Lockefield hits snag - Will not be ready for Pan Am Games By KEVIN STEWART Ross said the rehabili­ Renovation of Lockefield tation process is continuing Gardens, which was to have with inside demolition of the housed officials of the Pan buildings and the replace­ Am Games, will not be com­ ment of roofs. plete in time for the upcom­ Lockfield Gardens, located ing games, Pan Am officials near 10th Street and said last week. Avenue, was expected to be The problem is that the used to house coaches and company renovating the officials for the 1987 Pan Am apartments is still waiting on Games next August. federal approval of historic "Other provisions have rehabilitation tax credits, been made to house the which must come from the coaches and officials,” said National Parks Commission. Valerie L. Rochester, Man­ Because of the delay, ager of Public Relations at ames officials will have to be PAX of , organ­ oused at an alternate, off- izers of the Games. campus site. Several of the “There was a backup plan events will be held at IUPUI from the very beginning, in facilties. case something like this hap­ “We haven’t stopped con­ pened,* she explained. struction, or even slowed According to Rochester, the down, we just can’t move as University of Indianapolis fast as we would like/* said Iformerly Indiana Central Jim R. Ross, Project Manager University] and some other • r»- — *v , ,. with the Sexton Cos., lead sites that have yet to be LockefiekJ Gardens, which was to have housed1 completed in ttmefor the opening of the games developer of the $25 million determined will be used to HU Pan Am coaches and other officiate, will not be due to a snag in acquiring historic tax credits renovation. the void. Photo by Tom Strattman The Indianapolis Historic Despite the delay, Roes Preservation Commission remains optimistic that pleasure that IUPUI is not in has already given local Lockfield Gardens will be Wells said the committee is approval and federal used for the Games. He said Center naming the name of the [conference] comprised of representatives center." approval was sought over six part of the project will be from each of the IU campus­ weeks ago. Historic struc­ completed in time, but prob­ may be blow , “When I received the invi­ es. If the building is not tation with TU Conference tures under renovation are ably not all. named for a person, he said, eligible for the tax credits if After the Games, the to IUPUI identity Center’ on it, I was a little the committee is unlikely to disgruntled," Dragonette they are rehabilitated to keep 492-unit apartment project hear the issue. their original look. will be leased to the public. By JOYCE K. JENSEN said last Thursday. "I don't IUPUI's drive to develop a think the issue of the center’s unique identity took another name is settled yet They just nosedive last week, when had to have a name for this Student designs action movie set local media were invited to a preview reception." Sept. 5 reception at what an Thomas J. Henry of IUPUI Sy CAROL SCHULTZ invitation referred to as the University Relations said, On a sweltering Sunday “ Confer­ “So far as I know, the IU afternoon in July, Sherry ence Center." Board of Trustees has not Himes stands on the sidelines It may be called “IU," but officially named the building and watches a black, 1968 the partially-built conference anything at this point. sedan speed down center is not in Bloomington. Whether it will be changed or Massachusetts Avenue, It is at IUPUI. not, I just don't know." swerve into a small compact The controversy over the Henry said he was not car and burst into shooting naming of buildings here is a aware at present of plans to flames within minutes. longstanding one. It involves officially name the building. Wiping sweat from her places on the campus that are He said, however, “It’s defi­ forehead and holding a script. often in the public eye, such nitely an IU building. At the Himes, a senior telecom­ as the “IU" Natatorium and same time, it is on this cam­ munications major at IUPUI, the “IU" Track and Field Sta­ pus. We just don’t have a is at home on the set of the dium. great deal of control over it." new movie, “One Way Out”. In 1985, student pressure University Chancellor When producer Ivan resulted in an IUPUI banner Herman B. Wells, chair of the Rogers announced open being placed in the Nata­ IU Board of Trustees com­ casting for extras and street torium. Last March, Student mittee on building names, people for the police action Assembly President Martin said, “At far as I know, we flick being filmed in In- Sherry Himes designs the set of the police station booking Dragonette circulated peti­ haven't had that presented to room in the movie “One Way Out," with assistance from Mike tions “to express our dis­ us" See MOV*, Rs«e 11 Grimes, script supervisor Page 2 Sept. 2. 1086 BRIEFLY NOTICES

As a service to readers, the Sagamore publishes notices of IUPUI events A notice form may be obtained from the Ryan to defiver Ids last state of fit-system speech Sagamore office. Notices on this form will be given preference, although typed or legibly handwritten Information John W. Ryan today will deliver hia last an­ issues involving both the 38th Street shut­ nual address to the IU campus system as its tles and those around campus. may be submitted. Inlormetion must be received at the Drivers of the 38th Street shuttle will not Sagamore office by noon Thursday lor publication the follow­ president. Ryan will be resigning next year to ing Monday. Notices wM be run one time only, and may be work on the Campaign for Indiana fund­ accept money. Tickets must be purchased in raising event. advance at Herron, 38th Strteet or at Park­ deleted or edited If space is limited. ing Services at 1004 W. Vermont St. TUESDAY ______Ryan's address will be broadcast live via the Indiana Higher Education Telecom­ KJPUI Equestrian Team A membership drive w i be con­ munications System (IHETS) for students, Fire alarms at IU Hospital ducted Tuesday through Friday followed by a meeting Sept faculty and staff interested in viewing the 15 at 6 :3 0 p.m . m the Library Hideway C a l 8 4 6 -3 5 1 5 for speech. revealed as ‘scare’ alarms details Delta Sigma Pi a professional business fraternity on campus, The speech will be broadcast at 3 p.m. to offers not onty professional programs with speakers and the following campus locations: Cavanaugh City fire personnel made two runs to University Hospital in just over an hour last tours, but many community and social activities (or students Room 226, Hurty C in Fealer Hall, the Emer­ We wHI be recruiting prospective members on Tuesday. son Auditorium and Medical Science, Room Tuesday, but neither one turned out to be an emergency. Wednesday and Thursday Look for our tables around cam­ B26. Four engines and two trucks — a reypue pus and find out what Delta Sigma Pi is all about squad and a district chief were dispatched at Shuttle bus rates drop 2:24 p.m. and again at 3:36 p.m.. according FRIDAY ______to Captain Charles Godme of Fire Station The Organizational Communication Program is re­ back to 50 cents a ride 13, 56 South Senate. He said the equipment establishing a student organization this year Th e first sent was standard for a hospital run. meeting, an orientation and organizational session. Is Contrary to an earlier decision by IUPU1 scheduled tor Friday 5:30-7 p.m. In the faculty lounge. Parking Serices, a moratorium has been Although not serious, the runs were also Cavanaugh Had Room 507. Light refreshments wW be served announced on the rate for the shuttle bus not false alarms, Godme said. "False alarms and ad interested students are invited to attend and share between the downtown and 38th Street are malicious,” he said. “There are not many your goals and ideas on possible programs and activities For campuses. false alarms, but we often have 'faulty additional Information, contact Michael Balmert at 2 7 4 -0 5 6 3 The cost for a one-way ticket has been alarms' or malfunctions" like the first run. reduced from 75 cents back to 50 cents due to Godme termed the second run a "scare” student pressure, according to Martin an alarm that someone turned in when ADDENDUM ______-Dragonette, president of the Student Assem­ smoke was suspected. The "smoke" turned Information on the Professional Practice and Cooperative bly. Dragonette said the decision was made out to be dust from construction work in the Education Programs at IUPUI. adowmg students to Integrate by himself, Dean of Student Affairs Patricia building, he said. college- level academic study and work experience is Boaz, and Robert E. Martin, Director of available at Career and Em ployment Services. BS 2 0 1 0 . Ear­ Administrative Affairs. Godme said the runs were not unusual. ly application Is required (or those w ho wish to interview this "We're probably over around (the Dragonette said he has appointed a, stu­ fal and intern next semester. Som e Parallel Internships (2 0 dent committee to week. Martin on IUPUI/Medical Center] complex 10 to 12 hrs par weak) are available for the fall semester Qualified times a MulWl," he said. candidates should ptcRtip an application and make a counsel­ ing appointment in BS 2010. German for youngsters offered: German language instruc­ tion wHt be available for children In Kindergarten through the (CPA DMsion II eighth grade through the IGS-IDS which is sponsored by the 1965 German Department Classes e every Saturday morning in NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR SAGAMORE the Cable BuIdling Classer .art Sept 6. details on tutition and registration available b .-ailing 2 7 4 -2 3 3 0 . Tutors are needed tor Uni arslty Division HELP Program, Editor In C h M Rick Callahan Production Manager Orady Qunter Faatura Editor Carol Schultz sophomore standing with a 2.5 cum gpa or higher. "B" or Opinion Editor Rattocc* SIMM Distribution Manager Matt Keating Typesetter Kathy Stephenson better In tutored subjects, outgoing personality, good com­ Advertising Manager Erin Dulhanly Science Editor Joyce K. Jansen News Editor Karin Stewart munication skiHs. people-oriented and flexible are required. Business Manager Sylvia Johnson Photography Editor Tom Strattman Campus Editor LssSe L. Fuller Preference given to those who can tutor many subjects Pay: Sport* Edrior Craig Russalburg Publisher Dennis Crtpe Ass Sports Editor Tarry Hutchens $5.25 an hour, 12-15 hours per week Call Lisa Ruch at 2 7 4 -2 6 6 6 for information.

