GRANVILLE ISLAND PUBLISHING Books That Make a Difference 2019 Catalogue 2 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | differently, whichis helpful forthereader.” and treatment writing general and fiction style. science to references jocular his like particularly I and read easy an is Strikes Cancer “Prostate and wife Comox his with lives Gogs children, during Columbia British coming-of-age Gogs data architect. Columbia British developed has independent passion New native of A intimate his — needstoknow. reveals account, woman from or man — personal disease the by impacted learn everyone deeply that details this and in Gogs, health manhood, of and core very their the at hits for cancer Prostate experiences. advocate to others inspire to story his share to decided he recovery, and surgery his After lifetimes. their during cancer prostate with diagnosed men Co-author The of bestseller Intelligent Patient Guide to ProstateCancer o, n diin o rmtn pott cne health, cancer prostate promoting to addition in Now, of millions of one became GAGNON GOGS 57, AGE AT eoe mc o hs ie o rtn. i nx bo i a is book next His writing. to time his of much devotes forcomputersbybecomingaprogrammerand os es no h ntygit o danss and diagnosis of nitty-gritty the into gets Gogs le onVancouver Island. Valley technology consultant. In the course of his career,he his of course the In consultant. technology Radiation oncologist, Cancer Agency, BC professor, UBC software for Apple, IBM, and the government of government the and IBM, Apple, for software memoir cnwegs ht e hud ae done have should he what acknowledges Westminster, hr h ws ed rgamr nls and analyst programmer lead was he where Prostate Cancer Strikes e i te oe Miln of Mainland Lower the in set —Tom Pickles, MBMDMRCP FRCPC h 17s Te ahr f three of father The 1970s. the followed an early an followed Gagnon Gogs Navigating theStorm hi to os n the in dogs two their Gogs Gagnon Gogs Jan 15,2019 Publication date $9.99 ISBN: 978-1-926991-97-9 E-book $18.95 5.25 x8in.—182pages ISBN: 978-1-926991-94-8 Softcover Held Worldwide Rights Health &Fitness /Cancer /Patient CDN/USD CDN / $17.95 USD 3 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | 4 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | $19.95 ISBN: 978-1-926991-92-4 ISBN: 978-1-926991-93-1 Rights Held Worldwide Rights 6 x9in.—224pages CDN $9.99 $17.95 Softcover CDN/USD E-book Fiction USD place they they and more,friends fightbeauty as they to protectof a fragile the from overpeople all by the world accidentmeet and who become heartfelt — a great vacation read. It weaves together the lives of stakes, provocative and absolutely current. Thought-provoking, Intersections Mariposa If you’ve wanted ever to thebeach” get “beyond inMexico, then at: Westend from 2010to 2012. 1995. He owner the was also of aFrench Restaurant inVancouver’s a subsequent of book short stories published by Ullstein GmbH. near Vancouver,Coast BC. 1990 he moved to Granthams Landing, Gibsons, on Sunshine the immigrated and inCanada,first settled in BC thenNelson,and in Bruno Huber wasand born inZürich, raised . He money, jobsand for need the electricity. a way of life and environment the against insatiable the appetite for Mexico. It’s auniversal about story fight the forthe preservation of proposedthe nuke plant historic inthis region center inthe of cause unites for them ashort but intense time. Together fight they organism that is bigger sum the then of its Their common parts. who, like Monarch the butterflies, are drawn together to form an Mexico. proposal of anuclear power plant on Patzcuaro Lago inMichoacan, opposite ends of adefiningcause, whichthe is Mexican Utilities young from idealists different stratawho find themselves social at Intersections Mariposa Bruno Huber Intersections Mariposa He’s afilm technichian been for 25 years. You his cansee blog He inGibsons was owner the ofBooks from Coast 1990to He is winner of the Höhnharter the Prize for Literature with It of story the a group is also of international individuals isfor ishigh- you. action story political This is love the ofand story Raoul Gabriela, two Street Legal Street screenwriter for award-winning series TV , Traders , Bliss — Maureen McKeon , andAssociates The Cornwall time. this She is currently working on asecond Napoleonic eranovel, in set byways of Europe company in the of her historian partner, Allan. her garden, or pursuing Stendhal and other characters down the at her desk, she is happiest inmuddy jeans and hair wild tending programme at University the of British Columbia. When she is not taught French for anumber of years before joining One Arts the where she completed aPh. DinFrench literature. Subsequently, she in French at University the of London before moving to Vancouver grew upAnn Pearson inSuffolk, England, did an Honours degree Napoleonic era. events fictional and characters to create a portrayalnuanced the of novelthe his Italian uses as frame, the interweaving diary it with backward their modernize land. encounter, some supporting others resisting Napoleon’s attempt to past.the Their inner conflicts are echoed among the Italians they and freedom, other life the anew seeking but enmeshed in still differenton two very personalities the — one between torn ambition conventionher to defy and pursue her heart’s desire. mind to possibility the of awoman as and he equal urges friend; affinities their when unexpected paths cross again. Sheopens his she bent on escaping her empty life. Initially discover hostile, they route to Italy —he playing truant from his official responsibilities, apex1811: the of Napoleon’s empire. Two French travellers en meet Based on youth inthe episodes Based of French the writer Stendhal, The novel exploresthe impact of Italy’slandscapes cultureand A PromiseontheHorizon AnnPearson Righ Novel June 15,2019 Publication date $9.99 CDN/USD ISBN: 978-1-926991-02-5 E-book $24.95 CDN/$22.95USD 6 x9in.—288pages ISBN: 978-1-926991--01-8 Softcover ts Held Worldwide 5 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | 6 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | ISBN: 978-1-926991-82-5 ISBN: 978-1-926991-90-0 5.5 x8.5in.