunday of Lent 1. I rejoiced when they said to mememe,me * “Let us go to the house of the LORD .”

And now our feet are standstanding * within your gates, O Je rururusalem.ru

4ere were set the thrones for judgjudgment, * the thrones of the house of DaDaDavid.Da

2. For the peace of Jeru salem praypraypray,pray * “May they prosper, those who lovelovelove you.”

May peace abide in your wallswalls, * and security be in your towtowtowers.tow

3. For the sake of my fami ly and friendsfriends, * let me say, “Peace up ononon you.”

For the sake of the house of the LORD , our GodGodGod,God * I will seek good things for youyouyou.you

Glory be to the Father …

Fourth Sunday of Lent | 125 COMMUNION (When the Gospel of the Man Born Blind is read)

4e Lord made some clay with his spit tle,* and he spread it o ver my eyes;

and I went forth, I washed my self,

I be gan to see, and I put my faith in God.

126 | Fourth Sunday of Lent 1. 4e LORD is my light and my sal vavavation;va * 5. It is your face, O LORD , that I seekseekseek;seek * whom shall I fearfearfear?fear hide not your face om mememe.me

4e LORD is the stronghold of my lifelifelife;life * Dismiss not your ser vant in anananger;an * whom should I dreaddread? you have been my helphelphelp.help

2. 4ere is one thing I ask of the LORD , * 6. Do not abandon or for sakesakesake me, * only this do I seekseekseek:seek O God, my SavSavSavior!Sav

to live in the house of the LORD * 4ough father and moth er for sakesakesake me, * all the days of my lifelifelife,life the LORD will re ceive me.

to gaze on the beauty of the LORD , * to inquire at his templetemple. 7. I believe I shall see the LORD 's goodgoodness * in the land of the livlivliving.liv

3. For there he keeps me safe in his shelshelsheltershel * in the day of ev evil. Glory be to the Father …

He hides me under cover of his tenttenttent;tent * he sets me high up on a rockrockrock.rock

4. And now my head shall be raised * above my foes who sur round me,

and I shall oQer within his tent † a sacri 'ce of joyjoyjoy.joy * I will sing and make music for the LORD .

Fourth Sunday of Lent | 127 COMMUNION (When the Gospel of the Prodigal Son is read)

My son, you should re joice;* for your broth er who was dead

has come back to life; he was lost and he has been found.

128 | Fourth Sunday of Lent 1. Blessed is he whose transgression is for givgivgiven,giv * whose sin is re mitmitmitted.mit

Blessed the man to whom the LORD im putes no guiltguilt, * in whose spirit is no guileguile.

2. I kept it and my ame was wastwasted. * I groaned all day longlonglong,long

3. To you I have acknowl edged my sinsinsin;sin * my guilt I did not hidehidehide.hide

I said, “I will confess my transgression to the LORD .” * And you have forgiven the guilt of my sinsinsin.sin

4. I will instruct you and teach you † the way you should gogogo;go * I will Ex my eyes upon youyouyou.you

5. Many sorrows has the wicked, † but loving mer cy sur rounds * one who trusts in the LORD .

6. Rejoice in the LORD ; ex ult, you justjustjust!just * Ring out your joy, all you up right of heartheart!

Glory be to the Father …

Fourth Sunday of Lent | 129 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT


Vin di cate me, O God,* and de fend my cause

a gainst an un god ly na tion; from wick ed and de ceit ful men

de liv er me, for you are my God and my strength.

130 | FiFh Sunday of Lent 1. O send forth your light and your truthtruth; * they will guide me ononon.on

4ey will bring me to your holy mounmountain, * to the place where you dwelldwell.

2. And I will come to the of GodGodGod,God * to God, my joy and gladgladgladness.glad

To you will I give thanks on the harpharpharp,harp * O God, my GodGodGod.God

3. Why are you cast down, my soulsoulsoul;soul * why groan with in me?

Hope in God; I will praise him yet againgaingaingain, * my saving presence and my GodGodGod.God

Glory be to the Father …

FiFh Sunday of Lent | 131 OFFERTORY

I will praise you, O Lord, with my whole heart;*

deal boun ti fully with your ser vant,

that I may live and ob serve your word; re vive me

ac cor ding to your word, O Lord.

132 | FiFh Sunday of Lent 1. Blessed are those whose way is blameblameless, * who walk in the law of the LORD !

Blessed are those who keep his de creescrees! * With all their hearts they seekseekseek him.

2. 4ey never do an ything evevevil,ev * but walk in his waysways.

You have laid down your preprepreceptspre * to be careful ly keptkept.

3. May my ways be ErmErmErm * in keeping your statstatstatutes.stat

4en I shall not be put to shame * as I observe all your com mandsmands.

4. I will thank you with an upright heartheart, * as I learn your just judgjudgments.

I will keep your statstatstatutes;stat * do not ever for sake me.

FiFh Sunday of Lent | 133 COMMUNION

If a man would serve me,* let him fol low me;

1. 2Final 4 wher e ver I am, my ser vant will be there too.2 too. 4

134 | FiFh Sunday of Lent 1. O LORD , hear a cause that is justjustjust;just * pay heed to my crycrycry.cry

Turn your ear to my prayerprayer: * no deceit is on my lipslipslips.lips

From you may my justice come forthforth. * Your eyes discern what is upupupright.up

2. My foes encircle me with deadly in tenttenttent.tent * 4eir hearts tight shut, their mouths speak proudproudly.

4ey advance against me, and now they sur round me. * 4eir eyes watch to strike me to the groundground.

4ey are like a lion ready to clawclawclaw,claw * like some young lion crouched in hidhidhiding.hid

3. As for me, in justice I shall behold your facefaceface;face * when I awake I shall be Elled with the vision of your presprespresence.pres

Glory be to the Father …

FiFh Sunday of Lent | 135 COMMUNION (When the Gospel of Lazarus is read)

When the Lord saw the sis ters of Laz a rus in tears near the tomb,*

he wept in the pres ence of the Jews and cried: Laz a rus, come forth.

And out he came, hands and feet bound,

the man who had been dead for four days.

136 | FiFh Sunday of Lent 1. Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD ; * LORD , hear my voicevoice!

O let your ears be at tentententiveten * to the sound of my pleadpleadings.

2. If you, O LORD , should mark in iqiqiquities,iq * Lord, who could standstand?

But with you is found for givegivegiveness,give * that you may be re veredvered.

3. I long for you, O LORD , * my soul longs for his wordword.

My soul hopes in the LORD * more than watchmen for daydaydaybreak.day

4. More than watch men for daydaydaybreak,day * let Israel hope for the LORD .

For with the Lord there is mermermercy,mer * in him is plentiful re dempdemption.

It is he who will redeem IsIsIsraelIs * from all its in iqiqiquities.iq

Glory be to the Father …

FiFh Sunday of Lent | 137 COMMUNION (When the Gospel of the Adulteress is read)

Wo man, has no one con demned you?* No one, Lord.

Neith er do I con demn you; go and do not sin a gain.

138 | FiFh Sunday of Lent 1. Blessed is he whose transgression is for givgivgiven,giv * whose sin is re mitmitmitted.mit

Blessed the man to whom the LORD im putes no guiltguilt, * in whose spirit is no guileguile.

2. I kept it secret and my ame was wastwasted. * I groaned all day longlonglong,long

3. To you I have acknowl edged my sinsinsin;sin * my guilt I did not hidehidehide.hide

I said, “I will confess my transgression to the LordLord.” * And you have forgiven the guilt of my sinsinsin.sin

4. I will instruct you and teach you † the way you should gogogo;go * I will Ex my eyes upon youyouyou.you

5. Many sorrows has the wicked, † but loving merc y sur rounds * one who trusts in the LordLord.

6. Rejoice in the LORD ; ex ult, you justjustjust!just * Ring out your joy, all you up right of heartheart!

Glory be to the Father …

FiFh Sunday of Lent | 139 140 HOLY WEEK



Ho san na to the Son of Da vid,* the King of Is ra el.

Bles sed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Ho san na in the high est.

* last time only

142 | Passion (Palm) Sunday 1. Give praise to the LORD , for he is goodgood; * his mercy endures for evevever.ev

2. 4e stone that the build ers re jectjectjectedject * has become the corcorcornerstone.cor

By the LORD has this been donedone, * a marvel in our eyeseyeseyes.eyes

3. Go forward in proces sion with branchbranches, * as far as the horns of the alalaltar.al

You are my God, I praise you. * My God, I ex altaltalt you.

Glory be to the Father …

Passion (Palm) Sunday | 143 OFFERTORY

My heart a wait ed re proach and mis er y;*

and I hoped for one that would grieve to geth er with me, but there was none;

I looked for one who would com fort me, and found no one.

For food they gave me gall; in my thirst they gave me vin e gar to drink.

144 | Passion (Palm) Sunday 1. Save me, O God, for the wawawaterswa * have risen to my neckneck.

I have sunk into the mud of the deepdeepdeep,deep * where there is no footfootfoothold.foot

I have entered the waters of the deepdeepdeep,deep * where the Aood over whelms me.

2. I am wearied with cry ing a loudloudloud;loud * my throat is parchedparched.

My eyes are wast ed a waywayway * with waiting for my GodGodGod.God

3. More numerous than the hairs on my head * are those who hate me without causecause.

Many are those who at tacktacktack me, * ene mies with lieslieslies.lies

What I have never stostostolen,sto * how can I re storestore?