The Sagamort is an auxiliary enter The Sagamore provides an open not be published and the writer s name prise of IUPUI published weekly dur­ forum for the university community. can be withheld upon request. For ing the regular school and biweekly Readers are invited to submit letters of legal reasons, anonymous letters will during the summer. The Sagamore is any length and on any topic, although not be printed. THE KAPLAN CURRICUUJM not an official publication of the preference will be given to those less Letters may be edited lor clarity and university, and (toes not necessarily than 300 words which are related to brevity, and the sditor will refect let­ FOR CAREER CLIMBERS reflect the views of university ad­ matters of interest to the HJPUI com­ ters deemed potentially libelous, ministrators. faculty or others. munity. obscene, inflammatory or in poor All Sagamort editors are required to Letters must include the writer's taste. LSAT, GMAT, MC AT, be enrolled in a least five IUPUI credit name, address and telephone number, Send letters, preferably typed and hours. Staff members are paid through and relation to the university. The let­ double-spaced, to:- advertising revenue, the sole source of ters must also be dated and signed by The Sagamore GRE.DAT, funding supporting the operation of the writer for verification purposes 423 N. Agnes St . Room 001C the newspaper Addresses and telephone numbers will Indianapolis. IN 46202 AND MORE. For nearly 50 years. Stanley H. Kaplan has prepared over) million students lor admission and licensing tests. Student Discount So before you take a test, prepare with the best. Kaplan A good score may help change your life. Special offer on our spacious affordable one & two bedroom apartments . • Minutes from IUPUI • On Bus Line • Walking distance to conveniences 2511 E. 46th Street Heat Paid Indianapolis, IN 46205 Hie Hermitage 546-8336 247-8436 ( Sept 2. 1M6 I I Pag* 3 No solution yet Students lack housing; Building projects dot campus IUPUI is a campus under­ A 400-car garage will be Hanshew said the hori­ additional cuts expected going constant change, with located beneath the facilities zontal extension should be construction projects dotting to house visitors to the con­ ready by Oct 1. By TRACY McQUEEN the campus as new buildings ference center and guests of "WE HAVE have ample noted, housing has been are erected and existing the hotel. Approxiamately 76 parking for visitors and any­ Student* hoping to And on- decreased rather than campua housing, are not structures are expanded. percent of the cost is being one, including students, who increased. Among the projects under paid by , developers of the wish to purchase parking likely to find it In 1984, two floors of the Ball Residence is the only way are a new hotel/ hotel, according to Willard E. garage tickets," Hanshew Single Student Dormitory conference center, an expan­ Hanshew, Director of Park­ said. dormitory on campus. It can were converted iafcmffices house 307 students-103 men sion of the South Parking ing and Transportation Serv­ 171* Student Union Build­ for the Hudson Institute, a Garage, and the building of ices. ing is undergoing a reft and 204 women. Since Janu­ policy research organization. ary more than 300 students the much-heralded National Construction of the ovation of the old Hoosier In 1985, the rest of that Institute of Fitness and National Institute of Fitness Room, with a new cafe slated have applied for rooms at dormitory was converted to Ball, as of Aug. 28. Of the 300 Sports. and Sports is also on sched­ to take its place. offices for other organiza­ Expansions and renova­ ule, Clapacs said. Only the Hie area will be designated that applied, only 150 were tions. able to be housed. tions of existing buildings 200-meter indoor track por­ Cafe Robert, a dining room HOWEVER, Paul is opti­ such as the Student Union tion is under construction open to all students, faculty, To make matters worse, mistic about the housing pro­ Building and the Riley Child­ now, with the rest of the cen­ and stair. IUPUI will soon lose nine of gram. Campus Housing and ren’s Hospital are also under ter to be finished at a later According to Director Ed the 40 apartments in the Residence Life are now under way. date. Erotas, the new cafe will Graduate Townhouses, said the Office of Student Affairs. CONSTRUCTION of the LIKE the hotel/conference open around the end of Sep­ David Paul, director of Cam­ Previously, Campus Housing hotel/conference center is on center, target completion tember, with business hours pus Housing. They will was under the Office of schedule, according to J. dates for the fitness center running from 11 a.m. to 2 become part of the Ronald Budget and Fiscal Affairs, Terry Clapacs, University have been set with the Pan p.m. and 5 to 8 p.m. Monday McDonald House, which while Residence Life Director of Physical Facili­ Am Games in mind. through Friday. houses families of ill children reported to Student Affairs. ties. “Our goal is to have “Our plan is to have the The single-student dorm during their hospitalisation Paul believes this change will those facilities ready by July indoor track portion ready for wing of the Union Building at Riley Children's Hospital. of 1987, in time for the practices and workouts for was renovated for office space help his office better serve August Pan Am Games,” he students. the Pan Am Games,” in June, thanks to a $600,000 said. explained Clapacs. grant from the Commission WARTHIN holds 90 The organization changed The IUPUI Conference apartments and nine dormi­ after a recommendation by Due to campus growth and for Higher Education. The Center will adjoin the increased parking needs, the area now houses the univer­ tory suites. The nine dormi­ the Student Housing Com­ 275-room hotel, which is tory suites are already prom­ mittee, appointed by former South Parking Garage has sity’s personnel, accounting, Vice President Glenn W. being privately developed. undergone some expansion and payroll departments. ised to dietary interns and Clapacs said both struc­ occupational therapy stu­ Irwin Jr., to study housing phases. THE STRUCTURE that problems and recommend tures will prove very useftil “Other than some very used to house those depart­ dents. However, one suite is for the Games, although suc­ being remodeled to accom­ solutions. minor things, the vertical ments, the University Serv­ modate handicapped stu­ A report the committee cessful completion will extension is ready. We’re ices Building, will be demol­ issued stated that the hous­ depend on favorable weather using the garage now,” said ished this year and will be dents, Paul said. Tho handi­ conditions this winter. capped students would not ing situation at lUPUI has Hanshew. converted to a parking lot for have to be allied health stu­ been neglected for the past 15 visitors, Hanshew said. dents. years. Lack of a housing phi­ losophy at IUPUI was listed Paul said he would like to as a main problem. Paul and see more on-campus housing, Patricia Boaz, Dean of Stu­ but noted that the adminis­ dent Affairs, said the reor­ tration has no plans for it yet ganization will improve that In the past few years, he situation. STUDENT INN ‘ r a i M R S Three blocks west • Studio., 1 and 2 bedroom °1 Road Rooms and Apartments Available Apartments on 34th Street • Prices start at $225

• flu utilities included • Close to campus - Downtown location across from Sports Arena - 2 blks. from City ffiarket • Close to IUPUI Campus and Lafayette • Near IUPUI Express lines • Kitchen and Laundry facilities Square Mall • Furnished apartments and rooms • Laundries In each building Call Open Mon.-Fri. 9:00-5:00 6 3 9 -2 7 6 4 Sat.-Sun. 12:00*4:00 for information Phone: 293*0122

359 East Washington Street 3503 N. Rybolt Apt. A "fit the Student Inn. we only let students ini' Pag* 4 Sept 2. 1986 Backpackers carry load each day

