Nanming River Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project Water Management Bureau of Guiyang Song Wei 南明河水环境综合整治项目整体实施方案

1 Project Overview 1Project Overview 1.1Nanming River Basin Overview

 Nanming River is the “mother river” of Guiyang City. It originates from Pingba County, Anshun City, Province. It belongs to the Yangtze River system and Wujiang River tributary. The drainage area is 6600km2 城区行政范围 and the total length is 118km, including 100km in Guiyang City and 36.4km in the city section. It accepts five tributaries of Madi River, Chenliang River, Xiaoche River, Shixi River and Guancheng River respectively.

The leaders of previous provincial and municipal party 河

committees and governments attached great importance 鱼梁河 to the governance and protection of Nanming River. 明 南核心段  From 1985 to 1986, Hu Jintao, then secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, personally took the lead in participating in the dredging of Nanming River and 小 achieved good governance results. 花溪河 黄 河 上游汇水区


Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.1Nanming River Basin Overview

• From 1985 to 1986, Hu Jintao, then secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, personally took the lead in the dredging of Nanming River.

• On August 24, 2016, Chen Miner, • On May 4, 2017, Chen Miner, then • On August 25, 2017, then secretary of the Guizhou Provincial secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party secretary of the Guiyang Party Committee, inspected Committee, accompanied the Central 7th Municipal Party Committee, Li Nanming River project and Environmental Protection Inspector Group Zaiyong, current deputy governor inspected the Qingshan Wastewater to inspect Qingshan Wastewater Treatment of Guizhou Province, visited Treatment Plant. Plant. Nanming River. Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.2Water pollution situation

 The urbanization of Guiyang started late and entered the stage of rapid development from 2004. Only from 2004 to 2012, GDP growth exceeded 4 times. With the rapid development of the economy, more than 200 industrial enterprises and daily sewage along Nanming River discharged a large amount of sewage into the river every day. The river gradually deteriorated, turned black, and became stinky. The water quality of the tributaries of Nanming River and Shixi River in the upstream city became poor class V, and the river course lost its natural purification ability.

 The black odor of Nanming River has seriously affected the production and life of residents along the river. It was imminent to control Nanming River and protect the mother river. The people were looking forward to it.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project 1Project Overview 1.3The necessity of introducing PPP model into the project

 1. Although Guiyang City has repeatedly treated Nanming River, it has not been able to get a fundamental improvement in the

water environment. The pollution situation of Nanming River has seriously affected the normal life of the local residents and the

city positioning of Guizhou's pioneering demonstration zone for ecological civilization and “cool Guiyang”. The new municipal

party committee and municipal government faced great challenges and required a systematic solution to the problem of water

pollution in Nanming River Basin in a short period of time.

 2. Due to historical reasons, the economic development of Guiyang started late. There is a certain contradiction between

economic development and environmental protection. The task of river basin governance is tough, and local government faces

great financial pressure.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project 1Project Overview 1.4Project organization guarantee and implementation process

 1.After full investigation of water control mode across the country, Municipal Government of Guiyang changed its idea from investment and construction to purchase of services and process supervision. In order to break the traditional governance model of “segmentation and multi-head water control”, a permanent institution - Nanming River Rehabilitation Project Headquarters, was established, with the head of the municipal administration as the commander, and the head of the relevant municipal functional department as the deputy commander. Municipal ecological, urban management, water affairs and other functional departments and and county leaders as members, and regularly held meetings to promote planning, bidding, state-owned assets supervision, price verification, project auditing, financial accounting, legal negotiation, fee payment, etc., to simplify the procedures, which greatly improved work efficiency and quality of government services, providing a well organized working system to the implementation of the project.

