Volume 49 • Number 11 Since 1957 Monday,October 30,2006 sundial.csun.edu A financiallyindependentstudent newspaper Recent crimes in dorms prompt police alerts

DANIELANTOLIN from a male friend who told her he had DAILY SUNDIAL been approached many tii:nes by people asking for any loose change they could SUN police released CWocam- use on a parking meter. pus alerts for crimina1 inci- Mallory Fry, a deaf studies major Cdents that occurred within the who lives in Building 6, said people residence donn areas on Oct 19 and usually wait on the bottom floor of her 24, .posting them in mail and laundry building for someone to let them in so rooms, Neither crime was reported in they can pull the fire alarms. the daily crime log that is released by Jason Stoll, music major, said, "1 see CSUN Police. it happen all the time. I'll let someone The first campus alen released waiting outside in who gives me a look shows that on Oct 19 at 1:45 p.m. an because it's awkward just to rush in and unidentified African American suspect slam the door." allegedly followed a female resident Ashley McConnor, a cinema and into her dorm room and committed sex- television arts major who lives in Bay- ual battery, having asked her for money berry Hall, said it is a common occur- to use on a parking meter. The suspect is rence to see people hanging out out- reported to be driving a white aid model side of her.donn building, waiting for Ford Thunderbird, the.alert shows. someone 10 let them in. Most recently, The second campus alert released McConnor said she walked out of her NQlUG T...... "_ I tMll.Y SuNOW- shows that OR Oct 24 at 1:50 p.m Business ..... or EfraIn CUlllas walts for the tram near his donn, Oct. 24. building ill 7 am. and found a girl police receive a phone call from a resi- waiting for someone to let her In so she dent who said two groups of individuals could visit a friend. were allegedly having a "verbal alter- McConoor said her friend, who 'Staffing issues' slow down tram service cation." Some of the people involved lives in Building 10, told her that a were reponed to be carrying firearms. female resident in her building was YOLANDA BECERRA been running more sporadically !his Tiana Tan second-year business Within the course of the investi- raped last week, which she was told DAlLY SUNDiAL serne:ster." major. "I've had 10 walk: five times gation, university police found that it prompted a floor meeting. Some tram. drivers have had to this semester and l.hate thai: shit. .. was two groups of African American Sasha Alonzo, an undecided major, popuIat"'l' student service pick up extra shifts and have had their Broadcast journalism maio' Om- students who were not CSUN students. said that she was in her friend's dorm has been ftieing ..staffing bows _to holp cope _Ihe dice: Rander said that she bas. been The investigation found that at least room on the second floor of the same MJ'. .. which have caused "staffing issue." late to class eight times and has had one suspect pulled out a firearm and building last Wednesday while her several stUdents 10 be late to class ilolh _ and Logan said to walk three times to class but th3t it threatened the other group. Police then friend was in class. Alonzo said she and made COUDlIess oIbcrs face the that they are in the precess of hiring doesn't bother her. chased two unnamed suspects on foot walked' out of the donn room to see dreaded walk ftom the donns to the more drivers and that the issue should 'Ibere are also those who say l:hat and arrested them. The matter is still police rushing past ber with rifles. They _US. be resolved by the middle of Novem- the ttams have ~ been a problem for under investigation. told her to leave the building, she said. ApproxUnalely SO,OOO to60.000 ber or December. them. Kazumi Matsui., a transfer stu- CSUN police did not return repeated The second floor's resident adviser later tram trips are taken tvef}' month. This proVides little comfort to dent frorit San Jose, said lhat she has calls made by the Daily Sundial for told her and her friend that a girl was according to tranSpl:lItatio coonlina- $tUdents since it m.eans !hat they will not been affected by the delays but additional information, assaulted by a guest outside ber dorm tor Astrid B. Logan. have to pottntiaUy bear the situatiQn that she is aware of the problem. Samantha Hannati, a magazine jour- room and that the perpetrator was alleg- "It is a very popular service," said the entire semester. j) na~ism major who lives in Building 11, edly canying some kind of weapon and CaptainAlfredo Fernandez, but given ''I haven't been late but I've had said she heard about me sexual battery making verballhreats, Alonzo said the shortage in drivers, "trams have to walk, but l don 'I like that,": said See TRAMS, page 3 'Convergence' exhibition reveals Master of Fine Arts students' work

equivalent of a Ph.D. to get some exposure, to Program The exhibit, which is strum up some interest," located on the second floor said Tim Forcum, a part- encourages of Manzanita, includes met- time painting instructor expression alwork, illustration, pho- here at CSUN who attended tography, video stills, and the event. DANIELLE R. SWOPES the designs for public art Forcum thought that the DAILY SUNDIAl. at the Sepulveda Metrolink use of Manzanita as the station. venue was a good idea, "so n exhibition of The exhibition is called the rest of the campus can works from Master "Convergence," referring start to see what's being A of Fine Arts stu- to the convergence of the done in the art department," dents in the art department different artists, different and possibly become inter- went on display Thursday art forms, and the partner- ested enough to take a night in Manzanita Hall, ship between Manzanita class. CARLA ACIlVEDD.ELDRIEDGE J DAllY $lJNDJAL and will be there until Nov. Hall and the Art and Design The art department has- CSUN photojournalism professor David Blumenkrantz: had his piece "]2 Reasons 6. Center. (to move to the country)" In the master of fine arts program exhibition, which The MFA is the art "It's a good effort to try See MFA, page 3 opened on Thursday • • INDEX OPINION SPORTS TODAY'S WEATHER

Opinion 8 Secret service look Daily Spotlight 9 UCSB exacts its Classifieds 10 & II at MySpace revenge S"""' 11 Sunny SEE PAGE 8 SEE PAGE 12 HIGH 7S LOW S 1 1 • 'Daily Sundial· CSUN • Mooday, October 30, 2006

UIWS------EVOL ...