By CRAIG RUSSELBURG Sendre's biggest concern is The popular backpack, 'Lighten the load is how the backpack is worn. which first was introduced to the best advice I can Most people simply toss the American campuses during backpack on one shoulder and the heavy ecology movement give to students who hurry on to their next class. of the early 1970’s. has use backpacks...’ become a standard accessory “I’ve never seen a backpack for the American college stu­ —Ron Sendfi with just one strap," he said. "Yet that’s the way most dent of the 1980‘s. students wear them. Nearly everyone has one, “A heavy backpack and as many IUPUI students changes your center for gravi­ “Rather than taking the would attest, they are prac­ ty," said Sendre, according to time to throw both straps on, tical and almost necessary. the College Press Service. they just throw on one," he “Your abdominal area is said. Recently however, one man thrust forward, and shoulders has gone on record charging are brought posterior. One strap or two, however, that backpacks are-a health “Then a kid will carry that Sendre is still opposed to the hazard. backpack for six, eight backpack. He emphasized Ron Sendre, a professor of minutes across campus to his that even a properly balanced sports medicine at the next class," Sendre added. pack could be a potential University of Central The result is what Sendre health hazard to a student Michigan, has been an calls “Knock-down shoulder,** who is out of shape. He outspoken opponent of a malady caused from lugging recommended exercising, to backpacks in recent months. make the body more flexible a load of textbooks with the and suited to handling a What concerns Sendre is body out of its natural align­ the fact that full-time ment. backpack. students are literally “carry­ According to Sendre. a For those who use them, ing a full load” on campus, backpack can also lead to though, Sendre has this to of­ possibly causing long-term swayback, shoulder tension, fer: “Lighten the load is the ‘ shoulder and back damage in headaches and possibly nerve best advice 1 can give." the process. damage. Can backpacks be a health hazard for students? One noted While the backpack dilem­ professor in the field of sports medicine believes so. ma continues, a startling Photo by T ori Strattman (Abortion Rftotad Mirattricil report from British scientists F O SOX 497 claims cigarette smoking in­ NEW PALESTINE. IN 461*3 IUPUI students expressed “The advantages outweigh creases students’ ability to mixed feelings toward the the disadvantages," Fife add­ study. According to issue, but some agreed with ed. the* College Press Service, Sendre. Another student cited an ’ ’ ABO R TIO N researchers discovered that HAVE YOU BEEN TOLD ASK PMWteWHO KNOW example that supported- Sen­ A FORMER ABORTIONIST jnicotine received by the body “My bag is always just dre’a opinion. THE TRUTH? 2 ABORTED WOMEN Trom cigarettes or pills • A TEEN COUNSELOR packed and I can see how it enhanced students’ ability to can cause pain after awhile," “A friend of mine had her TUNE IN - CALL IN concentrate by nearly eight said Andy Fife, a computer arm injured by carrying too FRIDAY, SEPT. 1 2 - 1:0 0 - 2:00 P M percent and kept their minds technology major. “After you many books in her back WETS - 1590 AM sharper for up to a half hour. walk awhile it can hurt." pack," said Lee 'Martin.

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MODS Sept. 2. 1986 P I N I O N Page 5

LETTERS to the editor Campaign for Indiana, or for Bloomington? Sagamore assembly he Campaign for Indiana, IU’s $203 million fund­ raising drive, recently passed the half-way mark. coverage attacked T Fifty-three million dollars of that lofty goal is ear­ marked for construction of various "priority” pro­ jects in the IU system. To the editor. Of that $53 million IUPUI will receive $14.1 I am a concerned student. million for a clinical science building. The six IU ex­ Every time there is a Student tension campuses will receive only 13.6 million of the Assembly election, the can­ final take. didates are not given the full However, most of the construction money will stay coverage that is needed. I in Bloomington. Plans there include $35.4 million for looked in a spring issue of the The inclusion raises the a theater and drama center and.a music library, Sagamore to see only their News article question: ‘Does the Black among other projects. But the question of unequal pictures and a small Student Union fall under the distribution of the campaign monies, though blatant paragraph describing a few of stirs confusion jurisdiction of Minority Stu­ will be overlooked here. That policy is firmly entren­ the issues. To the editor. dent Services?’ ched in IU’s goal of preserving itself as the leading Plus, every time Student I would like to express my And if so, will the Black campus in the IU system. Assembly meetings are held, concerns regarding the article Student Union be receiving There is a more critical question: Is IUPUI’s most the topics discussed or the on Minority Student Services more help from this program badly-needed addition a clinical science building? progress of a topic is not in the Sagamore Orientation than other minority organiza­ Hardly. The campus’ health complex is already one published. This is important Issue. tions on campus? of the finest in the world. Further developments information for all students It was an informative and Perhaps the writer should there can be safely placed on the back burner. Equal­ here on campus! well-written article. My con­ have clarified this or written a ly important, the university's 23,000 students are cern is why the Black Student separate story on the Black not all in medicine, nursing or allied health. 1 spoke to Dean Boaz [of the Union events were included Student Union activities. „ * What the campus needs first, foremost and im­ office of Student Affairs] within the article. \ ______LaVreen Te«ler mediately is a new library. Ask any student or pro­ about this, and she agreed fessor working on a research project. . that this was an important Unfortunately, an adequate library is a remote topic that should have more Student, faculty and staff: dream. There are plans, but only plans* to request * coverage in the Sagamore. money for the 1989-91 biennium, meaning the pro­ I would like to know where Your letters are welcome posed $25 million facility will not be completed until the meetings for the Student the mid-1990's. Why should students and faculty, Assembly are held and when. juho are routinely expected to engage in research and Brenda Williams The Sagamore invites Addresses and telephone have to wait that long for a professional readers to submit letters of numbers will not be published research center? How can IUPUI attract quality any length and on any topic and the writer’s name can be teachers without such a facility? for the enrichment of the withheld upon request. For Action must be taken now to see that IUPUI gets IEditor's note: The Sagamore university community. legal reasons, anonymous let­ its share of the campaign money—and for the right intends to give the Student Preference will be given to ters will not be printed. projects. Perhaps Glenn W. Irwin Jr., the Assembly complete coverage letters of less than 500 words Letters may be edited for university's former chief officer, could ensure that this year, as part of our which are related to the con­ clarity and brevity. The goal now that he is a working member of the cam­ overall goal of improving cerns of the IUPUI communi­ editor also reserves the right paign. campus coverage. In the past, ty. to reject letters which are And students themselves should make their wants assembly meetings were not Letters must include the deemed potentially libelous, ann needs apparent to the administration. Contact covered due primarily to the writer’s name, address, obscene or in poor taste. the Student Assembly or write a letter to Gerald lack of reporter's for the telephone number and rela­ Send letters, preferably Bepko, the new vice president. Maybe then we will newspaper. Students can ex- tion to the ufhiversity. In addi­ typed and double-spaced, to: see the type of improvements on campus that will pect more thorough coverage tion, they must be dated and The Sagamore benefit everyone. from The Sagamore this signed for verification pur­ 425 N. Agnes St., Room oolG VS school year J poses. Indianapolis, 46202 — The Editorial Board CAMPUS INQUIRY What’s your reaction to the parking situation?

Derek Geeskle Deldre Hudson Bill Hlnesley Diana Mooney Aerospace Engineering Telecommunication Criminal Justice Respiratory Therapy Communications Freshm an Senior Freshm an S ophom ores Freshm an "You don't know how bad " It’s alright but kind of a "Parking is alright; the " It’s kinda messed up, I the situation is until you get "From what IVe seal, hassle. It’s okay if you get traffic is a pain.-It flows fairly think. You can get lost real here. A lapse of 15 minutes they're really messing things here early enough. I don't smoothly on the campus. I’ve easy here. They should give can make a real difference as up. They could have worked it know what they could do. No got an early class. About nine maps showing student park­ to whether you get a space or out a little better and planned matter where you park, you o'clock, you won't be able to ing in different areas.” not. That's too risky." things in advance." always have to walk.” find this place." Sept 2, 1986


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PICK UP YOUR ADD SLIP TODAY jic io n bay Time Location C 159 M 100 -2 :00 p.m. ES 1116 You can still add Military Science C160 M 4 0 0 6 0 0 p m C A 349 C161 T 4:00-6:00 p.m. C A 3 4 7 to your schedule until September C162 R 9:00-1000 pm C A 349 C 163 R 1 0 0 -2 0 0 p m ES 2106 8, 1986. Drop by the Military Science Department, Cavanaugh G 2 0 1 : Base Mtery Subjects SecSon beys Time Location Hall, Room 335 to pick up an add C104 MW 9:00-1000 am. 9 226 slip or call Major Sauter at C166 M 5:30-7:30 pm BS 3016 C166 7R 2:30-3:30 p.m. 9 220 274-0071 for more information. ARMY RESERVE OFFICERS’ TRAINING CORPS s«ct 2. lose I l p«e* r Campus braces for Pan Am Games

