Applications__March 2015
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APPLICATIONS__MARCH_2015_Derry City ad list _Journal_Sentinel copy_3clms x 320_draft3.pdf 1 27/03/2015 15:05:49 LICENSING (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1996 PLANNING(Article 22, Schedule 5, Paragraphs 1 and 2) APPLICATIONSPLANNINGNOTICE OF APPLICATION APPLICATIONS FOR THE TRANSFER OF A LICENCE Derry PETTY SESSIONS DISTRICT OF LONDONDERRY COUNTY COURT DIVISION OF LONDONDERRY The full details of following planning applications including detailed descriptions,TAKE NOTICE plans, that maps Derry and drawingsCity and areStrabane available District to view Council on the of 98 Strand Road, Derry, PlanningTheBT48 full 7NNNI details Web intends Portalof following to planningat the Magistrates applications or Court at including the sitting Local detailedat Area The Courthouse, descriptions, Bishop plans, Street, maps PlanningandDerry, drawings OfficeBT48 6PQ orare by availableon contacting Wednesday to view NI 1st Direct on April the on 2015Planning 0300 at 20010.00 NI Web7830 am Portalfor the transfer to it of a licence or orat presently028 the 9151 Local held 3101. Area by Text DerryPlanning Phone City Office 028Council 9054or byof 0642. contacting98 Strand Written Road, NI commentsDirect Derry, on BT48 0300 7NN 200 for7830 the or premises 028 should9151at The be3101. Guildhall, submitted Text PhoneGuildhall within 028 Street,the 9054 next Derry, 0642. 14 days. BT48 Written Please 6DQ comments beingquote premises the should of be the submitted following within kind the applicationnextaccording 14 days. number to the Please Licensingin any quote correspondence (Northern the application Ireland) and number noteOrder that in 1996, any all correspondencenamely premises andspecified note inthat all representationsrepresentationsArticle:- made, made, including including objections, objections, will will be be posted posted on on the the Planning NI Web Portal. Planning of the NIsaid Web Order. Portal. 5 (1) (f) a Conference Centre i.e., premises for which there is in force a Certificate from the Northern Ireland Tourist Board stating that the premises conform to the requirements Initial Advertisements APPLICATIONprescribed by RegulationsNO LOCATION made with the concurrencePROPOSAL of the Department of Economic APPLICATIONDevelopment. NO LOCATION PROPOSAL(in brief) The following Body Corporate will own the business to be carried on under the licence – A/2015/0150/FA/2015/0150/F EglishEglish Mountain Mountain , , RealignmentRealignment of of access access Initial Advertisement Derry City and StrabaneGlenoughGlenough District , ,Co Co Council Derry Derry , ,of 98tracks tracksStrand and and Road, reorientation reorientation Derry, BT48 7NN accessingaccessing onto onto Ballyartan Ballyartan ofof turbine turbine hard hard standings standings Of which the followingRoadRoad persons Killaloo Killaloo are directors –atat the the permitted permitted Eglish Eglish LondonderryLondonderry WindWind Farm Farm Not Applicable A/2015/0162/FA/2015/0162/F 7171 Cumber Cumber Road Road , , (A/2005/0223/F)(A/2005/0223/F) Initial Advertisement And the following areClaudyClaudy the executive controllerDetachedsDetached – replacement replacement dwellingdwelling with with integrated integrated A list of councillors is available for inspection at'granny'granny the offices flat' flat' of Derry City and Strabane District Council. accommodationaccommodation and and associatedassociated parking/access parking/access The owner of the premises is Derry City and Strabane District Council. A/2015/0163/OA/2015/0163/O ArdmoreArdmore Precast Precast , ,25 25 RenewalRenewal of of approval approval Initial Advertisement The licence will be depositedBallybogieBallybogie withRoad Road the , , Clerk ofA/2008/0226/OA/2008/0226/O Petty Sessions for beforefor or at the hearing of the application. ArdmoreArdmore , ,Londonderry Londonderry redevelopmentredevelopment of of existingexisting processing processing plant plant And further take notice that a District Commanderandand open open upon air air whomconcrete concrete notice is required to be served, the District Council for the District in storewhichstore to tothe provide provide premises are situated or any person owning or residing or carrying on business in premisesresidentialresidential in development developmentthe vicinity of the premises for C which the transfer of the Licence is sought whowithwith intends ancillary ancillary to worksobject works to the Transfer of the