—144pages Rights Held Worldwide Rights $18.95 $9.99 Softcover CDN/USD CDN/USD Memoir E-book moments but washeightened little modest .anice true. book, of constant parenting, she felt asifher appreciation of precious a way that she hadn’t done her with son. Freed from theanxiety Pauline discovered she wasspending “quality time” Jack with in southeast British Columbia. Jack and his family live nearby. iswhich way the she lives her life. women. She herself How the calls to Follow Your Heart Coach, owner of Connections, alife-coaching Coaching practice serving In addition to afirst-time being author, Pauline Daniel is the that can only given be by agrandmother. making magic, a captivating chronicle permeated by intense love bits, and intimate that scenes make your stop. heart wonderment of two lives that are of beautiful instants, full floppy we are given insight into world their together, and with fun the Throughthe inventive eyes this littleof boy andgrandmother, his mess and exhaustion, that we relate can all to. of enchanting moments and unflinching devotion, with blended and ahumorous observation, into look afamily with kind the Tuesdays with Jack is a heartwarming memoir of introspection we all do.we all He isquite remarkable. suspe I Pauline Daniel A grandmother’s love andalittleboy’s brilliance Tuesdays withJack Pauline and her husband Jim live mountain inasmall town in Thisthe is story of Buba and Jackwhipped making cream and Jack’s batteries are out running inhis head. But only for songs. ct youct are not theonly one adores who Jack. It that seems “Come on Jack. It’s to time clean up ..” “I hear you. I’m not listening.” J and teacher UK in the Relationship therapist ack, age 4 — Deidre Wallace BC BookWorldBC — Alan Twigg enjoy thepresent moment and to feel joy inthelittle things. forwish it. With how learn to you from will theadvice thisbook, hyggevisiting become your can Everything ifonly friends. you cinnamon, dances your with lover, and even candles self-made intopoured thecups. Hygge iscacao, soft flavourblankets, of world of hygge where happiness isintheair and coziness is takesusbyPia thehand Edberg and takesusinto themagical are at not good “taking abreak.” right now,are worth trying for Japanese especially readers who on theauthor’sbased It experiences. personal that of ideas isfull popular for content ishighly its years, thisbook practical several Among themany on Hygge books published during thepast Vancouver, . BC, works. Pia wasinDenmark born and currently lives inbeautiful to sharing what she’s inspiring while learned others through her industries for past the ten years. Pia wants to dedicate her time and has worked in human resources film in the and animation she has spent over fifteenyears studying personaldevelopment is an author Edberg Pia and artist. With apassion for human nature, inspirewill you to slow down and enjoy life’s cozy moments. littlethe things and simplicity take and minimalism up anotch. is consistently rated happiest the world. inthe country Embrace cultural phenomenon of hygge and secretas the to why Denmark disconnected from ourselves and our loved ones than everbefore. nextthe with and information struggling overload. We’re more versionrevised of TheCozy Life that it started all. With hygge several available books on market, the is this the To more, learn visit This charming with littlefilled hand-drawn book, illustrations, Rediscover joy the of simple the things by learning about the In today’s world, we’re constantly rushing from one thing to A Cozy Life withHygge — Bombora Publishers Non-Fiction) (Eksmo The Japanese PublisherCozyLife the of The Russian PublisherCozyLife the of — Sunmark Publishing, Inc. Pia Edberg Sept 8, Publication date Chinese —Eksmo Japanese — Russian — Tuttle Mori —HerderGerman Portuguese — Verso de Kapa French —Dunod Available insixlanguagesfrom publishers Things Concept through theDanish ofHygge Life:RediscoverThe Cozy theJoy oftheSimple First publishedby CreateSpace as Righ Self-Help $18.95 5 x8in.—148pages ISBN: 978-1-926991-89-4 Softcover ts Held PIA EDBERG 2019 CDN/USD cozy life Worldwide Youbookagency hygge with A 7 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | 8 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | ISBN: 978-1-926991-68-9 5.5 x8.5in.–234pages Rights Held Worldwide Rights Essays /Memoir $19.95 CDN/USD Softcover

Canadians. forsenior years, the coming and especially generation of young future. reading from Aperfect timeto time, for of those usof arewhich adelight to know and ahappy introduction to our of from Canada 1915 to thepresent time. memories. It isaremarkably interesting and memoir delightful What hehaswritten ismuch more of personal than acollection beloved guest. Manor inVancouver, where he’s BC, influentialperson avery and organizations. He received Order the of Canadain1983. including many corporate entities, universities and not-for-profit had which an investment initial CDC, of $350million. markets as well as at home.” John first the became chairman the of and Canadian-managed companies that are important inworld “build abetter future by developing strong Canadian-controlled positively influenceCanadian society. career, and fondly he speaks of opportunity the it gave him to around world. the For John, represented this pinnacle the of his brought himinto contact with and political business leadersfrom presidentwas elected of Canadian the Chamber of Commerce. It Yukon Division of of Bank Montreal for years. several In 1972,he John Manager was General Ellis of British the Columbia and A. interested him, many of are which included book. inthis his observations and thoughts about matters and substances that promotingmillion miles Canadian business and culture. Corporation. In roles, these John and his wife travelled over a Chamber of Commerce and first Canada Developmenthead the of ofBank Montreal. He went on to become of head Canadian the his way up to put being incharge of Western Canadafor the home WWII.Back survive with his war bride Joan, he worked Luck played a major role life in the of John allowing Ellis, him to JohnEllis A. Life, Love, andLaughter He hasput together and of observations aseries hisactivities He’s now 102years old, healthy as ever, and he lives at Crofton The list of directorshipsthat he has held adds up to over 35, In CanadaDevelopment 1973,the Corporation was created to retirement,During and advantage taking he penned of Google, Former Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister — The Honourable John A. Fraser A women'sjourneytoafulfilledlife Too Scaredto community. challenges and tonew makesignificant contributions to her inher lifesetbacks but to findaway always seemed to go on to admiration for Tricia theauthor, Cook, many faced who serious write. to difficult mustgreat Ifinished with it have very been Too Scared to Tell till Now honest isabrutally page-turner. It typing brutally this honest memoir. dying, before forced being by disability to retire. Then she started Island she worked inextended care and helped people were who divorced, and eventually remarried. After moving to Vancouver to Metro Vancouver, where she worked, got training, further of life towns insmall British innorthern Columbia before moving to Canada.Writing helped her laugh rigours and the survive poetry nursing, and married had two children before family the immigrated Tricia was inHull, born Cook Yorkshire, before WWII,studied abused,been she she knew had to warn others up. to speak group psychology and finding outthat her younger sister also had back gave out, she tells how it feels adisabled to worker. be After Island,the where she worked inextended care. health When her coldthe of Canada —before northern moving to Vancouver and school, marriage, and children. Thencame emigration — surviving and oftenbeing shut cupboard,up ina is followed by nursing inYorkshire,stressful childhood with WWIIbombing, rationing, did not prevent Trish from accomplishing Cook a lot in life. A Her abusive sexually father and controlling mother hampered but Tricia Cook Tell tillNow — Elspeth Richmond— Elspeth Bookmark Righ Memoir June 15,2019 Publication date $19.95 CDN/USD 6 x9in.—194pages ISBN: 978-1-926991-80-1 Softcover ts Held Worldwide 9 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | 10 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | Shortlisted for 2018Whistler Independent Book AwardsIndependent Book $21.00 ISBN: 978-0-905868-91-5 ISBN: 978-0-905868-90-8 Rights Held Worldwide Rights 6 x9in.–288pages CDN $9.99 $17.00 Softcover CDN/USD E-book Fiction USD

