University of Florida Thesis Or Dissertation Formatting
CULTURAL AND SOCIAL CORRELATES OF ADULT OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY IN UPSTATE NEW YORK By STACEY ANN GIROUX A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 2012 1 © 2012 Stacey Ann Giroux 2 To Mom and Pop 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many people supported me not only while I worked on this research but also throughout my time in graduate school. My parents, Don and Chris Giroux, never told me I couldn’t be or do anything, whether as a young child with aspirations as a leaf- picker or as an idealistic twenty-something who believed she could make a difference in the world as an anthropologist. They also provided help, shelter and money at various difficult points during graduate school. For this and more I thank them. My sister, Carolyn Giroux, has provided comic relief and her excellent proofreading skills. James Wells, who was a close friend when I began graduate school and is now my partner of eight-plus years, I thank especially for emotional support. His is a unique soul, and, having gone through the dissertation process himself, he always seemed to know what to say, what not to say, when to push me, and perhaps most importantly, when to simply listen. When I was still an undergraduate at the University of Missouri, Gery Ryan’s medical anthropology class inspired me to switch from archaeology to cultural anthropology almost overnight. Gery is the person I would call my first mentor, and he showed me that it was possible to pursue anthropology as a career, that I had the right stuff for it, and then helped me to do just that.
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