 2.The Municipal Government of Guiyang has made up its mind to open up the market. They adopted the PPP model in advance, and introduced social capital with strong technical, financial strength and social responsibility through public bidding. The government assigned professionals do professional work, which is to take responsibility of the whole process of project planning and design, investment and financing, construction and operation management.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.5 Implementation content

 The Nanming River Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project is based on the principle of “Government-led, mechanism innovation, legal governance, science and technology support, participation by the whole people, and long-term governance for a long time”. The entire plan is implemented in phases.

Phase I (November 2012~May 2013): Mainstream interception, dredging, dam renovation, 500,000 tons/day TOT stock sewage treatment plant upgrade, odor treatment, main flow ecological restoration, landscape enhancement, etc. The total investment is 1.1 billion yuan. Phase II (August 2014~December 2016): Focusing on improving water quality, tributary management, the construction of sewage treatment facilities (plants and pipe networks): Build new sewage treatment plants such as Xinzhuang Phase II and Huaxi Phase II (a total of 425,000 tons/day) and supporting pipe network, new sludge disposal center, control water quality from the source, and perfect the interception system for the tributaries of Shixi River and Guancheng River and improve ecological restoration of the interception system of Nanming River. According to the previous Nanming River treatment effect, the actual situation of the river ecological water quality and the recommendations of the experts of the three ministries, the municipal government approved the adjustment plan. Newly build Jinyang Phase II, Jinbai and other sewage treatment plants (140,000 tons/day), sludge resource disposal (500 tons/day), Nanming River ecological restoration, Huaxi River tributary treatment and river basin environmental Internet information supervision system construction and other projects to ensure that the ecological water environment in Nanming River Basin continues to get better step by step.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.5 Implementation content

Phase III System Improvement Project (2016~2025): To achieve the goal of long-term clearance in

Nanming River, adjust the coastal industrial structure, control agricultural non-point source pollution,

gradually improve urban rainwater and sewage diversion, implement water and soil conservation and

ecological restoration within the basin, and establish a long-term mechanism for pollution prevention and


At present, in accordance with the requirements of the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee and the

Municipal Government, in order to consolidate governance, the “One River” plan and the system

improvement project is being implemented. By controlling the reduction of pollution sources, increasing the

collection and treatment capacity of domestic sewage and initial rainwater, improving the tailwater discharge

standards of wastewater treatment plants and the level of wastewater reclamation and utilization,

strengthening the accumulation and utilization of rainwater in the later period to achieve water cycle balance

and restore river ecology

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.6 Content of completed major projects

 1.External pollution control 11 sewage treatment plants have been built with a total scale of 940,000 m3/d; 3 under construction that gradually entered the trial operation, with a total scale of 75,000 m3/d; 5 upgradeds tock sewage treatment plant with a total scale of 3 500,000 m /d; the supporting sewage collection pipe 新庄污水厂 新庄污水厂 (二期) network has been improved 91.39 km. (一期) 新庄污水厂  2.Endogenous governance (一期) 松 污泥处理中 心(新庄污 The main and tributary channel has a dredging of 920,000 溪 河 水厂二期)鱼 金阳污水厂 洞 m³, a deep pit backfill of 216400 m³, a silt-proof pipeline of (一、二期) 河 河 2.3 km, and 5 flap dam reconstructions. 翻板坝 贯 河 金阳污水厂 城  3.Ecological landscape (一期) 河 市 河 梁 二桥污水厂 西 截污除臭  Complete the construction and restoration of main and (一、二期) 2 2 河 明 tributary ecological 73,000 m , 4 shoal wetlands, 15,300 m , 二桥污水厂 青山下沉式污水厂 (一、二期) 小 车 2 鱼 and ecological revetment of more than 30,000 m ; The 五里冲污水 landscape reconstruction is 203600 m2, the light is 5.2 km, 小河污水厂 厂(一期) 小河污水厂 南 and 2 landscape parks are replaced. 河 麻堤河下沉式 污水厂(一期) 河 堤  4. Odor control 图例: 河 麻 新建污水厂 花溪污水厂 (一、二期)  7 sets of new decontamination ditch deodorization system; 黄 牛郎关 提标污水厂 污水厂(一期) 200 t/d new sludge deep treatment center (80% moisture 花 content). 污泥深度处理中心 溪 小 厂外沉砂池 花溪污水厂  5.Water quality testing (一、二期) 河道生态修复 孟关污水厂  Construction of 12 water quality monitoring points and 1 污水收集系统 (一期) testing platform. 配套管网

