January 2013

House and Senate Name Committee Chairs and Members

The 113th Congress has convened, and individual committee assignments have been doled out. While many members will be returning to higher education’s key committees, several new names have emerged as well.

The House Appropriations Committee will retain its Chairman with Hal Rogers (R-KY), but will have a new Ranking Member with (D-NY). For the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) will retain her slot as Ranking Member, and Jack Kingston (R-GA) will become the new Chair.

For the House Education and Workforce Committee, Representatives John Kline (R-MN) and George Miller (D-CA) will retain their leadership positions as Chairman and Ranking Member. Representatives (R-NC) and Ruben Hinojosa (D-TX) will also stay on as Chair and Ranking Member for the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training. Individual subcommittee member assignments have not yet been made for the Education and Workforce Committee. Leadership on the House Budget Committee will also remain the same with Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) serving as Chairman and Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) serving as Ranking Member.

On the Senate side, Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) will take over as Chair of the Appropriations Committee following the passing of Senator Daniel Inouye. Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) is expected to take over as the Ranking Member for the Appropriations Committee from Senator Thad Cochran (D-MS), who is term-limited. Subcommittee assignments have not yet been announced, however it is expected that Senator Tom Harkin (D- IA) will remain as Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (L-HHS-ED). The Ranking Member for the L-HHS-ED Subcommittee for the 112th Congress was Senator Shelby. Even though he has moved up to full-committee Ranking Member, he may still retain his slot as Ranking Member on the subcommittee. If he opts not to remain as Ranking Member of the L-HHS-ED Subcommittee, Senator Alexander (R-TN) will likely take over that slot.

The Senate Budget Committee will also have a new Chairwoman with Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) taking over for the retiring Kent Conrad (D-ND). Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) will remain as the Ranking Member on Budget. The Senate’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee will keep Senator Tom Harkin (D- IA) as Chair and gain a new Ranking Member with Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN).

House Committee on Appropriations (New Members in Bold)

Republicans (29) Democrats (22) (6 NEW MEMBERS, will have one vacancy) (6 NEW MEMBERS)

Hal Rogers (KY) – Chairman Nita Lowey (NY) – NEW Ranking Member C.W. (FL) (OH) Frank Wolf (VA) Peter Visclosky (IN) Jack Kingston (GA) Jose Serrano (NY) (NJ) Rosa DeLauro (CT) Tom Latham (IA) Jim Moran (VA) (AL) Ed Pastor (AZ) Jo Ann Emerson (MO) (departing in February) David Price (NC) (TX) Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA) (ID) Sam Farr (CA) John Culberson (TX) Chaka Fattah (PA) Ander Crenshaw (FL) (GA) John Carter (TX) (CA) Rodney Alexander (LA) (CA) (CA) Mike Honda (CA) Jo Bonner (AL) Betty McCollum (MN) (OK) Steve Israel (NY) Mario Diaz-Balart (FL) Tim Ryan (OH) Charlie Dent (PA) (MD) (GA) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (FL) Kevin Yoder (KS) (TX) (AK) (ME) Alan Nunnelee (MS) (WA) (TN) (NE) (OH) Thomas Rooney (FL) (CA)

House Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (New Members Yet to be Named)

Republicans (8) Democrats (5) (4 VACANCIES) (2 VACANCIES)

Jack Kingston (GA) - NEW Chairman Rosa DeLauro (CT) - Ranking Member Rodney Alexander (LA) Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA) Kay Granger (TX) Barbara Lee (CA) Mike Simpson (ID)

House Committee on Education and the Workforce (New Members in Bold) Republicans (23) Democrats (18) (7 NEW MEMBERS) (6 NEW MEMBERS)

John Kline (MN) - Chairman George Miller (CA) - Ranking Member Tom Petri (WI) Robert Andrews (NJ) Buck McKeon (CA) Robert Scott (VA) Joe Wilson (SC) Rubén Hinojosa (TX) Virginia Foxx (NC) Carolyn McCarthy (NY) Tom Price (GA) John F. Tierney (MA) Kenny Marchant (TX) Rush D. Holt (NJ) Duncan Hunter (CA) Susan A. Davis (CA) Phil Roe (TN) Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ) Glenn Thompson (PA) Timothy H. Bishop (NY) (MI) Dave Loebsack (IA) Matt Salmon (AZ) Joe Courtney (CT) (KY) Marcia L. Fudge (OH) Scott DesJarlais (TN) Jared Polis (CO) Todd Rokita (IN) Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan (MP) (IN) (KY) Trey Gowdy (SC) (FL) Lou Barletta (PA) (OR) Martha Roby (AL) Joe Heck (NV) Susan Brooks (IN) Richard Hudson (NC) Luke Messer (IN)

