The Human Aura the General Public Can Hardly Stand Prepared to M T of M Judge the Eri S Any State Ents, Because
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Three in ten sely interesting Lectures by a Mas t e r in Spirit ual Sc i en ce an d the flew o T he u s e of v ar T h ught . ious c olors as healing a e c e t e r e k as Chromo s th g n i s o h wis nown p y, is t t also fully de al wi h . This is unque stionably ‘ the c ompl e te st e xposition of this fasc inat ing su j ec t e ve r offe red to the publi c at a nominal rbc p c . — Lecture 1 Deals with F undame nta l State me nts ; Defi ne s the Human Au ra in Cont ra distinc tion to Pe rsonal Magne tism ; T he H u man Aura Class ifi ed ; How to Dev e lop an d U tiliz e a good an d powe rful Aura ; Oval V isual T re atme nt by Sugge st ion ; T he Succe ss ful Te le athis t ; T he Prac t i c e of Mental Te le phony ; ow Thoughts are Transmit ted ; A h ‘ se nt Me ntal Healing ; T he E xe rc ise whe reb the Au ra is D—e v e loped ; T he The rape utic E fe cts of r R ed B e ! el an d V e t . Colo s , lu . low iol — L ecture a Spe c ifi c Inte rpre tations ; T he Philosophy of Color an d its Si n ifi can ce ; T he Highe r Oc tav e s of Color ; T he h era e n tie E f fe c ts of Color Defi n ite ly E luc idat ed ; he Sev en Prismatic Hue s an d the ir c onnec tion with the Se v e V e an d at eac V e e ts n ow ls , wh h ow l sugg s ; T he Lowe r O c taves of Color ; T he Wearing of e a R ea a e Prac t ce T he e -D e G ms . son bl i ; W ll ve IOped Aura. — Lecture 3 T he Human Aura as an Indi cat r of ea t an d arac te r t R eflec o H l h Ch , wi h tions on the Aura of Habitation ; Clai rvoyance susce pt ible of Cultivation ; Inh ere nt G enius ; Mate rialisti c Chri s tianity ; Health Aura ; T he Aura of B uildings ; T he Div in e Sc ie nce of ’ Health ; How t o Purify one s Aura ; T he Physic Au ra ; T he Aura of a Telepathist ; T he R ash Exp endi ture of Au ri c F orce ; T he Auric B elt ; Heav ens an d Hells ; Dissipate d Aura ; T he r r Perfec rm T ue Philanth opist ; t Ha ony .
Price 50 cents.
The two distinct subjects upon which this essay treats are so closely allied in nature and so frequently presented together in modern writings that it seems desirable to consider m e S ub the as practically inseparabl . ince the p “ lication of Man Visible and Invisible by that W o T o o o e C. . p pular he s phical auth r and lectur r , o Leadbeater, public interest, as well as curi sity , has been greatly aroused to know how far the startling declarations made in that volume and elsewhere may be fairly considered as correct; and though the subject matter of such a book o not m f o m o d es readily ad it o cl se exa inati n , there are many points which can be quite sim ply discussed regarding the two chie f themes on o s— um a and which it disc urse the h an aur , m n o o o the ea ing and use f c l r . From the standpoint of clairvoyance alone
q482 . 9 8 4 The Human Aura the general public can hardly stand prepared to m t of m judge the eri s any state ents, because
eo om suffi few p ple, c paratively speaking, have cient experimental acquaintance with interior or greatly extended vision to enable them to testify to the accuracy or inaccuracy of any declarations based on psychic perception alone ; but f the o o of , as in the case o c l r side the ques t o e on e e to e th e f i n , very is at full lib rty t st e feets produced by various colo rs upon human e m e et b o to ob b ings, ani als and v g a les , and als serve the influence of color in modifying
tmo r m e t m e a sphe ic te p rature, wha ight oth rwise appear to be a very abstruse and entirely occult subject soon becomes a matter for world-wide
o em r investigati n and d onst ation .
The H m A o b the u an ura , th ugh visible only y of o e or aid clairv yance , is palpably discern d felt by millions of people who know nothing of psychic science or of the development o f nu e e o And o t usual p rc pti ns . th ugh his aura , o o m which surr unds every living rganis , is “ ” vaguely described as magn etism by a great many people who have given some attention to
t o t e m it , hat w rd, having a distinc t chnical ean
o e me of ing in ther d part nts scientific research , does not very properly describe exactly what we ‘ e a mean by auric efiluen c or radiation . Person l The H uman Aura 5
Magn etism is a convenient and comprehensive phrase which sums up in two words what could only be correctly described by using several e sent nces , as that title is very frequently given to the total sum of all that influences us when we are brought into contact with some impres ma r m The m n o wo . o o sive an fa us Dr . Greg ry , of not e to m oo Edinburgh , did h sitate na e his b k “ Animal Magnetism or Mesmerism and Its ” om o o me Phen ena, th ugh that v lu !the latest edition of which was published in London in London in 1 877 ) gives a review of numerous cases of mental and physical healing through o e now e m S pr cess s usually t r ed uggestive , and also cites many valuable instances of unmistak
vo e . Co 1 886 able clair yanc Marie relli , in , when “ the o of her mo o A first editi n still fa us n vel , om of Two o o to R ance W rlds, was br ught o mo n public attenti n, substituted the re dig ified “ ” title human electricity to designate the mar vellous spiritual or psychic outflow of potential energy from such transcendent characters as Helio a ! o b s and his sister ara . Bulwer Lytt n , o o m l ng bef re, had fa iliarized readers with the o om w rd Vril , which was certainly derived fr o man Vir, the superi r , distinguished in Latin om m m n u Ho o o a . speech fr , an rdinary Virt e , m knowh o be virility and all si ilar well w rds, 6 The Human Aura
i n for m on g nni g with Vir, speak the selves c
o no m to cerning their rigin , and it is ystery the student of Psychic Science to be told by the Evangelists that vi rtue went forth from a Mas ' ter and healed suflerers who were receptive to t its sway . Vir us means properly a great deal more than the modern world generally under a rm o n st nds by virtue , a te which has fte been narrowed down almost exclusively to its nega
e . o o o tive sid P sitive f rce , ab unding energy going forth to bless and heal others as well as keeping its generator in perfect health and o the o m n vig r, was riginal eani g of that great strong word which ought to be restored in popular parlance to its pristine fulness of sig ifi ill n n can ce. o o N a e o Pr fess r Van der , wh se “ ” om H ofH m three r ances , On the eights i alaya , “ ” “ S t In the anctuary, and Bal hazar the Ma e t gus , are r plete with valuable eaching regard ing the aura of more than ordinarily advanced o e of o practiti n rs the healing art , has t ld us that, o m ma br adly defined , the hu an aura y be classi — fied as ! I st that generated by the ordinary man or woman which extends but a very little ” — way beyond the exterior personality ; z ud that pertaining to people whose moral and intellec tual developments are decidedly above the com mon lace m p , which extends uch further away The H uman Aura 7 from the physique than in ordinary circum — stances ; 3rd that which is generated by Adepts or Arhats who can project their emana tions to any part of this planet at their disere o S m ti n . uch state ents agree very fully with all that we can gather from ancient and modern treatises concerning the illimitable possibilities of that subtle and highly potent energy which i unreco s clearly an influential , but often an g niz ed o o om s m of , fact r in the j int acc pli h ents m successful telepathy and absent ental healing . To that simply devout type of mind which re u to poses perfect tr st in Deity , and is willing abstain from all inquiry into the method of o o o divine Operati ns , dissertati ns c ncerning the “ ” how of spiritual healing may appear super fluous ma om m om , and y s eti es be unwelc e ; but the rationalistic intellect is determined to probe m o the ystery scientifically if p ssible, and such ho for enquiry into w the blessings are received, o t no which we are dev utly hankful , in way tends to diminish our appreciation of the bless s em n o r ing th selves ; o the c ntra y , the scientific student is often for more intelligently grateful than any individual can be who blindly and tacitly accepts a benefaction in complete ignor of f o ance the working o universal rder. The most clearly rational and truly scientific 8 The Human Aura view of matter is that it is only a manifested mo f n v A c m de o u i ersal substance . ncient al he y and modern chemistry have recently drawn n o so m so earer and nearer t gether, uch that many of the most renowned among contem porary physicists are announcing themselves converts to the ancient theor of PRIMUM MOBILE or ETHERIA ; whether they use the old Latin words or not to convey their meaning is a question of very small import n T seem to no in a ce . here s be stability the chemical atom when we learn that it is dissolu m f o ble into a ultitude o electr ns , but regardless of what may be dissolved and caused to dis u m m — m appear, the niversal si ple ele ent, pri al m —o ut of ff and ulti ate, which all di erentiated om o s o m c p und spring, and int which they ust u retum — m h un all event ally , re ains as ever t e alterable source of energy or substance which is neither created when worlds are brought forth nor annihilated when planets are disim e r t g ated. Th m o or n of u e si ple f rce e ergy life, the p re of m h spirit hu anity , is Vril , and this it is whic builds and heals and can exhibit power to com mand all combinations of varying elements to
appear and disappear. Natural Magic is a topic which will yet be The Human Aura 9
comprehended by the more thoughtful in the o bee n e oo West , as it has l ng n u d rst d by ex The o - o perts in the East . Oriental w nder w rk o e o er, wh se feats bewilder an English sp ctat r, is simply a man who has gained greater control o o Pram or e than rdinary ver , the vital nergy which he has learned to conserve and direct o on o man o v liti ally , but which the rdinary all ws to become dissipated through lack of self-con or om o o e e e trol d ini n ver f elings and app tit s . To develop and utiliz e a good and powerful u e aura , certain reg lar exercises are n cessary, and at the head of these stand those primary directions concerning ryhthmic or harmonic now to t breathing, which are beginning a tract something like general attention in America
