
INSIDE: • Moscow in control of ’s foreign and security policy – page 3. • Ukrainian American Veterans hold 63rd convention – page 5. • Women’s trio of musicians performs at New York’s UIA – page 13.

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal Wnon-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXVIII No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 $1/$2 in

EU serves warning to Ukraine CANDIDACY DENIED: Popular mayor by Ahto Lobjakas November 22. RFE/RL The EU and Ukraine are currently negotiating a next-generation association can’t run after SBU’s sting operation BRUSSELS – The European Union agreement. Under President Yanukovych, by Zenon Zawada has ratcheted up pressure on Ukrainian Ukraine has taken a piecemeal approach Kyiv Press Bureau President Viktor Yanukovych to reverse to an accompanying free-trade accord but what appears to be an intensifying crack- remains keen to secure visa-free travel This is the first of a two-part article down against independent media and for its citizens in the EU. EU officials say examining the arrest and incarceration of opposition ahead of local elections on Kyiv could receive at the Brussels sum- Kamianets-Podilskyi City Council Chair October 31. mit a “road map” committing the bloc to (Mayor) Anatolii Nesteruk amidst the Commissioner Stefan Fuele – standing that goal in principle – but without set- campaign for the October 31 local elec- in for the EU’s high representative for ting any deadlines. tions. foreign policy, Catherine Ashton – deliv- Mr. Fuele balanced his implied criti- KAMIANETS-PODILSKYI, Ukraine ered an unusually blunt warning in a cism of the Yanukovych administration – Anatolii Nesteruk was elected by a speech before the European Parliament in with praise on the economic front. He landslide two years ago to serve as mayor Strasbourg, France, on October 20. singled out the adoption of a new public of Kamianets-Podilskyi, just as the global Mr. Fuele said the EU is “concerned” procurement law, gas-sector reforms and financial crisis devastated Ukraine. He about the recent deterioration of the state a standby-loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund. fulfilled the townsfolk’s expectations, of fundamental freedoms in Ukraine – showing that a true leader can turn things saying these are values which bind Mr. Fuele’s address was followed by a clash of European Parliament foreign pol- around even amidst economic ruin. together the EU together and “cannot be The city’s central fountain and sports compromised.” icy heavyweights – unusual in this con- text, as in recent years there has been a stadium were renovated for the first time Kamianets-Podilskyi City Council “The pace and depth of our rapproche- in as long as many could remember. Chair Anatolii Nesteruk was arrested ment with Ukraine will be determined by significant degree of unity among the main political groups with respect to the Downtown parks and squares were on September 20 for allegedly demand- full respect of these values,” Mr. Fuele cleaned up, which was critical for the ing a bribe of $37,500 from a local stated. EU’s Neighborhood Policy. Speaking first for the largest faction, town’s tourism business. The city’s elder- businessman. The EU commissioner pointedly noted ly, disabled and war veterans felt like that Ukraine has enjoyed the reputation the European People’s Party (EPP), someone at City Hall cared. (SBU) agents arrested him on September of a country with a “high level of politi- Michael Gahler, a German Christian Democrat, tore into Kyiv’s record, citing “It was very pleasant for me to work 20 and threw him in jail three days later, cal freedom,” with “a dynamic civil soci- “credible reports” of the a clampdown with a person who hears and understands they knew it was an election season trap. ety and media,” and a good rights record. conducted by the country’s secret servic- you, not just babbling and promising,” He was expected to win re-election by EU officials are expected to deliver the es against media and civil society activ- said Tamara Sosnovska, 75, head of the another landslide in the October 31 vote same message at an October 26 meeting ists, as well as attempts to silence the Kamianets-Podilskyi Association of the for mayor (city council chair). with the Ukrainian Foreign Affairs opposition ahead of local elections. Disabled. “I don’t want to hold my hand A month later, Mr. Nesteruk remains Minister Kostyantyn Gryshchenko, on “Such developments must not be out, but to extend my hand, and he incarcerated in a jail cell, denied his con- the margins of an EU foreign ministers’ crowded out by positive news regarding extended his hand back.” stitutional right to run for re-election. His meeting in Luxembourg. An EU-Ukraine When Mr. Nesteruk’s supporters summit will follow in Brussels on (Continued on page 4) learned that Security Service of Ukraine (Continued on page 9) Press Freedom Index reports deterioration in Europe PARIS – “Our latest world press being is still managing to contain. And where events of the past year – viola- Ukraine ranks 131st freedom index contains welcome sur- we warn the Chinese authorities against tion of the protection of journalists’ prises, highlights sombre realities and taking a road from which there is no sources, the continuing concentration of on the Press Freedom confirms certain trends,” Reporters way out. media ownership, displays of contempt Without Borders secretary-general and impatience on the part of govern- Index 2010 released Jean-François Julliard said as his orga- EU loses its leadership status ment officials towards journalists and by Reporters Without nization issued its ninth annual Press Reporters Without Borders has their work, and judicial summonses – Freedom Index on October 20. repeatedly expressed its concern about have confirmed their inability to reverse “More than ever before, we see that the deteriorating press freedom situa- this trend. Borders. It is listed economic development, institutional tion in the European Union, and the Northern Europe is tops just below Egypt, reform and respect for fundamental Press Freedom Index 2010 confirms rights do not necessarily go hand in this trend. Thirteen of the European Several countries share first place in hand. The defense of media freedom Cambodia, Camer- Union’s 27 members are in the top 20 the index again. This year it is Finland, continues to be a battle, a battle of vigi- Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden but some of the other 14 are very low in oon and Iraq, but lance in the democracies of old Europe and Switzerland. They have all previ- the ranking. Italy is 49th, Romania is and a battle against oppression and ously held this honor since the index above such countries injustice in the totalitarian regimes still 52nd, and Greece and Bulgaria are tied was created in 2002. scattered across the globe,” he stated. at 70th. Norway and Iceland have always as Algeria, Mexico, Mr. Julliard also said: “We must also The European Union is not a homog- been among the countries sharing first Turkey and . pay homage to the human rights activ- enous whole as regards media freedom. position except in 2006 (Norway) and ists, journalists and bloggers throughout On the contrary, the gap between good 2009 (Iceland). These six countries set In 2009, Ukraine was the world who bravely defend the right and bad performers continues to widen, an example in the way they respect to speak out. Their fate is our constant the report noted. journalists and news media and protect tied for 89th place concern. We reiterate our call for the There has been no progress in several them from judicial abuse, Reporters release of Liu Xiaobo, the symbol of countries where Reporters Without Without Borders pointed out. with Senegal. the pressure for free speech building up Borders pointed out problems. They in China, which censorship for the time include, above all, France and Italy, (Continued on page 4) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS

Ukraine returns to 1996 Constitution, CEC registers international observers on inclusion of which we insisted at the Conciliation Council,” among them bills strengthening President Yanukovych KYIV – The Central Election stopping sharp price increases on goods Commission (CEC) on October 20 regis- of first priority, as well as tariffs for util- by Pavel Korduban constitutional violation. He asserted that tered observers from four international ity services. “Just for this reason we will Eurasia Daily Monitor the 1996 Constitution is back in force. organizations: the Office for Democratic be blocking the rostrum until this The court obliged the government and Institutions and Human Rights of the The Ukrainian Constitutional Court demand is fulfilled and the agenda is Parliament to bring the legislation into Organization for Security and revised,” Mr. Hudyma said. (Ukrinform) has outlawed the constitutional reform of line with that Constitution (UNIAN, Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the 2004-2006. This means that Ukraine is October 1). Parliamentary Chairman Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Protest against language bill returning to the mixed system that existed Volodymyr Lytvyn said at least 40 impor- International Republican Institute and the under President Leonid Kuchma from tant laws would have to be amended, National Democratic Institute. As of KYIV – About 200 people picketed 1996 to 2004, under which the president including the law on the Cabinet and the October 20, election authorities have reg- the Ukrainian Parliament building on appoints the prime minister and the law on parliamentary procedures istered 132 official observers at local October 18 to protest a language bill Cabinet reports to the president rather (Kommersant-Ukraine, October 4). elections to be held in Ukraine on they say would boost the status of than to Parliament. The reform had Mr. Lytvyn also recalled that in line October 31; 11of them represent foreign Russian at the expense of Ukrainian, brought Ukraine closer to a parliamentary with the 1996 Constitution there are no countries and 121 are from international RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service reported. republic. more limitations on the number of cau- organizations. The deadline for applica- The protesters demanded the bill be While President Viktor Yanukovych cuses in Parliament or their composition. tions was October 20. (Ukrinform) removed from the Parliament’s agenda was elected by popular vote last This means that more caucuses may for that week. The demonstrators beat February, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov appear in the Verkhovna Rada. Mr. President fires two vice PMs drums and buckets and chanted: “Deal was appointed last March by Parliament. with real issues, not with language!” Lytvyn recalled that any 14 deputies can KYIV – President Viktor Yanukovych Now the presidency will be further “One language – one country!” and form a caucus (UNIAN, October 4). on October 13 removed from their posts strengthened (UNIAN, October 1). “Single state language!” Two well- There are five caucuses in the current two vice prime ministers, Viktor Slauta The reform cancellation will cement known Ukrainian writers, the brothers 450-seat Parliament, including two oppo- and Volodymyr Sivkovych. The 1996 President Yanukovych’s quasi-authoritar- Vitalii and Dmytro Kapranov, were sition caucuses. In the current conditions, Constitution of Ukraine 1996, which re- ian rule. The reform was originally aimed among the protesters. They vowed to the return to the 1996 Constitution means entered into force on September 30, stip- at transforming Ukraine into a parliamen- continue picketing the Parliament until that opposition will start to shrink, with ulates that the government should have tary republic, but it stopped short of deputies ditch the draft law. The draft businessmen deputies switching to the not more than three deputy prime minis- doing so. It was a compromise between legislation that was introduced last pro-government majority. This should ters. Prior to this decree, the Cabinet had those who wanted to limit the authority month by deputies of the Party of make life for Mr. Yanukovych easier as five vice-premiers: Borys Kolesnikov – of President Kuchma’s successor, who Regions, Communist Party and far as economic reforms are concerned. for UEFA Euro 2012, Mr. Sivkovych – happened to be President Yanukovych’s Volodymyr Lytvyn Bloc proposes “the For example Mr. Yanukovych will not for national security and defense, Mr. predecessor, Viktor Yushchenko, and equal development of the Russian lan- have to take into account the opinions of Slauta – for agriculture, Sergey Tigipko – those seeking to preserve a strong presi- the anti-market Communist faction, guage... as the majority of Ukraine’s dency. Consequently, the reform adopted for economic affairs, and Viktor population uses it.” The draft law also which has been part of the pro-govern- Tikhonov - for regional policy. President in 2004 and introduced in 2006 was ment coalition. Formally, there is no lon- lauds bilingualism and proposes guaran- incomplete. Yanukovych appointed Mr. Slauta as an teeing the right to choose whether to ger a pro-government coalition, and dep- adviser and Mr. Sivkovych as deputy sec- Presidential authority was not clearly uties can now freely move among cau- receive education in Russian or retary of the National Security and defined, leading to incessant squabbles cuses. Ukrainian. Ukrainian is currently the between President Yushchenko and his Defense Council. (Ukrinform) only state language in Ukraine. (FRE/ Notable changes prime ministers, which slowed the eco- Opposition blocks Rada’s rostrum RL) nomic transformation of Ukraine. The The following are among other impor- Svoboda seizes election commission reform cancellation should prevent repe- tant changes. KYIV – Representatives of the Yulia titions of similar conflicts between • The president no longer has the right Tymoshenko Bloc (YTB) faction LVIV – Ukrainian information agen- blocked the parliamentary rostrum, as President Yanukovych and his prime min- to dissolve Parliament for failing to form cies on October 18 reported that more well as entry to the Presidium, on ister. But this comes at the price of a majority coalition, as there is no more than a dozen activists from the ultra- October 20. National Deputy Oleksander strengthening the president and weaken- need for a coalition, or for not appointing nationalist Svoboda group led by Oleh Hudyma said that the YTB is blocking ing political parties, which will no longer ministers, as it will now be up to the pres- Tiahnybok had laid siege to the Lviv the rostrum since the opposition’s directly influence the choice of the prime ident to appoint them. election commission, which is charged demands on formation of the agenda minister and the Cabinet (UNIAN, • Parliament will not appoint the secu- with overseeing local polls in the region were not taken into consideration by the October 1). rity, privatization and anti-monopoly on October31. Zaxid.net reports that the majority. “Those draft laws that are in Trade-off in 2004 chiefs. protesters are complaining that their rep- • The prime minister, rather than the the agenda and pointed out as opposi- The reform was passed in December Parliamentary chairman, will act as presi- tional are absolutely not the draft laws (Continued on page 14) 2004 as a result of a trade-off between dent if the president is impeached or if he Mr. Yushchenko and the pro-Kuchma dies. elites who were defeated that month by • The Cabinet will have to resign when the pro-Yushchenko “Orange a new president is elected, rather than The Ukrainian Weekly FOUNDED 1933 Revolution.” The pro-Yushchenko camp after parliamentary elections. agreed that his authority would be cur- • Prime Minister Azarov will have to An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., tailed while the outgoing government sack two vice prime ministers, as there a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. supported the controversial third round of are currently six of them, while the 1996 Yearly subscription rate: $55; for UNA members — $45. the presidential election, in which Mr. Constitution allows for four. Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. Yushchenko defeated Mr. Yanukovych The pro-government caucuses have (ISSN — 0273-9348) later that month. agreed to confirm by amending the The Weekly: UNA: The reform was passed in haste, with- Constitution that the next parliamentary Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 out being approved by the Constitutional election will be held in October 2012 Court, which was required by the law. with the presidential election in March Postmaster, send address changes to: This was a time bomb waiting for a 2015 (www.rada.gov.ua, October 4). The The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz strong president to reverse the reform cit- opposition feared that the ruling elite 2200 Route 10 Editors: Matthew Dubas ing this procedural violation. would use the restoration of the 1996 P.O. Box 280 Zenon Zawada (Kyiv) President Yushchenko and Yulia Constitution to extend the term in office Parsippany, NJ 07054 Tymoshenko wanted to reverse the for either the current parliament or reform when they were in power, but they President Yanukovych, or both. The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: www.ukrweekly.com; e-mail: [email protected] failed to muster support for respective On the other hand, the opposition sug- motions in Parliament or the court. gested calling early parliamentary elec- However, President Yanukovych suc- tions in March 2011 (Ukrayinska Pravda, The Ukrainian Weekly, October 24, 2010, No. 43, Vol. LXXVIII ceeded as his party dominates Parliament, October 4). Copyright © 2010 The Ukrainian Weekly and judges hand-picked by his team dur- Now that the pro-government majority ing the past several months are in the agreed that the return to the old majority on the Constitutional Court. Constitution should not entail any chang- ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA On October 1, Constitutional Court es to election dates, Parliament is likely Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3041 Chief Judge Anatoly Holovin announced to approve this decision smoothly given e-mail: [email protected] that on September 30 the court had ruled the majority’s numerical strength. Maria Oscislawski, advertising manager (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 that law No. 2222, according to which fax: (973) 644-9510 the 1996 Constitution was amended on The article above is reprinted from e-mail: [email protected] December 8, 2004, was null and void. Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 Mr. Holovin explained that the court had from its publisher, the Jamestown e-mail: [email protected] not approved law No. 2222, which was a Foundation, www.jamestown.org. No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 3

