A Newsletter for Wolds Valley Residents ISSUE 171 ● MARCH 2020

Final copy date 18th of the month for the following months issue to:- A View from County Hall Trevor Thomson Gypsey Cottage, Main Road, Weaverthorpe, YO17 8EY As I write, storm Dennis is wreaking destruc tion all over the country apart from Telephone: 01944 738804 or 07972 132158 here in sunny Thornton Le Dale where amazingly the sky is blue and Denis is Email: [email protected] behaving like a real g entleman. Living at the side of the beck, I am al ways conscious of the damag e water can inflict, and take my duties as a riparian owner (DISCLAIMER: Any correspondence/articles printed in the very seriously because prevention is always better than cure. Climate c hang e is Warbler are entirely the responsibility of the contributor) clearly the current hot topic and we have rec ognised the need to have emergency planni ng in place to enable us to baton down the hatches should the worst happen.

As a council, NYCC have set up a working group on climate c hange and we are g oing to try to get near to bei ng carbon neutral withi n the next 10 years. This will be a reall y di fficul t challenge to meet but we feel we need to demonstrate an enormous ambition bec ause of the sense of urgency that exists on this subject. The carbon footprint of the County Council has been estimated at 13,500 of CO2 emissions per year. This is a huge figure but not s urprising given that we are a big council covering a very large rural area, have a @woldsvalleywarbler large property es tate, street lights, transport fleet and essential service contracts.

Some initiatives are already in place to reduce our impact. For example, we are changing all of our street lights to low energ y LEDs after reducing the time they’re on. We know there is more to do, we are l ooking at developing solar farms, buyi ng green elec tricity from renewable sources, repl acing heating sys tems in buildings, maki ng changes to vehicles used to provide home school transport and investi ng in projects to offset our car bon emissions including planting trees and the res toration of peat land. We are well aware that our thi nking needs to develop and welcome i deas but at the same time of course we’ve got important services to deliver and funding constraints to work withi n.

My concluding message is to reassure you that as a council we are taki ng climate chang e seriously, our probable failing is that we are not shouting about it from the roof tops! Janet Sanderson 01751 474516 mobile 078 3355 3014

Wolds Valley ‘Pop U p’ Film Archive in Community Cinema conjunction with Wolds Valley ‘Pop Up’ Our last film of the season is Community Cinema 'Downton Abbey' (PG). Screening on Friday 27th A note for your diaries is Thursday 12th March at 7.30pm in March at 7.30pm. The Yorkshire Film Weaverthorpe Village Hall . I don't think I Archive folk are coming to give a need to say too much about this film but it screening of historical local films running centres around the Crawley's and their from 100 years ago, this should be intrepid staff preparing for a royal visit, it is fascinating and not to be missed! a great 'sit back and enjoy it' film. We have Screening at Weaverthorpe Village Hall had a very successful 19/20 Season with and doors open at 7pm for refreshments. a very loyal following and your generous No charge as usual but donations donations will allow us to continue with the Pop Up for a 20/21 Season. Thank you all. received with gratitude. For further information contact:- For further information contact Sue Hone Sue Hone at:- susiehone569@ gmail.com 01944 738358 or on email or on 01944 738358. [email protected]

Don’t forget the following Websites :- Luttons & Weaverthorpe (http://luttonsandweaverthorpe.ryedaleconnect.org.uk) Kirby Grindalythe & Duggleby (http://kirbygrindalytheduggleby.ryedaleconnect.org.uk) Foxholes with Butterwick Parish Council (http://foxholesbutterwickpc.co.uk) All Saints Church, Wold Newton (www .allsaintschurch-woldnewton.com) The Wolds Valley Warbler provides a means of communication between the communities of: Wharram-Le- Street, Duggleby, Kirby Grindalythe, , , Helperthorpe, Weaverthorpe, Butterwick, Foxholes and Wold Newton.

Providing quality fuels and lubricants throughout With grateful thanks to L.H.Sleightholme North & East Yorkshire for over 25 years for paper and photocopying facilities & DOMESTIC HEATING OIL www.amkfuels.co.uk - [email protected] Richard Ogden, West Lutton & AMK Fuel Call Andrew, Mavis or James on 01377 229373 Services for additional paper supplies. Wolds Valley Benefice New bereavement service in Scarborough & 1st Mar 10.30 am Holy Communion St. Andrew’s Kirby Grindalythe Scarborough & Ryedale

8th Mar 10.30 am Holy Communion (said) St. Andrew’s Weaverthorpe 11.00 am Bible study St. Andrew’s Weaverthorpe Available from March 1st 2020

