Delivering E Iciency. Truck Tires Goods
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Delivering eiciency. Truck Tires Goods Continental Truck Tires Goods Segment 2 3
At home on roads all over the world. Your Lowest Overall Driving Costs Our global approach. The challenges for the transport industry are increasing continuously as transport routes It always pays to see the bigger picture. We know that the transport industry is highly get longer and infrastructure becomes more diverse. From congested roads and motor - competitive and that our customers are under intense economic pressure. That's why ways to construction sites, the requirements remain the same: around the clock, reliable we always take your entire leet costs into account. and cost-eicient. The total cost of operation, is what we call LODC: your L owest Overall Driving Costs.
At the same time, the transport industry solutions. Using Continental Truck Tires Tires designed for the Goods is battling with increasing traic volume, means leets will remain mobile, eicient segment are optimized to satisfy soaring operating costs and additional and competitive. Being one of the top 3 the needs of our customers in rules and regulations. The need for reliable automotive suppliers worldwide, with more the transport industry business. partnerships is growing – partners, who than 300 sites in 49 diferent countries, understand the market requirements we think as globally as our customers, yet and are able to ofer simple and efective without losing sight of the details. Fuel
Maintenance Salaries and repairs Vehicle Insurances, Amortisation Expenses Tires Fees, Taxes 6 % 34 % Efect of tires 5 % 7 % 12 % 12 % 24 % on cost: 45 %
Source: Spanish Ministry of Transport “Transport Cost Observation”, October 2010
Did you know that tires can inluence Our innovative systems also help reduce And this is not all. We have developed a approximately 45% of the operating costs the operating costs incurred. For example comprehensive service package for you: of your vehicles through the ContiPressureCheck lets you monitor › purchase price for the tires (3 5%) the tire pressure while driving, allowing Continental ofers a variety of service › fuel consumption (34%) you to optimize the rolling resistance. programs to assist you in achieving cost › maintenance and repairs (6%)? This reduces the fuel consumption rate, transparency, providing advice when increases the casings’ life span and helps selecting your tires, and supporting you In order to minimize your operating costs to prevent tire-related downtimes. in their maintenance. when developing our tires, we place great emphasis on the continual optimization of Furthermore, the ContiLifeCycle, including By always seeing the bigger picture, we › rolling resistance regrooving and retreading, helps extend help you achieve your Lowest Overall › mileage and your tire service life. Driving Costs. › retreadability Continental Truck Tires Goods Segment 4 5
ContiLifeCycle™ Our tires live longer.
Continental Truck Tires are designed for ultimate economy throughout the new tire’s service Thanks to its sustainable tech- life and far beyond, especially when it comes to the casing. A second or even third life helps nologies, the ContiLifeCycle plant has been awarded with: to optimize the economic eiciency and reduce the costs by 30 to 40 percent when using premium retreads on well-maintained tires. Together with regrooving by a skilled profes - New Continental tires Regrooving sional, the total mileage of a Continental tire can be extended up to two and a half times. They are long-lasting, fuel- Provides tires with up to saving, retreadable and a key 25 percent extra mileage cornerstone for the Lowest and saves fuel through lower Overall Driving Costs. rolling resistance. ContiLifeCycle – the modular tire life cycle When you purchase a retreaded tire, you Each step of the ContiLifeCycle concept of Continental Truck Tires – begins not only lower your tire budget, but extends the life of the tires. An with the new tire and continues with our actively reduce your carbon footprint. advantage for the environment premium retreading solutions and Conti- Reusing the casing saves energy and and for your tire budget. CasingManagement. The ContiLifeCycle raw materials. Optimal use of the casing prolongs the life of your tires, signiicantly reduces the number of old tires in circula- lowering your tire costs. tion and protects the environment.
Continental has been producing its own Retreading Casing management retreaded tires in the ContiLifeCycle plant The cost-efective, eco- ContiCasingManagement in Hanover, Germany since 2013. friendly and premium quality turns intact Continental solution to prolong the life of casings into cash, managed your Continental tires. comfortably through the online ContiCasingBank.
