
Late of Ungulates in Sub-Saharan : a Reductionist's Approach

Joris Peters

Ins/itu/ für Palaeoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin, Universität München. Feldmochinger Strasse 7, D-80992 München, Germany

AchilIes Gautier

Laboratorium VDor Pa/eonlo/agie, Seclie Kwartairpaleo1ltologie en Archeozoölogie, Universiteit Gent, Krijgs/aon 2811S8, B-9000 Gent, Belgium

James S. Brink

National Museum, P. 0. Box 266. Bloemfontein 9300. Republic of

Wim Haenen

Instituut voor Gezandheidsecologie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Capucijnenvoer 35, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium

(Received 24 January 1992, revised manuscrip/ accepted 6 November 1992)

Comparative osteomorphology and sta ti st ical analysis cf postcranial limb bone measurements cf modern African (Collnochaetes), eland (Taura/ragus) and Africa n buffala (Sy" cer"s) have heen applied to reassess the systematic affiliations between these bovids and related extinct forms. The sam pies come from the sites of Elandsfontein (Cape Province) .nd Flarisb.d (Orange Free State) in South Afrie • . On the basis of differenees in skull morphology and size of the appendicular skeleton between fossil and modern blaek wildebeest (ConlJochaeus gnou). the subspecies name anliquus, proposed earlier to designate the Pleistoeene form, ean be retained. The same taxonomie level is accepted for the large Pleistocene e1and, whieh could be named Taurolragus antiquus. The long horned or giant buffa1o, antiquus, can be inc1uded in the polymorphous Syncerus caffer stock and could therefore be called Syncerus caffer antiquus. The ecology of Pleistocene and modern Connochaetes, Taurolragus and Syncerus is discussed. A relationship between body size and c1imate, as Bergmann's Rule predicts, could not be demonstrated. This st udy furthennore questions the significance of body size and co re morphology for Pleistocene ungulate and suggests that the number of known (late) Quatemary in sub-Saharan Africa may be overrated. Phyletic change is considered an alternative possibility and agonistic behaviour invoked as one of the mechanisms to explain the evolutionary shift from the Pleistocene populations of Connochaetes, and Syncerus to modern , eland and African in sub-Saharan Africa.


