National Geographic's 'Cat Watch' Q&A on 'The Fate of the Jaguar' with Panthera's Dr

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National Geographic's 'Cat Watch' Q&A on 'The Fate of the Jaguar' with Panthera's Dr National Geographic's 'Cat Watch' Q&A on 'The Fate of the Jaguar' with Panthera's Dr. Howard Quigley National Geographic's 'Cat Watch' blog published an interview with Dr. Howard Quigley, Panthera's Jaguar Program Executive Director, on 'The Fate of the Jaguar.'... Read More The Leopards of Limpopo Known as South Africa's gateway to the African continent, the province of Limpopo crowns the northernmost region of the country, sharing a border with Botswana, Zimbabwe... Read More New Tigers Forever Book on Sale November 12th We are excited to share that the new Panthera- National Geographic book, Tigers Forever: Saving the World's Most Endangered Big Cat, will go on sale in less than a week on Tuesday, November 12th... Read More Developing a DNA Database for China's Snow Leopards With perhaps as few as 3,500 individuals remaining in the wild, snow leopards are one of the world's most endangered big cats. The secretive nature of these cats (known by locals... Read More E-Book Releases: Cats of Africa and Cheetah by Panthera's President, Dr. Luke Hunter Two beautiful books by Panthera's President, Dr. Luke Hunter, including Cats of Africa: Behavior, Ecology and Conservation and Cheetah, have just been released as e-books, now available... Read More Support Wild Cats, Support the IUCN Cat Specialist Group Interested in supporting and learning more about the world's 37 wild cat species? Support our partner, the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Cat Specialist Group... Read More Photo of the Month A remote-controlled 'BeetleCam' photo of a yawning lion in Kenya's Maasai Mara by Panthera's partner photographer, William Burrard- Lucas. In Case You Missed It Panthera's Chairman Tom Kaplan Featured in Forbes Magazine Press Release: PUMA, Wilderness Safaris and Panthera Join Forces to Protect the Lions of Zambia Panthera Partners with ROYALE to Support Wild Tiger Conservation Press Release: Hope for Tigers Lives in Sumatra Read More Scientific Publications Management of Reintroduced Lions in Small, Fenced Reserves in South Africa: An Assessment and Guidelines Role of Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in Snow Leopard Conservation Notes on the Distribution and Status of Small Carnivores in Gabon The Trophy Hunting of African Lions: Scale, Current Management Practices and Factors Undermining Sustainability Declaration of a New Sanctuary Creates Largest Protected Area Network in India Read More Panthera's Career Opportunities Web & Media Coordinator Media & Communications Intern Development Intern Upcoming Events Tigers Forever Presentation by Panthera's CEO & Media Director at National Geographic Live! - November 19 TEDxGateway Presentation by Panthera's Media Director, Steve Winter - December 8 Explorers Club Lecture by Panthera's Media Director Steve Winter and Journalist Sharon Guynup - January 6, 2014 Lions & Tigers & Bears: Through the Lens with National Geographic - July 25, 2013 - February 2, 2014 Follow Us Contact Us .
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