his writing. It’s agreat read and Ithoroughly recommend it. Mexico,with asone ofcaptured feel can thesoul thecountry in lateThe Norm Cuddy havemust certainly affinity hada close Return of the Jaguar you isone of just books those can’t put down. a flash drive inhis desk book andto the took publication. came across completed the manuscript for Return of the Jaguar on 2015. Norm away passed suddenly in2016.Six months later, Rose continued to law practise Winnipeg inboth and Vancouver until moved to Halfmoon Bay, on and Sunshine the Norm inBC, Coast of Manitoba with alaw degree. In 2007,he and his wife Rose Norm Cuddy inManitoba was born and graduated from University Zapatista candidate, an Indigenous woman, is for running office. just before 2018Mexican the where, election for first the time, a culturein the and violence of opposing the factions. feelings two the become dangerously for deepen, Bailey entangled one inmind: revenge to seek purpose against leader. the As Ted’s somehow managed has to returned escape. Bailey to Mexico with working hadwho been inActeal at of time the massacre the and hiatus inMexico, Bailey, meets amysterious American woman Subcomandante Marcos. Zapatista Army of National Liberation, by led charismatic the took responsibility, claiming villagers the were supporters of the in paramilitary The Roja Mascara (Red Mask), 45 unarmed people, mostly women and children, were massacred In tiny 1997,inthe December of village Acteal, Chiapas, Mexico, CuddyNorm Return oftheJaguar Contemporary General Fiction collections. Contemporary General and turns. Very recommended, for highly community library featuring memorable plot characters twists and unexpected Norm Cuddy’s genuine flair asanovelist for narrative storytelling frompage first Returnlast, to of the Jaguar author showcases Inwritten a deftly novel rivet the that will readers total attention Coincidentally, release the of Return of the Jaguar comes Some years later, Ted aCanadian lawyer on Somerville, San Miguel deAllende, Mexico — Midwest Review Book — David Tarrant appreciate thischance to visit theworld of Ken Foster. artist’s determination to create. Wouldn’t want tohim,but be I writer presents theartist’s unique life story, and Iadmire the theenergetic Ilike , thisbook. I like theway Ilike the daughters, he makes his home inVancouver, Canada. international acclaim. Happily and married proud father of two in “the creative life.” His for blog, Zen aCrazy World , has received inspired by great works and great and ideas, wholeheartedly believes superintendent of aMetro Vancouver is area Sean school district. vintage shops. A former literature teacher, he is currently assistant He affinitybook has aparticular stores, alleys, back for and NosekSean has spent mastering decades of art the wandering. beautythe of his surroundings. edgy, anti-establishment simultaneously while aesthetic, capturing and condos around city the and world. the His work retains an in aRolling Stones’ music video, aJackie Chan movie, and inshops “iconic” by his followers. Formally trained, Ken’s work seen can be home;an alleyway today, paintings his alleyway are considered film, documentary Ken the Foster, by Laner.John He oncecalled material, Foster is something legend. of alocal He is star the of known for Best survive. producing work on found than hocking two his on decades art street the to Ken Foster many never-before-seen pieces. Foster’s showingart, his evolution as an artist and The crownjewel, of course,the collection is of NosekSean gives reader the inside access to it all. as remarkable as it is heart-wrenching, and author hasartist country the known. Ken Foster’s life is to discover perhaps most the prolific and exciting battered by poverty, addiction and homelessness reader the into takes deep story of heart the aworld infamousthe Downtown of Eastside Vancouver, the collaboration project like no other. on edge the of Set Ken Foster’s Vancouver: Life, Art and Alleyways is a Ken Foster’sKen Vancouver is aVancouver has artist who spent more Life, andAlleyways Art Story by Nosek Sean Story author of EJHughes of author Paints Vancouver Island Art by KenFoster Art — Robert Amos — Robert supporters. by Nosek. Sean We thankallthe campaign successful Kickstarter This bookistheresult ofa $59.95 Full colour 9.25 x10.75in.—64pages ISBN: 978-1-926991-91-7 Softcover withflaps Held Worldwide Rights /BiographyArt CDN/USD 11 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | 12 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | 10.5 xin.—180pages Art /Sculpture /BiographyArt ISBN: 978-1-926991-74-0 ISBN: 978-1-926991-73-3 Rights Held Worldwide Rights $60.00 $9.99 Full colour Hardcover CDN/USD CDN/USD E-book people and ourpeople national psyche. our shaped Canadians who history, our of sense ourselves asa heroes. Her work palpablyexpresses our feelings for thegreat our nation’s history, in its most notable embodied citizens and For any Ruth Canadian, Abernethy isasingular chronicler of Ontario, and Vancouver, British Columbia. throne and Canada’s 150 years of nationhood. Park,Queens Toronto, in honour of Her Majesty’s 65 years on the Throne Canada.of Ruththe firstis woman to create a bronze for Ruth has acommission II,seated inthe Elizabeth to sculpt Queen of Oscar Peterson at National the Centre Arts in Ottawa. Currently physicianmilitary John and poet McCrae. King and John A.Macdonald, PGAsuperstar Arnold Palmer and of distinctive commissions including Prime Ministers Mackenzie invitation to portray Glenn and Gould ignited an ongoing series commission in1996launched practice, art asolo prompted an Festival, inform her approach to sculpture. Ruth’s first bronze 20 years of including experience, many seasons at Stratford the work in,or manage, props departments across Canada. These Ruth her divides home/studio her between time near Wellesley, unveiledIn Elizabeth Ruth’s 2010, HM Queen bronze installation theatre technician at age 17.She went on to Ruth Abernethy as started aprofessional to liveloose on streetscapes across Canada. ofsculpted privacy inthe Ruth’s studio and let illustrated record of many bronze characters plus many others. Life and Bronze is alavishly Macdonald inPicton and Ontario, Baden, A. Ottawa, Abe Lincoln inIllinois and Sir John Mario at Bernardi National the Centre Arts Toronto, atGould CBC Oscar Peterson and Her portrait commissions include Glenn Abernethy’s and bold career. artistic