lntroduction wildebeest (Connochaetes gl/OU) are considered biologi­ cal species, eaeh representing groups of potentially n what follows we reassess the systematic affili­ ioterbreeding populations. of related bovids ations in living and foss il African buffaloes may be linked to the living populations through the I (Syncerus. Peloravis), eland (Tauro/ragus) and concept of evolutionary species or chronospecies. The wildebeest (Connochaetes) on the basis of the eompara­ latter camprises the ancesta r-descendant succession of tive morphology of the cranial and posteranial skeleton subsequent populations. which, at each time level, can and size variation within the appendicular skeleton. be regarded as biologieal species. In current systematics, living (Syn­ In the case of African buffa la, eland and black cenlS caffer) , eland (Taurotragus oryx ), and black wildebeest, we argue that the Pleistocene (or antiquus) forms ean be included in the same ehronospecies as the the fauna is essentially similar to that of the Old modern ones, with whieh they would be linked through Colleetion, except that larger such as Cape gradual phyletic change. The disappearance of certain horse ( capensis), giant buffalo (Pelaravis anti­ Pleistocene forms would hence not illustrate true quus) and giant (Megalatragus priscus) are species extinctions, but represent cases of evolutionary laeking (Brink, 1987: 85). The dating of the Florisbad change within genetie eontinuous lines of the ungulates faunas is somewhat problematie, but they are probably eonsidered. not younger than early Last , i.e. 125,000 The comparative specimens have been measured aga (Brink, 1987: 13). The fossil specimens we in the institutions cited in the acknowledgements. The measured all belong to the Old Collection. fossil material comes from two Pleistocene sites in South Africa: Elandsfontein and Florisbad. The African Buffaloes Syncerus caffer and The Site of Elandsfontein Pelorovis antiquus The site of Elandsfontein (33'05'S, 18'15'E) lies Living African buffaloes show a greater range of morphologieal variation than do any other in roughly 100 km NNW of Cape Town. On the basis of Afriea (Grubb, 1972) and, at first, zoologists eonsid­ stratigraphical position and contents, the Elandsfon­ ered -buffaloes (shoulder heights of 100-120 em) tein fauna and artefacts can be divided into two major and -buffaloes (150-165 mm) (Haltenorth & components, Elandsfontein Main and Elandsfontein Diller, 1977: 109) to represent separate speeies. For Bone Circle. The Elandsfontein Main bones occur on living Syncerus, size variation ean be illustrated by one or several palaeosurfaces and are currently ex­ measurements on horns (Grubb, 1972) and postcranial posed by deflation. Bones in anatomical association skeletal elements (Peters, 1986, 1988). appear to be common and many of the prob­ Fossil Afriean buffaloes have been assigned to four ably lie at or near the place where they died. The genera that may represent two sequential aneestor­ Elandsfontein Main bones come from a mixture of deseendant lineages: Ugandax-Syncerus and "natural" careass sites near water holes, possibly Early Simatherium-Pelaravis (Gentry, 1978: 548-549; Vrba, Stone Age (Acheulean) butehery siles, and hyaena and 1987: 34). These two lineages would have diverged in poreupine lairs. Most probably, the Elandsfontein the late Mioeene. The s~paration is based on skull and Main assemblage dates from sometime between the tooth charaeteristies, and on horn core size and mor­ beginnings of the Brunhes Normal Palaeomagnetie phology. One of the most fascinating fossil buffaloes is Epoch roughly 700,000 years aga and the beginning of the giant or long horned buffalo, Pe/aravis antiquus. In the Last Interglacial about 130,000 years ago. To a southern Afriea, the is known from sites of the large extent, sampling was done by handpicking, but Cornelian (1,000,000 to 400,000 BP) and the Florisian some small seale excavations and systematie collecting (400,000? to 10,000 BP) Land Mammal Ages. Hs pres­ also took plaee. The fossils, now housed in the South ence after 10,000 BP in South Afriea is uneertain. In Afriean Museum, come from approximately 50 speeies East Afriea, there is no evidenee for the giant buffalo of large , of which several are extinct after the beginning of the Holoeene. In N orth Afriea, (Hendey, 1974; Klein, 1983, 1986, 1988). bone finds and rock art indieate that Pe/aravis antiquus The second, later component of the Elandsfontein disappeared between 4000 and 3000 BP (Gentry, 1967, fauna, or Elandsfontein Bone Circle, is taxonomically 1978; Klein, 1976, 1980, I 984a, 1988; Vrba, 1987; far more modern. Elandsfontein Bone Circle dates Peters, 1990; Gautier & Muzzolini, 1991; Marean & from the Last Glaeiation, between 115,000 and 10,000 Gifford-Gonzalez, 1991). years aga (Klein, 1986, 1988). As far as we could With the exception of the work by Thomas (1888), aseertain, all the fossils analysed eame from the Pomel (1893) and Lönnberg (1933), few studies deal Elandsfontein Main levels. with the posteranial skeleton of giant buffalo and no in-depth osteological eomparison between the appen­ The Site of Florisbad dieular skeleton of Pleistoeene giant buffalo and extant Afriean buffa10 is availab1e. One of the reasons is The site of Florisbad (32'46'S, 26'04'E) has two differ­ no doubt that eomplete Pelaravis bones are seldom ent contexts. The spring sand eolumns were sampled in encountered. In this respeet the Elandsfontein assem­ the earlier phases of excavations, and the materials blage offered a unique opportunity to examine the obtained eonstitute the Old Collection, eontaining variation within an extensive sampie of giant buffalo more than 25 mammal species, of whieh at least four remains. The first conclusion of our eomparison is that, are extinet. Most likely, this assemblage results from as far as is ascertainable, the morphology of the killings by large earnivores around an ancient spring. appendicular skeleton of Pelaravis antiquus is very A second, smaller sampie comes from an archaeologi­ similar to that of Syncerus caffer as deseribed in Peters cal excavation of aMiddie Stone Age horizon, mar­ (1986, 1988). Minor differences exist but they seem to ginal to the spring vents. Although limited in diversity, be related mainly to the larger size of the giant buffalo. • • •• • • • 60 • • • • • • • Ci • • ~ ••• 00 • • •• • • 0' 0' f.; 0' 0' -a" 0'0' -.:- • • • 0':-' 0' 0' i5~ 50


150 177 200 225 250 275 Gre.test Length (GLl (mm) Figure 1. Metacarpal Greatest Length versus Smallest width of Diaphysis in historie and fossil Syncerus caffer measured by the authors, and extinct 80S primigenius measured by Degerbol (1970). (0) Historie Syncerus caffer, with subspecies nanus (1), brachyceros and caffer (2); (.) Fossil Syncerus caffer subsp. antiquus="Pelorovis antiquus" (3); (~) Fossil primigenius (4).

For example, the heaviness of the head due to the large probability of a fossil metacarpus being derived from horns is reflected in the more pronounced tuberosities male or fernale individuals. If a 70% chance is accepted and muscle attachments on many skeletal elements and as the lower limit to assign the specimens, a ratio in the thicker compact substance of the long bones in of c. three males to two females charaeterizes the the forelimb. In a few instances, a somewhat different Elandsfontein sampIe (see the Appendix). That post­ morphology has been noted, e.g. many humeri of cranial features can separate closely related species is Pe/orovis antiquus exhibit a more developed epicondy­ illustrated by the comparative osteology of the extinct lus medialis in eomparison with Syncerus caffer, but the Bond's , Antidorcas bondi, and the living feature is more often observed on humeri of more springbok, Antidorcas marsupialis (Plug & Peters, robust and probably male animals. The observed dif­ 1991). ferenees can therefore be explained in terms of indi­ As to the size differences between giant buffalo and vidual and size-related variation. If the giant buffalo modern Syncerus, Churcher (1983: 19) states that represented a separate and species, one would Pe/orovis buffaloes "differ from Syncerus ... in their expect more distinctive morphological differences from longer metapodials". Gautier & Muzzolini (1991) African buffalo. In fact, at Elandsfontein, the morpho­ point to the fact that aB the bones of Pe/orovis antiquus logical differences of Pe/orovis antiquus from modern are longer than those of Syncerus caffer. The large Syncerus caffer may be exaggerated, because the fossils Pe/orovis sarnple from Elandsfontein corroborates this are mainly from older males and exhibit considerable view (Peters, in prep.). Moreover, these measurements pathological modi/kations (Peters, in prep.). The and those available for modern Syncerus (Peters, 1986, dominance of males in the fossil sampIes ean be and unpublished data) show a size cline from the demonstrated with Bayesian statistics, whereby the smallest (Syncerus caffer nanus) through the largest sexual dimorphism in metacarpi of recent African living African buffalo subspecies (Syncerus caffer caf­ buffaloes, expressed by the ratio Greatest Length to fer) to the giant buffalo, as shown for the metacarpus Smallest width of Diaphysis, is used to prediet the (Figure 1). A two-tailed Student's I-test on the mean of • Ci .. .. • • \S .. .. .~·,., .c .. .. 0. .... m • • i5 ~ rIri -.8 9 .. • A08_ 9 0' ~ • .~ 9 '" •9 9 ~ 9 • 9 9'9 9 • 9 'ii 9 9 S 9 UJ 9 9

