Underwear SETS Till PACE for the OTHER STATES I M) I a X a It I : Ptrni.Ica
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4 THE OMAII.A DAILY BBB: THURSDAY, APRIIi 'JO, 15)00. Telephones CIS and COf. Dec, April 25, 1500. Resolutions endorsing that the service hns too valuable to largo i REPUBLICAN UNITY IN OHIO EXIT PNEUMATIC MAIL TUBE both tho national and state administrations business communities to bo dispensed with went through and wcro unanimously On motion by- - Moon of Tennessee the - 87 adopted,, .- house, to 50, voted to eliminate ,,f 4 j, j the entlro Muslin Henry C. Payne, vlll undoubtedly be paragraph, Bute Convention Doss Not Even Ballot for Ecandila Revealed Cants the House, to Vote chosen tobuccwd 4Hmserf'3s national com- Roberts' Smu'e'ssor Sworn In, Candidates, mitteeman for Wisconsin at tho Philadel- Againit It. At the opening of tho cf the houso phia convention. ucdon today William H. King, who served In the KItty-flft- h congress Underwear SETS Till PACE FOR THE OTHER STATES i M) i a x a it i : ptrni.iCA . s linh. CHARGES MADE BY CONGRESSMAN MOODY from tho state of Utah, was sworn Jn as a representative of that Mo Mlntitlttnsr the .llennlna of tUr I'lnt-forj- n, state to succeed Hrlgham H. Roberts, who Thi's muslin underwear is 'Aelilovriiientfi of Prrnlilpnt nml Adopted. Hp AssnlU Tulip was denied a cat. Ihr INDIANAPOLIS, ind., April 25. Like nn Piimiiintlc Company Party In ConnrrKN ItrvliMVdl avalanche, the' horde of delegates to the re- Afi'iist-- l.ntc Aftftlntnnt PoRtmiia-Ic- r ISiiiorHi-ne- y IIOIINIIS A(ilti:i: ON HAWAII 1111,1,. made just as tasteful women Riltinl to Kvery publican ntato convention swept Into Tom-llne- (imcrnl nml I'oriner Mem- In 1'iinI. the hall at 2 o'clock this afternoon and ber if (lie House. Scilntc Adopts Conference Iteport would plan it. Good muslins a wan pandemonium of en- far time thcro a II 11 1 Pnssed, thusiasm. When Chnlrman Hernlcy of the I,. C. WASHINGTON, April 25.-- After a brief and cambrics, neat embroideries and laces; Secretary of State tAYLIX republican fctato central committee finally Supremo Judge JOHN ,. SHANK WASHINGTON, April 23. to.-da-y debate today tho senato agreed to tho succeeded In pecurlng order ho convened The houso School Commissioner put heel upon report cn tho Hawaiian civil govern- l.KWIH IX BONEBHAKK tho meeting wjth a brief speech. After tho its the pneutaatlc mall garments cut into full, comfortable sizes and tube now In In ment bill, the provisions relating tho Member Board of Public Works report of lhe .cohlrytlttee on temporary or- service operation New York, to OIIAm,KS A. UODDARD Roston and Philadelphia, and If its action right of franchises nnd Imprisonment for the neatly Food nnd Dulry Commissioner ganization, had been adopted Chairman J. sewing and substantially done. (renomr- - Hanly was stands, tho whole service will bo crushed debt having been amended to conform to JOSKPH B. BLACKBUIIN Frank of Lafayette Introduced. out. tinted). The report on tho ldcis of the sonate. of tho' committee credentials Tho agricultural appropriation These hints I'rcsldfntlul Elect wag then adopted afler which the platform Tho postofllce committee had recom- bill was COLONEL MYRON T. HERHICIC mended an passed, carrying a llttlo over $3,000,000. The W. 1'. and resolutlina were presented, Tho plat- Increase of tho appropriation '....GENERAL OKU for Alaska civil government bill was Gowns at 69c Extra quality trimmed cambric ruffle, at 25c each. Delesateswit-LurR- form adopted lo a'j' follows: this service. Tho proposed Increase was under consideration for nn hour, but no progress with Inserting and lawn rufflei, three Drawers of muslin, laco and embroid- SENATOR JOSEPH B. KORAKER rroNperlt y Afler ItepnM Icon Victory. attacked by the appropriation committee rtyles; lzen, ID to meas- UOVBUNOU OEOHOE K. NASH the Matsachu-sctl- s wns made. Mr. Piatt ot New York moved neck ery trimmed, at 50e each'. m.'vi.MjAt. fMfATtt.uci ini-- o emnhntlfnllv endorse tho wine nnd' under leadership of Moody of urements. with vigor Into Mr. Quay's old seat. A large assortment of drawers, rJnge ...OENERAL CHARLES OHOSVENOR pamouo muninlstration or rresment such and success that In .CHARLES FOSTER , Mnloy. In tho whole history of this the end tho house voted, 87 to 6u, to A joint resolution authorizing the ex- A large assortment of gowns ntjl.00 In price from 75c to $5.00 ea:h. eountry no period strike .MYRON O. NORRIS thfco lia. been o the entlro appropriation from tho bill. hibit of govoniment relics at the New York each. All 25o, ( ilHOWX I distinctively marked by prosperity nnd Corset Covers styles, prices, Moody a by - Printing exposition was adopted. Other styles range in price, from $1.25 OEOROE A. MYERS progress as that of this splendid republican created sensation the- manner 35c, 50c, 75c. 85c, $1.00, $1.26, $1.C0, ndmlnlstriitluii. It