河道防淤 截污沟除臭 翻板坝

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.7 Governance effectiveness

Poor class Time class V class V Ⅳ  Nanming River has achieved phased results. The main and tributary 2012.06 (Before water body of poor Class V water quality has decreased from 51% 51.0% 10.1% 8.8% governance) to 7%, the Class V water body has decreased to 26.8%, the Class IV water body has increased to 31.6%, and the main pollutant index 2013.06 17.4% 24.3% 28.2% CODcr of the main stream management section has stabilized to reach 2015.06 7.5% 31.8% 30.6%

the surface water class III water quality standard. The NH3-N and TP 2017.05 7% 26.8% 31.6% concentrations in most river sections have been significantly reduced and effectively controlled.

The results of ecological survey indicate that the water plant populations 贯 市 贯 市 河 城 西 城 西 河 in the main stream of Nanming River are rich, and the biodiversity index, 河 河 河 河 明 小 小 明 aquatic plant coverage and system integrity are significantly improved, 车 南 车 南 河 麻 河 麻 especially that the coverage of submerged plants has increased from 小 堤 堤 河 花 黄 河 花 15% to 73%. At the same time, the flood control capacity of the river 溪 河 2012. 溪 小 河 河 黄 2013.0 has also been effectively enhanced. In July 2014, it successfully resisted 06 河 6 the torrential floods that occurred once in a hundred years. Through the Ⅲ类 Ⅳ类 implementation of the construction of sewage treatment plant and

sewage collection pipe network, Guiyang City has reached the Ⅴ类 劣Ⅴ类 市 贯 assessment standard of the national environmental protection mode 市 贯 西 城 河 西 城 河 河 河 city, and successfully passed the assessment and acceptance of the 河 河 小 明 明 小 车 南 车 河 national expert group. 南 麻 河 麻 堤 堤 河 花 河 花 溪 小 溪 小 河 黄 2015. 河 黄 2017.0 河 河 06 5

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.8 Comparison pictures of governance effectiveness

Before governance After governance Before governance After governance

Before governance After governance Before governance After governance

Before governance After governance Before governance After governance

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.9 Photos of governance effectiveness of Nanming River

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.9 Governance effectiveness

 On August 24, 2013 and June 21, 2014, the municipal government, the provincial environmental protection department, the provincial housing construction department, and the provincial science and technology department organized the water environment management experts of national three ministries and commissions to assess the first phase of the Nanming River water environment comprehensive improvement project. The second phase of the program was demonstrated. Relevant government departments, people's congress representatives of the city, CPPCC members, citizen representatives and media attended the meeting. Experts achieved following agreement:

 1.The treatment plan of “cutting pollution and pollution control first, eliminating endogenous pollution as protection, improving environmental quality on both sides of the strait as demand, and restoring ecological self-purification ability to the fundamental” is scientific, systematic and reasonable;

 2. Water quality of the first stage of Nanming River has been fundamentally changed;

 3. The comprehensive improvement mode of Nanming River water environment has become an example of pollution control in urban rivers in ;

 4. The second phase of the comprehensive improvement of the water environment of Nanming River reflects the principle of adhering to the past;

 5. The second phase of Nanming River water environment remediation program is scientific, systematic, pragmatic and reasonable.

 In view of the first phase of Nanming River's governance and various conditions, through further governance, Nanming River will become a “domestic leading and world-class” river governance mode.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.9 Governance effectiveness

Demonstration Conference of National Three Ministries Experts of Nanming River Water Environment Comprehensive Renovation

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.9 Governance effectiveness

• On October 18, 2014, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a national experience exchange conference on urban infrastructure construction experience. The Nanming River Management of Guiyang City was shared as a demonstration project at the meeting.