Apartment management firm to pay $125,000 in lawsuit

GARDEN GROVE, Calif. (AP) - An apartment mana- gement finn that fined tenants $25 when their children stepped on the lawn or played noisily will pay $125,000 to settle a housing discrimination lawsuit. Tenants of the Stuart Drive/Rose Garden Apartments said the fines were added to the rent and late fees were imposed on unpaid fines. "There was an incredible frustration on the part of the tenants. They didn't think it was fair that the'children couldn't play outside," said Angie Coronel of the Fair Housing Council of Orange County, which investigated the complaints. Without admitting wrongdoing, Laguna Hills-based Ber- tram Management agreed to pay $115,000 in damages, change its tenant policy and attend fair housing training for five years. Benram said in a statement that the cost of continuing litigation was the reason for settling. Under the tenant lease contract, according to former pro- perty manager Sorin Ghimbasanu, fines were levied for chi- ldren playing outside and for kids making too much noise. City leaders' 2007 raise increases by nearly 5 percent

LOS ANGELES (AP) -Already high paid city leaders __ ~ I ONLY Sl.JNOio'IL are getting a nearly 5 percent cost-of-living pay hike on top IfaJ'ler &a...... eo-tnr H..... try to'" t:hII word...... " of the 8.5 percent raise they get io2007. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's salary will jump from $195,904 to $223,141, more than Gov. Arnold Schwarze- negger's $206,500, if the governor obese to collect it, and Movie, television filming thrives on campus Vice President Dick Cheney's $212,000. "Angelenos get a meat value for their tID:: dollars from web site, the filming on cam- The fees for fLIming are $4 per hour per number of Mayor Villaraigosa. He's the hardest-working mayor in $5,350 per day pus should not interfere with waived for CSUN students spaces used. America," mayoral press secretary Joe RamaUo said. to use CSUN normal university business or who need to use the campus "The film industry works The California Judicial Council recently told city leaders previously scheduled events. for class projects approved so quickly," Evans said. they would soon receive an additional 4.98 percent coat-of- for movie Tbe specified campus by the director of the cinema In the movie "Sky High," living boost retroactive to July I. They get the~.5 percent locations will be approved for and television arts depart- starring Michael Angarano raise Jan. I. JILLIAN BALLARD specific date(s) and time(s) ment. A permit letter from and Kurt Russell, the Oviatt Already the nation's highest paid City Council, salaries DAILY SUNDIAL five days prior to the filming. the CTVA director is required Library was used as the front for the 15 full-time council members will go from $150,696 The office of public relations for students at all times dur- of the high school, Sky High, currently to $171,~8. everal buildings on must approve the script and ing filming. a school for superheroes. campus have proml- university personnel must be The University' Corpora- In "Legally Blonde 2: S nent and unique archi- available for assistance at the tion does not charge for any Red, White & Blonde;' Reese Activist Najee Ali gets restrain- tecture, so it is only natural time of the shooting. company that wants to film Witherspoon as Elle Woods ing order against Maxine Waters that CSUN will be in films, ''There is l! set fee for ftJm- documentaries or newscasts. walked through the halls of television shows and com- ing on campus," Evans said. However, the director does Manzanita Hall to find her mercials. The Oviatt Library "(It depends) on the size and have to contact the public LOS ANGELES (AP) - Civil rights activist Najee Ali beloved Cbihuahua's mom, is the building used in movies how long they want to stay on relations office beforehand. who was being used for cos- got a temporary restraining order against U.S. Rep. Maxine that is the most recognizable campus." . If' a filming crew needs metics testing. Waters, D-Los Angeles, claiming the 5-foot-4 congresswo- building on campus. For a feature ftJm, the uni- to use multiple locations on "Bring it on Again" used man threatened him at a campaign event. Feature films such as versity charges $5,350 per 14- campus, a police officer and the_ CSUN campus as their Superior Court Judge Richard E. Rico issued the restrai- "Legally Blonde 2; Red, hour day. The hourly rate is a liaison will be assigned ning order Wednesday against Willers and set a Nov. 14 high school campus. Scenes White & Blonde:' "Sky High" $480. Television shows are to each location and billed hearing on Whether to make it permanent. Waters must stay of the cheer competition were and "Bring it On Again," in charged $4,815 per 14-hour accordingly. held in front of the Oviatt five yards away from Ali. addition to several TV shows, day with an hourly rate of There are additional direct Library. Ali told the judge he was verbally threatened by the 68- have been filmed at CSUN. $430. For commercials the costs for services provided On the licensing site there year-old Waters during an Oct. 10 campaign event for Gov. The University Corpora- rate is $4,280 per 14-hour day by the university. The filming is a contest for the best pic- Arnold Schwarzenegger earlier this month. Ali also said tion handles all of the licens- with an hourly rate of $385. crew will have to pay $60 per tures of buildings on campus. fingers were pointed. ing fLlming around campus. "Over the summer and dur- hour for police services, $39 "The winning pictures will be Waters "yelled that she would get me and take care of me. The University Student Union, ing the winter, filming crews per hour for a parking officer posted on the licensing web She pointed her finger in my face;' Ali said in court documen- however, licenses itself get 20 percent off," Evans and $38 per hour for liaisons. site. The grand prize is S150, Is, adding bystanders had to restrain the congresswoman. "Any filming done on said. Excluding .the filming For the use of Physical with four prizes in the amount Waters didn't have a representative in court. The congres- campus for movies, TV shows of Oviatt Library, during the Plant Management and/or a of $75 and four more in the swoman's chief of staff Mikael Moore bad no comment. or commercials all has to go breaks when there are fewer custodian the fee is $56 per amount of $50. Waters and about 100 protesters showed up at the Mount through licensing," said Rick students, the film industry hour. Parking for automo- There are pictures of build- Moriah Baptist Church campaign event, where the governor Evans, administrative ser- will receive a discount. The biles is the same fee that stu- ings on campus, hallways and met with clergy. vices manager in university university corporation does dents pay for a daily parking classrooms on the site so film licensing. not want filming to be disrup- permit at $4 per day. Trailers, crews will not have to send County health department: Skin According to the licensing tive for students. trucks and vans must pay talent scouts out. infection spreads in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Health officials said a stub- Weather Update born, potentially deadly skin infection that plagued Los Angeles County jails and Skid Row is now spreading in the Tuesday Wednesday Thursday general population. "We are finding this broadly in the community;' county health officer Dr. Jonathan E. Fielding said Thursday. The Mostly Mostly AM Clouds skin infections are due to a virulent strain of an antibiotic- Sunny Sunny PMSun resistant staph infection. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, begins as sores resembling spider bites. High 72· Low53 High 74· Low52 High83· Low53 Daily Sundial' CSUN • Monday,October ]0,2006 • 3

