CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E986 HON
E986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 3, 1998 with their employer. Clearly, the experience of tories are thereÐto escape U.S. duties and The championship roster includes: Michael these workers in the US/CNMI is not rep- quotas imposed by the Congress to protect Anderson, Dane Artman, Devin Butler, John resentative of a work experience anywhere U.S. jobs.'' Paul Castro, Lazaro Chavez, Marcus Davila, But Miller is in the House minority. And else in America. According to Mr. Shields, Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, the House major- Peter Dunick, Khalil Greene, Ben Harrison, ``toiling 12 hours a day, seven days a week, ity whip, who with his family was the New Daniel Hersey, Tommy Lambeth, Luis Leal, without any of the worker protections Ameri- Year's Eve guest of the Marianas govern- Aaron Marn, Juan Menendez, Sean Morales, cans are guaranteed, is tragically common.'' ment, publicly has vowed to fight any federal Brian O'Connell, Stephen Parker, Troy Congress has the power and the duty to en- takeover of Saipan's immigration and labor Phillipps, Tony Ramos, Eduardo Rodriquez, sure that basic fundamental principals of labor laws. Billy Spottswood, Christian Twyman. Over- and immigration law are adhered to through- As seen and heard on ABC-TV News, DeLay seeing this group were Head Coach Brooks out the United States and its territories. I urge told his host, ``You are a shining light for what is happening in the Republican Party, Carey, Pitching Assistant Coach Randy Ster- my colleagues to read this column and decide and you represent everything that is good ling, First Base Assistant Coach Chris Valdez, for themselves how they would like to see the about what we are trying to do in America Third Base Assistant Coach Ralph Sanchez, ``Second battle of Saipan'' play out.
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