Passion (Palm) Sunday | 145 COMMUNION

Fath er, if this cup can not pass a way

un less I drink it, thy will be done.

146 | Passion (Palm) Sunday 1. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? † 6. All the earth shall remember and return Why are you far om savsavsavingsav me, * to the LORD , † so far from my words of anananguish?an all families of the nations wor ship be foreforefore him, * for the kingdom is the LORD 's, he is ruler O my God, I call by day and you do not an answer; * of the nananations.na I call by night and I End no re prieveprieve. 4ey shall worship him, all the mighty of the earthearth; * 2. In you our forebears put their trusttrust; * before him shall bow all who go down they trusted and you set them freefreefree.free to the dustdust.

But I am a worm and no manmanman,man * scorned by everyone, despised by the peopeopeople.peo 7. And my soul shall live for him, my de scendants serve him. * 4ey shall tell of the LORD to generations 3.3.3. My heart has be come like waxwaxwax,wax * yet to comecome, it is melted with in my breastbreast. declare his saving justice to peoples yet un bornborn: * For dogs have surrounded me; † “4ese are the things the LORD has donedone.” a band of the wick ed be sets me. * 4ey tear holes in my hands and my feetfeetfeet;feet Glory be to the Father …

4. I can count every one of my bonesbones. * 4ey stare at me and gloatgloat.

Save my life from the jaws of the lililion,li * my poor soul from the horns of wild bullsbulls.

5. I will tell of your name to my kinkinkin,kin * and praise you in the midst of the as semsemsembly;sem

“You who fear the LORD , give him praise; † all descendants of Jacob, give him glogloglory;glo * revere him, all you descend ants of Is Israel.”

Passion (Palm) Sunday | 147 HOLY THURSDAY


Let our glo ry be in the cross* of our Lord Je sus Christ;

in him we have sal va tion, life and res ur rec tion;

through him we are res cued and set free.

148 | Holy 4ursday 1. O God, be gracious and bless us * and let your face shed its light up ononon us.

So will your ways be known upon earth * and all nations learn your sal vavavation.va

2. Let the peoples praise you, O GodGodGod;God * let all the peoples praise you.

3. Let the nations be glad and shout for joy, † with uprightness you rule the peopeopeoples;peo * you guide the na tions on earthearth.

4. Let the peoples praise you, O GodGodGod;God * let all the peoples praise you.

5. 4e earth has yielded its fruit * for God, our God, has blessed us.

May God still give us his blessblessing * that all the ends of the earth may re vereverevere him.

Glory be to the Father …

Holy 4ursday | 149 OFFERTORY

Where true char i ty is dwel ling, God is pre sent there.

150 | Holy 4ursday By the love of Christ we have been brought to geth er: So when we as one are gath ered all to geth er, May your face thus be our vis ion, bright in glo ry,

let us End in him our glad ness and our pleas ure; let us strive to keep our minds free of di vis ion; Christ our God, with all the bles sed Saints in hea ven:

may we love him and re vere him, God the liv ing, may there be an end to mal ice, strife and quar rels, such de light is pure and fault less, joy un bound ed,

and in love res pect each oth er with sin cere hearts. and let Christ our God be dwel ling here a mong us. which en dures through count less ag es world with out end.

a.er verse 3

A men.

Holy 4ursday | 151 COMMUNION

4is is my bo dy* which is giv en up for you; this is the cup

of the new cov en ant in my blood, says the Lord. Each time

that you par take there of, do it in me mo ry of me.

152 | Holy 4ursday 1. 4e LORD is my shepshepshepherd;shep * there is nothing I shall wantwant.

Fresh and green are the paspaspasturespas * where he gives me re posepose.

Near restful wa ters he leads me; * he re vives my soulsoulsoul.soul

2. He guides me along the right pathpathpath,path * for the sake of his namename.

4ough I should walk in the valley of the shadow of death, † no evil would I fear, for you are withwithwith me. * Your crook and your staQ will give me comcomcomfort.com

3. You have prepared a ta ble be foreforefore me * in the sight of my foesfoesfoes.foes

My head you have anoint ed with oiloiloil;oil * my cup is over AowAowAowing.Aow

4. Surely goodness and mer cy shall folfolfollowfol me * all the days of my lifelifelife.life

In the LORD 's own house shall I dwell * for length of days un endendending.end

Glory be to the Father …

Holy 4ursday | 153 154 EASTER SEASON



4e right hand of the Lord has done val iant ly,*

the right hand of the Lord has ex alt ed me;

I shall not die, but I shall live,

and re count the deeds of the Lord, al le lu ia.

156 | 4e Easter Vigil 1. Give praise to the LORD , for he is goodgood; * his mercy en dures for evevever.ev

2. Let the house of Isra el saysaysay,say * “His mercy en dures for evevever.”ev

Let the house of Aa ron saysaysay,say * “His mercy en dures for evevever.”ev

Let those who fear the LORD saysaysay,say * “His mercy en dures for evevever.”ev

3. I called to the LORD in my dis tresstress; * he has an swered and freed me.

4e Lord is at my side; I do not fearfearfear.fear * What can mankind do a gainst me?

4e LORD is at my side as my helphelper; * I shall look in triumph on my foesfoesfoes.foes

4. It is better to take refuge in the LORD * than to trust in manmanman;man

it is better to take refuge in the LORD * than to trust in prinprinprinces.prin

4e Easter Vigil | 157 COMMUNION

Christ, our Pas chal Lamb,* has been sac ri Eced, al le lu ia;

there fore, let us keep the feast by shar ing the un leav ened bread

of up right ness and truth, al le lu ia,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

158 | 4e Easter Vigil 1. Give praise to the LORD , for he is goodgood; * 6. I shall not die, I shall livelivelive * his mercy en dures for evevever.ev and recount the deeds of the LORD .

Let the house of Is rael saysaysay,say * I will thank you, for you have anananswered,an * “His mercy en dures for evevever.”ev and you are my savsavsavior.sav

2. I called to the LORD in my dis tresstress; * 7. 4e stone that the build ers re jectjectjectedject * he has an swered and freed me. has be come the corcorcornerstone.cor

It is better to take refuge in the LORD * By the LORD has this been donedone, * than to trust in manmanman;man a marvel in our eyeseyeseyes.eyes

4is is the day the LORD has mademade; * 3. 4e nations all en circled mememe;me * let us rejoice in it and be gladgladglad.glad in the name of the LORD I cut them oQoQoQ.oQ

4ey encircled me all a roundround; * 8. O LORD , grant sal vavavation;va * in the name of the LORD I cut them oQoQoQ.oQ O LORD , grant suc cesscesscess.cess

Blest is he who comes * 4. I was thrust down, thrust down and fallfallfalling,fall * in the name of the LORD . but the LORD was my helphelphelper.help

4e LORD is my strength and my songsong; * 9. You are my God, I praise you. * he was my savsavsavior.sav My God, I ex altaltalt you.

Give praise to the LORD , for he is goodgood; * 5. 4ere are shouts of joy and sal vavavationva * his mercy en dures for evevever.ev in the tents of the justjustjust.just

“4e LORD 's right hand has done mighty deeds; † Glory be to the Father ... his right hand is ex altaltalted.alt * 4e LORD 's right hand has done mighty deedsdeeds.”

4e Easter Vigil | 159 EASTER SUNDAY


I am ris en,* and I am al ways with you, al le lu ia;

you have placed your hand up on me, al le lu ia;

your wis dom has been shown to be most won der ful,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

160 | Easter Sunday 1. O LORD , you search me and you know me. † You yourself know my resting and my risrisrising;ris * you discern my thoughts om a farfarfar.far

You mark when I walk or lie downdown; * you know all my ways through and throughthrough.

2. Before ever a word is on my tonguetongue, * you know it, O LORD , through and throughthrough.

Behind and before, you besiegesiege me, * your hand ever laid u ponponpon me.

Too wonderful for me, this knowlknowledge; * too high, be yond my reachreach.

3.3.3. O where can I go from your spi spirit, * or where can I Aee om your facefaceface?face

If I climb the heavens, you are therethere. * If I lie in the grave, you are therethere.

Glory be to the Father …

Easter Sunday | 161 OFFERTORY

4e earth, trem bled and was still,

when God a rose in judg ment, al le lu ia.

162 | Easter Sunday 1. God is re nowned in JuJuJudah;Ju * in Israel his name is greatgreat.

His tent is set in SaSaSalem,Sa * and his dwelling place in SiSiSion.Si

It was there he broke the +aming arararrows,ar * the shield, the sword, the arararmor.ar

2. Resplendent are you, more ma jesjesjesticjes * than the everlast ing mounmountains.

4e stouthearted, despoiled, slept in deathdeath; * none of the soldiers could liF a handhand.

At your threat, O God of JaJaJacob,Ja * horse and rider lay stunnedstunned.

3. You, you alone, strike terror. † Who can stand in your presprespresence,pres * against the might of your wrathwrath?

4. You uttered your sentence om the heavheavheavens;heav * the earth in terror was stillstillstill

when you arose, O God, to judgejudge, * to save all the humble of the earthearth.