----,------'1U9I1lI delay trams is that sometimes TRAMS drivers need to pick up disabled Continued from page 1 students at different locations and this can lead to the tram Fernandez said that the stopping for several- minutes, sbort.1gein drivers is due to the Logan said. fact that one employee is on Logan said that she 'PCfSOn- leaveand two others resigned. ally has~ted signs for students The reason for the drivers' explaining that trams might be resignationscould not be dis- running late and advising them closed; all Logan could offer to walk to campus, but that was, "people come and go." when she has gone back the The reason it has taken so signs have been taken down by longto hire new drivers is that someone. the applicant pool was very Tan and Yo both said that small,Logan said, and it takes they have not seen any signs at several months to hire some- the earn stops and that it is only one. "but we see the light at the by word of mouth and personal endof the tunnel now," Logan experience that they have come said. to know about the trams being Logan said that students late. California Stat need to keep in mind how much Ok said she only saw a sign time they have to get to class the first week of school, but at North and if they don't see the tram that time the trams were not they should start walking. She being a problem. Since then, also said students need to real- Gk said she has not seen any ize that even if the tram is on signs explaining why the trams time,it might be full to capacity are late or apologizing for any from previousstops. inconvenience that the delays HORIO TAMURA I DAll.YSUNDIAL Another factor that may arc causing. A student walks to the tram at the dorms. The tram service has been slow.

years, said Edward Alfano, Though it is part of the separated from the rest of concentrating in photogra- work meant to them. MFA chair of the art department. college of arts, media and our campus by what profes- phy. She. and others were Kristy Wong, who spe- Continued from page 1 "It's difficult for the communication along with sor Lesley Krane calls the thankful for the use of cializes in graphic design campus to see the students' the departments .housed in "Plummer Curtain." Manzanita Hall, a venue and will graduate at the end been displaying photo- work," Alfano said, cit- Manzanita, Nordhoff and Krane teaches in the more accessible to the cam- of the semester, presented graphs on the second floor ing the isolation of the art Cypress Halls, the art and art 'department, and is an pus community. photographs that ha_d been of Manzanita for several building. design center has been adviser for MFA students This particular event was graphically enhanced to organized by Niku Kashef, represent narratives of fam- another part-time professor ily history. in the art department and Melissa Thomson MFA student. focused on nature, and She had two pictures on presented metalwork that display from a larger series depicted scenes wjth sea of photos of New Orleans turtles. after Hurricane Katrina. The exhibit is limited 10 They aren't just straight images that can hang on the photos, however; it looks wall. since the hallway isn't as if she broke the image, designed to pres~nt sculp- or took several shots of the ture cr video. same scene and put them Also: many of the origi- together, much as Louisi- nal works were quite-large, ana is trying to do with the so in the name of shar- battered New Orleans. ing and 10 make the whole She calls her series "The show look like it belongs Silence of Dissolution." together, many of the imag- "Each one of us has a es were scaled down.

OANIELLE R. sWOPEs I DA,eYSUNDIAL story," Kashef said. This disappointed Sara Far left, Edward C. Alfano, department chair, and some of the artists featured In 'Convergence': David Next to each arnsr's Callaghan, Nlku Kashef, Melody Kellis. Levon Parian, Michele Marttn.ez and Melissa Yhomson. work is an artist's state- ment, describing what the See MFA, page ~ CRIME BRIEFS

10/24/06 10/W" • 10/25/H Bill. TIER BTl IWUl POSSUSl•• OF1.lllIIH lEY

At Jacaranda Half, a CSUN police officer arrested a CSUN A"C~UN student reported his vehicle stolen and a.CSUN A CSUN police officer arrested 20-yeaM)ld Joshua Kane student for the theft of another student's laptop computer. police officer located it near the location, unmoved nor tam- Soto for illegal possession of a building key and an outstand- The suspect was later. released due to the victim's failure to pered with, in Lot B I. ing felony warrant. The suspect is not a CSUN student and prosecute. . was booked at LAPD Devonshire.

- Provided by CSUN Police Visit Our Website' at http:// sundial.csun.edu 4 • Daily Sundial' CSUN • Monday, October 30,2006

DBWS------Real estate center offers students valuable experience

PAUL CASTILLO The seminars, which are co- ridge earthquake affected apart- DAILY SUNDIAL hosted with Lambda Alpha inter- ment sales. , national, an honorary society for ''We were able to pull off thethird floor of Juni- the advancement of land eco- about five years of sales for r Hall, in the office nomies that, according 10 infor- apartment buildings in Los Q;of the department of mation from the society, aims Angeles County," Bleich said. finance. real estate, and insur- to create a closer relationship They pulled their data from ance, lies the home of the Cen- between academies and profes- the CoStar database, a system ter for Real Estate. It currently sionals, range from the process mat allows users to look up the resides in the office of Dr. Don- builders go through 10 develop sales of properties not used as ald Bleich, the founding and cur- land 10 management methods homes from all over the country, rent director of the center and for family-run businesses. though the Center's access is PHOTO COUIITEI;YOF NIKU KASH"'F chair of the department. But what Bleich is most limited to Los Angeles County. A piece from Nlku Kashef's series. fThe Silence of Dissolution.' Her work, along Bleich creaed the center in proud of are the economic sum- Bleich said thai; unlike many with ~at of other MFA students, Is on display on the second floor of Manzanita 1998. He said after spending mits held annually in the spring, professionals, real estate students Hall through Nov. 6. eight summers teaching real he said. The 2006 San Fernando also get access to the CoStar estate at New York University Valley Economic Summit. held database, which was donated by MFA Reasons" by David Blu- rather than self expression. and experiencing their center for in May, featured reports about the CoStar Group, for use in menkrantz, who is the pho- The other favorite was Continued from page 3 real estate, he saw that CSUN the Valley's economic and real their classes. tojournalism professor in an example of reclaimed could benefit from something estate outlook, an overview of Promoting education in real the journalism department. photography by Leven similar. the national economy, and trends estate is another one of the Cen- Alavika, an illustration Kashef described Btu- Parian. "I thought it would be a good and ways to take advantage of ter's missions. 1be Center gives major whose class visited men krantz's images of He discovered old fam- idea to bring one out here," he them. The summits are not as out scholarships to real estate the show, but she said that neglect and graffiti in Los ily pictures which had been said "I certainly hope to adapt lecture-based as the seminars, students using money given to she enjoyed them nonethe- Angeles as "vernacular in damaged during their stay some of the programs they have but also differ in another way. them by the Real Estate Educa- less. the world." in the basement, and had toCSUN." "This event's geared mostly tion Endowment Fund and the "It's excellent," said "It's always interesting them printed. According to a pamphlet for the public, but students are Appraisal Institute, a profession- Tim Simmons, an illustra- to see people reacting to "The contours of the pic- from the center, there are a num- allowed, too," Bleich said al association of appraisers. tion major from the same your work," Blumenkrantz ture are very different than ber of missions the center is The summit. which had Bleich said the difference class. "It's inspiring to see said. the average picture," said aimed toward achieving. One is about 500 attendees in 2006, between h~ NYU inspiration art at such a high caliber." He said that he likes to ·Teri Akpovi, a public rela- their community outreach pro- Bleich said, raised money for and CSUN's Center for Real Many of the students "eavesdrop" while people lions major. gram. one of the center's other mis- Estate is still enormous. TIley that attended the show were view his pieces. and feels She said she liked how "We put on this series of sions, real estate research. Using have a budget in the millions drawn to two pieces in par- that his popularity is a certain colors jumped lectures, usually panels," Bleich the money raised by the summit, and are based in an- area much ticular. result of the accessibility of out due 10 the age of the said. "It's mostly for students, the faculty was able to conduct more closely connected to the One was a photographic his work to the average per- image. but it's also open to the public." a study on how the 1994 North- business . documentary called "32 son, since it is documentary CSUN's 11th Annual Student Research & Creative Works Symposium We encourage you to present an--oral or poster presentation of your research or creative activity. Undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines are' eligible. Each presenter receives a certificate of participation and outstanding presenters will receive cash awards.