300 Greatest Length (GL) (mm)

Figure 2. Metacarpal Gteatest Length versuS Smallest width of Diaphysis in historie and fossil Taurolragus measured by the authors. (0) Historie Taurotragw ory ): (l) ~ ( e) Fossil Taurotragus or}'x subsp. antiquus; (0) Historie Taurolragus derbiattus (2). the ratio between length and shan width furthermore Summing up, the horns of both anliquus and caffer illustrates that the proportions of the Elandsfontein buffaloes do apparently exhibit fewer morphologieal giant buffalo metacarpi did not differ significantly from differences than accepted up to now, whereas the those of modern Afriean buffalo (P=O'83; see the posteranial skeleton differs mainly in size, the few Appendix). The same observation has been made for osteologieal features found being no doubt related to other bones 'of the appendieular skeleton (Peters, in size or sex. Giant buffaloes could henee be ineluded in prep.). Consequently, Pelorovis and SYllcerus must be SYllcerus caffer as a ehrono-subspeeies: Syncerus caffer more closely related than is expressed by their eurrent anliquus. position in bovid systematics. In the scatter-diagram of Figure I, the metaearpi of auroehs (Bos primigenius) have been included as a control group, to show that the Tbe Eland, Taurotragus oryx metacarpal ratio ean be used to distinguish between genera (see the Appendix). Within a single genus, Fossil remains from eland in South African deposits even species can be separated that way, e.g. in living are assigned 10 the Cornelian and Florisian Land Taurotragus (Figure 2). Mammal Ages (Klein, 1984a; table 3). The presence of Gautier & Muzzolini (1991) have already drawn eland during the preceding Late Makapanian Land attention to the fact that the postcranial skeletons of Mammal Age (?1,800,OOO-?I,OOO,OOO BP) is for the giant buffalo and Afri can buffalo are very similar. moment uncertain. Gentry (1978: 543) and Brink They also pointed out that North African rock art (1987: 42) refer the fossilS from both Elandsfontein mainly figures adult Pe/orovis bulls in which the horns and Florisbad to the living eland, Taurotragus oryx, cover ·the forehead as in Syncerus and argue that the although in the abundant Elandsfontei n sampie, giant buffalo exhibit a sexual dimorphism of the horns Gentry (1978) observed that the insertion of the horn comparable with that of modern African buffalo: fe­ cores may not be at quite such a low angle as in the males would have more rounded horns not expanding extant forms of the species. over the forehead, while in males tbe horns would be As to the limb bones from Elandsfontein Main, we more Ilattened and cover the forehead. The authors found that their morphology is very sirilar to that of also have difficulties accepting the two lineages pro­ modern Taurotragus oryx. However, many fossil bones posed by Gentry (1978: 548-549), because the ancestor are decidedly larger than these of the living eland, as of Pe/oravis amiquus. P. alduwayensis, appears to be a illustrated by a scatter-diagram (Figure 2). This dia­ very aberrant form. Mainly on the basis of these gram eombines the Greatest Length (GL) and the considerations, they hypothesize that P. antiquus Smallest width of Diaphysis (S D) values of metacarpi belongs to the gen us Syncerus and that it may not fo rm from modern TaurOlragus oryx (widely distributed aseparate species, but that it is part of the very soulh of and ) and recent Derby or polymorphous caffer-group. , T derbianus (from parts of West and 30

c c •• c •• c c c •• a c • a c c c c 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00> 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

200 225 Greatest Length (GL) (mm)

Figure 3. Metatarsal Greatest Length versus Smallest width of Diaphysis in historie and fossil Connochaeres measured by the authors. (0 ) Historie Connocnaeles gnou (l); ( e ) Fossil Connochaeles gnou subsp. antiquus; (0 ) Historie Connochaeles taurilJlIS (2).