ANALYSIS Foreign and security policy Russians control Yanukovych by Taras Kuzio campaign. Jamestown Foundation Blog Mr. Zanevskyi accompanied Mr. of Ukraine controlled by Russia Yanukovych throughout the 2010 elections, by Taras Kuzio tion. (www.mg.co.za/article/2006-11-10- Imagine The Washington Post revealing surprisingly without a peep of discontent Eurasia Daily Monitor who-is-viktor-vekselberg). At previous the sensational news that the head of the from the UDO. Since Mr. Yanukovych’s YES summits, the Russian delegation Security Service detail guarding the newly election, Mr. Zanevskyi’s position has President Viktor Yanukovych’s foreign included only “a few experts and margin- elected U.S. president is a Canadian or become a question of national security, and and security policy is controlled by Russia alized politicians,” one Ukrainian expert Mexican citizen. The ensuing scandal would his continued presence as the head of the and coordinated with Moscow. That con- wrote on the Ukrayinska Pravda blog be most likely grounds for impeachment. presidential guard is illegal. This was the rea- clusion is already appearing among (October 4). After all, the head of the presidential body- son, Ukrayinska Pravda noted, that Mr. European elites after seeing first-hand how One EU politician attending the summit guard would have access to every state Zanevskyi was officially appointed a “non- Ukrainian foreign policy personnel work said, “Now maybe Russians will be taking secret coming though the hands of the U.S. resident presidential adviser.” closely with Russia. care of Ukraine’s European integration.” president and would be in a position to over- The question, Ukrayinska Pravda asked, Russian influence in Ukraine’s foreign Although said in jest, the diplomat was hear most conversations as well as observe is: Who then is paying Mr. Zanevskyi’s sala- policy is evident in two areas. The first is actually pointing to a new reality: the president’s private life. ry and expenses? These cannot come from coordination between the Ukrainian delega- Moscow’s determination to influence and The files that such an intelligence officer the state budget because he is a “non-resi- tion headed by Party of Regions Deputy keep the pulse of Ukraine’s European inte- would collect over the course of a five-year dent” (i.e., not legally on the state payroll). Ivan Popecku, a Romanian, and the gration outside the Commonwealth of presidential term would be a KGB (and Mr. Zanevskyi remains a senior instructor Russian delegation at the Parliamentary Independent States. FSB) officer’s dream. No foreign official at the Russian Academy of Bodyguards. His Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Mr. Yanukovych acceded to Russia’s would wish to reveal anything significant, earlier clients were the secretary of Russia’s that sought to moderate criticism of PACE’s demand to end Ukraine’s aim of joining out of fear it would slip back to Ottawa or National Security Council, Oleksander October 5 resolution (http://assembly.coe. NATO, and Moscow is now seeking to Mexico City. Lebed, and Russian oligarchs. int/ASP/Doc/ATListingDetails_E. halt or slow down Ukraine’s integration This is, however, the realm of fantasy. Mr. Zanevskyi is a frequent contributor to asp?ATID=11237). A detailed analysis of into the European Union. As one Russian Now enter the real world of Ukrainian poli- the Russian Academy of Bodyguards’ backroom negotiations described the participant confided, “They can still play a tics. Internet forum, where he presents himself Russian delegation as “the big brother of little with their European integration but On October 6, Ukrayinska Pravda nonchalantly as the “head of the personal the Party of Regions” (Ukrayinska Pravda, sooner or later they will return to the [CIS] revealed a real-life scandal: the head of guard of the president” (not as a “non-resi- October 6). Customs Union” (Ukrayinska Pravda, President Viktor Yanukovych’s presidential dent presidential adviser”). On the Russian Russian support for the Ukrainian October 4). guard, Viacheslav Zanevskyi, is a Russian Academy of Bodyguards Forum, Mr. authorities on the PACE monitoring com- Mr. Yanukovych did not displease his citizen. His photograph is revealed in the Zanevskyi discusses the “correct” course of mittee only served to increase the determi- Russian guests, as during his speech at the report and he is shown accompanying Mr. foreign policy that Ukraine should follow – nation of the Estonian PACE co-rapporteur YES summit he never once mentioned Yanukovych on a presidential visit to France. which of course is “non-bloc” and does not for the monitoring of Ukraine, Mailis Reps, Ukraine’s desire to join the EU. Instead, Russian citizen Zanevskyi’s unofficial include NATO membership. to include tough criticism of Ukraine’s he said that Ukraine “will choose the title is “head of the personal guard of the Ukrayina Moloda, drawing on inside leaders. The Russian and the Ukrainian del- speed, form and methods of integration President.” “This is the ear and eyes who sources, revealed that Mr. Zanevskyi has a egations repeatedly blamed the Orange that conform to its national interests” sees everything and hears everything,” Ukrainian diplomatic foreign service pass- authorities for alleged democratic infringe- (Ukrayinska Pravda, October 4). Ukrayinska Pravda author Serhiy port. Ukraine does not recognize dual citi- ments and repression of Russian speakers. Mr. Yanukovych is the first of four Leshchenko wrote. zenship. “[Viktor] Yushchenko was a pseudo-demo- Ukrainian presidents to avoid supporting Mr. Zanevskyi was hired as the head of Ukraine, of course, is not the U.S. The crat,” Russian Duma Deputy Dmitriy efforts to join NATO or to publicly endorse Yanukovych’s guard in the summer of 2008 scandal and impeachment that would have Viatkin said, a comment followed by simi- joining the EU. And, Mr. Yanukovych has because the president did not trust the happened in Washington will never happen lar remarks by Russian Communist leader repeatedly ignored requests by the G-7 Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) or the in Kyiv. President Yanukovych and the pres- Gennadiy Zyuganov and the Russian politi- ambassadors for a meeting in Kyiv Directorate on State Protection [UDO], the idential administration have ignored the cal technologist Sergei Markov (Ukrayinska Pravda, October 11). former ninth directorate of the Soviet KGB. scandal and have not commented on it. (Ukrayinska Pravda, October 6). These developments, coupled with the This is an outcome of Mr. Yanukovych’s The only possible conclusion is that Additional evidence of Russian influ- rollback of democracy in Ukraine (Eurasia pathological fear of being attacked or even Russia makes demands on President ence on Ukrainian foreign and security Daily Monitor, October 13), are being assassinated (see “Assassination Phobia Yanukovych that, in return for political and policy emerged at the annual Yalta seen through Kyiv’s lack of interest in Spreads in Ukraine,” Eurasia Daily Monitor, financial support, it will obtain influence European Strategy (YES) summit headed joining the EU, according to Elmar Brok, June 28). over Cabinet appointments in the security by oligarch Victor Pinchuk (http://yes- a member of the European Parliament’s It is also a product of Mr. Yanukovych’s forces and education. While SBU Chairman ukraine.org/). This year’s summit on Committee on Foreign Affairs (Kyiv Post, close relationship with Russia, which sup- Valeriy Khoroshkovsky is busy searching for September 30-October 3 was the first October 4). On the eve of President ported Mr. Yanukovych overtly and covertly Western spies, he is ignoring, or helping to during the widespread 2004 election fraud. occasion when Russia sent a high-powered Yanukovych’s visit to France, French facilitate, Mr. Zanevskyi’s transfer of state The Party of Regions, then led by Mr. delegation from its political and business experts reached similar conclusions secrets to Russia. Yanukovych, and the Unified Russia party elites, including Vice Prime Minister (Ukrayinska Pravda, October 6, signed a cooperation agreement in 2005. The article above is reprinted from the Alexei Kudrin. The delegation included Politychna Dumka, October 8). the ideologue of “Russian modernization,” Russian political technologists with close Jamestown Foundation Blog published by Russian influence on Ukraine’s security Viktor Vekselberg, a strategy that is ties to the Kremlin, such as Gleb Pavlovsky, the Jamestown Foundation, www.james- appealing to the Yanukovych administra- (Continued on page 22) worked illegally on Mr. Yanukovych’s 2004 town.org.

International auditors allege Tymoshenko Bloc denounces findings as “politically motivated” Tymoshenko Cabinet misused funds KYIV – The Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc to Yanukovych’s Party of Regions. RFE/RL claims that the Tymoshenko government Batkivshchyna on October 14 rejected the “The investigation focuses exclusive- wrongly used some $280 million from findings of the investigation’s undertaken ly on the period the previous government KYIV – An international audit alleges the sale of carbon credits. by Trout Cacheris and its associates on was in office and fails completely to that the government of former Ukrainian According to the Kyoto Protocol, pro- behalf of the administration of President examine well-publicized allegations of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko misap- Viktor Yanukovych. It says that the inves- corruption when Mr. Yanukovych was ceeds from the sale of carbon credits are propriated more than $400 million. tigation findings are politically motivated prime minister. We are witnessing the to be spent on environmental projects. The audit, ordered by the current and represent another example of the sys- systematic rolling back of democracy in Ukrainian government in May, was con- The audit claims these funds were inap- tematic oppression being directed at the Ukraine with intimidation of political tracted to the American law firm Trout propriately transferred to cover severe leaders of the opposition by the increas- opponents and censorship of the media Cacheris, which in turn engaged the inter- shortages in Ukraine’s state pension fund. ingly authoritarian government. taking place on a daily basis. This bogus national law firm Akin Gump Strauss Another finding claims that $140 mil- Hryhoriy Nemyria, foreign policy politically motivated investigation is Hauer & Feld, as well as Kroll Inc., an lion of state funds were used to purchase advisor to the leader of the opposition, merely another piece in the authoritarian investigative and forensic audit company. minivans for the Health Ministry, vehi- Yulia Tymoshenko, said, “From the out- jig-saw.” The audit – whose findings were cles which then were allegedly used by set this shameful exercise has been The Tymoshenko called upon the released on October 14 – focused on six the Tymoshenko presidential campaign. designed to discredit the opposition and international community to condemn the cases involving procurement of automo- Viktor Yanukovych defeated Ms. was timed to come out before local elec- intimidation and persecution of political biles, sugar, the sale of carbon credits, the Tymoshenko in a bitter struggle for the tions on October 31. The investigation opponents of the Yanukovych regime, purchase of pharmaceutical and medical Ukrainian presidency in January. was undertaken by a U.S. law firm that and for the president to uphold the pledge equipment, and the government’s land- Ms. Tymoshenko’s former vice prime lacks the necessary skills to undertake a he made to the European Union to safe- registration program. minister, Hryhoriy Nemyria, told RFE/ proper financial audit and was assisted by guard human rights and democratic free- Covering the period from 2008 to the companies with well-known connections doms. beginning of this year, the investigation (Continued on page 16) 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43 Ukrainian Canadian Congress welcomes visit by PM to Ukraine OTTAWA – The Ukrainian Canadian institutions, the protection of its historical Mr. Grod. “Canada has an opportunity to expression, media, religion, peaceful Congress on October 19 welcomed the memory and national identity, sovereignty take a leadership position in response to assembly and association; announcement that Prime Minister and territorial integrity,” said Mr. Grod. this situation. Canada is widely respected • supporting person-to-person contact Stephen Harper will be participating in a “A continued deterioration of human in Ukraine as a model for democratic val- between Ukraine and Canada; and multi-day visit to Ukraine, including Kyiv, and political rights in Ukraine, the weak- ues and as a civil society, for its economic • developing a Ukrainian national iden- the capital of Ukraine, and Lviv, the cul- ening of its national sovereignty will have and social development, and its long-term tity through an open dialogue about its his- tural capital in western Ukraine from serious implications in the region and support for Ukraine.” tory, culture and language. October 25-26. beyond. Any relations between Canada The Ukrainian Canadian Congress has The Ukrainian Canadian Congress said “We welcome the decision by Prime and Ukraine must be founded on the prin- outlined the following as its priorities: it anticipates that the prime minister’s visit Minister Harper to visit Ukraine on an offi- ciples contained in the bilateral agreement • safeguarding the sovereignty, strategic will reinforce the channels through which cial working visit,” stated Ukrainian signed in September 2009 ‘Priorities for assets and industries and territorial integri- Canadians can foster mutually advanta- Canadian Congress National President Paul Canada-Ukraine Relations – Road Map’ ty of Ukraine; geous cooperation, including the signing Grod. “In particular we are pleased that the including the provisions on democracy, • respecting for the Constitution, rule of of a Youth Mobility Agreement and the key purpose of the visit is to promote dem- human rights and the protection of law, democratic rights and anti-corruption continuation of negotiations aimed at con- ocratic values and Euro-Atlantic integration Ukraine’s political sovereignty and territo- actions; cluding a Canada-Ukraine Free Trade of Ukraine. Maintaining positive relations rial integrity. Canada’s leadership is criti- • protecting fundamental freedoms of Agreement. with Ukraine is important at this time how- cal in ensuring peace, prosperity, and that ever, a frank and respectful dialogue on Ukraine will be able to pursue a fully inde- recent human rights violations in Ukraine is pendent, democratic and dignified exis- critical. The UCC has advocated a strategy tence,” he stated. other kind of internal conflict, there is a of engagement and, to this end, believe that The prime minister’s announcement Press Freedom... situation of permanent chaos and a cul- an official visit to Ukraine by Prime follows a series of meetings and discus- (Continued from page 1) ture of violence and impunity taking root Minister Harper is essential.” sions with the UCC outlining the key areas They continue to make more progress. in which the press has become a favourite Mr. Grod, together with other represen- of interest for the Ukrainian Canadian Iceland, for example, is considering an target. These are among the most danger- tatives of Ukrainian Canadian community community. In its briefings, the UCC con- exemplary bill, the Icelandic Modern ous countries in the world, and the bellig- organizations that are members of the veyed concerns over the erosion of Media Initiative (IMMI), that would pro- erents there pick directly on reporters UCC, will be accompanying the prime democracy and human rights in Ukraine, vide a unique level of protection for the such as French TV journalists Stéphane minister. In addition to meetings with and insisted that only through shared val- media. Sweden distinguishes itself by its Taponier and Hervé Ghesquière, who President Viktor Yanukovych, Prime ues in human rights and protection of Press Freedom Act, which has helped to have been held hostage in Afghanistan Minister Harper will be meeting with democratic freedoms could mutually bene- create a particularly favorable climate for for the past 300 days. opposition leaders, business leaders, jour- ficial relations furthering trade, investment the work of journalists, by the strength of Differences among BRIC nalists, students and citizen groups. and commerce be developed. its institutions and by its respect for all The last visit by a Canadian prime min- “In the current context, with signs that those sectors of society including the The BRICs – Brazil, Russia, India and ister to Ukraine was in 1999 by Jean Ukraine’s language, history and national media whose role in a democracy is to China – may all be at a roughly similar Chretien, and the most recent visit by identity are being threatened amid media question and challenge those in positions stage of economic development, but the Canada’s head of state was in April 2009 reports indicating that the rule of law and of power. 2010 index highlights major differences by Governor General Michaëlle Jean. democratic freedoms such as freedom of in the press freedom situation in these “Recent steps taken by Ukraine’s politi- the press, assembly and speech are being Ten countries are worst countries. cal leadership have seriously undermined stifled, it is important that these issues be In recent years, Reporters Without Thanks to favorable legislative chang- the country’s Constitution, its democratic raised at the most senior levels,” stated Borders drew particular attention to the es, Brazil (58th) has risen 12 places in the three countries that were always in the past year, while India has fallen 17 places last three positions – Eritrea, North Korea to 122nd. and Turkmenistan. Russia, which had a particularly deadly number of allegations, and credible preceding year, is still poorly placed at EU serves... reports, that democratic freedoms and This year, a bigger group of 10 coun- tries – marked by persecution of the 140th. Despite an astonishingly vibrant (Continued from page 1) rights, such as freedom of assembly, free- media and a complete lack of news and and active blogosphere, China still censors the economy,” Mr. Gahler said. “The pur- dom of expression and freedom of the and jails dissidents and continues to lan- media, have come under threat in recent information – are clumped together at the suit of economic prosperity through bottom. The press freedom situation guish in 171st place. These four countries months.” authoritarian rule is a Chinese – not keeps on deteriorating in these countries now shoulder the responsibilities of the The socialists “welcome efforts to re- European – [approach].” and it is getting harder to say which is emerging powers and must fulfill their establish political stability” and express Adrian Severin, a Romanian socialist worse than the other. The difference obligations as regards fundamental rights. the hope that balanced constitutional speaking on behalf of the Progressive between the scores of the “best” and reforms will follow. Commenting on the Heavy falls around the globe Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, worst of the last 10 countries was only current political situation, their draft says delivered a sharp riposte to Mr. Gahler, 24.5 points this year. It was 37.5 points in The Philippines, Ukraine, Greece and stressing the importance of maintaining the group “expects that – although some 2009 and 43.25 points in 2007. Kyrgyzstan all fell sharply in this year’s “political stability” in Ukraine. initial difficulties had occurred – the It is worth noting that, for the first time index. In the Philippines this was due to “A new government was elected Ukrainian authorities together with all since the start of the index in 2002, Cuba the massacre of around 30 journalists by through free and fair elections recognized political forces in the country will ensure is not one of the 10 last countries. This is a local baron, in Ukraine to the slow and by all of us,” Mr. Severin said. “I believe the free and fair conduct of the local elec- due above all to the release of 14 journal- steady deterioration in press freedom that today is the right time to leave this tions on October 31, 2010.” ists and 22 activists in the course of the since Viktor Yanukovych’s election as government [alone] to deliver – and not past summer. But the situation on the president in February, in Greece to politi- to prejudge from the first minutes of its Copyright 2010, RFE/RL Inc. ground has not changed significantly. cal unrest and physical attacks on several mandate its achievements or non- Reprinted with the permission of Radio Political dissidents and independent jour- journalists, and in Kyrgyzstan to the eth- achievements.” Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 nalists still have to deal with censorship nic hatred campaign that accompanied The two groups tabled competing draft Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington DC and repression on a daily basis. the political turmoil. resolutions. 20036; www.rferl.org. (See http://www. Freedom is not allowed any space in The changes are unfortunately often The EPP’s draft is sharply critical of rferl.org/content/EU_Serves_Warning_ Burma, where a parliamentary election is deceptive. Some countries have risen President Yanukovych’s record so far, To_Ukraine_Over_Democracy/2196973. due to be held next month, and the rare sharply in the index this year but in fact expressing “concern at the increasing html.) attempts to provide news or information all they have done is recover their tradi- are met with imprisonment and forced tional position after a particularly diffi- labour. cult if not disastrous 2009. This is the Finally, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, case with Gabon, which rose 22 places, Somalia and Mexico, countries either South Korea (+27) and Guinea-Bissau Want to see openly at war or in a civil war or some (+25). your name in print? Ukraine: historically low ranking Following is an excerpt from the report many media outlets and professionals Then why not become a correspondent of issued by Reporters Without Borders that which are either Kurd or are covering the pertains to Ukraine. Kurd issue. Ukraine (131st) is paying the The Ukrainian Weekly in your community? price of the multiple press freedom viola- At Europe’s doors, Turkey and Ukraine tions which have broadsided the country We welcome submissions from all our Ukrainian communi- are experiencing historically low rank- since February 2010 and Viktor ings, the former (138th) being separated Yanukovych’s election as head of state. ties, no matter where they are located. Let the rest of us know from Russia’s position (140th) only by These violations were initially met with what you’re up to in your corner of the Ukrainian diaspora! Ethiopia (139th). These declines can be indifference by the local authorities. explained, as far as Turkey is concerned, Worse still, censorship has signalled its by the frenzied proliferation of lawsuits, return, particularly in the audiovisual sec- Any questions? Call The Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext. 3049. incarcerations and court sentencing target- tor, and serious conflicts of interest are ing journalists. Among them, there are menacing Ukraine’s media pluralism. No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 5 Kondratiuk re-elected to lead UAV at 63rd national convention by Bernard W. Krawczuk KERHONKSON, N.Y. – The 63rd annu- al national convention of Ukrainian American Veterans, Inc. (UAV), was held on October 1-3 here at the Soyuzivka Heritage Center. In preparation for the event, the UAV national executive board met on September 30 to address pre-convention issues. The UAV National Ladies Auxiliary held their meeting and convention as well. UAV National Commander Leonid Kondratiuk led the opening ceremony on Friday morning, October 1, and chaired the convention proceedings. The opening prayer was offered by UAV National Chaplain Marian Bojsiuk and roll call was conducted by UAV National Adjutant Mathew Koziak. The minutes of the 62nd convention were accepted. The president of the UAV National Ladies Auxiliary, Oksana Koziak, reported on registration of UAV delegates, after which the quorum was established. Financial and activity reports were pre- sented by the UAV National Finance Officer Jerry Kindrachuk, Quartermaster Stephen Kostecki, Welfare Officer Myroslaw Anna Krawczuk Pryjma, Scholarship Officer Nicholas Delegates to the 63rd national convention of the Ukrainian American Veterans with UAV National Commander Leonid Skirka and Anna Krawczuk, who spoke Kondratiuk in the center. about the UAV Registration Project and Among the resultions adopted by the National Monument. 63rd national convention were those urging Mr. Kostecki informed the group about fellow veterans to become engaged and UAV inventory and presented the new golf involved in their local communities and to shirt and cap designed by the national com- use their leadership skills in youth organiza- mander. Mr. Pryjma’s account included tions, veterans activities and other commu- awarding grants to two UAV members in nity activities; appealing to all of veterans of need. Mr. Skirka enclosed the UAV Ukrainian heritage to register in the UAV Scholarship Committee by-laws and appli- Registration Project and to become mem- cation requirements with his financial bers of the Ukrainian American Veterans; report. and appealing to the Ukrainian community In her report Mrs. Krawczuk pointed out to contribute donations to the building of the that, although the UAV Registration Project Ukrainian American Veterans National is open to all Ukrainian American veterans Monument that will honor Ukrainian who honorably served in the U.S. Armed American veterans of all wars. Forces, it is a requirement for all the UAV Resolutions Committee members were: members to participate. She appealed for Brig. Gen. Kondratiuk (chair) Mr. Zetick archival material and photographs. She also and Mr. Skirka. Anna Krawczuk underlined that more funds are needed for The new slate of UAV national executive Bernard Krawczuk the UAV national monument before it can National Commander Leonid board officers was presented by Mr. Zetick, Kondratiuk presents a UAV coin to the UAV National Welfare Officer be erected. chairman of the nominating committee. The afternoon session began with the keynote speaker, Lt. Col. Michael O. Myroslaw Pryjma accepts an award on With exception of the new national vice- Logusz (U.S. Army Ret.). behalf of Michigan Post 101. national commander’s repor, which gave an commander, Ihor Hron, all others were re- overview of UAV activities since the 62nd elected for 2010-2012. convention. Brig. Gen. Kondratiuk thanked The banquet and installation of UAV everyone for their cooperation and indicated national executive board officers and the that he was honored to serve as the UAV leadership of the UAV National Ladies national commander. Auxiliary was held on Saturday evening. The national commander’s emphasis was After the posting of colors, National on membership. He noted that the UAV was anthems and invocation by Chaplain established in 1948 by World War I and Bojsiuk, Mr. Sagasz, with assistance of Aid- World War II veterans. The next members de-Camp Peter Polnyj, conducted the cere- were Korean War and Vietnam War veter- mony. ans, and peacetime veterans, and now by After brief welcoming remarks from veterans of the Global War on Terrorism. National Commander Kondratiuk, National “The challenge will be to continue to func- Ladies Auxiliary President Kozaik present- tion as a viable organization in the future ed an award to Jean Elnick of Michigan. that will appeal to a new generation of vet- Lt. Col. Michael O. Logusz’s keynote erans of the war on terrorism campaigns,” address was based on his research and his Brig. Gen. Kondratiuk stated. book “Galicia Division: The Waffen-SS Vice-Commander Walter Michajliw’s 14th Grenadier Division, 1943-1945” pub- report was read. Activity summaries were lished by Schiffer Publishing Ltd., in 1997. given by National Adjutant Koziak, Judge A lively question and answer period fol- Anna Krawczuk Advocate Michael Demchuk, Chaplain lowed. It should be noted that Lt. Col. Past National Commander Eugene Sagasz congratulates newly installed UAV Marian Bojsiuk, Historian Edward Zetick, Logusz is also an author of the recently pub- national executive board officers. Public Relations and UAV Tribune co-editor lished book titled “With Musket and Bernard Krawczuk, UAV National Tomahawk: The Saratoga Campaign and Monument Committee Chairman Koziak. the Wilderness War of 1777.” Both books Jerry Kindrachuk reported on the UAV web- are available in most bookstores, on www. site. bn.com, www.amazon.com and other web- Michael Wowk reported for UAV sites.) Connecticut State Department commander Prior to entertainment by Stan Kosiv and Wiroslaw Snihurowych and commanders in John Chopyk of UAV Post 31, two awards attendance reported on local UAV activity. were presented by the UAV national com- Saturday’s activities continued with mander: Michigan UAV Post 101 was rec- Committee Reports, discussion and their ognized for recruiting the most new mem- acceptance. bers, and Leo Iwaskiw, editor of America and UAV Post 1 member, was honored for Bernard W. Krawczuk is national pub- his continued support of the UAV. Mr. lic relations officer for the Ukrainian Iwaskiw’s award was accepted on his behalf American Veterans. by Mrs. Krawczuk. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43

