DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR SCOTLAND NATIONAL PARKS SCOTTISH SURVEY i; i -'."••' • Report by the •"-'..'•- .-.--"•.- r-** Scottish National Parks Survey Committee ';' ;'*;- fc ... v \_ Presented by ike Secretary of State for Scotland to Parliament^. .- V' ,- ^ by Command of Jus Majesty ,-.t Bran My ft ,•j7. ,,", . ,j ,i - , • j11 .,6 ri>uii«.^^ « 'c •,Kv-ig , . 1. P^rrhr-aiw^* • ,' *.V,!' \H-''' -5 •• - ' ' , C -:i :-'4'"' *. • ' EDINBURGH ,' -;. k^Vv-;;fc;,.,-}Vc,. HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE: 1945 / ^•--^ Jf, 4?V~/ ''.:- , ' '.'.,". ' "' " - SIXPENCE NET ' . • •. '. ,V? ^f ^Scma: 663i'~ ••• MEMBERS SIR J. DOUGLAS RAMSAY, Bart., M.V.O., F.S.I. (Chairman). , F. FKASER DAKLING, Esq., D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.E. CONTENTS D. G. Moiu, Esq., ([{oiwrary Secretary. Scottish Youth Hostels Association ; Report Joint Honorary Secretary, Royal Scottish Geographical Society). , Part I — Introduction . , . S *PirrER TIIOMSEN, Esq., M..V, F.E.I.S. Part II— \Vhat is a " National Pnrk " ? . 5 Part III — Areas Surveyed . , . 8 Du. ARTHUR GiinnKS, Survey Officer, Part IV — Recommendations . 9 DR. A. B. TAYLOK, Secretary to March 1944. Reservation by the late Mr. Peter Thomsen . 12 MR. D. M. McPHAii, Secretary froM March 1944. - Appendices Survey Reports . .13 •Mr. Thomson died on 3rd September, 1944. He had attended all the meetings of Areas on Priority List . .'13 the Committee, and although ho died before signature of the Report he had actively 1 Loch Lomond—Trossach s . ... .13 assisted in its preparation. i 2 Glen Affric — Glen Cannich — Strath Farrnr . ... 14 3 Ben Nevis— Glen Coe— Black Mount . 15 4 The Cairngorms . .16 5 Loch Torridon — Locb Marce — Little Loch Broom .
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