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------:...------JDeI\l& Winds stoke fire, reward posted to catch arsonist

BEAUMONT, Calif. (AP) stopping the fire in the unde- away from the flames. into whether the fire was relat- many fires had occurred or A $100,000 reward post- _ A huge wildfire stoked by veloped brushlands below "I looked at them. They ed to a 4O-acre fire Sunday in provide other details because ed by Ri verside County SantaAna winds chewed into the western foot of the San looked at me. Then they turned nearby Mias Canyon, among a of the investigation. for information leading to canyonlands Friday as inves- . Jacinto Mountains. Mop-up their heads and kept walking," high number of blazes locally. A Riverside County sher- an arrest was bolstered by tigatorssought leads to who- work was under way back in "There's been a lot of fires iff's spokesman remained Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneg- ever set the blaze that killed mountain communities where in this area all summer long. cautious about the question of ger's addition of $100,000 four federal firefighters and the flames swept through the You can connect the dots." a serial arsonist. in state funds and by anoth- criticallyinjured a fifth. previous clay. There's been said Wakowski. "There's no indication er $100,000 from neigh- Fire officials said inves- Hundreds of motor home Riverside County fire of that right now. However, boring San Bernardino tigators were looking into campers were allowed to leave a lot of fires Chief John Hawkins said the we'll be working with fire County. raising the total to whether the blaze was linked an RV park that became a ref- in this area rash of fires in the area began investigators on that mat- $300,000. toa canyon fire last , uge for them and local resi- about three months ago, ter," said Sgt. Earl Quinate The U.S. Forest Service, one among an unusual num- dents as flames swept through all summer "We're looking to see if said. He said the department meanwhile, identified the berof fires in recent months, tiny Poppet Hat on Thursday, there's a pattern of fire-caused has received about 100 tips. members of its Engine Crew and local residents said they said California Department of long. You can similarity" between the fires, Authorities have not said 57 who were overrun by saw two men leaving the area Forestry spokeswoman Julie connect the Hawkins said. what evidence of arson they 'flames early Thursday as where the blaze broke out. A Hutchinson. He declined to say how have. they tried to protect a home. sheriff'sspokesman said there The fire erupted shortly dots. was no immediate indication after Ia.m. Thursday on Espe------I of a serial arsonist. ranza Avenue in Cabazon. Michael Wakowski, ------, The 24,OOO-acre Esperanza Local resident James :1 Fall 2006 ., .1 Firewas pushing west through Peace, 63, said thai shortly a fire division chief. in II Campus Night Safety Walk • 1 .1 uninhabited land south of after the fire started he saw the San Bernardino I' When: Wednesday, November 1,2006 ,I Beaumont,Banning and other two unfamiliar young men National Forest communities along Interstate leaving the area, which he I' Time: 6:45 pm (pizza, Soda, & Orientation) ,I 10, about 90 miles east of said is close to a local teenage I' 7:00 pm (Group Assignments) ,I Los Angeles, after forcing hangout known as Raccoon Bowers said. , Where: Meet at South side of Engineering (breezeway), I people out of a few mobile Rock. The two were gone by the I, Walkway between Sequoia Hall & Engineering 'I homes overnight and burn- "These kids didn't belong time he alerted an arriving I Who: Volunteers may include: Staff, Students, , ing some structures. About 10 here. They were strange pe0- firefighter, Bowers said. structures, including homes, ple," Pence said. Riverside County sheriff's .' Faculty, Community Members. etc. ,I burned Thursday. Tim Bowers, 49, said he detectives interviewed the I' Note: If you plan on attending, you will need ,I winds blew at IS mph to was awakened' by his dog Cabazon trailer park neigh- , walking shoes, warm light colored I 20 mph with gusts to 45 mph shortly after I a.m. Thursday, bors on Thursday. _ I, clothing, a flashlight, and a notepad! 'I in the afternoon but kept the looked outside his trailer and Michael wakowski, a fire I • fire moving away from homes. saw flames on a hillside about division chief in the San Ber- I I Firefighters worked to build 100 yards away. He said two nardino National Forest, said • If you have questions, please call Ben Elisondo at xSSS6 " I . containment lines in hope of unfamiliar young men walked investigators were looking 1.-.-_-.-.---.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.---.-.-.-.

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RIWS------Iran reportedly enriches uranium as West mulls punishment