Easter Sunday | 163 COMMUNION

Christ, our Pas chal Lamb,* has been sac ri Eced, al le lu ia;

there fore, let us keep the feast by shar ing the un leav ened bread

of up right ness and truth, al le lu ia,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

164 | Easter Sunday 1. Give praise to the LORD , for he is goodgood; * 6. I shall not die, I shall livelivelive * his mercy en dures for evevever.ev and recount the deeds of the LORD .

Let the house of Is rael saysaysay,say * I will thank you, for you have anananswered,an * “His mercy en dures for evevever.”ev and you are my savsavsavior.sav

2. I called to the LORD in my dis tresstress; * 7. 4e stone that the build ers re jectjectjectedject * he has an swered and freed me. has be come the corcorcornerstone.cor

It is better to take refuge in the LORD * By the LORD has this been donedone, * than to trust in manmanman;man a marvel in our eyeseyeseyes.eyes

4is is the day the LORD has mademade; * 3. 4e nations all en circled mememe;me * let us rejoice in it and be gladgladglad.glad in the name of the LORD I cut them oQoQoQ.oQ

4ey encircled me all a roundround; * 8. O LORD , grant sal vavavation;va * in the name of the LORD I cut them oQoQoQ.oQ O LORD , grant suc cesscesscess.cess

Blest is he who comes * 4. I was thrust down, thrust down and fallfallfalling,fall * in the name of the LORD . but the LORD was my helphelphelper.help

4e LORD is my strength and my songsong; * 9. You are my God, I praise you. * he was my savsavsavior.sav My God, I ex altaltalt you.

Give praise to the LORD , for he is goodgood; * 5. 4ere are shouts of joy and sal vavavationva * his mercy en dures for evevever.ev in the tents of the justjustjust.just

“4e LORD 's right hand has done mighty deeds; † Glory be to the Father ... his right hand is ex altaltalted.alt * 4e LORD 's right hand has done mighty deedsdeeds.”



As new born babes, al le lu ia, long for pure spir i tual milk,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

166 | Second Sunday of Easter 1. O LORD , you search me and you know me. † You yourself know my resting and my risrisrising;ris * you discern my thoughts from afarfarfar.far

You mark when I walk or lie downdown; * you know all my ways through and throughthrough.

2. Before ever a word is on my tongtongue, * you know it, O LORD , through and throughthrough.

Behind and before, you be siege me, * your hand ever laid uponponpon me.

Too wonderful for me, this knowlknowledge; * too high, beyond my reachreach.

3. O where can I go om your spirspirspirit,spir * or where can I Aee from your facefaceface?face

If I climb the heavens, you are therethere. * If I lie in the grave, you are therethere.

Glory be to the Father …

Second Sunday of Easter | 167 OFFERTORY

4e An gel of the Lord came down from hea ven*

and said to the wo men: "4e One whom you seek has ris en,

as he said he would," al le lu ia.

168 | Second Sunday of Easter 1. 4en go quickly and tell his dis ciciciples,ci * “He has been raised om the deaddeaddead,dead

and he is going before you to GalGalGalilee;Gal * there you will seeseesee him.”

2. 4en they went away quickly from the tomb, † fearful yet over joyedjoyed, * and ran to announce this to his dis ciciciples.ci

3. And behold, Jesus met them on their waywayway * and greeted themthemthem.them

4ey approached, em braced his feetfeetfeet,feet * and did him homhomhomage.hom

4. 4en Jesus said to themthemthem,them * “Do not be a fraidfraid.

Go tell my brothers to go to GalGalGalilee,Gal * and there they will seeseesee me.”

Second Sunday of Easter | 169 COMMUNION

Stretch forth your hand,* and feel the place where the nails were,

al le lu ia; and be not doubt ful but be liev ing,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

170 | Second Sunday of Easter 1. Give praise to the LORD , for he is goodgood; * 6. I shall not die, I shall livelivelive * his mercy en dures for evevever.ev and recount the deeds of the LORD .

Let the house of Is rael saysaysay,say * I will thank you, for you have anananswered,an * “His mercy en dures for evevever.”ev and you are my savsavsavior.sav

2. I called to the LORD in my dis tresstress; * 7. 4e stone that the build ers re jectjectjectedject * he has an swered and freed me. has be come the corcorcornerstone.cor

It is better to take refuge in the LORD * By the LORD has this been donedone, * than to trust in manmanman;man a marvel in our eyeseyeseyes.eyes

4is is the day the LORD has mademade; * 3. 4e nations all en circled mememe;me * let us rejoice in it and be gladgladglad.glad in the name of the LORD I cut them oQoQoQ.oQ

4ey encircled me all a roundround; * 8. O LORD , grant sal vavavation;va * in the name of the LORD I cut them oQoQoQ.oQ O LORD , grant suc cesscesscess.cess

Blest is he who comes * 4. I was thrust down, thrust down and fallfallfalling,fall * in the name of the LORD . but the LORD was my helphelphelper.help

4e LORD is my strength and my songsong; * 9. You are my God, I praise you. * he was my savsavsavior.sav My God, I ex altaltalt you.

Give praise to the LORD , for he is goodgood; * 5. 4ere are shouts of joy and sal vavavationva * his mercy en dures for evevever.ev in the tents of the justjustjust.just

“4e LORD 's right hand has done mighty deeds; † Glory be to the Father ... his right hand is ex altaltalted.alt * 4e LORD 's right hand has done mighty deedsdeeds.”

Second Sunday of Easter | 171 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER


Shout joy ful ly to God, all the earth, al le lu ia;*

sing a psalm to his name, al le lu ia; praise him with mag ni E cence,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

172 | 4ird Sunday of Easter 1. Because of the greatness of your strengthstrength, * your enemies fawn up ononon you.

Before you all the earth shall bow downdown, * shall sing to you, sing to your namename!”

2. Come and see the works of GodGodGod:God * awesome his deeds among the children of menmenmen.men

He turned the sea into dry landlandland;land * they passed through the river on footfootfoot.foot

3. Let our joy, then, be in himhimhim;him * he rules forever by his mightmight.

His eyes keep watch on the na nations: * let rebels not exalt them selvesselves.

Glory be to the Father …

4ird Sunday of Easter | 173 OFFERTORY

Praise the Lord, O my soul;*

I will praise the Lord through out my life;

I will sing to my God for as longas I live, al le lu ia.

174 | 4ird Sunday of Easter 1. Put no trust in prinprinprinces,prin * in mortal man who can not savesavesave.save

Take their breath, they return to the earthearth, * and their plans that day come to nothnothing.

2. Blessed is he who is helped by Jacob’s GodGodGod,God * whose hope is in the LORD his GodGodGod,God

who made the heavens and the earthearth, * the seas and all they con taintaintain,tain

who preserves Edeli ty for evevever,ev * who does justice to those who are op pressedpressed.

3. It is he who gives bread to the hunhunhungry,hun * the LORD who sets prison ers freefreefree,free

the LORD who opens the eyes of the blindblind, * the LORD who raises up those who are bowed downdown.

4. It is the LORD who loves the just, † the LORD who pro tects the stranstranger * and upholds the orphan and the widow, † but thwarts the path of the wickwickwicked.wick

4e LORD will reign for evevever,ev * the God of Sion from age to ageageage.age

4ird Sunday of Easter | 175 COMMUNION (Year A)

4e Lord has ris en

and has ap peared to Pet er, al le lu ia.

* last time only

176 | 4ird Sunday of Easter 1. Give praise to the LORD , for he is goodgood; * 6. I shall not die, I shall livelivelive * his mercy en dures for evevever.ev and recount the deeds of the LORD .

Let the house of Is rael saysaysay,say * I will thank you, for you have anananswered,an * “His mercy en dures for evevever.”ev and you are my savsavsavior.sav

2. I called to the LORD in my dis tresstress; * 7. 4e stone that the build ers re jectjectjectedject * he has an swered and freed me. has be come the corcorcornerstone.cor

It is better to take refuge in the LORD * By the LORD has this been donedone, * than to trust in manmanman;man a marvel in our eyeseyeseyes.eyes

4is is the day the LORD has mademade; * 3. 4e nations all en circled mememe;me * let us rejoice in it and be gladgladglad.glad in the name of the LORD I cut them oQoQoQ.oQ

4ey encircled me all a roundround; * 8. O LORD , grant sal vavavation;va * in the name of the LORD I cut them oQoQoQ.oQ O LORD , grant suc cesscesscess.cess

Blest is he who comes * 4. I was thrust down, thrust down and fallfallfalling,fall * in the name of the LORD . but the LORD was my helphelphelper.help

4e LORD is my strength and my songsong; * 9. You are my God, I praise you. * he was my savsavsavior.sav My God, I ex altaltalt you.

Give praise to the LORD , for he is goodgood; * 5. 4ere are shouts of joy and sal vavavationva * his mercy en dures for evevever.ev in the tents of the justjustjust.just

“4e LORD 's right hand has done mighty deeds; † Glory be to the Father ... his right hand is ex altaltalted.alt * 4e LORD 's right hand has done mighty deedsdeeds.”

4ird Sunday of Easter | 177 COMMUNION (Year B)

Sing un to the Lord, al le lu ia;* sing to the Lord, bless his name;

pro claim his sal va tion day af ter day, al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

178 | 4ird Sunday of Easter 1. O sing a new song to the LORD ; * sing to the LORD , all the earthearth.

Tell among the na tions his glogloglory,glo * and his wonders among all the peopeopeoples.peo

2. For the LORD is great and highly to be praisedpraised, * to be feared above all godsgods.

Give the LORD , you families of peoples, † give the LORD glo ry and powpowpower;pow * give the LORD the glory of his namename.