varied and talent, Life and Bronze of is story the Ruth craft celebrationpart and Canadianof culture Part memoir, secrets of part sculptor’s the Ruth Abernethy A Sculptor’s Journal Life andBronze The Glenn GouldThe Glenn Foundation —Brian Levine among like-minded friends in Canada. among inCanada. friends like-minded inIsrael to her eventual placeofservice safety and fulfilment we travel from her origins inatumultuous Europe through army life’s vicissitudes, she retains a freshness of and sense wonder as a historian’s awareness context. and political of Despite social themselves. It shows an both artist’s for eye the telling and detail and perceptive theatrical asGranirer’sas vivid, paintings This isalively and touching and affirmation, act of memory Surrealismo: El Oro del Tiempo (Spain), ina5-page chapter. Ierie (Italy), Oggi and inJose Miguel Pérez Corrales’s anthology, of international surrealism by Arturo Schwarz, Museothe Nacional and (Chile) Artes more. deBellas of HamiltonGallery (Ontario), Museo Eugenio Granell (Spain), (Prince Richmond George, the Gallery, BC), Art Gallery Art the of GreaterIsrael), Gallery Art the Victoria, Two the BC, Rivers Museum (Calgary, Yad the Alberta), Vashem Museum (Jerusalem, public national and international collections, such as Glenbow the life inVancouver. Her works are found innumerous private and Pnina Granirer has exhibited widely during 52years the of her renewal and ideas. new created a large of body ignoringart, trends and searching for resilience, amidst joys the and restrictions of family life, Granirer climates, and huge life changes. With incredible determination and artistthe navigated wars and upheavals, tense and political social in three countries —Romania, Israel, and Canada—it tells how Granirer’s life as an artist and aplay aperson. Like set inthree acts that only humans employ. is an enduring expression of search the for beauty and spirituality becoming an internationally profound artist respected whose work increasingly shadowed her world inRomania of WWIIera. the schoolmates.passion This evengrew as fascism and anti-Semitism consuming passion illustrations creating while fairytale for her PninaDuring Granirer’s seventh year, picture a making became In 2014Pnina was included extensive inthe encyclopedia This lively and moving memoir truly theamazing is story of Light within the Shadows chronicles Granirer’s to journey Light withintheShadows Critic and cultural commentator A Painter’s Memoir Pnina Granirer Il Surrealismo: Surrealismo: Il — Max Wyman $9.99 ISBN: 978-1-926991-88-7 E-book $24.95 16 colour pages 6 x9in.—336pages ISBN: 978-1-926991-84-9 Softcover withflaps Held Worldwide Rights /Judaic /Art Memoir CDN/USD CDN 13 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | 14 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | Outdoors / Travel /Canada ISBN: 978-1-926991-57-3 ISBN: 978-1-926991-46-7 Rights Held Worldwide Rights 6 x9in.—254pages $29.95 $9.99 Full colour Softcover CDN/USD CDN/USD E-book added several of amazing these adventures several added to our own to-do list! absolute authority things outdoors, inall and we have already compiling top these adventures isextremely admirable. She isan isan amazingbook of showcase that, and in her dedication we havegood it inour backyard ownbeautiful of Leigh’s Canada. years of travellingSeveral around the world have taught ushow Boulder, and Vancouver. She currently lives inCalgary. offthen on another exciting adventure. She has lived in Toronto, Canadianthe home wilderness, long enough to laundry, dothe and McAdamLeigh is an outdoor adventurer is who constantly out in Canada’s great outdoors. enthusiasts over all world the what treasures found can be in under your own steam? book shows This Canadians andwilderness by travelling mountain through spectacular and scenery coastal skating, or cross-country skiing. climbing, hiking, while rafting, experienced paddling, be biking, weather or winter iceand snow, adventures these are to designed to highlight areasSelected of outstanding natural beauty inwarm roundfacts out essential this guidefor adventurer. wilderness the Valuable preparedness tips, adventure highlights, and interesting there, length the of trip, the and estimated to time accomplish it. are rated for difficulty and come informationwith on getting well as sites of historical interest. — McAdam locations wilderness guidesreaders as to spectacular mapsdetailed and McAdam’s stunning photographs. ofexperience year-round outdoor are experiences presented with in photographic receives skills, month. per 135,000page views Now spirits, vicarious travellers and, increasingly, admirers of her fine attracts, which alarge following of kindred continentevery except Antarctica. Her popular outdoor blog Outdoorswoman McAdam Leigh to 58countries has been on Leigh McAdam Outdoor Adventures100 Inspiring Discover Canada Discover Canada Discover What better way Canadian the to landscape experience than One hundred adventures inten provinces and three territories Writing as she travels humour, — with good wisdom, and verve , 100adventures from author’s selected the vast 2014 National Geographic Travelers of Year the — Dalene and— Dalene Pete Heck be —made. be of their abilities. Thus ColumbiaBritish was— and continues to sometimes tough conditions through changing timesto thebest air to read an insider account doing of people real work real in of Britishaspects Columbia’s history. What a breath of fresh Fraser the on Longshoring it thrives age inthe still of containerization. embracing technologies new and work processes, and lots of luck, relocation. Through smart decision-making, strongsolidarity, many others developed world,in the closure survived and Fraserthe River inits many dimensions. collaborators, worked to compile tribute this to longshore work on in partnership with City the of New Westminster and academic A dedicated group of pensioners, ILWU the 502leadership, Local and infuture. informed membership tools best the to confront challenges now remains. 502considers Local knowing past the and having an ofparts river, the but solidarity, fraternity, and pride work inthe dispatchthe may hall have moved from New Westminster to other workedwho on Fraser the River back to 1859.Workplaces and into classifications new occupations.and in work and as previous the technology gang system transformed recounted, as well and as setbacks the victories out of major strikes. wages, collective bargaining, union dispatch, and benefits are opportunities fora diverse range of union activity. The gains in national and international significance created employment and River for over years. sixty interests the served of member longshore workers on Fraser the Union movement. ILWU of 502,part Canadian the area, Local has waterfront is central to International the Longshore and Warehouse The importance of strong autonomous unions local the on Local 502 is a small industrial 502is waterfront asmall Local union that, unlike Stories and oral histories bring to life men the and women Chartered inJuly 1944,ILWU 502adapted Local to changes growthThe of New Westminster as a riverprincipal port of Stories and History ofILWUStories andHistory Local 502 Longshoring ontheFraser BC historianBC and author of including 22books, Chris Madsen, LiamO’Flaherty, Madsen, Chris brings to life one of themost neglected The WestBeyond the West: A History BC of Peter La Hall, andMichelle — Jean Barman Jean — $9.99 ISBN: 978-1-926991-70-2 E-book $29.95 6 x9in.