13th Mar 9.30-11.00 ‘Come And See Mission’ Brunch Club at Weaverthorpe Village Hall One to One confidential service 14th Mar 1.30-3.30pm ‘Come And See Mission’ Walking Church (Walk TBC) for anyone who has been bereaved

15th Mar 10.30 am Family Holy Communion St Peter’s Church NORTON The opportunity to talk in private with 22nd Mar 10.30 am Mothering Sunday Holy Communion St. Peter’s Helperthorpe a trained volunteer about their loss 29th Mar 10.30 am Holy Communion St. Mary’s Wharram Le Street and how it’s affecting their life. Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals and other enquiries should be directed to the Rev Andy Bowden 01944 738814 or email [email protected]@woldsvalley.plus.com For parishioners, your first point of call on all church related matters should be your churchwarden.

St Nicholas’s Church Benefice, Butterwick 1st Mar 9.15am Benefice Service at St. Nicholas’s Butterwick 8th Mar 9.15am Service at All Saints, Thwing 11.00am Eucharist at St. Peter’s Langtoft 15th Mar 10.00am All Benefices Service for ‘Come and See’ at All Saints Driffield Call now : Telephone: 01904 481162 22nd Mar 9.15am Morning Prayer at All Saints, Thwing 11.00am Eucharist at St Peter’s, Langtoft E-mail: @cruse.org.uk Royal patron: Her Majesty the Queen. 29th Mar 9.15am Eucharist at All Saints, Thwing 11.00am Eucharist at St. Peter’s Langtoft Registered charity No: 208078

14th Mar 9.15 am 'Men at The Mill’ Breakfast Club' at The Church Rooms Langtoft. All men from the local villages are invited to come along. Please join us for Bacon sandwiches/ coffee and some convivial company and lively chat! Contact :- Geoff Tonkin Tel:- 01377 267149 All enquiries should be directed to:to:---- Rev’d Stuart Grant ::---- 01377 257712

All Saints Church, Front Street, W old Newton

1st Mar 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion with the Rev. Barbara Hodgson. 8th Mar 4.00 p.m. Evening Service 15th Mar 10.00 a.m. United Benefice Service, Grindale 22nd Mar 9.45 a.m. Mothering Sunday. Also a Baptism. 29th Mar 10.00 a.m. Passion Sunday. Holy Communion with the Rev. Peter Bowers. This ancient and interesting church is kept open during the day for visitors. All enquiries should be directed to: Rev Barbara Hodgson ——— Tel: 01262 470873

Sherburn M ethodist Chapel 1st Mar 10.30am Service led by the Worship Team. For further details or to book your table:- 8th Mar 10.00am Holy Communion Service led by Rev Nigel Spencer. Anne Baron, T he Old School House, 15th Mar 10.30am Service led Diane Robinson. Thorpe Bassett, Malton, YO17 8LU. Tel: 01944 758797 22nd Mar 10.30am All age Service for Mothering Sunday led by Rev Bruce Russell. Cheques payable to “Yorkshire Air Ambulance” 29th Mar 10.30am Service led Christine Fenwick. Messy Church on Saturday 14th March when we will be hearing about a massive catch of fish. Meet for tea at 4.45pm All welcome WOLDS VALLEY VOICES Luncheon Club will meet on Wednesday 18th March from 12.30pm for lunch at 1pm. Transport in Sherburn Village can be arranged just ring Christine on 711294 Bible Fellowship Mondays at Chapel at 2pm Tuesday Coffee Morning from 10am-11.30am Kind donations for coffee are for St Hilda's Parish Church. Thursday Craft club meets at 1pm just come along and bring your craft.

