October 2003
UnificationUnification NewsNews $2 Volume 22, No. 10 T HE N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIFICATION C OMMUNITY October 2003 INTERRELIGIOUS AND INTERNATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL Inaugural Assembly: Founding of the IIPC GRAEME CARMICHAEL by Robert S. Kittel practices for addressing critical global City where 304 delegates, problems by being the leader in the including 52 guests from he Interreligious and Inter- moral or spiritual conscience in lead- the United Nations-all togeth- national Peace Council ership governance." She further explained er representing 149 nations- (IIPC)," said H.E. Debbie that the eternal values derived from attended the 4-day Inau- H. Remengesau, First Lady religious teachings not only establish gural Assembly with the of the Republic of Palau, a strong moral value system for this theme, "Global Governance ‘T"can improve existing methods and life, but also prepare people for a New Realm of Peace." for the eternal life in the The Interreligious and Inter- spiritual world. national Federation for World The IIPC was founded Peace (IIFWP), founded by on October 3rd in New York Rev. Sun Myung Moon, see IIPC on page 7 Interreligious and "PEACE UNDER ONE GOD" International Rally for Peace and United Nations October 3, 2003 Reconciliation Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, New York p. 10 Unification News FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon This speech was given at the New Yorker Hotel, Founder's Address • Inaugural Assembly New York City, NY, USA, October 3, 2003. espected guests, over the past 50 years, as humanity has experienced many tri- als and wars, both locally and interna- The New Elimination tionally, it has placed its trust in the Unit- ed Nations as the only institution that GRAEME CARMICHAEL Rcould address these issues on a global scale.
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