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - The process - which from .punitlve measures and capacity to enrich uranium, down the development pro- is unacceptable," Bush told Iran stepped up its uranium yields either nuclear fuel or left the door open to last- the agency said. gram over the summer as reporters. "It says to me thaI enrichment program Friday, material for a warhead - did minute talks. "We have already exploit- pan of a diplomatic strategy we must double our effort 10 a semiofficial news agency not represent a major techno- All three, plus France and ed the product of the second to persuade the world that it work with the international reported, even as a divided logical breakthrough and was Britain, have veto power on cascade," the official was would not be nearing nuclear community to persuade the U.N. Security Council con- unlikely to bring Iran within the Security Council, which quoted as saying. weapons capability any time Iranians that there is only sidered a European draft grasp of a weapon. is now weighing a draft res- Iran touted its ability to soon," said Mark Fitzpatrick isolation from the world if resolution to impose sanc- But it signaled Tehran's olution that would impose enrich uranium last Febru- of the International Institute they continue working for- tions over Tehran's nuclear resolve to expand its atomic limited sanctions on Iran .. ary, when it produced a small for Strategic Studies in Lon~ ward on such a program." activities. program at a time of divi- "We are injecting gas into batch of low-enriched ura- don. Doubling Iran's capac- President Bush called sions within the Security the second cascade (of cen- nium - suitable as nuclear "Now that the Security . ity would still mean it was the report that Iran had dou- Council over a punishment trifuges), which we installed fuel but not weapons grade Council is taking up a sane- nowhere close to churning bled its enrichment capac- for [ran's defiance. two weeks ago," the Iranian - using a first set of 164 lions resolution, Iran has start- out enough uranium to fuel ity "speculation" but said a Washington has long Students News Agency quot- centrifuges at its pilot com- ed the second cascade as a a reactor. Tehran has said it nuclear-armed Iran was unac- pushed for sanctions against ed an anonymous official as plex in Naranz. political signal to show that it plans to install 3,000 cen- ceptable. Israel compared Iran for its failure to stop saying. While no experiments to does not give in to pressure," trifuges at Natanz by year's Iran to Nazi Germany. enriching uranium -·a pro- Iran's government some- enrich more uranium have he said. end, bUI it would take 54,000 Iran's injection of gas into cess Tehran says aims only times uses the news.agency been announced since then, In Washington, President centrifuges to fuel a reactor. a second network of centri- to generate electricity and to leak information deemed Tehran insists it never halted Bush insisted the United Still, Israeli Prime Min- fuges, reported by the Ira- others suspect is a cover for too sensitive for official the process despite West- States would not stand for a ister Ehud Olmert compared nian Students News Agency, building nuclear arms. channels. ern demands. and defiantly nuclear-armed Iran. Iran to Nazi Germany and marked the country's first Russia and China, with Friday's procedure was bypassed an Aug. 31 dead- "Whether they've dou- chastised world leaders for known uranium enrichment strong commercial lies to successful, and the sec- line to do so. bled it or not, the' idea of not doing enough to stop its since February. Tehran, have shied away ond cascade doubled Iran's ''Iran more likely slowed Iran having a nuclear weapon nuclear program.

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, Daily Sundial' CSUN • Monday, October 30.2006 • 7

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0&.2Cl32 C2OO6 NortJ'l\¥lISIOO Mutual. NorthwftstQ'l1 MutI.lEll FmndaI Nulwtl1< is e mIl!1I 319not broIOII of $6,600 to pay of her "Kill Bush" MySpace mail address, and her Social ing the interview, since their First Amendment Coalition, "'1be"';: .... polo Ibinll .... A.S. staff page. Her name is Julia Wil- Security number. Julia Wilsop daughter is only 14 years old. in an interview wilh the Bee, E~~~::;• DewS _ jqjWllites (8 teqIeIIt thai was quickly son and if you've seen the told CNN reporter Alina Coo, First Amendment lawyers said of the current political III CSUN Mea oee WClIb p8lIllrId by the Senate) was pictures she looks as innocent 'They said, 'This is a seri- and the American Civil Lib- climate, "the lhreshold thai .. 1be Dolly _ J '- uttaIy dc'M:*I of frivolity . as apple pie. She's got blonde ous matter, I don't think you . erties Union have become brings (agents) in bas got- of 10 maRy t'rwIntiuui aod MaYbe_and I hair, freckles and braces; ten lower." ...... -00dl "'-llIllI just ba¥c diftat:Ul ideas she's not exactly the image "It's a cautionary tale for or "'WJ*d- widUo tbc inner wbat~ a "frivolous" of a terrorist or a presidential Lesson for Americans: watch kids who are on MySpace assassin. that putting something on -...0I1be_ .... -.1bOUglL - dolly -._oftor • _ Tho day lhe finance Wilson had a picture of your back and your free MySpace like 'Kill the Pres- oftor lOY mild .. 10 laDe CDC Q-lII8itt.oe ndioI, students President Bush with the ident' is not the same as say- P""'- ...... ,..., ... <* • 1brJ A.S, Jl'lOO- caption "Kill Bush" on her speech. ing it on e-mail or ov~r the lhaI __ joot _ is -..t, and MySpace page. Secret Ser- phone," Scheer said. "The tios ...... 80!lod, ...uy. .dghdbIIy so. 1haw no doubt vice agents took the threat government is not systemat- seriously and went looking 1111 aame.e~ baweoC4 dIat JIiI .Pt is a .bard one, ically listening to all phone ...... I .... , _ be would for Wilson at her Sacramento calls or going lhrough e- _ _..,-- die JWodel SIultt:IP ... )., I•• By IUiu dubs' plans; home. understand this is a federal involved. The Sac Bee quot- mails, but it probably does ... boi- .be Ita pobIIctI OUt several According to the Sacra- offense.' And they were just ed Ann Brick, an attorney search the Internet." IiRs paIII, _ m ... em. -.1hII eadl club was mento Bee, which was able yelling at me, and then, I with the ACLU of North- As Sacramento teenag- ...... , .... _....." ill oucb pdIiqIy. dda ot_. __ gloves or washing her hands degrees not only while he said the usual manager-like - Trida Robbins, a con- does ... "I'l'IY .. __ _lie -.. alone to first. I decided to go to the had it out of the refrigerator, things and Iwandered over to cerned student wfw is eating ....woaId_Ali._ Bamboo Terrace in the Sier- but for quite some time after a table to pick at my dinner. ,off campus from now on --...... E6tor fl Otit:( Am mel ElItertlnllerJtEditnf WlWAM KAMMER ROBERT MCDONALD JOSEPH WIlSON TAUN MAGHAKIAN RICHARD-.BARKlNSKIY""""'" ADRIANA OUVAREZ LAWRENCE PERAl.£S _f6I>K C>ft f6I>K DANIEUE SWOPES IVAN PERNETT LAUREN ROBESON RICHARD BARKlNSKIY SAHARRAWH .... VANESSA VAl LADARE5 SrDffWfbn --.. O$CARAREUZ"" f6I>K IVAN YEO UANA AGHAjAHIAN HANLEY WITTEN DANIELANTOUN Ofriw> f6I>K c,."f6I>K lIu:sftss C.ooll'AlUfb JIWAN BAI I &RD HAUHAJAFRI JESSYCA DEWEY SANDRA TAN YOLANDA BECERRA """ f6I>K PAUL CA5T1UD ScdI~ Srir 5l:Rs P.epese~ ERNESTO ELIZARRARAZ MEUSSAOIUA MARK AUGusnNE. NICHOLAS HINES NATAUECOLE Assi5tmt f'tJOtD f.citor JACQUELINE BUDA , NICHOLAS COLLARD Soles Representatives CARLA ACEVEDO.~DGE NORIOTAMURA KANTREAL DANIElS OJ WlLUAMS--STEVENS ROLANDA. PRINCE Spowf6I>K OIRISTlNA EDDINGS GLENDA SIMS VICTOR FLORES MICAH FlDRES ClK DANIEL HARJU SAYAPATEL MENGESHA -- ASHLEY WEBER JOHAN • Daily Sundial· CSUN • Monday, October 30, 2006 • 9