3. Bring an oQering and enter his courts; † worship the LORD in holy splensplendor. * O tremble before him, all the earthearth.

4. Let the heavens rejoice and earth be glad; † let the sea and all within it thunder praisepraise. * Let the land and all it bears re joicejoice.

Glory be to the Father …

4ird Sunday of Easter | 179 COMMUNION (Year C)

Sim on, son of John,* do you love me more than these?

Lord, you know all things, you know, O Lord, that I love you,

al le lu ia.

* last time only

180 | 4ird Sunday of Easter 1. I will bless the LORD at all timestimes; * praise of him is always in my mouthmouth.

In the LORD my soul shall make its boastboast; * the humble shall hear and be gladgladglad.glad

2. Glorify the LORD with mememe;me * together let us praise his namename.

I sought the LORD , and he answered mememe;me * from all my terrors he set me freefreefree.free

3. Look towards him and be rararadiant;ra * let your faces not be a bashedbashed.

4is lowly one called; the LORD heardheard, * and rescued him from all his dis tresstress.

4e angel of the LORD is en camped * around those who fear him, to resresrescueres them.

4. When the just cry out, the LORD hearshears, * and rescues them in all their dis tresstress.

4e LORD is close to the broken hearthearted; * those whose spirit is crushed he will savesavesave.save

4e LORD ransoms the souls of his serserservants.ser * All who trust in him shall not be con demneddemned.

Glory be to the Father …

4ird Sunday of Easter | 181 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER


4e earth is full of the mer cy of the Lord, al le lu ia;*

by the word of the Lord, the hea vens were es tab lished,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

182 | Fourth Sunday of Easter 1. Ring out your joy to the LORD , O you justjustjust;just * for praise is Etting for the upupupright.up

Give thanks to the LORD upon the harpharpharp;harp * with a tenstringed lute sing him songssongs.

O sing him a song that is newnewnew;new * play skillfully, with shouts of joyjoyjoy.joy

2. For the word of the LORD is faithfaithful, * and all his works to be trusttrusted.

4e LORD loves justice and rightright, * and his merciful love 'lls the earthearth.

3. By the word of the LORD the heavens were mademade, * by the breath of his mouth all their hosthost.

As in a Aask, he the waves of the ooocean;o * he stores up the depths of the seaseasea.sea

Glory be to the Father …

Fourth Sunday of Easter | 183 OFFERTORY

O God, my God,* from day break do I watch for you;

and in in vo ca tion of your name will I liF up my hands.

184 | Fourth Sunday of Easter 1. O God, you are my God; at dawn I seekseekseek you; * 4. 4ose who seek to destroy my lifelifelife * for you my soul is thirstthirsting. shall go down to the depths of the earthearth.

For you my Aesh is pinpinpining,pin * Put to the power of the swordsword, * like a dry, weary land without wawawater.wa they shall be leF as prey for the jackjackjackals.jack

I have come before you in the sancsancsanctuary,sanc * to behold your strength and your glogloglory.glo 5. But the king shall rejoice in God; † all that swear by him shall ex ultultult,ult * for the mouth of liars shall be sisisilenced.si 2. Your loving mercy is better than lifelifelife;life * my lips will speak your praisepraise.

I will bless you all my lifelifelife;life * in your name I will liF up my handshands.

My soul shall be Elled as with a banbanbanquet;ban * with joyful lips, my mouth shall praise you.

3. When I remember you upon my bedbedbed,bed * I muse on you through the watches of the nightnight.

For you have been my strengthstrength; * in the shadow of your wings I re joicejoice.

My soul clings fast to youyouyou;you * your right hand up holds me.

Fourth Sunday of Easter | 185 COMMUNION

I am the good shep herd, al le lu ia; I know my sheep

and my own know me, al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

186 | Fourth Sunday of Easter 1. 4e LORD is my shepshepshepherd;shep * there is nothing I shall wantwant.

Fresh and green are the paspaspasturespas * where he gives me re posepose.

Near restful wa ters he leads me; * he revives my soulsoulsoul.soul

2. He guides me along the right pathpathpath,path * for the sake of his namename.

4ough I should walk in the valley of the shadow of death, † no evil would I fear, for you are withwithwith me. * Your crook and your staQ will give me comcomcomfort.com

3. You have prepared a table be foreforefore me * in the sight of my foesfoesfoes.foes

My head you have anoint ed with oiloiloil;oil * my cup is o ver AowAowAowing.Aow

4. Surely goodness and mer cy shall folfolfollowfol me * all the days of my lifelifelife.life

In the LORD 's own house shall I dwell * for length of days un endendending.end

Glory be to the Father …

Fourth Sunday of Easter | 187 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER


Sing to the Lord a new song, al le lu ia;*

for the Lord has ac com plished won drous deeds, al le lu ia;

he has re vealed his jus tice in the sight of the Gen tiles,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

188 | FiFh Sunday of Easter 1. His right hand and his holy armarmarm * have brought sal vavavation.va

He has remembered his mer ciful lovelovelove * and his truth for the house of IsIsIsrael.Is

2. All the ends of the earth have seenseenseen * the salvation of our GodGodGod.God

Shout to the LORD , all the earth; † break forth into joyous songsong, * and sing out your praisepraise.

3. Sing psalms to the LORD with the harpharpharp,harp * with the harp and the sound of songsong.

With trumpets and the sound of the hornhorn, * raise a shout before the King, the LordLord.

Glory be to the Father …

FiFh Sunday of Easter | 189 OFFERTORY

Shout joy ful ly to God, all the earth;* shout with joy to God,

all the earth; sing a psalm in hon or of his name; come and hear,

all you who fear God, and I will tell you what great things

the Lord has done for my soul, al le lu ia.

190 | FiFh Sunday of Easter 1. Burnt oQering I bring to your househouse; * to you I will pay my vowsvows,

the vows which my lips have utututtered,ut * which my mouth declared in my dis tresstress.

2. I will oQer you burnt oQerings of fatlings † with the smoke of sacri 'cial ramsrams. * I will oQer bullocks and goatsgoats.

3. Come and hear, all who fear GodGodGod;God * I will tell what he did for my soulsoulsoul.soul

To him I cried a loudloudloud,loud * with exaltation ready on my tonguetongue.

4. Had I considered evil in my heartheart, * the Lord would not have lislislistened.lis

But truly God has lislislistened;lis * he has heeded the voice of my prayerprayer.

Blest be God, who did not re ject my prayerprayer, * nor withhold from me his merci ful lovelovelove.love

FiFh Sunday of Easter | 191 COMMUNION (Year A)

Have I been with you so long,* and yet you do not know me? Phil ip,

he who sees me, sees the Fa ther.

Do you not be lieve that I am in the Fa ther,

and the Fa ther in me? Al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

192 | FiFh Sunday of Easter 1. Ring out your joy to the LORD , O you justjustjust;just * for praise is Etting for the upupupright.up

Give thanks to the LORD up on the harpharpharp;harp * with a tenstringed lute sing him songssongs.

O sing him a song that is newnewnew;new * play skillfully, with shouts of joyjoyjoy.joy

2. Blessed the nation whose God is the LORD , * the people he has chosen as his herherheritage.her

From the heavens the LORD looks forthforth; * he sees all the children of menmenmen.men

3. Yes, the LORD 's eyes are on those who fearfearfear him, * who hope in his merci ful lovelovelove.love

Glory be to the Father …

FiFh Sunday of Easter | 193 COMMUNION (Years B & C)

I am the true vine,* and you are the bran ches; he who a bides in me

and I in him, he it is who bears much fruit,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

194 | FiFh Sunday of Easter 1. O shepherd of Is rael , hear us, * you who lead Joseph like a AockAock:

2. You brought a vine out of EEEgypt;E * you drove out the na tions and plantplanted it.

Before it you cleared the groundground; * it took root and 'lled the landlandland.land

3. 4e mountains were covered with its shadshadow, * the cedars of God with its boughsboughs.

It stretched out its branches to the seaseasea;sea * to the River it stretched out its shootsshoots.

4. Visit this vine and protect it, † the vine your right hand has plantplanted, * the son of man you have claimed for your selfselfself.self

5. May your hand be on the man at your right handhand, * the son of man you have conErmed as your ownownown.own

And we shall never forsake you a gaingaingain;gain * give us life that we may call up on your namename.

Glory be to the Father …

FiFh Sunday of Easter | 195 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER


Spread the news with a voice of joy;* let it be heard, al le lu ia;

speak it out to the ve ry ends of the earth;

the Lord has lib er a ted his peo ple,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

196 | Sixth Sunday of Easter 1. Cry out with joy to God, all the earthearth; * O sing to the glory of his namename.

O render him glori ous praisepraise. * Say to God, “How awesome your deedsdeeds!

2. Because of the greatness of your strengthstrength, * your enemies fawn up ononon you.

Before you all the earth shall bow downdown, * shall sing to you, sing to your namename!”

3. Come and see the works of GodGodGod:God * awesome his deeds among the children of menmenmen.men

He turned the sea into dry landlandland;land * they passed through the river on footfootfoot.foot

Glory be to the Father …

Sixth Sunday of Easter | 197 OFFERTORY

O na tions, bless the Lord our God,* let the voice of his prais es res ound;

he has res tored my soul to life and he has not suf fered my feet to stum ble;

bles sed be the Lord who has neith er re jec ted my prayer

nor turned his mer cy a way from me, al le lu ia.