By TERRY HUTCHENS Chances are by now. you’ve next summer. from the office of the In­ top three finishers," said political and everyone from probably either seen or heard In the Pan American games stitute of Humanities, lec­ McKean "In the event we « * ch~ representatives of one of the commercials on themselves, which are being tures will cover a wide variety the nation to carefully watch television or radio. held in the U.8. for only the of topics at various locations find drugs, then the whole a second testing. It all can get They all go pretty much the second time, IUPUI will host in the dty. situation becomes very very intense." same. They usually begin 10 of 31 events. The One of the first lectures will with an athlete in a distant Natatorium will be the site be held at lunch time for one land, who has trained for for diving, swimming, syn­ hour at the City Center countless hours to achieve a chronised swimming and downtown in September. Private, Yet Convenient! dream. Then enters a parent water polo, w hile*!^ main Rhorae has w(eked out an ex­ Professors love our spacious, or relative who has just gymnasium will be the site for tensive schedule of events received the exciting news. the judo and tae kwon do that will be made available contemporary and quiet one &J "You have qualified. You are competitions. The track and through her office in the com­ going to Indianapolis in field portion of the games will ing weeks. two-bedroom apartments. America for the Pan also be held on campus, as The University Hospital American games in 1087," will softball and tennis, with and the IU Medical School • On Bus Line . . ___.. they exclaim. And from there the latter taking place at the will also play key roles inthe • Minutes from IUPUI T h * the celebration begins. Indianapolis Sports Center. games, operating as the head • Prestigious location 247*8436 Yes, indeed, the 10th an­ The only major games quarters for the drug testing nual Pan American games are related construction for the of athletes. According to less than a year away, and campus is a group of tem­ Dean McKean, an assistant with them over 6000 athletes porary bleachers to be set up to Dr. Ronald G. Blanken- from 37 nations are expected at the track and field complex baksr of 8t. Vincsnt's Graduate and Professional Students to descend upon the city and to increase its capacity from Hospital, the testing will be IUPUI for what should prove 12,111 to over 16,000. highly controlled and If affordability, convenience and peace to be a very festive, cultural Besides serving as a site for restricted. and quiet are what you are looking for, event. the games, IUPUI is also Lak ‘Every sport that is com And not only will IUPUI ing major steps to educate the ing to the games has a federa­ we have it: play an important role in people of the city about our tion group it belongs to and * 10 minutes from campus hosting the games Latin American neighbors. each federation has its own * Flexible lease terms themselves, the campus will The first games-related ex­ rules as far as drug testing * Heat and hot water paid also be busy in many ways hibition is scheduled to run and what the athletes should preparing for the events, from from early this September be tested for," McKean said. * Spacious, contemporary 1 and 2 bedroom Aug. 7—23 next summer. through October at the Her­ "In some sports like apartments "IUPUI is involved in ron Gallery, 16th and Penn­ weightlifting and track and * Friendly, courteous and professionally many different aspects of the sylvania. Alfredo Jaar, a field, where steroids may be managed games in one way or Chilean artist, will be arriving used to bulk an athlete up. the another." said Mary Carr, in the dty during that time to drug testing may be for BEDFORD PARK, 241-4103 director of the Pan American do a work specifically for the various kinds of drugs. events and Language Pro- Pan American games. Whereas in sports like . . .ask about our student discount! pgrank> the coordinating of­ Other events planned yachting and archery where fice for all IUPUI in­ revolve arounbd a series of drug usage is less dominant, volvements located on cam­ lectures and presentations teh testing may be less pus. that will involve IUPUI pro­ severe. Give Blood! "One of our big pushes fessors throughout this "In some sports we will test right now is to get even more school year. Under the direc­ only the first place winner CENTRAL INDIANA REGIONAL BLOOD CENTER people involved through the tion of Dr. Francis Rhorae, and in others We will test the volunteer program, which of­ fers opportunities in many different area to be a part of the Pan American experience." The volunteer program, patterned after the successful Thirteenth Annual use of volunteers at the 1984 Summer Olympics ion Los Ice Cream Social Angeles, gives IUPUI students a unique opportuni­ ty to get involved in everything from working at one of the athletic venues to Featuring the using skills speaking Spanish, the official language of the Distinguished games. Anyone interested in Dippers becoming a volunteer can get more information by writing to the PAX/Indianapolis of­ fice at 4476 Allisonville Road, Indianapolis. IN 46287. In a broader sense, the cam­ pus is making prepara­ Ice Cream at tions to host both the actual event and to educate others 10* a - dip, and 11:00 A.M. Wednesday, about the different na­ tionalities that will be making The Indianapolis September 17 their way to Indianapolis Concert Band University Library Mall Supported by the Activity Fee Page 81 E Sept 2. 1086 Clark out to remedy Metros’homeless plight

By TERRY HUTCHENS was really the University of Department with a plan and area in the form of donations turned out he wound up quit­ Since ita inception as an in­ Indianapolis (formerly In­ told them we thought we and equipment," said Clark. ting a job this summer in tercollegiate athletic program diana Central University]. could turn Belmont Park into "And then Dean Kellum in which he was getting paid to several years ago, the 1UPU1 So instead of enduring the finest baseball facility in the physical education lay sod, to work laying sod for baseball program has been another season of one road the city. Needless to say they department has also been us for free." contributing to the homeless game after another, Clark and jumped at the idea." very supportive as he bought As it stands right now, rate in the city of In­ Davis, along with various Clark and his players began the last shipment of brick Clark and his troops have dianapolis. members of the IUPUI team work on the facility in May dust and I'm assuming he three major areas of concern The problem is that the decided to do something and worked diligently on it probably had to do so out of to tackle before the park will IUPUI baseball players in the about it. After approaching throughout the summer. Ac­ his own pocket." be ready for use. They are cur­ past have been subjected to members of the city’s Park cording to Clark, when they Clark said much of the rently building the dugouts improper housing on campus, and Recreation Department began the field was basically money used to do the renova­ (out of stone donated by but it's more than likely not about it last spring and "just a diamond with a bare tion came from fundraisers, Schuster's Block), putting up the shelter you may be think­ receiving an okay, the spot at first and a bare spot at while the remainder was the fence in the outfield, and ing of. In this case the in­ coaches and players began second and so on." strictly donations. According building a new batting tunnel. crease in the homeless rate is building their own home Before long though, that to Clark. GTE on 196th Clark, in his second year due to the fact that the facility by renovating* an ex­ condition was a thing of the Street donated numerous coaching the Metros, has no Metros have never had a isting ball diamond at nearby past. Saving only the infield truck loads of sod, while Coco- doubts though that his held home field to play on. Belmont Park. grass, the group went to work Cola provided the scoreboard. will be ready for the team’s That is until head coach “When we thought of the cutting new base paths, foul Clark was also quick to heme opener, which isn't until Craig Clark and assistant idea in the spring, we decided lines and resodding the entire praise the players and staff March 21 against Dayton. coach Tom Davis came along. to look around the city and outfield grass. They also mov­ that helped in making the pro­ Out of 67 games this year, “Out of the 55 games we see what city parks had good ed the backstop back, created ject such a success. Clark estimates that half will played last year. I'd say 85 baseball facilities," said the a warning track out of stone Joining in on the venture be home and half away. percent of them were on the 33-year-old Clark. "As we in the outfield and put brick have been junior second "There were slot of road," said Clark. "The re­ found out there were very few dust down in the infield area. baseman Chris Rodesiler, negatives about playing on mainder were played at our possibilities within the city. "We received a lot of help senior third basemean Alex the road all the time, especial­ makeshift home held, which So we went to the Park's from the corporations in the Alejos, senior outfielder Brad ly the fact that my players Kantz and sophomore catcher were missing an awful lot of Tony Sabo. Clark's biggest class in order to play,'' said praise however, was for his Clark. "I think this will be a assistant coach, Davis. great thing for our program "Tom was simply and it will sure beat long road We’ll Give You $1,000 A Month amazing," said Clark. "As it trips all the time.” While You Finish tryouts Sept. 4 College. Lady Metro basketball tryouts are slated for Thursday and Friday. Sept. 4.5. Coach Jim Price announced. Women interested in joining the squad should report to the gymnasium at 4 p.m. Candidates should provide their own practice equipment. Price said. Under a special Navy For more information, please call 274-0620. program, we’re willing to give you $1,000 a month during your junior and senior years while you work toward graduation. WANTED TELEMARKETERS Not only will you get great pay, but you’ll W o k wound your daaeachadule and aam top doiar. We are a direct marketing company Making Mlaa-oriantad individual*. receive a year of valuable graduate-level •Flexible hours (day or evening) •16 per hour plus commission training not available from any other employer. •Part tiine/FuU time •Advancement opportunity •Excellent working condition*

Evenings preferred. Excellent opportunity to gain valuabla aalea and direct If you are a junior or senior majoring in m arketing experience. Call 8 7 6 -9 1 5 1 . math, engineering or physical sciences, find out more today and let your career pay off while still in college. 1-800-221-5932 A Quiet Place to Study Mon-Wed, 9am-2pm We welcome serious minded students • Special Student Discount ______• Flexible leases ______TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR CAREER. • Minutes from IUPUI • On Bus Line The Hermitage 247-8436 Swpt 2. 1M6 I l^0»t Lady Metros’ visionquest: ‘85 repeat

