Government of the Republic of

Overview of data from towns and municipalities on measures for the social inclusion of Roma in 2018

The overview of data on the social inclusion of Roma for 2018 at the level of towns and municipalities was produced based on data entered into the Database for monitoring Roma inclusion measures by local self-government units, and based on relevant reports and mechanisms for monitoring the application of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma 2016-2025: Operational Conclusions defined at the Seminar on the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia, Recommendations regarding the implementation of the Action Plan for Chapter 23 - Judiciary and Fundamental Rights and the Report by the Regional Cooperation Council on the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy. The structure of the Report is adapted to the measures and activities being implemented under priority areas envisaged by the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025. The database for monitoring Roma inclusion measures is an important means for the efficient implementation of policies at the national and local level, ensuring storage, maintenance and overview of data in a single place. It contains statistical and textual data on Roma inclusion measures by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry of Health, National Employment Service, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia and data by local self-governments. The data is available at the website of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia . The Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, with support by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency and in cooperation with the Office for Human and Minority Rights and the Coordination Body for Monitoring the Implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma 2016-2025, has implemented trainings on the “Basic guidelines for the use of the Database for monitoring Roma inclusion measures” intended for representatives of towns and municipalities. Three regional trainings have been held: 20 March 2019 in , 2 April 2019 in and 9 April 2019 in Niš. The trainings were attended by a total of 55 participants from 34 LSUs: , Belgrade/, Belgrade/, Belgrade/Palilula, Belgrade/Surčin, Belgrade/Čukarica, Beočin, Vrnjačka Banja, Vršac, Žabalј, , Kanjiža, , , , Kocelјeva, Kralјevo, Kruševac, , Lebane, , Novi Sad, Pećinci, Požarevac, Prokuplјe, Sečanj, , , , , , , Trstenik, Paraćin.

Data on social inclusion measures for Roma in 2018 at the level of towns and municipalities was entered by 89 LSUs during the period 20 March to 31 May 2019.

According to official statistical data, i.e. the 2011 Census, the above towns and municipalities have a total of 102,195 members of the Roma population living in them (female - 62,901; male - 39,294). The highest number of Roma live in the city municipality Belgrade/ (5,600), the city of Zrenjanin (5,599), and the city municipality Niš/Palilula (2,745). Among the 89 LSUs that have completed the questionnaire, Local Action Plans for the social inclusion of Roma were adopted in 38 towns and municipalities, while special funds for improving the status of Roma are being allocated by 45 local self-governments with a total amount of RSD 15,510,000.00.

Table no. 1 Areas covered by the adopted Local Action Plans in the LSUs that have entered data for 2018

LAP area Number of towns/municipalities Education 30 Housing 26 Employment 25 Healthcare 26 Social welfare 21 Five priority areas envisaged by the Action Plan for 2017 and 2018 34 Other areas represented in LAPs (culture, media and information, access to 16 personal documents, anti-discrimination, status of women, internally displaced persons and returnees based on the readmission agreement, etc.)

Table no. 2 Availability of local mechanisms for the social inclusion of Roma in LSUs that have entered data for 2018

Hired pedagogical Hired Hired healthcare Established assistants coordinators for mediators mobile team2 Roma issues1 Number of LSUs 48 56 40 20 Percentage of the 42.7% 62.9% 35.6% 17.8% total number of LSUs that have entered the data for 2018

Among the total number of hired coordinators for Roma issues in LSUs that have entered data for 2018, 24 of them work with an open-ended contract, while 34 coordinators have a systematized job.

Table no. 3 Availability of mobile teams for the social inclusion of Roma in LSUs that have entered data for 2018

The number of LSUs where mobile The number of LSUs whose The number of LSUs teams are active mobile teams have reported on whose mobile teams have their operational plans for the reported on their period January-June 2018 operational plans for the period July-December 2018 29 4 3

1Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 2Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025

The best preconditions for the successful social inclusion of Roma were achieved by 14 towns/municipalities (Belgrade/Zvezdara, Belgrade/Rakovica, Belgrade/Čukarica, Valјevo, , Kovin, Kostolac, Kruševac, Lajkovac, Novi Bečej, Paraćin, , Stara Pazova and Subotica), since they have adopted local action plans, allocated special funds for Roma inclusion, hired coordinators for Roma issues, healthcare mediators and pedagogical assistants.