Central Afriea and eastwards to the Sudan), with species, Connochaeles anliquus, on the basis of a right fossils frorn Elandsfontein and Florisbad. The lengths horn core from Florisbad. Later it became clear that of five fossil eland rnetacarpi fall within the size range Pleistocene black wildebeest exhibit appreciable vari­ of those of modern Taurolragus oryx, anotber five are ation in skull and horn core morphology. Brink (1987: c1early bigger. Their lengths compare weil with those of 48), for example, records that the Florisbad horn cores rnetaearpi of T. derbianus, but their proportions fit the have a different shape and usually less pronounced rnetacarpi of T. oryx. A two-tailed Student's I-test for bosses than modern speeimens. These changes reflect the rnean of the metacarpus ratio GLiSD confirms the an ongoing evolutionary process, and the Pleistocene identification as T. oryx (P=0·47; see the Appendix). black wildebeest is now considered a subspecies of Provided that the lengths of reeent and fossil rnetaearpi modern wildeheest, hence ConMchaeles gl/ou al/liquus refleet the size difference between recent and fossil (Gentry, 1978: 555; Brink, 1994, in press). eland, it can be estimated that the shoulder height of The Florisbad Old Collection yielded seven complete the foss il population exceeded that of recent T. oryx by metatarsi of black wilde beest. Their Greatest Length about 10010,. According to Smithers (1983: 697), the and Smallest width of Diaphysis are compared shoulder height of the laller varies between 1·5 (fe­ with those of metatarsi from modern blaek wilde beest males) and 1·7 m (males); therefore the shoulder height (Figure 3). To illustrate the size dilferenee between of the Elandsfontein and Florisbad eland may have blaek and , COllnochaeles laurinus, the varied between 1·6 and 1·9 m. measurements of 13 metatarsi ofthe seeond species are The observed differences in skull morphology and included. The seatter-diagram shows that the metatarsi size of fossil eland do not warrant the erection of a new of wildebeest dilfer proportionally species, as already accepted by Gentry (1978) and from their homologues in modern C01l11Ochaeles gnou. Brink (1987). These differences, however, allow one to A two-tailed Student's (-test on the mean ofthe GLiSD put a subspecific label on the South African Pleistocene ratio in metatarsi even suggests that Pleistoeene blaek eland, for wh ich one might propose Taurolragus oryx wildeheest might be a distinet speeies (P< 10 - 6; see antiquus. the Appendix). However, towards the middle of this eentury, black wildebeest were brought to the point of The Black Wildebeest, Connochaetes gnou extinction due to and agrieultural development. Their survival has been ensured by pro­ Remains of black wildebeest have been found in a tection on farms and in reserves (Smithers, 1983: 601). number of South African sites of the Cornelian and In 1965, only 1700-1800 animals were left in the entire Florisian Land Mammal Ages (e.g. Klein, 1984a: 132, South Afriean Subregion (Brand, 1965). This stock has Brink, 1987: 44). The Pleistocene black wildebeest was been used for introduction and reintroduction and the originally described by Broom (1913: 14) as an extinet institutions we visited acquired specimens for their comparative collections only after re-stocking took central, northern and northeastern part of Cape place. Our modern sampie may therefore not be Province and with the of Orange Free State entirely representative, because of its restricted gene and Transvaal. Black wildebeest are predominantly pool. This could account for the differences in size grazers, but during the cold winter months they will and proportions between modern and fossil C. gnou browse on karroid bushes. They show a distinct pref­ metatarsi. On the other hand, evolutionary change erence for where the grass is short (Smithers, may represent a valuable alternative (Brink, 1994, in 1983: 602-603). press).