o e The m o o of and in Eur p . ysteri us Y gis India are a very much higher class of people than the fantasti c fakirs who meet the eye of general travellers ; for while the latter are public per o me to f r rs , ready exhibit their abilities at any m for mo o o u ti e a netary c nsiderati n, the tr ly advanced magicians are secluded entirely from that vulgar publicity which neve r affords op portunity for the accomplishment of genuine h m g ood to humanity . T e powerful ani al aura o f e man o to a the xternal , which ften appears o o o o f r clairv yant as bright red in c l r , is g eat 1 0 The Human Aum use in the production of the most external feats of magic as w ell as in aiding those physical manifestations in which Spiritualists took such f Home great interest in the days o D . D . and “ ot m e o m m the e o of her arv ll us ediu s , r c rd whose experiences reads sometimes like the e e o o The rehabili wildest l g nds f fairy l re . tated o to m gh st, said haunt any an ancient t ome cas le, is an actual fact in s instances, and the weird phenomena which startle many and interest without terrifying a few modern in ve stigators of psychic mysteries are largely assisted by the AKA SA or vital effluen ce of certain mediumistic people without whose pres ence psychic phenomena of an external char acte r but very rarely occur . An exterior and rather coarse grade of aura m o o e m n e is e pl yed , ft n beneficially, by ag tic healers and others who resort to manipulation with a view to conveying strength to debilitated o e o f o e o m o ed b dies, and this grad f rc is als e pl y o who e to a great degree by hypn tists , dep nd largely upon some measure of physical con or a o o e o m tact, at le st up n cl s physical pr xi ity Th “ m m m to their subjects . is ani al agnetis ,
n mea e to m which is by o ns confin d hu an beings ,
e o o o is gen rated c pi usly by str ng, healthy ani o m om of mals who practise hypn tis , in s e its The Human Aura u
n T s s t o . phase , in tinc ively if t deliberately his of o o o e on grade aura , th ugh c pi us and us ful a er o f o not of sup ficial plane acti n , is capable being extensively employed in mental teleg ra h or e e p y in distant h aling, and becaus this is so it is n o uncommon experience to meet people who successfully practise the most extern al e o S e o — o v phas s f ugg sti n , ral and isual treat m — wh to e e o ent, o fail p rceive that sugg sti n can also prove thoroughly effective when all out e or The ward agents are abs nt withdrawn . more dependent a man or woman is on personal of o e m e appearance and tricks v ic and ann r, the ’ more superficial is apt to be that individual s o o o e w rk, and th ugh end wed with a larg share “ ” of person al magnetism he o r she is very
e o o o e enthusi lik ly t be f rg tten r adily , even by astic m e e mo to ad irers , aft r th y have re ved a considerable physical distance from the attrae h o e o . The e e w o tive p rat r succ ssful tel pathist , can soon learn to give absent treatments for
e e o health and g neral welfar successfully, is ften some one whose intellectual attractiveness far o o m who utweighs all pers nal char , and capti vates the minds rather than allures the physical h e The senses of those w o are impr ssible . aura o e a man or om f a highly int llectu l w an , viewed o o in clairv yantly, is often distinctively yell w 1 2 The H uman Aura
om m of o o o hue, s eti es a rich g lden c l r ; the effect o f such an aura is to stimulate the mental
o f who ma o e t to faculties all y pr v suscep ible, m mo o to e u cal the physical e ti ns , and r g late the e nerv s . The practice of mental telephony is easily ’ om e o now t o c pr hended by anal gy , hat Marc ni s simple system of wireless telegraphy is prov mo com ing abundantly de nstrable . Ether is a e o e preh nsive w rd , and it will serve very w ll for our present purpose as we seek to convey something like a definite picture of how thoughts !or their effects) are transmitted from t m t e place o place and fro intellect o int llect . THOUGHTS ARE FORCES is a widely e e one m o acc pt d saying, and which e b dies a m f the e e m o for ighty truth o high st thical i p rt , ,
e e or if we b li ve this anything like it, we shall certainly be led to be far mo re cautious in the o e m T o th ught r al than is usual . h ughts are of o e mo results brain acti n, but intellig nce ves mo A upon a brain and sets it in definite tion . materialist is wont to say that brain secretes thought as liver secretes bile ; but even if this me measureabl are state nt be y true , and we scarcely profited by pronouncing it entirely m n How o false , the query re ai s , d es liver secrete bile ! It is only through the agencyof a living The Human Aura 1 3
e o o h liver that bile is secret d, and it is nly thr ug the medium o f a living brain that thoughts are o e I nstrumen ts o thin kin pr duc d . f g the various o of the ed ma secti ns brain decid ly y be, in the sense in which we speak of musical instru me o e f m nts, thr ugh the ag ncy o which usicians
e m th men om instru rend r usic ; but e and w en, m are who e o e entalists , they r ally pr duc the o o to or not o do in stru s unds we l ve hear, f nly ments require players or they would be value — less they must have fashioners and tuners also or they could n ot exist and be kept in readiness h m n for use . Between u an individuality a d per son ality there is almost as much difference as ’ e cometis m Leadbeater s b tween a t and a co et . o of o om erson a m definiti n pers n fr p , eaning me h o o o is so t ing thr ugh which s und pr ceeds , o te discrimi ‘ und ub dly accurate, and if such a y a o e e ffe m o en n ti n b tw en di rent ter s , which are ft o o e e e bewilderingly c nf und d, w r kept clearly in
e o o o oo s e vi w , c ntr versy w uld s n wax les fierc and language would become mo re generally i ntelligible . Th o of man num e several b dies , e erated by Theosophists as each within the other and vari ously made manifest in differing stages of hu man o o ffo o o ev luti n, a rd a pr f undly interesting h m The o is t e e for continuous research . the ry " I 4 The Human Aura, \ at least lausible o /p , and when clairv yant testi mo o o to be ny is br ught f rward sustain it, it comes still more pressing a question for all who o m c c ncern the selves with psychical resear h . The o mo f ll casual b dy, which is the inner st o a our o e as b dies , is d scribed by penetrative seers o o the o f and well devel ped nly in case adepts , by well developed is meant that it really shines o h or o the thr ug , that its radiati ns pierce several o or e of e o uter vehicles sh aths the true g , which r our m n d a e called respectively ental, astral a physical bodies . In the development of the average man or woman whom we meet in fairly refined and rather well educated societies there is always some trace of the emanations of the mental body in the appreciable aura ; thus it does not seem incredible to such people that transference o f thought even to great distances may be ac
om lishable o an c p , th ugh it is but rarely that y very strikin g cases o f telepathy manifestly cc T o and o the cur . o explain the v luntary als involuntary transmission o f thought from mind
om to is neces to mind , and fr place place, it sary to consider how certain mental states af feet the aura of the sender and also o f the re ceiver of a mental dispatch ; and we must not overlook the closely kindred effect which our
1 6 The Human Aura
readily succumb to the influence of their sur
roundings . o m m e Envir n ent and circu stanc , when these words are used purely in their singular sign ifi a e e to o c nce, ref r entir ly individual aura, th ugh in their plural form of circumstances and en vironments they may properly be used to desig nate the sum ofthose external conditions which mo h more re tely environ us . T e orderly classi
fication — m o e — on , ind, b dy and state, exactly c veys the process whereby the aura is generated h o off. T e e the and thr wn first act is g nerative , o o e o e sec nd act is pr pulsiv , when we c nsid r
how aura is constituted and then how it is util! iz gdfPoets and painters have evidently drawn " very largely upon the re sults ofseership in giv to o e e o m ing the w rld repr s ntati ns o f ni bus ,
o o r the aure le and gl ry, enci cling head and radi ating from the entire person of some unusually e The el vated individual in the psychic scale . m o s C in r saints , a pictured in hristian art , have only a little ring of light surrounding their but e m m heads, greater saints hav uch ore of this halo ; then when the Master is portrayed n u o th o as walki g p n the water, e wh le surface o f the lake is shown illuminated by his radia o A om o f ti ns . diligent c paris n o the various Sacred Books of the East with the Jewish and The Human Aura 1 7
C S hristian criptures , and also with Classic ho o o o of e s m Myt l gy, f ll wed by a study lat r y o e o o mm b li art , w uld bring f rward an i ense array of concurrent testimony to the fact that all over the earth the knowledge o f the human
m m T e e aura has at so e ti e spread . h n wh n we read accoun ts by Baron von Reichenbach of his experiments demonstrating odylic force or od h see e e o e ex er yle, we s all that r c nt Eur p an p imentalists reached a conclusion not widely dif er nt m e H f e fro anci nt Egyptians and indus . h f N ot only have human beings been credited with e t a h thev o te ee gen ra ing a he lt aura , which f n fr
l e to o e e em e y disp nse th se w ak r than th selv s , but all consecrated temples have been charged
ff o the r n t e with this e usi n , which , in fi st i s anc ,
m e o e om ome m ust hav pr ce ded fr s hu an beings , though frequently sacred places were said to possess it to such a degree that healing has often been accomplished in a temporarily de t em se ted t ple . The modern suggestionist who follows Lie bault and B ernheim almost exclusively has a
to o ome me e tendency unduly ign re , and s ti s ven to to t e the o o f a o s u ly repudiat , acti n f rce which M esmerists and magnetists are apt to overesti m A m o t o ate . wise iddle c urse needs o be f und and to be steadilypursuedbetween the extreme 1 8 The H uman Aura