The structure of professional qualifications of the Roma population (except for children under 15 years of age) in the municipalities and towns that have entered the data for 2018 is mostly comprised of Roma with primary education. The greatest number of Roma with higher education was registered in the municipalities of: Valјevo (24), Belgrade/Voždovac (11), Belgrade/Zvezdara (14), Belgrade/Zemun (12), Belgrade/Čukarica (18), (10), (12), Kruševac (11), Niš/Palilula (21), Niš/Crveni Krst (15), (18), Prokuplјe (15) and Šabac (14). Pedagogical assistants3 provide support to children and students of Roma nationality that need additional support in education, actively and continuously cooperate with parents, institutional bodies - principal and teams, professional associates and other staff; maintain intersectoral cooperation with local self-government unit bodies, competent institutions, services, organizations and associations; provide assistance and support to teachers and professional associates in the classroom and extracurricular educational processes. Pedagogical assistants have been hired in 48 towns and municipalities that have completed the questionnaire. The greatest number of pedagogical assistants have been hired in the city municipality Belgrade/Zemun and the city of (6), as well as in Kragujevac, Subotica and the city municipality Belgrade/Čukarica (5).

Table no. 4 Data on the number of children/students enrolled in preschool institutions and primary school with support by pedagogical assistants in the 2018/19 school year

Number of children aged 3.5-5.5 Number of children enrolled in Number of students enrolled years enrolled in PI with the help PPP with the help of PAs5 in primary school of PAs4 18 50 4

During the 2018/2019 school year a total of 25 municipalities have approved scholarships for students attending secondary school, while 5 municipalities and towns have awarded scholarships for students of Roma nationality. The municipality of Stara Pazova is a good practice example since it is implementing a programme of rewarding students in secondary schools, and 17 Roma students have been rewarded. Higher education students of Roma nationality were awarded 23 scholarships by 9 municipalities for the current academic year, with the most prominent being Valjevo (11 scholarships).

Table no. 5 Data on Roma student beneficiaries of scholarships during the 2018/19 school year

3 The data is in regards to the 2017/2018 school year. Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 4 The data is in regards to the 2017/2018 school year. Recognized under activities from to of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 5 Recognized under activities from to of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025

Towns/municipalities Number of LSUs

LSUs that have approved scholarships for Roma students6 attending secondary school 5 LSUs keeping records on the number of Roma secondary school student beneficiaries 26 of scholarships LSUs that have approved higher education scholarships for Roma students7 9 LSUs keeping records on the number of Roma higher education student beneficiaries 48 of scholarships

Special funds for the purchase of textbooks for Roma students for the 2018/19 school year have been allocated by 11 municipalities and towns, with a total amount of RSD 2,046,000.00, the most prominent being (RSD 850,000), Kovin (RSD 356,000.00) and Subotica (RSD 300,000). Funds for the costs of transporting Roma students attending secondary school during the 2018/19 school year have been allocated by 8 towns/municipalities with a total amount of RSD 38,043,941.00. Funds for the cost of meals for Roma students during the 2018/19 school year have been allocated by 10 towns/municipalities with a total amount of RSD 12,386,577.00, the most prominent being Kikinda (RSD 8,686,577.00) and Odžaci (RSD 2,200,000.00).

Table no. 6 Data on towns and municipalities allocating special funds for the purchase of textbooks, transport and meal costs for Roma students during the 2018/19 school year

Towns/municipalities Number of towns/municipalities LSUs allocating funds for the purchase of textbooks 11 LSUs allocating funds for the cost of transportation of Roma students 9 attending primary school LSUs allocating funds for the cost of transportation of Roma students 55 attending secondary school LSUs allocating funds for meals 10

A particularly significant item of data is that among the 89 towns/municipalities that have completed the database questionnaire there are no beneficiaries of affirmative measures8 in secondary education for the 2018/19 school year. Roma language with elements of national culture9 is being studied in 8 LSUs in 10 primary schools.


Table no. 7 Data on programmes/projects in the field of housing

6Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 7Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 8Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 9Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 Name of programme/project LSU where the Goal of the programme/project programme/project is being implemented

Technical assistance - Component 1:Bačka Palanka, Component 1: Drafting Improving the living and Kralјevo, Šabac, Lajkovac, technical documentation and housing conditions of Roma Požarevac, , Niš, urban plans10; currently living in informal Vlasotince, Kovačica (drafting the settlements documentation from their own Component 2: Forming 20 funds), Bor, Aleksinac, Zrenjanin mobile teams for Roma (left the project), Paraćin, inclusion; ;

Component 2: Požarevac, Bor, Beočin, Šabac, Paraćin, Aleksinac, Bačka Palanka, Ruma, Zaječar, , Niš, Čukarica, Vlasotince, Vladičin Han, Subotica, Kovačica, Stara Pazova, Pećinci, Lajkovac, Zrenjanin;

