Martin Luther
\WORI(S, OF MARTIN LUTHER \ I •. ': •) WITH lNTRODUCTIONS AND NOTES THE PHILADELPHIA EDITION VOLUME SIX . e .MUHLEHBERG PRESS ~ Muhlenherg Press Philadelphia ' ''' 1,-,/ '! ,. ) COPYlllGtr.r, 1932, BY BoAllD or PuBuCATION, UNITJ:D LurlttaAM Cnuncx - IN A»ERIC,\ PRINTED JN USA FORMULA OF MASS AND COMMUNION. FOR THE CHURCH AT WITTENBERG [FORMULA MISSAE ET COMMUNIONIS PRO ECCLESIA WITTEMBERGENSIS] 1523 FORMULA MISSAE ET COMMUNIONIS 1523 INTRODUCTION Nicolaus Hausmann, pastor primarius of the Marien kirche at Zwickau and a most devoted friend of Luther, had written repeatedly to him requesting advice and direction in matters connected with church worship. One of these requests had been for an order for saying mass which would conform with the principles of the movement in which they both were so <leeply concerned. Luthre had replied more or less promptly to all of Haus mann's requests except the last, and only after repeated urg ing by letter, through Stephen Roth, who was studying theology at Wittenberg, and through other friends did Luther meet Hausmann's hope and plea. Luther sent Hausmann a copy of a pamphlet 011 another subject on November 13. 1523, and in the accompanying letter told him that he would send to him a copy of the form of mass which he proposed for the ttse of the Wittenberg church. This may have been ready for printing at the time of writing this letter, for a few weeks later, on December 4, Luther sent Hausmann a printed copy of the Formula mis sae et communionis pro ecclesia Wittembergensi. It reached him 011 December 11, and its arrival moved Hausmann to expressions of gratitude, joy, and satisfaction.
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