of mental suggestionism and an overrating of h sical exudation s The o T a W y J Bible, in b th est m t e m o en s , giv s any instances of b th aspects of mm som this i ense subject . We read in e places of an energy actually going forth from a to of healer a patient, and this energy being transmitted in a decidedly corporeal manner ; we also find numerous records of what would “ ” no e m o w be called abs nt ental healing. N th ing is lost to any rational metaphysical system ” by granting to animal magnetism a certain subordinate position as a transmissive agent ; e e m t if m inde d it s e s absurd o deny , etaphysical m pre ises have been accepted , that it can possi bly be otherwise than that our mental condi tion should most extensively afi ect our phy em o e racti sique and all its anati ns . If ev ry p tioner of m e of o o assag and ste pathy, as well as o m e o every ann unced agn tic healer, underst od something definitely concerning aura and how e e — it is generated, purifi d , and vitiat d , initially e m -a in all cas s by ental activities , very great addition would quickly be made to the benefits accruing as results of the practice of these vari ous schools of mechanical or medical practi
n rs K o of how om o tio e . n wledge s ething is d ne ’ does not always accompany one s doing of that me but o e cer neces so thing, kn wl dge is tainly The Human Aura 1 9 sary if we wish to be able to do our best work v o m oo re in the m st intelligent anner. Very g d sults often follow from the mental and mag e m e o me o n tic treat ents giv n by unif r d pers ns , because if people live in good- will to their n ms e neighbors and are at peace withi the elv s, t o o e e oo e hey unc nsci usly g n rate a g d, h althy e e f aura, which h lps d licate, sensitive suf erers h o w o are br ught into co ntact with it . The health aura is clairvoyantly described as o e in o o om or on r s pink c l r, and fr this iginal visi , h e to mo be whic dat s re te antiquity, we have “ ” come familiar with rose-colored as a term m e m o e- o o i plying che rful and Opti istic . R s c l red s o t hee e in glasse do literally c nduce o c rfuln ss, accordance with the readily ascertained law of e o o T corr sp ndential suggesti n . hus it is that from within to without and from without to within is a perpetually alternating or reflex o to o of natural pr cess , leading the c ntinuance inductive and deductive schools alike of philos o h m A o sim p y and edicine . Plato and rist tle ply viewed the same phenomena from exactly o o o e e e e pp site standp ints , and th ir r sp ctiv dis ci le o me to- The p s d precisely the sa day . Pla onist o m h the t is a thor ugh etaphysician, w ile A o o rist telian is a physicist , but they can w rk harmoniously together in a single college when 20 The H uman Aura
both have grown to see that the on e begins with a e o o w r to effe the c us s and w rks ut a d cts , while other begins with effects and works inward to a sa o c u ti n . " r The o of the n starting p int auric radiatio .
h m ma f r call it by w atever na e we y, is always a below !more correctly behind or within) the f of our e m sur ace existence . So v ry com on a
o e o of o i com w rd as p rspirati n is dignified rig n , om er m throu h s i ing fr p , which eans g , and p rare to To , breathe . perspire is literally to e o e breath thr ugh a v hicle, and certainly the nature of the outbreathing must be determined o T of by that which is at w rk within . his idea b o a m so to has al reathing thr ugh ask , speak , ways served to convey with great cle arness and n o —commo to esse tial d ctrine, n alike all o T o o S i t Oc Gn stics , he s phists , piritual s s , and t — the man mm a cul ists , that real is i easur bly mo m o un re than his physical habili ents th ugh , om met o of like s e schools of aphysicians , n ne those groups of students of psychic problems whom we have just enumerated verbally or technically deny the existence of the physical o f o m body or the w rld o gr ss atter, which is simply the final or most extern al vehicle through which the ego or entity reveals itself n d s . A o o o o a in expres ion str l gy , chir l gy, all The Human Aura 2 1 other reputedly Occult Scien ces can be inter preted aright only through familiarity with the m hu an aura, because the !W k termines our susceptibility or non-susceptibility in the presence of all conceivable elements and vibrant influencesJNothing can well be more evident than the undeniable fact that many per sons constantly exposed to the rudest play of the m o to on ous ele ents , and als highly c tagi o o — o to and c nditi ns and diseases , nurses, d c rs priests are three notable classes of exposed in dividuals — are m mm om on , re arkably i une fr c ta i n T mm a g o . his i unity can be scientific lly
o for one on . o r acc unted in way ly, viz , by disc ve ing that the general mental and physical con ditions of such persons more nearly than ordi narily approximate toward an ideally aseptic The of the of n state . aura priest , the physicia , of the and trained nurse is , generally speaking, stronger than that ofthe average friend or rela f o h m no tive o a sick pers n , w o feels ar ed with o e or o on special kn wl dge auth rity, and c sequent l m mo o The a y is uch re liable to infecti n . aur of the young doctor is normally b right red in co o o o not u t e l r and str ng, th ugh partic larly fined ; that of the maturer and well-balanced o m e as physician n r ally pr sents a purple tint , , with addition to mere strength and self-confi 22 The H uman Aura
e o e of a o denc , we detect benev l nce riper s rt and greater susceptibility to higher than physical e e The e e o e hfirm influ nc s . gentl n ss , c upl d wit h e h ness , whic very often characteriz s t e trained
o f b o ma nurse and the sister charity , et kens a turity of thought and feeling which gives rise to o h a rich purplish vi let aura, whic exerts a soothing and also a bracing effect upon sensi s tive, receptive patient . The great exercise whereby the aura is developed most of all is regular rhythmic e im o a of br athing, the p rt nce which can scarce l m T eou y be overesti ated . o breathe right sly is to use the entire lung capacity for inhaling and and on on inhal exhaling air , in c necti with the ing and exhaling of pure outer atmosphere it is l to e o rana high y desirable dw ll up n p , the life o mos and f rce which pervades the at phere , apart from which n o living organism can be either o r The u of pr duced o sustained . real nat re this rana m o and to p is ele ental f rce , the extent that it is rendered subject to human will in the hu man body is any man or woman enabled to con o m t to um i tr l the ele ents ex ernal h an ty, which are in n o essential respect different from the o n f m m s c nstitue ts o the hu an organis it elf . The somewhat intricate directions given for harmonic breathing to Western disciples by
24 The Human Aura
me - m i nd like brightness , all i ag nable tints and of o o om e hues c l r radiating fr a perf ct centre . no other mental suggestion in the field of color symbolism can equal it in beauty or inclusive our mo e s ness . But as st de ply felt necessitie are o e ft n distinctly particular and relative, and e e o o do p rfect whiteness d n tes the abs lute , we well to distinguish thoughtfully between color values and map out for our special edification precisely that shade o f color which sign ifies the man ifest expression of exactly that mental quality which we desire most of all immediately to e e Chromo ath rac xpr ss . p y, as taught and p i t se . o d . by Dr. E D Babbitt , is an elab rate yet
m m n o si ple syste , based o extensive kn wledge of o o m be c l r values , and this syste can really mastered in a comparatively short time by seri The l ous students of average ability . specia therapeutic effects ofcolo r are more completely set forth in the writings of Dr . Babbitt than by any other author with whose publications we h f m F om t e o . are fa iliar . r teachings Dr Bab bitt we deduce the following general conclu sions ! im to o se RED is always a st ulant , tending ar u every faculty which is subjected to its influence m o s consequently , light ad itted thr ugh red glas r e o o or even ed furnitur , cl thing, fl wers, paint The Human Aura 2 5 or wall paper is recommended for all persons o or o e wh se tendencies are sluggish desp nd nt . o e m Red, in all its vari us d grees , ranging fro e ink to be e pal p vivid scarlet, can us d with ad n a m k va tage as sti ulant . Pin is especially con ducive to o o awakening h pe , and is c nsequently an effective antidote for melancholia ; while all o o n e o f to mo o pr n u c d shades red , due re p wer e b o m o m ful theric vi rati ns, sti ulate b th ind and o t m b dy o the ut ost activity . BLUE is particularly beneficial in all cases where excitement has been too intense ; it is therefore to be employed in all feverish situa ”
on . s e ti s Blue gla s was never a craz , but, its fi m e o not ef cacy being necessarily li it d , it c uld o o - p ssibly pr ve a cure all or universal panacea . no o c r t When sunlight is t btainable , ele t ic ligh affords an effective substitute in every modern home it ought to be easy to practise chromo t om x Red are the pathy o s e e tent . and blue o o are mo r e u c l rs which st f equ ntly req ired , as are e t o os red e they perf c pp ites, b ing the uni e t m e e v rsal s i ulant and blu the universal s dative, m not n or o but YELLOW ust be ig ed, and th ugh its influence is not quite so generally recogniz ed a of b or om m o to as th t lue red , fr palest pri r se brighte st amber yellow has a large field in hi or e to intellec w ch to w k, esp cially as an aid 26 The Human Aura
o m o tual devel p ent . Paralysis and all ther ner vous disorders are amenable to yellow light me treat nt. T mo u of VIOLE , which is the st spirit al the s rismatics o o e for m n even p , is als an antid t a y
o e o b e is nerv us p rturbati ns , ecaus its tendency to lead our thoughts away from the petty cares e of the e o and trivial anxieti s xternal w rld , and direct our attention toward the abiding realities o f e m the c lestial real .
