HIBALDSTOW VILLAGE VOICE Volume 21 - Edition 4: August/September 2018 What does it cost? Full page is £24 (portrait) Half page is £12 (landscape) Quarter page is £6 (portrait) For more information contact: Sylvia Wattam 01652 652790 We need you to provide your adverts, send your adverts to:
[email protected] Note: New adverts or changes to current adverts need submitting before the deadline for the next edition date shown inside the front cover. We’re Looking for Volunteers! If you’d like to help with the Village Voice, please get in touch we have a number of roles available! Email:
[email protected] It’s been an amazing few weeks with the weather, hope everyone is enjoying it! Here’s the next edition of the Hibaldstow Village Voice for August and Septem- ber. Thankyou to those who have emailed me about helping with the village Diary Dates 2018 voice, we really appreciate it! If you know of anyone in the village that can help Event Day Venue Time as we’re still in need of more volunteers, it takes a lot of time to produce this magazine, and sharing this time with more people would really help! Short Mat Bowls Club Every Monday Village Hall 2.00pm For the next edition of the Village Voice, please submit your content for articles Scouts Every Monday Village Hall 5.45pm and adverts by: Tuesday 11 September 2018. 11.00am - Rural Day Centre Every Tuesday Village Hall 2.00pm Disclaimer Kurling Every Tuesday Village Hall 2.00pm The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors of articles and letters published with in "The Village Voice" publication do not necessarily Zumba Every Wednesday Village Hall 6.00pm reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Editor, Producers or Short Mat Bowls Club Every Wednesday Village Hall 7.15pm Committee.