Lincolnshire. [Kelly's

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Lincolnshire. [Kelly's 434 RA~D. LINCOLNSHIRE. [KELLY'S and turnips. The 8l'ea of Rand t~wnship is 989 acres ; Parish Clerk, William Clark. ll'ateable value, £r,796; the population in r8gr was in Le-tters through Wragby arrive by foot post at 8 a.m. & the township 67, and in the parish 128. are collected by postmen at 4.30 p.m. Wragby is the Fulnetby is a township in this parish, half a mile nearest ~ney order & telegoraph office south-west. The area. is r,r3r acres; of rateable value The children of Rand attend the school at Wragby & £725; the population in 1891 was 6r. those at Fulnetby that at Bolton RAND. Knapp Dinah ~rs. ), farmer FULNETBY. Laming William Allis, farmer Allis John, faTmer, Claybridge Spain Rev. Thomas Dixon, Rectory Paulger WLliam, farmer Musgrave Gothorp, frmr. Fulnetby hll HaTrison Alfred, farmer, Home farm Ward HaTry, farmer MIDDLE RASEN is a village, consisting of the the gift of the Bishop of Lincoln, who has one turn, and parishes of Middle R3lsen Drax and Middle Rasen Tup- the trustees of the late Emest Richard Chaxles Oust holme, r mile from Market Rasen on the road ro Gains- esq. who have two turns, and held since r879 by the Rev. borough and on the river Rase, in the East Linrusey Arthur William Tryon M.A. of Downing College, Cam­ division of the county, south division of Walshcroft bridge. There axe Wesleyan, Primitive Methodist and wapentake, parts of Lindsey, Ca·istor union, petty ses- Reformed Wesleyan chapels. Frederic Sneath esq. who sional division and county court district of Market Rasen, is lord of the manor, and Pereira. Brown esq. of Gloot. rural deanery of Walshcroft, archdeaconry of Stow and worth Hall, are the principal landowners, and there 8l'e diocese of Lincoln. There werre formerly two churches sevocal small ownel'IS. The soil is sand and clay; sub­ here, St. Peter's, built by the monks of Tupholme Abbey, soil, clay. The chief crops axe wheat, barley, turnips, and St. Paul's belonging to Drax priory: this latter and much land m pasture. The are3J is 3,481 acres; having become dilapidated, was pulled down in r86o, but rateable value, £4,865; the population in r8gr was Bto. the churchyard xemains. The church of St. Peter is a Sexton, William Randall. building of stone in the Norrna:n, Eaxlier English and Post Office.-J.ohn Rands, sub-postmaster. Letrens Early Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north arrive from Market Rasen at 7.20; dispatched at 5·55· ad.sle, south porch and a western tower with embattled Postal orders axe issued here, but not paid. The parapet and pinnacles containing 3 bells: the church was nearest money order & telegraph office is at Markeh thoroughly restored in t86o, when the north aisle was Rasen. Wall Letter Box, near the church, cleared at rebuilt, the tower strengthened and the fabric generally 5 p.m. week days only • repaired: in t'he .aisle is a Decorated window, iormerly A School Board of 5 members was formed Nov. 8, in St. Paul's church, and in the chancel is the effigy of a r878; A. A. Padley, Market Rasen, clerk ro tJle board priest, vested and wearing a. hood, and holding a chalice: Board School (mixed), built in 1875, at a cost of [950, this was also formerly in St. Paul's, and appears to be foor 120 children; average attendance, go; an endow• 14th cen!tury work: the total cost of the repairs, carried men't of £12 yeall'ly, arising from land left by Mr. out under the direction of Messrs. Bellamy and Hardy, John Wilkinson for a free school, is now applied to the architects, of Lincoln, was £r,5oo: there are 324 sittings. repairs of the school buildings & other purposes con- The register dates from the year 1708. The two parishes nected with the Board school; Isaac Edmondson Elliot, of Middle Rasen Drax and Middle Rasen Tupholme, master which are ecclesiastically nnited, form a. vicaxage, joint Carrier to Linooln.