Pervasive deformation of an oceanic plate and relationship to large

>Mw 8 intraplate earthquakes: The northern Wharton Basin, Indian Ocean

Jacob Geersen1,2*, Jonathan M. Bull1, Lisa C. McNeill1, Timothy J. Henstock1, Christoph Gaedicke3, Nicolas Chamot‑Rooke4, and Matthias Delescluse4 1University of Southampton, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK 2GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Wischhofstr. 1-3, 24148 Kiel, Germany 3Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany 4ENS Laboratoire de Géologie, CNRS UMR8538, PSL Research University, Paris, France

ABSTRACT the in the area that ruptured in the Large-magnitude intraplate earthquakes within the ocean basins are not well understood. 2012 earthquakes.

The Mw 8.6 and Mw 8.2 strike-slip intraplate earthquakes on 11 April 2012, while clearly occurring in the equatorial Indian Ocean diffuse plate boundary zone, are a case in point, SEISMO-STRATIGRAPHIC with disagreement on the nature of the focal mechanisms and the faults that ruptured. We INTERPRETATION use bathymetric and seismic reflection data from the rupture area of the earthquakes in the The seismic data show three sedimentary units northern Wharton Basin to demonstrate pervasive brittle deformation between the Ninet- (Fig. 2; see the GSA Data Repository1) based on yeast Ridge and the Sunda subduction zone. In addition to evidence of recent strike-slip defor- stratigraphic geometry and reflection attributes, mation along approximately north-south–trending fossil fracture zones, we identify a new with total sediment thickness from 1000 m to type of deformation structure in the Indian Ocean: conjugate Riedel shears limited to the >4000 m (see also Geersen et al., 2013). Unit 1 is sediment section and oriented oblique to the north-south fracture zones. The Riedel shears present only in the central and eastern study area developed in the Miocene, at a similar time to the onset of diffuse deformation in the central and represents the trench wedge characterized Indian Ocean. However, left-lateral strike-slip reactivation of existing fracture zones started by parallel, high-amplitude reflectors onlapping earlier, in the Paleocene to early Eocene, and compartmentalizes the Wharton Basin. Modeled an unconformity (blue line in Fig. 2) separating rupture during the 11 April 2012 intraplate earthquakes is consistent with the location of two units 1 and 2. The distance between the defor- reactivated, closely spaced, approximately north-south–trending fracture zones. However, we mation front and the westernmost point of unit 1 find no evidence for WNW-ESE–trending faults in the shallow crust, which is at variance with combined with the convergence rate between the most of the earthquake fault models. Indo-Australian and Sunda plates gives an age of ca. 4 Ma (ca. 3.9 Ma, northern transect; ca. INTRODUCTION between ca. 36.5 Ma and 83 Ma (Fig. 1A; Dep- 4.3 Ma, southern transects) for the unit 1–unit 2 The breaking and fracturing of the Indo-Aus- lus et al., 1998; Carton et al., 2014; Jacob et al., boundary. Unit 2 is characterized by parallel, tralian plate is a spectacular example of an active 2014). These fracture zones recently attracted high-amplitude reflectors representing Bengal-

diffuse plate boundary within the ocean basins. attention due to the 11 April 2012 Mw 8.6 and Nicobar Fan deposits. Buried channels are vis-

In the Central Indian Basin, seismic reflection Mw 8.2 strike-slip intraplate earthquakes, which ible in units 1 and 2. Unit 3 can be distinguished data have imaged compressional faulting and seem to have been promoted by stress transfer from unit 2 by a low-amplitude reflection pattern, long-wavelength folding with an onset around following the A.D. 2004 and 2005 Sunda mega- lack of channels, and increased seismic velocity 15 Ma associated with north-south P axes (Bull thrust events (Delescluse et al., 2012). Although (Singh et al., 2011). The seismic properties of and Scrutton, 1992; Chamot-Rooke et al., 1993; modeling of the earthquake sequence is compli- unit 3 and its position directly above the Paleo- Krishna et al., 2001; Delescluse et al., 2008; Bull cated by the absence of remote-sensing and geo- cene oceanic basement suggest it is composed et al., 2010). In sharp contrast, within the Whar- detic measurements as well as by the complex of pelagic sediments. Unit 3 pre-dates Bengal- ton Basin, east of the Ninetyeast Ridge where faulting scenario, most earthquake models agree Nicobar Fan deposition at this latitude, which

the Indo-Australian plate subducts beneath the that the Mw 8.6 main shock involved rupture on probably started in the middle Eocene, ca. 40 (Fig. 1A), deformation is predomi- one NNE-SSW–trending and two WNW-ESE– Ma (Curray et al., 1982). Based on the approxi- nantly strike slip with northwest-southeast P trending faults, with most of the seismic moment mated ages of the unit boundaries (unit 1–unit axes (Petroy and Wiens, 1989; Stein et al., 1989; released during NNE-SSW rupture (Meng et al., 2 = ca. 4 Ma; unit 2–unit 3 = ca. 40 Ma), we

