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Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo ISSN: 1982-6125 Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo Santos, Thiago de Sousa; Pereira, Raquel da Silva Governance of Tourism in Campo das Vertentes, MG, Brazil: a path to regional development? Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo, vol. 12, no. 2, 2018, May-August, pp. 83-111 Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo DOI: 10.7784/rbtur.v12i2.1415 Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System Redalyc More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Journal's webpage in Portugal Project academic non-profit, developed under the open access initiative Paper DOI: Governance of Tourism in Campo das Vertentes, MG, Brazil: a path to regional development? Governança do Turismo no Campo das Vertentes (MG): garantia de desenvolvimento regional? Gobernanza del Turismo en el Campo das Vertentes (MG): garantía de desarrollo regional? Thiago de Sousa Santos1 Raquel da Silva Pereira2 Abstract: The purpose of this study is to verify coordination and the role of governance structures in tourism activities in the region of Campo das Vertentes, state of Minas Gerais. For that, we studied the municipalities of Prados, São João Del Rei, and Tiradentes, included in the “Trilha dos Inconfidentes” (‘Inconfidentes’ trail). As a theoretical basis, the ten elements of governance proposed by Bovaird and Löffler (2003) were considered. This study is exploratory and of a qualitative nature. We used documentary research and conducted 12 in-depth interviews. The results show a high level of governance development in the region, even though there are dis- crepancies between the municipalities analyzed. It was verified that the Tourist Circuit “Trilha dos Inconfi- dentes”, responsible for establishing a direct channel with the public power at the state and federal levels in order to meet the needs of the region, has relevant power and influence over the actions, projects, and programs that are carried out. Keywords: Tourism. Governance. Regional development. Campo das Vertentes. Trilha dos Inconfidentes. 1 PhD in Administration from the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS), SP, Brazil. Professor of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the South of Minas Gerais IFSULDEMINAS), Poços de Caldas, MG, Brazil. Structuring of the article, construction of theoretical reference, development of methodology and instruments, field research, data collection and analysis in Atlas TI. 2 PhD in Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC / SP). Professor, Researcher and Manager of the Postgraduate Program in Administration of the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (PPGA / USCS), São Caetano do Sul, SP, Brazil. Structuring of the article, theoretical reference, data analysis and conclusion of the article. Paper submitted in: 07/02/2018. Paper accepted in: 18/04/2018. Rev. Bras. Pesq. Tur. São Paulo, 12(2), pp. 83-111, maio/ago. 2018. 83 Santos, T. S.; Pereira, R. S. Governance of Tourism in Campo das Vertentes, MG, Brazil: a path to regional development? Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo é verificar o papel e a articulação dos órgãos de governança nas ações de turismo desenvolvidas na região Campo das Vertentes, em Minas Gerais. Para tanto, foram investigados os mu- nicípios de Prados, São João Del Rei e Tiradentes, pertencentes ao Circuito Turístico Trilha dos Inconfidentes. Como base teórica foram considerados os dez elementos de governança propostos por Bovaird e Löffler (2003). A de natureza qualitativa foi do tipo exploratória. Utilizou-se pesquisa documental, além da realização de 12 entrevistas em profundidade. Os resultados a existência de um nível bastante avançado de governança no de- senvolvimento da região, mesmo havendo discrepâncias de níveis de governança entre os municípios analisa- dos. Constatou-se que o Circuito Turístico Trilha dos Inconfidentes, responsável por estabelecer um canal direto com o poder público na esfera estadual e federal em prol de necessidades da região, possui relevante poder e influência sobre as ações, projetos e programas realizados. Palavras-chave: Turismo. Governança. Desenvolvimento Regional. Campo das Vertentes. Trilha dos Inconfiden- tes. Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio es verificar el papel y la articulación de los órganos de gobernanza en las acciones de turismo desarrolladas en la región Campo das Vertentes, en Minas Gerais. Para ello, fueron investi- gados los municipios de Prados, São João Del Rei y Tiradentes, pertenecientes al Circuito Turístico Pista de los Inconfidentes. Como base teórica se consideraron los diez elementos de gobernanza propuestos por Bovaird y Löffler (2003). La de naturaleza cualitativa fue del tipo exploratoria. Se utilizó investigación documental, además de la realización de 12 entrevistas en profundidad. Los resultados de la existencia de un nivel bastante avanzado de gobernanza en el desarrollo de la región, aun habiendo discrepancias de niveles de gobernanza entre los municipios analizados. Se constató que el Circuito Turístico Trilha de los Inconfidentes, responsable de estable- cer un canal directo con el poder público en la esfera estadual y federal en favor de las necesidades de la región, posee relevante poder e influencia sobre las acciones, proyectos y programas realizados. Palabras clave: Turismo. Gobernanza. Desarrollo Regional. Campo das Vertentes. Trilha dos Inconfidentes. 1 INTRODUCTION contribution was 9.5% of global GDP, rising to 9.8% in 2014 and 2015 and reaching 10.2% The valuation of the regional as op- in 2016, when the industry generated US$7.6 posed to the global, has contributed to the trillion worldwide and 292 million jobs, ongoing discussion of conceptual and theo- equivalent to one in ten of all jobs in the retical issues related to region, regionalism, world. According to the World Tourism Or- and regionality (Gil, Oliva, & Silva, 2009). In ganization (UNWTO) (2017), international this sense, as a factor in economic develop- tourist arrivals have increased significantly ment, tourism can contribute to increase the over time, from 25 million in 1950 to 1,235 income of residents through the sale of million in 2016. goods and services to tourists. As a factor in Tourism is a phenomenon that moves social development, tourism can generate di- millions of people around the world, being rect and indirect jobs, contributing to the one of the main drivers of the global econ- protection and preservation of historical-cul- omy (Sousa, 2016). According to UNWTO tural and environmental heritage (Silveira, data, since 2009, after the global financial cri- 2008). sis, 2016 was the seventh consecutive year of In its annual reports, the World Travel growth. In Brazil, the total contribution of the & Tourism Council (WTTC) provides data on industry - including direct, indirect, and in- the contribution of the travel and tourism in- duced impacts of tourism – amounted to dustry to the global economy. In 2013, this 9.2% of GDP, equivalent to US$205.6 billion. Rev. Bras. Pesq. Tur. São Paulo, 12(2), pp. 83-111, maio/ago. 2018. 84 Santos, T. S.; Pereira, R. S. Governance of Tourism in Campo das Vertentes, MG, Brazil: a path to regional development? The United States leads the list of the largest ism activities at regional level, including re- tourism economies in the world, with about gional governance structures. In this context, US$1.4 trillion; Brazil is ranked sixth. This there is a shift in focus from municipal to re- shows that the activity is profitable and com- gional planning, advancing tourism and re- petitive, and if properly planned, can contrib- gional development (Brasil, 2009). ute to the sustainable development of the In line with the Program of Regionali- municipalities of a given region (Molina, zation of Tourism - PRT, in 2003, the Depart- 2005; WTTC, 2016). ment of Tourism of the State of Minas Gerais Tourism is an activity that requires a - SETUR, issues decree No. 43,321, recogniz- certain level of organizational structure ing the legal personality of Tourist Circuits. based on the needs and motivations of the Since then, the actions foreseen in the Multi- involved actors and requires a series of ac- annual Government Action Plans include the tions to meet the requirements of supply and regionalization of tourism in Minas Gerais demand. These actions, in turn, must be through Tourist Circuits. guided by public policies, which lack institu- In the study region, Campo das tionalized governance of tourism capable of Vertentes, 22 municipalities make up the defining and implementing them with legiti- “Circuito Turístico Trilha dos Inconfidentes” – macy (Dreher & Salini, 2010). Public authori- CTTI (Inconfidentes Trail Circuit), which takes ties are responsible for providing basic infra- its name from the 23 “inconfidentes” (con- structure, raising the awareness of actors, spirators) from Minas Gerais, nine of whom promoting destinations, regulating the activ- lived in the Comarca of Rio das Mortes, with ity and especially, planning, setting goals, tar- its seat in the Vila de São João Del Rei. Cut by gets, and macro guidelines, in view of the the Estrada Real (royal road), where the first wide development of tourism in the territory settlers and independentists led by Ti- (Minas Gerais, 2014). radentes passed, this