By CRAIG RUMCLBCRG Shiroo Johnson and Jsns When both Swan and Although the Lady Metros Desk The All District Dank Hefner were sidelined with have been drilling since Aug. lad the dub in digs (333) and ankle injuries last season. 11, women's volleyball men­ serves received percentage Brown was forced to use Desk tor Tim Brown is not making ( M il In addition. Desk had at setter. Although Desk per­ any early asaeesment of his 231 kills - third-lug heel on formed well at setter poeition. 1986 team. the team — and an .896 profi­ the Lady Metros missed her Brown's non-opeculative ciency an serves. firepower at hitter poeition. approach typifies the person- Johnson ranked second in Tne only setters in camp na of the coach who has guid­ kills with 241. and digs (273). this year are a pair of ed four teams into post­ Marcy Bixler, who impress­ freshman. Lit Scott and Juli season tournament play in his ed last year as a freshman, Comran. six seasons at tWhelm paced IUPUI with 246 kills "We recruited two players Brown took a wait-and-see and a team-high 95 percent at that position." Brown said. position last season as IUPU1 serving efficiency “And 1 perceive one of the chugged through the district Gone from the 1986 edition two taking that (setter) spot and bi-district tourneys en are Laura Dillon. Shelly Far­ "They are inexperienced, route to the NAIA national rar, Laura Swann and Lori but hopefully, they will per showdown. Hefner. form the way we need them to Most of the cast of Brown's The most pressing problem perform," Brown added. club return for a curtain call for Brown is the replacement Other key players returning at Sept. 4. of Swann and Hefner, who include Amy Stalnsberger, including outside hitters were lUPUI's setters Beth Cook and Kasey Breckinridge.

IHTEBIORDESKW 101 or 102? Sontor hlttor Sharon Johnson is a key mem ber oi the women s voiteyball team Photo by Tom Strsttman 101: 10ft: (without Aaron Rents (with Aaron Renta)

Indiana Unlvarslty- at Indianapolis 1986 VO LLEYBALL SCHEDULE

OATE OPPONENT SITE TIME Sept 4 Butter University There 7 00pm Sept • Wright State University Home 1:00pm Sept S lU-Southeast, Earthem College Home 1:00pm Sept 12 IU P U FI Wayne Tournament There 8 30pm Sept 13 AJPUFt Wayne Tournament There 10 30am Sept 18 MananCoSege There 7 00pm Sept 10 U or LouievtSe Tournament There 6 00pm S e p t jp U of LoutovtSe Tournament There 10 00am S e p T T s AJPUFt Wayne There 700pm Sept 30 Hanover CoSege There 8 00pm Oct 3 U. of Wieconain MSwauHee Tournament There TBA Oct. 4 U of Wtaoonew Milwaukee Tournament There T8A O c t 7 FrartttSn CoSege There 700pm O c t • Anderson College Home 7:00pm O c t 11 Oakland City College Home 2:00pm Oct. 14 OoPauw. 81 Mary or too Woods DePauw 0 00pm O c t IS S t Joseph . College Home 7:00pm Oct 21 U. of Indianapolis There 7 00pm O c t 21 Pudwe Untvorslty-Cslumet Home S:30pm Oct 28 College of Mount SI Joeeph There 7:OOpm O c t 30 Franklin College Home 7:00pm Nov 4 Merton CoSege There 7 00pm Nov. 7 NAIA District 21 Tournament Home 8:00pm Nov. 8 NAIA District 21 Toumsmerit Home 10:00am Nov 20 NAIA National Tournament Ta n a Wesleyan TBA Nov 21 NAIA National Toumwnent T e n s Wesleyan TBA ★ We guarantee the lowest rental rates on Nov 22 NAIA National Tournament T o n e Wesleyan TBA s i Mama. If you And abettor raison sternest merchandise, we'l double the difference lor DELIVERY the length of your rental contract Move Upt -f w With Aaron Rents you get more: lowest o/o OFF DEPOSIT Fed rates, short-term rental period nest-day Up?______MANAGER S CHOICE oeuvery ana wtoe selections wicn Aaron Bento. S 's easy to turn your campus quarters Lease Up?______PACKAGE into a dess act. competitor s otH BEDFORD PARK WEST W e U match ______APARTMENTS______77m #7 choice of student* across the U.S.A. • 10 min from campus • 3 min to airport • Easy access to 1-70 Aaron Rents Furniture' • Student Discount* • Free hept & water For more information 241-4103 4407 Lafayette Rd. 291-1536 Equal Housing Opportunity ______*12 month lease to qualified applicants only The Nation s Largest Furniture Rental and Sales Company Sept 2. 1986

C««1 Brown, a Oraanwood Iraah- man, chacka out hia raqulrad text­ books al Via bookalora thla waak. BOOKS Soma 23,000 atudania convargad on a campus that la In Vm mldal al numerous conatruction projacta and caualng tralltc and parking prob- lanu. Thla unidanUftad worfcar (balow) aata hia lunch agalnat tha backdrop ol Vw IU hack and Raid BRICKS Maachara.

Park Lafayette ------IUPUI


• 1 and 2 bedroom Apt. Heat furnish­ ed from $242 to $288





When you say Birth Control You mean Planned Parenthood Professors and Administrators Want convenience to IUPUI along with 10 Convenient Locations Planned Parenthood sets the privacy and a quiet place to live? Midtown Northwest standard for professional, con­ 925-6747 876-1774 fidential, low-cost: Cm tic ton Franklin • All birth control methods consider BEDFORD PARK: 849-9304 736-4511 • Breast exams and pap smears Souths! de Westfield 788-0396 896-2594 • Pregnancy testing while you wait • Minutes from airport and downtown Eaataide Martinsville • Gynecological and V.D. exams • Heat and hot water paid 342-0126 899-4731 • Personal crisis counseling • Flexible lease terms and furnished Avon Shelbyville 272-2042 398-0717 Education, Counseling and apartments available. Medicaid and charge cards welcome. Resource Center: 92541686 241-4103 s#pt 2. i#ee

Wonderful ■ — Continued from Po«o It from my Chinese student friends. 1 never themselves, conversation and refreshments pie and other sitos; climb the hilla by Weat became used to their solidtious admonitions They serve Juaishui, the orange drink of Lake; learn to uae chop aticka and to add to "be careful," "please reet." Chine, the always-praesnt tee. peanuts, layera of dothea to fight the bone-chilling Chinese students live eight to a room. The/ watermelon seeds, a variety of candies or humidity; negotiate bathroom achedulea; and are awakened each day by 6 a.m. reveille, cookies. We responded with our socials of try to buy bicyclea. followed by a half hour of music and daily an­ video movies or dances, serving Juaishui and WE LEARNED WE WOULD SPEND nouncements. Many participate in early mor­ Pijui. the Chinese beer two kinda of money; foreign exchange, or ning calisthenics, jogging or cycling. Our individual projects required patience tourist, currency and Renmin B, or people'a 1 joined a tai chi group, discovering a and persistence. After six weeks my 12-page currency. We also realized very quickly the timelessness in the ancient aide to concentra­ hand-written outline and question format two months of intensive Chinese we had tion and conditioning. Moat of the American were approved. Thee with my translatortaoar studied was insufficient for meaningful com­ students ignored the early morning routines. dins tor I set for a two and half hour interview munication. -fWiap-ing an IU form of exercise during the with the Zhejiang Province chairman of the We never learned why the peasant women 16 minute class breaks, haki sac. Department of Aging. turned me into an idol, lining up to gently HIS APPROVAL AND cooperation rub my left ear lobe. resulted in bicycling tours to the We started Chinese class and culture College of the Aging and the House of the Ag­ classes and began work on our film documen­ ing. a newly built living center People there taries. Although we were required to wear a freely answered our questions and picture Hangzhou University student pin, none of us taking was encouraged. The Chinese way is was stopped at the university gate. As a picture posing as an art form. It was fun! gateman explained, "You all look alike." Group travel to Guilin, Beijing and Xian But entry to the classroom was often block­ was part of the program, and we squeezed ed by curious and friendly students. It took shorter trips into our three-month stay. weeks to accept the custom of men students However, my beet trips ware in Hangzhou, literaly wrapped up in each other. The women riding the bicycle and responding to the many students would be equally intertwined. It was "hellos" with my beat Chinglish. Riding and meaningful of nothing. It is the Chinese way. WE WERE A TRUE INFLUENCE. One chatting became a special classroom, opening DIRECT. PERSONAL QUESTIONS are morning several women students ware im­ doors to off-campus friendshipa and visits also part of the Chinese way. "How old are itating our style, playing the game with My favorite English word, wonderful, was you?" was the opening question for most of flower buds. one of the first expressions we learned in my conversations on campus. Chinese over 60 University-arranged social evenings were Chinese plass. The overseas study semester are generally given “Lao" as a title of respect. opportunities for unerstending and for was tai hao le! Wonderful! I promised drawn chopsticks at dawn to the developing friendships. A Chinese student Editor's not*: Barbara Furiow is pursuing a first IU student who called me "Old" Fur low! social includes a talk by an administration m as Ur 's d egree in counseling from the School I became used to hearing "Miss Barbara" representative, students introducing o f E ducation.