IPA 2013 - Implementing Odžaci, Stara Pazova, , Securing durable housing durable housing solutions and Lebane, Ub, Svilanjac, Loznica, solutions and improvement of improvement of physical Bolјevac, , Niš, Čačak, infrastructure11 in Roma infrastructure in Roma Prokuplјe, Smederevo settlements settlements

IPA 2014 - Project for the Kučevo, Beočin, Bač, , Drafting detailed regulation improvement of the social and Kuršumlija, Vrnjačka banja, plans for substandard economic living conditions of , Sombor, Pećinci, settlements the Roma population Lebane and Surdulica Legalization of buildings in Roma substandard settlements12 (10 LSUs)

IPA 2016 - EU support for Lebane, Vršac, Surdulica, Support to the process of Roma inclusion - empolwering Dolјevac, Mladenovac, Pirot, improvement of the social and local communities for Roma , economic status of the Roma inclusion Aranđelovac, Bečej, Loznica. population in local communities and implementation of priority strategic measures from the Strategy

As part of component 1 of the project Technical assistance - “Improving the living and housing conditions of Roma currently living in informal settlements”, Memorandums on Cooperation

10 Recognized under activities from to of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 11 Recognized under activities from to of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 12 Recognized under activities from to of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025

have been signed with 13 municipalities that will have their technical documentation and, depending on needs, urban plans developed. The municipality of Kovačica decided to fund the drafting of the documentation itself, while the city of Zrenjanin has left the project. The Managing Board decided to include the municipality of Svilajinac into the programme and to draft project documentation for this municipality for a building with 12 flats. Project activities have been fully completed in the municipalities of Lajkovac, Paraćin, Požarevac and Kostolac. MoCs have been signed for component 2 - assistance in forming 20 new mobile teams for Roma inclusion by 20 municipalities. Operating plans have been developed for all 20 municipalities with EUR 126,000 envisaged. As part of the project “Implementing durable housing solutions and improvement of physical infrastructure in Roma settlements”, construction work has been successfully completed in the towns/municipalities of Odžaci, Lebane, Ub, Svilajnac, Loznica, and Novi Pazar. The projects in Niš and Čačak are halted due to the inability of the city of Čačak to successfully implement tenders because of pressures by the local community that disagreed from the very start with Roma persons moving into their local community, while the city of Niš failed to resolve land issues, since a problem with restitution appeared on all parcels where the 50 houses for members of the Roma population were to be built. The agreement for the IPA 2014 project “Project for the improvement of the social and economic living conditions of the Roma population” was signed with the KPMG d.o.o. Company in December 2018. The value of the contract is EUR 2,705,170. As part of component 3 of the IPA 2016 programme, involving the development of detailed regulation plans for substandard settlements, agreements were signed with municipalities on 21 September 2018. The project “Support to the EU inclusion of Roma - empowering local communities for Roma inclusion” was financed from the IPA 2016 programme, the funds are managed by the EUD in Serbia, the beneficiary is the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Issues, and the implementation partner is the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities. Agreements were signed with the municipalities as part of component 1 of the programme on 27 June 2018. Mobile teams for Roma inclusion have been established, along with local coordination bodies for managing Roma inclusion policy. The development of Local Action Plans (LAP) for Roma inclusion was started, along with Operational Plans for Mobile Teams (OP) in all 10 local self-governments.


Table no. 8 Data on the number of Roma registered in NES records on 31 October 2018 by degree of qualifications, age structure and duration of unemployment.

Number of Roma Share of Roma in Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of registered13 in total registered registered Roma registered Roma registered Roma NES records on unemployment in NES records by in NES records by in NES records by 31 October 2018. degree of age structure duration of qualifications unemployment 25,288 4.57% Persons with Persons aged up Status of long- (12,216 or 48% lower or low to 30 years - term unemployed women) levels of 36.40% persons (seeking qualifications - work more than 64% Persons older than 12 months) - 50 years - 14.70% 70.2%

13Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 The Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs on 7 May 2018 adopted a Decision on participation in the financing of active labour market policy programmes or measures envisaged by the LEAP for 2018, supporting the implementation of 115 LEAPs from NES funds to the amount of RSD 512,048,871.47, while the envisaged amount of funds from local self-government unit budgets was RSD 586,384,865.29.