e e e e e Dr . Babbitt r lat s intens ly int r sting cases ofthe cure oflunacy through the aid of proper l e o o o m y adjust d c l r . We all kn w that ental o are o f m e e in aberrati ns any vari ti s , and that the rom o sanity ranges all way f stupid, s lid melancholy to the most violent and dangerous
o r n ot excitability . M rbid tacitu nity , which is a ommo e of m m e unc n phas ania , ust be treat d o e em e with red, and it is rep rt d that an in nt o re f the . o o Italian specialist, Dr P nga , di ct r A m A a Lunatic sylu at lexandria , has placed p tients in rooms properly colored to suit their special necessities with such good effect that o morbid taciturnity has , within a few h urs , e e A o given place to healthy che rfuln ss . n ther who o e no oo e maniac, c uld tak f d whatev r else
e o m wher , devel ped a natural appetite in the sa e
m r m u red cha be . Blue cha bers are eq ally bene The Human Aura 27
fi ial b t are u for o c , u they req ired the ccupancy
o e m who are o e of vi l nt aniacs , ft n very quickly
e soo eff quiet d by the thing , tranquillizing ect Of o o to en blue . Vi let has been kn wn cure a pati t co to m in a single night, ac rding the sa e testi
mony . This shows that color forces act both by day o the mo and by night, th ugh when light is st intense the efi ect is apt to be most quickly pro duced o t , especially when ar using ra her than e e Th when qui ting influenc s are needed. e whole scheme of Color Therapeutics is ex tremel o a mo de y fascinating, and it pens st lightful as well as fruitful field for all who prefer to Operate with the finer than with the e of The le crud r grades the force Of nature . e ment Of suggestion can never be eliminated from any variety Of healing practice ; therefore it is not feasible to endeavor to decide exactly to what extent color has done a work apart from mental influences acting independe ntly Of e m o physical acc ssories . But this ad issi n far om ffi o f o o m fr weakening the e cacy c l r treat ent , e e t e e e tends d cid dly o incr ase and str ngth n it , because it Opens up an enormous field for in
vesti ation the om g in purely psychic d ain , which er e m we Often term a distinctly sup j ctive real . W r not so we e a e always situated, especiallyif 28 The Human Aura
e t t our trav l ex ensively, hat we can arrange exterior environments exactly to our taste or e c o do so pl asure, and it is when we ann t that we fin d the exclusively psychic aspects of this r m o he o t subject particula ly i p rtant . T ccul metho d of practising chromopathy is to close the external eyes and make a distinct mental picture Of a belt or ring of color around the o filuen e O entire pers n . Make your auric e c h m e o j ective on the plane o f ental vision . Se y ur self enveloped in the sheen of light which must
u e o to ou the m o be pict r d f rth y , in sy b lic lan e of o on e e the con guag c rresp d nc , exactly in m GO t e or o o to . o diti n y u wish it anifest sle p , t u o o o e m e pass o a s peri r c nditi n r se bling cstasy , while dwelling upon that vision which you have e e to o e o ou sugg st d y urs lf v luntarily, and y will o h e o e sur so n find t at, what ver y ur ext rnal ro ma ou e e o e undings y be, y have gain d r p s and re of r m o e ae ached a state equilib iu , therwis pr tically unattainable without definite outside as sistance A e e e o f the of . littl st ady practic art visualizing will soon suflic e to demonstrate how very much more power we really have over our psychic and sleeping conditions than we have ’ o e e hithert suppos d . Every one s aura is und r
o ro o e e m e to u his c nt l , if he nly d t r in s reg late it , and it stands to reason that nothing can be so The Human A ura 29 conducive to enlarged sphere o f individual liberty as to get accustomed to determine our V psychic state regardless of physical environ m ents. CT II LE URE .
Having already outlined the princ1pal fea tures o f the philosophy of color and its signifi now ur o mo cance, which it is o pr vince to re e e e we d finitely and pr cisely elucidat , shall call attention specifically not only to the broad gen e of s o to ral principles the subj ect, but eek als e o r nter int pa ticular details . F m be m m e e irst and last, it ust re e b r d that
e n o o o e ther can be o bad c l rs , th ugh ther can be o om o disc rdant c binati ns . Black , which is the
e e o of o o is o o v ry n gati n c l r, nly a backgr und for o o use all c l rs, and has exactly the in Nature
to which the blackboard is put in a classroom. With white chalk we make demonstrations on The m of o a black surface . extre e c ntrast is e no u e e her displayed , but there is evil s gg st d by o o on o black in this c nnecti n ; the c ntrary, it serves a useful purpose by bringing white let e e e t ring into high r li f . Black and white sketches are another but entirely different phase ofthe same contrast when an artist makes m r c black arkings On a white su fa e, thereby
32 The Human A ura
m o m e - ancy , which riginally eant d ath dealing. m o mo leucomanc White agic is syn ny us with y, n - e which sig ifies light disp nsing. We will now endeavor to explain the range o f Red o e f m , the first and l w st o the pri aries or rismatics m p , when viewed fro the earthly side of e o o the i f v luti n, but highest al ke o the three o f the e e om and seven , wh n vi wed fr the spir itua O oteric o o A e l or s plane Of inv luti n . sc nt m i e Th ust ever beg n where d scent ends . e spi ritual entity prior to expression on earth must drape itself with a robe of aura or it no e The could t enter into the ext rnal world . o t o e vi let ray is its firs c v ring ; then , in turn, it
ro wraps itself a und with purple, blue , green, H o o red . yell w , range and finally aving taken the seven preliminary steps of descen t it ap a n A m the man o e pe rs o earth as da , cl th d in red m The A m or Red e gar ents . da ic Rac is the earliest of the seven races which find expres o on e e red si n this plan t, and the univ rsality Of is to be discovered in the fact that healthy hu man oo er e bl d is red ev ywher , and that a natural f e o e e o redness o skin b t k ns health , whil pall r is indicative of weakness . The darker shades Of red denote affection im e - not o of a pr itive, s lf regarding type , pr per ly designated selfishness in the distinctly un The H uman Aura 33
eas n f a rm but e - r s pl a t usage o th t te , s lf p e erva tiveness um ed ou or e a for , unill in by th ght r g rd o T m ti e at ommon to in thers . his pri i ve st e is c n not ou o a e anc s fa cy , and when tgr wn as g adv e , n i f m r leads to u pleasant results in t me o atu ity. An aura Of murky red suggests uncleanli m o s on and ecom ness , sy b lizes vitiated pa si , a panies all psychic and mental states which tend o o e and u i ous t ward jeal usy , hatr d all nr ghte mo S o a ani sities . ensuality is pictured f rth by o ed a es ion very s rdid earthy r , in which sugg t n im Of black is always prese t, because sensual a tow rd pulses are unenlightened, and gravit te a o shad w rather than toward sunlight . ff o t r h red Pure a ecti n is ypified by clear b ig t , o b f u ch like t the ruddy laze o a cheerf l fire, whi o om the mbo m t indicates l ving welc e, very e di en f f o o can o the spirit o h spitality . Black st ves e e e o on a om how n v r b st w cheerfulness up h e , ever much heat they may radiate ; thus it hap pens that Open fireplaces in cold climates are
always w elcome and deservedly popular . u s n in Bright red in the sky always aug r wi d,
e a or om m x em in the tens he t, s e arked e cit ent atmosphere ; lurid red is an invariable pre
curser Of tempests . Anger is an emotion whose corresponding o red bu a e or ual of red col r is , t the sh d q ity 34 The H uman Aura which anger displays varies with the nature and
r e sou ce of the emotion . What is Often call d righteous indignation emits a brilliant scarlet me e fla , and while it lit rally causes the cheeks e e o to and Oft n the entir c untenance blaze, as it is prompted by love of justice and detestation an d o o n t Of unfair dealing ppressi n, it is o sul A n lied by any sinister shadows . varice is show r o f n ot by a dull, heavy, perve ted shade red , very easily distinguishable from the hue o f e o s nsuality, with which it is allied quite cl sely m in origin and senti ent . The r e om to o n b idg fr Red Yell w is Ora ge, on and this bridge we find pride displayed , giv o o of red-o ing f rth an auric radiati n range tint . e not o mo on Pride is , at its b st, an unw rthy e ti , as it is usually the harbinger of some higher m e of u . o e stat intellect al advance ent Pr per prid , and reasonable ambition are the usual aecom paniments of a strong though unchastened in tellect but a e o o f in , high r c nditi n than pride o tellect is expressed by the absence of much of the red which pride carries with it and the e Am h pres nce Of brilliant amber . ber as for
e ee o e t m ag s b n ass ciat d with streng h , and any have been the chains of amber beads which people have wo rn about their necks to antidote pulmonary weaknesses and to stimulate more The Human Aura 35
s m o em T than i ply the v cal syst . his practice has been founded upon very ancient knowledge regarding the formation Of amber and the ther apeutic potency of the orange ray in the spec m ffo er o m on tru , which a rds n v us sti ulati and o e o of e to n ft n pr ves decided h lp stude ts , whether administered chromopathically in ac ’ cordance em f with Dr . Babbitt s syst o Light Co o or m s of ot e me o and l r, by ean any h r th d e o e e f e acc ssible or c nv ni nt o application . Orang as an ingredient in the human aura always de! o m o an d o mo fre n tes ental vig r, is f und st quently among people who are leaving primi tive animality and searching for intellectual mi o illu nati n . o the co im no Yell w , se nd pr ary, de tes the mental realm extricated entirely from the em e O f the m e e o brac s aterial ; th r f re , the brightest, clearest yellow betokens the highest and purest
