St. John Neumann Roman Catholic Church A Parish of the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington 11211 Beauchamp Road Berlin, Maryland 21811 410R208R2956 (phone); 410R208R4584 (fax) 410R208R4580 (Assistant to the Pastor) March 9, 2020 parishoffi
[email protected] Second Sunday of Lent Office Hours: Monday thru Friday, 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM Pastor HOLY EUCHARIST (THE SACRIFICE OF THE MASS) Rev. Joseph MPR Cocucci Saturday (Vigil): 4:00 PM; Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 8:30 AM Pastoral Associate Deacon David J. Kolesky No Mass on Wednesdays Deacon Charles A. Weschler Holy Days of Obligaon: As Announced in Bullen Eucharisc Adoraon: Friday a er 8:30 AM Mass unl 10:00 AM Assistant to the Pastor Mrs. Michele Hartley SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Director of Religious Educaon Saturday: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM and by appointment. Mrs. Nancy Groves BAPTISM Business Manager Please contact the Parish Office. Bapsms are celebrated on Deacon Charles A. Weschler Sundays, generally the first Sunday of the month. Coordinator of Liturgical Music Mrs. Josephine Cover MATRIMONY Please contact the Parish Office at least one year in advance of Parish Bookkeeper desired date and prior to making any arrangements for the Mr. Andy Riley wedding recepon. Weddings are celebrated on Saturdays. Front Office Receponists Mrs. Cindy Schaffer CONFIRMATION Mrs. Mary Anne Weir Please contact the Director of Religious Educaon (410R208R2854) for informaon. Confirmaon is conferred in the Eighth Grade. Facilies Manager Mr. John Cosenno ANOINTING OF THE SICK Parish Pastoral Council Please inform the Parish Office about parishioners who need this Mrs.