COMMENTARY The Ukrainian Weekly Playing with rules Discredited elections by Mykola Riabchuk In all these cases, decisions were Already crippled by unfair rules and widespread reports of corruption, political rather than juridical and, there- Ukraine’s local elections set for October 31 were further discredited this week by Eight years ago, in Warsaw, at an fore, from the procedural point of view, a series of vicious violent acts targeted against activists from various parties informal roundtable meeting between all of them can be easily reconsidered – competing against the ruling Party of Regions of Ukraine. the representatives of Ukrainian authori- including also the declaration of Ternopil police allegedly arrested and humiliated Vitalii Syrotiuk, an assistant ties and the opposition, Javier Solana, Ukraine’s independence, the dissolution to National Deputy Ivan Stoiko of the pro-Western For Ukraine party. The offi- the former secretary general of the of the USSR, the transfer of Crimea cers allegedly assaulted Mr. Syrotiuk on October 16 in front of his wife and two Council of the European Union, who from Russia to Ukraine, the incorpora- children at their apartment building, cuffed him, shoved him into their police car, happened to be mediating the discus- tion of western Ukraine, the Bolshevik threw him into a cell for alcoholics, drenched him in vodka, manhandled him, sion, made his famous remark about the takeover and so forth. Legal decisions tore his clothes and destroyed his mobile phone, Mr. Stoiko said. simplest solution for the main political on political issues may imply their de- In response to his outraged protests, the police assured Mr. Syrotiuk that “the problem of the Ukrainian elite. He legitimization but should not automati- law isn’t written for us” and “their bosses know about the arrest.” advised Ukrainian politicians to stop cally entail complete cancellation, The assault “was a planned act aimed against him and could be revenge for his playing with rules and begin playing by meaning that they are no longer binding. critical speeches against the current government,” Mr. Stoiko said. “With such the rules. De-legitimization does not negate a acts, the government is trying to pressure me and interfere with my involvement Then President Leonid Kuchma and law, but implies a change of procedure, in the election campaign as a member of the For Ukraine party.” Mr. Stoiko his associates apparently ignored the i.e., its adjustment/improvement based on demanded a meeting with President Viktor Yanukovych to discuss the incident. advice – and brought the country to the legal (and moral) evaluation and consen- That same night, Volodymyr Musiak, press secretary of the Committee to popular upheaval remembered as the sual promotion of justice. De-legalization Defend Odesa, was confronted by a group of young thugs who threw him to the Orange Revolution. His successor, the – the self-serving and cynical way in ground and took turns kicking him in the head, causing him to lose conscious- leader of opponents from the opposition which the president uses the court deci- ness. He was hospitalized and received seven stitches. Doctors discovered he camp did not perform much better – and sion – instantly destroys the existing brought the country inevitably to a suffered a concussion, hematoma and trauma to his skull and brain. order, provoking chaos and confusion. “democracy fatigue” and, ultimately, to Mr. Musiak was an outspoken Ukrainian patriot in a city known for its The 2004 constitutional reform was, the restoration of the ancient regime in its Ukrainophobia. He told The Ukrainian Weekly that he had endured numerous indeed, conceived very poorly and ugliest, Donetsk-cum-Lubianka, form. assaults for his convictions. His organization, the Committee to Defend Odesa, is required further revisions. Yet, it was a Nine months of the old boys’ reign supporting Eduard Hurvits in his re-election bid for City Council chair. Mr. step in the right direction – as Yulia have not signaled any changes in the old Hurvits is reviled by the city’s Russian chauvinists, and the Party of Regions is Tymoshenko belatedly recognizes today, bad habits. On the contrary, playing with aiming to take control of the mayoral chair. and as Mr. Yanukovych used to recog- rules has become even more unscrupu- The night of October 19 brought violence to Anatolii Artemenko, a candidate nize three years ago when he was in the lous, cynical and ubiquitous than ever. for the Odesa Oblast Council representing the Volodymyr Lytvyn Bloc. An opposition and crying foul at Viktor Selective application of the law, manipu- unidentified assailant threw an explosive at Mr. Artemenko’s legs as he stood Yushchenko’s attempt to reconsider the lation of juridical bodies and complete near his village home, inflicting multiple traumas as a result. constitutional amendments. neglect, wherever convenient, of consti- “Narodnyks [members of Mr. Lytvyn’s People’s Party of Ukraine] always The very fact that these political lead- tutional subtleties seem to be the only fiercely defended the interests of its voters and its supporters and even barbarous ers’ attitude toward the basic law of the areas in which President Viktor methods wont’ scare us,” the party stated in an October 20 statement. nation depends primarily, or even exclu- Yanukovych’s team is really consistent, The very same day, Morika Liashenko, a campaigner with the Batkivschyna sively, on their position in power reveals inventive and, in a way, “professional.” party, was attacked by two men in masks, one of whom struck the 68-year-old their highly opportunistic, self-serving From the start, they did not hesitate to woman in the face, causing her to lose consciousness. She was hospitalized with and unprincipled character. None of these create the government in a clearly a broken jaw and hypertension. The criminals destroyed her campaign tent and “reformers” has ever bothered about unconstitutional way, to postpone the scattered party literature, confirming the political motivation of the attack. It was greater efficiency of the law and the com- local elections by a simple majority vote the second time she was assaulted in two weeks. mon good. All of them fought instead for “The Kharkiv Oblast organization of Batkivschyna views the attack on party in the Parliament – even though the elections timetable is firmly defined by personal gains, undermining, ignoring activists as the latest fact of terror and intimidation of representatives of opposi- and compromising various clauses of the tion political forces,” said an October 20 statement. “We call upon the city gov- the Constitution – and to extend for 25 years the lease of the naval base in existing document in the meantime. ernment to instill order in the city and nip in the bud the bandit methods of bat- This is the context that makes the tling political opponents.” Crimea to the Russian Black Sea Fleet, even though the Constitution unequivo- decision of the Ukrainian Constitutional While violent incidents have previously marred Ukrainian elections, they Court more important – and depressing declined during the Orange era. Now that the Party of Regions is in charge, cally forbids the stationing of foreign troops on Ukrainian territory. – than its sheer content. The content they’ve escalated in frequency and brutality. At the same time, Party of Regions reflects the letter of law, while the con- supporters have a remarkable tendency to elude such violent assaults. The recent cancellation of the 2004 amendments to the Ukrainian text reflects the spirit of lawlessness. It Ukraine’s Internal Affairs Ministry ought to make it a top priority to investi- means the letter of the law within this gate these incidents, and arrest and prosecute the criminals. Constitution came as little surprise since, on the one hand, these amend- context and under this spirit will be read The comments made by officers, as reported by Mr. Stoiko, are particularly and applied selectively – to the extent disturbing, reflective of the reckless police hubris that has been reported through- ments were the last juridical obstacle to the complete concentration of power in that it suits the authoritarian ambitions out Ukraine, along with accelerating incidents of excessive force. That’s reflec- of the president and his team, and serve tive of the blatant disregard for the law demonstrated by Ukrainian government the hands of President Yanukovych, and, on the other, the Constitutional Court, their drive towards the monopolization officials and civil servants at all levels since Mr. Yanukovych took power in of power and resources. February and began implementing authoritarian rule. completely emasculated and purged of disobedient members, was effectively The old Bolshevik principles that Mr. Yanukovych promised fair elections that conform to European standards, faded a bit under Mr. Yushchenko’s but it’s clear he’s failing to deliver. transformed into an obsolete rubber- stamp institution. Yet, it is not the con- feckless presidency are coming again to tent of the court’s decision that is really the fore under his more assertive succes- important here but the way and the con- sor: might makes right, the winner takes text in which it was made, and the impli- all, the end justifies the means, and Oct. cations that ensue. political expediency outweighs the law. Turning the pages back... No one actually would deny that the President Yanukovych and his associ- 2004 amendments – the so-called “con- ates are apparently building a Russian- stitutional reforms” – were made in style system of “managed democracy” – the only system they know and under- 24 Two years ago, on October 24, 2008, Ukraine turned down haste, with multiple violations of the stand or, rather, believe they know. Such a Russian proposal to extend the lease for the naval base on procedure. They created a system of 2008 a system, however, without checks and the Crimean peninsula used by the Russian Black Sea Fleet. overlapping powers rather than separat- balances, fair competition, transparency Russia proposed that the fleet should remain in Sevastopol, ed the branches of government to estab- Ukraine, after the lease expires in 2017. lish strong checks and balances. Again, and accountability, tends to be inherent- A lease extension, Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Ministry said, “cannot be a subject of as in 1996 when the new Constitution ly rotten, corrupted and inefficient. The discussion” and Russian ships would have to leave Crimea in 2017. was adopted or in 1991-1992 when the desperate need for modernization recog- A poll funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) indicated old Soviet one was patched up in the nized by the Kremlin rulers, and their that nearly half of respondents (47 percent) felt that Russia’s Black Sea Fleet should with- wake of Ukraine’s independence, all the perfidious calls to the West for help are, draw by May 2017 if the agreement was not prolonged, 24 percent said the fleet should changes reflected the existing balance of in fact, a euphemistic expression of the remain permanently based in Crimea, and 10 percent said the fleet should immediately powers and the bargaining position of profound crisis in the system they have leave. More than 45 percent agreed with President Viktor Yushchenko’s presidential decree participants far more than any idealistic built. that required Russian warships to seek 72-hour advance permission to move in the Black drive to create a perfect document and One may wonder how Yanukovych Sea, while 24 percent disagreed and 31 percent weren’t sure or did not know. facilitate the development of liberal and company can make an unreformed Russia’s Minister of Foreign Affair Sergei Lavrov said that Russia might want to democracy and rule of law. economy work, and how they can wait to negotiate a new lease “at some later stage, closer to 2017,” in the hope that appease their citizens without the resources and petrodollars that their President Yushchenko would no longer be in office. Mykola Riabchuk is an author and Russian mentors possess in such abun- The basing agreement, signed in 1997 and valid for a 20-year period, could be auto- journalist from Ukraine, and a leading dance. And how will they mobilize their intellectual who is affiliated with the (Continued on page 10) journal Krytyka. (Continued on page 20) No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 7

NEWS AND VIEWS Ukrainians flew before From a Canadian Angle by Oksana Bashuk Hepburn the Wright brothers by Wolodymyr Derzko the top sections of the CN Tower. The other jewels in Ukraine’s industrial When asked, every schoolchild in the Understanding Russia’s foreign policy aviation crown are Antonov and Motor In politics, naiveté, or good intentions Russia were one of them. West will undoubtedly tell you that the Sich. Wright brothers were the first to fly. Well, without a reality check, are not an asset. Despite claims of wanting a better Mr. Glasko adds: “Ukraine is one of just The United States has hit the reset button global image, Russia’s behavior now, as they would be half right. nine countries worldwide currently design- The Wright brothers were the first to fly in the hope of better relations with in its Soviet past, is still that of a criminal ing and building transport and top-class civil Russia. But Canada should not automati- state. At the source may be the amazing in the Western world, but few Ukrainians aircraft. One plane, the Ukrainian AN-225 and even fewer Westerns know that they cally follow suit. fact that Russia has never been compelled ‘Mriya,’ NATO designation ‘Cossack,’ is Winston Churchill’s 1939 words to admit to its gargantuan crimes and were not the very first to accomplish man- the largest aircraft in the world. General made flight. That aeronautic breakthrough regarding Russia – specifically its alli- atone for them. Undeterred, it does not designer Petro Balabuyev said the Mriya ance with Adolf Hitler to divide Europe intend to limit its “Russian world” view goes to a Ukrainian inventor, Alexander can lift a payload of 250 metric tons in its between them – are instructive: “I cannot to the neighborhood. In a foreign policy Mozhayskyi, and predates the December 17, huge belly or outside firmly secured to the forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a document, leaked earlier this year, Russia 1903, Wright brothers’ attempt by a full two top of its fuselage. Furthermore, despite its riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an itemizes some of its global goals: decades. heavy weight (628,315 pounds empty), with enigma: but perhaps there is a key. That • Capitalize on a second global eco- This was one of the historical curiosities its 32 wheels it is capable of landing and key is Russian national interest.” nomic crisis by buying out strategic sec- highlighted at the 2010 Bloor West Village taking off from sodden grass and /or ice- One way to anticipate Russia’s behav- tors. Ukrainian Festival in Toronto on September covered fields.” ior is to study its relations with its neigh- • Push for a new security alliance to 17-19. One of the most popular displays that “The Antonov Design Center built the bors. displace NATO in Europe. garnished the most visitor attention was the AN-225 in Kyiv, Ukraine, where it also pro- Neighborly nations live in peace and • Work with “positively disposed” EU collection from the national historical muse- duces the second largest plane in the world, security at home and with neighbors. member-states – Germany, France, Italy um in Kyiv, that featured vignettes of the AN-124 ‘Ruslan.’ Involved in producing They respect citizens’ rights and each oth- and Spain. Ukrainian history. Produced by Victor the Antonov Mriya and Ruslan’s engines er’s sovereignty – borders, national sym- • Undermine the U.S. global missile Glasko, this quote caught most people’s model D-18T, in Zaporizhia, Ukraine, is bols and values. Against this standard defense system targeting Russia’s deter- attention: Sich Motors. Founded in 1907, it is one of “In 1876 Alexander Mozhayskyi flew 20 Russia gets a failing mark. It’s a bully at rence potential. the largest enterprises in the world, the only meters in steam-powered, heavier than air home and abroad. • Lobby for international control of the one in Ukraine, manufacturing airplane and aircraft of his own design in Voronovytsia, Its aggression – covert or overt – in the helicopter engines as well as industrial gas Arctic waters. Vinnytsia region, Ukraine. He flew again neighborhood is ongoing; Georgia, turbines.” Already, Russia has expanded control twice in 1886. That is why Ukrainians call Chechnya, the Transdniester tell the tale. But Ukraine’s pre-eminence in aviation along the Black Sea shoreline – South Voronovytsia the cradle of aviation.” Since President Viktor Yanukovych may be at risk from Russia. Ossetia, Abkhazia, Crimea – and shows One article written in “Ukraine’s Castles” became Ukraine’s president agreements On September 18 Interfax reported that interest in countries bordering the Aegean called “Voronovystia’s Wings” opines: favoring Russia abound. Control over “Ukraine is ready to offer Russia a number and Mediterranean seas to reach the “Disputes about the question of who invent- energy, steel, telecommunications; the of joint ventures in various fields,” Atlantic. This maritime thrust is support- ed the first aircraft, Alexander Mozhayskyi Russian Black Sea Fleet’s basing exten- Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych ed by the construction of some 50 mili- or the Wright brothers, can make for fasci- sion; integration of military and secret said during a meeting with President Dmitry tary vessels in addition to some 100 new nating fireside chats and will never be set- service commands, and more amply testi- Medvedev last week, the eighth since Mr. military planes and helicopters. Russia tled. However, Ukrainians keep calling the fy to Russia’s lightning-speed moves in Yanukovych came to power. may see self-interest in the economic tur- Voronovysia village in Vinnytsia the cradle its own best interest at its neighbor’s One such proposal is Zaporizhia-based moil in Greece or Turkey’s recent politi- of aviation. The fact remains that in 1876, a expense. Even the Kremlin-controlled OJSC Motor Sich, which plans to set up a cal imbroglio with Israel. For the control strange machine built by Mozhayskyi took uses religion joint venture with the Defense Ministry of of Dardanelles, perhaps? off and flew in the Ukrainian skies.” as a political tool: Its high-handed prose- Russia in Gatchina, Leningrad region, by Russia is not like us. Its treatment of So Ukraine has a century-old tradition of lytizing calls on some 15 million the end of 2010 to manufacture at least 100 neighbors is an alarm bell. Its obliteration avionics. Ukrainian adherents of the Kyiv TV3-117VMA-SBM1V helicopter engines of Chechnya’s desire for self-determina- Ukrainians and Westerners are likely Patriarchate to abandon it. per year. tion and threats of nuclear annihilation more familiar with Ihor Sikorsky. Mr. Russia’s attitude toward Ukraine Red flags and alarm bells should be ring- for Georgia and Ukraine stand in sharp Glasko’s display offered the following about resembles that of a foreign dictator rather ing right across Ukraine. contrast to how Canada handles the ongo- Sikorsky: “Losing friends in the midst of than a respectful neighbor. Last May, Politicians in Ukraine, who have an inter- ing Quebec separation issue and enjoys rising Communist terror and mounting Konstantin Zatulin, a deputy in Russia’s est in protecting Ukraine’s strategic national nearly 200 years of good relations with oppression, in 1919, after building the Duma, articulated a “special relationship” interests, should be protesting this Party of the U.S. Red lights are blinking for pow- world’s first four-engine bomber and other between the two countries which requires Regions decision at all costs. There is no ers seeking cooperation with Russia in aircraft for the tsar, Ihor Sikorsky immigrat- full neutrality of Ukraine, official status Iran, the Arctic or space. What might economic benefit to Ukraine in this joint for the there, preserva- ed from Kyiv, Ukraine, to the U.S.A. In Canada, and others, be losing by selling venture, since Russia brings nothing to the tion of the Moscow Patriarchate and sub- 1923 he established the first aircraft-manu- off strategic sectors like steel and urani- table. Most importantly, Russia will gain servience to Russia’s military supremacy. facturing company in the world and created um to a lawless regime aiming for global access to and steal world-class Ukrainian The standard offensive methodology – the world’s first commercially produced advantage? engine design know-how and intellectual tsarist, Soviet or current – is marching helicopters, taking the lead in the world of Russia’s worldview has not changed property, which Russia desperately needs to right along in Ukraine ensuring Russia’s design and manufacture of military, civil, much since Tsar Nicholas I pronounced fulfill its military contracts with India and hegemony – “yediniy russkiy ,” or one commercial helicopters and fixed wing air- “orthodoxy, autocracy and nationalism” China to supply future unmanned autono- Russian world – as its leaders, including craft. Sikorsky’s helicopters are reputed to as the operative goals of 19th century mous vehicles (UAV) and next generation the Moscow Patriarch are fond of saying. be the best in the world.” Russia. These same objectives spawned helicopters. Russia’s determination to live with Torontonians will remember that global expansion – and misery – during Sikorsky helicopters were used to finish off The Communist government in China is neighbors on its own terms, rather than using similar tactics as Russia, trying to pres- mutually satisfying ones, calls for serious the Soviet period and are manifest today. sure U.S. auto manufacturers in establish caution from nations seeking relations. Acknowledging Russia’s leadership in Wolodymyr Derzko is a senior fellow JV’s in China if they want to sell electric cars Canada, for instance, must consider its its neighborhood without requiring it to at the Strategic Innovation Lab (S-Lab) to the Chinese. The U.S. fears losing its elec- own self-interests in dealing with Russia, change is carte blanche for colonialism. at OCAD University in Toronto and tric battery technology know-how to China be it trade, alliances in strategic sectors Our good intentions of wishing to see teaches in the M.A. program in Strategic (Wall Street Journal, September 16). Ukraine like aerospace, or neutrality in Arctic Russia change by clouding its manifested Foresight and Innovation (SFI) at OCAD should have similar fears about aviation and waters. The head the Canadian Security behavior with our naiveté must not turn University in Toronto. Russian attempts to muscle in. and Intelligence Service, Canada’s equiv- out to be our worst enemy. alent of the CIA, offered that some Canadian officials are too close to foreign Oksana Bashuk Hepburn may be con- Quotable notes interests. It would not be a surprise if tacted at [email protected]. “… we regret that Ukraine’s good record of compliance has witnessed back- sliding with respect to freedom of assembly and movement in recent months. The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters to the editor and commen- Authorities have banned or otherwise placed obstacles in the way of opposition taries on a variety of topics of concern to the Ukrainian American and protests. We are particularly troubled by the decision of authorities, in a pattern reminiscent of the pre-Orange Revolution period, to block travel to protests or Ukrainian Canadian communities. Opinions expressed by columnists, gatherings, including preventing believers from traveling via buses from across commentators and letter-writers are their own and do not necessarily the country to Kyiv to a religious celebration in late July...” reflect the opinions of either The Weekly editorial staff or its publisher, the Ukrainian National Association. – statement delivered by Deputy Assistant Secretary Thomas Melia, on behalf Letters should be typed and signed (anonymous letters are not pub- of the U.S. Mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, at the OSCE Review Conference in Warsaw on October 4. lished). Letters are accepted also via e-mail at [email protected]. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43