 At that time, Chen Zhenggao, Minister of Housing and Construction, gave a high evaluation to the Nanming River Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project.“The comprehensive management of Nanming River in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province is very good, especially on comprehensive management, overall planning, and implementation of branches. The effect is obvious!”

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.9 Governance effectiveness

 The Guiyang Nanming River Treatment Project was selected as the first batch of national PPP demonstration project by the Ministry of Finance.

 On December 25, 2014, the Ministry of Finance held a special training course on government and social capital cooperation. Nanming River Management is the one and only PPP project in China for water environment management. CITIC Water (China Water Environment Group) shared its successful experience as the only invited water company.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.9 Governance effectiveness

 On July 16, 2014, Guiyang suffered the largest rainfall since the city had a meteorological record: 201.7 mm! The comprehensive improvement of the water environment of Nanming River has completed the test of extreme rainstorms and played an important role in flood control and disaster prevention in Guiyang City.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

1Project Overview 1.9 Governance effectiveness

Nanming River flood scene

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project


New developments and new 2 requirements 2 New developments and new requirements

 In recent years, the State Council and the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Ministry of Water Resources have successively issued a series of new environmental protection laws and regulations, such as “Water Ten Articles” and “Sponge City Construction Technical Guide”, which have raised higher requirements of water pollution prevention in Nanming River.

 On August 24th, 2016, when Chen Miner, then secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, investigated the governance of the comprehensive improvement project of the Nanming River Basin, he fully affirmed the comprehensive improvement effect of Nanming River at the scene, and proposed to promote the construction of the entire ecological civilization with key river basin management. With the goal of creating "one river, one hundred mountains, and one thousand gardens", we need to do a good job in project implementation and string the Nanming River into a beautiful necklace.

 In September 2016, the joint investigation team of Guizhou Provincial Water Resources Department and Provincial Environmental Protection Department pointed out on the investigation report of Nanming River: The comprehensive management of Nanming River has achieved remarkable results, and the pollution level of Nanming River has been significantly reduced. The "Report" also pointed out that the water environment of Nanming River still needs further improvement at this stage, and put forward corresponding suggestions.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

2 New developments and new 2.1 Research report of the joint research group of two departments requirements

 1.The first and second phase of Nanming River Comprehensive Management Project, which was organized and implemented at the end of 2012 in Guiyang City, has achieved remarkable results in improving the water quality of the river in the main stream of Nanming River, and basically solved the problem of “black and stink” water body.

 The former phase of the project was effective

 2.The deterioration of the water environment in the three tributaries of Xiaohuang River (including Madi River), Shixi River and Guancheng River is still very serious, and it is one of the main factors that restricts the water quality of Nanming River.

 The water quality of individual tributaries is still grim, and there is an urgent need for governance.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

2 New developments and new 2.1 Research report of the joint research group of two departments requirements

 3.Water resources in the upper reaches of Nanming River Basin is over-used, which resulted in insufficient water use in the downstream river environment. This is one of the important factors restricting the water environment quality of the Guiyang City section.

 Control the development and utilization of the upper reaches of Nanming River Basin, and it is necessary to carry out ecological water replenishment in Nanming River Basin.

 4. The relationship between that the effluent from the sewage treatment plant has reached the first- class A standard of the “Emission Standard for Pollutants in Urban Sewage Treatment Plants” (GB 18918-2002) and the Water Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB3 838-2002).

 It is necessary to demonstrate the further improvement of the effluent standards of sewage treatment plants.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

2 New developments and new 2.2 Nanming River System Improvement Project requirements

 In accordance with the principle of “unified planning and step-by-step implementation” of the Nanming River water environment comprehensive treatment plan, on the basis of the implemented project content, in order to further improve and upgrade the water quality of Nanming River tributaries, the next stage of work objectives are as follows:

 1. Through the measures of ecological dredging, odor remediation and intensified management, the odor of the main city section

of Nanming River will be eliminated by the end of 2017.