Hot or cold retreading – the customer can choose
In the ContiLifeCycle plant, Continental focuses on ContiRe – hot retreaded tires. For cold retreading, Continental ofers retreaders the comprehensive ContiTread product portfolio. Shearography Tire building ContiRe™ Tire building ContiTread™ Continental Truck Tires Goods Segment 6 7
Continental Truck Tires have been known for decades to stand for safety, reliability and high Select your product depending on the application: efficiency. In Generation 3, we combine our technological competence and our market-specific knowledge with an added essential ingredient: your feedback.
Driven by your needs, we have developed tires tailored to your individual requirements. This Motorway Regional On/Off Driven by your needs: will help you achieve your Lowest Overall Driving Costs and reach the objectives in your › Long-distance and shuttle › Long-distance and regional › F or vehicles operating on and the new product portfolio services traffic off sites specific application. features reliable, cost › Mainly on motorways and › Winding and hilly roads › F or public roads as well as effective and secure tires. major roads which allow › Variable traffic, road and on uneven surfaces high speeds weather conditions › For heavy exposure to maximum load
Conti EcoPlus
Conti Hybrid
Conti Scandinavia
More Continental Truck, Bus and Coach Tires are at your disposal in the main segments People and Construction.
People Construction Tires for safe and reliable passenger Tires for reliable heavy-duty transport on transport. and off the road. Continental Truck Tires Goods Segment 8 9
Conti EcoPlus Visual Alignment Indicator (VAI™)
The Conti EcoPlus tire line sets new standards in the economy of your leet. These fuel savers Vibrations in the steering wheel or free rolling steering achieve an improvement of up to 1.9 l per 100 km* on a 40 t fully loaded truck, earning wheel are a clear indicator to the driver that the vehicle’s the top rating “A”** on the fuel eiciency label. Combined with high mileage capabilities, wheel alignment must be checked. However, minor wheel the newly developed tire line, mainly for motorway use, is the best choice for your Lowest misalignments often remain unnoticed. Overall Driving Costs.
Conti EcoPlus HS3 Conti EcoPlus HD3 Conti EcoPlus HT3 This results in unnecessary costs due to The advantages of VAI™ for you: wear and tear of the tires, damage to the Steer axle Drive axle Trailer axle – 1.9 l / 100 km* casing and increased fuel consumption. Optimized fuel consumption This can be avoided with our Visual Align- A vehicle with correct alignment can save › Signiicant improvements in rolling resis- › Improved rolling resistance through new › Outstanding improvements in rolling Superior rolling resistance ment Indicators (VAI™). up to 3 % in fuel. tance and mileage optimization thanks tread compound and optimized pattern resistance thanks to two-layer tread and the top rating “A”** on the to the two-layer tread construction › Reduced deformation and fuel consump- construction, Fuel Saving Edge and fuel eiciency label. The Conti As simple as it is eicient: as the tire Increased mileage › High mileage capability and increased tion thanks to the shoulder layout and special tread compound EcoPlus saves not only drops, wears, the VAI indicators on the inside Optimized wheel alignment reduces tire wear resistance thanks to new Plus the Chamfered Edge › Optimized pressure distribution but liters. and outside shoulders of the tires change. wear. This can result in up to 10 % more Volume Pattern › Innovative high traction pattern with and uniform wear due to new If the two indicators match, this shows mileage. › Improved wet performance through open shoulders and a high number of groove geometry the tires are wearing evenly and the full-depth pocket sipes grip edges leads to an excellent traction › High mileage capability from new wheels are correctly aligned. If they don’t, Maximizing the tire life cycle › VAI™ technology performance tread pattern the wheel alignment should be checked One-sided tire wear can also damage the › Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF) and adjusted if required. casing. The resale value of the casing can symbol and M + S marking be maintained by correct wheel alignment. The VAI technology is available for all 22.5" steer axle tires of Generation 3 Easy-to-use early warning system Conti EcoPlus and Conti Hybrid. No tools or prior knowledge are required to read and interpret the indicators.