All enquiries to Rev. Bruce Russell on 01723 585726

St Leonard & St Mary's RC Church, M alton We are pleased to welcome our Masses at St Leonard & St Mary's take pl ace at the weekend at 6.30 pm on Saturdays and 9.00 am on new Musical Director, Geoff Wild. Sundays. Now that the colder weather has returned, the weekday Masses at St Leonard & St Mary’s RC Still need more singers! We meet Church, Malton, will be in the Parish Community Centre except for those Wednesdays when there is Eucharistic Adoration at 11.00am and Mass at 12.00 noon. on Wednesdays 8pm to 9-30pm. The Christmas Crib Offerings at St Leonard & St Mary’s RC Church, Malton, came to £54.95. There is a Just come along and listen or you letter of thanks from Friends of the Holy Land on the notice board at the church. Apostleship of the Sea - A thank you note from the Apostleship of the Sea is on the notice board ac- may want to join in. Looking knowledging the last parcel of woolly hats from St Leonard's and St Joseph’s at Pickering. They are forward to keeping music live in much appreciated by our seafarers. Please keep kni tting! T hank you, Stephanie Paddy’s Night – Friday March 20: At Steam and Moorland, Pickering, 7.30pm – midnight. Live music the Great Wold Valley. We are from the Plastic Paddies. Pie and Peas Supper. Tickets: £8 from Father Tim or from Steam and Moor- available for Weddings and land. CAFOD Lent Fast Day: Will be on Friday March 6. Envelopes will be handed out at Mass on Sunday 1st community events. March. For more details ring Ann Tel: Priest is Father Tim Bywater while Mrs Sue Westmacott is the pastoral assistant. Address: Church Hill, Malton, YO17 7EJ. tel/fax: 01653 692128 01944 738718 email: [email protected] Weaverthorpe Weebles RAREY HALT TEAROOM & Weaverthorpe Meet Mondays 9.00-11.00 am SHOP W eaverthorpe Brunch Club at Weaverthorpe School (term time only). We are open 7 days ADVANCED NOTICE All parents/careers welcome a week. From 2nd March our with children baby—5yrs, come and have hours will be 9am – 5pm. The Brunch Club in a cuppa, a chat and some fun! March will be held on (Please park at the bottom of the hill) the second Friday — Contact Jill on 01944 738389 for more THE STAR INN WEAVERTHORPE details. 13th March at the usual time. This Quiz Night is for the month of March only and 12th March. we will be back to normal in April. Mother’s Day menu is available on social media and in the pub. W eaverthorpe Village Hall Call to book for all.... The Vilage Hall now has a Ceiling mounted Tel: 01944 738346

Projector and Screen “Making birds to celebrate the RSPB available as part of Hall Hire. bird watching week” So if there’s any businesses out there who would like to use this great Winter/Spring itinerary; facility please contact Trevor Thomson 2nd March - Litter pick around the on 01944 738804 / 07972 132158 village ending at Rarey cafe for a cuppa/ [email protected] library van 9th March - Bring your Teddy for “The VxÄxuÜtà|Çz `Éà{xÜËá Wtç Bear Hunt” ROPERY KENNELS, 16th March - Library van EEÇw `tÜv{ WEAVERTHORPE 23rd March - Easter craft Why not treat that special lady this 30th March - Tree Planting by kind Mothers Day... Board for Border Terrier invitation from Tracy at the Glamping We are now taking bookings so Welfare Site/followed by Easter hunt/library van. please call Karl or Julia on 01944 27th April - Return from the Easter Mrs Rhodes has asked if 738204 to reserve your table. anyone has any spare collars break. and leads. Terriers often come with neither. Luttons Anything would be greatly appreciated. Weaverthorpe Village Hall Contact the Kennels on 01944 738681. Just to let you know that the Winning Numbers for the February, 2020 'Draw' Stevey & Tony are looking of Weaverthorpe Village forward to welcoming you Hall 100 Club were - 41 and 49. Well done in March. There is lots to the winners. going on for you. Sorry if your number did not come up. However, as of next month you will have a As from March we will be serving food on better chance of winning because , from Monday's with weekly theme nights...... Bus Service 190 March, there will be three prizes. Hurrah, Also we shall be open on Tuesday's from Foxholes to M alton we have reached the magic number of 70 4pm to 11pm. members. So, next month the three prizes will be £20, £10 and £5. We have been informed by MOTHERS DAY.... That said, as you know, we are always Sunday 22nd March Passenger Transport at NYCC that looking to increase the membership further Book a table with us, with our delicious - especially as we are looking towards they have reviewed the contract for menu we have and all mum's will receive the valley bus service and there replacing our existing villa ge hall chairs with some which are more comfortable and a glass of Prosecco or Pink fizz upon are no changes proposed. also more easily stored. And there's the arrival. rub. We estimate that this investment will Weaverthorpe Parish Council cost around £4000. On that basis we are CYPRUS NIGHT..... pushing ahead with a number of Saturday 28th March fundraising efforts, but increased 100 Cub Live bouzouki music along with a full Friends of Weaverthorpe membership will clearly help - especially if meze. School one considers the year on year inco me this Great night planned will generate. Call us on 01944 738105 to book a STAMPS So please, might I a sk again if you would table. Friends are still consider either adding to the numbers you already hold, or perhaps enticing members collecting stamps. If Like us and follow us on Facebook for all of your extended family to become upto date events and opening hours. you have any please bring them the members? After all it is only £1 per month Find us on Facebook at The Three Tuns school office and we will collect them per number. Inn, West Lutton. from there. Martin Pearce HAPPY MARCH ! Thank you FOXHOLES COMM UNITY HALL Wold Newton Kirby Grindalythe