-Richard Penistan, fri.; to Market net yearly value £3oo, including 228 acres of glebe, in Rasen, tues (Letters fur those marked thus* must IFaU Henry, farmer Penistan Ridhard, carrier & baker be addressed Markelt Ra.sen only.) *Fletcher Jane (Mrs.), cowkeeper, Plaskitt William, farmer (For names in Walesby road in this Caistor road *Quibell Geo. farmer, Cai&tor road parish, see Market Rasen.) Fowler Jaanes Bird, farmer & miller Randall William, farmer Broughton William (water) & assistant overseer Rands John, shoe ma:ker, Post office Carr Alison Gash Henry, shopkeeper Robinson James, farmer Doughty Thomas Goodlhand William, cowkeeper Robinson Joseph, fa·rrmer, butcher & Ha:ll George *Griffin Robert, farmer, Caistor road cattle dealer Naylor R'ichardi Hall Thomas, wheelwright Russell John, farmer *Spencer William Caistor road *Hargreave Jessap, faTmer & cattle Saunby Harriet (Mrs.), cowkeeper Tryon Rev. Arth.' Wm., M.A. (vicar) dealer, Hami.:ton hill *Scott Thomas, farmer, Ca·istor road coMMERCIAL. Hibbett Isabella(Mrs.),Nags Head P.H Sel:ars Fred, blacksmith Abbott Jahn, farmer Hodson Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Sharp William, cottager Baker William John, farmer Holmes James, farmer *Sharpe Esram, farmer, Caistor road Barnard Samuel, farmer Horn er Robert, cow keeper Shevins Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper Beech James, farmer Ingham Joseph, tailor Smith AndTew Dunham, miller (wind Briggs So:omon, horse de·aler King William, farmer & steam) & baker Brown William, farm bailiff to F. J. Johnson James Parnell, farmer *Stainfield Thomas, frmr. Caistor rd N. Sneath esq Lancaster Robinson,btchr. & ca-ttle dlr Stamp William, farmer Burrell Chas. beer ret. & b:acksmith Lawrence Edward, cowkeeper Stanger William, cowkeeper Carr Goorge, cottager Lingard James & Tom, farmers Swa'by Geo. frmr. & machine owner Oodd J ames, faruner MaTriott J oseph, farmer Tinker J ames, marine store dealer Cottingham Jose'[lb, millwright *Marshall Benjamin, farmer Tomlinson William, farmer Croft Joseph Kendall, f'8.rmer Naylor Frank, farmer *Wherry Wm. farmer, Ca-istor road Danby Eliza (Mrs.), grocer *Newcomen Thos. frmr. Caistor rd Whelpton Chas. cowkpr. Caistor road Darnill Harriet (Mrs.), farmer Parker George, farmer Wood Jane (Mrs.), farmer WEST RASEN is a village and parisJh on the river the arms of Reresby and Fulnetby: the erection of a Rase, 3 miles west from Market Rasen station on the new roof and other extensive repairs and restoration were Hull and Lincoln branch a.f the Manchester, Sheffield and effected by tlhe present rector in r87o : the church :affords Linooln:shire railway, m the East Lindsey division of the 120 sittings. In tlhe churchyard &tand the base and part county, parts of Lindsey, wapentake af Walshcroft, union of the shaft of an ancient cross which has been restored. of Oaistor, petty aessionoal divisioo. and county court The register dates from the year r683. The living is a district of Market Rasen, ;rurol deanery of Walshcroft, rectory, gross yearly value £543• net £420, arising from archdeaconry of Stow and diocese of Lincoln. The 416 acres of glebe, in the gif't. of and held since 1856 by church of All Saints is a building of stone in the Ea.Tly the Rev. William Waldo Cooper M.A. of St. John's English, D:;oorated and Perpendicular styles, partly re­ College, Oambridge, rural dean ol Walshcroft end J.P. built in 1829, under the direction of the late Mr. E. J. Lincs. Here is a small school chapel dedicated Willson, architect, of Lincoln, ca.nsisting of chancel, ro Our Lady of tlle Rosary, and served from Market ~lerestoried nave, south aisle, sout:Jh porch and an em­ Rasen. The ancient 14th century horse-bridge of three battled western tower with turrets contajning 3 bells: arehes here, crossing the river Rase is almast unique, the church was originally Norman, and the arcade of there being but few of a simiLar character now remaining the north aisle, which na longer exists, is built into the in this country. Lord Herries is lord of the m-anor and na.rth wall of the present nave : on the south side of the principal landowner. The soil is clay; subsoil, clay. chancel is a carved bracket of Late Perpendicular work. The chief crops are wheat, oah, barley and pasture land. with three figures of a. bishop, a. monk and a la~·man : The area is 3,r2ra. rr. I3P· ; rateable value, £2,389; on the south side of the clerestory is a series of eight the population in 1891 was 218. shields, once surrounding the sides of an altar tomb Parlsh Clerk, John Slack. which stt>od in the Powger chantry; two of these bear Post Office.-George Parkinsan, sub-postmaster. Letters .