1.0 2.5
1.0 2.5 4.0
* valid for Conti EcoPlus HS3 315/70 R 22.5, HD3 315/70 R 22.5 and HT3 385/55 R 22.5 in comparison to predecessor ** valid for Conti EcoPlus HT3 (22.5) Continental Truck Tires Goods Segment 10 11
Conti Hybrid (22.5") ContiPressureCheck ™
The Conti Hybrid tire line actively helps to meet today’s unprecedented demand for greater ContiPressureCheck is a direct measurement system mounted inside the tire to help extend eiciency. The latest-generation 22.5" Conti Hybrid is ideally suited to the intensive the life of your tires. Properly inlated tires show a better wear picture, retain their casing challenges of the heavy-duty segment. High mileage performance coupled with minimum quality and save on fuel consumption. When inlation pressure drops, the tire is subjected to fuel consumption ensures particularly high economic eiciency, mile after mile after mile. greater rolling strain and as a result may heat up. This can damage the tire, or even lead to a blowout. ContiPressureCheck can prevent this, and thereby helps protect your investment. Conti Hybrid HS3 (22.5") Conti Hybrid HD3 (22.5") Conti Hybrid HT3 (22.5") Steer axle Drive axle Trailer axle 1 Sensor › Outstanding mileage performance › Outstanding mileage performance by › Outstanding mileage performance 2 Receiver thanks to Plus Volume Pattern and new combination of Plus Volume Pattern, gained by the new Hybrid Trailer 3 Display contour new Hybrid Drive compound and an compound › Optimized fuel eiciency due to rolling overall new pattern technology for the › Excellent fuel eiciency gained by the 4 Telematics integration resistance optimized sidewall compound block design new Hybrid Trailer compound and 4 › Enhanced water displacement and › Optimized fuel eiciency gained by the the new rolling resistance optimized improved wet performance over lifetime two-layer tread construction, the Plus sidewall compound thanks to new siping technology Volume Pattern and the new rolling re - › Wet performance over lifetime through › With Continental Visual Alignment sistance optimized sidewall compound the new Hybrid Trailer compound 3 Indicator (VAI™) › Improved traction and grip behavior thanks to the new tread pattern › Reduced noise because of the new tread pattern structure 1 1 1 1 1 2
One system – many advantages:
Simple Safe Automatic Trailer Learning (ATL) ContiPressureCheck is quick and easy to Every tire breakdown avoided increases Automatic Trailer Learning makes it simple install. Mounting inside the tire guarantees the safety of road traic as tire damage to exchange trailers without the need of greater data accuracy than comparable or a breakdown always involves the risk additional system coniguration. systems. And it is compatible with all tire of accidents happening. makes.
Economical Eco-friendly Telematics integration Driving with the correct air pressure Running the correct inlation pressure The ContiPressureCheck system can can lead to signiicant fuel savings and lowers fuel consumption, reduces tire wear be easily integrated into your telematic increased tire mileage. Making your leet and, as such, protects the environment. systems. This gives you the ability to view more economical. live inlation pressure and temperature data, as well as to receive real-time alerts. Reliable The ContiPressureCheck system helps avoid tire related breakdowns which can lead to costly downtimes, late ines, possible damage to public image and loss of sales or proits. Continental Truck Tires Goods Segment 12 13
Conti Hybrid (17.5"/19.5") On/Of tires
The 17.5" Conti Hybrid tires feature the same advanced technologies as the larger models. High traction and durability of the road and good mileage performance on it. This balancing This all-rounder delivers high mileage performance and minimal fuel consumption and is act is mastered perfectly by our On/Of tires for site delivery traic. Because we know the irst choice for the growing medium-duty segment with its wide-range of demands. reliability is the crucial factor for your business.