r m e- o type o f intellect . A pale p i ros col red light a o e o o evinces s ft, gentle , int llectual disp siti n, e not o o The r v ry pure , but very vig r us . lighte shades of yellow are quieting in the extreme to an o o o o o o verwr ught nerv us c nditi n , and pe ple who generate aura Of that hue accomplish Often a great deal in the direction of healing by their e e e qui t, regulating pr s nce . r m ever G een, which stands in the iddle of y 36 The Human Aura
thing and is the color which is between the
o or the o uter and the inner, the higher and l wer, o or of o o i w rlds planes c nsci usness , is sign ficant
s . C m O f univer al adaptability lear , bright e er
ald green is always attractive, and gives a sense of om one ma T h e wherever y be travelling. his purely natural color is beheld clairvoyantly in connection with people who are ardent lovers who o e o e e Of nature , and , th ugh th ir l v Of nativ
o ma be fin d e o ome c untry y great, can and nj y a h mo r n i e a ng g ee h lls, fields and valleys very e Hom e wher . esickness is banished by gre n, e e e and tir d eyes are r sted by green sp ctacles . m ar r e Green la p shades e particula ly r stful, and o o o e so orific this c l r will be f und a valuabl p , an o t ll t om antid te o a hat induces ins nia . The lighter shades of green are indicative Of — sympathy not the maudlin or misdirected sym pathy which increases trouble by dwelling upo n t o m h it, but hat graci us , helpful sy pathy whic environs a sufi erer with fresh and pleasant con ditions suggesting release from bondage to a m o f the painful environ ent . Green paler type is very encouraging to sensitive persons who to e e be are apt be asily dispirit d, and it will found that people usually are helped most not by the color which already predominates in but b hue ch their aura ya which is lacking, whi The Human Aura 37
will makes its appearance when a higher de velo men mme e i p t of sy try has b en atta ned . Though green is often figuratively associated e o an d we all ea with dec it and jeal usy, have h rd “ ” o f n-e e mo o a a gree y d nster , wh se acquaint nce we e to be m h d sire rid Of, as any sensitives ave e o e on xplained, it is nly a sullied and d based c o o f e e o e diti n gre n which d n tes tr achery . Noth ing could be mo re ridiculous than to believe o o o e that the beautiful c l r Of grass and f liag , w in stictivel m re a hich we all y ad i , indic tes any t hing unrighteous . It is only a perverted or vitiated state Of aura or condition ofcolor which o o can ever sh w f rth anything abnormal . an d of the ri BLUE, the third highest p “ ” m om im aries , is always c pl ented , true blue being one of our most familiar expressions in tended to denote sincere friendship and gen e e o f Amo ral sincerity in all r lati ns o life . ng blue stones the sapphire is typical o f wisdom r o e e and the tu qu is Of fidelity . When a pale blu a ee o o o ura is s n surr unding any pers n , it pr ves that the nature which generates such an aura o e is aspirati nal and g ntle . Blue is always the o o f c l r o the sky in clear weather, but what we ” generally term sky blue in our color scheme e a e T is an intens and r th r brilliant hue . his sig nifies fixit of mo o at y ral purp se, high ethical 38 The Human A ura
tainment o n o , unusually large c nscie ti usness , and an appreciation of high ideals quite beyond
o o all rdinary levels f ideality . m o me a In the e pl y nt Of blue therapeutic lly , whether through chromopathic treatment or by means of an altogeth er subj ective or psychical me o o f the e t th d visualizing, pal r blue tin s are m e e extre ely restful , whil int nse degrees Of blue denote and induce a reposeful con dition of e oo who activity, which is r adily underst d by all have learned something Of the blessed art of o o t o eff w rking c n inu usly and ectively , and, at h e me H o n t e am . o s ti , easily ard w rk has place h e o o o mo in t e blu regi n , th ugh n where can re
o be o the o o e o who w rk d ne, and w rk d n by th se have reached the state denoted by clear bright blue aura is of an abiding as well as of an ex cellent u q ality . Th b a r e luish grey , which indic tes fea , and Often accompanies ill-regulated conscientious ra of m o e ness , is the au ti id natures , wh se r lig ou m e ma be o o e i s i puls s y str ng, but wh s religious beliefs are largely shadowed by fear m To and tinctured with isgiving. have an “ ” a o f to de att ck the blues is be pressed in spirit , and whenever we catch a glimpse of the aura f a o ffl e s o pers n thus a ict d we find it blui h grey , o d on wa s never intense blue, and its c n iti is al y m n s tre e dou .
40 The Human Aura
oom m m est in gl at any ti e, but always with aj y eve e o e awe spiring r r nce, and that n bl kind Of which instinctively comes over us when we find ourselves in the presence o f something greater and sublimer than we are usually accustomed t e o ncounter. The o o im sixth n te in the scale is , h wever , perfect ; therefore only earthly or temporal do m o or o The ini n is indicated by purple indig . mysterious Apocalypse or Book of Revelation significantly declares that 666 is the number of that entire system of external authority which
o e o not is in its essential nature c rruptibl , th ugh e o u ua n cessarily c rr pt, and which will event lly e e e m e disappear, aft r having achi v d agnific nt e m t m for ext rnal triu phs , o ake way a still higher order expressible only by the employ m ment of the nu ber 7 . T e o o ai ow VIOLE , the sev nth c l r in the r nb e um o s f sp ctr , den te the highest o all earthly attainments . ’ o o m o o m o Jseph s c at Of any c l rs , enti ned in e a o to Gen sis , is very ancient allusi n the aura of a e or o e o m s er pr ph t, th ugh the circu stances of his receiving this garment as a gift from his e o o e m to fath r, Jac b !wh s na e is changed e o u e the m Isra l) is slightly bsc r , except in co arativel m o e th i p y uni p rtant l tter Of e narrat ve . The Human Aura 41
' In the order of spiritual development no on e e to o !can truly giv anything an ther , because each individual must earn his raimen t for him self ; but it is quite reasonable to admit that a ’ father may perceive the state of his son s de velO ment ma ow ed m p , and ke ackn l g ent of this in a manner not to the liking Of less developed o of o e who oo o br thers the pr ph t, are f lish en ugh to feel envy or jealousy when superior ability is displayed by another and that superiority m o m eets with rightful recogniti n . Very uch valuable information concerning aura is to be met u e u with in Spirit alistic lit rat re, which abounds with statements to the effect that we build our own psychic bodies an d weave our “ ” “ ” m o psychic rai ent . Radiati n and radiant “ ” are words from which raiment originally th t o at sprang, but e lat er w rd has been gre ly de teriorated m so h now in eaning, t at it is applied to wearing apparel which can be purchased and o om th o e d nned fr e utsid . o h too o of Vi let lig t is intense, the vibrati ns ether which produce it are too rapid to agree m m or o o with average te pera ents usual c nditi ns, but it is found to be extremely well suited to m o of r o a o psychic sti ulati n a are rder, and f v rs the production of psychic phenomen a of a high T v en o f order . elepathy and all kindred e id ces 42 The Human Aura
spiritual intercommunion between aflinitiz ing m an d inds can be assisted by the violet ray, it is easy to demonstrate the potency of this color by introducing it on occasions of bereavement and mo o an d urning, where it rightfully bel ngs, o o m In where black is an di us i pertinence . the ritual Of the Christian Church from very early times violet has been introduced on penitential to days , as it is intended and calculated lift the o of e m t th ughts worshipp rs fro earth o heaven . At memo s o rial service vi let is always in place, and those who approve the practice Of wearing a spec ial dress at funerals and for some period after the transition of a friend or relative will do well to substitute violet for black on all oc o s casi n . A violet aura is indicative of what is com mou m e m o r ly ter ed a dr a y, visi na y character , but we must n ot forget that seers and dreamers be o o ob o can th r ughly r ust, and th ugh usually somewhat more finely and delicately organized u f o m o r than the b lk o their c nte p ra ies, they can enj oy perfect health and exhibit any amount o f physical as well as mental endurance which the majority of their more grossly constituted neighbors cannot possibly endure without a The m ff speedy breakdown . ore widely di erent ’ ’ o e r om o i o the n s au a is fr that Of ne s ne ghb r, The H uman A ura 43 more one is able to move about among the sick e e out and distress d , radiating h alth , giving vir e om t in tue , but fr e fr liability o unpleasant fection r o o V o et e o o c ntagi n . i l light d str ys m o f e e e any varieties d structiv parasit s , and ” those remarkable healers whose very pres ence confers blessing upon the afflicted are usually possessed Of an aura in which violet is a e om o o largely pr d inating c l r . Connecting the seven prismatic hues with the
o we o e A o seven v wels , ass ciat red with , range
ow e e with E, yell with I, gr en with O , blu with
o o e . T o U, indig with W, and vi l t with Y h ugh five vowels are all that are commonly acknowl mm two em edged by gra arians , the suppl entary
o e v wels , W and Y, find their plac in language , just as indigo and violet have their position in
m A he r o e th e . t ed e the spectru , n t , is b ginning of o o everything ; it is always intr duct ry, and it o o e a oo e m can als pr v g d t r inal, because it de o omme m o f a e n tes the c nce ent scal , and immediately a scale is completed an octave note The n me is struck . sig ificance Of na s, which were originally constructed and applied by
o of e o e e reas n th ir ccult significance, has r c ntly m e t been uch discuss d , and it is a fascina ing o be t o m n o t pic, cause o the th ughtful ind it ca n t be a m f ffere e t e ft atter o indi nc whether , by h c 44 The H uman Aura
e o u a o of m e qu nt pr n nci ti n a na e, we are sugg st ing what is elevating or the reverse in its ety m A mology. Na es which begin and end with As are names of dign ity and deep significance .
