Press Release (New Delhi) - 04 Jun 11


Vice Anup Singh, PVSM, AVSM, NM, ADC, the Flag Officer Commanding‐in‐Chief, reviews the Guard of Honour

At a glittering passing out parade ceremony conducted with military precision at the Indian Naval Academy (INA), early morning of 04th June 2011, a total of 196 trainees of the and the Coast Guard passed out on successful completion of their ab-initio training. The parade was reviewed by Anup Singh, PVSM, AVSM, NM, ADC, the Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Naval Command. The ceremony culminated with the trainees marching past the Quarter deck, in slow march, to the poignant tune of Auld Lang Syne, a traditional martial tune played across the Armed Forces when they say goodbye to colleagues and comrades.

Those passing out included 28 trainees of the 82nd Naval Academy Course after a three year of training period with a BSc degree and 168 trainees of the 12th Naval Orientation Course after a gruelling six month training. The latter included 59 Coast Guard trainees and 14 women trainees. Vice Admiral Anup Singh, the Reviewing Officer awarded medals to the discerning trainees at the parade, including the prestigious Presidents Gold Medal. Speaking on the occasion the Admiral exhorted the trainees of the importance of honing the skills they have gained at INA and reiterated the need for setting high degree of professionalism and conduct.

“We earnestly hope that the occasion of war never comes, but if it does, then this nation must win, and the primary contributor in securing a decisive victory will be ’s Armed Forces” the Admiral said. He also congratulated the award winners and the parents of passing out trainees. Academy Arun Kumar was awarded the Presidents Gold Medal for being adjudged first in overall order of merit in 82nd NAC while Academy Cadet Adjutant Samir Kumar and Cadet APS Yadav won the silver and bronze medals respectively. For the Naval Orientation Course, the Chief of the Naval staff silver medal was awarded to Sub lieutenant Savtanter Saini for standing first in overall merit while Assistant Commandant Naresh Kumar was awarded the Commandant INA Bronze Medal for standing second in the overall order of merit. Sub Lieutenant Malathi D was awarded the Flag Officer Commanding - in - Chief, , Silver Medal for being adjudged the best woman trainee of 12th Naval Orientation Course. To make their entry into the league of officers of the Navy and Coast Guard, the ‘Stripe Shipping’ ceremony was held soon after the parade wherein the proud parents of the trainees shipped glittering golden epaulets on their wards’ shoulders. The trainees magazines ‘AHOY’ encapsulating their time at the Academy was also released on the occasion by Vice Admiral Anurag G Thapliyal, Commandant INA. Earlier on 3rd June 2011, the Chief Guest and parents witnessed a sterling display of physical training, adventure sports activities, and continuity drill by the trainees and a scintillating performance by the INA band. A valedictory function showcasing the cultural and extracurricular abilities of the trainees and a formal dinner for the invitees and the trainees marked the end of PoP celebration.

Figure 1Vice Admiral Anup Singh, PVSM, AVSM, NM, ADC, the Flag Officer Commanding‐in‐Chief, Eastern Naval Command reviews the Parade