198 | Sixth Sunday of Easter 1. Cry out with joy to God, all the earthearth; * O sing to the glory of his namename.

O render him glori ous praisepraise. * Say to God, “How awe some your deedsdeeds!

2. Because of the greatness of your strengthstrength, * your enemies fawn up ononon you.

Before you all the earth shall bow downdown, * shall sing to you, sing to your namename!”

3. Come and see the works of GodGodGod:God * awesome his deeds among the chil dren of menmenmen.men

He turned the sea into dry landlandland;land * they passed through the river on footfootfoot.foot

4. Let our joy, then, be in himhimhim;him * he rules forever by his mightmight.

His eyes keep watch on the na nations: * let rebels not ex alt them selvesselves.

Sixth Sunday of Easter | 199 COMMUNION (Year A)

I will not leave you or phans,* I will come to you a gain,

al le lu ia; and your heart will re joice,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

200 | Sixth Sunday of Easter 1. I rejoiced when they said to mememe,me * “Let us go to the house of the LORD .”

And now our feet are standstanding * within your gates, O Je rururusalem.ru

2. Jerusalem is built as a citcitcitycit * bonded as one to gethgethgether.geth

It is there that the tribes go upupup,up * the tribes of the LORD .

3. For Israel’s witness it isisis * to praise the name of the LORD .

4ere were set the thrones for judgjudgjudgment,judg * the thrones of the house of DaDaDavid.Da

4. For the peace of Jerusa lem praypraypray,pray * “May they prosper, those who lovelovelove you.”

May peace abide in your wallswalls, * and security be in your towtowtowers.tow

5. For the sake of my family and friendsfriends, * let me say, “Peace up on you.”

For the sake of the house of the LORD , our GodGodGod,God * I will seek good things for youyouyou.you

Glory be to the Father …

Sixth Sunday of Easter | 201 COMMUNION (Year B)

I have cho sen you from the world,*

in or der that you might go and bring forth fruit,

and that your fruit should last, al le lu ia.

202 | Sixth Sunday of Easter 1. I will sing forever of your mer cies, O LORD ; * through all ages my mouth will proclaim your 'deldeldelity.del

“With my chosen one I have made a covcovcovenant;cov * I have sworn to David my serserservant:ser

4e heavens praise your won ders, O LORD , * your Edelity in the assembly of your hohoholyho ones.

2. 4en you spoke in a vivivision.vi * To your faithful ones you saidsaidsaid,said

“I have set the crown on a warwarwarrior,war * I have exalted one chosen from the peopeopeople.peo

3. I have found my servant DaDaDavid,Da * and with my holy oil anoint ed himhimhim.him

My hand shall al ways be withwithwith him, * and my arm shall make him strongstrong.

4. My mercy and my faithfulness shall be withwithwith him; * by my name his might shall be ex altaltalted.alt

I will keep my faithful love for him alalalways;al * with him my covenant shall lastlastlast.last

Glory be to the Father …

Sixth Sunday of Easter | 203 COMMUNION (Year C)

4e Ho ly Spir it will teach you, al le lu ia;

all the things that I have said un to you, al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

204 | Sixth Sunday of Easter 1. Have mercy on me, O GodGodGod,God * according to your mer ciful lovelovelove;love

2. Cleanse me with hyssop, and I shall be purepurepure;pure * wash me, and I shall be whiter than snowsnowsnow.snow

Let me hear rejoic ing and gladgladgladness,glad * that the bones you have crushed may ex ultultult.ult

3. Create a pure heart for me, O GodGodGod;God * renew a steadfast spir it with ininin me.

Do not cast me away om your presprespresence;pres * take not your holy spir it om mememe.me

4. I will teach transgres sors your waysways, * that sinners may re turn to youyouyou.you

O LORD , o pen my lipslipslips * and my mouth shall pro claim your praisepraise.

In your good pleasure, show fa vor to SiSiSion;Si * rebuild the walls of Je rururusalem.ru

Glory be to the Father …

Sixth Sunday of Easter | 205 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD


Men of Gal i lee,* why are you gaz ing in as ton ish ment at the sky?

al le lu ia; just as you have seen him as cend in to hea ven,

so, in like man ner, shall he re turn,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

* last time only

206 | 4e Ascension of the Lord 1. All peoples, clap your handshands. * Cry to God with shouts of joyjoyjoy!joy

For the LORD , the Most High, is aweaweawesome,awe * the great king over all the earthearth.

2. He humbles peoples under ususus * and nations under our feetfeetfeet.feet

Our heritage he chose for ususus,us * the pride of Jacob whom he lovesloves.

3. God goes up with shouts of joyjoyjoy.joy * 4e LORD goes up with trum pet blastblast.

Sing praise for God; sing praisepraise! * Sing praise to our king; sing praisepraise!

Glory be to the Father …

4e Ascension of the Lord | 207 OFFERTORY

Men of Gal i lee,* why do you gaze at the sky in as ton ish ment?

4is same Je sus who was tak en up from you

in to hea ven, will come by the ve ry way

in which you saw him go in to hea ven, al le lu ia.

208 | 4e Ascension of the Lord 1. God goes up with shouts of joyjoyjoy.joy * 4e LORD goes up with trum pet blastblast.

Sing praise for God; sing praisepraise! * Sing praise to our king; sing praisepraise!

2. God is king of all the earthearth. * Sing praise with all your skillskill.

God reigns o ver the nananations.na * God sits upon his ho ly thronethrone.

3. 4e princes of the peoples are as semsemsembledsem * with the people of the God of Abraham.

4e rulers of the earth be long to GodGodGod,God * who is greatly ex altaltalted.alt

4e Ascension of the Lord | 209 COMMUNION (Year A)

All pow er has been giv en to me* in heav en and on earth al le lu ia;

go there fore and teach all the na tions, bap tiz ing them

in the name of the Fa ther and of the Son

and of the Ho ly Spir it, al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

210 | 4e Ascension of the Lord 1. Give ear, my people, to my teachteaching; * incline your ear to the words of my mouthmouth.

4e things we have heard and under stoodstood, * the things our fathers have toldtoldtold us,

these we will not hide om their chilchilchildrenchil * but will tell them to the next gen er aaation:a

2. Yet he commanded the clouds a bovebove, * and opened the gates of heavheavheaven.heav

He rained down man na to eateateat,eat * and gave them bread om heavheavheaven.heav

3. Man ate the bread of ananangels.an * He sent them abundance of foodfoodfood;food

He rained Aesh upon them like dustdust, * winged fowl like the sands of the seaseasea.sea

Glory be to the Father …

4e Ascension of the Lord | 211 COMMUNION (Year B)

4ese signs will ac com pan y those who be lieve:* they will cast out dem ons,

and when they lay their hands up on the sick,

these will re cov er, al le lu ia.

212 | 4e Ascension of the Lord 1. I will bless the LORD at all timestimes; * praise of him is always in my mouthmouth.

In the LORD my soul shall make its boastboast; * the humble shall hear and be gladgladglad.glad

2. Glorify the LORD with mememe;me * together let us praise his namename.

I sought the LORD , and he answered mememe;me * from all my terrors he set me freefreefree.free

3. Look towards him and be rararadiant;ra * let your faces not be a bashedbashed.

4is lowly one called; the LORD heardheard, * and rescued him from all his dis tresstress.

4e angel of the LORD is en camped * around those who fear him, to resresrescueres them.

4. When the just cry out, the LORD hearshears, * and rescues them in all their dis tresstress.

4e LORD is close to the broken hearthearted; * those whose spirit is crushed he will savesavesave.save

4e LORD ransoms the souls of his serserservants.ser * All who trust in him shall not be con demneddemned.

Glory be to the Father …

4e Ascension of the Lord | 213 COMMUNION (Year C)

Sing to the Lord* who has as cen ded the high est heav ens,

towards the East, al le lu ia.

214 | 4e Ascension of the Lord 1. Let God arise; let his foes be scatscatscattered.scat * 5. You kingdoms of the earth, sing to God, praise the LORD * Let those who hate him Aee from his presprespresence.pres who rides on the heavens, the an cient heavheavheavens.heav

O sing to God; make music to his name. † Behold, he thunders his voice, his mighty voicevoice. * Extol the One who rides on the cloudsclouds. * Come, acknowledge the power of GodGodGod.God 4e LORD is his name; exult at his presprespresence.pres

Glory be to the Father … 2. Father of orphans, defend er of widwidwidows:wid * such is God in his ho ly placeplace.

You have ascended on high; leading captivity captive † as tribute receiving prison ers, O GodGodGod,God * so that even rebels may dwell near the LORD GodGodGod.God

3. Day aFer day, may the LORD be blestblest. * He bears our burdens; God is our savsavsavior.sav

4is God of ours is a God who savessaves. * 4e LORD our LORD provides an escape om deathdeath.

4ey see your solemn proces sion, O GodGodGod,God * the of my God, of my king, to the ho ly placeplace:

4. Summon forth your might, O GodGodGod;God * your might, O God, which you have shown for ususus.us

From your temple high in Je rururusalem,ru * kings will come to you bringing their trib tribute.