Habitat preferences of the fossil populations Palaeocology of the Extinct Suhspecies of As far as the habitat of Syncerus eaffer antiquus IS Buffalo, Eland and Wildeheest concerned, Klein (1980: 268-269) notes that its long As seen, the three Pleistocene bovids considered horns indicate a preference for very open habitats, but here differ from their present day relatives in their Vrba (1987: 40-42) assurnes that the animals lived in absolute size (Syneerus, Taurotragus, Connoehaetes) environments varying from a wood-grass mosaic, with and in limb bone proportions (Connoehaetes). Con­ a high prevalence of open , to predominantly ceivably, these Pleistocene forms may represent dis­ open . Faunal studies in sub-Saharan Africa tinct ecotypes, i.e. groups adapted genetically to a confirm a preference for open landscapes (e.g. Klein, particular habitat but interbreeding freely with other 1980, 1983; Brink, 1987; Peters, 1990; Marean & ecotypes of the same species. The kind of environ­ Gifford-Gonzalez, 1991). Antiquus buffaloes from ment the fossil subspecies inhabited is not weil Middle and Upper Pleistocene sites in South Africa are known, but a comparison of the habitat requirements often associated with remains of typical grazers includ­ of living populations with palaeosynecological data ing the extinct Cape (Equus eapensis), the extinct inferred from Pleistocene faunas with abundant taxa, giant hartebeest ( priseus), black wilde­ together with information on global and regional beest (c. gnou antiquus) and the extinct Bond's spring­ temperatures in the past, may help to characterize the bok (Antidoreas bondi) (Klein, 1980, 1983, 1984a; environment they preferred (e.g. Brink & Lee-Thorp, Brink, 1987, 1988). That cover in the form of trees and 1992). bushes was an essential feature in the habitat of S. eaffer antiquus is illustrated by the species composition Living buffalo at Elandsfontein (Klein, 1983), Klasies River Mouth The habitat requirements of the living savanna buf­ (Klein, 1976) and Florisbad (Brink, 1987). There, falo include a plentiful supply of shade, water and intermediate feeders (grazers/browsers) such as eland suitable grasses as found in a variety of types of (T oryx), and browsers such as black woodland. The animals do not frequent wide open (Dieeras bicornis) or greater ( slrep­ areas of grassland far from trees, the shade of which siceros) are also present. From the foregoing, it can they need during the hotter hours of the daY. Buffalo be concluded that the antiquus subspecies of buffalo, are predominantly grazers, but include in their food eland and black wildebeest inhabited landscapes a small percentage of browse (Sinclair, 1977: 10; largely comparable with the ones their living relatives Smithers, 1983: 664). prefer. As indicated by the palaeontological and archaeo­ Living eland zoological record of the Late Quaternary in the According to Smithers (1983: 680), present day T , Syneerus cajJer antiquus possibly was more oryx are as at horne in arid semi-desert serub associ­ tolerant of aridity than the living savanna bulfa10 ations as in montane grassland, but they generally forms. As a whole, the Late Pleistocene in the Sahara avoid more extensive, open and short grass . As seems to have been an arid period followed by several the animals are predominantly browsers, they require humid oscillations during the . Recent esti­ trees or bushes to provide for this component of their mates suggest about 50-200 mm of precipitation far food. Whereas in the Southern African Subregion the Holocene optima (e.g. Maley, 1977; Gautier & Van browse forms the .major part of their diet, the food of Neer, 1982; Muzzolini, 1986; Peters, 1987; Neumann, eland in consists of more than 70% grass 1989). During the Upper Pleistocene hyperarid inter­ (Lamprey, 1963). Eland will drink when water is vai, large mammals were absent from the Sahara, available, but they are by no means dependent on with the possible exception of typica1 desert-adapted water and in some parts of their range they obtain species such as (Addax nasomaeulatus), oryx nearly all their moisture from their food (Smithers, (Oryx dammah) and dorcas (Gazella dorcas). 1983: 682). With improving environmental conditions, other species recolonized the Sahara: (Loxodonla Living blaek wildebeest afrieana), white and black rhinoceros (Ceratotherium Connoehaetes gnou is today a species of the open simum, Dieeros bicornis), (GirajJ"a camelopar­ plains, formerly associated with the Karroo in the dalis), roan ( equinus), harte beest (Alcelaphus buselaphus) and other . As to On present evidence we concluded that the antiquus Syncerus. there is no evidence whatsoever that the subspecies of buffa1o, eland and black wildebeest Central Sahara was inhabited by one of the sa vanna inhabited open and (semi-)arid landscapes. Moreover, buffalo subspecies currently present in sub-Saharan aridity may have been less of a problem to S. c. Africa. So far. bone finds and especially rock art only antiquus than to modern savanna buffaloes. indicate the presence of the giant or long horned buffalo, S. cafler antiquus (Muzzolini, 1986; Gautier & Muzzolini, 1991). However, at that time, savanna Herbivore Size and C1imate buffaloes were already inhabiting the northern sa­ vanna belt, and one can ask why the Sahara was not In various parts of the world, Quaternary climatic colonized by them. Pachur & Braun (1982) think that change is probably responsible for long-term changes the early Holocene mean annual rainfall of up to in rnean individual size within certain mammalian 200 mm resulted only in the formation of small species. Some weil documented cases involve fossil and and watering places scattered over the Saharan living small mammals and camivores (e.g. Kurten, plains. This may have prevented colonization by 1968; Tchernov, 1968). For Africa, information about modern savanna buffaloes. Recent Syncerus densities climate-related size change in fossil mammals is still become very low at about 500 mm mean annual scanty. Avery (1982) investigated the variation in size . rainfall (Sinclair, 1977: 199-200), though buffalo of micromammals from late Quaternary sites in the might frequent areas with an annual rainfall as low southern Cape Province. Modern sampIes of the same as 250 mm, but then only near rivers (Stewart & species served as comparative material and illustrated Stewart, 1963). that in certain micromarnmals body size increases with Faunal data from Quaternary localities in eastern colder climate, while other species show the opposite and southern Africa confirm that antiquus buffaloes trend. For a number of recent African , were more tolerant than living buffaloes. In Klein (1986) demonstrated a relationship between the fossil assemblages, S. c. antiquus are generally carnassial length and latitude south, whereby mean associated with a wide range of grazing herbivores body size increases with decreasing temperature. With adapted to arid or semi-arid conditions: , the modern data in support, he estimated middle and , Oryx and Taurotragus. In general, caffer late Quaternary temperatures on the basis of the mean buffaloes are indicative of a more closed vegetation carnassial length of fossil carnivores from different and moister living conditions (Klein, 1983; Vrba, 1987; sites. Peters, 1990). In African ungulates, variation in mean body size For eland and black wildebeest, the fossil record between fossil and recent populations has been ob­ does not permit to single out aridity as a cause of served on several occasions (Davis, 1981; Klein, 1984a, separation of the Pleistocene subspecies from the 1986; Peters, 1990). Essentially, two mechanisms present-day populations. can be held responsible: Bergmann's Rule and the so-called population density factor (Kurten, 1965: 62). Bergmann's Rule is based on the observation that the Temperature size cf homoiothermic animals tends to increase along Living Syncerus tolerate a wide range of temperatures a temperature gradient from warm to cold tempera­ and are found from altitudes over 4000 m, where there tures. The explanation is that larger animals tend to is frost