Today Tuesday, October 31 Wednesday, November 1 Friday, November 3 CSUN Greens - M~ting Hermanos Unidos - Meeting American Marketing 4 p.m. 7p.m. Association - Fundraiser Brown Bag Series - Film 0." Sierra Tower, Room 503 Burbank Room, USU 4,30 p.m. Warner Bros. at Burbank vegetarian diets' Chicano Latino Grad Committee See a video toping of the sitcom 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. -Meeting "The Class." For more information, Sequoia H';lll, Room 112 8 p.m. e-mail [email protected] Pasadena Room, USU

Latino Business Association NAACP - Meeting - Meeting 8 p.m. Plezo de Rocha Room, SSU 3 p.m. Thousand Oaks Room, USU Saturday, November 4 Monday, November 6 Tuesday, November 7 CSUN Communication Asso- 6th Annual Pre-Health Latino Business Association CSUN Greens - Meeting ciation - Meet & Greet Conference - Meeting 4 p.m. 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 3 p.m. Sierra Tower, Room 503 Aronstam Library'- Manzanita Grand Salon, USU Thousand Oaks Room, USU RSVP at [email protected] Hall

sudoku Crossword 8 4 1 7 What is Sudoku? ACROSS It's a global sensation! Sudoku is a 1 Comic sketch 5 Long period 1 2 4 number-placement puzzle that is 5 8 Gung-ho guy mentally challenging, easy to learn 4 5 8 9 14 as ABC and highly addictive. Within the game, 15 Dam-building no column, row or box can contain a grp. 2 8 16 Golden years repeated number, hence the name. 17 Mike and 1 3 George How to play: 19 Streetcar name 7 1 9 3 20 Pittsburgh Fill in the grid so that every row, every gridder . 4. 6 2 column, and every 3x3 box contains the 21 Muscle spasm < digits 1 through 9. 22 Sleep letters 7 6 1 23 Type of IRA 24 Bird Or foot 3 8 5 Solution on page 10 ender 26 Lawyers' grp. 29 First part of a bray 30 Cirque du Solei! _·-=B"Y-,l";o"d"c_C"."B"lc,,',,k:::. T",,,;b::",,""::::::M,,e::d::;c,,S::e,,"::k::e::, __ ,- __ performer horoscope 34 Type of radiation ARIES (March 21-April 19): LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 37 Take down a Today is a 6. Things that see- Today is a 7. You won't agree 21): Today is a 6. One of the peg 38 Operatic song med impossible not very long with everyone, and they're not. secrets of your success is your C 2006 Trlbu"" Medlll SIIrvk:ell, Inc. 39 Geometric 101110i11G ago are commonplace now. all telling the truth. And yet, philosophical outlook. You're All rights reserved. calculations Keeping that in mind, what do compromise will come. Don't not limited to material things: 42 Actress Paquin you want to accomplish next? give up. - . you own the entire cosmos. 43 Annoying ones 6 Succeed at Solutions 45 Topofb,d,orh eavesdropping ~= TAURUS (April 20-May 20): VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-1an. 47 Intrinsic nature 50 Addition solution 87 Cancer,Mil. installationAries, et Today is a 6. Let the people Today is a 7. You'd rather skip 19): Today is a 7. Things cost tHmm~~~E 51 Decade divs. .1. routine chores, but it's hard Who can provide what you more than you thought they 52 In a jiff 9 Orestes' sister want know exactly what that to replace yourself. If you're would, but there's no need 53 landed 10 Classifieds ~~~ is. Don't expect tfiem to figure gaining skills that will lead to to panic. Ask and ye s~all 55 "Nova" network 11 Den it out for themselves. They're a better job, you could call in receive, if what you're doing 58 Once existed 12 Shrek, for one 59 Go on a spree not that smart. healthy. is valid. 13 Swarm . 63 Mother's helper 18 Hi, on HI 65 Rocky orbiter 21 TV guide abbr. GEMINI (May zr-ruoe 21): LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 66 Prepares 25 White House Today is a 7. The next part Today is a 7. Review your 18): Today is an 8. II always 67 Falsehood architect 68 Zilch isn't easy. Everything that can goals with loved ones, and works best for you to have a 26 Loose-jawed 69 Apparel 27 Uncovers go wrong will. Don't give up, put in whatever changes you definite objective. Go back to 70 Also 28 Not quite right however. Everything turns out notice are appropriate now. that - if you forgot - tem- 71 Comic Laurel 31 Toss back and well in the-end. Raise the bar. porarily. It'll be a comfort to forth you. DOWN 32 't.ou Grant" star ~==~=.=. 1 Uses a Singer CANCER (June 22-July 22): SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 33 Rends 2 Twins hurler 35 Fellow seamen 48 Uncouth 60 Underground Today is a 5. Achieving one Today is a 5. You don't have PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): turned 36 TrUly! 49 Letters i'n growth goal is a completion, but it's to go far 10 find your fortune Today is a 7.' You have an broadcaster 40 Hit man tennis? . 61 Lollobrigida or not an ending. In many ways, or at least some pocket chan- advantage over the skeptics, 3 Key 41 Carved 54 Chances to play Berriault it's a beginning, as you'll soon ge. You're sitting on a gold who need hard evidence. 4 "Ladder of 44 More 55 Daddy 62 First garden Years" novelist 56 Actor Lancaster 64 French friend discover. mine, son of. You're willing to trust things immaculate 5 And so on 46 Writer Zola 57 RotIsserie part 65 Carte preceder you can't see, except in your mind's eye. 10 • Daily Sundial· CSUN • Monday, October 30,2006


