Weakly Quotient Map and Space
Special Issue - 2020 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 RTICCT - 2020 Conference Proceedings Weakly Quotient Map and Space Chidanand Badiger T Venkatesh Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi-591 156, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi-591 156, Karnataka, INDIA. Karnataka, INDIA. Abstract- In this paper, we introduce the new weakly quotient Definition 2.1 [9] A subset F of a space M is said to be map (briefly, 푤-quotient map), strongly 푤-quotient map and Weakly closed (briefly, w-closed) if cl(F) ⊆ U whenever 푤*-quotient map. Here will discuss composition of few such F ⊆ U and U is semi-open in M. Respectively called w-open quotient maps. Also, we investigate some important properties set, if M ∖ F is w-closed set in M. We denote the set of all w- and consequences associated with usual quotient and bi, tri- quotient maps. open sets in M by wO(M). Definition 2.2 A map h: M → N is said to be 푤-continuous −1 Key Words: 푤-quotient map, strongly 푤-quotient map, 푤*-quotient map, if h (F) is 푤-closed set of M, for every closed set F of map, 푤-quotient space. N. AMS Classification: 54A05, 54C10, 54H99. Definition 2.3 A map h: M → N is said to be 푤-irresolute map, if h−1(F) is 푤-closed set of M, for every 푤-closed set F I. INTRODUCTION of N. Construction is needed in any branch of science, Definition 2.4 A bijection h: M → N is called 푤- which can be sufficiently achieved by the theory of quotient homeomorphism, if both h and h−1 are 푤-continuous.
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