Delescluse and Chamot-Rooke, 2007). The spa- 2012; Wei et al., 2013). The Mw 8.2 aftershock, estimate the ages of seismic horizons assuming tial changes in deformation style are broadly which occurred two hours later, ruptured a sec- constant unit sedimentation rates (see inset table explained by Euler poles that define diffuse ond NNE-SSW–trending fault (Fig. 1; Wei et in Fig. 2). These data provide an approximate plate boundaries between the Indian, Capricorn, al., 2013). Due to sparse geophysical data cover- chronology for the stratigraphy that we believe is and Australian plates (Royer and Gordon, 1997; age, the basin-wide deformation pattern and its sufficient to resolve not only relative fault activ- Bull et al., 2010; Sager et al., 2013). temporal evolution are poorly understood. Here, ity but their absolute slip history. The top of the The Wharton Basin is dissected by long, we discuss multibeam bathymetry and seismic oceanic basement (TOB) defines the base of unit approximately north-south–trending fossil reflection data collected prior to the 2012 earth- 3, and is undulating and offset as much as ~900 fracture zones formed at the Wharton Ridge quakes, extending from the Ninetyeast Ridge to m by some faults (red arrows in Fig. 2).

*E-mail: [email protected] 1GSA Data Repository item 2015129, high-resolution image of the seismic transects without interpretation, is available online at, or on request from [email protected] or Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA.

GEOLOGY, April 2015; v. 43; no. 4; p. 359–362; Data Repository item 2015129 | doi:10.1130/G36446.1 | Published online 27 February 2015 ©GEOLOGY 2015 Geological | Volume Society 43 | ofNumber America. 4 Gold| Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. 359

Downloaded from by guest on 27 September 2021 Figure 1. A: Overview map 86˚ 88˚ 90˚ 92˚ 94˚ 90˚ 96˚91˚ 92˚98˚ 93˚ 10094˚ ˚ 91.0°91.5° 92.0°92.5° 93.0°93.5° 6˚ 6˚ 4.5° Fracture zones of eastern Indian Ocean 10˚ N 280 Multibeam bathymetry data ic Riedel shears (P) B A S (data from GEBCO_08 o Riedel shears (R) 6 ONN

Forearc Fig. 1D n b E 5˚ Seismic transects 5˚ 11 186- 240 this study Grid, version 20091120 a r Deformation front MD 2 F P-axes 4.0° [www.gebco​.net​/data​ a 200 n _and_products​/gridded​ 8˚ 4˚ 4˚ Bengal Fa F8? 160 2 280 0 _bathymetry_data/]). 1 , 1 0 ig. 1E 240 3.5° Fracture zones (red solid 1 F 3˚ 3˚ 120 6- lines) and Wharton fossil Sunda 200 ast-Ridge Wharton BGR0 6˚ IN e , 104, 105 ridge (red dotted lines) Plate Basin Central 80 06-103 160 2˚ 2˚ 3.0°

after Jacob et al. (2014). Indian AU Ninety BGR 40 120 Blue lines are faults Basin F7 F6 s F8 F7 F6 F 80 2012 modeled for the A.D. 1˚ 1˚ 0km earthquak 4˚ 90˚ 91˚ 92˚ 93˚ 94˚ rupturee Seismic 40 Jacob et al. (2014) 2.5° 2012 intraplate earth- ransect Fracture zones T

Fig. 1C ) quakes (Wei et al., 2013). 0km 8 16 2012 earthquake F8 6 India (IN)–Australia (AU) rupture 4 West 2 East Faults (# 0 relative plate motion °

0 0 0 0 0 0 2˚ 0 C 0

32 33 34 35 01 02 03 from Sager et al. (2013). Trend at seafloor Focal mechanisms: red ~N-S Fracture zones are main shocks of the F8? Riedel shears (R) 11 April 2012 intraplate 0˚ Mw 8.2 / 8.6 F6 ast-Ridge 11 April 2012 earthquakes; black are e F7 aftershocks (until 31 Wharton Basin

April 2012) (both from Ninety 0km1020 International Seismo- −2˚ Wharton logical Centre catalogue, Fossil Ridge D; 0km1020

green are historic events es ~N-S Fracture zones −4˚ n Riedel shears (R) (A.D. 1897–2005) from F6 Indo- n Delescluse and Chamot- Mw 8 Plate F7 Rooke (2007). B: Multi- cture Zo Australia Mw 6 0km 150 300 beam bathymetric data Fra Mw 4 −6˚ from study area. Purple 86˚ 88˚ 90˚ 92˚ 94˚ 96˚ 98˚ 100˚ ~N-S Fracture zones E (west) and orange (east) Riedel shears (P) 0km1020 lines represent seafloor lineaments (compare panels C, D, and E), with inset histogram in bottom right corner showing their strike direction. Fracture zones (F6, F7, F8) after Jacob et al. (2014). Black lines indicate locations of seismic transects BGR06-101, 102 (Fig. 2A) and BGR06-103, 104, 105 (Fig. 2B). MD—MARION-DUFRESNE II. C–E: Close-ups of multibeam bathymetric data. F: Model of strain for the Wharton Basin with spatial distribu- tion pattern of Riedel shears and north-south fracture zones.