 2. Through further implementation of water replenishment, improvement of sewage interception, promotion of sewage plant

construction and management of Shixi River and Guancheng River, the water of Nanming River will be clear by the end of

2018, and the main indicators will basically reach the Class IV standard of surface water.

 3. For the main tributaries that do not have the transformation conditions, the drainage ditch will be controlled, and the overflow

pollution control will be carried out. At the same time, the water discharge standard of the sewage plant along Nanming River

Basin will be improved, the ecological restoration will be strengthened, the reclaimed water reuse and the water adjustment and

hydration system will be improved. The main indicators of the river will reach the Class IV standard for surface water in

2020 and have a stable ecosystem.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

2 New developments and new 2.3 Governance ideas requirements

Comprehensive improvement of water environment in Nanming River Basin Based on the results of the first and second phases guide guide Status and problem identification and key factor Committee of analysis Water environment quality experts simulation analysis Pollution Pollution Total amount Pollution source intensity of pollution contribution

Sewage and Non-point Internal Water pollution Ecosystem Reclaimed Clear water source pollution environment Smart water control construction water use supply system pollution control safety system system control construction

Improve interception Ecological CSO control Channel cleanout Water quality River dredging Water Water system wetland improvement conservation environment monitoring Wastewater plant Ecological Agricultural non- Biological debris Reclaimed water River bank Water diversion Platform construction revetment point source removal network treatment project construction control Sewage treatment Improvement of plant upgrading environmental sanitation system Effective utilization of Realize the utilization of Sludge treatment Systematic improvement of reclaimed water rainwater resources and disposal ecological landscape effects

Establish a long-term operational monitoring and management mechanism

Improve water quality in the basin, and form a water environment with clear water and rich economic prosperity

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

2 New developments and new 2.3 Accessibility analysis requirements

花溪补水5万吨/日 花溪补水10万吨/日 35 COD(mg/L) 30  Based on the current situation of Nanming River water

25 environment, as well as the topography, hydrology and water

20 quality of the basin, comprehensive consideration is given to 15 小河厂 三江口 市西河 入流断面 入流断面 the use of sewage interception, sewage plant construction,




2011 2611 3405 4147 4557 5579 6436 7300 7762 8597 9511

1211 sewage treatment plant labeling, ecological enhanced

10035 15911 10943 11478 11963 12577 13222 13894 14946 15240 15611 1.8 10216 NH3-N(mg/L) 1.5 purification, river ecological restoration, clean water

1.2 source water supply and other engineering measures. The 0.9 0.6 international leading DHI MIKE mode is used for simulation 小河厂 0.3 三江口 市西河 入流断面 入流断面 prediction and analysis.




3405 1211 2011 2611 4147 4557 5579 6436 7300 7762 8597 9511

10216 10943 11478 11963 12577 13222 13894 14946 15240 15611 15911 10035  According to the simulation analysis, after the above 0.4 TP(mg/L) 0.3 engineering measures, the main water quality indicators

0.2 (CODCr, NH3-N, TP) of the main stream of Nanming

0.1 River (Sanjiangkou ~ Hongyan Bridge) can reach Class IV 小河厂 三江口 市西河 入流断面 入流断面

0.0 water quality standard.