at night, to areas in with very high produce more heat (body volume) and lose less (skin ambient temperatures (Sinclair, 1977: 11). Judging areal, a clear advantage in cooler climates. There are from their historic distribution (Du Plessis, 1969; exceptions to Bergmann's Rule, and according to Klein Skead, 1980), both eland and black wilde beest can also (1986: 154), herbivores are less likely to obey be considered eurythermic species. Bergmann's Rule than carnivores, because variation in' To what extent the distribution of the palaeopopu­ temperature is more likely to affect herbivore food lations of buffa1o, eland and black wilde beest has been supplies. Also, the aHered availability of required food influenced by temperature cannot be estimated from plants may easily outweigh changed temperature as a the available fossil record. However, for the archaeo­ selective factor on body size. Bergmann's Rule has logical sequence at Nelson Bay (South Africa), global been seriously criticized and arecent paper by Geist and local evidence indicates that temperatures were (1987) argues that it has no validity at all. significantly lower from 18,500 untiI12,000-10,000 BP, The necessity to keep up an adequate population whereas after 10,000 BP it became warmer (Avery, density in spite of a severe limitation of habitat and/or 1982; Klein, 1983). In this sequence, S. c. antiquus is food supply may result in a reduced mean body size. last recorded towards the end of the Pleistocene, while Thus selection might favour smaller individuals if a S. c. caffer is recorded throughout the sequence and major resource becomes limited. Examining the mod­ persists in the area until today. Thus S. c. antiquus was ern ungulate fauna of Namibia, Thackeray (1980) has probably less tolerant toward higher temperatures than shown that the mean body mass of ungu1ates increases S. c. caffer. from arid to humid environments. Coe (1981) argues, however, that larger herbivores mayaIso evolve a large Some Other Ungulates body size in response to seleetion press ures directed Springbok at avoiding eompetition and reducing . Moreover, large size may simply enable the animals to The extinct southern springbok (Antidorcas aus/ralis), cover large areas in semi-arid environments in order to known [rom coastal sites in the Cape Province, was obtain sufficient pasture. originally described as a subspecies of the living spring­ To explain a large body size in ungulate palaeopopu­ bok, A. marsupialis, but is now accepted as aseparate lations, both mechanisms have been invoked. For species (Hendey, 1974: 52). It differs from A. marsupi­ example, Davis (1981) demonstrated that low environ­ alis by its smaller dentition and by its smaller and more mental temperatures resulted in a larger size of late medio-Iaterally compressed horn cores without any Pleistocene gazelIes, , wild and , sharp bending backward and outward. However, the but also of fox and in Israel. Gautier (1983) morphology of cores in the living springbok is quite explained the large size of the wild herbivores of an variable. Moreover, the smaller size of its dentition Iron Age site in Ruanda as due to the good quality of implies that A. australis was smaller than A. marsupi­ the pasture because of the underlying volcanic soils. alis and we would like to compare the measurements of Klein (1984a: 141) mentions that grysbok (Raphieerus its postcranial skeleton with that of modern springbok. me/anotis) may grow larger when their preferred food The latter shows a greater size variation than almost is more abundant, a condition which in turn results any other medium-sized bovid (Peters & Brink, 1992). from wetter climatic conditions. Also, a elose examination of postcranial remains of As it stands, it would seem that our knowledge springbok from the mid-Pleistocene deposits at about the ecology of the animals concerned is still too Swartkrans, attributed to A. australis by Vrba (1973: incomplete to explain large body sizes in the extinct 291-297), failed to disclose any features separating the buffalo, eland and black wildebeest. If we postulate an fossils from modern springbok (Plug & Peters, 1991). increased tolerance toward aridity in the Pleistoeene Until the postcranial bones of A. aus/ralis [rom other subspecies, the argument used by Coe (1981) eorrelat­ sites in the region have been eompared morphologi­ ing foraging in dry environments with inereased body eally and measured, the speeifie status of the southern size ean be advanced. springbok must be questioned. As to Bond's springbok (Antidoreas bondi), it appears to represent a genuine speeies. It ean be separated from modern springbok (A. marsupialis) on the basis of eranial and dental features, Late Quaternary Extinctions in Africa: a its small body size, and a number of typieal postcranial Reductionist's Approach eharaeteristies (Plug & Peters, 1991). Africa seems to have witnessed several total extinctions Cape horse during the Late Quaternary (Klein, 1984b), including In general, remains of giant Cape horse (Equus capen­ that of Thomas' (Came/us thomas!), the North sis) are reeognized simply beeause of their large size, African giant (Mega/oeeros algerieus) and the but according to Chureher (1986), the animal is closely giant buffalo (S. e. antiquus) in northern Afriea, the related to the East Afriean extinet Equus oldowayensis giant buffalo in eastern Africa, and the giant buffalo, and its deseendant, Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyi). Ex­ the giant hartebeest (Mega/otragus priseus), Bond's tensive comparative osteological studies are lacking, springbok (Antidoreas bondi), the southern springbok and the possibility that E. capensis is an extinet form of (Antidorcas australis), the giant Cape horse (Equus a stillliving speeies has not been investigated morpho­ capensis) and a giant (Metridioehoerus sp. or metrieally so far. Stylochoerus sp. aeeording to Klein (1984b; 557» in southern Africa. The extinction of the ungulates in War/hog 'eastern and southern Africa may date back to the In her study of the fossil of Florisbad, Ewer (1957) Pleistocene/Holocene transition, i.e. 12,000-9000 years identified two speeies: the extant warthog (Phaco­ ago, that of S. e. antiquus in the Sahara is dated choerus ae/hiopieus) and the reeently extinet Cape between 4000 and 3000 BP (Gautier & Muzzolini, warthog (P. africanus). Harris & White (1979) and 199\). Klein (1980) make no mention of Ewer's study of In bovid palaeontology, horn core morphology, den­ the Florisbad suids, and list the speeimens as Me/ridi­ tal and eranial features as weIl as absolute size of the oehoerus sp., basically because of their large size. skeletal elements have been used to assign fossil speci­ Cooke & Wilkinson (1978: 469) and Brink (1987: 42), mens to a profusion of genera and species. However, however, see no reason not to include the Florisbad on the basis of the evidence presented for black wilde­ in the genus Phacoehoerus, in which ease it may be a beest and eland, and, above all, because of the incor­ former variant of Ihe extant warthog. po ration of giant buffalo into Syncerus, one may ask if variation in the shape of bovid horn cores and body Discussion size within a single genus Of species have not been Summing up, the number of large mammals that underestimated? beeame extinet in sub-Saharan· Africa during Upper Pleistocene and Holoeene times may be overestimated. Aeeording to Gautier & Muzzolini (1991), the On the basis of the posteranial evidence, the disappear­ demise of S. c. alltiquus in sub-Saharan Afriea ean be anee of Bond's springbok represen!s a genuine species explained in terms of agonistie behaviour. Bulfaloes extinction, whereas that of giant bulfalo ean be eon­ evolved from a fairly smalI, short horned Ugalldax­ sidered a phyletic replacement. Such an alternative like form, probably adapted to woodland, and the hypothesis is also applicable to southern springbok, living short horned forest bulfalo (Syncerus caffer giant Cape horse, and giant warthog. nanus) can be seen as the primitive group. Coloniz­ ation of open biotope by bulfaloes not only resulted in