Conti Hybrid LS3 (17.5") Conti Hybrid LD3 (17.5") HSC 1 HDC 1 HTC 1 Steer axle Drive axle Steer axle Drive axle Trailer axle
› Excellent mileage performance and rolling resistance › Excellent mileage performance and rolling resistance › Optimum resistance to damage, plus › Optimal resistance to damage plus high › High mileage and very good grip in all › High mileage and optimized fuel consumption, › Very good traction in all weather conditions, thanks high mileage thanks to new on-/of-road mileage, thanks to new on-/of-road conditions, thanks to precise balance thanks to the new Plus Volume Pattern to balanced lateral grooves-to-sipes ratio compound and new contour compound and new contour of tire geometry and new on-/of-road › Reduced rolling resistance, thanks to the special › Enduring traction over lifetime due to well-designed › Fine-tuning to suit predominantly on- › High structural load level and very good tread compound sidewall compound transition of groove and sipe structure or of-road use brought about by tread retreadability, thanks to reinforced belt › Retreadability of the extremely durable › M + S marking › Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF) symbol pattern with either four (80 Series) or design, durable casing and optimized casing, even when subjected to higher and M + S marking three (standard cross-section) grooves tire contour load › Best retreadability and structural dura- › Outstanding traction through applica- › Preservation of the casing value bility, thanks to reinforced belt design tion-optimized pattern design and high through groove geometry designed to and durable casing overall stifness reduce stones from getting trapped › Very good handling characteristics on › M + S marking › M + S marking all surfaces › M + S marking
The newly developed technologies of the Conti Hybrid tire line are also available for the 19.5" series. The Conti Hybrid HS3 (19.5"), HD3 (19.5") and HT3 (19.5") for steer, drive and trailer axles show similarly positive performance improvements in mileage and rolling resistance. Continental Truck Tires Goods Segment 14 15
Winter tires Conti Scandinavia (19.5"/17.5")
During winter, the word “performance” suddenly gains an entirely new meaning. Slushy, slippery roads, irmly packed layers of snow or ice. With maximum safety and outstanding eiciency, Continental Truck Tires help you master all the challenges of truly harsh winter conditions.
HSW 2 SCANDINAVIA HDW 2 SCANDINAVIA HTW 2 SCANDINAVIA Conti Scandinavia HS3 (19.5") Conti Scandinavia HD3 (19.5") Conti Scandinavia HT3 (19.5") Steer axle Drive axle Trailer axle Steer axle Drive axle Trailer axle
› High directional stability thanks to winter- › Safe traction and braking within the › High directional stability thanks to winter- › Maximum safety and steering stability, › Maximum safety based on the 3D-siping › Maximum safety due to siping technology optimized tread designs chosen direction of travel, thanks to optimized tread designs thanks to the proven pocket sipe technology for best traction results over and pocket sipes for excellent curving › Safe braking performance on snow and highly adjusted tread designs › Reliable braking properties at high technology lifetime and braking stability ice due to a multitude of gripping edges › Consistently high traction level due mileage due to well-balanced pattern › Very good rolling resistance and mileage › Very good rolling resistance and mileage › Wider shoulders to withstand strong › Good mileage even on dry roads thanks to well-engineered sipe and groove design performance due to two-layer tread performance due to two-layer tread lateral forces to the combination of tire contour, com- technology › Two-phase-tread-design pattern tech- construction construction › Special Generation 3 winter compound pound and tread pattern design › Good mileage even on dry roads, thanks nology for good winter grip and low › Special Generation 3 winter compound › Special Generation 3 winter compound against harsh winter conditions to the harmonious combination of tire driving costs in non-wintery conditions against harsh winter conditions against harsh winter conditions contour, compound and tread pattern design All Continental winter tires are marked with the Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF) symbol and the M + S symbol.
The Conti Scandinavia LS3 (17.5") and LD3 (17.5") tires for light trucks ofer the same winter properties as their big brothers. This is by design; we pursued the same technological achievements for these tires. Continental Truck Tires Goods Segment 16 17
Conti360° Fleet Services Customer service
Continental ofers more than tires. Our service ranges from correct tire selection and With Continental, no matter what or who you need to transport, you can always rest assembly, to continual monitoring, additional tire services, accompanied by regular leet assured that you have a reliable partner at your side anywhere in the world. For us, no inspections and 24/7 breakdown assistance, plus complete casing management, all challenge is too big and no location is too distant – you can always put your faith in our summarized in a comprehensive reporting service to help you to attain your Lowest professional team. Overall Driving Costs.
