The London Gazette, Apkil 29, .1890
2462 THE LONDON GAZETTE, APKIL 29, .1890. Joseph Charles Stoelke Vaughan. 3rd and 4th Battalions, the Lot/al North Lanca- Alexander Leonard Duke. shire Regiment, Lieutenant H. A. Brown resigns Joshua Chaytor White. his Commission. Dated 14th April, 1890. Harry William Elphick. 3rd Battalion, Princess Charlotte of Wales's Charles Henry Bedford. (Royal Berkshire Regiment), William Arthur MADRAS. Frederick White, Gent., to be Second Lieu- Charles Louis Williams. tenant. Dated 18th April, 1890. Wilfrid Constant Vickers. 3rd Battalion, the Duke of Cambridge's Own BOMBAY. (Middlesex Regiment), Francis Goldie-Taubman, John Blackburn Smith. Gent., to be > Second Lieutenant Dated 14th Henry Francis Cleveland. April, 1890. Edward Locke Cathcart Smith. 4th Battalion, the Duke of Cambridge's Own Townsend Martin Shaw. (Middlesex Regiment}, Arthur Reginald Carey, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 14th April, 1890. War Office, 29th April, 1890. 4th Battalion, the Durham Light Infantry, Samuel MILITIA. Pearson Yates, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. EOTAL ARTILLERY. Dated 15th April, 1890. The Dublin City Artillery (Southern Division), 5th Battalion, the Rifle Brigade (the Prince John Berchmans Crean, Gent., to be Second Consort's Own), Captain W. B. Blew 'Jones Lieutenant. .Dated 13th April, 1890. resigns his Commission. Dated 18th April, 1890. The Fife Artillery (Southern Division), The undermentioned Second Lieutenants to be YEOMANRY CAVALRY. Lieutenants :— Shropshire, Captain H. D. Chapman to be Major. J. S. Guthrie. Dated 30th April, 1890. Dated 30th April, 1890. ' H. M. Grenfell. Dated 30th April, 1890. H. A. C. Johnston. Dated 30th April, 1890. VOLUNTEER CORPS. INFANTRY. ARTILLERY. 3rd Battalion, the Norfolk Regiment, Lieutenant 2nd Kent, Captain J.
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