Archbishop Antony celebrates 25 years as bishop of UOC-U.S.A.

Archbishop Antony reads from the Hierarchs, clergy and faithful celebrate Archbishop Antony’s 25 years of service. Gospel.

PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Archbishop choir, under the direction of Dr. Michael of episcopal consecration. only through their prayers and support that Antony, eparch of the Eastern Eparchy of Andrec. Bishop Daniel concluded his greetings, his ministry has had any degree of success the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Bishop Daniel recalled the event 25 recalling the words of St. Peter: “Do you in service to the Lord. A luncheon was U.S.A., celebrated 25 years of service as years ago, when then Rev. John Scharba love me? Go and take care of my held to mark the occasion at St. Sophia bishop on October 6 (the feast day of the (Archbishop Antony) was led before sheep…,” stating to the congregation that Seminary, prepared by Maria Morozovska, conception of St. John the Baptist), at St. Metropolitan Mstyslav, Archbishop the archbishop’s 25 years of ministry were the seminary “house mother.” Andrew Memorial Church, in South Constantine and Archbishop Volodymyr namely the ministry of love and caring for The official celebration of the archbish- Bound Brook, N.J. (of Australia and New Zealand), who the faithful. op’s 25th anniversary of archpastoral ser- A divine liturgy of thanksgiving was heard the candidate’s Confession of Faith At the conclusion of liturgy, Archbishop vice will be held on January 22, 2011, at concelebrated by Bishop Daniel and prior to his consecration. The following Antony expressed his gratitude to the cler- St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Archbishop Antony, with 18 priests and day, he received the Grace of God through gy and laity gathered at St. Andrew in Silver Spring, Md. Archbishop Antony two deacons, and responses sung by the the “laying on of hands” – a central point Memorial Church, stating that it had been is archpastor of the cathedral.

Annual fund-raising tour to support Ukrainian Catholic University by Matthew Matuszak “but Father Borys studied here at Dumbarton Oaks. With the help of the CHICAGO – At the beginning of local committee including the Rev. Mark November, the Ukrainian Catholic Morozowich, Larysa Kurylas, Stephen Education Foundation will kick off its Szyszka and Boris Lushniak, this event is annual fall fund-raising tour in support of being planned to reach out to many of the Ukrainian Catholic University. This Father Borys’ friends not only from year’s series of community events in the Washington, but from his days as a student U.S. includes both lectures and fund-rais- at Harvard University, from his days in ers in New Jersey, New York and Chicago, Plast as a member of the Orden and, for the first time, in Washington. Khrestonostsiv fraternity. It is a fund-raiser “This year has been one in which we for the university, but it will also be a ‘roast’ are marking great achievements and mile- – a way for Father Gudziak to relax and stones,” remarked UCEF Executive enjoy his birthday among friends from all Director Alex Kuzma. “We celebrate the the different aspects of his life.” 15th anniversary of the rebirth in Lviv of In addition to the fund-raisers, mem- the remarkable vision first put forth by bers of the community will have the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky – the opportunity to hear architect Ivan establishment of a Ukrainian Catholic Bereznicki, consultant on the new univer- University. We celebrate the realistic Petro Didula sity construction project, discuss the beginnings of an expansion of the exist- The Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak, rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. planning of UCU’s new campus in ing campus. And we celebrate a mile- Stryiskyi Park. The Ukrainian Museum in stone birthday – the 50th for the universi- and representatives of the university in a In Chicago, home of the Ukrainian New York City will host a special presen- ty’s rector – the Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak.” more intimate setting. I encourage all Catholic Education Foundation, a Sunday tation by the Rev. Gudziak and Mr. The first fund-raiser will be held on who are interested in attending to please afternoon luncheon on Sunday, Bereznicki at 7 p.m. on Thursday Saturday, November 6 at the home of Dr. contact the UCEF office,” he added. November 14, at 1 p.m. at the Ukrainian November 4. Zenon and Nadia Matkiwsky in Short In New York City the following day, Cultural Center will give the Rev. Joining the UCU rector in both Hills, N.J. The Matkiwskys, founders of Sunday, November 7, at 2 p.m. at the Gudziak the opportunity to meet with old Chicago and Washington will be Sophia the Children of Chornobyl Relief and Ukrainian National Home, the UCEF will friends and discuss future plans for the Opatska, the CEO of the Lviv Business Development Fund, and before that, the hold a luncheon in support of UCU, orga- university. The afternoon, with the Rev. School at the Ukrainian Catholic Mazepa Foundation, have a multi-decade nized in coordination with the New York Peter Galadza serving as master of cere- University. She will speak on “Business history of commitment to Ukraine and to Friends of UCU Committee. monies, will also feature video interviews Education in Ukraine” at the Ukrainian the Ukrainian American community. Committee Co-Chair Orest Kyzyk with U.S. students from the Lviv summer Institute of Modern Art in Chicago on “We are sincerely grateful that the explains: “This year our guests will have school at the University and a documen- Friday, November 12 at 6:30 p.m. The Matkiwskys have offered their home for the wonderful opportunity to hear not tary film about the Rev. Gudziak’s life. event is co-hosted by the Chicago a Saturday evening reception to introduce only Father Borys speak, but also Father Rounding out the city tour will be a Business and Professional Group and the Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak, an individual the Borys’ mother, Jaroslawa Gudziak, as stop in the nation’s capital. This year, for UCEF. Matkiwskys deeply respect, to a broad well as Father Borys’ dear friend, the first time a fund-raiser will be held in Ms. Opatska will also be the featured spectrum of members in our community acclaimed management expert and author Washington on Saturday, November 20, speaker at a business luncheon, co-spon- in New Jersey. We plan to share our Adrian Slywotzky. It is a rare moment at the John Paul II Center at Catholic sored by the U.S.-Ukraine Business ambitious plans for the expansion of the that our community will have to hear University, next door to the Ukrainian Council and The Washington Group, on University in Lviv,” stated Mr. Kuzma. from all three of these unique individuals Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Thursday, November 18, in Washington. Though invitations have been mailed, in one afternoon. We will hear about the Family. For further information about any of Mr. Kuzma notes that the event is open to expansion of the university, and in turn, “Not only is there a supportive commu- these events, readers may contact the other guests. “This will be a special our guests will offer Father Gudziak a nity in the Washington area,” noted Marta UCEF office at 773-235-8462 and ask for opportunity to meet with Father Gudziak heartfelt Mnohaya Lita!” Kolomayets, UCEF chief operating officer, Tessa Kocan or Sonia Hrynewycz. No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 9