4e Ascension of the Lord | 215 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER


Heark en, O Lord, un to my voice*

which has called out to you, al le lu ia; my heart dec lared to you:

"Your coun ten ance have I sought;

I shall e ver seek your coun ten ance, O Lord;

do not turn your face from me, al le lu ia, al le lu ia."

216 | Seventh Sunday of Easter 1. 4e LORD is my light and my sal vavavation;va * whom shall I fearfearfear?fear

4e LORD is the stronghold of my lifelifelife;life * whom should I dreaddread?

2. When those who do e vil draw near * to devour my AeshAeshAesh,Aesh

it is they, my ene mies and foesfoesfoes,foes * who stumble and fallfallfall.fall

3. 4ough an army en camp a gainst me, * my heart would not fearfearfear.fear

4ough war break out a gainst me, * even then would I trusttrust.

Glory be to the Father …

Seventh Sunday of Easter | 217 OFFERTORY (Option 1)

God has gone up* a midst shouts of joy,

the Lord to the sound of the trum pet, al le lu ia.

218 | Seventh Sunday of Easter 1. All peoples, clap your handshands. * Cry to God with shouts of joyjoyjoy!joy

For the LORD , the Most High, is aweaweawesome,awe * the great king over all the earthearth.

2. He humbles peoples under ususus * and nations under our feetfeetfeet.feet

Our heritage he chose for ususus,us * the pride of Jacob whom he lovesloves.

3. God goes up with shouts of joyjoyjoy.joy * 4e LORD goes up with trum pet blastblast.

Sing praise for God; sing praisepraise! * Sing praise to our king; sing praisepraise!

4. God is king of all the earthearth. * Sing praise with all your skillskill.

God reigns o ver the nananations.na * God sits upon his ho ly thronethrone.

5. 4e princes of the peoples are as semsemsembledsem * with the people of the God of AAAbraham.A

4e rulers of the earth be long to GodGodGod,God * who is greatly ex altaltalted.alt

Seventh Sunday of Easter | 219 OFFERTORY (Option 2)

Men of Gal i lee,* why do you gaze at the sky in as ton ish ment?

4is same Je sus who was tak en up from you in to hea ven,

will come by the ve ry way

in which you saw him go in to hea ven, al le lu ia.

220 | Seventh Sunday of Easter 1. God goes up with shouts of joyjoyjoy.joy * 4e LORD goes up with trum pet blastblast.

Sing praise for God; sing praisepraise! * Sing praise to our king; sing praisepraise!

2. God is king of all the earthearth. * Sing praise with all your skillskill.

God reigns o ver the nananations.na * God sits upon his ho ly thronethrone.

3. 4e princes of the peoples are as semsemsembledsem * with the people of the God of Abraham.

4e rulers of the earth be long to GodGodGod,God * who is greatly ex altaltalted.alt

Seventh Sunday of Easter | 221 COMMUNION

Fa ther, when I was a mongst them,*

I kept those whom you had giv en me, al le lu ia;

but now I am com ing to you;

I do not ask you to take them out of the world,

but to keep them from ev il, al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

222 | Seventh Sunday of Easter 1. I rejoiced when they said to mememe,me * “Let us go to the house of the LORD .”

And now our feet are standstanding * within your gates, O Je rururusalem.ru

2. Jerusalem is built as a cicicityci * bonded as one to gethgethgether.geth

It is there that the tribes go upupup,up * the tribes of the LORD .

3. For Israel’s wit ness it isisis * to praise the name of the LORD .

4ere were set the thrones for judgjudgjudgment,judg * the thrones of the house of DaDaDavid.Da

4. For the peace of Jeru salem praypraypray,pray * “May they prosper, those who lovelovelove you.”

May peace abide in your wallswalls, * and security be in your towtowtowers.tow

5. For the sake of my fami ly and friendsfriends, * let me say, “Peace up ononon you.”

For the sake of the house of the LORD , our GodGodGod,God * I will seek good things for youyouyou.you

Glory be to the Father …

Seventh Sunday of Easter | 223 PENTECOST VIGIL MASS

INTROIT (Option 1)

When I vin di cate my ho li ness through you,* I will gath er you from all lands,

and I will sprin kle clean wa ter up on you,

and you shall be cleansed from all your Elth i ness;

and I will give you a new Spir it.

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

224 | Pentecost - Vigil Mass 1. I will bless the LORD at all timestimes; * praise of him is always in my mouthmouth.

In the LORD my soul shall make its boastboast; * the humble shall hear and be gladgladglad.glad

2. Glorify the LORD with mememe;me * together let us praise his namename.

I sought the LORD , and he an swered mememe;me * from all my terrors he set me freefreefree.free

3. Look towards him and be rararadiant;ra * let your faces not be abashedbashed.

4is lowly one called; the LORD heardheard, * and rescued him from all his dis tresstress.

Glory be to the Father …

Pentecost - Vigil Mass | 225 INTROIT (Option 2)

4e love of God* has been poured in to our hearts, al le lu ia;

by his Spi rit which dwells in us,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

226 | Pentecost - Vigil Mass 1. Bless the LORD , O my soulsoulsoul,soul * and all within me, his ho ly namename.

Bless the LORD , O my soulsoulsoul,soul * and never forget all his benbenbeneEts.ben

2. It is the LORD who forgives all your sinssinssins,sins * who heals every one of your illsillsills,ills

who redeems your life from the gravegrave, * who crowns you with mercy and com passpasspassion,pass

who Ells your life with good thingsthings, * renewing your youth like an eaeaeagle’s.ea

3. 4e LORD does just deedsdeeds, * gives full justice to all who are op pressedpressed.

He made known his ways to MoMoMoses,Mo * and his deeds to the children of IsIsIsrael.Is

Glory be to the Father …

Pentecost - Vigil Mass | 227 OFFERTORY

Send forth your Spi rit* and all things shall be cre a ted a new,

and you shall re new the face of the earth;

glo ry be un to the Lord for ev er, al le lu ia.

228 | Pentecost - Vigil Mass 1. Bless the LORD , O my soulsoulsoul!soul * O LORD my God, how great you areareare,are

clothed in majes ty and honhonhonor,hon * wrapped in light as with a roberobe!

2. You stretch out the heavens like a tenttenttent.tent * On the waters you estab lish your dwelldwelling.

You make the clouds your charcharchariot;char * you ride on the wings of the windwind.

You make the winds your mesmesmessengers,mes * Aame and 're your serserservants.ser

3. You set the earth on its foun dadadation,da * immovable from age to ageageage.age

You wrapped it with the depths like a cloakcloak; * the waters stood higher than the mounmountains.

At your threat they took to AightAight; * at the voice of your thun der they AedAedAed.Aed

4. 4e mountains rose, the val leys de scendscended, * to the place which you had ap pointed themthemthem.them

You set limits they might not passpasspass,pass * lest they return to cov er the earthearth.

Pentecost - Vigil Mass | 229 COMMUNION

On the last day of the feast, Je sus said:* "He who be lieves in me,

out of his heart shall Aow riv ers of liv ing wa ter."

Now, this he said a bout the Spi rit,

which those who be lieved in him were to re ceive,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

230 | Pentecost - Vigil Mass 1. Bless the LORD , O my soulsoulsoul!soul * O LORD my God, how great you areareare,are

2. You send forth your spirit, and they are cre atatated,at * and you renew the face of the earthearth.

3. May the glory of the LORD last for evevever!ev * May the LORD rejoice in his worksworks!

4. I will sing to the LORD all my lifelifelife,life * sing psalms to my God while I livelivelive.live

May my thoughts be pleasing to himhimhim.him * I will rejoice in the LORD .

Glory be to the Father …

Pentecost - Vigil Mass | 231 PENTECOST - MASS OF THE DAY


4e Spi rit of the Lord* has Elled the whole world,

al le lu ia; and that which con tains all things,

knows ev ery lan guage spo ken by men,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

232 | Pentecost - Mass of the Day 1. Let God arise; let his foes be scatscatscattered.scat * Let those who hate him Aee from his presprespresence.pres

As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; † like wax that melts before the EreEreEre,Ere * so the wicked shall perish at the presence of GodGodGod.God

2. But the just shall rejoice at the presence of GodGodGod;God * they shall exult with glad re joicjoicjoicing.joic

O sing to God; make music to his name. † Extol the One who rides on the cloudsclouds. * 4e LORD is his name; exult at his presprespresence.pres

3. Father of orphans, defender of widwidwidows:wid * such is God in his ho ly placeplace.

God gives the desolate a home to dwell in; † he leads the prisoners forth into prosperperperperity, * but rebels must dwell in a parched landlandland.land

Glory be to the Father …

Pentecost - Mass of the Day | 233 OFFERTORY

Con Erm, O God,* that which you have ac com plished in our midst;

from your ho ly tem ple which is in Je ru sa lem,

kings shall of fer pres ents to you, al le lu ia.

234 | Pentecost - Mass of the Day 1. O sing to God; make music to his name. † Extol the One who rides on the cloudsclouds. * 4e LORD is his name; exult at his presprespresence.pres

2. Father of orphans, defend er of widwidwidows:wid * such is God in his ho ly placeplace.

God gives the desolate a home to dwell in; † he leads the prisoners forth in to pros perperperity,per * but rebels must dwell in a parched landlandland.land

3. O God, when you went forth be fore your peopeopeople,peo * when you marched out across the desdesdesert,des

the earth trembled, heavens poured down rain: † at the face of God, the God of SiSiSinai,Si * at the face of God, the God of IsIsIsrael.Is

4. You poured down, O God, a gen erous rainrainrain;rain * when your people languished, you restored their in herherheritance.her

It was there that your Aock be gan to dwelldwell. * In your goodness, O God, you provided for the poorpoor.