Local neighborhood gets new face Become organized and By STEVE HAMMER The university is one of six part­ r r ■ Construction projects abound at ners comprising BOS, and former IUPUI, as anybody trying to drive to dean of Liberal Arts Joseph T. Tay­ campus wise.. .w ith The campus is aware. The neighborhood lor is president of the board. BOS is surrounding the campus is receiv­ a subsidiary of the Madame Walker Circular. ing a facelift as well, one spurred by Urban Life Center. Inc., cooperation between the university, also is involved with BOS. local government and groups trying to preserve the culture of the area. Morgan has furthea plans for An IUPUI weekly The Midtown neighborhood, cooperation between BOS and the planner with bounded by New York, Senate, 10th university. “I think we can be a an academic Street and the White River, is one of model in terms of relations between calendar, campus the university and this neighbor­ the communities slated for redevel­ ft city maps opment. Once home to a thriving hood. We can be a national model of black community, the once-pioud how a major urban university can and lists of neighborhood is currently in dis­ work with the city,” he said. special events. array. Plans for Midtown include mov­ He envisions a time when “the ing at least five of the neigh­ School of Business students could borhood’s historic homes to vacant do marketing research, market lots in a six-block zone known as the analysis to financially assist minor­ Infill Area, which is bounded by ity businesses. It would create an 10th, California, Camp and Paca opportunity for students to identify streets. New apartments, con­ and solve business problems. It dominiums and single-family homes would be a tremendous help to the The ('.uvular will be built on the vacated lots. minority business owner. (5 designed to “We're trying to attract young "SPEA could get involved with help organize you with professionals, students, professors planning and land use. The Law your class schedules, meetings, and people who work downtown,” School could provide legal assis­ the RIPUI campus and the uly of Indianapolis tance to local businesses," Morgan said Floyd Stone, director of Also included in The Circular MEDIC, the Midtown Economic . said. • Final exams schedule Development and Industrial Cor­ • Library hours and phone numbers poration, one of two neighborhood- Another project underway, is the • IUPUI sporting events based groups working to bring new excavation and renovation of the • Campus organizations life into the area. Indianapolis Water Co. Canal., with • IUPUI transportation schedule Another organisation working for completion schedule for mid-1987. • Schedule tor the . Indianapolis Midtown's new existence is Busi­ Originally part of a failed plan Colts and the Indianapolis Checkers ness Opportunity Systems [BOS]. started in the 182

Billboard* Top 10 Slnglos— Ending Aug. 30 Stevie Winwood tops review ■y TOOO FULLER IRECORD review!» 1 ‘Higher Lov*’— Stevie WInwood man of rock and roll going back to his R & B roots and board’s Top Ten. 2. ‘Venue’— Bananarama It was a pleasant surprise 3 ‘Papa Don't Preach’— Madonna presenting positive attitudes. Winwood has surrounded to listen to the rest of the 4 ‘Take My Breath Away’— Berlin album. “Higher Love" is 5 ‘Dancing On The Celling'— Lionel Richie himself with impressive tal­ ent in cutting his new album. merely a warm up song. The 6 ‘Friends * Lover*’— Anderson and Lonng Some of these are: Chaka strongest songs on the album 7. ‘Sweet Freedom’— Running Scared Kahn [backing vocals], Joe are “Freedom Overspill,” now 8 ‘Rumors’— Timex Social Club Walsh [slide guitar], Nile redeving air play, “Ihe Finer 9 ‘Stuck With You’-H uey Lewis & The News Rogers [rhythm guitar], Things," and “Split Decison”. 10 ‘Med About You’— Belinda Carlisle James Taylor [backing Although the com piemen tine vocals], James Ingram [back­ tunes may not embody the ing vocals], and Will Jen­ album; furthermore, he also same enthusiasm [dance nings has helped Winwood states his desires and wants beat), the lyrical content is Lease U p? with composing all of the for a satisfying relationship- well versed and positive. tunes. -both personal and intra­ “Wake Me Up on Jud­ F ed U p? Winwood's combination of personal. gement Day" is Winwood’s technology [synthesizer, The first song on side ode, boldest statement on this M ove U p! drum, and synthesized guitar “Higher Love," is an exhi­ album-on the fringes of programing] and his search larating tune [and videoL Christian Rock. “Let me hear for blues based rock and roll The melody and beat of the golden trumpets play, give BEDFORD PARK WEST a has produced his best work tune is very uptempo. The me life where i\otning fails, since the Spencer Davis drums move the song nicely, not a dream in a wishing APARTMENTS Group, Traffic, and Blind complemented by Winwood’s well, wake m e. up on jud­ Faith. synthesizer, the synthesized gement day," are lyrics which • On bus line • Easy access to 1-70 Winwood employs the horns and bass, rhythm gui­ give the album a spiritual • 10 min. from campus • Free heat A water caipe diem, “seis* the day,” tar, congas, and Chaka feeling. However astonishing • 3 min. to airport • Free cable TV A HBO philosophy throughout the Kahn’s backing vocals. It's no these lyrics may be, Winwood did help Eric Clapton cut a 241-4103 Christian Rock tune in 1969 For more information on their Blind Faith album. Winwood’s messages and Equal Housing Opportunity______attitudes are well stated; he has collected precise studio mixing and engineering, tal­ ent, and the result-a success. How to get an Winwood is “Back in the High Life". Lonnie Brooks, a Chicago IB M PC blues guitarist, will appear at" the Penthouse on 5960 N. Michigan, Wednesday Sept. 10 for one show only. Look for a country music extravaganza coming to Indi­ anapolis near the end of October. The billing will include such names as Ricky Scaggs, George Strait, and Alabama. Daryl Hall has released a solo LP which is now in the f 3 record stores. The album, knowing Top 40 radio, will probably receive substantial air play. Call collect and appeal to: Famous dates and related □ your parents trivia have served a great □ a rich uncle o a j s purpose -diversifying study □ a finance company « 5 (C O) m amore has decided to compile Tell them you’re... a list of famous dates in his­ U failing tory that will serve as an edu­ O beoke cation for those wishing to □ depressed prime up on musical irrel­ Suggest that they... evance. O send money Also on Aug. 20, in 1948, 41 _ □ take out a loan Robert Plant, best known as $ 8 lead singer for Led Zeppelin, □ rent out your room > a was born. Promise them you will... Johan Sebatian Bach’s □ pay later youngest son, Johan Chris­ □ work it o ff tian, was bom Sept 5, 1735. □ mjurry rich Finally, Creedence Clear­ An IBM PC It's worth the effort. water Revival released its first single, “Suzie Q," on IBM PC On Campus Fair Sept. 3, 1968; and Boston Wadnaaday. Sapt 10. 10 a m - « p m released “More Than a Feel­ Thursday Sept 1 1 .1 0 a m — 4 p m ET 1030 2 74-0767 ing" on Sept 6,1976. Sopt 2, I960 I I Page 13