going to commemorate the 65th anniver- Popular mayor... sary of the Soviet defeat of the Nazi (Continued from page 1) Germans. Mr. Nesteruk suggested a cele- tragic condition attests to the dark, bration at the city’s Tonkocheyev treacherous jungle that is Ukrainian poli- Stadium, promising to have the rundown tics, laden with lurking enemies, legal complex renovated by the May 9 holiday. pitfalls and a constantly shifting land- And he far exceeded anyone’s expecta- scape to which anyone can fall prey. tions. Both Mr. Nesteruk and Executive “The stadium was in very horrible Committee Affairs Director Mykola shape, and he gave the veterans his word Nechai were charged on September 20 that the holiday would be at the stadium,” with two criminal offenses – abuse of Mr. Rohal said. “Not only was the stadi- authority and obtaining an exceptionally um in good shape within a month, but a large bribe – for accepting $7,500 in cash program with excellent artistry was orga- out of a total alleged bribe of $37,500. nized. Buses were provided for the veter- Mr. Nechai also remains incarcerated. ans. It was truly a celebration – a grand Mr. Nechai allegedly accepted the holiday for the whole city – and it was all watermarked bills, which were provided thanks to him.” to the alleged victim by the SBU as part Mr. Nesteruk never declined an invita- of a sting operation. Mr. Nesteruk alleg- tion to attend the veterans’ plenums and edly gave the order to take the money the resolve pressing matters at hand, Mr. Supporters of Kamianets-Podilskyi City Council Chair Anatolii Nesteruk march prior day, leading to his arrest, although Rohal said. Anytime a problem needed along the city’s central boulevard on October 2 to protest his imprisonment. solving, he walked up the steps of City evidence of that order has yet to be pre- Hall through Mr. Nesteruk’s open door. sented. Mr. Gusev described a similar relation- The events following Mr. Nesteruk’s ship. That’s why he and Mr. Rohal were arrest have drawn even more alarm. among the first to spring to action to Local authorities failed to defend his defend Mr. Nesteruk, launching the right to run for office, even from his pris- Committee to Defend Democracy at the on cell, setting up numerous obstacles to War and Labor Veterans Council’s offices prevent him from registering. on the first floor of City Hall. An appellate court hearing was held on “Not a single issue that I addressed to September 28 in Khmelnytskyi without him as the head of the organization was him being present – another rights viola- left without his attention,” he said. “He tion. was personally involved in resolving the “There is a general practice in the problems of Chornobyl victims. His good oblast to allow a prisoner to be in court,” will towards bedridden people was felt at said Viacheslav Zarechniuk, Mr. every stage of his work, always and Nesteruk’s lawyer. “They simply didn’t everywhere.” transport him, not offering a reason.” Close advisors to Mr. Nesteruk said he Storybook mayor was never comfortable with the nastier side of politics – boasting of accomplish- Zenon Zawada Kamianets-Podilskyi is most known ments, criticizing the enemy or manipu- Leontii Rohal, the director of the for its awesome 14th century fortress and lating a public image. Zenon Zawada Kamianets-Podilskyi War and Labor numerous college students, who make up He dedicated himself to being a top- Tamara Sosnovska, head of Kamianets- Veterans Council, led the effort to create about a fifth of the city’s population of notch “hospodar,” the Ukrainian word for 100,000. Therefore, Mr. Nesteruk’s arrest Podilskyi’s Association for the Disabled, the Committee to Defend Democracy in manager. Fixing problems was what he said City Council Chair Anatolii support of imprisoned Kamianets- by masked Alfa agents armed with auto- did best, while playing political games matic guns shocked locals not used to Nesteruk heard and understood people Podilskyi City Council Chair Anatolii was secondary. in need. Nesteruk. such scandal. “No one in town associated him with They are confident their leader – who politics,” said Veronika Vlasyuk, Mr. vote’s transparency, which will be pre- “Problems began with getting docu- often visited them and kept his door open Nesteruk’s media advisor. “He didn’t sented in court. ments for construction, the rent payments for visitors – wasn’t interested in money know how to play political games or cal- In demanding Mr. Geselev’s payment, were increased again, obstacles emerged or bribes, as alleged by the SBU. culate his political moves. It was hard to Mr. Nesteruk was merely executing the from all sides,” he said, explaining why Someone who spends his summer week- work with him on the press and public will of the City Council, which had voted he decided to make the alleged bribe pay- ends weeding his garden and cleaning out relations. He didn’t like reporters follow- to approve the land deal and donation, he ments. The statement implied that Mr. rabbit cages just doesn’t fit the profile of ing him and listening to his every word. said. Nesteruk was intentionally placing hur- an extortionist, in their view. He just did things.” “He grew up with us, being a Ihor Zemskov, the parliamentary fac- dles before him in order to get bribes. It’s his aversion to political intrigues, “Our first agreement with the mayor ‘Kamianchanyn’ [a person from however, that ultimately led to his tion chair of the Batkivschyna party Kamianets] himself,” said Volodymyr (which was led by Mr. Nesteruk at the was such that we would pay when the ensnarement by his enemies, supporters construction concluded and the business Gusev, chair of the local organization of said. time of the vote) told The Weekly that no the Chornobyl Union of Ukraine. “All his such vote occurred. began to bring in money,” Mr. Geselev life, all his steps, and his ethics point to Cash in hand The Batkivschyna party leadership and said in the interview. him not being capable of engaging in Mr. Nesteruk had a conflict leading up to “Afterwards Nesteruk suddenly said, On the afternoon of September 20, ‘1.5 million hrv. ($188,000) is being pro- such conduct as bribery,” he added. Yevhen Geselev, a local businessman, the elections that led to Mr. Nesteruk Indeed, those who know Mr. Nesteruk deciding to leave the party, thereby losing posed for your land. So pay the money, arrived at Mr. Nechai’s office to offer a boy, or we’ll take the land and put it for described a storybook mayor – the type cash payment of 60,000 hrv. ($7,500). its support. who kept his word, made only those SBU agents claimed to have found the auction.’” Whether this payment was a bribe – Mr. Geselev said he reported the promises he could fulfill, regularly inter- money in Mr. Nechai’s safe, arresting as the SBU and Mr. Geselev allege – or alleged bribery to the SBU in April of acted with the townsfolk and felt perfect- him and Mr. Nesteruk in his nearby a publicly approved contribution to the this year and accused Mr. Nesteruk of ly at ease among his people. office. The usual humdrum of Kamianets- city’s charity fund is the fundamental using the money, which was supposed to He was at work at 7:30 a.m., working Podilskyi’s City Hall was disrupted by at question that will ultimately determine be earmarked for charity, to enrich his 12-hour days and weekends. The hard least 10 Alfa agents with automatic guns, whether Mr. Nesteruk is convicted or family and friends. work paid off. Streets were cleaned of who swarmed the halls and collected doc- not. He claimed 15,000 hrv ($1,500) was trash in the summer, and snow and ice in uments and evidence. Mr. Geselev claimed that Mr. Nesteruk paid to a local hotel owned by the father the winter. Lighting was restored in most Mr. Nesteruk was taken to a hospital, was demanding bribes from him – of Mr. Nesteruk’s son-in-law. Mr. districts. The central hospital got new where he was guarded by SBU agents. amounting to 300,000 hrv ($37,500) in Geselev also didn’t like Mr. Nesteruk tak- equipment, and two new libraries were After three nights of hospitalization, he exchange for securing the City Council’s ing credit for the financial contributions opened. was arraigned in court, where the crimi- approval to rent 3.7 acres of land to build of others. Among his most impressive feats was a parking lot. nal charges were read, and detained with- out bail out of concern that he could “It was simply unpleasant for someone providing local residents with apartments Mr. Geselev’s claims are baseless, Mr. to gain political dividends on your influence the SBU investigation. they were promised by the Soviet govern- Zarechniuk told The Weekly during an money,” Mr. Geselev told the ye.ua web- He was incarcerated along with five ment as far back as the 1970s – an obliga- October 19 interview. For many years, site. “Money that is given to a state enter- other cellmates in the Khmelmytskyi cen- tion that had not been fulfilled since the the Kamianets-Podilskyi City Council prise pays the salary of its workers. A tral jail on September 23. re-establishment of Ukrainian indepen- engaged in a tradition of voting to allow good deed yes, but the people thank the At the time of his arrest, Mr. Geselev dence in 1991. Among the beneficiaries land to be rented or privatized in good and just mayor. You buy a printer, had already paid Mr. Nesteruk $30,000 of were six World War II veterans. exchange for a publicly agreed-upon con- yet the mayor gives it on his own behalf.” Mr. Nesteruk demonstrated exception- tribution to the city’s charity fund. the $37,500 sum, leading one to question He stated that Mr. Nechai agreed to al respect for the city’s 25,000 veterans, Indeed the City Council had voted on why he chose to wait until the last pay- receive cash. said Leontii Rohal, director of the May 14 and 28, 2009, to grant Mr. ment to report the alleged crime to the “He counted in front of me, shook my Kamianets-Podilskyi War and Labor Geselev his 3.7 acres for development in SBU. Mr. Geselev gave an interview to hand and we parted. The SBU agents Veterans Council. exchange for his $37,500 contribution to explain his side of the conflict, which came into his office 10 minutes later. The He recalled approaching the mayor in the fund, Mr. Zerechniuk said, assuring was published on October 5 at http:// April out of concern for how the city was The Weekly he has evidence proving the ye.ua. (Continued on page 10) 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43 Vitali Klitschko defends WBC title against Shannon Briggs PARSIPPAY, N.J. – Vitali Klitschko punishment from Klitschko. (41-2, 38 KO) retained his World Boxing During the next few rounds, Klitschko Council heavyweight title against threw right-left combinations and Briggs American Shannon Briggs (51-6-1, 45 sustained the abuse like a punching bag. KO) on October 16 at O2 World Arena in In the 11th round Klitschko was surprised Hamburg, Germany. The fight, by a right hand from Briggs, but respond- Klitschko’s fifth time defending his WBC ed with two big right hands that snapped title, was determined after 12 rounds by back Briggs’ head. Klitschko went for the unanimous decision, 120-107, 120-107, knockout in the final round, but Briggs 120-105 for Klitschko. stayed on his feet. The fight opened with Kiltschko deliv- “I’ve fought George Foreman, I’ve ering a big right, and then two left hooks fought Lennox Lewis, and Vitali’s the in the second round connected with best,” Briggs said of his opponent. “He Briggs’ chin with some more rights from hits harder than Foreman, he’s got incred- the champion. The third round saw ibly fast hands.” Klitschko throw combination punches “He is the best man I’ve ever boxed and Briggs responded with counter- against,” said Briggs, 38. punches, but the champion won the round Klitschko, 39, said his opponent after landing a good right hook. Briggs deserved a lot of respect. “I could not klitschko.com had a few good rights that connected in believe he was still standing after taking Vitali Klitschko delivers a crushing right to American Shannon Briggs at O2 the fifth round, his best, but also took so many punches,” he said. World Arena in Hamburg, Germany, on October 16. Ukrainian pro sports update: Golf by Ihor Stelmach Furyk wins tour championship, takes Fedex Cup Entering the PGA Tour Championship, course gave way to a demonstrative cele- Sing, Tiger Woods, Jim Furyk’... I’m very teammate Kuchar still in the hunt for the Jim Furyk was in the challenging position bration rarely seen out of Furyk. “It just hit proud of that, because those two can flat FedEx Cup, until shooting a 71 and tying of 11th place in the point standings and me,” he said. “I was excited and dropped play – two of the most dominant players for 25th place in the 30-man field. Kuchar needing a victory plus a whole lot of other the putter and... I don’t know. I guess at of my era, for sure.” finished second to Furyk, earning a cool factors all to fall into place. Somehow they that moment, you’re not really responsible The bizarre final day had Ryder Cup $3 million bonus. all did. for what happens next.” By now everyone knows about how he He proceeded to thrust his clenched fist overslept and missed his starting time at in the direction of the grandstand with The Barclays, the first FedEx Cup playoff such force it seemed he had thrown his For Ukraine Baseball, event. He has jokingly been referred to as golf ball into the crowd. He then shared a the “Sleeping Beauty of the PGA Tour.” hug with his wife, Tabitha. Well, his struggles through steady It was exactly what the PGA Tour had a busy summer abroad downpours of rain to shoot a final round in mind when it unveiled the FedEx Cup PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Ukraine’s base- Ukraine’s under-21 national team com- par 70 and finish at 8-under 272, besting four years ago. Six different golfers were ball players had a busy summer. peted in the European Championships Luke Donald by one shot, got Furyk the in the running for the $10 million prize the Earlier this year, The Ukrainian Weekly held in Brno, Czech Republic, on August last laugh. How many alarm clocks can last day at East Lake, from fellow reported about Ukraine’s Little League 17-22. Ukraine won 4-1 against Italy, lost one buy with $10 million? Ukrainian Matt Kuchar (top seed) all the team from Kirovohrad and Rivne, which 3-7 against France, and lost a close match Winning the Tour Championship at the way to Nick Watney (ranked No. 28). advanced from the European Junior against Russia 6-7. East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta on Donald chipped in for birdie from 100 Championship in Kutno, Poland, to the Ukraine lost to Slovakia 8-14 on September 26 subsequently gave Furyk feet on the 17th hole to stay alive. Furyk Junior World Series, held in Taylor, Mich., August 20 and defeated the Czech the necessary points to win the FedEx Cup had a three-shot lead with three holes to in August. In Poland, Ukraine defeated Republic 6-2 on August 21. Ukraine fin- and the $10 million bonus which comes play on the final round. He almost gave Italy 5-4 in a nail-biter, last-pitch game. ished in fourth place in the under-21 with it. Oh, and there was a crystal trophy the lead away with a bogey on the 16th (See September 5 issue of The Weekly, championships. for the Tour Championship and the ster- and 17th holes, then hitting the bunker on page 12.) And in Michigan, the boys from Roman Maifat of Kirovohrad, a gradu- ling silver FedEx Cup trophy. All thanks to the 18th. A third consecutive bogey would Ukraine won their first match, 5-4 against ate of the Little League program, was a clutch shot on the 18th and final hole. have meant a return to the 18th hole for a Canada, followed by losses to Chinese named top pitcher at the championships. Hanging on to a one-shot lead, in a bun- sudden death playoff. Taipei, Mexico and Guatemala. In 14.2 innings, he allowed three runs, ker so deep he could barely see the top of Instead it was the bunker shot which Basil Tarasko, district administrator of none earned, 12 strikeouts (most strike- the lip, Furyk hit a clean shot and watched perhaps epitomized all of the grit in the Little Leagues in Ukraine, noted with outs at the games), and had .000 ERA it land inches from the cup, spinning to Furyk’s career. This was the ninth bunker pride that the boys’ pitching was out- (lowest among pitchers). Konstatnin within two and a half feet for an easy tap in he hit into at East Lake – he saved par standing, but the team needed to improve Korolev of Symferopol, struck out eight and the one-shot win over Donald. It gave every time. It earned him $1.35 million to on batting and defensive skills. batters against Italy. Maksym Symchyna him his third victory in a season for the first go with the $10 million bonus, golf’s big- Ukraine’s national baseball team com- batted .524 and went 11 for 24, followed time in his career, building a strong case for gest payoff. He jumped to No. 5 in the peted at the European Senior (adult) by Sergiy Shavdorsky, .500 and seven for PGA Tour player of the year. world rankings. Championships in Stuttgart, Germany, on 14. “To win the season trophy here is just a When asked where this victory ranked July 23-27. Ukraine lost to Germany, Mr. Tarasko has been helping lot of fun,” Furyk said in a post-tourna- all-time in his pro career, Furyk held firm Belgium, Holland, France and the Czech Ukrainian youth baseball’s development ment press conference. “There was a lot his U.S. Open win was still tops, though Republic. During the competition, since 1995. For more information, he can riding on my round today, a lot riding this one deserved a close second place. Ukraine scored five runs and batted .111 be reached by telephone, 718-415-7821, down the stretch in some terrible weather, “It’s only four years old,” he said to in the five losses. or via e-mail, [email protected]. and I was able to get the job done and win ESPN.com of the FedEx Cup. “But 40 again, and this is very special.” years from now, there should be a lot of His usually stoic behavior on the golf history in this trophy. And to have ‘Vijay he falsely claimed the protesters on Mr. Popular mayor... Nesteruk’s behalf were paid $25 each. (Continued from page 9) Instead Mr. Nesteruk’s supporters raised signed an agreement with Russia on money was in the safe, wrapped in paper, nearly $1,000 for the defense committee. Turning the pages... August 18 of this year that potentially and his hands lit up like a Christmas Moreover, Mr. Geselev claimed the (Continued from page 6) extends the basing of the fleet in tree,” Mr. Geselev said, referring to the demonstrators were drawn from local Sevastopol for an additional 25 years matically prolonged unless either side watermark indicator. businesses controlled by Mr. Nesteruk’s terminated it with one-year advance beyond the 1997 basing agreement’s Mr. Nechai never touched the money, relatives – another dubious claim consid- notice. The Russian authorities hoped 2017 expiration date. Mr. Zarechniuk said. Realizing he wasn’t that a divided Ukrainian government ering the protests drew diverse crowds supposed to accept cash for the charity that consisted of entrepreneurs, students would not be able to reach, sustain and Source: “Kyiv denies extension of payments, he ran after Mr. Geselev, who and veterans alike. enforce a decision to terminate the basing lease for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet,” The placed the money on his desk and left agreement. President Viktor Yanukovych Ukrainian Weekly, November 2, 2008. immediately. Mr. Nechai returned to his office, only to find SBU agents waiting In Part II: How Anatolii Nesteruk was for him, Mr. Zarechniuk said. denied his constitutional right to run for Mr. Geselev’s testimony isn’t the most re-election by government officials, as To subscribe to The Ukrainian Weekly, call 973-292-9800, ext. 3042 reliable, considering he’s been convicted well as who could be behind the effort to of crimes at least twice. In the interview, sabotage his candidacy. No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 11 Ukrainian American talent show and festival held at UOC center by Natalia Honcharenko The Barvinok Dance Ensemble, based in South Bound Brook, N.J., and under the SOMERSET, N.J. – On Sunday, October artistic direction of Hryts Momot, wel- 3, as visitors walked into the Ukrainian comed the festival audience with the wel- American Talent Show and Fall Festival at come dance, “Pryvit,” and with the tradi- the Ukrainian Cultural Center on the tional and salt. The St. Andrew Metropolia grounds of the Ukrainian School of Ukrainian Heritage Studies in Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., they were Somerset, N.J., and the Ukrainian School greeted with the aromas of varenyky swim- from St. George Parish in Yardville, N.J., ming in onions, holubtsi, and kapusta and presented musical programs performed by kovbasa, and the sounds of Ukrainian music very talented youngsters. and the sight of beautiful pysanky, embroi- Vocalists Melania Moststrovsky and deries and other items to be raffled. Anastasia Kaspruk sang several selec- The festival, organized by the United tions, and young pianists Alexandra and Orthodox Sisterhoods, was opened by the Stephanie Chubenko played several piec- Very Rev. Taras Chubenko. Natalia es. Five-year-old Elizabeth Cairns daz- Honcharenko acted as mistress of ceremo- zled the audience with her gymnastics nies. Leo Kitsmarishvili, a musician with routine. Ivan Verneha of the Fralinger the Georgian State Orchestra of Tbilisi, per- String Band, longtime performers and formed the American and Ukrainian nation- award-winners at the Philadelphia al anthems on the trumpet. Mummers Parade, played two banjo The Barvinok Ukrainian Dance Ensemble welcome guests with a “Pryvit” dance. solos. (The Fralinger String Band will be honoring Ukraine at the Mummer’s Parade on New Year’s Day 2011 in Philadelphia.) The program’s grand finale was a high-flying that evoked cheers and loud applause for the performers. The show’s organizers were for- tunate to have Cheremosh, a Ukrainian dance band from Lakewood, N.J., perform during the intermission and after the show. All performers donated their time and talent, and all proceeds from the show and festival benefit the Museum Building Fund of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. T h e U n i t e d O r t h o d o x Sisterhoods and Tamara Parubchenko, president, thanked all Vendors display their wares. the local sisterhoods that prepared the delicious food and donated items for the raffle, and all the per- formers who shared their talents and Children performers. gifts with the audience.

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www.fa.smithbarney.com/robertskyj [email protected] 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43 No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 13 Ukrainian American trio presents works of Ukrainian composers by Helen Smindak NEW YORK – It was ladies’ night at the Ukrainian Institute of America on October 10. Pianist Oresta Cybriwsky, soprano Elena Heimur and violinist Halyna Strilec Schatiloff took center stage in a dazzling concert featuring works by renowned Ukrainian composers, presenting songs and music that, in some cases, were associated with women named Halya, Lesia, Oksana and Olha. The idea for the concert came from Stefa Dobrianska, wife of veteran Met Opera baritone Andrij Dobriansky and dedicated supporter of Ukrainian classical music and opera. Concert management was in the hands of UIA Executive Director Laryssa Krupa. The calendar date – 10/10/10 – was seen as a powerful date that lent itself admirably to an extraordinary event, an all-Ukrainian program featuring gifted Ukrainian women performers reared and educated in the United States. In the highly diversified program, the artists teamed up in twos and threes to interpet works by 20th century Ukrainian composers. The sole exception to the Ukrainian line-up was Russian composer Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, who made the list by virtue of his opera “Christmas Eve,” based on a story in “Evenings Adrian Bryttan on a Farm near Dikanka,” one of the notable works of Ukrainian-born author Mykola Hohol (Nikolai Gogol.) Acknowledging audience applause at their October 10 concert at the Ukrainian Institute of America are Opening the program with Ihor Sonevytsky’s serenely (from left) violinist Halyna Strilec Schatiloff, pianist Oresta Cybriwsky and soprano Elena Heimur. beautiful “Ave Maria,” Ms. Cybriwsky and Ms. Heimur which a woman envisions her absent lover lying next to of the City University of New York. She also maintains a went on to address the moon in Vasyl Barvinsky’s softly her. private voice studio. lyrical “O, Princely Moon,” a work reflecting his neo- Petitioned by the audience for an encore, the artists She has been cited by the National Foundation for the romantic, somewhat impressionistic style. The moon was presented Beethoven’s arrangement of Semen Advancement in the Arts for having significant influence also the center of Hryhorij Alchevsky’s work “Don’t Klimovsky’s highly popular folk song, “Yikhav Kozak za on student artistic development. Many of her students at Look at the Moon in the Spring,” set to the words of Dunayem” (The Kozak Rode Beyond the Danube). the Westchester School of Music, the Bronx House of Ukraine’s foremost woman writer, Lesia Ukrainka. Ms. Cybriwsky, who prefaced each selection with Music and Turtle Bay Music School, among others, have Ms. Cybriwsky’s masterful piano work, reflecting informative, witty comments, noted that Beethoven com- won competitions and are singing professionally on years of experience as a recital and orchestral accompa- posed the “Razumovsky Quartets” (incorporating Broadway and in musical theaters and opera in the U.S. nist and solo pianist, and Ms. Heimur’s rich soprano, fine- Ukrainian melodies in two of them), in honor of a close and abroad. ly honed in operatic performances in the U.S. and abroad, friend’s conversion to Catholicism. The friend was An award winner of the prestigious Puccini were impressively combined in the Stanislav Liudkevych Andriy Kirillovich Razumovsky, son of Ukraine’s last Foundation-Licia Albanese International and the America composition “Sleep, My Child.” Set to Ukrainka’s words hetman, Kirill Razumovsky. Opera Auditions, Ms. Heimur is also a New York regional – “Sleep my child; let the dream of forgetting cradle you Ms. Cybriwsky came to New York from her home in winner of the Metropolitan Opera National Council to sleep; though you are the son of a slave, you came into Germany one week before the performance to participate Auditions. this world under the sign of a lucky star” – the work in rehearsals with Ms. Heimur and Ms. Schatiloff, who As a soprano soloist, Ms. Heimur has performed on the embodies Liudkevych’s support of the revolutionary- had been practicing their parts separately at their homes in concert stages of such famous cultural venues as Alice democratic movement in western Ukraine. New York City. Tully Hall at Lincoln Center, Merkin Hall, Town Hall and Ms. Heimur’s coquettish mannerisms in “Halya’s Tributes were extended to Mrs. Dobrianska and Ms. Carnegie Hall in New York, the Kennedy Center in Song” from Kostiantyn Dankevych’s opera “Nazar Krupa for their contributions to the performance by Ms. Washington, and the Academy of Music in Philadelphia. Stodolia,” set to the words of Ukraine’s bard Taras Cybriwsky and Ms. Heimur, and floral tributes were pro- She has also appeared at the Mamaroneck Performing Shevchenko, added comedic nuances to the piece. Her ferred to the artists. Arts Center, the Garden State Arts Center in New Jersey portrayal of the heartbroken Oksana in the recitative and The artists’ feelings were voiced by Ms. Schatiloff, and the Ukrainian Institute of America. aria of Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “Christmas Eve” was a who said: “What was wonderful about this concert was Her operatic work includes appearances with the Rome standout performance. the ease with which the three of us communicated and Festival Opera, Columbia Arts Festival, San Mateo Ms. Schatiloff, now in her 33rd year with the New adjusted to one another, both in ideas about the music and Winter Music Festival, Opera New York, Long Island York City Ballet and her 25th with New York City Opera, in nuances while rehearsing and performing – it was as if Opera and Pittsburgh Opera Theater, singing principal added her violin virtuosity to her colleagues’ enterprise in we had worked together forever, which made the prepara- roles in “La Boheme,” “I Pagliacci,” “Carmen,” “Eugene Barvinsky’s spirited Lemko airs “I won’t Marry Yasko” tion and performance a real joy.” Onegin” and “Die Fledermaus,” and the title role in and “I’d Fly to the Earth’s Edge.” The folk songs amused “Tosca.” Countless concerts the audience with their lively tempo and their references Ms. Schatiloff began studies of violin very early in life. to the land of immigrants’ dreams, “H’America.” Between the three of them, the artists have appeared in From the day she was born, her father decided she would A superb reading countless concerts and have accumulated awards, be a violinist because every woman should be indepen- applause and felicitations beyond all measure. dent of a man, music was the best profession (since lan- Ms. Schatiloff and Ms. Cybriwsky gave a superb read- Ms. Cybriwsky joined the well-known Gregg Smith guage was not a prerequisite for success), and the violin ing of Viktor Kosenko’s Sonata Op. 18 in A-minor for Singers in New York following graduation with a was the king of all instruments. Therefore, she was to be a violin and piano, which embraces melodies and modes Bachelor of Music degree in piano from Peabody violinist. that link his compositions with Ukrainian folk music. Conservatory in Baltimore. Four years of professional Her studies began at the Cleveland Chapter of the Just as impressively, they performed the lyrical last move- work led to scores of concerts and workshops, extensive Ukrainian Institute of Music. At 14, she was accepted at ment of the sonata during the second half of the program. touring throughout the U.S. and the Far East, and record- the Cleveland School of Music; later, a scholarship to the In a trio performance of Ostap Nyzhankiwsky’s musi- ing of works by Ned Rorem, Elliot Carter, Gregg Smith Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N.Y., led to her cal setting of Shevchenko’s poem “My Youthful Years and others. playing with the Rochester Philharmonic and the Have Passed,” Ms. Schatiloff contributed a solo portion Offered a two-year study grant from the German Syracuse Symphony. Accepted to play with the New that musically paraphrased the poet’s thoughts about the Academic Study Exchange in 1978, she returned to the Jersey Symphony, she left Rochester for New York to loneliness of life. European “roots” of classical music to specialize in the undertake a career with that company, selecting the The artists also combined forces to reiterate Ukrainka’s study of German lieder (German romantic songs, or art Juilliard School of Music for continuing studies. words “Sing to Me, But Only in the Springtime,” in a let- songs, for solo voice and piano) in Stuttgart. Making An audition with Leopold Stokowski landed her first ter she sent to Ukrainian modernist writer Olha Europe her home base for over 30 years, she is enjoying a New York City engagement, as a member of the Kobylianska, inviting her to meet and reminisce about multi-faceted career as recital accompanist, solo pianist American Symphony Orchestra. After that came posi- past times they shared together as friends. The work was and orchestral pianist. tions with American Ballet Theater, Radio City Music set to music by Vyacheslav Krasnevsky. Dedicated to interaction with vocal music, she serves Hall, Opera Orchestra of New York and Orpheus. Her In Volodymyr Vermenych’s tender song “Black-Eyed as lied professor and vocal coach at universities in career has also included many years with the New York Susans,” Ms. Heimur and Ms. Cybriwsky depicted the Stuttgart, Wurzburg, Munich and Innsbruck, Austria, Philharmonic, the Orchestra of St. Luke’s and P.D.Q. deep love a daughter feels for her mother, who planted and opera coach at the Bavarian State Theater in Bach. black-eyed susans for her daughter’s garden and taught Gartnerplatz in Munich. She is also pianist for the mas- Her long association with the New York City Ballet her how to sing “vesniansky” (spring songs). ter classes of such renowned singers as Christa Ludwig, orchestra began in 1975 and with the New York City Their offerings also included Mykhailo Haivoronsky’s Brigitte Fassbaender and Sylvia Geszty, and conducts Opera orchestra in 1983. In the early 80s, Ms. Schatiloff, dramatic piece “Oh, My Dear Kozak,” relating the lost her own master classes in the People’s Republic of Nestor Cybriwsky and Tom Hrynkiw initiated the Music heroism and greatness of the Ukrainian Kozaks, and China. at the Institute (MATI) concert series at the Ukrainian Myroslav Skoryk’s whimsical creation “If Only I Had Ms. Heimur, a Master of Music degree graduate of one Institute of America. Shoes.” of New York’s finest conservatories, the Manhattan She is presently combining her music career with the The concert finale was Barvinsky’s impressionistic School of Music, is an adjunct professor on the perform- real estate business, as a senior associate and associate love song, “Song of Songs,” a fantasy dream sequence in ing arts faculty of the College of Staten Island, a branch broker with Corcoran Group Real Estate. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43