Pentecost - Mass of the Day | 235 COMMUNION

Sud den ly, a sound came from hea ven* like the rush of a might y wind,

in the place where they were sit ting, al le lu ia;

and they were all Elled with the Ho ly Spi rit,

and an nounced the great things God had done,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

236 | Pentecost - Mass of the Day 1. Let God arise; let his foes be scatscatscattered.scat * 5. Summon forth your might, O GodGodGod;God * Let those who hate him Aee from his presprespresence.pres your might, O God, which you have shown for ususus.us

But the just shall rejoice at the pres ence of GodGodGod;God * His glory is on Israel; his might is in the skiesskies. * they shall exult with glad re joicjoicjoicing.joic Awesome is God in his ho ly placeplace.

He is God, the God of Israel. † 2. O sing to God; make music to his name. † He himself gives strength and power to his peopeopeople.peo * Extol the One who rides on the cloudsclouds. * Blest be GodGodGod!God 4e LORD is his name; exult at his presprespresence.pres

Father of orphans, defend er of widwidwidows:wid * Glory be to the Father … such is God in his ho ly placeplace.

3. O God, when you went forth be fore your peopeopeople,peo * when you marched out across the dededesert,de

the earth trembled, heavens poured down rain: † at the face of God, the God of SiSiSinai,Si * at the face of God, the God of IsIsIsrael.Is

4. Day aFer day, may the LORD be blestblest. * He bears our burdens; God is our savsavsavior.sav

4is God of ours is a God who savessaves. * 4e LORD our LORD provides an escape om deathdeath.

Pentecost - Mass of the Day | 237 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY

INTROIT (Years A & B)

Bles sed be the Ho ly Tri ni ty*

andits un di vi ded U ni ty; we shall ev er give him thanks,

for he has dealt with us ac cor ding to his mer cy.

238 | 4e Most Holy Trinity 1. O LORD , our LORD , how majestic † is your name through all the earthearth! * Your majesty is set above the heavheavheavens.heav

From the mouths of children and of babes † you fashioned praise to foil your enenenemy,en * to silence the foe and the rererebel.re

2. When I see the heavens, the work of your EnEnEngers,En * the moon and the stars which you ar rangedranged,

what is man that you should keep him in mindmind, * the son of man that you care for himhimhim?him

3. Yet you have made him little lower than the an angels; * with glory and honor you crowned him,

gave him power over the works of your handshands: * you put all things under his feetfeetfeet.feet

Glory be to the Father …

4e Most Holy Trinity | 239 INTROIT (Year C)

4e love of God* has been poured in to our hearts, al le lu ia;

by his Spi rit which dwells in us,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

240 | 4e Most Holy Trinity 1. Bless the LORD , O my soulsoulsoul,soul * and all within me, his ho ly namename.

Bless the LORD , O my soulsoulsoul,soul * and never forget all his benbenbeneEts.ben

2. It is the LORD who forgives all your sinssinssins,sins * who heals every one of your illsillsills,ills

who redeems your life from the gravegrave, * who crowns you with mercy and com passpasspassion,pass

who Ells your life with good thingsthings, * renewing your youth like an eaeaeagle’s.ea

3. 4e LORD does just deedsdeeds, * gives full justice to all who are op pressedpressed.

He made known his ways to MoMoMoses,Mo * and his deeds to the children of IsIsIsrael.Is

Glory be to the Father …

4e Most Holy Trinity | 241 OFFERTORY

Bles sed be God the Fa ther,* and the on ly be got ten Son of God,

and the Ho ly Spi rit; for he has dealt with us

ac cor ding to his mer cy.

242 | 4e Most Holy Trinity 1. Bless the Lord, all you works of the LordLord. * 4. Mountains and hills, bless the LordLord. * Praise and exalt him above all for evevever.ev Everything growing from the earth, bless the LordLord.

Angels of the Lord, bless the LordLord, * You springs, bless the LordLord. * You heavens, bless the LordLord. Seas and rivers, bless the LordLord.

All you waters above the heavens, bless the LordLord. * You dolphins and all water creatures, bless the LordLord. * All you hosts of the Lord, bless the LordLord. All you birds of the air, bless the LordLord.

All you beasts, wild and tame, bless the LordLord. * 2. Sun and moon, bless the LordLord. * You sons of men, bless the LordLord. Stars of heaven, bless the LordLord. O Israel, bless the Lord. * Every shower and dew, bless the LordLord. * Praise and exalt him above all for evevever.ev All you winds, bless the LordLord.

Fire and heat, bless the LordLord. * 5. Priests of the Lord, bless the LordLord. * Cold and chill, bless the LordLord. Servants of the Lord, bless the LordLord.

Spirits and souls of the just, bless the LordLord. * 3. Dew and rain, bless the LordLord. * Holy men of humble heart, bless the LordLord. Frost and chill, bless the LordLord. Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, bless the LordLord. * Ice and snow, bless the LordLord. * Praise and exalt him above all for evevever.ev Nights and days, bless the LordLord.

Light and darkness, bless the LordLord. * 6. Let us bless the Father, and the Son, Lightnings and clouds, bless the LordLord. and the Ho ly SpirSpirSpirit.Spir * Let us praise and exalt him above all forever. Let the earth bless the LordLord. * Praise and exalt him above all for evevever.ev Blessèd are you in the Ermament of heavheavheaven.*heav Praiseworthy and glorious and exalted above all for evevever.ev

4e Most Holy Trinity | 243 COMMUNION (Years A & C)

Let us bless the God of hea ven* and ut ter his prais es be fore all who live;

for he has dealt with us ac cord ing to his mer cy.

244 | 4e Most Holy Trinity 1. Blessed be God who lives for evevever,ev * 5. “Turn back, you sinsinsinners!sin * because his kingdom lasts for all agagages.ag do the right be foreforefore him:

Praise him, you Israelites, before the Gentiles, † perhaps he may look with fa vor uponponpon you * for though he has scattered you a mong them, * and show you mermermercy.mer he has shown you his greatness e ven therethere. Let all men speak of his majmajmajesty,maj * and sing his praises in Je rururusalem.”ru 2. He scourged you for your in iqiqiquities,iq * but will again have mercy on you allallall.all 6. O Jerusalem, holy city, † He will gather you from all the GenGenGentilesGen * he scourged you for the works of your handshands, * among whom you have been scatscatscattered.scat but will again pity the children of the rightrighteous.

3. When you turn back to him with all your heartheart, * 7. Praise the Lord for his goodness, † to do what is right be foreforefore him, and bless the King of the agagages,ag * so that his tent may be rebuilt in you with joyjoyjoy.joy 4en he will turn back to youyouyou,*you and no longer hide his face om youyouyou.you May he gladden within you all who were capcapcaptives;cap * So now consider what he has done for youyouyou,you * all who were ravaged may he cherish within you and praise him with full voicevoice. for all generations to comecome.

4. Bless the Lord of rightrighteousness, * Glory be to the Father … and exalt the King of the agagages.ag

In the land of my e xile I praise him, * and show his power and majesty to a sin ful nananation.na

4e Most Holy Trinity | 245 COMMUNION (Year B)

All pow er has been giv en to me* in heav en and on earth al le lu ia;

go there fore and teach all the na tions, bap tiz ing them

in the name of the Fa ther and of the Son

and of the Ho ly Spir it, al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

246 | 4e Most Holy Trinity 1. Give ear, my people, to my teachteaching; * incline your ear to the words of my mouthmouth.

4e things we have heard and under stoodstood, * the things our fathers have toldtoldtold us,

these we will not hide om their chilchilchildrenchil * but will tell them to the next gen er aaation:a

2. Yet he commanded the clouds a bovebove, * and opened the gates of heavheavheaven.heav

He rained down man na to eateateat,eat * and gave them bread om heavheavheaven.heav

3. Man ate the bread of ananangels.an * He sent them abundance of foodfoodfood;food

He rained Aesh upon them like dustdust, * winged fowl like the sands of the seaseasea.sea

Glory be to the Father …

4e Most Holy Trinity | 247 THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST


He fed them* with the En est of wheat; al le lu ia;

and with ho ney from the rock he sat is Eed them,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia.

248 | 4e Body and Blood of Christ 1. Sing joyfully to God our strengthstrength, * shout in triumph to the God of JaJaJacob.Ja

Raise a song and sound the timtimtimbrel,tim * the sweetsounding harp and the lutelutelute;lute

2. For this is a stat ute in IsIsIsrael,Is * a command of the God of JaJaJacob.Ja

He made it a de cree for JoJoJoseph,Jo * when he went out from the land of EEEgypt.E

3. I am the Lord your God, † who brought you up from the land of EEEgypt.E * Open wide your mouth, and I will EllEllEll it.

Glory be to the Father …

4e Body and Blood of Christ | 249 OFFERTORY (Option 1)

4e Lord o pened the doors of hea ven*

and rained down man na up on them to eat;

he gave them bread from hea ven;

man ate the bread of an gels, al le lu ia.

250 | 4e Body and Blood of Christ 1. Give ear, my people, to my teachteaching; * incline your ear to the words of my mouthmouth.