Movie Im Auuu°thetu iT of lttu Arkansaw Bear' opens Continued from Page 1 "But New York was film,'' says Himes, 23, with wonderful. Everyone U very the same bubbly personality competitive there, and vary that won her Rogers' heart <■**“- oriented." New theatre season ‘intense’ and the role of set director, "I also had an opportunity tor. to do an internship on the Bill Students looking for as a man. he will not live as a To open the second half of Himes contacted the film Cosby Show" she says. "But. another source for research medical experiment Finally the see son. the University comissioner for the movie to seeing how internships in papers in philosophy or invoking the law of hmbsos Theatre will present Athol see if she could volunteer with New York are free. I thought psychology classes this year corpu s. Harrison puts before Fugard s Pulitzer Prize winn production, but all she receiv­ it best to come back home and might try the University a judge the question: Whose »ng play. "Master Harold ed was a shrug and the pro­ finish my undtfgfi^juate Theatre insteqf^if the library. life is it, anyway? and the Boys." In the play. ducer's telephone number. work." The University Theatre will The University Theatre, Hallie. a young white stud*** , "I thought it would just be A little homesick for New present five thought-pro­ together with representatives is show moving from a run around." Himes recalls York, Himes was gUd to have voking as well as entertaining from the schools of Medicine. childhood innocence to with a laugh. “But I left my h« opportunity to work on plays during its 1986-87 Law and Religious Studies, poisonous bigotry in the spar number with his answering "One Way Out". season. will host a symposium on theid state. The play runs service and he called me back "I was originally hired as a On Friday, Sept. 26, at 3:30 issues raised by the emotional Feb. 20, 21. 27, and 28 I couldn't believe it." production assistant, but the p.m. it will premiere the plrv. Closing the season is "The "One Way Out” stars crew was so small the director "Arkansaw Bear," which will Nov. 14. 15. 21 and 22 the 1940's Radio Hour." a several Indianapolis-based ac­ asked me to be a set tour the state this year. IUPUI University Theatre musical recreating a bygone tors, including producer Ivan director,” she says. Following will also be a round will premiere "Family era when "The Chattanooga Rogers who, himself a Ball Himes said she was a little table discussion on children Sunrise," a play written by Choo-Choo" and "Boogie- State University graduate, startled when they used her and death. Representatives IUPUI student Madge Woogie Bugle Boy topped wrote the film directed by suggestions on certain scenes. from Riley Hospital will Dishman-Steifel. Set in New the charts and television was Paul Kyriazi. Rogers plays an "Like the time Sandy speak on issues concerning Haven, a small town north of still science fiction. Dates for undercover vice cop chasing (Brooke's) skirt was wrinkled children and how they deal the Ohio River, five grand­ the play are April 17. 18. 24 drug traffickers, with Sandy and she was frantic.” she with the bewilderment of daughters are reunited at and 25. Brooke, a Los Angeles ac­ says, careful not to reveal too death. their grandfather's funeral. Season tickets for all five , The play poses questions productions are 522 for the tress, as the leading lady. much about the script. The season's first play is "Ivan wanted to make sure "There wasn’t an iron-to be about family values and tradi­ general public, 319 for IUPUI Brian Clark’s contemporary tions in a world of changing faculty and staff, and 512 for I knew the difference between found anywhere, and I just drama. "Whose Life Is It film and video." Himes ex­ got out a hairdryer and mores and redefined roles. students and senior citizens Anyway?” Oct. 17. 18. 24. The "Arkansaw Bear." by For more information, call plains. “ I think he really steamed out the wrinkle* " and 25. A successful sculptor wanted to give me an oppor­ “All the long, 18 hour days Aurand Harris, plays Dec. 5. 274-0557. is paralyzed in a car accident 6. 12 and 13 tunity to prove myself.'.' in 90 degree heat in the alleys and kept alive by hospital Himes, who started at of support systems. Although IUPUI in 1981 as a jour­ will be worth it when I see my outwardly cheerful, Harrison Pilot Pen nalism major, transferred to name on the film credits, ” she decides that if he cannot live telecommunications after tak­ has something ing a year off. (The next Spr­ even sm oother ing) she saw a notice in the than this. corpmunicationa department advmtaiiig "Junior Year In Shoreland T o wers New York". She applied for the program at Hunter College in Manhat­ IUPUI tan and left Indianapolis last September for a year in New York. "It really made me thirsty Affordable Housing for television,” Himes ad­ mits. "I had experience at for WCEI, the bUck entertain­ ment network in In­ IUPUI Students dianapolis, operating the character generator (the small wording that comes across nOUJNO BALL PEN the bottom of a television A feeling... beyond smoothness. screen of after a program). \ «m AitrfHing Applications Hunter College was similar niiiiriu\ * On** Hrtirnom apartmrnl to IUPUI, Himes pointed out. I rum K M n in r "It was inner city and the tui­ All C arprteJ 4* I'lilil** imlutirJ tion and housing was com­ parable to here” she says. "I took several production courses and a New York Eligibility: media class required of all Under (,rads 1 ireuil hours ,»r more students in the program.” t.u d Students ' iredit hours or more any raMini Ml pen yoeVs ever used. Himes also worked as an in­ A gutsy claim but true Buy a new Pilot tern for Troika productions, Brougham and prove It to yourself Send us an industrial video company, the coupon, proof-of-purchase (a race** w i do) and 54 95 Check or money order and her second semester she 5 minutes (rom 38th St. Campus only. Vbul get a “WhaCs Smoother" tee worked as an intern on Good 10 minutes (rom Herron School of Art shirt (an 51100 M ue) and a FREE Plot Morning America. r 15 minutes from IUPUI Main Campus Spottier highlighting marker A total value of 51179 "It was great," she says. "I On the bus line worked in the series unit do­ tor only 5495 Alow 4 to 6 weeks tor defcery ing research for feature Close to shopping stories and health issues. I Crossing University Environment PC i had a lot of freedom to make Yta. I Kontlo prove it suggestions that I didn't 3710 N. Meridian St. rwenctoesde check think people would accept." tor*______Managed By IUPUI Real Estate Department tor_ _ ------(as) When the program was 025-3420 toe owns) and over, Himes could have tree SpoMer(s) ‘JSfciEuiLMW iflTAALMBI transferred to Hunter College Page 14 I E Sept 2. 1986 Program offers Assembly plans ‘spirited’ festival "We’re here to promote food, but the usual menu of second chance IUPUI and help put spirit in- Fall Festival: hamburgers and hot dogs will Gifted and talented IUPUI the school," says Michael be expanded upon, with some students, as well as “Those Urycki, Student Assembly includes bands, deli items being added. Controller. with a passion” can take ad­ ‘VA/ © have students Funding for the Fall vantage of the Honors Pro­ v v who had acade­ In an effort to promote fans, music, food Festival is provided by the gram expanded services, mic disastershappen spirit and friendship among student activity fee. "We’ve which can range from finding the student body, the Student thought of corporate sponsor­ funds for independent to them in Blooming­ Assembly is in the process of A&ough there was talk of ship," says Schlimgen. “It research to special library ton. It’s very impor­ planning the annual Fall booking Henry Lee Summer takes a few months to get assistance to the opportunity tant for students to Festival. or John Cougar Melloncamp, through the - administrative to take on more demanding work. Things like that take credential them­ course work. Although two days shorter such plans must wait until people to make phone calls, The Honors Program began selves after a ‘slow than in previous years the the Spring Fling. According people to write letters." its career in the 1970’s, whan start’. It might make festival is scheduled for Sept. to Schlimgen, this would re­ At the moment, five people economics professor Donna 30 and Oct. 1 and 2. As with quire time and manpower are participating in the plann­ Dial, and history professor a difference getting most festivals, food and changes for which Student ing of the festival. "There’s Miriam Langsam took up riy> into graduate entertainment are at its core. Assembly is not equipped. quite a few people that are go­ challenge of creating a pro­ school.” ing to stick together and get gram which would spur "We haven’t got a whole lot "We hope to have a variety things done," says Hip- students to greater achieve­ Miriam Langsam. planned this year, something of music, not solely rock pelheuser. "We’ve got some ment. director. Honors Program simple,’’ says Student music," says Liberal Arts good leadership now." Langsam recalls,"after Don Assembly vice president senator. George Dunn. "We na went on sabbatical and I Nevertheless, more people future. When you see the dif­ Kathy Schlimgen. hope to have a radio station became acting director of the deejay.” are needed to help with the program, it was me 60 per­ ference between when they "We’re cooling on the Fall plans. "Call or leave a cent, a counselor 25 percent, start and later, you know that and concentrating on the Spr­ "Everyone complained message," says Schlimgen. and a full-time secretary, 26 it works," Langsam said. ing," adds Diane Hip- about the food, so we’re going "We’ll definately get back to percent.” In the program, children pelheuser, the University to do something about that," you." For more information, She estimates her respon­ are taught to visualize the Division senator to the Stu­ says Schlimgen. Modern Ven­ call the Student Assembly of­ sibilities today as "15 per­ future in terms of "fuzzies,” dent Assembly. ding will be providing the fice at 274-3907. cent. or 20 percent." but the possible problems. In one sec­ office is no less hectic — to­ tion dealing with organ day, the IUPUI program in­ transplants, children talked Student Assembly sums up summer itiates. or sponsors in part to doctors and bioethic com­ SPAN, Future Problem mittees to understand com­ Student Assembly met regularly this Contoller Michael Urycki commented, Solvers, and Young Scholars plex medical issues. summer for the first time in the history of "Certain people have done a lot-others Program, as well as the It is that kind of blend of the organization, according to vice- haven't done anything." SA priorities this original college honors pro­ community involvement and president Kathy Schlimgen. spring will include monitoring Natatorium gram. on dMBfpus education that "To my knowlege, this is the first time hours and increasing handicapped access "One program the' office Langsam believes responsible for summer meetings. It wasn't a to facilities. » deals with, in addition to the for the Honors Program suc­ problem." Assembly recorder George Dunn honors program incorporating, cess. Schlimgen believes the real significance believes the summer's single most impor­ all undergraduate honors "Highly structured organi­ of the meetings was "getting to know each tant achievements were the creation of students, is "Future Problem zation doesn’t do very well other. We have a pretty good idea which TASK, a library committee to lobby for Solving," a program for here,” she said. "Our classes senators are going to be active and involv­ better libraries, and the Student gifted children ages usually don’t have large ed. We’ve got to convince other people not Assembly’s participation in interviewing kindergarten to 12." she said. numbers. Things related to to forget the reason they ran for Student vice-presidential candidates over the sum­ The program starts young students are out special mis­ Assembly,” she said. mer. children grappling with "the sion, and it’s not always problems thinking about the possible to divide properly.” Director empathizes, offers students help Mariam Langsam, newest “over-stress" because of the care about your department up and I become a maniac," addition to the School of pressure of higher education, or school, but you also care she confessed. "I don't have Liberal Arts, is no new-comer partly from her own ex­ about the university as a much time for the discipline, to the perils and challenges perience. whole.” the solitary hours you need IUPUI students face. "I started school when I Plans to expand that kind for research, and I don't have She first came to IUPUI 22 was 3, and went straight of care currently under con­ time now to do much substan­ years ago-the 24th full-time through for my master’s and sideration include a potential tial work in research." faculty member hired at the doctorate, and I got tired," program to match For relaxation, Langsam then 3 building campus. she recalled. undergraduates to professors Today, she is an associate works on projects like hook­ It was this ‘tiredness’ that on research projects, as well ing rugs from diagrams of a dean in the School of Liberal prompted her to accept a posi­ as allowing students to con­ Arts, as well as program sun-spot graph featured in tion at IUPUI. even before duct their own independent Scientific American, in bet­ director of the Honors research. program-in itself a full-time she had completed work upon ween sharing a home with her history dissertation. Miriam Lanfiiam Langsam professes herself various pets. job. pleased with her expanded She sees the duties of her The 25 year-old professor began teaching at IUPUI, organize it,” Langsam said. duties, but also has a few "There’s my cat, named new job in terms of keeping regrets. ‘Golda-my-ears, White-ray- records and offering counsel. and promptly became involv­ She spent a two year stint as ed with other programs, such secretary of the IUPUI Facul­ "This year I will not be able paws, Blacka-my tail’. 1 also "Sometimes it’s really con­ to teach, although I taught seem to have several animals fusing. We had a student as the Honors program, ty Council, an appointment which then existed only in the she describes as an "eye- last summer. I will probably named after food-my puppy come by the other day who miss teaching more than is named 'Peanut', while had been everywhere. A lot of minds of facility planners. opener". "I think what continually "There really is such a research because at this mo­ others are named ‘Sushi’ and the work is individual concern thing as an academic com­ ment there isn’t anything ‘Vermiceli’.’Jshe mused. about individual person's pro­ happened is that when so­ meone said that something munity,” she notes, "but it’s that I am burning to unders­ “Besides the three cats and blems. was the thing to do, I’d be the hard to get people to have a tand." two dogs, I believe we have Langsam feels empathy for one to volunteer to chair or common vision. Yes, you can "But periodically it crops some mice in the attic." < S#p» 2, 1980 I Pa©d 15 CLASSIFIEDS