me e o e m na s wer riginally titl s , and all eant om e old N ome n s ething definit , the Latin phrase ,
est omen m m e !A na e is an o en) , can r adily be As mu e e understood . the sical scal b gins with A so e or fix , the ind finite article universal pre the o of e a o is n te universal jacul ti n , when o o o s unded br adly, as in c rrect singing and in the ommo S a o A c n peech of all L tin races . Br ad !pronounced like an English Ah) is the first a o ee aspirate, and is full red t ne, which d pens in color commensurately with depth and fulness of o o int nati n . o o at o e the E, the sec nd v wel , suggests nc n e for o quality of ora g , desire fuller expressi n,
e ut for om o or r aching o and up , seeking c binati n - o em co operation with an ther el ent . o e om in I , the third v w l, is the great d inant a ffi m o of o o dividu l a r ati n c nsci us entity, and
may be compared to a backbone in language . The o o o n c l r yell w , denoting ful ess Of intellect o m o ual devel p ent, p ssesses precisely this char
acter . The o o the o e the f urth v wel 0 , like n t D and om o o r acc panying c l r green , indicates resea ch, The H uman Aura 45
o o e inquiry, surprise at finding neself intr duc d o m t unaccusto ed surroundings . We instinct “ ively exclaim Oh when we encounter some m and o som me thing unfa iliar, th ugh eti s this is e m o of is m an xcla ati n pain , it Oftener erely a cry of wonder . o o o U, the fifth v wel, like blue in the c l r scale, o o e to is the utreaching n te , which se ks give e to e to a rath r than rec ive, distribute rather th n to o u e the h ard ; its place in lang ag , as in Eng lish you !the neighbor) and the French oui m !yes) is highly significant Of its oral value . W and Y represent higher stages Of attain ment than come within the customary range of e The m o om average exp rience . o issi n Of W fr the French language and the place ofY in alge bra suggest something oi the primal value of e e o o th s additi nal v wels . Descending now into the lower Octaves Of o o o o o c l r, we are c nfr nted by grays , br wns and other sombre and neutral tints which are below mm o T o our co on col r register . h ugh the spec m o em are tru and the rainb w can reveal th , they sub-tints and belong to those regions in Nature em The o f which Occultists call el ental . hues roo o e m n ts , barks and s il, wh n detected in a hu a a to the m o aur , reveal discri inating clairv yant Observer the presence of more subjective than
Objective or superj ective development . 46 The H uman Aura
o a Br wn in the aura, especially if it be bright o o e g lden br wn, indicat s great business ability, o o m ffa an penetrati n int undane a irs , d indeed mo not the o a st, if all, Of qualificati ns necess ry for a purely comme rcial or any definitely secu
lar career . Light gray is a very innocent indication and goes well with the Occupations ofthose who are classified as hewers Of wood and drawers o f e r m o wat r, o the ass Of unskilled w rkers in m f m o . any depart ent activity Only urky, ugly or vitiated shades and tints are indicative o fdis e m o or o e o . c rdant, dec itful th r abn r al tendencies ’ “ At the close Of Leadbeater s Man Visible ” and Invisible there is a very beautiful picture of the nearest representation of the aura of an Arhat which can be reproduced in such a man n t r ner . We are ot surprised o find that va ying shades of brown and other inferior hues are e o represented there, all in th ir rightfully sub r i i d nated relative positions . Throughout that n e o m e t nsely interesting v lu e , which w ll repays o o n o o c ntinu us perusal, o col r is sp ken against, t e of but several pic ur s are exhibited envy , m o o m iserliness , and ther abn r al states , which are shown forth by dark bars and black streaks
across the aura . Though we have undertaken to mention
The Human Aura to the Obnoxious effect Of exterior environ m ts m not our ffo o n be en . W e ust relax e rts f a o o half O r ti nal dress and furniture , th ugh we do persistently teach that psychic states are vastly more important than simply physical o conditi ns . The wearing Of gems is a beautiful and rea o fin o s nable practice, and in e st nes we obtain the highest expressions Of imprisoned sun
. T o e not light h ugh jew ls are necessities , we have a perfect right to honestly avail ourselves of e e n we in what Natur has secret d, whe are dustrious enough to probe the planet on whose surface we are existing to find and appropriate the treasures which are ours just so soon as t m In we have diligently worked o Obtain the . all venerated Scriptures j ewels are mentioned o to o o frequently acc rding their c rresp ndences , and in ancient religious and therapeutic rites gems o ccupied a place Of distinguished promi ’ n Aa on for ne ce. r s breastplate was intended
o r e o to r divinati n , and eve y stud nt kn ws that pee into the heart Of natural mysteries requires a m o o e healthy ind , well balanced b dy, and , ab v
e o the all, the pur st Of intenti ns , united with practice of systematic concentration and medi ta ion A e - o e a sine ua t . w ll devel p d aur is the q r non ofhealth and prospe ity. L CT E III E UR .
To the clairvoyant who can see the human a a t the or the ur distinc ly , whether in dark in o a e light , the visi n Of it is v ry great aid in the important work Of rightful diagnosis and prog o a nosis . Clairv y nce is susceptible Of cultiva o o om i unmistak ti n, th ugh in s e nstances it is ably a natural endowment or gift ; but when such is the case we are by no means justified in deciding that it cannot be more perfectly un o o x f lded by judici us e ercise . There seems much confusion Of thought prev alent in the world today regarding natural o on m s gifts and their p ssible cultivati , but the y tery enveloping this subject will soon disappear if we take reason for our guide and pay proper o to m er e attenti n general hu an exp ienc . Take m or m usic any other art as an exa ple . Nothing can be much more self-evident than that musi cal genius is inherent Or inborn ! this has been demonstrated to such an extent with such bril 50 The H uman Aura
n e m H o ot lia t xa ples as andel, M zart and hers “ of the o o rare ability, that saying, p ets are b rn, ” not m e e t m ad , is as applicabl in principle o usi e au e to i s in g neral as bards in particular . But Sarasate o o granting that l is a b rn vi linist , and e e a o n ot Pad r wski b rn pianist , we have any difficulty in tracing the fact that these singularly gifted instrumentalists owe their continued prb
ficiency as . performers on their respective in struments to unceasing practice ; their execu tion could not continue brilliant unless they kept
e r m th mselves constantly in training o in tri . The case is n ot radically different when we turn our attention to those peculiarly sensitive in dividuals whose field Of action is especially in the e m fo r o m in psychic r al , th ugh nu berless “ ” stances may be cited o f mediumistic chil dren whose psychic susceptibilities manifested t mse e e o eo we oo he lv s quit sp ntan usly , shall s n
ome to see our n e o c , if we pursue i v stigati ns
e e e the o at all xt nsiv ly, that if fires Of inspirati n are n ot constantly fed with aspiration they
o o n m o so n sink d w and burn di ly , even th ugh i they are never totally extingu shed . The extremely delicate au ra which encircles a particularly sensitive person is no more adapted for the ordinary man or woman who is called to do rough work in the world than a The H uman A ura 51 muslin dress is adapted for wear outdoors in o m o mo ro st r y weather . Sensitives f the st p nounced e se h type have their c rtain u s , and t ey need in these days the same sheltered environ ment which was freely granted to them in the palmy days Of ancient or classic Paganism. The materialistic Christianity of recent cen tut ies has almost banished seership from the earth in consequence of the crass ignorance Of its professors concerning psychic life and e n no a law , but with the reviv d i terest , w ne rly
e e o i o om everywh r c nsp cu us , in psychic phen o b f th m ena , the pr ba ility o reviving e Old te ple m o om mo o eth ds is bec ing daily re enc uraging. To all students of the Mysteries of Egypt and o f Greece who look below the mere surface of t mo e ri ual and cere ny, it is quite evid nt that the aura Of buildings was considered a matter of m o om great i p rtance, and in Christend the e to rv e anci nt faith has always, an extent , su iv d , especially in those countries where churches e r he e b are h ld pa ticularly sacred . T v ry o j ec tionable o o of practice, sadly in v gue in Eur pe, m er aking churches v y largely show places , tends to emphasiz e the lamentable decline in knowledge which pervades the ecclesiastical o e for e one wh o ome c nfrat rnity, ev ry o kn ws s thing of the effect Of turning sanctuaries into 52 The Human Aura playgrounds understan ds how detrimental is the effect of thus vulgariz in g temples originally set apart for spiritual uses to the exclusion of e ho T ev n nest secular associations . here are ta n s c la e u a o for cer i e u r us s, p rely educ ti nal, which consecrated places may profitably be m lo the for e n o e p yed, but search valuabl k wl edge on the part ofsin cere an d earn est students bears no relationship to gaping curiosity and i e oh mm e the idle s ghtse ing. M a edans preserv aura of their mosques far more effectually than European Christian s preserve the aura of T e n o m their churches . her is o sin in any f r of rm ecr a o or oc am m ha less r e ti n inn ent use ent, and is n i in m e the there o v ce si pl levity, but atmosphere is so affected by frivolity that a place soon becomes unfavorable for purposes of high devotion and noble consecration which is given over exten sively to simple amusement seeking . The fi ects of the em for healing e t ple sleep , m n o a e o e be which a y hist rians h v v uch d , can readily accounted for on a strictly scientific basis directly one considers how zealously guarded were the sanctuaries in which those on er e u a m h w d s of r c per tion were perfor ed . T e “ ” d sa reea e x res o room is u e i g bl e p si n , a sick , q it a cur e r he m i in c at , fo t cha bers n which valids The H uman Aura 53