0 (km) 50 100 BGR06-10 2 150 200 250 BGR06-101 300

T SW NE 1N 2N 3N 4N 5N 6N 7N 8N 9N 10N 11N 12N 14N 1N6 1N8 1N9 21N 13N 15N 1N7 20N buried channels (s) TW Figure 2. Seismic tran- 6.0 A sects across Wharton

Unit 1 Basin (location shown 7.0 flank TOB in Fig. 1). Class 1 and R F8 B C class 2 faults are shown D Unit 2 U by red and black lines, 8.0 E respectively, while hori-

Eastern NE Unit 3 zons used in displace- ment analysis are shown 9.0 Class 1 faults F7 by green and blue lines. Blue line represents the Class 2 faults (A) Northern Transect 10.0 unconformity that sepa- rates units 1 and 2. Red 0 (km) 50 BGR06-10 3 100 150 200 BGR06-104 250 BGR06-105 300 arrows indicate major T SW 9S 11S 15S NE 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8S 10S 12S 13S 14S 16S 17S 18S 19S basement offsets pro- 20S 21S22S 23S 24S buried (s) TW duced by class 1 faults. 25S 26S channels 6.0 Pink line marks the unit 2–unit 3 boundary. Table A inset provides summary 7.0 F8 Unit 1 flank TOB of interpreted strati-

R Unit Horizon Unit Unit Unit U graphic units and seis- [#] (~age Ma) characteristics interp. age [~Ma] B 8.0 1 A (2) onlap on unconformity Trench ~0-4 C Unit 2 mic horizons. TOB—top high amplitudes wedge parallel layered D of oceanic basement; E filled channels NER—Ninetyeast Ridge; Eastern NE Unconformity time-transgressive ~4 Unit 3 9.0 2 B (13) high amplitudes Bengal- ~4-40 TWT—two-way travel- C (22) parallel layered Nicobar F7 F6 D (31) filled channels Fan time; basem.—basement. 3 E (45) onlap on basem. highs Pelagic ~40-65 (B) Southern Transect 10.0 low amplitudes parallel layered no channels

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Downloaded from by guest on 27 September 2021 0 0 TWO FAULT CLASSES REVEALED BY 1 (A) Class 1 faults (B) Class 2 faults ANALYSIS OF FAULT DISPLACEMENT 2 A 2 dge A

Unit 1 4 U 4 Unit U


The seismic profiles indicate that the oce- h anic plate from the Ninetyeast Ridge to the

dge ench We Tr

enc Tr Sunda Trench (~300 km) is actively deforming, 13 B 13 B with a large number of faults that dip in both

n along-profile directions (Fig. 2). Obvious fault n

growth strata are not systematically observed. ar Fa Class 2 faults

22 C 22 b C

2 To investigate temporal and spatial variations 2 mean all Classf2 aults



in fault activity, we measured the vertical off- gal-Nico


Be sets (separations) for six seismic horizons (A, 31 Bengal-Nicobar Fa D 31 D U, B, C, D, and E; see inset table in Fig. 2)




across each fault, and depth-converted (seismic z velocities: 2.0 km/s for unit 1; 2.6 km/s for unit



Age [M

Age [Ma]