1211 2011 2611 3405 4147 4557 5579 6436 7300 7762 8597 9511

10035 15911 10216 10943 11478 11963 12577 13222 13894 14946 15240 15611 Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

2 New developments and new 2.4 Nanming River Deodorization and Clearing Project requirements

In 2017, “Deodorization” has completed the following work:  Improve the main stream and the sewage interception pipe of Shixi, Madihe, Guancheng River and Xiaohuang River 43.35 km (new construction 28.35km, dredging maintenance 15km, all completed); The main stream of the Liberation Bridge - Tuanpo Bridge and the tributaries are dredged; Promote the construction of 2 sewage treatment plants under construction of 45,000 m³/d; Ecological engineering construction in the upper reaches of the Xiaohuang River (ecological front storage, multi-level grit, slag blocking and ecological slope protection, interception 奶牛场污水 新庄污水 厂(一期) 厂二期二 阶段 新庄污水 ditch connection project); The landscapes of Nanming River 小关污水 厂二期 厂(一 松 溪 and Shixi River are upgraded; Maintenance of 7 deodorizing 河 新庄污水 期) equipments; Damaged shots and inspection wells were replaced 厂一期 and sealed; Inspection and closure of the inspection section of 金阳污水 厂(一 鱼 the provincial party committee; It is recommended to establish a 期) 六广门下沉 河 贵医下沉 洞 式污水厂 tributary upstream garbage collection and transportation system. 式污水厂 贯 河 In 2018, "Water Clearing" will carry out the following work: 金阳下沉式 污水厂(三期) 河  Water and hydration and clear water drainage; 5 new sewage 城 三桥下沉式 未来方舟污水厂 河 (一期) treatment plants, 330,000 m³/d (Maidi River Phase II, 污水厂 西 梁 市 河 Xinzhuang Phase II Stage II, two sewage plants selected for 二桥污水厂 二桥污水 (一、二 advancement); Relying on the environmental Internet of Things 河 明 厂(三 期) 小 and water environment big data, build a smart water 期) 车 鱼 management platform such as water quality monitoring and water conservancy dispatching; Construction of the squid gully 小河污水厂 sewage tunnel 0.74 km (in implementation); comprehensive 南 河

management of 19 ditches ;Nanming River ecological 麻堤河污水 堤 restoration and landscape construction improvement; Initial 河 厂(二期) 河 rainwater storage. 隆昌污水厂 麻 (一期) 图例 The main water quality indicators in 2020 will reach the surface 黄 截污管完善 water class IV: 花 溪 小 河道清淤  The existing Class A sewage treatment plant has upgraded 6 sets 新建污水厂 of 820,000 m³/d; Implementing the water reuse project, 花溪污水厂 replacing the ecological water source can be used to increase the (一、二期) 小黄河生态工程 river hydration; Relying on the environmental Internet of Things 小黄河多级沉 鲤鱼大沟 and water environment big data, we will further improve the 砂、生态护坡、 smart water management platform such as sewage supervision, 拦渣及生态前置 截污管沟建设 water quality monitoring, hydrodynamic mode analysis and 库等 early warning, water conservancy dispatching and ecological 污水厂提标改造 assessment. 近期调水方案 远期调水方案

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project


3 Experience 3.1Operational flow chart of PPP project for the second phase of comprehensive improvement 3 Experience of water environment in Nanming River, Guiyang City

Project preparation

Guiyang Municipal Government initiated the second phase of Nanming River Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

Established the headquarter of Nanming River Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Phase II Project

Organize national experts to conduct scientific Demonstration of technical scheme demonstration of technical programs

Feasibility demonstration Value for money and financial affordability analysis

Prepare project PPP implementation plan, and determine transaction mode, legal documents and financial Assisted by a third-party: professional consulting plan agency

Implementation of the plan with market test Judging whether the project is marketable

Organize functional departments and experts review the implementation plan and report to the municipal government for approval

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

3.1Operational flow chart of PPP project for the second phase of comprehensive 3 Experience improvement of water environment in Nanming River, Guiyang City

Project procurement

Prepare bidding documents according to the PPP implementation plan, and finally select social capital by public bidding

Seeking advices from nine departments on cooperation agreement

Multiple rounds of consultations with social capital

Reach an agreement and sign contract

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

3.flow chart of PPP project for the second phase of comprehensive improvement of 3 Experience water environment in Nanming River, Guiyang City

Project execution and handover

Establish a project company

Project financing financing is completed by the project company itself

According to the implementation plan, the whole Project construction and operation process of design, construction and operation is completed by social capital.