n mnt In which he assailed Uie methods of the A resolution offered by Tillman wns (' to $9.75 each. $2.00, $2.25, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 ! adopted, calling upon secretary of the COLUMRUS, 0 April 26,-- Tho republican j YE !'"cuma!!c c ,lho tho LadlcH' Petticoats Of muslin, with each. orac.Ualid"" cnarge ' treasury for information as to the number, etate convention reaniemblcd at 10:20 a. m. capacity. Under Its policies the country ( tnnt former member of congress deep flounce, finished with embroidery A largo location, of ' aisortment of chemlfe at mo3t Prayer was offered by Rev. John Hcwo t. ,,n!' p,,,fs?J, r3"l extreme depression to j who was ft member of tho appropriations character nnd aggregate co3t ; at $1.00 each. reasonable prices. each public building already or now - bad bccn bol(,er of erected The reports ot tho committor wore alopted, thS . le f.K. f01"110' a alock aad At $1.2."- Kneh-- Of muslin, flounce A line of underwear, every ,Ilwit- oonus company. In course ot construction, with tho cost of French Including tho ono making tcmporury or- - j every-ganlzntl- in too '..trimmed,' tho honor of tho nation maintained with Hicks and embroidery. stitch made By hand, which wo wish permanent. Tho commltto on whcrei the dangtira and preplexltles of b Ho declined to disclose the gentleman's tho slto lu each case. Other, prices range from $1.6Q .to $6.00 to Introduce to the women of. Omaha. Great fprelcn war successfully met; tho name. He added tho bv chare- - Consideration wns then begun of the agri- I found the onlj contest In Wnah. Kiory of m,K fmperlshnble lo scandal . each. credentials th n(lgmented; Ing cultural appropriation bill. As reported to Prices of these dainty garments will Ington county and reported In favnr of seat- - fame added to our army and navy; the that a block of tho stock had been Ladles' Drawers Of muslin, with be found most reasonable. Ing both delegations, with each having public credit strengthened until the nation's sent ns a New Yenr's gift to a near relative the senato It carried $3,939,120. The" com- a. mittee nraendtnetit reducing tho amount of one-ha- lf vote Ex.Rpnrfamtitli'n ;''lnt,s licarlnK lower rate of interest of another member of congrem, but to the ' thin ny like securities In tho world, com- - Wo Close Our Store SnturJnys nt O P. M. i, i a i.i i . .u. ralorl credit of tho member, he eald, tho dishonor- tho appropriation for "printing, illustration, " " " wiwaiuuiii ni'".u una icyui,.' iniuiu n premium in me mnrKet; new publication, Indexing distributing docu- AdRNTfl KOII FOST11U KID GLOVES A.VD McCAI.L'S PATTRn.VS. would bo llko congress allowing Roberts ot opportunities tn labor created: mldlllnnnl ing gift hnd been returned to the sender nnd markets, opened to surplus by the mall. ments, bulletins and reports" from $103,000 Ltah one-four- vote and his three wives our products next of every kind, taxliiir production to Although to $S5,000 was withdrawn, strong opposition one-four- Its the tube service was highly com each vote. Taylor's motion 'o utmort capacity td meet conoumptlon and domrtnd; Spanish mended by other members, these revelations to It doveloplng from Messrs. Tillman, Allen. Thompson, 8tCo. sent tho delegates selccf'cd under the rail of cruelty and oppression Berry, They Beldeh forever bunWhed from this hemisphere nnd transformed tho sentiment ot the house, Spooner, Cockrell and others. the state committee and unseat the contest tho Philippine Islands; the open door policy which has agreed that 'the farmers' bulleMns Issued ants carried yeas, 455; nays, 353. In several times voted for the tubo THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY 000DS HOUSE IN OMAHA. t'hlna secured to all the commerilal service, into a by tho Agricultural department wcro among General C. commit- -' of world decisive majority against Us II. Grosvcnor, from the nntlons fe through American of kind v. m. c. dlDlomncy: I In tho most Valuable publications the a. iiuii.dino, con. iotii and douglas sts. tec on resolutions, then reported the follow- and n more (riileriml fp,1 n continuation any form. .iiuiiii-.iiei- i ueiweru tne norm una south. Tawney of Minnesota offered as an amend, over gotten out. ing platform, which was adopted: Wo offer partial this review of magnificent ment a bill to reclassify railway mall clerks, Tho committee amendment fixing the beautiful cornet 10I0, after which the con- - ! Potted on McKlnlcy. achievement of 'the'admlniftratlon of Wil- by houso the purchase QUAY MEN IN FULL CONTROL liam McKlnloy ns, con- but It went out on a point or order. amount fixed the for ventlon proceeded to select a n.warrunt for its $170,000 candidate for At tho beginning tho platform reaffirms tinuance In power, And we pledge tho n and distribution rf seeds from ti presidential L.