3 2; 3.5 km/s for unit 3; Bull and Scrutton, 1990; 3

nit 45 E 45 elagic E

Pelagic Unit

P Dean et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2011) and nor- U malized the data (Fig. 3). We note that the rela- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Normalised offset Normalised offset tive horizontal and vertical components of slip on an individual fault may vary with time, and Figure 3. Vertical separation (normalized for each fault by its maximum vertical separation) for all faults marked by solid lines in Figure 2. A: Class 1 faults show continuous increase that horizons used for displacement analysis are in vertical separation with depth indicating that they have been continuously active since not perfectly horizontal. However, we believe their formation. B: Class 2 faults show vertical separations that increase with depth down to that these are minor assumptions and that our horizon C before decreasing downward toward top of oceanic basement (TOB). analysis gives a robust fault slip history. We exclude faults where seismic horizons could not reliably be identified on both sides, and faults with consistent northeast-southwest strike direc- tent increase in vertical displacement with depth with vertical displacements of <20 ms two-way tion (020°–030°) (Figs. 1B and 1C). Further for class 1 faults (Fig. 3A), including within traveltime (TWT) (excluded faults are plotted as east, the strike direction is more heterogeneous, stratigraphic unit 3 immediately above oceanic dotted lines in Fig. 2). We use variation in verti- between northwest and northeast (320°–020°) basement, suggests early compartmentalization cal separation and the location of faults relative (Figs. 1B, 1D, and 1E), consistent with 000°– of the Wharton Basin by fracture zone reactiva- to proposed fracture zones and basement topog- 015°–trending lineaments and “graben-type fea- tion from the Paleocene to early Eocene. raphy to distinguish between two fault classes tures” and smaller structures trending 330°–360° We interpret class 2 faults as Riedel faults that (Figs. 2 and 3). described by Graindorge et al. (2008). There is a form in response to transpression between the The nine class 1 faults (red lines in Fig. 2) correlation between fault class and strike direc- reactivated fracture zones. This interpretation is show vertical displacements increasing with tion: class 1 faults tend to strike approximately based on: (1) their vertical geometry and extent depth (Fig. 3A), and offset the TOB by as north-south (000°–010°) (Figs. 1B, 1D, and 1E); (conjugate pairs, base close to TOB, no apparent much as 900 m (red arrows in Fig. 2). In most whereas conjugate class 2 faults strike northeast- basement offset); (2) their C-shaped vertical dis- cases, these faults occur at the edges of blocks southwest (020°–030°) close to the Ninetyeast placement profiles; and (3) their strike direction of elevated basement topography (Fig. 2), and Ridge (Fig. 1C), becoming northwest-southeast (020°–030° close to the Ninetyeast Ridge and their locations coincide with the positions of trending (320°–360°) close to the subduction 320°–360° close to the subduction zone) oblique proposed approximately north-south–trending zone (Figs. 1D and 1E). to the approximately north-south fracture zones. fracture zones (Fig. 1). Davis et al. (2000) also observed Riedel conjugate The vast majority of faults, those of class 2 DISCUSSION shears, associated with left-lateral faults in Utah, (black lines in Fig. 2), show an increase in verti- Our structural analysis of the heavily not rooted in basement faults. The C-shaped dis- cal separation with depth to horizon C, but below deformed northern Wharton Basin indicates placement profiles and lack of growth strata indi- this horizon the vertical separation decreases two fault classes with contrasting slip histories. cate that these faults initiated as blind faults at or (Fig. 3B). Class 2 faults are evenly distributed We interpret class 1 faults as the sedimentary- close to horizon C (maximum displacement) from across the study area. Commonly they form con- column manifestation of long-lived, left-lateral where they propagated both upwards and down- jugate structures, consistent with both strike-slip strike-slip faults that are reactivated approxi- wards (Nicol et al., 1996). The rapid decrease in and normal faulting, with the conjugate fault mately north-south–trending fracture zones displacement within unit 1 seems to be controlled pairs converging downsection at or close to the based on the observations that the faults: (1) by increased sedimentation rates associated with TOB so that the oceanic basement is not offset. do not form conjugate pairs; (2) have constant trench wedge deposition rather than fault activity, All faults show a rapid decrease in displace- activity through time, some since the forma- as this observation is shared by both fault classes ment in unit 1 (Fig. 3). No obvious differences tion of the oceanic crust in the Paleocene; (3) (Fig. 3). Class 2 fault deformation is interpreted in dip occur between the two fault classes or have large vertical basement offsets (up to 900 to have initiated in the Miocene (post–horizon C, spatially within the study area; fault dip ranges m); (4) are associated with significant base- ca. 22 Ma) and before deposition of unit 1 (trench between 60° and 75° with a mean of 64° (dip ment topography; and (5) have an orientation wedge, ca. 4 Ma) where a kink in the displace- calculations assume average velocity of 2.75 of 000°–010°. Following the nomenclature of ment profiles is observed (Fig. 3). Deformation km/s, from Dean et al. [2010]). Singh et al. (2011), fault 26S relates to fracture is ongoing, indicated by most faults extending to zone F6, and faults 13N, 14N, 15N, 20N, 17S, the seafloor (Fig. 2). FAULT ORIENTATION 18S, and 19S relate to F7 (Fig. 2). Class 1 fault Graindorge et al. (2008) analyzed multibeam Multibeam bathymetry data reveal distinct 10S likely relates to a previously unmapped bathymetric and 3.5 kHz seismic data from seafloor lineaments in two areas (Figs. 1B–1E). fracture zone with only a small age offset (J. close to the subduction zone, and described In the west all lineaments relate to class 2 faults Dyment, 2015, personal commun.). The consis- similar northwest-southeast–trending seafloor

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