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Project to Jastthrough This position involves working in trasound and pap smear offered. offer possibilities. e-mail resume development. Positions offer PARTHENIA STREET. (818) December. Previous phone to [email protected] or flexible schedules and advance- our professional Woodland Hills Compensation $5000-$6000. sales experience a plus. Call 349-0287 apply in person at 9121 01:!kdale ment opportunities. Internships call center, engaging in adult (818) 677-2998. phone conversations and adult EGG DONORS NEEDED NOW Ave #201, Chatsworth CA91311. and part time position avail- text chat. No previous experience Assist an Infertile couple. All able. Please email resume to FOREX required, Apply in person, Mon- races with immediate need for BUSY INSURANCE office - ca- [email protected] or Online Course. Earn $300- RESERVA- day - Friday, 10:00am to 4:30pm. Caucasian, Asian (Japanese, reer opportunities. Looking for fax to 818-401-0663 $1000 weekly trading foreign We are located at 21135 Erwin Chinese), Indian (India), and His- bright, energetic candidates to currency. TIONISTS Street,Woodland Hills (in Warner panic donors. Ages 18-27 years. join our team. Apply in person: SNOWBOARD SHOP FLEX- Earn while Learning + $100 for Need for fluent in Chinese, Center). You must have a great Must be a currently enrolled unl- 9310 Reseda Blvd. IBLE HOURS-GREAT PAY· referrals. (805) 520-3733 Vietnamese, Korean or Ta- voice and an open mind! Check verslty student or recent gradu- FULU PART TIME-DAYI galog to make reservations EVENING. LOOKING FOR us at at phoneaetress.com SPECIAL EVENTS INTERN- ate. Must be drug, alcohol, and for real-estate resort club. tobacco free. We are a private BARTENDING OUTGOING SALESPEOPLE SHIP Great Portfolio Building PT M-F 5-9pm in Sherman Earn $100 - $400 daily or more. MAD SCIENTISTS medical practice, NOT an agen- FOR RETAIL SALES IN SNOW- Opportunity! 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Solution to today's sudoku • 20 hours per week , Z j> I. 5 6 9 8 I I: • Previous phone sales experience a plus I 8 9 I.. I: j> 6 5 Z I: 6 5 8 Z I 9 j> I. 8 5 Z I: j> 6 I I. 9 Fill out an application cit the 9 I: 6. z I I. j> 8 5 - .- I. I j> 9 8 5 Z I: 6 DAILY SuNDIAL j> 6 9 , I: I I. 8 5 Z - Manzanita Hall Room 140 j> Z 8 6 5 I: I. 9 I publishing since 1957 5 I. I j> 9 Z I: 6 8 Daily Sundial· CSUN • ~onday, October 30, 2006 • II ':Iassl.led ~ds

EMPLOVMENT EMPLOVMENT EMPLOVMENT FOR RENT WANTED OTHER EARN $800-$3200 a month to CUSTOMER CAREER AVAILABLE Bmad- HOUSElYARD fresh paintJall MODELS WANTED by profes- LOSE UP TO 40 drive brand new cars with ads spire has wor1c:ers' cocoensa- new carpets 3bdrm close to sional photo studio for upcom- placed on them, www.DriveAd-- SERVICE I tion daims trainee positions csun $1650.lmo (310) 567- ing assignments. Male! Female. LBS IN 2 MONTHS cers.com available for applicants who 4929 Prol Non-pro. Call for appoint- Amazing All Natural Comple!e have a four year college degree ment (661) 259-3198 Weight Loss System. Medically TELEMARKETERSWANTEDII MARKETING orstudents who are seniors who NATIONWIDE COMPANY IS Approved. GET STARTED MORTGAGE FIRM SEEKS will graduate soon. EOE Please MOTHERS HELPER WANT· LOOKING FOR CANDIDATES HOUSENARD FOR SELF MOTIVATED IN· fax resume to (818) 407-2801 ED Reliable student driver to TODAY!I WWN.herbal-nutrition. THAT HAVE GOOD COMMU- DMDUALS. PfT, FfT AVAIL- Attn: Hiring Manager pick up 15&10 year oIds from netlbdeshay NICATION SKILLS, MUST BE 4 RENT ABLE. HOURLY PLUS COM· 2b,2b 1500sI f wshrl dry, fridge sd1ooUvarious activities, help A MOTIVATED SELF START- MISSiON. (818) 990-1313· MARKETING CooRDlNA· inc. $22501 $1000 move in No with homework. Great pay, fam- ED, HAVE A GOOD DRIVING TOR RECENT GRADS & SE- rent til Nov 1sl ily car. 2-6pm $121hr. Mon-Fri RECORD, FULL TRAINING VIDEO IPOD BOOKKEEPER NEEDED. NIORS!!! 5~in away from CSUN (818) every other week. Call 818- PROVIDED, THE POSITION Business Major preferred. 8hrsl We have an immediate opening 974-2737 807-3762 wi<; must wor1c: Tuesday after- INCLUDES MAINTAlNINGAND for an energetic, detaif..oriented NANO CREATING NEW BUSINESS noon, salary negotiable. Con- individual with a solid wore-emic ROOM FOR RENT Winnetka, DRIVER WANTED to pick up ACCOUNTS. PLEASE CON- tact (818) 781-1460 and a passjon.tor marketing! 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12 • Daily Sundial' CSUN • Monday, October 30, 2006