For Rent Services Help Wanted HELP WANTED HELP WANTED SartMW 8tedsnta Bpaokma. TYFfMtt. Co$aga pager*. s» Olfles Cteasers aasdad. SWw Ntewtoeda woeMy Ma$- Wars erased year class affordable 1 and 2 badroom types Word Processing aqiMp- Work up to 4 hours par night 5 mg cecutars' No quota tenua schedule and asm lop deter apartments Hast and hoi mant produces perfect copy, nights par weak Call Rush self addressed stamped Wo are a deed merkeltog com walar pate, rrwxitaa from cam stows dwk retrieval Hourly 267 7118 (2) envelope AM M AK 288 8 pany sestong aatae-onented ev pua. ftexibte teaaaa avatebte. rate Cat 888-2303 (1 ) Robertson Dept H Beverly dmduate we offer ftaxtete privacy plua. 241-4103 Aak iatn the Oton Mdte Team! 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By BARBARA It FURLOW They seemed to be everywhere. I wondered if China’s ooe-child family policy was truly in p « t six a.m. In bed again A t midnight. effect. 1 found out that it is. UOf course, that w a s b c f o n I Arrived in Chine. In Hagnzhou the hours changed, along The rear of the milling bicycles transported with many other things. There. I was up ak live chickens and ducks, furniture, laundry, cases of orange drink, cases of beer, barrels of 6:30 A .m . and collapsed exhausted into sleep at 10:30 p.m. cooking oil, scrap metal, charcoal briquettes, in fact anything transportable With so many bicycles and cars and trucks The the noise was a constant assault of honks and LIS T WORD horns and the insistent chingling of bicycles bells. Half an hour later our horn blasted and My journey started last October in the Col­ a gate opened We had arrived at the foreign lege of Education reception room, where a expert’s residence, our new home. brilliant red poster proclaimed “Overseas THE ENTIRE STAFF OF THE OUAN Study Semester Program in China 1088.° I Jia Lo was on hand to greet us with smiles, had dreamed of going to China for years. handshakes and less English than our Three of my friends spent a Sunday writing Chinese. But words were not necessary to letters of recommendation while I wrote a convey their amazement at the quantity and personal essay to meet the Oct. 16 deadline to weight of our luggage By American 'tan sign up for the trip. I completed the applica­ dards it was very restrictive. We were allow­ tion process with an interview on the Bloom­ ed one suit case, maximum 41 pounds, phis ington campus. one piece of carry-on luggage. “BARBARA, YOU'RE ON your way to I shared a third-floor suite with four women China!" What wonderful words to hear. There In China things do not rush. They crush. It students. It was as well-equipped as the was no doubt that program director Dr. Anna Chinese could make it: by their standards it Ochoa and her staff were as excited as 1. My is a country of one billion people, one million of whom live in Hangzhou. In the area bet­ was luxurious. We each had a bed, desk and dream was on Its way to becoming reality. chair, carpeting on the floor and heavy red But to be honest I was still trying to locate ween the airport and city, every available inch of ground is tilled, planted or covered velvet fabric at the windows. Gold chenille Zhejiang Province and the dty of Hangzhou bedspreads were embroidered with “hap­ on the map. with bamboo-supported plastic hot houses. THERE ARE 600,000 BICYCLES in piness. My mailbox and my hours filled up Hangzhou, and half of them were on the Although campus buildin* are unheated, preparatory to moving to Bloomington for streets that rainy afternoon. our residence had space heaters in the preliminary studies. Friends and family ex­ western-style bathrooms. One of our rooms pressed encouragement in cards, letters, calls The colors of the day were green-tinged fields, gray skies and blue. It seemed all the had a new television set, the other an air con­ and gifts. One of my adult sons presented ms people were layered and bundled in shades of ditioner. My room had two lounge chairs and . _ > w ith a 36mm c u m t i . gray or blue. Those people came in one size: a small table. There was a telephone in our A friend's humorous congratulations, small, and three varieties: old, ageless and common hall. It never rang. It was not con­ "Three months in China! That's a lot of rice!" children. nected. became my motto, to lighten the tension of Babies were riding in bamboo cane “car" A five day period of adjustment included forms, photos, passports, shots, medical time to tour the 1.000 year old Buddhist Tam check-ups and travel arrangements. And I seats on the front of the bicycles, or being car­ ried along the roadsidq by grandparents. still had six hours of graduate work here to 9 — WONDERFUL, P>»l 11 finish before January. My group was comprised of Professor Robert Heinich, his wife, 11 students and a graduate assistant. An accelerated two- month semester included Chinese 101, a survey of East Asian history, and an orienta­ tion program on China. MY 8CHEDULE ALSO INCLUDED several hours a week at the 'Y' stretching mature muscles into an endurance level of six miles of bicycling in 26 minutes. Bicycles would be our primary means of transporta­ tion in Hangzhou On March 19 we left O'Hara Airport for Tokyo, Hong Kong and a travel-shortened night’s sleep before flying into China. While our families were in a 1 a.m. dreamland on March 21, we were half-way around the world. At 2 p.m., taxiing to the Hangzhou ter­ minal, I was astonished to see a military welcoming committee. The "greeters" turned out to be military personnel on normal duty. Airports in China are often connected to military bases. I wondered if I was truly prepared for the rush of sights, sounds, smells and sensations I would find in this dis­ tant country,______BACK *

' .

Campus Bookstore, Cavanaugh Hall ■r 38th Street Bookstore, Krannert Building Sale tods September 19,1986 Medkal Bookstore, Union Building / Prices good white quantities laat

^ m i t y ^


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h.s circular was printed 60 T days prior to the sale date Because o! this there could tx? some nnforseeri delay or non Shipment ot items advertised herein We regrel any mcori^JnT ence this may cause and wfll 1o K f l l HEWLETT the tjest ot our abitiiy oiler a 1 l/iM PACKARD suiiatiie sutjstitute or rairicheck H P -12C on any nonshipment items We financial calculator reserve the right to limit quan t'ties on some sale -terns Spe oaf prices are «n ellect during the sale only while quantities