Project supervision (the Municipal Urban Management Bureau, the Environmental Service fee payment (after the project business department and Protection Bureau and other departments shall relevant supervision and management department have confirmed supervise the whole process of social capital the service quality, the government will pay the corresponding fee behavior according to the requirements of according to the determined service quality) relevant laws and regulations)

Develop a handover plan to ensure Project handover the transfer rate and debt divestiture

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

3.2Nanming River PPP model effect 3 Experience

 (1) Adjusting municipal planning, distributed construction, and greatly saving investment.

 Guiyang is a karst landform, urban water use is difficult to dispatch, and land resources are scarce. Guiyang City originally planned to adopt the “large cut-off” planning scheme. A large-scale sewage treatment plant was built in the lower reaches of Nanming River. No plant was built in the upper and middle reaches of the city. The designed sewage collection pipe has a large diameter and a long distance, involving a large number of demolition and land acquisition, and the project investment is large. China Water Environment Group re-optimized the original municipal planning with the principle of “modelrate concentration, local treatment, and near reuse”, saving pipe network construction and land acquisition investment of about 1.5 billion yuan, and operating electricity charges for water and water supply is about 30 million yuan.

“Intensive concentration, on-site treatment, and near reuse” innovative drainage planning concept, saving investment of pipe network is about 1 billion yuan, and saving annual operating cost is 0.3 billion yuan;

The annual saving of water resources is nearly 100 million tons, and the annual water saving cost is 158 million yuan;

The construction period saved 30% ~ 50%, which has played an important role in the success mode of Guiyang City and the successful passing of energy conservation and emission reduction assessment.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

3 Experience 3.2Nanming River PPP model effect

 (2) Technological innovation and land saving.  By introduction of China Water Environment Group's independent intellectual property rights "HELEME biochemical treatment system", "land intensive type, resource utilization type, and environmentally friendly" full sinking sewage treatment system and other advanced technologies, and four sewage treatment plants such as Qingshan and Madi River, a total of 1053 acres of land for construction land and Schematic diagram of Qingshan Wastewater Treatment sanitary protection belts have been saved, Plant in Guiyang City and two landscape water parks have been replaced. The Qingshan Plant Water Environmental Protection Science Education Base serves as the permanent site of the “Ecological Civilization Guiyang National Forum”, and the value of surrounding land has increased greatly.

Ecological Civilization Guiyang National Forum

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

3 Experience 3.2Nanming River PPP model effect

贵医污水厂 奶牛场污水厂 新庄二期污水厂 5万m³/d 2.52.5+2.5万m³/d万m³/d 2424+16万m³/d万m³/d

 (3) We assigned specific person to manage 小关污水厂 12万m³/d professional work in order to improve

efficiency of investment and operation. 三桥污水厂 六广门污水厂 4万m³/d 12万m³/d 新庄一期污水厂  Through the introduction of social capital, 金阳一期污水厂 金阳二期污水厂金阳污水厂 25万m³/d 5+5+555+10万万m³/dm³/d万m³/d 五里冲污水厂 systematically plan and promote system 33+3万万m³/dm³/d 未来方舟污水厂 engineering such as river improvement, 2.5+2.5万m³/d 二桥污水厂 sewage treatment and resource utilization, 8+48万万m³/dm³/d 青山污水厂 5万m³/d and focus on large factories, rationally

allocate resources of neighboring small 麻堤河污水厂 3万m³/d factories , improve investment and 麻堤河污水厂二期麻堤河污水厂二期 5+55万万m³/dm³/d operational efficiency, and reduce the life 小河污水厂 16万m³/d cycle cost of the project . 牛郎关污水厂 1+11万万m³/dm³/d 大水沟污水厂 3万m³/d 孟关污水厂 1.51.5+1.5万m³/d万m³/d