Bohdan Danylyshyn on the basis of an ence to one of the firms [in a tender] and Sevastopol, told RFE/RL that the NEWSBRIEFS international warrant alleging abuses allegedly inflicted damages on Ukraine Ukrainian citizenship law has not been (Continued from page 2) while in office. Mr. Danylyshyn served of more than 1.3 million euros,” Czech fully implemented and many Russian resentatives have been removed from the as minister in the previous government, Police spokeswoman Pavla Kopecka military personnel with dual citizenship Lviv city election commission and from led by Yulia Tymoshenko. He is the told RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service. The and what are termed “anti-Ukrainian” scores of local election commissions most senior Tymoshenko-era official to charges, filed in August, stem from views have run for political posts in throughout the Lviv region, along with be accused of a crime since Viktor alleged actions during the sale of assets Crimea. According to Ukrainian media representatives of Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s Yanukovych defeated her in a two-way of Boryspil International Airport. Ms. reports, Mr. Kovshar recently made com- Front for Change Party and the presidential runoff in February. Since Kopecka added that there has been no ments condemning what he called Republican Christian Party. Some 50 Mr. Yanukovych took office, Ukrainian decision yet on whether Danylyshyn “forced Ukrainianization.” Sevastopol is policemen are milling around commis- authorities have also detained a former would be handed over to Ukrainian the site of a Russian Black Sea Fleet sion’s office, the agency reports. director of customs under Prime authorities. (RFE/RL) base. The population of some 342,000 is about 70 percent ethnic Russian. (RFE/ Svoboda’s website in a press release Minister Tymoshenko’s administration Bill on authorities’ terms issued on October 18 said that less than 5 and a former CEO of state-run energy RL) percent of the 849 candidates nominated giant Naftohaz Ukrainy. Ms. KYIV – According to news reports of Ukraine, France strengthen cooperation by the group for posts on election com- Tymoshenko has called the arrests politi- October 20, the Verkhovna Rada of missions were appointed. “Svoboda cally motivated. Mr. Danylyshyn was Ukraine sent to the Constitutional Court KYIV – Ukraine and France will activists went to the Lviv election com- detained late on October 18, according a bill on amendments to the Constitution strengthen and deepen bilateral coopera- mission to demand fulfillment of the to Czech Police. “Basically, the interna- of Ukraine concerning regular elections tion, Ukrainian President Viktor law,” the statement says. (Kyiv Post) tional arrest warrant states a suspicion of of the president, national deputies, depu- Yanukovych said in an interview with committing the crime of failing to exe- ties of the Verkhovna Rada of the reporters in Paris on October 7 after Czechs arrest Tymoshenko-era minister cute [his] responsibilities in the manage- Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local meeting with his French counterpart, councils and village, township, city PRAGUE – Police in the Czech ment of another party’s property and that Nicolas Sarkozy. Citing the presidential mayors. According to first vice-chair- Republic say they have arrested former this occurred in the year 2007, when the press service, Ukrinform quoted the man of the Verkhovna Rada and one of Ukrainian Minister of the Economy man was alleged to have given prefer- Ukrainian leader as saying, “France is the the co-authors of the bill, Adam most important partner for Ukraine. At Martyniuk, the powers of the president, the bilateral level, we are drafting a wide the Parliament, local councils, village, range of issues in our relations, including CLACLASSSSIFIEDIFIEDSS township and city mayors are proposed economic and trade issues.” Mr. to be set for five years. Elections to par- Yanukovych said that Ukraine views liament and local councils are proposed France as its partner in matters of TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL MARIA OSCISLAWSKI (973) 292-9800 x 3040 to be held on the last Sunday of October European integration, as this is, first and or e-mail [email protected] of the fifth year of office, and presiden- foremost, the creation of a free trade area, tial elections on the last Sunday of the introduction of a visa-free regime, March of the fifth year of office. It is and the drafting of the association agree- SERVICES also planned to supplement the ment. The president said that the Constitution’s transitional provisions European Union-Ukraine summit, which with articles, according to which the will soon take place in Kyiv, required next regular parliamentary elections “thorough preparation with the biggest would be held on the last Sunday of partners in the European Union – the October 2012, and regular presidential countries that play a key role in its poli- elections on the last Sunday of March cy.” He commented, “We praise our rela- 2015. (Ukrinform) tions with France, and we will intensify Arrests for illegal organ transplants them. We have agreed with President Sarkozy that the intensification of our KYIV – Three doctors in Kyiv have relations would begin with the signing of been arrested in connection with illegal a roadmap, which we will implement and PROFESSIONALS organ transplants and human trafficking, expand.” During the Ukrainian presi- RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service reported. dent’s visit to France a roadmap of The Ukrainian Internal Affairs Ministry’s Ukrainian-French relations for 2011-2012 press service told journalists on October was signed, as was an intergovernmental 15 that the three had been arrested for agreement on mutual assistance and possible involvement in human traffick- cooperation in the field of civil protec- ing during the 1990s. The ministry said tion. (Ukrinform) the three doctors were part of a transna- tional illegal group that sent Ukrainians Suit against ArcelorMittal is dropped to one of the southern former Soviet KYIV – Ukrainian prosecutors on republics, where their organs were October 12 withdrew a lawsuit against extracted and transplanted into wealthy the world’s largest steelmaker, patients. Investigators revealed that the ArcelorMittal, that could have stripped recipients of the organs paid up to the company of a $4.8 billion privatized $200,000 for a healthy kidney. The num- mill, reported the Associated Press, cit- ber of registered victims is about 30. ing the company. In 2005 ArcelorMittal They are from Ukraine, Moldova and had agreed to renovate the Kryvorizhstal Uzbekistan. (RFE/RL) steel mill, but in 2009 it postponed the Ex-Russian admiral runs in Symferopol investment because of the global finan- cial crisis. The government responded SYMFEROPOL, Ukraine – A former with a lawsuit, arguing that MERCHANDISE rear admiral of the Russian naval forces ArcelorMittal’s decision to postpone the who took part in the 2008 Russian- investment did not have the approval of FOR SALE Georgian war is running for a seat on the the Cabinet of Ministers. ArcelorMittal Sevastopol city council, RFE/RL’s said such approval was not necessary Ukrainian Service reported on October and charged that the lawsuit was the CONDO For Sale 14. Aleksandr Kovshar, 61, was the depu- government’s illegal attempt to renation- 55+ Ukrainian Community. ty commander of the Russian Black Sea alize the plant. The prosecutor’s office Fleet until last year and is now a consul- First floor 5 rooms total declined immediate comment on the tant to the Russian Navy. He was decorat- decision to drop the suit. The move with 2 bedrooms.Quiet setting. ed for his achievements during the came after President Viktor Yanukovych Close to shopping and major Russian-Georgian war. Russian Bloc had said on October 8 that ArcelorMittal highways. Central New Jersey leader Hennady Baskov told RFE/RL on would not lose the plant. “Now we can location. Call 908-429-9213 October 13 that he does not see any prob- get back to dialogue, sit down and have lem with Mr. Kovshar running for office a normal conversation,” said Renat in Ukraine and said he has Ukrainian citi- Starkov, head of the Kryvorizhstal mill. OPPORTUNITIES zenship. But Mr. Baskov said Mr. He underscored that ArcelorMittal Kovshar has not given up his Russian would live up to its commitments. passport because he “is a patriot of the (Associated Press) Earn extra income! city, a patriot of Sevastopol.” Sevastopol’s election commission con- Prosecutors to reinvestigate poisoning The Ukrainian Weekly is looking firmed that Mr. Kovshar submitted a KYIV – Ukraine’s Deputy Prosecutor for advertising sales agents. copy of his Ukrainian passport. But it General Renat Kuzmin claimed the probe For additional information contact Maria refused to say when the document had into the case of ex-president Viktor Oscislawski, Advertising Manager, The been issued. Ukrainian laws prohibit dual Yushchenko’s poisoning has not made Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. citizenship. Mykola Vladzimyrsky, the coordinator of the civic group Ukrainian (Continued on page 15) No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 15