o a are usually c nfined are anything but he lthy, and this unwholesomeness which usually char
acteriz es m me to the the is due, in large asure , oom e o are gl y, d pressing th ughts which gener ated within their walls and also carried into em m o has om al th fro the utside . It bec e an “ most universal practice to approach a sick ” m e cha ber with a st althy tread , an uncanny m e e o T e ann r and a stilt dly subdued v ice . hes e m bad practic s are well eant, but they are ex tremel m o o m as do y ischiev us, perf r ing, they , a o o f r not e rv to tw f ld bad result, o they only s e further depress an already unduly depressed mo o who in at sphere, but they als render all dulge in them susceptible to an influx of e om o ff disease wh n c ing in c ntact with a su erer . The H A TH A A of a on E L UR , whether pers or m o e Of an apart ent, when well devel p d , is fi rm m e ma be e and, in a ild s nse , it y even call d “ T e o out of aggressive . h re went f rth virtue ” him e e m to , is a v ry explicit stat ent applied e u o f a h aler Of un sual vig r and e ficiency. Vir tue om virtus m !fr ) eans strength, energy , o o om Vir or man f rce, pr ceeding fr , the superi , in contradistinction from the merely animal em o o e om H omo n anati ns pr c eding fr , the ordi m ma ar an . y Virtue, in the technical sense, y be defined as unusual copiousness of health
aura. 54 The Human Aura
A fine suggestion is given in the eighth chap of o e o to e ter the G sp l acc rding Matthew , wh re
o m e e to e we are inf r ed that a l p r said Jsus , “ o o m me The If th u wilt th u canst ake clean . special point in the narrative would be entirely missed did we fail to note the important fact that the leper was evidently reached in the first instance by the emanation of virtue from the healer before the healer undertook to turn
o to . e o his attenti n the leper L pr sy was , and m as in still is , in any places , regarded an e of man curable diseas , and the fact a thus afflicted expressing his conviction that he could be healed goes very far to illustrate the feeling of one who come into palpable though un ex pected contact with a mightier healing force than any which he had been taught to believe existed . The aura o f an Adept or Master differs e e om t a gr atly in d gree fr hat Of disciple, ’ though the disciple s aura may be much o f ’ the same quality as his Master s if that disciple o he o f is far al ng t r ad o discipleship . An aura is far more frequently felt than e a ome unusu s en , bec use it requires a s what ally high degree of clairvoyance to see what T ou h we are is usually quite readily felt . h g commonly accustomed to speak of our five
56 The H uman Aura
ceed remarkably well where the other or others m o e will eet with what lo ks like dismal failur . C ri S e o m o of h stian ci ntists, wh se eth d treat m o o m e ent rigidly c nf r s to an established rul , to t and serve illustrate this fac significantly , it is indeed acknowledged sufficiently in their oo S e H standard text b k, ci nce and ealth, with ” K e to S r in h o y the c iptures , whic the auth r, r Rev . Ma y Baker G. Eddy, distinctly says that a stage maybe reached in the career of a healer r e where only his o her presence is r quired, m for e o m e the ti e all stat d f r ulas, wh ther de
or ffirm o e o . nials a ati ns , having b en utlived Thoughthe aura o f a building is a matter Of som o m o e m not e c nsiderable i p rtanc , we ust forget that the building receives its con secra tion from some human beings who have either simply inhabited it or performed some special dedicatory ce remonies within its walls The beautiful rite of consecration is founded in m e 5 o . scienc , 0 is the cust Of dedicating children “ It is easy enough for agnostics to cry super ” ition bu t o o m st , t supers iti n nly eans super tu if or o f the o struc re, we trace the igin w rd and so it was evidently understood three hun e a o o o o f dred y ars g , when the auth rized versi n the N ew Testament was made in the reign of h e m of l n . t e t Ja es I . Eng a d In sevent en h chap The H uman A ura 57 ter of the Acts of the Apostles we encounter “ the too e t o n phrase sup rs iti us , otherwise tra s “ ” o io ot lated, in rdinately relig us , b h expres sions clearly showing that the writer Of the original must have made reference to a top e the o n a o heavy intellectual edific , f u d ti n under which was insufficient to sustain so large a pile . In the same book Of the New Testament we ’ “ ” o of o of o are t ld Peter s shad w, and the h pe entertaine d that sick people might be cured if it o h m we f h rested up n t e , and read also o and kerchiefs and aprons which had been used and o n er o m o d w r by c tain other ap stles being e pl ye , ot o e o h and n with ut succ ss , in the w rk Of w at may be justly term ed psychomagn etic treat m The of un scien ent . prevalent beliefs an tific multitude may not always agree with the r but the ommo dicta Of university g aduates , c n people usually base their beliefs on the ir ex periences without reasoning very deeply in con
i n h o o o t nect o wit any pr p siti n, and heir cur rent beliefs in any neighborhood will usually stand the test Of a fair share Of quite crucial or o col investigation . Elab ate the ries interest le ian s t to n g , but they are Of lit le value the ra k an d file o f humanity among whom feeling r n counts fo more than doctri e . 58 The H uman Aura
We often hear it remarked that women are mo men t e o ome re re intuitive than , h ref re in s s ects e m mo e p th ir judg ent is re r liable . If this at m due to om o f st e ent is true , it is a c binati n o F e er distinct causes . irst, the greater g n al deli cacy o f the female organism over that Of the m S o more ed e h ale ; ec nd , the seclud lif whic the average woman lives compared with the “ ” m r m average an . Those fi st i pressions about m e e which we Often hear uch , in all cas s wher they are not too superficially based to be o of e o o d e to con w rthy de p c nsiderati n , are u ’ tact with some one s aura on the part of some on e sensitive enough to experience a result oc sion e the ca d by contact . The health aura should always be well de velo ed m te o f o e e p in inis rs religi ns , sp cially those who take part in the performance of ceremonies which have a physical as w ell as e The e e te a e psychical sid . h althy vi ws en rt in d by the best type of pre- Christian pagans were
e e e the mo te en r adily acc pt d by re in llig t , and or e mo the e theref e l ss fanatical , a ng lead rs in th C T e earliest Christian hurch . his is clearly c e e r indi at d in the b autiful , highly p actical e of m we o to pistle Ja es , in which are t ld call upon elders o f the religious congregation in time of sickness ; for it was the general prae! The Human Aura 59 tice of these good people to perform the cere mony of anointing the body with consecrated oil as well as Offering prayers for the recovery fl e m of the a f icted . There are cl rgy en at work today in the Established Church of England seeking to re-establish the service of un ction for o h the sick, and we sincerely h pe t ey will be successful in doing even more than reviving an ancient practice which ought never to have m It been per itted to fall into disuse . will be necessary for those good clergymen to keep themselves in excellent health if they are to succeed in demonstrating the good work in which they are righteously taking active ih terest for o the , if they c nsecrate and apply m omm h chris , they will certainly c unicate t eir aura both to the element they vitalize by the consecrative act and to the patients whom they anoint with the oil they have vitaliz ed by breathing into it . The hideous facts relating to infectious maladies and contagious diseases which have been most industriously accumulated and cir culated during the past many years must now be offset by new discoveries and demonstra tions in the field of infectious health and con i e h tag ous virtu . T e purblind atheist scientists h v e o the ec ion o i w o practise vi is cti n, inj t f d s 60 The H uman Aura
gusting lymph and other abominable iniquities in the vain hope of annihilating disease by prop a atin must soo or o g g it, , ner later, thr ugh the s o f mou ma e terrible result their infa s lpractic , se the f he be brought to e error o their ways . T i of t d vine science heal h is perfectly natural, and can be comprehended by children of aver but are clo age intelligence, intellects be uded and bodies corrupted by constant perversions of orde r instigated by so-called commissioners a of he lth . We o ften hear commaints made among Spir itualists and others who are interested in the successful production of psychic ph enomena that it is very difficult to Obtain satisfactory oo of n o ur pr fs clairvoyance, and we ca n t shut o eyes to the ugly fact that illness is quite com mon among sensitive persons who are said to be in unusually close communion with spiritual T a of ff can be rem spheres . his sad st te a airs edied whenever and wherever people are will ing to seriously address themselves to the task u ei u to a om s of p rifying th r a ra, and cc plish thi mu - or n r of ch needed w k it is ecessa y , first all, to attend to those intensely practical questions of m breathing, exercise, rai ent and diet, which many presumably highly gifted people steadily i n r g o e. The Human Aura 61