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    DIRECTORY .J LINCOLNSHIRE. C.!l'STOR. 123 Countv Court Office, His Honor Sir G. Sherslron C.AIS:l'OR REGISTRATION DISTB,ICT. Baker hart. judge) Arthur A. ~adley, registrar & Superintendent Registrar, .A.rthu:r• Angostus Padley, high bailiff; George White, acting sub-bailiff. A Union offices, Caiswr; deputy, Joseph Snrfleet.. Red court is held at the Court house every two months, house, Caisto:r . the district of which comprises the following placeB: Registrars of Births & Deaths, Caistor sub-district, Geo. -Bigby, Brocklesby~ Cabourn, Caistor,. Claxby, Abraham, Plough hill, Caistor ; deputy, Geo. White, Olixby, Croxby, Ouxwold, Grasby, .Holton-le-Moor, Caistor; Market Rasen sub-dis~rict, Frederick Wm. Keelby, Kelsey (South & North), Limber Magna, Lim­ Chesman, Market Rasen; deputy, Tqomas Bee, ber Parva, Nettleton, Normanby-le-Wold, Riby, Both­ Waterloo street, Market Ras.!lll well, Searby-with-Owmby, Somerby, Swallow, Swin­ Registrars of Marriages, Caistm: sub-district, Charles hope, Thoresway & ThorganbJ.. , Ainger, Market place, Oaistor;. deputy, R. H. Parker, Oaistor for bankruptcy jurisdiction is included in Lin­ Caistor; Market Rasen suh-di!!trict, F. W .. Chesman, coln district; Frederick Charles Brogderr, 10 Bank st. Market Rasen; deputy, Thomas Bee, Waterloo street, Lincoln,. official receiver Market Rasen County Police StatiDn, Chapel street. The whole- of the petty sessional division is under the charge of the PUBLIC OFFIQERS. police supt. of Market Rasen Customs & Excise, Harold Vale Rhodes, officer Assessor & Collector of Taxes, George White Parish Council Fire Brigade, H. Willrinson, captain Assistant Overseer, Clerk to the Parish Council & Col~ Public Hall, High street, Charles Ainger, hon. sec lector .of Rates, John Brighton, Market place.
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    Be a responsible walker Useful information Lincolnshire Limewoods Walks Introduction Please remember the countryside is a place where people live and work and where Walk location: Stainfield is located 9 miles (14 ½ km) The Lincolnshire Limewoods is an area Keep your eyes open – you never know wildlife makes its home. To protect the Lincolnshire countryside for other visitors east of Lincoln. Stainfield & Apley between Wragby, Bardney and Woodhall what you might see! Spa. It is a fantastic place to explore with please respect it and on every visit follow the Countryside Code. Thank you. Starting point: Stainfield and Apley Village Hall, LN8 5JJ. ancient woodland, medieval religious The walks start from the small village Grid reference: TF 108 732. • Be safe - plan ahead and follow any signs ruins and a wealth of wildlife. of Stainfield where there was once a Parking: Village Hall (as above), by kind permission medieval village and priory. The Hardy • Leave gates and property as you find them This walk leaflet is one in a series where of the Village Hall Trustees. Gang walk passes close by the remains you can experience all this! • Protect plants and animals, and take litter home Stainfield of Barlings Abbey before going through Public Transport: For times and more information call • Keep dogs under close control The Lincolnshire Limewoods are the a woodland and across arable farmland the Traveline on 0871 200 2233 or visit • Consider other people most important examples of small-leaved to the village of Apley, again the site of or lime woodland remaining in Britain and a medieval settlement.
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