With 2,500 accredited Conti360° partners, our ContiBreakdown- And because we know that cost-eiciency and reliabilty are key, We are here for you, wherever you need us Fast, friendly and reliable warranty services Portfolio of our customer service Service is there for you in 37 countries and ofers the complete the Conti360° Fleet Services also covers all aspects of profes - Over 100 dedicated tire experts in more We believe in our tires. Therefore, we take › Individual, technical assistance Fleet Services package in 14 of them, both in urban areas as sional tire manage ment. This ranges from new tire recommen- than 20 European markets ofer tire every complaint very seriously and as › On-site leet checks including vehicle well as along all important transport routes. Thanks to the conti- dation, right up to the disposal of the worn tires. In addition, the expertise and industry knowledge to an opportunity to improve ourselves. alignment services nuous training of our partners and our professional 24/7 call ContiFleetReporting gives you a comprehensive and frequent solve your operational challenge. And you will receive compensation, if the › Product performance monitoring center, we ofer you expert support. The price structures for our overview, with full transparency regarding all costs and services. product has not performed as it should. › Advanced warranty services ContiBreakdownService are uniform throughout Europe and The reporting is provided online so that you have access to all › Tailored training programs ensure stability and planning security for you. data at all times. Put us to the test: Conti360° Fleet Services is there for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
ContiFleetReporting™ ContiFitmentService™ We provide you with a complete analysis of your We ensure the right tire choice as well as the tire-related data, which shows potential for any correct itting to guarantee smooth operations tire-related cost savings at one glance. of your leet.
ContiCasingManagement™ ContiFleetCheck™ Even at the end of their lives, Continental Truck Our regular inspections help you to get the best Tires have a cash value. We take care of the performance out of your tires. complete casing handling: collection, inspection, purchasing, retreading and/or proper disposal.
ContiBreakdownService™ No matter where you are in Europe, in the event of a tire breakdown, we’ll have you back on the road with minimum downtime. Continental Truck Tires Goods Segment 18 19
Continental – more than tires.
Worldwide, Continental is one of the leading automotive suppliers. As a supplier of brake systems, systems and components for drive trains and chassis, instrumentation, infotainment solutions, vehicle electronics, tires and technical elastomer products, the group corporation makes a contribution to greater driving safety and to global climate protection. In addition, Continental is a proven partner in the area of networked automobile communi cation. Continental employs approximately 190,000 people in 49 countries. Of these, more than 44,000 are working in the tire division, which has more than 24 production and develop - ment locations worldwide.
Continental tires stand for outstanding company ofers the exact tires for every Continental – a reliable partner to power transmission, maximum directional purpose. The commercial vehicle tires automakers, consumers and the stability under all weather conditions business unit is one of the largest man- transport industry for 140 years. and a high degree of cost eiciency. The ufacturers of truck and bus tires world- broad product portfolio and continual wide and also ofers a complete product investment in research & development portfolio in the ield of special use tires. signiicantly contribute to economic and Supplementing the Continental new tires, ecologically eicient mobility. there also is a product line in the program For passenger cars, trucks, buses and that ofers a hot and cold retread tire construction vehicles, right up to in- line for truck tires under the ContiRe and dustrial vehicles and two-wheelers, the ContiTread brands. Tire markings
M + S Mud and Snow Tread Wear Indicator (TWI) The manufacturer has designed Horizontal bridges, positioned in the the tire for an improved grip/ longitudinal tire proiles, are evenly traction performance in mud distributed along the tire and, with the and snow conditions. minimal statutory tread depth, close lushly with the tire proile.
In accordance with statutory provisions, all Continental Tires are provided with TWI.
Three Peak Mountain Snow Regrooving Indicator Flake (3PMSF) Regrooving indicators determine how “‘Snow tire’ means a tire […] deep the tire can be regrooved. Setting designed to achieve in snow the cutter to this correct depth pre - conditions a performance vents damage to the carcass beneath better than a normal tire […].” while getting the most out of your Continental tire. Source: Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations The regrooving indicator is a part of all (UN/ECE), R117 Continental Generation 3 tires.
Visual Alignment Indicator (VAI™) for details see page 9 Continental Reifen GmbH Deutschland 6A529.en 2015.03 Büttnerstraße 25 30165 Hannover Germany