—368pages16-page colour insert ISBN: 978-1-926991-69-6 Softcover withflaps Held Worldwide Rights History CDN/USD CDN $24.95 USD 15 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | 16 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | Ltd. Ed. 100—Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-926991-72-6 ISBN: 978-1-926991-75-7 ISBN: 978-1-926991-71-9 Rights Held Worldwide Rights Horror / Short Stories Horror /Short 6 x9in.—280pages $24.95 $44.95 $9.99 Softcover CDN/USD CDN/USD CDN/USD E-book Stefan’s releases. book mystery aficionado! I looking am forward to more of Anton von tingling psycho madness. Great reading for any gothic horror/ that theauthor hasfound of theright balance mystery and spine- short stories anchored inthehorror genre. His demonstrate tales The Curse of the Red Crystal isasuperbly compilation concocted of volumes. Retired since author 2012,the now lives inDelta, BC. has written over 36gothic planned tales, for release infour or five working on waterfront the for Canada’s largest grain company. He atmystery parties Mayne Island’s Springwater Lodge. and the Von Stefan has worked for newspapers like Herald the and Times inViennaBorn and resident of Vancouver Anton since childhood, only plant images the into deeper your mind. Covering your eyeswon’t make words the on page the go away, whatsee hidesfrom us shadows. inthe von Stefan examines what liesbeneathveneer the of familiarity to onperformed human or madness bodies soul, infecting the Anton accounts of guilt, revenge and it obsession. mad science Be most eventhe complacenthorrify among atmospheric us inthese omens,eerie and macabre machinations converge to delight and intentions to damnation. Mysterious mystical artifacts, locales, streets, from creaking ships to stately mansions, and from good Victorian to times present the day, from tombs Egyptian to modern gothic horror. tales These eleven of terror thespan distance from The Curse of the Red Crystal and OtherGothic Tales celebrates AntonStefan Von Gothic And Other Tales The Curse oftheRedCrystal A graduate of Vancouver College, Von Stefan spent 42years indaylight.Read preparedBe — your hairbristle and will your jaw drop. will City Drive News. For ten years, he organized murder Victoria Cottage ON Resort, Country — George N.Oberlander

romp. ambience,the coastal weren’t ifthestory even such an energetic Thisnovelbe Druehl. worth would Louis reading like just for get about knows or its and by secrets nobody boat, boardwalk where denizens inthe old style, still village isacoast Bamfield and slowly young the man novel’s the became character Ben. young First Nation worker boat by. They would wave eachto other shed onsmall waterfront, the looking up eachmorning a to see where taught he also and conducted research. was involvedDruehl inestablishing Bamfield the Marine Station, SeaweedsPacific editor the is also of New the Bamfielder is asplitter Druehl Louis of firewood whackerand of brush. He and WeedSalmon compelled to explore Bamfield’scauldron of characters inCedar, subject forperfect anovel.” Louis potential this recognized and felt eccentrics .[that] with its extraordinary history, [it] the seems “[It is] a town of tight-knit hidden intrigues so full and. . [so] affections policebegin to wane aretheand local on them. to interests into pot business, casual their is murdered, Ben Heidi’s Heidi, astudent at Marine the Station. Salmon People aristocrat Not Ben. long after, inlove he falls with marijuana grower Blay with richkid his two friends, and Weeping Lotusland 70s,becoming inthe abeachcomber and small-time of Bamfield the Marine Station. clan,whaling hippies, and scientists peddlers the drug and students meeting place of an uneasy mixof fishermen,the Nuu-chah-nulth Bamfield on Vancouver Island’s pristine west coastthe unlikelyis from fled his straight-lacedDutch upbringing,the fishingvillage of changes through ofeyes the 1970s.Seen the ayoung man newly toon ride acommunity awild turned upside-down by social the In vein the of Steinbeck’s He created Cedar, and Salmon Weed Of Bamfield, Simon Winchesterwrote the New York in Times But things go terribly wrong: greedy Blay brings big-city Gaz, amarine biologist, to begins live laid-back the life of Publisher, Harbour Publishing and /Douglas McIntyre (Harbour Publishing). As amarine botanist, Dr. . Cedar, and Salmon Weed Cannery Row novel, this reader the takes Editor of Raincoast of ChroniclesEditor newspaper and author of inhis office,located ina — Howard White Louis Druehl , $9.99 ISBN: 978-1-926991-62-7 E-book $22.95 5.5 x7.75in.—352pages ISBN: 978-1-926991-61-0 Softcover withflaps Held Worldwide Rights Fiction /Literary CDN/USD Chosen to be on Alan Twigg’sChosen to beon Alan CDN $18.95 literary mapof BC USD 17 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | 18 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | French edition willbereleased in Spring 2018 Health &Fitness /Cancer ISBN: 978-0-981159-93-5 Rights Held Worldwide Rights 6 x9in.—336pages Sixth Edition Sixth $34.95 Softcover CDN resource. managed to acomplex synthesize topic into one portable physicianfamily and thebreast surgeon. cancer It has nicely Itreservation. gap thepatient’s bridges between theknowledge continuewill to it give my to all breast patients cancer without to Breast Cancer, and the 6th edition is a welcome update. I I have given my patients editions past of Intelligent Patient Guide Surgery atGeneral UBC. Dr. Urve Kuusk Associate is aClinical Professor Division inthe of at University the of Toronto. Breast at Surgical Oncology Department the of Surgical Oncology Dr. McCready David is aProfessor of Surgery and Gattuso Chair in of Medicine at UBC. CancerMedical at Agency and Oncology BC the at Department the Dr. Karen Gelmon is aProfessor and works Division inthe of Department of Oncology, University of Calgary. of at Radiation Oncology Tom the Cancer Centre Baker and Dr. Ivo Olivotto is aProfessor and Head the of Division the reading resources. of terms and medical ana glossary up-to-date list of additional editionnew includes instructions for breast self-examination, for breast cancer that over has occurred last the 25years.all- This and account apersonal of evolution the of awareness and advocacy hints for managers, case nutrition and lifestyle issues, how to cope, including strategies for navigating care health the system, helpful testing. It offers also important advice forpractical patients, research discoveries including inherited breast cancer and genetic rehabilitation, complementary and alternative treatments, and surgery, therapy, endocrine chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and assessing risk, diagnostic and tools, surgery reconstructive past inthe few years,occurred including advances inscreening advances inbreast cancer diagnosis and management that have and revised updated. fully has been Itthe significant reflects edition The 6th the Intelligentof Patient Guide to Breast Cancer David McCready MD, Kuusk MD andUrve Ivo Olivotto MD, MD, Gelmon Karen to Breast Cancer Intelligent Patient Guide General Surgeon,General Yukon Surgical Clinic — Dr. Alexander Poole Whitehorse, Yukon Whitehorse, thousands of men and affected their families by prostatecancer. asacore reference shouldserve valuable book for guide user themany patients continuing and those to live prostate with cancer. This information prostate for diagnosed medical-based newly both cancer Patient Guide to Prostate Cancer, asit provides awealth of “lay-friendly” group community, I recommend thisupdated edition of The Intelligent As along-term and quite survivor involved theprostate with support prostate cancer. his research on developing is focused therapies new of advanced years treatment inthe he has specialized of prostate cancer, and Associate Professor of last the Medicine 10 Over with UBC. Vancouver and Clinic, Vancouver the Prostate Centre, and an Dr. oncologist is amedical Kim N. Chi Cancer at Agency, BC the radiation for prostate cancer treatment. is credentialed in brachytherapy as well for as use the external tion oncologist Cancer at Agency, BC the Vancouver He Clinic. and Developmental Radiotherapeutics and at astaff UBC radia- Dr. Tom is aProfessor Pickles Department inthe of Radiotherapy British Columbia in2006and Order inthe of Canadain2009. at Vancouver Hospital. General He was invested Order inthe of Director of Men’s the Health Initiative and of staff BC, urologist Centre, Chairman Department of of Urologic UBC the Sciences, Dr. Goldenberg important terms. medical treatments, sideeffects the function, all of of glossary full and a youwhen have or surgery radiation, control urinary and sexual reducing risk of the prostate cancer, PSAtest, the what happens symptomsthe you should watch for, about all prostate the gland, control you at feel with book this will your side. Topics include and informative way. You amazed by be will how much more in- diagnosis to treatment and beyond, inan easy-to-understand prostate cancer, covers of from book this disease, the aspects all Written by physicians for patients and families their affected by youAll to need know to an take inyour active part treatment. The Intelligent Patient Guide Tom MD, Pickles N.ChiMD andKim is a co-director of Vancouver the Prostate Past chair, Prostate Cancer Foundation BC to Prostate Cancer S. Larry Goldenberg MD, Larry S. — T. Butterfield $29.95 6 x9in.—297pages ISBN: 978-0-981159-92-8 Fourth Edition Softcover Held Worldwide Rights Health &Fitness /Cancer Starred intheDevelopment Collection of Library Journal August 2017 CDN 19 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | 20 Granville Island Publishing 2019 | ISBN: 978-1-926991-14-6 Rights Held Worldwide Rights First Nations /Music 6 x9in.–304pages Publication date $24.95 Sep 15,2018 Sep Softcover CDN/USD Music in Canada. Lines.” He provided also amusic for entry of Encyclopedia the for Native Indian Music Pedagogy” and “Teaching Along Shamanic lecturer inEthnomusicology at UBC. inNorth School Graham Vancouver Secondary and was asessional in 1978 andSchool 1979. Kolstee taught Native Studies at Carson he taught period, Community this During music Bella at Bella the of music the and ceremony Bella/Heiltsuk Nation. of Bella the and obtained his PhD from University the of Illinois with his study using much of his transcriptions. for Musicology. was published Coola Asongbook of Bella the studying and music was the awarded Coola of Bella the Prize the Ethnomusicology in1974from University the of British Columbia Kolstee Anton that four-part organization is ubiquitous inmusical patterning. Heiltsuk is essentially made up of four distinct musical and styles reveal thatalso ceremonial the song repertoire Bella of Bella the separations ceremonial between and nonceremonial songs. They that musically song of encode region, types the as well as the of area. the tribes the offers tribes arareCoast look poorlythe at understood history of Kolstee’s exploration of winter the of dancing Northwest societies dance complex from Inlet Bella–Rivers area. its origins Bella inthe Northwest during Coast 19 the most the significantbeen musical and ceremonialgroup the on shows that Heiltsuk the may properly considered be to have the Supernatural: Music, Ceremony and Culture of the Bella Bella Assembling from evidence various ethnographies, To Impersonate Anton Frederik Kolstee Music, Ceremony andCulture Bella oftheBella To Impersonate theSupernatural the 19 the He has published numerous articles, including “A New Strategy In 1977,he was granted Fellowship Doctoral aCanadaCouncil Chapters devoted to music analysis examine characteristics the Destructive changesDestructive lifeways to coastal first inthe half of th century sparked widespread the adoption of hámáća the was in1949.He born his Masters earned in th century. 5.5 x8.5in.|208pages$24.95 Autobiography /Family /Adoptions &Relationships /Grief Held |Rights Worldwide |Softcover ISBN: 978-1-894694-80-3 $17.95 /Social Criminology Work Held | Rights Worldwide |Softcover ISBN:978-0-995041-30-1 |5.5x8.5in.116pages afterfrom release custody. own supporting experience young offenders and followingtheir progress atSupervisor Victoria the Youth Custody Centre for his 26years, describes and successes that allowed to them create lives. new aformer Cruse, Youth days inyouth custody, men own intheir these words express struggles the storiesthe of former young offenders. Spanning earlyfourtheir since decades by Gordon examines life-long the Cruse impact of youth custody through Handcuffed by History: YoungOffenders afterJuvie —40 Years in TheirWords Gordon Cruse Young Juvie—40 after Offenders Years in Their Words Handcuffed History by compassionate listening. — to help other bereaved parents and through heal her poignant poetry Friends —an international self-help organization of bereaved parents hope and, eventually, through her involvementCompassionate with The streets. From darkness, this Sosnowsky learns to transform into her grief accident,in afreak and her two late-adopted children jail, to and drugs, the journey, by framed snapshots, through loss the of her 17-year-old son Alex This touching and exquisitelywritten autobiography follows a mother’s Cathy Sosnowsky ofLove,A Story Loss, andLife Snapshots CDN/USD

$19.95 CDN $17.95USD Inside Canada’s Youth Jails $16.95 CDN $13.95 ISBN: 978-1-894694-04-9 ISBN: 978-1-894694-43-8 Also byAlso Cathy Sosnowsky 5.5 x8.5in.|192pages 5.5 x8.5in.|62pages Also byAlso Gordon Cruse CDN Poems for Alex / USD Ho