Table no. 9 Data on the inclusion of Roma in active labour market policy measures during the period January-October 2018

Number of Roma Number of Roma Number of registered Share of long-term covered by active labour persons awarded funds cases of employment of unemployed in market policy measures14 for employment Roma from the NES cases of (NES and IPA 2013 records employment of funds) Roma persons 4,365 133 4,586 43.60% (1,855 women) (51 women) (31% women)

In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance, NES and the unemployed person establish an individual employment plan at the latest within 90 days of registering the unemployed person, with this plan to be adapted to the needs of the labour market and characteristics of the unemployed person at least once every six months. The individual employment plan represents an instrument in working with unemployed persons and a basis for including the person in active labour market policy measures. It defines occupations where the person will be provided mediation, activities to be undertaken by the person and measures they will be included in for employment or increasing their employability. At the same time, during their interview with the employment advisor, unemployed persons are being informed on their rights and obligations, in accordance with the law. Employability assessments were conducted during the period January-October 2018 and individual employment plans have been developed (including revisions) for 23 773 Roma persons (11,087 women), while information and counselling services on career development options were used by 108 Roma persons (55 women). The “Youth Employment Promotion” project being implemented by GIZ is conducting trainings for the needs of the labour market with various profiles and support measures15. During 2018 measures (career management training, job-seeking training, student entrepreneurship and trainings for the needs of the labour market/vocational training) covered 12,220 youth, 1,467 of them members of the Roma national minority and 349 persons with the status of returnees based on the Readmission Agreement. Vocational trainings have covered 1,252 youth, including 265 Roma persons. Trainings for starting one’s own business in agriculture covered 470 youth, and 189 in the IT sector. As a results of the measures 1,090 young persons have become employed, 112 of them of Roma nationality. With support by the Coordination Body for Monitoring the Implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma, the UN volunteering programme16 with the support of UNDP and UNHCR has trained 30 young Roma, implementing their volunteering internships in 30 local self-government units in the Republic of Serbia. The adoption of the Law on Employees of Autonomous Provinces and Local Self-Government Units (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 21/16, 113/17, 113/17 - other laws, 95/18) and by-laws for the

14Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 15Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 16Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 implementation of this law, the Law on Public Agencies (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 18/05, 81/05- corrigendum, 47/18), Law on Civil Servants (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 79/05, 81/05- corrigendum, 83/05- corrigendum, 64/07, 67/07- corrigendum, 116/08, 104/09, 99/14, 94/17 and95/18) and by-laws for the implementation of this law, as well as the Law on Employees in Public Services (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 113/17) provided the legal basis for undertaking affirmative action for promoting the employment of all national minorities, including Roma, in AP bodies and LSUs, public agencies, state bodies and public services (education, culture, healthcare and social welfare). As one of the most important affirmative measures these laws envisage that members of national minorities will be given priority when selecting candidates in call procedures in case of equally qualified candidates, all with the aim of achieving appropriate representation of national minority members and full equality.


The Republic of Serbia has a total of 85 mediators engaged17 in 70 municipalities. Healthcare mediators have started working on 1 April 2018 in the following municipalities: Aranđelovac, , Bač, Beočin, Bogatić, Bor, , Subotica, Odžaci, Leskovac, Kraljevo, , Pančevo, Sombor, Surdulica, Smederevo, , Kikinda, , Vlasotince, Zemun, Zvezdara, , Stara Pazova. The total number of healthcare mediators hired by LSUs that have entered data for 2018 is 40. They are distributed across 37 municipalities and towns, with the highest numbers in the city municipalities of Belgrade/Zvezdara (2), Belgrade/Zemun (2) and the city of Šabac (2).

Table no. 10 Activities of healthcare mediators regarding informing Roma on various aspects of preventive healthcare18

Number Number Number of Number of Number of Number Number of of field of distributed activities aimed Roma of young visits19 thematic informational at raising informed individual Roma workshop materials20 awareness on on non- interviews included in s on healthcare malnutrition, communica group smoking, ble diseases activities alcoholism and (diabetes) with the aim other risk of informing factors them on risky behaviour, violence, unwanted pregnancies, communica ble disease21

17 Recognized under activities from to of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 18 The data is in regards to 2017. 19 Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 20 Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 21 Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 36.709 1,512 21,372 7,869 82 11,357 522

Table no. 11 Activities of healthcare mediators related to vaccination, prevention and visits to pregnant women22

Number of vaccinated Roma Number of preventive check-ups Number of visits to pregnant children23 women24

1,576 1,456 1,420

Health Councils have been formed in 71 LSUs, while members of Roma nationality are represented in 8 Health Councils. All three conditions for improving the healthcare protection of Roma at the local level (hired healthcare mediator, established LSU Health Council and Roma included in the Health Council) have been met in Paraćin, Pirot and Voždovac.

22 The data is in regards to 2017. 23 Recognized under activity of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 24 Recognized under activities and of the Action Plan for 2017-2018 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025