Acts 20-27 Reading Summary Read Acts 20-27, Due February 19

Background Paul and his crew traveled 3 missionary journeys over the Gentile (Greek) world. They preached the gospel about , and many people believed in Jesus. Yet, he was not always popular. Why you ask? Well, let’s find out!

Read :12-15 Why did the Jews want to kill Paul?

Summary Paul is taken into custody by , who then sends Paul to Caesarea where he will have a trial with the Governor Felix. 2 years go by, Felix dies, and now there’s Festus who sends him to Agrippa, who is king of that area. So now we pick up where Paul is standing before King Agrippa.

Read :6-12 Paul said in verse 8 that he’s innocent. Why is he on trial then?

Paul here is very patient, waiting years to be on trial. If you were Paul, how would you have reacted?

Paul wants to appeal to Caesar in . Why do you think he wanted to do this?

BUT the REAL reason Paul wanted to be tried in front of Caesar is because he can go to Rome and preach the gospel. He always wanted to go to Rome, so this is his excuse to get there. Even though he will be a prisoner, he will get to go there and tell Caesar about Jesus. Pretty cool! Read :13-20 What happened here?

Read Acts 27:21-26 Paul earlier warned the Roman guard to stay away from the area the storm hit. Now Paul is standing up and giving another warning. How do you think the others on the ship received his message?

Do you think the Roman guard was more willing to listen to Paul the second time? Why or why not?

Re-read verse 23. Who visited Paul? An angel

Read Acts 27:33-36 How would you feel if you were on a boat or ship in rough water for 14 days? Would you feel like eating? Why or why not?

Read Acts 27:37-41 Have you ever “run aground” because you did not seek God and trust Him to rescue you?

276 people were on board, and Paul said that all of them will survive. The crazy thing is, they all survived! How can we trust God and His promises today?