Because there are two sides to these ques tio one o c o o i ns , es teri and the ther ex ter c, quite a large number of modern students of psychic problems have drifted into false positions re garding the relations existing between minds o ou the of o s and b dies . Th ghts are parents w rd and actions ; all acts and speech can be justly e om o of ho but r garded as s e expressi n t ught, we must not overlook the facts of interaction
o o . and retr acti n Mind produces body, but n m T ou e body reacts o ind . h ghts antedat ex o o r ul ternal c nditi ns, but these, thei physical timates re- h o in o it , suggest t eir rig at rs ; thus comes to pass that every truly noble thought or ff our h our fav ably a ects healt aura , and h u n o c n healt a ra, whe well devel ped, in li es those who feel its power to think as we have o as t o i e e th ught so o pr duce t lik wis . The psychic aura is within the physical as the psychical or astral body is also within the s physical, but the aura encircles as well a per meates um o or t a h an b dy ; theref e i can , when sufficiently copious in extent and penetrative be a o ce om in quality, felt at quite l ng distan fr
od of o . T or ee the b y its generat r elepathy, f l in of n re g at a distance indefi ite extent, still p sen ma m to ts ny ysteries the average student, and by reason of the essential complexity of The Human Aura
t a hc enom n it ma nev r ossi elep t i ph e a , y e be p ble to Offer a solitary satisfactory explanation of how kn owledge is tran smitted from point to e point . Wireless t legraphy has already thrown som e ee or on an o o m e d gr light bscure pr ble , but there are other factors than waves of ether set in motion by desire and concentration Of determination which need to be taken into ac count before a complete solution of telepathy b iv n can e g e . The aura of a powerful telepathist is cer tain ly on e of the most influential agents in accomplishing thought tran sference and dis
t . of m l ant healing In the first case , that si p y r o o m the r transfer ing th ught f r s, quantity o ‘ potency o f the aura Of the transmitter is almost the only factor with which we are greatly con r the o ce ned, but in sec nd case , where healing to orm of r th is be perf ed, quality au a is e great est point to be considered . We all know that we can send messages by certain telegraphic o m ffe t and teleph nic eans , but the e c s which those messages must produce wherever they are received must pertain to the quality Of the force transmitted . People who are constantly hurried are rarely successful in anything they e e h c und rtake , because th y expend t eir auri f e in oo e c a a d n orc f lish x it bility, n whe they do
64 The Human Aura
a rec a e or n o the ut win feel, pp i t e j y o flo g streams of affection from the devoted parent if sur rounded by a thick belt of thoroughly selfish a Ths ma ura . i fact y account for very much ingratitude on the side o f beneficiaries whose co i on is s do not e nd ti uch that they f el, and therefore cannot respond to or appreciate the kindly thoughts and good wishes which are m directed to the . Leadbeater has aptly rep resented the thoroughly selfish individual as incarcerated in a veritable prison house of m r au a o as in c e nd u ky r , encl sed , a age, b hi s bar . T e o s on the ura n hes reflecti n up a , whe intel li entl e uffi e t n g y digest d, s c o explain despo denc and a o o and o e y el ti n , c ntent disc nt nt, suc cess and failure in all conceivable situations in o ma h m which pe ple y find t e selves placed . What mental scientists vigorously affirm and proclaim as an indisputable doctrine is lucidly t r b of i m who ac in e preted y students Occult s , tually see as well as feel the aura which sur rounds people whose fickleness is unaccount b n r c a le until o e t a es its source . Lack of aura is the chief cause of predispo
‘w sition t a for are m un ro o dise se , if we si ply p tected in the midst of an unwholesome eu
vironment we are extremely liable to succumb . The H uman Aura 65
M Every one travels in his auric belt as the m h t earth in its at osp ere or a tur le in its shell . Heavens and hells and all intermediary con iti ns u a on d o are regulated by a r , and it is the basis of this knowledge alone that we can reconcile the various conflicting views Of the “ ” so-called future life which is very vaguely described by some clairvoyants but very graph i ll Th m e ca y by others . e e in nt lecturer and o mm H t e who as auth r, E a ardinge Bri t n , w , during a considerable portion of her public e e e to career, a distinguish d se ress, us d Often de om o f o scribe, during s e her thrilling disc urses , “ the visions she had seen o f dwellers on the ” re o m t o u um be th sh ld, eaning h se nhappy h an ings W ho are forced to surrender their mortal bodies unwillingly through disease or the e f
ee of e e or o ho ar f ts car l ssness dissipati n , and w e encircled with so dense an aura that it com letel o a p y bscures all spiritual landsc pes . Blind a o of o o e a o of o in w rld c l r, d af in w rld s und , lonely in the midst of multitudes of compan io -in no o h ns, these psychically shut ones k w n t ing of what is all around them ; others are en j oying scenery of which they are in no degree o of c gnizant , and basking in the delights friendship to which these imprisoned one s are o The e -m t tal strangers . very real s lf ade hells 66 The Human Aura revealed by clairvoyance stand the rigid test of the os t e am nat on t ou the cl es scientific x i i , h gh fables of theology may be readily discounted in s d s c . Co l thi istinctly cientifi age Marie re li, “ Th o Of o n d out r in e S ul Lilith, has p i te ve y ” w a a she clearly h t hell actually is, where shows that an e ntranced sensitive serving as a lucide a not th in c n find e hells space, as Swed enborg and other gifted seers have described m n r the , but they ca be t uthfully portrayed as dark belts surrounding only those who gener a he mu u h o m te t rky a ra whic pr duces the . There is but one way to achieve real success n enu e and to a d g in happiness , that is deliber ately undertake the task Of self-discipline and ’ a m m build round one s self an i per eable aura . While it is perfectly true that like attracts ” e is o ru ar t our lik , it als t e that we e attracted o o o do o Opp sites , theref re we ften find the sweet est associations Of affection grow out of a blending of diametrically opposite tempera men m n i ts . But these char ing unio s are l ke armo in mu in e of art h nies sic, and ev ry field where sounds and colors contract and blend n m o or m o a d elt int gl ious sy ph nies . Lo and e o r ve hat , c urage and fear, can neve e emo o contradi bl nd , because such ti ns are c or o o not o a t ies which destr y each ther, p l r op i e m to un t pos t s which elt in perfect i y. The H uman Aura 67
There is another aspect of the law of attrae on h t o om co n ti whic is far o seld re g ized , and that is the attraction which the sinner feels toward the saint and the sick person to the A o on healthy . very little intelligent reflecti n such purely natural phenomena is all that is m o m needed to elucidate so si ple a pr ble . We are attracted to whatever we admire and wish o n om to share, c nsequently we can reaso fr the ’ invalid s attraction to a very robust man or woman that the weak one is simply seeking strength and feeling instinctively that the health aura of a strong friend furnishes ma terial out of which to construct or fortify a o com weak or shattered aura . M ral health is municated and induced in precisely the same Th h chi way . e true p y c healer knows some thing of the wealth and force of his auric radi ation s t m o iv , and deliberately sends he f rth , g ing of the very surplus or ove rflow of his T abundant vitality. here is no stint in nature ; there is always an oversupply of all commodi s so h m tie , and it is with u an energy . The sure way to grow stronger is to use r e n ve a ene gy fre ly and gladly, but e r str in fully ; those who are afraid o f losing strength b ex o are e y erti n always f eble, and they waste more force by worry and anxiety than they 68 The Human Aura
use t m m m T in all their legi i ate e ploy ents . o ’ conserve one s aura rightfully it is necessary to practise concentration Of thought; atten o o o o A ti n and acti n rig r usly and regularly . truly successful individual does everything thoroughly and enj oys doing whatever he does so - ma at all , but wide reaching y be his auric o dispersi ns that he can practise telepathy, and u c fu even distant healing, q ite su cess lly while o r s engaged in rdina y ecular activities . Aura is dissipated by taking notice of things ’ are no f The rue which part o one s business . t philanthropist actively does so much good in o o his the w rld, by what he is , that very ften presence is worth far more than any amount r Of spoken or written exho tation could be . The more we study the simple law of Echo the more readily we shall understand on all ’ planes nature s necessitated responsiveness to ndin s Let o u outse . o r g us in the Open c untry, amid resounding rocks and reverberating o o m o ! hills , pr n unce the sacred talis anic w rds “ I LOVE ! OU ; I AM I N PERFECT HARMON! WITH ” oo law it t , and, because universal is what — the same words must re echo to us that r o we have sent out into ou surr undings . The disciple on the Path Of Wisdom need never pause to question how others feel to M The Human Aura 69 ward him; his work is clearly to determine how he o o o to feels t ward thers, and acc rding h an t e feeling he generates , entertains d sends orth o o o f own f will be the c nditi n his aura, and according to that will be his safety in the mi t f mm om i to ds o perils , his i unity fr liabil ty ’ d se an ss all i ase, d his certain succe in life s n T i the o c h u dertakings . his s pen se ret Of t e Heaven n he n f r of , ow, re a d oreve .
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