so. More than a quarter of respondents NEWSBRIEFS (28.4 percent) still believe in the fighting (Continued from page 14) capacity of the national army, while 4.5 any progress in five years. Speaking on percent of respondents were undecided. the Ukraina TV Channel on October 8, Some 74 percent of those polled nega- Mr. Kuzmin, who has been in charge of tively assessed the state of the Ukrainian the investigation into this case, said the army, while 16.5 percent assessed it posi- probe had not yielded any answers. At the tively. More than half of Ukrainians (62.7 same time he stressed that a former inves- percent) believe that contract soldiers and tigator in the case received eight volumes conscripts should serve in the Ukrainian on this case, adding that when she left her army. About a quarter of respondents post there were already more than 300 (23.7 percent) believe that the army such volumes. Nevertheless, according to should consist of only contract soldiers, Mr. Kuzmin, “it is still unclear who was and 6.8 percent said it should be com- responsible for the poisoning, why it was posed of only conscripts. A telephone done, and whether the poisoning actually survey, titled “The State of the Ukrainian took place – there is no truth in this Army,” was conducted by the Gorshenin case.” The case was being probed by an Institute on October 8-10. A total of investigative group led by Halyna 1,000 respondents from all regional cen- Klymovych, who resigned from the post ters in Ukraine, Kyiv and Sevastopol IN MEMORY OF in April. She late said that she resigned were interviewed. The survey’s margin of from the Procurator General’s Office error does not exceed 3.2 percent. DR. STEFAN YAREMA NAWROCKY after she realized that she would not be (Ukrinform) allowed to investigate the case. Mr. Akhmetov in R.I. political race It is fifty years since the passing of Dr. Stefan Yarema Nawrocky – a man who did Yushchenko fell ill shortly after a dinner much for his country. It is with great pride, on this solemn occasion, that we share on September 5, 2004, with the then chief PROVIDENCE, R.I. – A local blog, with our Ukrainian community a brief biography of our father’s life. of the Security Service of Ukraine, Ihor GoLocalProv, reported on October 7 that Stefan Nawrocky was born on Sept. 8th, 1893 in Lviv, Halychyna - the son of Rev. Smeshko, and his deputy, Volodymyr Lincoln Chafee, an independent candi- Satsiuk, whom he had invited to discuss Vasyl Nawrocky, a dedicated Ukrainian, educator and inspector of schools, and date for governor of Rhode Island, is a Melania Radzykevych, daughter of Rev. Radzykevych. the 2004 presidential election campaign. consultant for the Foundation for (Ukrinform) Effective Governance, which was estab- In 1914 he was drafted into the Austrian army, where he received officer’s training, lished in 2007 by Ukrainian oligarch was seriously wounded on the Serbian Front and was awarded the Iron Cross. Azarov on Ukraine’s foreign policy Rinat Akhmetov. Stephen Beale, Upon his recovery and honorable discharge, Stefan immediately joined the KYIV – Ukrainian Prime Minister GoLocalProv News Editor, reported that Ukrainian “Sichovi Striltsi.” As a staff officer he was engaged in the training of new Mykola Azarov said that Ukraine’s for- Chafee, a former U.S. senator, “earned recruits. He soon volunteered for active duty on the front, where, at the battle of eign policy is balanced and that it is as much as $100,000 from the founda- Semakivtsi he was again seriously wounded, losing his left eye. He was decorated aimed at cooperation with Russia, the tion in 2009, according to the financial with the Silver Medal, First Class. The well known “striletska” song, “Buv sobi strilets, European Union and other Western coun- statement he filed with the Rhode Island scho divchynu mav…” was written about his misfortune and its consequences by his tries, which, first and foremost, defends Ethics Commission. He has served as friend and comrade. After a year in hospital, Stefan was again actively engaged in the country’s national interests. Mr. one of seven members of the the training of young “sichovyky,” and was one of the founding members of the “Lycari Zaliznoji Ostrohy.” As a member of UHA (Ukrainska Halytska Armia), Stefan Azarov was speaking on October 13 in International Advisory Board for the Nawrocky carried out special assignments for the Secretariat of Internal Affairs of Brussels at a conference titled “Ukraine: foundation for the past three years and UNR, and was personally commended by Otaman Petlura, Supreme Commander continues to receive pay for his consult- From Crisis to Growth. Economy, of the Ukrainian Forces. His elder brother, Roman Nawrocky, also a “Sichovyi ing work, according to campaign Investments, Markets.” Mr. Azarov said, Strilets,” gave his life for his country. “Our foreign policy is balanced. It’s not spokesman Mike Trainor.” Mr. Trainor pro-Russian or pro-Western – it’s pro- said Mr. Chafee was recruited for his After the First World War, Stefan completed his law studies in Vienna, and in 1930 Ukrainian. It will always be like this, and work on the foundation board because of opened a law practice in Peremyshl, Halychyna. The same year he married Maria it will realize, first of all, the economic his seat on the Senate Foreign Relations Lominska, a teacher from a socially aware, prominent Ukrainian family. In interests of our country.” He noted that Committee and noted that other board Peremyshl, he was an active leader in civic and educational organizations, as well Ukraine was equally interested in friendly members include a dean from Oxford as in the cooperative movement. As a lawyer, he took a leading role in the defense relations with Russia and Poland and said University and former Canadian Prime (without remuneration) of Ukrainian political prisoners - among them Bilas and that an atmosphere of trust between Minister Kim Campbell. On October 9 Danylyshyn. In 1938 Stefan was elected to the Polish Sejm (Parliament) in Warsaw, Russia and Ukraine has been created. The GoLocalProv reported that the representing, on behalf of UNDO, Peremyshl and environs. He served at the Sejm prime minister said that the main priori- Democratic candidate for governor, until the outbreak of World War II. ties for Ukraine are the modernization of Frank Caprio, posed the following ques- the country, technological development tions to his opponent: “1. Did Mr. During the German occupation of Halychyna, he worked tirelessly to save numerous and the introduction of innovative tech- Chafee have any association with Rinat persons from forceful deportation to labor camps, or worse - not only Ukrainians, but nologies in all spheres of life. Akhmetov while serving as a United also Poles and Jews. After leaving Peremyshl with his wife and three young children on the last train before the railway station was bombed, and after much travail, (Ukrinform) State senator and a member of the Stefan and his family found themselves in Wangen, southern Germany (Bavaria). Foreign Relations Committee? 2. How Ukrainians feel political censorship There, after the war, under the auspices of the United Nations Relief Association, and when was Mr. Chafee first Stefan took an active role in defending the rights of Ukrainian émigrés. KYIV – More than half of Ukrainians approached by Rinat Akhmetov or his polled by the Razumkov Center in early associates about the position in Ukraine? In October 1949 the Nawrocky family emigrated from Europe to Winnipeg, Canada. October (56.6 percent) believe political 3. What did Mr. Chafee know about Mr. In order to survive and support his family, Stefan worked during the first few years as censorship exists in Ukraine, it was Akhmetov before accepting a position?” a laborer. However, in spite of this, he soon became engaged in various organiza- reported on October 9. About one-fourth The connection was also reported by tions. Stefan played a key role in veterans’ associations, UNF, Carpathia Credit of the respondents (26.7 percent) believe The Providence Journal, which cited Union, Presidium of UCC, and others. He also published extensively in the political censorship is non-existent in GoLocalProv as the source of the infor- Ukrainian press - Visti Kombatanta, Edmonton News, Samodopomoha and others - Ukraine, and 16.9 percent were undecid- mation. (www.golocalprov.com) about the socio-political situation during the Polish-Ukrainian war and the German ed. Responding to a question about the occupation during WW II. Chilean miners and Ukraine soccer level of freedom of speech in the country, The hard labor and the emotional and psychological trauma, however, took its toll. At only 5.1 percent of the respondents said SAN JOSE MINE, Chile – After 69 the age of 67, on October 24th 1960 in Winnipeg, a “swidomyi,” generous, self-sacri- they are convinced it does not exist in days trapped in a collapsed mine, 33 ficing and honorable Ukrainian passed away. Ukraine, whereas 10.4 percent said there Chilean miners were rescued on October is full freedom of speech in the country. 12-13. Trapped 2,050 feet underground Stefan left behind his sisters Maria Strutynsky (author of “Daleke z Blys’ka” among The poll was conducted in all regions of since a cave-in on August 5, they man- others) of Philadelphia, Irena Luniw of Chicago, and his family - wife Maria Lominska, daughters Irena (Sister Constantine) and Chrystyna, and son Roman. Ukraine between September 30 and aged to establish contact with rescuers on October 5. It surveyed 2,007 people and the surface 17 days later. “The 33 of us in We, Chrystia and Roman remember our father with great love and fondness. Every had a margin of error of 2.3 percent. the shelter are well,” read a note attached night at bedtime, when we were growing up in Bavaria, he told us stories about (Interfax-Ukraine) to a drill that reached the trapped miners. “ochajdushki,” “karlyky,” “Lys Mykyta,” and for Roman, who was older, detective sto- The latest news reports from Chile ries. He would draw up checker boards or “mlynok” on scrap pieces of paper or Ukrainians doubtful about defense focused on how the miners survived and cardboard and we would play with buttons instead of checkers. KYIV – Ukrainians do not believe that what they did, including their daily rou- When we arrived in Canada with next to nothing, we never felt like second class citi- the national army is capable of defending tines and entertainment. Among the activ- zens, because our father made us feel proud of our heritage and confident in our ities they cited was watching soccer the country, according to the results of a future. survey conducted by the Gorshenin matches. “Several of the men are football Institute and reported on October 12. In [soccer] fanatics and one has even played May he rest in peace, knowing he did his very best. May he be remembered not particular, 67.1 percent of respondents professionally, so despite their isolation only by his family, but also by Ukraine and the Ukrainian community in Canada, for believe that the Ukrainian army cannot they managed to install a live feed of whom he gave so much. defend Ukraine in case of real threats games like Chile’s friendly match against from other countries. Of these, 45.7 per- Ukraine to watch using a small projec- VICHNA YOMU PAMYAT! cent said it was “most likely” unable to tor,” reported the Reuters news service. defend the country, and 21.4 percent said The score of the September 7 game: Chrystyna Nawrocky-Kudryk Roman Nawrocky it “definitely” was not capable of doing Ukraine beat Chile 2-1. (Reuters) 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43 Ukrainian American Veterans award scholarships for 2009-2010 KERHONKSON, N.Y. – At the Ukrainian American Veterans (UAV) 63rd annual convention at Soyuzivka on September 30-October 3 the recipients of the UAV Scholarship Awards were announced. The UAV Scholarship Committee selects and awards scholarship money to undergraduate college students who are descendants or relatives of American Veterans. The purpose of the scholarship award is to help students pay for books or school supplies. Students are required to write an essay (400-500 words) about a current military topic. The topic this year was “What role or strategy should the United States take in its continued efforts in the war on ter- Jillian Auletto Larissa Kunynskyj Thomas Wynohradnyk Nicholas Amatangelo rorism?” This military topic is ongoing and will remain next year as well because Ladies Auxiliary in memory of Olga Pope. that have degree the strategy to fight terrorism changes Three students received $300 each. programs are eligi- every year. Other criteria considered for a They are: Nicholas Steven Amatangelo ble as well. scholarship are academic achievement from St. Charles, Ill., a freshman at Applications are and extracurricular activities. Loyola University in Chicago, undeclared accepted all year In 2009-2010, six eligible applications major; Maria Louise Haras from South round with the were submitted and all received a schol- Pasadena, Calif., a student at Yale deadline date being arship award. University majoring in History; and Ryan August 31 of each The recipients of UAV scholarships for Scott Lewis from Boca Raton, Fla., a year. Additionally, 2009-2010 are: Jillian Marie Auletto from freshman at Florida Atlantic University students may reap- Wellington, Fla, a student at Florida majoring in Engineering. ply up to four Atlantic University majoring in business Students interested in applying for the marketing, who received a $500 award in times in their col- memory of the Ukrainian American Club UAV Scholarship Award should fill-out lege career for a of Palm Beaches; Larissa Maria Nadia an application, send a college transcript scholarship award. Kunynskyj from Warren, Mich., a student and photo, and write an essay on this Businesses/cor- at St. John’s University in New York City year’s military topic. Applications are porations, commu- available on the UAV website, www. nity organizations majoring in anthropology, who received a Maria Haras Ryan Scott Lewis $500 award from the UAV National uavets.org. To be eligible for a UAV and individuals Ladies Auxiliary in memory of Alberta scholarship, applicants must be descen- who wish to make Cieply from Post 101: Thomas Andrew dants or related to Ukrainian American a tax-exempt donation should make e-mail [email protected] or call him Wynohradnyk from Stony Brook, N.Y., a Veterans. Students should be full-time checks payable to: UAV Scholarship at 914-965-3707. student at Kean University in New Jersey, matriculated college students in a degree Fund and mail them to: UAV National The UAV National Scholarship majoring in meteorology, who received a program. Moreover, students from Scholarship Officer, Nicholas Skirka, 109 Committee members include John $500 award from the UAV National accredited trade schools or institutions Windsor Terrace, Yonkers, N.Y., 10701. Tkachuk, Peter Olijarczyk, Peter For additional information, readers may Matthews and Russel Olijarczyk.

Cacheris felt right at home dealing with International auditors... President Yanukovych and Prime (Continued from page 3) Minister [Mykola] Azarov.” Plato Cacheris has also represented 12th Annual Golf Tournament RL that the audit is part of a concentrated government effort against the leaders of Monica Lewinsky, Watergate scandal fig- Plast Open – Chicago the opposition. ure John Mitchell and Iran-Contral scan- “We denounce Trout Cacheris’ claims dal witness Fawn Hall. Pobratymy Foundation wishes to express thanks to all volunteers, prize donors, as clearly politically motivated,” Mr. Mr. Nemyria also said that for Akin and the following individual and corporate sponsors for their generous contribu- Nemyria said. “We consider these, so to Gump to take part in any audit concern- tions to the 12th Annual Plast Open in Chicago on September 11, 2010: speak, findings as yet another example of ing Ukraine was a clear conflict of inter- Affiliated Health Care Associates, Dr. J. Slusarenko the systemic oppression directed at the est. He said Akin Gump has long been Alpha Products, John Derkach, President leaders of the opposition, and we deny the legal adviser to Dmytro F\irtash, one Arbro Landscaping, Steve Remeniuk that this so-called audit has any legal of the owners of RosUkrEnergo, a gas- Charkewycz Family standing.” trading company that was the intermedi- Charysh & Schroeder, Ltd., Michael Charysh Trout Cacheris senior partner Plato ary in the gas dealings between Russia Chychula Family Cacheris rejected claims that the audit and Ukraine. Dr. George and Christine Demidowich amounts to a “witch hunt.” The Tymoshenko government removed Bohdanna and George Domino “The strength of our findings and con- Mr. Firtash’s company from that interme- Dr. Roman & Marijka Dykun clusions is further evidenced by the fact diary position. Dynamic Electronics, Inc., Myron Stasiuk, President that the Ukrainian government has direct- “The cost of the nine-month investiga- Edgebrook Radiology, George Kuritza M.D., Medical Director ed that civil suits be filed in the United tion has not been announced. [The inves- Wolodymyr & Martha Goncharoff States’ courts and in the United Kingdom tigation] has been funded by the Dr. Maria Hrycelak courts,” Mr. Cacheris said. “These courts Ukrainian taxpayers,” Mr. Nemyria said. Dr. Daniel & Dr. Christine Hryhorczuk are widely regarded as the most open and “It represents a blatant attempt to discred- Keller Family Foundation transparent in the entire world.” it the opposition by smearing its leader- Julian Kulas Asked about conflicts of interest and ship and follows the pattern of repressive Intersol Industries, Orest & Roman Hrynewycz the cost of the audit, Akin Gump partner tactics orchestrated against opponents of Dr. Vassyl Lonchyna & Dr. Roksolana Tymiak-Lonchyna Mark MacDougall said: “The important the Viktor Yanukovych regime.” Metro Security & the Mirutenko Family fact... is the unique and I think unprece- Since Mr. Yanukovych became presi- Dr. Roman Mycyk dented level of transparency that has been dent of Ukraine, several members of the North Avenue Animal Hospital, Dr. Roman & Maria Tkaczuk brought to the investigation of miscon- Tymoshenko government have been John Oharenko duct in this country.” investigated. One, a senior customs offi- Olya and Nestor Popowych Whether attempts will be made to cial, has been jailed. REM Builders, Walter Bratkiv recover allegedly misused money is to be The full 176-page report of the audit is Dr. Andrew & Ruta Ripecky decided by Ukraine’s Justice Ministry available on the Ukrainian Finance Saldan Family and the Procurator General’s Office, Mr. Ministry’s website. Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union MacDougall said. Dr. Jarema & Ira Skirnyk Mr. Nemyria questioned the qualifica- Copyright 2010, RFE/RL Inc. Skubiak Family tions of Trout Cacheris to conduct an Reprinted with the permission of Radio The Heritage Foundation impartial audit, saying: “This law firm Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Venetian Monument Company specializes in defending clients of dubi- Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington DC Pobratymy Foundation, founded by the Plast Pobratymy Fraternity in 1992, is a 501 (c) (3) ous reputation, among those are [FBI 20036; www.rferl.org. (See http://www. tax-exempt corporation, which supports the ongoing activities of Plast, Ukrainian Scouting spy] Robert Hansen... [Russian spy] rferl.org/content/International_Auditors_ Organization. Aldrich Ames and a number of others. Say_Former_Ukrainian_Government_ With clients like these, I’m sure Trout Misused_Funds/2190909.html No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 17 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43 No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 19


Delivers keynote speech in Yalta YALTA, Ukraine – Prof. Anna Nagurney of the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, was a keynote speaker at the third Yalta Optimization Conference with the theme Network Science that was held on August 2-4, at the Yalta Hotel in Yalta, Ukraine. She spoke on August 2 about “Fragile Networks: Identifying Vulnerabilities and Synergies in an Uncertain World,” – the title of her latest book, co-authored with Prof. Patrick Qiang and published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons. Another keynote speaker was Prof. Yaroslav Sergeyev of the University of Calabria in Italy and the N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, who spoke on “Lipschitz Global Optimization Algorithms.” Conference organizers Dr. Sergiy Butenko (center, in polo shirt) and Dr. Oleg Prokopyev (in stripped shirt next to him), with The conference included 18 presenta- speakers and student participants, including Dr. Anna Nagurney (far right), at the Yalta Hotel the site of the conference. tions over three days focusing both on the methodological aspects of network prob- fields of study include optimization, opera- lems from transportation and logistics tions research, computer science, engineer- applications to biological and medical ones. ing and statistics, also gave talks. Speakers and conference participants came The conference was organized by Profs. from the United States, Ukraine, Romania, Sergiy Butenko of Texas A&M University, Italy, Sweden and Russia. Oleg Prokopyev of the University of Among the notable talks was a presenta- Pittsburgh and Volodymyr P. Shylo of the tion by Dr. Vitaliy Yatsenko of the Space Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the Research Institute of the National Academy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. of Sciences of Ukraine, who spoke on sen- Funding for the conference was provided sor networks and weather in outer space by the USNSF, with technical support from with risk assessment. the Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, Texas In addition, undergraduate and graduate A&M University’s Department of Industrial students from U.S. universities who were and Systems Engineering, and the participants in the International Research University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Experience for Students (IRES) Workshop Industrial Engineering. on Discrete and Nondifferentiable In addition to the scientific presentations Optimization: Algorithms and Applications, and discussions, the conference also includ- funded by the U.S. National Science ed a social program with a banquet. At the Yalta Optimization Conference (from left) are: Dr. Vasyl Gorbachuk, Foundation (NSF), which took place at the The conference program with the titles Cybernetics Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Dr. Vitaliy Glushkov Institute in Kyiv on July and abstracts of the presentations can be Yatsenko, Space Research Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; 20-August 10, also took part in the Yalta accessed at: http://www.yalta.conference. Dr. Anna Nagurney of the University of Massachusetts Amherst; and Conference Conference. Several of the students, whose info. co-organizer Dr. Sergiy Butenko of Texas A&M University.

Hamtramck; and other clergy. Ordained priest The divine liturgy was also attended by the sisters Catechists of St. Anna from in Hamtramck Brazil, relatives, friends and parishioners of by the Rev. Daniel Schaicoski Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church and parents of students of HAMTRAMCK, Mich. – On Sunday, Immaculate Ukrainian Catholic Schools. September 19, at the Immaculate During the divine liturgy, Bishop Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church Seminack in his pastoral message spoke in Hamtramck, Mich., with the blessing about the nature, mission objectives and of Bishop Richard Seminack, Eparch of the vocation of the religious life and the the St. Nicholas Eparchy for Ukrainian sacrament of Holy Orders. Catholics, Deacon Eugene Khomyn, The act of consecration took place OSBM, a monk of the Order of St. Basil after the Great Entrance during the divine was ordained to the priesthood. liturgy. The Rev. Philip Sandrick, The Rev. Khomyn was born on August OSBM, led Deacon Khomyn to the altar. 28, 1975, in the village of Strylkiv, After greeting the Bishop and kissing Stryisky district, Lviv region of Ukraine. three times the four corners of the altar, In 1997 he entered the Basilian Fathers as well as the hand and right arm of the Novitiate program in Ukraine. He made bishop, and professing his faith, he recit- his solemn profession (perpetual vows) ed the oath with his hand on the Gospel. on August 22, 2002, in New York. He then knelt before the altar, and the From 2002 to 2006 he studied at bishop read the prayer of consecration. Deacon Eugene Khomyn during his ordination to the priesthood. Madonna University, Faculty of Liberal All of the parishioners prayed “that Arts, and earned a B.A. in philosophy. In the grace of the Holy Spirit may come Father Superior Philip thanked God for cial thanks to his parents, relatives, the 2006-2010, he studied in Rome at the upon him” and that he may be a worthy the gift of vocation to the Rev. Khomyn, Order of St. Basil, teachers and the Pontifical Angelicum University and priest. After the consecration prayers, the OSBM, to the priesthood. He also Detroit community, especially the parish- received a master’s degree in theology. newly ordained priest joined the other thanked the newly ordained priest’s ioners of Immaculate Conception The solemn pontifical divine liturgy clergy at the altar to concelebrate the mother and late father for the gift of their Ukrainian Catholic Church, for their on September 19 was led by Bishop divine liturgy. son to the Church. unwavering support for the Order of St. Richard Steven Seminack, D.D. Seven After the liturgy the Rev. Khomyn The Rev. Khomyn expressed his spe- Basil and its priests. priests concelebrated: the Rev. Philip offered all present his blessing. Sandrick, OSBM, provincial superior of Afterwards, the community participat- the Basilian Fathers province of the ed in a celebratory feast. During the ban- “Notes on People” is a feature geared toward reporting on the achievements of members Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in quet students from the Immaculate of the Ukrainian National Association and the Ukrainian community. All submissions the United States; the Rev. Daniel Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools should be concise due to space limitations and must include the person’s UNA branch Schaicoski, OSBM, superior of the mon- welcomed the newly consecrated priest number (if applicable). Items will be published as soon as possible after their receipt. astery of the Basilian Fathers in with poems and songs. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE St. Michael Parish in Tucson steps out at two local festivals by Atanasiy Holub The effort was coordinated by Peter W. Fesz, who also explained the art of TUCSON, Ariz. – October turned out -making to visitors who dropped to be a very busy month for Tucson’s St. by in droves. The baked goods supplied Michael Parish. October 1 and 2 saw the by the good ladies of Ss. Mary and parish participating actively in Tucson’s Martha Sisterhood were a big hit with Slavic Festival with a parish booth for the festival-goers. Mr. Korytko’s woodcarv- first time. The festival, which has been organized ing earned much admiration. Father for many years by St. Melany Byzantine Andriy Chirovsky prepared a new flyer Ruthenian Parish, brings together various with critical information for potential vis- Slavic groups, from Poles and Czechs, to itors (and hopefully some future mem- , Ukrainians and Russians. In bers) of the parish. addition to staples of Slavic food, crowds The effort has already paid off in terms come for the various dance groups and of some new parishioners, who had either orchestras that provide entertainment. never heard of the parish before or had For a number of years, Zenon Korytko lost touch with it over the years. A num- has been displaying his Hutsul-style ber of people stopped at the booth to try Ukrainian woodcarving. But this year he out the few words of Ukrainian that they knew, identifying themselves as being of was joined by a large number of fellow George Terleckyj partial Ukrainian extraction, and thrilled parishioners who brought with them Parishioners of St. Michael Parish in Tucson at Tucson’s Slavic Festival on to find out that there is indeed a baked goods, Pysanky, Christmas orna- October 2. ments and a raffle, as well as promotional Ukrainian parish in Tucson. One materials about St. Michael’s and the exchange student from Ukraine stopped was her first encounter with diaspora ing days the many parishioners who Ukrainian Catholic Church and by and was amazed that American-born Ukrainians. stopped by the booth to offer moral sup- Ukrainians in general. Ukrainians speak Ukrainian so well. It After two exhausting yet hope-inspir- port came to the conclusion that this par- ish booth at the Slavic Festival needs to be an annual event. Some $800 was earned, but an enormous amount of good will was created and the parish hopes that such positive exposure will lead to growth. The following weekend Mr. Korytko and the Fesz family were back in the heat at another outdoor festival, the 35th annu- al Tucson Meet Yourself festival, which brings tens of thousands of visitors out to sample ethnic foods of all kinds, while enjoying a wide variety of cultures from all over the world in the form of music, dance and ethnic crafts. Sporting a large sign identifying their two tables as St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church, Mr. Korytko demon- strated his woodcarving art, while Peter and Nga Fesz, along with their children Peter and Nadia, helped many children to try their hand at pysanka-making. Father Chirovsky explained the Christian and cultural significance of the items dis- played, and distributed flyers about the parish to interested visitors. These two weekend events did not sap all of the energy from this tightly knit and energetic little parish. Immediately after- wards, many parishioners under the co- chairmanship of Nadya Dworian and Halia Chirovsky got to work on a two- day parish rummage sale, which is both a fund-raiser and an opportunity for out- reach.