All Saints’ Church, Wold Newton is now ‘QUIZ NIGHT Marc h 2020’ All Teams Welcome. the proud possessor of a state-of-the-art You are cordially invited CCTV roof alarm connected to a central Friday 27th Marc h 2020 Doors Open;-7.00pm for 7.30pm Start to computer, to protect it s ancient lead roof Kirby Grindalythe (date-stamped around 1738). This wa s Admission £2.50 Teams of 6 Max Luncheon Club necessitated by the spate of thefts from *Licensed Bar at this Event* First Friday of each church roofs in the area last year. The Please book your Table as Nos. are Church members now need to redouble month. Limited 12 noon to 2.00pm - lunch served at their fund-raising efforts to cover the cost All Enquiries Rod :- 01377 267054 or of installation and running-co sts of this 12:15 pm. 07748755607 system and the ‘New to You’ sale on Open to all residents of the Great Wold March 14th is the first event this year. (Proceeds for Foxholes C.H. and Valley from Wharram le Street to Please support our efforts to replenish our Butterwick Church) Foxholes. No age restriction! funds and continue to cover the normal Notes for your diary:- running costs of the building. Kirby Grindalythe Village Hall YOGA CLASSES At the Community Centre, We now have a Yoga Class PiIE & PEAS QUIZ Front St., Wold Newton Every Monday 11.45am till 12.30pm Saturday 14th March @ NEW TO YOU SALE ! With Professional Instructor, Matt. 7.00pm Saturday 14th March 2020 Please come along and give it a try. £7.00 per head 10.00 a .m. – 12 noon. Quality clothes at barga in price s (some In the comfort of under floor heating. Beginners and improvers D UCK RACE & BBQ unworn, mo st worn a couple of time s at A merican Theme most). Top High St. brands – Gentleman’s All Welcome. Fee: £4.00 / session Saturday 4th July @ 6.30pm Rail included! For more information Adultd £10.00 / Kids £5.00 / Now is your chance to refurbish your Ring Matt :- mob :- 07505 203624 Under 5s Free wardrobe for the year! Prizes for Be st Kids A merican The me Tea, Coffee and Cakes a vailable – served LINE DANCING Fancy Dress by the chaps! Wednes day Evenings Cash only – so bring plenty! 7.00 - 9.00pm HARVEST SUPPER Proceeds to All Saints’ Church All ages welcome, please come along Date TBA maintenance fund (following our need to install a roof alarm). and enjoy our friendly sessions in the comfort of our under floor heated hall. Coffee Cake & a Chat ( & more !) £7 for 2 Hours / Great Exercise! Saturday 28thMarch. 10 a.m. – 12 noon. Plenty of on site parking. For information about ongoing Tai Chi and Please contact:- Margot Cooper Sherburn Keep Fit classes, tel. Judith on 01262 Mobile No:- 07902293358 470368 INDOOR BOWLS NIGHT For further information on regular classes Every Thurs day Evening in Foxholes in Tai Chi, Dance and Keep Fit, please telephone 01262 470368. Hall 2x Lanes All equipment supplied, Bowls & Mats etc. Session Starts 7.00pm till 9.00pm Saturday 14th March 2020 £2.00 Subs. Messy Church will meet at Foxholes Beginners very welcome, totally Sherburn Methodist Church relaxed atmosphere. To hear the story of an FOXHOLES C OFFEE MORNINGS AN D Tuition given, first Taster session; LIBRARY amazing catch of fish Free. March 7 th and 22nd, April 11th Refreshment Interval, warm and cosy A time for music, stories and and 25 th. Saturdays, 10-12. surroundings of course Messy craft. and plenty of on site parking. If you fanc y a c uppa in warmth and Meet for tea @ 4-45pm comfort whilst the March wind If you’ve never played before come doth bl ow, please come along. along and give it a Come and join us. try, good for the soul and a bit of Very soon the Foxhol es library will be the exerc ise as well. fortunate reci pient of books from Ryedale and Tuesday Coffee Morning meets li braries. They have offered us from 10am - a subs tantial num ber of books on loan. So if If you would like to hire the hall for you have any favourites, please come and any event, 11.30am at browse. party, function or meeting, then Sherburn You can follow us on Fac ebook. please get in touc h :- Methodist Church. Your kind Many thanks to Claire from Healthwatch who All enquiries to : David Mobbs Tel :- donations for coffee will be visited the Community Hall on the 8th of 01262 470779 February at the coffee morni ng and s poke given to St Hilda's church Roof about heal thc are options. Her l eafl ets and Fund following the theft of the advice were much appreciated by all and we hope to see her ag ain soon. lead from the roof.