the formation of larger herds, it also genera ted more eonfliets among the individual animals. Sinee Late Quaternary Extinctions: Causes soeial eompetition is generally related to reproduetive success, agonistic behaviour presents an essential tool Late Quaternary extinctions have preeipitated an ava­ of selection among herd animals. Beeause agonistie lanehe of often quite theoretieal papers dealing with eneounters include a great deal of displaying, Gautier their causes and significance (Martin & Wright, 1967; & Muzzolini postulate that seleetion will [avour large Martin & Klein, 1984). Stated in a simple way, the animals with long and eonspieuous horns. All-out main hypotheses pu! forward for the causes of these fighting with head-to-head charges also oeeurred in extinctions are climatic change, overkill by giant bulfalo, as indieated by the fact that the horns hunters or a combination of the two. Barnosky grew over the forehead. Such behaviour is also illus­ (1989) presents such a combination as a paradigm of Irated by a number of Holocene rock engravings worldwide events in the geological record of rapid from the Sahara. Maybe, however, long horns and extinction alfecting mammals. Such events would be large body size were disadvantageous in other re­ due to climatic change and the invasion of one or speets, and renewed seleetion may have favoured a more critieal taxa. Climatie change alone would lead smaller type of savanna bulfalo wilh less long but to a few extinetions only and to biogeographieal generally bossed horns, better adapted to violent changes due to permanent migrations. The arrival of contaet. On present evidenee it seems that in eastern new taxa would result in the extinetion of direet and southern Afriea the replaeement of S. c. allliquus native competitors or prey speeies or in niehe par­ by its bossed relative was aeeomplished at the begin­ titioning. As far as we understand, both faetors eould ning of the Holoeene. induce evolutionary change since animals have to In northern Africa, however, S. c. allliquus must adapt to new habitats or share them dilferently. have survived in so me (arid?) areas, from where they Large mammals would be the most vulnerable group, spread into the Sahara with the onset of the Early beeause their eeologieal requirements are great with Holoeene climatie optimum. Whereas the remainder of respeet to smaller mammals and beeause of their low the S. c. antiquus stock in the Sudano-sahelian belt was population densities. Lower densities will more easily replaced by modern savanna bulfaloes, aridity pre­ lead to population fragmentation and disappearanee vented the latter from extending their distribution as a result of aleatory processes. Barnosky aceepts the into the semi-desert to the north. As a resul! of the hypothesis that the arrival of sapiens played a mid-Holocene climatic deterioration, S. c. antiquus role in the diachronous extinetions of Late Quater­ populations became isolated in some mountain ranges nary in the New World, , New of the eentral Sahara. Here, they died out as a resull of Zealand and Madagasear. In or Afriea, inereasing aridity eombined with the deleterious elfeet people and their animals eoevolved and, as we 01' man and his floeks on the vegetation (Gautier & understand, the elfeet of new weaponry or Muzzolini, 1991). teehniques may have been mueh less deleterious than In black wilde beest, Brink (1987: 44) noted that the the arrival of hunters in new regions with large game. frontal bosses of the horn eores of reeent C. gnou are Aeeording to Klein (l984b: 562), however, progress in more pronouneed than in the fossil Glltiquus sub­ hunting profieieney of Late Stone Age people preeipi­ species from Florisbad. Again, it is possible that tated extinetions of game after environmental change agonistie behaviour eontributed to the decline and had reduced numbers and distributions in southern extinction of the Pleistoeene eeotype. To whal ex­ Afriea. tent the dilferenee in insertion of the horn eores The hypo thesis that the antiqlllls subspeeies of buf­ between fossil and reeent so uthern African T. oryx cf. falo, eland and wildebeest are not truly extinct eor­ (Gentry, 1978: 543) presents a selective advantage to roborates the views expressed by Barnosky to a eertain the latter in terms of agonistie behaviour is not clear ex tent. The number of Late Quaternary extinctions in for the moment. However, the extinction of the onee Africa would be less than aecepted, because of the widespread springbok speeies A. bondi suggests that coevolution of people and game animals. However. we during late Quaternary times a shift in habitat utiliz­ still have to explain the evolutionary shifts from lIllIi­ ation by the herbivore eommunity took pi ace; it quus to modern populations in the discussed resulled in the disappearanee cf the feeding niehe of here. this highly speeialized and interdependent grazer. It is not unlikely that the postulated shift was caused by Acknowledgements climatic change and the arrival and dispersal of new ecotypes of certain other ruminants. Consequently, We thank the Natural History Museum (London), the the evolution to modern T. oryx may rather be the Institut für Palaeoanatomie (München), the Konink­ outcome of a response to the altered availability of lijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen environmental resource~~ (Brussels), the Koninklijk Museum voor Midden­ Afrika (Tervuren), the McGregor Museum (Kimber­ ley), the National Museum (Bloemfontein), the Smithsonian Institution (Washington), the South Conclusions African Museum (Cape Town), the Transvaal Museum (Pretoria), and the Zoologische Staatssammlung Whereas morphological features appear to be fairly (München) for permission to measure modern Syn­ constant, the metric analysis of Pleistocene and mod­ cerus, Taurotragus and Connochaetes skeletons; the ern postcranial skeletons from buffalo, eland and black South African Museum for facilities to analyse the wilde beest illustrates that body size may vary consid­ fossil specimens from Elandsfontein; the National erably in these bovids. The case of African buffalo is Museum for allowing the study of the Florisbad especially interesting, since comparative osteomorphol­ fossil material. The financial support of the Vlaamse ogy and a statistical analysis of the proportions of the Wetenschappelijke Stichting (Leuven), the Council for postcranial skeleton, illustrated by the metacarpus, Scientific and Industrial Research (Pretoria) and the show that the Mid-Late Pleistocene giant or long­ Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bonn) to Joris horned buffalo Pelorovis antiquus belongs to the poly­ Peters is gratefully acknowledged. We also thank Dr P. morphous Syncerus caffer group and should be Hooft (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) for permission regarded as a chronosubspecies, hence Syncerus caffer to use computer facilities and for advice; N. Reynaert antiquus. A larger mean body size has also been (Universiteit Gent) for typing the manuscript; M. observed in Pleistocene eland and black wilde beest Schulz (Universität München) for drawing the figures; compared with their modern relatives. Unfortunately, and an anonymous reviewer for his/her helpful our knowledge concerning the ecology of these palaeo­ comments. populations is too incomplete for us to evaluate these size differences in terms of environmental and climatic parameters. A correlation, however, between body size References and latitude, as Bergmann's Rule predicts, could not be established. Avery, D. M. (1982). Micromammals as palaeoenvironmental indi­ The fact that in these three bovids the Pleistocene cators and an interpretation ofthe late Quaternary in the southern Cape Province, South Africa. Annals of the South AjricaiJ Museum ecotypes are considerably larger than their extant rela­ 85, 183-374. tives casts serious doubt upon the specific status of Barnosky, A. D. (1989). 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Recent Fossil Control African buffalo: Giant buffalo: Aurochs: Syncerus caffer "Pelorovis antiquus" Bos primigenius