House Committee on the Budget (New Members in Bold) Republicans (22) Democrats (17) (4 NEW MEMBERS, 1 VACANCY) (3 NEW MEMBERS, 6 VACANCIES)

Paul D. Ryan (WI) - Chairman Chris Van Hollen (MD) - Ranking Member Tom Price (GA) Allyson Schwartz (PA) Scott Garrett (NJ) John Yarmuth (KY) Mike Simpson (ID) Jr. (NJ) John Campbell (CA) Tim Ryan (OH) Ken Calvert (CA) (FL) Tom Cole (OK) (WI) Tom McClintock (CA) (FL) Jason Chaffetz (UT) Barbara Lee (CA) James Lankford (OK) (RI) Diane Black (TN) Denny Heck (WA) Reid Ribble (WI) Bill Flores (TX) Mick Mulvaney (SC) Todd Young (IN) Todd Rokita (IN) (GA) Marsha Blackburn (TN) Scott Rigell (VA) (MO) Jim Renacci (OH)

Senate Committee on Appropriations (New Members in Bold)

Democrats (16) Republicans (14) (1 VACANCY) (2 NEW MEMBERS) (3 NEW MEMBERS)

Barbara Mikulski (MD) - Chairwoman Thad Cochran (MS) Patrick J. Leahy (VT) Mitch McConnell (KY) Tom Harkin (IA) Richard Shelby (AL) – NEW Ranking Member (not yet Patty Murray (WA) official) Dianne Feinstein (CA) Lamar Alexander (TN) Richard Durbin (IL) Susan Collins (ME) Tim Johnson (SD) Lisa Murkowski (AK) Mary L. Landrieu (LA) Lindsey Graham (SC) Jack Reed (RI) Mark Kirk (IL) Frank R. Lautenberg (NJ) Dan Coats (IN) Mark Pryor (AK) Roy Blunt (MO) Jon Tester (MT) Jerry Moran (KS) Tom Udall (NM) John Hoeven (ND) Jeanne Shaheen (NH) Mike Johanns (NE) Jeff Merkley (OR) John Boozman (AK)

Senate Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (New Members Yet to be Named)

Democrats (10) Republicans (8) (3 VACANCIES) (2 VACANCIES)

Tom Harkin (IA) - Chairman Richard C. Shelby (AL) - Ranking Member Patty Murray (WA) Thad Cochran (MS) Mary L. Landrieu (LA) Lamar Alexander (TN) Richard Durbin (IL) Mark Kirk (IL) Jack Reed (RI) Lindsey Graham (SC) Mark Pryor (AK) Jerry Moran (KS) Barbara A. Mikulski (MD)

Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (New Members in Bold)

Democrats (12) Republicans (10) (3 NEW MEMBERS) (1 NEW MEMBER)

Tom Harkin (IA) - Chairman Lamar Alexander (TN) – NEW Ranking Member Barbara A. Mikulski (MD) Michael B. Enzi (WY) Patty Murray (WA) Richard M. Burr (NC) Bernard Sanders (VT) Johnny Isakson (GA) Bob Casey (PA) (KY) Kay Hagan (NC) Orrin G. Hatch (UT) Al Franken (MN) Pat Roberts (KS) Michael Bennet (CO) Lisa Murkowski (AK) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Mark Steven Kirk (IL) Tammy Baldwin (WI) Tim Scott (SC) Christopher S. Murphy (CT) Elizabeth Warren (MA)

Senate Committee on the Budget (New Members in Bold)

Democrats (12) Republicans (10) (3 NEW MEMBERS) (1 NEW MEMBER)

Patty Murray (WA) – NEW Chairwoman Jeff Sessions (AL) - Ranking Member Ron Wyden (OR) Charles E. Grassley (IA) Bill Nelson (FL). Michael B. Enzi (WY) Debbie Stabenow (MI) Michael D. Crapo (ID) Bernard Sanders (VT) Lindsey Graham (SC) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Rob Portman (OH) Mark Warner (VA) Patrick J. Toomey (PA) Jeff Merkley (OR) Ron Johnson (WI) Chris Coons (DE) Kelly Ayotte, (NH) Tammy Baldwin (WI) Roger Wicker (MS) Tim Kaine (VA) Angus King (ME)