Built sewage plant

Sewage plant under construction Newly built sewage plant in the 花溪污水厂花溪污水厂 short term 8+4万m³/d Newly built sewage plant in the 4+4万m³/d long term

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

3 Experience 3.2Nanming River PPP model effect

 (4) Increase the amount of water use in river landscapes Through the implementation of this project, the sewage treatment rate of Nanming River Basin has increased to over 95%, and the water quality and sensory effect of the branch and main stream will be further improved. The water body of poor class V water quality decreased from 51% to 7%, the class V water body increased to 26.8%, the class IV water body increased to 31.6%, the class III water body increased to 35.6%, and the river water supply along the river sewage treatment plant is about 330,000 tons/day. The service area has expanded about 90 square kilometers. The main indicators (BOD5≤10; COD≤40; NH3-N≤1.5) of the 65% inspection section of the main stream and the five tributaries meet satisfies the water consumption of the ornamental landscape environment.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

3 Experience 3.2Nanming River PPP model effect

 (5) Revitalizing stocks and optimizing debts

 Through the introduction of social capital, the project will expand the financing channels, transfer the franchise rights of some sewage treatment plants and new sewage treatment plants that were originally built, and bundle them with Nanming River water environment comprehensive improvement project, and the transfer price of the franchise is specially invested in the river basin management. The investment gap is subsidized by the government to purchase environmental services, which greatly alleviates the pressure of short-term payment of funds during the government construction period, effectively revitalizes the stock and optimizes the debt.

 (6) Qualitative evaluation

 During the implementation of the project, with the promulgation of documents such as the Ministry of Finance's Caijing [2014] No. 113 document, the Guiyang Municipal Government introduced a third-party professional consulting agency to conduct a qualitative evaluation of the project. Judging conclusions: From the perspective of project service price, service quality, investment efficiency, risk allocation and implementation efficiency, Nanming River Comprehensive Renovation Phase II Project is more suitable for operation in the PPP model than the traditional government investment method.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

3 Experience 3.3Implementation points

 (1) Find suitable project investors

 PPP is not a short-term relationship love, but a long-term marriage. The partner of the project is "a family." Therefore, the selection of project investors must meet the

government's investment needs: comprehensive technical capabilities, a high degree

of social responsibility, quality and quantity to complete the task according to the

required time.

 (2) Evaluation of the feasibility of the program

 PPP projects must have a stable source of income, and their income should cover the investment of the entire project; Investors based on decades of operational objectives, fully consider the economical efficiency and validity of the project, and achieve their own reasonable interests within the scope of the government's ability to withstand. In the whole life cycle of the project, the investor has the subjective initiative to optimize and do the project well, and realize the value for money; The implementation of the PPP project should be matched with the development capability of the local regional economy. The PPP mode can alleviate the government's financial pressure, rather than bring more burdens to the finance.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

3 Experience 3.3Implementation points

 (3) Scientific system research, unified planning, and step-by-step implementation

The comprehensive rectification of the water environment is a system project with huge investment

demand and complicated operation, which has high requirements on professional technology and financial

security. Drawing on the successful experience of the Guiyang Nanming River Water Environment

Comprehensive Improvement Project, it is a prerequisite for the success of the PPP project to conduct

sufficient research and demonstration at the initial stage of the project. By overcoming the shortcomings of

“find-it and fix-it mentality” and the lack of systematic planning of the government in river basin management,

by re-optimizing the planning of river basin ecosystems and the layout of sewage plants, engineering

investment in pipe network collection, water transfer and water replenishment can be greatly saved. It also

greatly reduced the operating expenses of reclaimed water, which is the endogenous requirement and market

demand of projects invested by social capital.

Headquarter of Nanming River and Aha Reservoir Basin Water Environment Comprehensive Improvement Project

Thank you!

2017.09 Guiyang