Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Men of Fife of Past and Present Times
CUN- riFESHIRE BIOGEAPHY. DAL Instruction Gimmisaiou, upon which Volun- Jeflfrey, early in 1850, Lord Cunninghame tary principles were represented, to the was removed to the Inner House, where his dismay of the Establishment, was perhaps labours, however responsible, were les3 a fruit of the cluuijje. In 1S37 Mr Cun- constant and harassing than those of a Lord ninghame was raised to the bench. He Ordinary. He had, however, before this gained a great reputation as an Outer House event, met with a very severe accident, Judge by the general soundness of his which, after much suffering, rendered him judgments, his unwearied application to his lame for life. Though he jiartly recovered duties, and quick despatch of the causes from the shock it gave to his constitution, the brought before him. Without being a pro- loss of his wonted exerci>ie .and out-door found lawyer, his knowledge was at com- enjoyment undennined his health, while the mand, anil no one could excel him in infirmity of increasing deafness, impairing disentangling the complexities of the ordi- his powers of usefulness on the bench, nary run of cases which came into court, obliged him to retire in 1853. and taking soimd practical views, which CiJrtKlE, Andrew, of Ghissmount, served to place his judgments on a firm merchant in Kirkcaldy, died in October footing. His courtesy and indidgence to 18.59, much respected. He was bom in those who pleaded before him, and his easy 1802, and died in his fifty-eighth year. and familiar manner—on which, however, During the whole of his active life Mr he never permitted any one unduly to jire- Curi-ie's fortunes were cast in his native sume—made him a favourite with all classes district, and his death, though not unlooked of practitioners.
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