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New Edition 21 2018 | 22 2018 | $24.95 /Biography Held |Rights /Memoir History Worldwide |Softcover ISBN:978-1-926991-09-2|6 x9in.|292pages 228 pages|$19.95 Held Education |Rights /HomeSchooling Worldwide |Softcover Edition ISBN:978-1-926991-65-8|Revised |6x9in. IndieFab finalist for Education CDN/USD |E-book ISBN:978-1-926991-36-8 |$9.99 CDN/USD |E-bookISBN:978-1-926991-56-6$9.99 Lael Whitehead Helping Children to Educate Themselves A Path of Their Own their passions. “school” box and questioning how encourage Ican them to upon build to their interests. trust It got at melooking my from kids outside the education: challenged book ideas of my howThis learn children and how adults stay who open and engaged with world the throughout lives. their individualtheir passions.grow They up creative, resilient, and inner-directed parentingRespectful allows children own totheir trust instincts and pursue are deeply flourish,both respected, emotionally they and intellectually. compassionate parenting. Sharing stories, she shows that children when unique educations. Her concept of “radical respect” is cornerstone the of discipline, or rewards. how She describes her daughters own their designed tothem in a natural, learn way, self-directed without grades, curriculum, WhiteheadLael tells how she took her children out of schooland allowed communication wastenuous and transportation difficult. about thechallenges of and intheNorth living aliving making where accounts,newspaper letters learn reminiscences, and you personal will little writtenrush, hasbeen about life intheyears that followed. Through Though written have hundreds books been of Klondike aboutgold the Yukon during era. this teaching and working gold-mining inthe —were industry typical of the family life and work the did— telegraphy, they dog-team mail delivery, family and others during little-known this of Yukon period history. The works, and clippings, news brings Robertson to of life experiences her the From memories of her Yukon youth, family letters, photographs, unpublished Joann Robertson HighwayLife RushandtheAlaska between theGold The Yukon CDN/USD CDN/USD Yukon historian, author of Dalton’s Trail Rush Gold The Canadian The of Author Homeschooler — Lisa Marie— Lisa Fletcher — Michael Gates

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23 2018 | 24 2018 | $17.95 Held Education |Rights /Memoir Worldwide |Softcover ISBN:978-1-926991-76-4 |6x9in.224pages |$19.95 Publication date: June1,2018|Previously available asbookwithabox ISBN:978-1-8946946-6-7|$24.95 Held Help|Rights Self Worldwide |Softcover ISBN:978-1-926991-81-8 |4.1875x6.375in.224pages$15.95 a book inabeauty boxa book USD Previously sold as |E-bookISBN: 978-1-926991-77-1|$9.99 Kate PorterKate EditionRevised Life inBeauty girls community inthe and world. the White an Rock, organization devoted to improving lives the of women and was namedand Woman Beth of Year the by Soroptomist International of were as recognized Outstanding Canadians by City the of White BC, Rock, Master’s degree and aPhD ineducational administration. In Scotts 2006,the aBAearned and at aBEd University the of British Columbia, followed by a Rowles Scott Saskatchewan. grewup inrural Beth After movingBC, she to provide thousands of Kenyans with access to education. (ACCES), anon-profitSociety organization and thatmodel NGO has helped In founded both Canadian 1993,they African the Continuing Education lovethe of her life, George Scott, aretired teacher and school administrator. her challenging career,senior and her fulfilling years. At 63, she married invitesBeth you with her to as walk she tells about her prairie childhood, Rowles Scott Beth A Long Walk from thePrairies Pinch Me international acclaim. critical She currently lives inWhite BC. Rock, forRecognized her creativity and elegant designs, her work has drawn inCreethat and Ojibway specialized art. inVancouver, in1994,sheCentennial College gallery opened avisual BC, Kate Porter is aformer professor of English. After her retirementfrom meaning of “little the things” inlife. Life in Beauty that is abook offers arare and lovelyglimpse intothe priceless and contributes of and to asense inner harmony. peace simply offeringgratitude for memento asmall beauty,of enriches our lives to reflect upon a moment beauty,of performing aconscious beauty, act of or us to reclaim and recognize importance the of beauty inour world. Pausing In midstof the pace of contemporary hectic the life, Kate Porter encourages In 2001,Kate created and launched her own distinctive line of jewelry. One chapter, for example, has 25suggestions for conscious of acts beauty. CDN/USD CDN / USD CDN CDN / USD E-book ISBN:978-1-926991-80-1|$9.99 Held Fiction |Rights /Historical Worldwide |Softcover ISBN:978-1-926991-79-5|6x9in.322pages$19.95 and now resides inWest Vancouver. material for her second novel, AWalk on Broken Glass. She lived inMontreal Hungary. She herself immersed in Sisi’s story, researching and gathering aboutbook Sisi, beautiful and the Empress tragic of Elisabeth and in an antiquarian bookstore inLondon, England, she discovered asmall beganwritingGloria Allan as reporter acub inToronto. While browsing influencethe formation the of Austro-Hungarian Empire. history. Her love of Hungarians and of language mastery their helped to to herself, to her husband, and to what would she her place believed in be out of step with her time. Throughtroubles, her all Elisabeth remained true She was spirit afree trapped inarepressive society, awoman of ahead and was only of surface the her was atroubled life. actually Elisabeth woman. Her subjects loved her and she was deeply loved by men. But several this of her society. At 17,she Emperor the married Franz Joseph. He adored her. EmpressElisabeth, of Austria and Hungary, was acknowledged the beauty E-book ISBN:978-1-926991-48-1 |$9.99 Fic He now lives inVancouver. Pavlovna, Dr. Lister Rogers of Stanford, and Czech President Vàclav Havel. in History. He Alexander has Kerensky, interviewed Grand Duchess Marie to attend University the of Washington, where he advanced earned degrees He played three years Lions for before BC the moving across border the of British Columbia, where he completed studies and in Kinesiology English. Dr. Ted Hunt is athird-generation Vancouverite. He attended University the composites. others All are presented accurately. The thisonly fiction in novel lies twowithin the of main characters, who are situationevery is accurately within framed well-researched historiography. love and is escape complex, and at challenging times to popular but views, during turbulent the of 1914-1920inRussia. period This factual story of We into immersed get fully three fascinating, romantic, and exciting stories tion / Historical | Rights Held |Rights tion /Historical Worldwide |Softcover ISBN:978-1-926991-18-4 |6x9in.450pages |$24.95 In theCompanyIn ofHeroes A Walk onBroken Glass Elisabeth, Empress ofAustria CDN/USD CDN/USD Gloria M.Allan Gloria Ted Hunt IndieFab finalist for Historical Fiction CDN/USD CDN/USD

