:23-19:20 Half-Baked Believers February 21-22, 2018 Mark Foreman NCCC

v A Half-baked Message (18:24-28)

Ø Who was Apollos? • He was born in Alexandria, Egypt, the intellectual center of the world. • He was a Jew raised in the Greek world, understanding both cultures. • He went to Corinth after and is mentioned in 1 Cor 1:12; 3:4,5,22; 4:6; 16:12; :13. • Some suspect he may have written the book of Hebrews (first believed by ). • states that Apollos was so dissatisfied with the division at Corinth that he retired to with Zenas; and that once the had been healed by Paul's letters to the Corinthians, Apollos returned to the city and became one of its elders. • Less probable traditions assign to him the bishop of Duras, or of Iconium in Phrygia, or of Caesarea.

Ø Apollos was a leader, with only ½ of a message—a half-baked solution. • We’re told he had been instructed in the way of the Lord (sounds very Christian). • Also that he spoke with fervor: confidence and passion. • And that he taught about accurately • But he only knew of John’s baptism.

Ø Apollos hears the full good news about Jesus. • invite him to their home and explain the way of God more adequately. • Fish or cut bait moment: it requires Apollos to be a humble learner. • And it requires him to be an honest learning.

Ø After his conversion God uses all Apollos that had stored inside through education and experience. • A life is formed by life experience: success, failures and hardships. • A verbal message is formed by learning. • He was completed, fulfilled—baked!

Ø There is a desperate need for leaders like Apollos today. • Learned and thorough knowledge: Who know and do their craft well: reliable, knowledgeable leaders. • A Jew, of Alexandria Who understand people well. Fluent in understanding mainstream culture. • They explained the way of God more adequately (Humble and teachable). • Passionate, clear communicators of the Word.

v A Half-baked Belief

Ø Some have thought this to be a passage that enforces a two stage spirituality: conversion and filled with the Spirit. But a closer look shows

that Paul thought they were believers and expected them to have a cluster of initiation experiences. • Paul found some disciples • Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? • The Spirit brings outward and inward transformation power . • Apparently they we lacking, perhaps complaining how arduous their religion was, or that it was their self-effort.

Ø Scripture does not maintain that we all have the same experience or gifts.

Ø The full context indicates these were people who had limited knowledge of Jesus without knowing the purpose of his sacrificial death or resurrection. • They knew he might be the earthly messiah.

Ø In a postmodern time of relativity we often hear, “all religions are the same or it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere.”

Ø There was something missing in their religion.

Ø It is a wonderful example of people who were unaware of the salvation package: repentance; believe for forgiveness; be baptized; receive the Spirit.

Ø When we are ½ baked in our belief our potential is partial as well. • Everyone believes something. • There are no unbelievers. Have we swallowed the full message of the ?

v Half-baked Results

This is, no doubt, a humorous spiritual encounter. Ø Here is another example of half-baked spirituality: using the name of Jesus without relationship. ½ baked spirituality produces ½ baked results.

Ø Jesus’ name is not magic. It is dynamic. He is a person. The power is in our relationship with the Person.

Ø The benefits of following Jesus are myriad: forgiveness, God living inside us, life forever, change of heart and behavior, answers to prayer, new friends, and new purpose in life.

Ø Even this crazy situation advances the gospel: all seized with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor. . . In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.

Ø Faith in Jesus ’s death and resurrection and presence with us by his Spirit is the answer (fully-baked): message, faith and results.

v Thinking It Through

Ø Apollos had his own unique personality and interests and God used him. How might God use you?

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Ø The small group of “disciples” Paul first meets in Ephesus were “half- baked” disciples. They had only part of gospel. Is it possible that you have only part of gospel, or follow Jesus on your terms? How so?

Ø Have you ever experienced a power struggle with darkness: either with a strong temptation, a demonic presence or community evil? Can you describe it? What happened?

Ø Pray asking for a fresh filling of the power of the Holy Spirit for these challenging days.

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