A/2015/0164/F 12 Gortmore Place , Single storey rear M A/2015/0164/FLicence must in accordance12 Gortmore with paragraph Place , 4 ofSingle Schedule storey 5 rear to the LicensingInitial (Northern Advertisement Ireland) Order 1996Strathfoyle serveStrathfoyle notice , ,Derry Derry of his , , intentionextensionextension to object and and provisionupon provision the applicant and the Clerk Y of Petty Sessions notBT47 BT47less than6XB 6XB one week beforeofof frontthe front time access access of rampthe ramp Court sitting at which the A/2015/0165/O Lands to the North West Site for cluster dwelling A/2015/0165/Oapplication is to be madeLands briefly to the stating North theWest grounds Site for of cluster objection dwelling as specified in Article 22 (6) CM ofof 122 122 Old Old Clooney Clooney inin line line with with policy policy of the said Order. RoadRoad and and South South of of No's No's CTY2ACTY2A of of PPS21 PPS21 MY 88 and and 10 10 Longfield Longfield Road Road , , Dated this 11thEglinton Eglintonday of March 2015. CY A/2015/0166/FA/2015/0166/F ApproximatelyApproximately 310M 310M ErectionErection of of single single wind wind Initial Advertisement CMY Signed: SSWSSW of of 35 Philip35 Terrydreen Terrydreen Kingston LLBturbineturbine with with a a40M 40M hub hub RoadRoad , ,Claudy ClaudySolicitor , , for the Applicantheightheight and and 27M 27M blade blade K BT47BT47 4TH 4THDerry City Councildiameterdiameter A/2015/0168/FA/2015/0168/F 1212 Fortfield Fortfield98 Avenue StrandAvenue Road, , SingleSingle storey storey kitchen kitchen Initial Advertisement DerryDerry , ,BT48 BT48Derry 8DN 8DN extensionextension and and new new BT48 7NN dormerdormer for for first first floor floor bathroombathroom A/2015/0169/FA/2015/0169/F 8585 Victoria Victoria Road Road , , DemolitionDemolition of of existing existing Initial Advertisement To: The Clerk of Petty Sessions NewbuildingsNewbuildings conservatory,conservatory, erection erection of of Londonderry Courtnewnew Office sunroom, sunroom, The Courthouseconversionconversion of of attached attached Bishop Street garagegarage into into utility utility room room Derry BT48 6PQassociatedassociated interior interior alterationsalterations & & erection erection of of Copy to: (1) District Commandernewnew car car port port A/2015/0171/FA/2015/0171/F LandsLands at at CarrakeelPolice Carrakeel Service Drive Drive of RetentionNorthernRetention of Irelandof existing existing Initial Advertisement , ,Maydown MaydownPolice Industrial Industrial Station allotmentsallotments along along with with EstateEstate , ,Maydown MaydownStrand Road associatedassociated storage storage sheds sheds A/2015/0172/OA/2015/0172/O SiteSite adjacent adjacent 9 9 Tullanee Tullanee (with(with proposed proposed access access Initial Advertisement Derry BT48 7AA RoadRoad , ,Eglinton Eglinton andand parking) parking) SiteSite for for infill infill dwelling dwelling Initial Advertisement Re-advertisementsRe-advertisements (2)Town Clerk and Chief Executive A/2014/0609/FA/2014/0609/F 5757 Spencer SpencerDerry Road Road City CouncilAmendedAmended Description Description - - Re-advertisements WatersideWaterside98 Derry DerryStrand Road ChangingChanging external external Derry windowwindow to to door door & & BT48 7NN provisionprovision of of new new internal internal to to provide provide level level accessaccess (retention (retention of) of) A/2015/0064/FA/2015/0064/F 1818 Danesfort Danesfort Crescent Crescent ProvideProvide front front and and rear rear Re-advertisement DerryDerry dormerdormer windows. windows. rear rear extension extension andand pitched pitched roof roof to to garage,garage, construct construct front front Derry Strabane porchporch Johnand and extend extendKelpie front frontMEng., CEng., MIStructE., MIEI C/o Council Offices C/o Council Offices bedroombedroom 98 Strand Road 47 Derry Road Chief Executive Derry Strabane Derry City and Strabane District Council BT48 7NN BT82 DerryDerry / Strabane StrabaneJohn Kelpie MEng., CEng., MIStructE.,John Kelpie MIEI MEng., CEng., MIStructE., MIEI C/oC/o Planning Council Office Offices C/o Council Offices Orchard98Derry Strand House Road 47Strabane DerryChief ExecutiveRoad JohnChief Kelpie Executive MEng., CEng., MIStructE., MIEI 40DerryC/o Foyle Council Street Offices StrabaneC/oDerry Council City Offices and Strabane DerryDistrict City Council and Strabane District Council DerryBT4898 Strand 7NN Road BT8247 Derry 8DY Road Chief Executive BT48Derry 6AT Strabane Derry City and Strabane District Council BT48 7NN BT82 8DY.