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E-book ISBN:978-1-926991-27-6|$9.99 in their their together disparate worlds as law the and shamanism to vie the find murderer anddecades avast territory, Potato sequel Mountain to this On brings by beauty the and spiritual influence SpanningCariboo-Chilcotin. the of An artist-shaman, an English teacher, and ajudgetheir find lives transformed Military /Biography Held |Rights Military Worldwide |Softcover ISBN:978-1-926991-10-8|6x9in.232pages$24.95 Univerity of Oregon and aMaster’s from University the of Calgary. Yukon.the He has his Bachelor’s degree in English and journalism from the a writer and journalist private inthe and and public Alberta, sectors inBC, inNelson,Born Sam McBride BC, ’s career includes award-winning work as him facing Vichy French guns up lined against direction. himfrom every modern-day Charge of Light the Brigade mysterious career spy in the world, culminating with him leading ships to a at romantic the station, China tense battles with U-boats, German and a encompassing globe, the on two boyhood coasts of Canada,naval service and what made himtick. Lovable and eccentric, Peters’ life criss-crosses Canada’s greatest war heroes —gives insight new into his life, his thinking, A treasure trove of letters from and about Fritz Peters, VC —one of E-book ISBN:978-1-926991-63-4 |$9.99 CDN/US Held |Rights Fiction /Mystery Worldwide |Softcover ISBN:978-1-926991-54-2 |5.25x7.75 in.|280pages$19.95CDN/US Winner of Award anElite for publishing excellence Being produced as amovie by really real films The Second Mystery intheChilcotin The SecondMystery Trilogy E-book ISBN:E-book 978-1-894694-87-2 The Making ofaHero of The Making Two World Wars 5.25 x7.75in.|208pages ISBN: 978-1-894694-82-7 On Potato Mountain Also byAlso Fraser Bruce A Chilcotin MysteryA Chilcotin $19.95 CDN/USD $9.99 CDN/US The Bravest Canadian CDN/USD inside an finds which Algerian port D The Jade Frog Fritz Peters,Fritz VC Sam McBride Sam Bruce Fraser Society FamilySociety History Award Book Winner of theB.C. Genealogical the P.E.I. Museum andHeritage Foundation’s Heritage Award and CDN/USD

27 2018 | 28 2018 | Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-894694-56-8 |6x9 in.|384pages |$39.95 Memoir / Jazz | Rights Held /Jazz|Rights Memoir Worldwide |Softcover ISBN:978-1-894694-68-1 |6x9in.384 pages |$29.95 $19.95 |Digital Talking ISBN:978-1-894694-00-9|$25.00 |All prices Book E-book ISBN:978-1-894694-86-5|$19.99Braille ISBN:978-1-894694-85-8|$59.95MP3Apple Alex ISBN:978-1-894694-84-1 PolicySocial /Politics Held |Rights Worldwide |Softcover ISBN:978-1-894694-81-0 |5.5x8.5in.190pages$22.95 Graeme McCreath From to Parity Charity The Politics ofBlindness He lives inNew York City. rubbing shoulders and sharing stage the with many extraordinary musicians. and abroad, he has enjoyed playing clarinet the both and saxophone, the pre-med. He doctor and amedical became eventually apsychiatrist. At home Air Force Band, he entered Columbia University to major inpsychology and young age. Following his career as aclarinetist and chorus member US inthe Stephen grewup in amusical family and trained as musician ajazz from a studios of greats, jazz as well as many of unique the venues of time. the Joe Allard, to afuture He injazz. us takes backstage and into homes the and Stephen to Botek decides follow his musical mentors, Buddy DeFranco and mining town of Lansford, Pennsylvania, shadow inthe of Dorseys, the its author’s musical through journey life. Growing up coal- small inthe big-band inthe Set unforgettable era,this coming-of-age centres story upon Stephen T. MD Botek, Jazz Greats Were Mentors My onMyLips Song of blind Canadians. needs basic meeting longstanding prejudicial stereotyping approach and thecharity-based to a more become can Canada inclusive country. Hischallenges the book Blindness. McCreath offers compelling arguments bothwhy on and how vision ofin turn, Graeme McCreath’s the social The book, new Politics of From charity to contributing cases analysis citizens: and, thisisthecritical standard.” same the try.’ We should apply for same jobsthe the and else as held everyone to be push governmentfederal the to potentialpersuade employers to ‘give it a rather than having to rely on charity. “We can show our capabilities and now is to time the establish asystem that allows blind the to achieve autonomy McCreath —ablind man himself and aretired physiotherapist From 70to 80percent of blind Canadians have never had ajob. Graeme Lansdowne ProfessorLansdowne Policy, of Social University of Victoria CDN $34.95 CDN/USD USD

CDN $24.95USD —Michael J. Prince — b ­ elieves

so deserves a wide readership. awide deserves so to thestory. Thisis about one town, butbe Anytown, it could Canada, and illustrations, and thewords of thecombatants themselves, immediacy lend dread, —that grief embrace community asmall inthetimeof war. Many In lucidprose, range of Crooks evokes thefull emotions —hope, pride, British Columbia.” Their contributions promptedsome call it to “the mostpatriotic town in war effort, devoting six years their civicof life help makevictory remarkable of story how community the millions raised of dollars for the wentwho off to war,seventy whomof did not come home. the also It is one community —Nelson. It tellsof story the young the men and women vividly recounts of Canadian the experience WWIIthrough eyes of the Honoured Historical by BC the Federation, Homefront &Battlefront / Held |Rights WWI /Military WorldwideHistory |Softcover ISBN:978-1-926991-47-4|6x9in.264pages$19.95 Nelson, she is now BC, retired and lives inVancouver, BC. how to do research at University the of British Columbia. and in Born raised as alibrarian’sSylvia Crooks described has been librarian. She taught them morethem than simply “names on acenotaph.” After six years of research,the author theirtells stories andvividly makes and what endured they inthat and futile cataclysmic “war to wars.” end all promising careers. come They alive againthis account in they whowere of miners, labourers, businessmen, and some, students about to embark on of lake, the along Kootenay the River, and Slocan inthe Valley. They were were ranchers, fruit mostly British immigrants on settled shores who the battle for Vimy Ridge, and horrors the of Passchendaele. Many of men the battlefields of World War I Interior BC in the are names the of on 280men died who blood-soaked the On cenotaphs and memorials along shores the of beautiful Kootenay Lake E-book ISBN:978-1-926991-55-9|$9.99 $19.95 / Held |Rights WWII /Military WorldwideHistory |Softcover ISBN: 978-1-894694-38-4|6 x9in.|240pages CDN/USD

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— Basil Stuart-Stubbs— Basil Sylvia Crooks Sylvia Crooks the BC Historicalthe BC Federation honourable mention by CDN/USD

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Jan Krijff and Herman Ganzevoort andHerman Jan Krijff th century Canada is seen through eyesof centuryCanadais the seen Greetings from Canada Jan Krijff and Karen Green and Jan Krijff In Canada —1811–1893 In and 1884–1915

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