UPDATE 2 Singur to Lalgarh via Nandigram Rising Flames of People’s Anger against Displacement, Destitution and State Terror Amit Bhattacharyya UPDATE 2 This booklet is Second update to our book: Singur to Lalgarh via Nandigram Rising Flames of People’s Anger against Displacement, Destitution and State Terror published in April 2009 by the same author The author Prof. Amit Bhattacharyya teaches at the Department of History, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Copies: 1000 August 2009 Suggested Contribution: Rs.25/- Published by K N Pandit on behalf of Visthapan Virodhi Jan Vikas Andolan Flat No. 003 MG Tower 23 East Jail Road Ranchi - 234 009 Jharkhand Contact:
[email protected] Also visit: http://www.no2displacement.com Printed at JK Offset Printers, 315,Garaiya Street, Jama Masjid, Delhi - 110 006. UPDATE 2 Singur to Lalgarh via Nandigram 2 Preface We are bringing out this Update 2 which is in continuity with our earlier Update 1 (published in June 2009) to the original booklet: Singur to Lalgarh via Nandigram Rising Flames of People’s Anger against Displacement, Destitution and State Terror by Prof. Amit Bhattacharyya. He has quickly put together these two updates as the people’s struggle in the Lalgarh-Jangalmahal region of West Bengal is unfolding into a historical uprising with very many new creative forms of dissent. Encouraged by a great response from various sections of people from all over India in receiving these booklets, we are publishing the Update 2 quickly. We are also encouraged to see the translation of these booklets into various languages like Oriya, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, Punjabi etc.