SantaBarbara exacts revenge on CSUN

IVAN YEO the first half. The Gauchos had four &hot attempts, though nei- DAlLY SUNDIAL the ball deep inside Matador rer- ther one was able to cross the mory and Chris Pontius won a goal line. Tracy had the first he backs of the CSUN 50-50 ball inside the CSUN box: look, bul his shot was blocked men's soccer team are and fired a shot that deflected by the Gaucho defense. Ensuing Tnow officially against the off Guppy, but the ball went to shot attempts by Canel and for- wall. Proctor, who had a good look at ward Sunghyun Kim were also The Matadors dropped their the net, but Proctor instead shot blocked and a second attempt by third straight contest, this time to way high over the post Canel sailed over the goalpost the UC Santa Barbara Gauchos, The Matadors caught a bad "We got unlucky around the 1-0 at Harder Stadium Ocr. 25. break: during the middle stages box, which has been the story of Eric Avila provided the differ- of the first half, as defender Chad our season so far," Canel said." ence maker in the game, as his Borak and midfielder Devin CSUN hacI another chance goal in the 27th minute gave the Deldc suffered leg injuries and late in the game, as another Gauchos the advantage it fed off did not return to the game. Caret-free kick glanced off a the entire night, as the Gauchos CSUN had one good chance wall of Gaucho defenders before heJd on for their fourtll straight to tie the game toward the end going out Of bounds. The ensu- win despite being out shot 15- of the half. Midfielder Dylan ing comer kick went to Rossi, 11, including a 12-3 Matador Riley sent a long pass to for- but his shot attempt went off advantage in the second half. ward Michael Clegg, who then Reynish. "We did everything we gave the ball up to forward Ryan "We did everything right, could, but we didn't get the Rossi as he headed for the goal, except the ball didn't go in the result we wanted," head coach but Gaucho goalkeeper Kyle back of the net for us," defender Terry Davila said. "We created Reynish left his goal line and Sean Franklin said. enough shots to win the game, I successfully defended the shot. CSUN's loss now means don't know what to say." The Matadors tried desper- there is no room for error as they Santa Barbara's goal came ately to get back into the game. head down the home stretch when Bryan Byrne had the ball A Santa Barbara foul set up a 'CSUN mUSI win its final three at the right side of Matador terri- free kick inside Gaucho territory, games to have a shot at its fifth tory. Byrne dribbled the ball off Taylor Canel fired the ball into straight appearance in the NCAA a Meader defender and quickly the-Gaucho box. The ball was College Cup Tournament F0rtu- raced toward the goal. Byrne headed up in the air by Fergie nately, those last three games are then sent a low cross just as the Agwu and Matt Tracy went in at Matador Soccer field, starting ball was heading out of bounds and headed the ball toward the with Cal State Fullerton this past to Avila who fired a shot that goal, but instead went over the Saturday. Information regarding beat Guppy at the right post for goalpost . that game will be available in a 1-0 Santa Barbara leaci The final 10 minutes saw the tomorrow's edition of the Daily Santa Barbara had the first Matadors gel tons of chances, Sundial. The Matadors will host

shot attempt five minutes into DANI15L VILLAS15NO .. I SI'£Q.\,L TOTH£o.IILY SUNOI.'.L as the Gauchos were whistled the Oregon-State Beaven; today the game. David Walker had the The ~atadors went 1·1 against the Gauchos this season suffering a I~Oloss OCt. 25. for 16 fouls in the second half, at I p.rn. before closing OUIthe ball at the left side of the Mata- several of which resulted in season against the UC Irvine dor net, and sent a low cross cbos threatened moments later . The Gauchos continued and broke toward the box. Proc- yellow cards. The best chance Anteaters on Nov. 4. intended for Bongomin Otii when Otii led a charge, sending to pul pressure on the CSUN 'tor lobbed a shot from the right for CSUN to extend the game "We're gonna keep going," inside the box, but goalkeeper a pass to Avila, who shot the defense. Another shot attempt by that just sailed over the goal beyond regulation came in the Canel said. "With three games Kevin Guppy slid in front of Otii ball past Guppy, but the ball just Avila was saved by Guppy, then Santa Barbara's best shot 84th minute. A free kick by the left, we'll try to get three wins and cut off the pass. TIle Gau- rolled off 10 the left. Andrew Proctor won a loose ball though, came midway toward Matadors resulted in a total of and see what happens:' Matadors wiped out by Waves in final game DEBBY VON around in the box before a shot kick past a CSUN wall and into WINCKELMANN ricocheted off a CSUN player the goal at 70:00. SPEClAL TO THE DAIL.Y SUNDIAL and started a counterattack that Within 10 minutes, the ended with a shot by midfielder Waves scored again. Rupp he CSUN women's soc- Sydney Vermillion going over crossed a ball in to forward cer team lost its final the top of the goal. Sophia Medina, who put it in Tgame of the 2006 sea- PepperdinemidfielderEmily the not son, 3--1, in.a non-conference Wynne hacI two shots in the CSUN had an opportunity match against the Pepperdlre first half, with one going wide on a comer kick by Nizich, Waves on Oct. 26 at Matador to the left and the other caught bUI the shot by Mischenko was Soccer Field. by CSUN goalie April Cline as saved by Stolte. The Matadors ended the it went wide to the right. In the 83rc1 minute, Nizich season with a 1.0-9-0 record, At the end of the first half, was awarded a penalty kick making it the third straight sea- Pepperdine out-shot CSUN 9- and buried ir deep into the goal. son the Matadors have reached 8. Cline had three saves for Although Stolte made a dive to double-digit wins. CSUN and Stolte had four for the correct side, Nizich's shot Head coach Keith West said Pcpperdine. couldn't be stopped. he didn't have any complaints In the second half, the Mat- "She had no chance," Nizich about his first season as head adors went on the offensive. said. "I was just excited that coach. Vennillion passed to Phillips, I gOI to take it and 1 just con- "We were in every single who took a hard shot that Pep- centrated and I knew I had 10 game we played;' West said. perdine goalie Stolte stretched make it" "What more can you ask for as out and tipped over the crossbar Pepperdine scored the final a coach?" with one hand. On the resulting goal of the game in the 87th The Matadors managed the corner kick. Nizlch sent the ball minute when defender Ash- first shot of the game, but the in to Borgess, who shot it over ley Copp crossed a ball in to slow roller by defender Nalena the crossbar. . Wynne, who beautifully direct- Betancourt was easily stopped Pepperdine had the next few ed the header into the right by Pepperdine goalkeeper shots, with one going wide and corner. Kayla Stolte. Wynne's shot -gcing over the In the second half, the Pepperdine made a run of crossbar. Pepperdine midfielder Waves had nine shots 10 the their own. Midfielder Lauren Kelly Reilly sent a cross inside Matadors' four. Treinen made took the ball into the box, but the header by Hill For CSUN, forward Phillips DANIIlL VILLAsIlNO .. I SO'£CIAL10 THE OAILYSUNDW. Matadors territory, but CSUN went wide to the left. and midflelders Borgess, Krohn Freshman Adriene Dickerson slfclflsfor the ball against Pepperdlne Oet. 26. midfielder Susie Mischenko The Waves continued to and Nizich had two shots each took the ball from bet feel, anack, with Redlin sending a during the game. three shots in the game. match for five Matador seniors "It's sad but I feel like I've stopping the attack. free kick. over the top of the For the Waves, midfielder CSUN goalie Cline had who were honored prior to the accomplished a lot and I'm A few minutes later, a Pep- goal. A few minutes later, Red- Wynne had five shots, forward three saves in the match while start of the game: Tessa Bin- ready to move on to what's perdine comer kick. by for- lin scored the fust goal of the Redlin bad fOlD' and fOlWard Stolte had recorded five. k.Iey, Jessy Borges, April Cline, next, whatever thai may be," ward Lindsey.Redlin boonced game when she sent a direct Rupp and mid6ckler .Hill had This was !he last coUegiate Sara Davis and Devon Nizich. Nizich said.