I will open my mouth in a parparparablepar * and utter hidden lessons of the pastpastpast.past

2. 4e things we have heard and under stoodstood, * the things our fa thers have toldtoldtold us,

these we will not hide om their chilchilchildrenchil * but will tell them to the next gener aaation:a

the glories of the Lord and his mightmight, * and the marvelous deeds he has donedone.

3. He established a de cree in JaJaJacob;Ja * in Israel he set up a lawlawlaw.law

To our fathers he gave a com mand * to make it known to their chilchilchildren,chil

that the next genera tion might know it, * the children yet to be bornborn.

4. 4ey should arise and declare it to their chilchilchildren,chil * that they should set their hope in GodGodGod,God

and never for get God’s deedsdeeds, * but keep every one of his com mandsmands,

4e Body and Blood of Christ | 251 OFFERTORY (Option 2)

Mo ses con se cra ted an al tar to the Lord,*

and pre sen ted there up on burnt of fer ings and sac ri E cial vic tims;

he made an eve ning sac ri Ece as a frag rant of fer ing to the Lord,

in the pres ence of the sons of Is ra el.

* last time only

252 | 4e Body and Blood of Christ 1. 4e LORD answered, † “Him only who has sinned a gainst mememe * will I strike out of my bookbook.

2. Now, go and lead the people whither I have toldtoldtold you. * My angel will go be foreforefore you.

When it is time for me to punpunpunish,pun * I will punish them for their sinsinsin.”sin

3. 4us the LORD smote the peopeopeoplepeo * for having had Aaron make the calf for themthemthem.them

4e Body and Blood of Christ | 253 COMMUNION (Years A & B)

He who eats my Aesh and drinks my blood,

a bides in me, and I in him, says the Lord.

254 | 4e Body and Blood of Christ 1. Blessed are those whose way is blameblameless, * who walk in the law of the LORD !

Blessed are those who keep his de creescrees! * With all their hearts they seekseekseek him.

2. I treasure your word in my heartheart, * lest I sin against you.

Remember your word to your serserservant,ser * by which you made me hopehope.

4is is my com fort in sorsorsorrow:sor * that your promise gives me lifelifelife.life

3. 4e law from your mouth means more to mememe * than large quantities of sil ver and goldgoldgold.gold

How sweet is your promise to my tonguetongue, * more than honey in the mouthmouth.

4. Your word is a lamp for my feetfeetfeet,feet * and a light for my pathpathpath.path

I rejoice at your promprompromise,prom * like one who Ends a great treastreasure.

Glory be to the Father …

4e Body and Blood of Christ | 255 COMMUNION (Year C)

4is is my bo dy* which is giv en up for you; this is the cup

of the new cov en ant in my blood, says the Lord. Each time

that you par take there of, do it in me mo ry of me.

256 | 4e Body and Blood of Christ 1. 4e LORD is my shepshepshepherd;shep * there is nothing I shall wantwant.

Fresh and green are the paspaspasturespas * where he gives me re posepose.

Near restful wa ters he leads me; * he re vives my soulsoulsoul.soul

2. He guides me along the right pathpathpath,path * for the sake of his namename.

4ough I should walk in the valley of the shadow of death, † no evil would I fear, for you are withwithwith me. * Your crook and your staQ will give me comcomcomfort.com

3. You have prepared a ta ble be foreforefore me * in the sight of my foesfoesfoes.foes

My head you have anoint ed with oiloiloil;oil * my cup is over AowAowAowing.Aow

4. Surely goodness and mer cy shall folfolfollowfol me * all the days of my lifelifelife.life

In the LORD 's own house shall I dwell * for length of days un endendending.end

Glory be to the Father …

4e Body and Blood of Christ | 257 THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS


4e thoughts of his heart* stand from gen er a tion to gen er a tion:

that he might de liv er their souls from death,

and nour ish them in times of fam ine.

258 | 4e Sacred Heart of Jesus 1. Ring out your joy to the LORD , O you justjustjust;just * for praise is Etting for the upupupright.up

Give thanks to the LORD upon the harpharpharp;harp * with a tenstringed lute sing him songssongs.

O sing him a song that is newnewnew;new * play skillfully, with shouts of joyjoyjoy.joy

2. For the word of the LORD is faithfaithful, * and all his works to be trusttrusted.

4e LORD loves justice and rightright, * and his merciful love Ells the earthearth.

3. By the word of the LORD the heavens were mademade, * by the breath of his mouth all their hosthost.

As in a Aask, he collects the waves of the ocococean;oc * he stores up the depths of the seaseasea.sea

Glory be to the Father …

4e Sacred Heart of Jesus | 259 OFFERTORY

My heart a wait ed re proach and mis er y;*

and I hoped for one that would grieve to geth er with me, but there was none;

I looked for one who would com fort me, and found no one.

260 | 4e Sacred Heart of Jesus 1. Save me, O God, for the wawawaterswa * have risen to my neckneck.

I have sunk into the mud of the deepdeepdeep,deep * where there is no footfootfoothold.foot

I have entered the waters of the deepdeepdeep,deep * where the Aood over whelms me.

2. I am wearied with cry ing a loudloudloud;loud * my throat is parchedparched.

My eyes are wast ed a waywayway * with waiting for my GodGodGod.God

3. More numerous than the hairs on my head * are those who hate me without causecause.

Many are those who at tacktacktack me, * ene mies with lieslieslies.lies

What I have never stostostolen,sto * how can I re storestore?

4. O God, you know my folfolfolly;fol * from you my sins are not hid hidden.

May those who hope in you not be shamed * because of me, O LORD of hostshosts;

may those who seek you not be put to shame * because of me, O God of IsIsIsrael.Is

4e Sacred Heart of Jesus | 261 COMMUNION (Option 1): Sacred Heart 18 4

One of the sol diers op ened his side with a spear, 18 4

18 4

and at once there came forth blood and wa ter. 18 4

262 | 4e Sacred Heart of Jesus 1. I will sing forever of your mer cies, O LORD ; * through all ages my mouth will proclaim your ' dededelity.de

I have declared your mercy is esta blished for evevever;ev * your Edelity stands Erm as the heavheavheavens.heav

2. 4e heavens praise your won ders, O LORD , * your Edelity in the assembly of your hohoholyho ones.

Justice and right judgment are the pillars of your thronethrone; * merciful love and Edelity walk in your presprespresence.pres

3. For you are the glory of their strengthstrength; * by your favor it is that our might is ex altaltalted.alt

My mercy and my faithfulness shall be withwithwith him; * by my name his might shall be ex altaltalted.alt

I will keep my faithful love for him alalalways;al * with him my covenant shall lastlastlast.last

3. But I will never take back my mermermercy;mer * my Edelity will nev er failfailfail.fail

I will never vio late my covcovcovenant,cov * nor go back on the promise of my lipslipslips.lips

Glory be to the Father …

4e Sacred Heart of Jesus | 263 COMMUNION (Option 2)

O taste and see how gra cious the Lord is;

bles sed is the man who trusts in him.

264 | 4e Sacred Heart of Jesus 1. I will bless the LORD at all timestimes; * praise of him is always in my mouthmouth.

In the LORD my soul shall make its boastboast; * the humble shall hear and be gladgladglad.glad

2. Glorify the LORD with mememe;me * together let us praise his namename.

I sought the LORD , and he an swered mememe;me * from all my terrors he set me freefreefree.free

3. Look towards him and be rararadiant;ra * let your faces not be abashedbashed.

4is lowly one called; the LORD heardheard, * and rescued him from all his dis tresstress.

4. 4e angel of the LORD is en camped * around those who fear him, to resresrescueres them.

When the just cry out, the LORD hearshears, * and rescues them in all their dis tresstress.

5. 4e LORD is close to the bro ken hearthearted; * those whose spirit is crushed he will savesavesave.save

4e LORD ransoms the souls of his serserservants.ser * All who trust in him shall not be con demneddemned.

Glory be to the Father …

4e Sacred Heart of Jesus | 265 COMMUNION (Option 3) 11 4

I say un to you: there is joy a mong the An gels of God 11 4

1. Final 11 4 4 4

for one sin gle sin ner who re pents. who re pents. 11 4 4 4

266 | 4e Sacred Heart of Jesus 5 4 5 4

1. Blessed is he whose transgression is for givgivgiven,giv * 4.4.4. You are a hiding place for me; † whose sin is re mitmitmitted.mit you keep me safe from dis tresstress; * you surround me with cries of de livlivliverance.liv Blessed the man to whom the LORD imputes no guiltguilt, * in whose spirit is no guileguile. I will instruct you and teach you † the way you should gogogo;go * I will Ex my eyes upon youyouyou.you 2. I kept it secret and my frame was wastwasted. * I groaned all day longlonglong,long 5. Many sorrows has the wicked, † for your hand, by day and by nightnight, * but loving mercy sur rounds * lay heav y up ononon me. one who trusts in the LORD .

Indeed, my strength was dried upupup * Rejoice in the LORD ; exult, you justjustjust!just * as by the summer’s heatheatheat.heat Ring out your joy, all you up right of heartheart!

3. To you I have acknowledged my sinsinsin;sin * Glory be to the Father … my guilt I did not hidehidehide.hide

I said, “I will confess my transgression to the LORD .” * And you have forgiven the guilt of my sinsinsin.sin

4e Sacred Heart of Jesus | 267