S. caffer P=O·83' P<1O -, "P. antiquus" P::;0-S3* P

Eland: Eland: Derby eland: Taurotragus oryx T. oryx antiquus T. derbianus

T. oryx P::;0'47* P::;3'9 x 10- 3 T. o. antiquus P::;0'47* P::;7'6x 10- 4

Black wildebeest: Black wildbeest: Blue wilde beest: Connochaetes gnou C. gnou antiquus C. taurinus

C. gnou P

Appendix: ResuIts of the Statistical Analysis Two-tailed Student's t-test Bayes statistics The metacarpi (Syncerus, Taurotragus) and metatarsi In this study, Bayes statistics has been used to estimate (Connochaetes) included here have all been measured the sex ratio within the Elandsfontein buffalo and by the senior author according to the standard pro­ eland populations. The proportions of the metacarpi of cedure described in von den Driesch (1976: 93). Since recent individuals of known sex are used to predict the we are dealing with differences in sampie size and with posterior probability of the fossil metacarpi of mem­ unpaired variables (Greatest Length/Smallest width bership in each sex. The results of this analysis are of Diaphysis), a two-tailed Student's t-test could be given below: applied to test the difference between the means of recent and fossil specimens. Measurements on meta­ Table 2. carpi (Syncerus, Taurotragus) and metatarsi (Conno­ chaetes) of a taxonomically related though different Syncerus caffer antiquus genus and/or species have been included as a control group. The results of the statistical analysis have been Posterior probability 50%: N::;45, 60'::;24, W::;21 summarized in Table I. Posterior probability 70%: N==34, 60'::;21, W::;13 The sampies marked with asterisks do not differ Taurotragus oryx antiquus significantly from each other and should therefore be considered as derived from a single population. The results for black wildebeest are somewhat unexpected, Posterior probability 70%: N== 10, öO'::;7, W::;3 but an explanation has been offered above.