Playing with... (Continued from page 6) citizens without a strong nationalistic appeal, without a great power imperialis- tic idea, and a powerful myth about hos- tile Western encirclement that still works in Russia but is rather obsolete in Ukraine? They seem to believe sincerely that Ukraine can be ruled like Russia or their native Donbas. They are wrong, and they will certainly fail. But the price of the fail- ure might be very high and, what is worse, all Ukrainians – not only their obsolete rulers – will be made to pay for it.

The article above is reprinted from the blog “Current Politics in Ukraine” (http://ukraineanalysis.wordpress.com/) created by the Stasiuk Program for the Study of Contemporary Ukraine, a pro- gram of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta. No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 21

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE A new tradition continues at St. John’s Church in Newark by Ksenia Hapij so, a half year later, the elderly were once again invited to St. John’s in Newark, this NEWARK, N.J. – Two and a half years time for a “Trip Around the World.” And ago a group of people gathered in the rec- so a tradition was born and another half tory of St. John’s Ukrainian Catholic year later the elderly were invited to this Church in Newark. No one asked them to same church hall for a “Safari.” come and no one dictated any agenda for The next date set for such a gathering them to follow. They were simply con- was October 10 and, since this was a cerned about the elderly of their parish and unique day – the 10th day of the 10th were in search of ways to bring these elderly people some attention and warmth. month of the 10th year – it was decided This was the beginning of February, a to invite not only the elderly but all of the few days before Valentine’s Day and parishioners who would like to come to someone suggested that a group of volun- an imaginary “World of Color.” The hall teers visit the elderly with symbolic gifts. was decorated with splashes of color and This was so well received that several 170 people sat at colorful tables to a col- weeks later these volunteers visited more orful meal. elderly parishioners (this time greeting The highlight of the event was a film them with the coming of spring). They of beautiful colorful photographs, and it repeated this two more times and, though was indeed well received. But the true they did not get to visit all of the elderly success of this event was in the fact that Father Leonid Malkov, CSsR, and the organizers of the World of Color (from in the parish, they did bring warmth to this event gathered people of various left) Stephanie Downey, Ksenia Hapij and Stephania Zajac. over 100 households. interests, people who understood no Parishioners of St. John’s live in many English and those who understood no towns and townships, so visiting the Ukrainian, and united them into a harmo- elderly required traveling long distances. nious group. One day someone suggested that, in addi- And not only did these people share a tion to the home visits, we invite the meal together but many volunteered to elderly to come to St. John’s Church for help. These meals are served on real (not dinner. This gathering brought over 100 paper) dishes with real wine glasses, so people, all of whom took part in the that a whole army of people is needed to blessing of a new elevator, which was set up tables and then to wash and put built in the church for their convenience. away dishes. And there was a beautiful This, again, was very well received and “army” indeed. So a new tradition at St. John’s contin- Ksenia Hapij is St. John’s office ues as St. John’s volunteers bring warmth administrator. to many.

Guests Slava and Nicholas Hordynsky (left), and William and Mary Tomko.

Some of the many volunteers who made the event possible: (from left): Pat Sidun, Maria Wasyliw, Bozena Polanskyj, Oksana Vlasiuk and Luba Demko.

Potato cakes most popular fare at Shamokin parish festival SHAMOKIN, Pa. – While most val. Ukrainian parishes are known for their The potato cakes are reportedly the varenyky, a.k.a. pyrohy, sales of which most popular food sold at the festival, often provide substantial support for their which takes the form of a block party on churches, Transfiguration Ukrainian North Shamokin Street. Katie Labosky, Catholic Church in Shamokin, Pa., is the unofficial supervisor of the potato famous for its potato cakes. cake enterprise, told the newspaper that So famous, in fact, that the delicious there are long lines for the freshly made fried cakes were featured on the front potato cakes because they are so deli- page of the August 7 issue of The News- cious. Item, a local newspaper in Shamokin. She noted that 1,500 pounds of pota- Headlined “The pinnacle of potato toes, 300 pounds of onions and a lot of cakes,” the story featured five photos “secret ingredients” were used to make (three of them in color on the front page) the batter for the parish festival. More of volunteers at work in preparing the than a dozen volunteers working long favorite food for the parish festival being hours prepared and mixed the ingredients held that weekend. over a two-day period. Staff writer Lerry Deklinski wrote that One of the volunteers, 81-year-old “the potato cakes are a Shamokin area Adam Klebasko told The News-Item: tradition” and that 200 gallons of batter “It’s for the church. It keeps the church had been prepared for the two-day festi- going.” 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43

his official title is “non-resident presiden- Holy Trinity Parish to celebrate Foreign and security... tial adviser.” It remains secret who is pay- (Continued from page 3) ing Mr. Zanevskyi’s salary and expenses policy is evident in three areas. The first, as these cannot come from the state budget jubilee with consecration of church and most obvious, is through the (Jamestown Foundation blog, October 13). Ukrainian Security Service of Ukraine Mr. Zanevskyi “is the eyes and ear who (SBU) Chairman Valeriy Khoroshkovsky, sees everything and hears everything” who over the course of only eight months (Ukrayinska Pravda, October 6). He has has undermined Ukraine’s international access to Mr. Yanukovych’s itinerary, his image as well as domestic and internation- personal life, state secrets and telephone al trust in President Yanukovych’s com- conversations, and he is able to install mitment to democracy. The recent PACE monitoring devices wherever Yanukovych resolution condemned the use of the SBU is located. It would be naïve to believe that for political ends – a criticism that was not this intelligence is not being transferred to included for “technical reasons” on the Russia. report broadcast on Inter, Ukraine’s most In July, Dmitriy Salamatin, was popular television channel (owned by Mr. appointed as head of the state-owned Khoroshkovsky). Ukrspetsexport, Ukraine’s arms exporting During a September visit to Kyiv, this agency which has an annual turnover of $1 author asked a wide variety of Ukrainian billion (www.ukrspecexport.com). Mr. political experts and national deputies to Salamatin was born in Kazakhstan and explain why Mr. Khoroshkovsky remains worked in Russia from 1991 to 1997. He in place while he embarrasses the presi- is the son-in-law of the Russia’s former dent, such as in July when Nico Lange, First Vice Prime Minister, Oleg Soskovets Tom Manuccia director of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, (Segodnya, July 14). Mr. Salamatin moved to Ukraine in 1999 and was elected to Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Silver Spring, Md. was detained at Kyiv’s airport a month before Mr. Yanukovych’s visit to Parliament in 2006 and 2007 as a deputy by the Very Rev. Taras R. Lonchyna parish to pay off the church mortgage. Germany. The answers were that he is of the Party of Regions of Ukraine. During Holy Trinity Church was built in 1999 directly working for Russia to undermine the April 27 riot in Parliament over the SILVER SPRING, Md. – Holy Trinity and blessed in 2000 by Metropolitan Ukraine’s European integration. Sevastopol Black Sea Fleet’s basing exten- Ukrainian Catholic Parish in Silver Spring, Stephen Sulyk. However, until the mort- Moreover, he has presidential plans and sion, Mr. Salamatin was seen fighting Md., will celebrate its 30th anniversary with gage was paid off, the full rite of consecra- wishes to receive Moscow’s support as a members of the opposition. During an a most special event: the consecration of the tion could not be performed. But now this future “Ukrainian Putin.” August 11 altercation in Ukrspetsexport’s parish church. is possible. In addition, Viacheslav Zanevskyi, the Kyiv offices he hit his opponent with a In these 30 years the parish has grown The church will be consecrated by head of Mr. Yanukovych’s presidential chair (Hazeta po-Ukrainsky, August 15). spiritually strong and vibrant. It was able to Metropolitan Stefan Soroka on Sunday, guard, is a Russian citizen, a scandal that These examples confirm that Moscow’s build a beautiful Hutsul-style wooden November 7, at 1 p.m. The address of the was dismissed by presidential administra- demand, as outlined in President Dmitry church on a seven-acre plot of land. church is: Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic tion head, Serhiy Lyovochkin, as irrele- Medvedev’s August 2009 open letter to Through God’s Providence, just in this Church, 16631 New Hampshire Ave., Silver vant (Ukrayinska Pravda, October 6, 9). then President Viktor Yushchenko, to past year the parish obtained a beautiful ico- Spring, MD 20905; telephone, 301-421- Mr. Zanevskyi was hired in the summer of influence Mr. Yanukovych’s appointments nostas by renowned artist Petro Andrusiw 1739. 2008 because the then opposition leader, of the “siloviki” has been over-fulfilled. from the now closed church of St. Nicholas The consecration of a church, like Mr. Yanukovych, did not trust the SBU or These steps will increasingly prevent in Mahanoy City, Pa., and was gifted with a Baptism, occurs once in the history of a the Directorate on State Protection [UDO], Ukraine from undertaking a sovereign for- sizable donation from the estate of Dr. Oleh church. All are cordially invited to come to the former ninth directorate of the Soviet eign and security policy. and Sophia Kudrick. This gift enabled the this event and to the jubilee banquet at 5 KGB. This is an outcome of Mr. p.m. at St. Andrew’s Hall, 15100 New Yanukovych’s pathological fear of being The article above is reprinted from The Very Rev. Taras R. Lonchyna is Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD, 20905. assassinated (EDM, June 28). Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission pastor and protopresbyter of Holy Trinity For ticket information readers may e-mail Mr. Zanevskyi’s unofficial title is “head from its publisher, the Jamestown Ukrainian Catholic Church. [email protected]. of the personal guard of the president,” but Foundation, www.jamestown.org.

The Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation invites you to a reception and presentation by Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine

Saturday, November 6 5:30pm to 9pm Program at 6:45pm

At the residence of Dr. Zenon and Mrs. Nadia Matkiwsky 272 Old Short Hills Road Short Hills NJ 07078

Proceeds from the evening’s event will help fund the expansion of the Ukrainian Catholic University

The reception donation is $200 per person Your RSVP is requested by October 28th Business attire Event sponsor: Micros Retail Systems, Inc. For more information, contact the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation: (773) 235-8462 No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 23 OUT AND ABOUT

October 28 Book launch, “Modernism in Kyiv: Jubilant November 5-7 23rd Congress of Ukrainian Canadians, Westin Ottawa Experimentation” by Irena Makaryk, University of Edmonton, AB Hotel, www.ucc.ca Ottawa, 613-562-5764 November 6 Dance, Trembita Marching Band, Montreal Branch October 29 Karaoke Halloween costume party for adults (21+), Montreal of the Ukrainian Youth Association, Ukrainian Whippany, NJ Branch 75 of the Ukrainian National Women’s Youth Home, 514-292-7565 League of America, Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey, 862-754-6329 November 6 Ukrainian Night dinner and dance, Knights of Ottawa Columbus, Ukrainian Catholic Shrine hall, October 29 Halloween costume party, Ukrainian League of 613-830-7787 or 613-599-4791 Philadelphia Philadelphia, 215-684-3548 November 6 Beadweaving workshop, Ukrainian Homestead, October 30 Halloween party, Ukrainian National Home, Lehighton, PA 610-377-4621 or www.ukrhomestead.com Syracuse, NY 315-479-9272 November 6 Exhibit, “60th anniversary of the Ukrainian October 30 Masquerade dance, featuring music by Slavko Cleveland American Youth Association in Cleveland,” Lehighton, PA Kosiv, Ukrainian Homestead, 215-235-3709 Ukrainian Museum-Archives, 216-781-4329

October 30 Gala, Cheremosh Ukrainian Dance Company November 6 Fund-raising reception, Ukrainian Catholic Edmonton, AB 40th anniversary, Edmonton Expo Center, 780-616-5335 Short Hills, NJ Education Foundation, home of Dr. Zenon and Nadia Matkiwsky, 773-235-8492 October 30-31 Exhibit, “Archipenko at the Institute,” Ukrainian New York Institute of America,” 212-228-8660 November 7 Folk art workshop, The Ukrainian Museum, New York 212-228-0110 October 31 Banquet, 71st annual graduates’ awards, Ukrainian Warren, MI Cultural Center, 248-851-7093 (advance tickets November 7 Beadwork (gerdany) workshop and lecture by Paula only) Lehighton, PA Holoviak, “Ukrainian Immigration to the Anthracite Coal Regions,” Ukrainian Homestead, October 31 Concert and Luncheon, featuring music by “Trio [email protected] or 610-377-4621 Sunny Isles Beach, FL from Carpathia,” Lotus Restaurant, 305-798-0190 November 7 Recital by pianist Michael Suk, The Washington November 1 Exhibit, “Invitation to a Wedding: Ukrainian Alexandria, VA Group Music Series, The Lyceum, 301-229-2615 or New York Wedding Textiles and Traditions,” The Ukrainian 202-364-3888 Museum, 212-228-0110 November 7 Benefit luncheon, Ukrainian Catholic Education November 2 Performance, Virsky National Dance Company of New York Foundation, Ukrainian National Home, Ottawa Ukraine, Centerpoint Theater, 613-580-2700 773-235-8462

November 4 Fund-raising dinner to support St. Michael’s Health Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Items will be published Edmonton, AB Group, Royal Mayfair Golf Club, www.smhg.ca or at the discretion of the editors and as space allows. Please send e-mail to 780-473-5621 [email protected]. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 No. 43

PREVIEW OF EVENTS Saturday, November 6 Friday November 12 SHORT HILLS, N.J.: The Ukrainian CHICAGO: The Chicago Business and Catholic Education Foundation (UCEF) Professional Group and the Ukrainian 216 Foordmore Road will hold a special fund-raising reception at Catholic Education Foundation present 1-845-626-5641 the home of Dr. and Zenon and Nadia “Business Education in Ukraine.” The main P.O. Box 529 [email protected] Matkiwsky, 272 Old Short Hills Road. speaker will be Sofiya Opatska, CEO of the Kerhonkson, NY 12446 Special guest: the Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak, Lviv Business School at the Ukrainian rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University Catholic University. She will be introduced by the rector of UCU, the Rev. Dr. Borys Oct 29-31 – Halloween Nov 19-21 – Scrapbook Weekend (UCU) in Lviv. Admission: $200 per per- son ($400 per couple). Capacity is limited. Gudziak. The event will take place at the Nov 6-7 – USCAK Convention Nov 25 – Thanksgiving Reservations must be made in advance. Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, 2320 W. Kindly RSVP to Sonia Hrynevych, 773- Chicago Ave., at 6:30 p.m. Admission is Nov 12-14 – Plast Orlykiada Nov 27 – High school reunion 235-8462. Festivities will begin at 5:30 $10. For more information contact Marta p.m. Evening attire is requested. The event Kolomayets, 773-235-8462 or marta@ucef. is sponsored by Micros Retail Systems Inc.; org. all proceeds to benefit UCEF. MINNEAPOLIS: All past and present To The Weekly Contributors: CHICAGO: The Ukrainian Institute of members of Plast in Minnesota and the Modern Art and Ukrainian American public are invited to attend an informal get- We greatly appreciate the materials – feature articles, news stories, press clippings, letters to Writers: A New Generation of Literary together at 7 p.m. at St. Constantine’s Ukrainian School, 515 University Ave. NE, the editor, etc. – we receive from our readers. In order to facilitate preparation of The Ukrainian Voices will present their annual reading of Minneapolis, MN 55413. Snacks will be Weekly, we ask that the guidelines listed below be followed. new fiction, prose, and drama at 7 p.m. The reading will take place at the UIMA, 2320 provided. We would like to discuss ideas W. Chicago Ave., and will feature new about celebrating Plast’s Centennial. RSVP • Persons who submit any materials must provide a complete mailing address and daytime work by Anya Antonovych-Metcalf, by November 10 to Chrystia, 612-327-6629 phone number where they may be reached if any additional information is required. Michael Beres, Valya Dudych-Lupescu, or [email protected]; or Zenko, 651-578- • News stories should be sent in not later than 10 days after the occurrence of a given event. Ksenia Rychtycka, Sean Starr and George 1338 or [email protected]. • Photographs (originals only, no photocopies or computer printouts) submitted for publica- Wyhinny. The reading, conducted in Sunday, November 14 English, will be followed by a wine and tion must be accompanied by captions. Photos will be returned only when so requested and cheese reception, during which the audi- CHICAGO: The Chicago Friends of the accompanied by a stamped, addressed envelope. ence will have the opportunity to meet and Ukrainian Catholic University and the • Full names (i.e., no initials) and their correct English spellings must be provided. greet the writers. Tickets are $10. For more Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation invite you to a benefit banquet for UCU. information, visit www.uima-chicago.org • Newspaper and magazine clippings must be accompanied by the name of the publication The guest speakers will be the rector of or contact organizers Sonya Arko and Anna and the date of the edition. UCU, the Rev. Dr. Fr. Borys Gudziak, and Golash at [email protected]. • Information about upcoming events must be received one week before the date of The Sofiya Opatska, CEO of the Lviv Business Weekly edition in which the information is to be published. Sunday, November 7 School at UCU. The event will take place at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, 2247 W. • Unsolicited materials submitted for publication will be returned only when so requested and WHIPPANY, N.J.: Ukrainian National Chicago Ave. at 1 p.m. Tickets are $50 Women’s League of America Branch 75 accompanied by a stamped, addressed envelope. each; $25 for students with ID. For more invites all to a book presentation featuring information contact Marta Kolomayets at MAILING ADDRESS: The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. “Scratches on a Prison Wall” by Luba 773-235-8462 or [email protected]. Komar, a gripping memoir of a young girl E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS: Materials may be sent to The Weekly also via e-mail to the address during World War II. The presentation and Saturday, November 20 [email protected]. Please call or send query via e-mail before electronically sending any- reading of excerpts by the late author’s WASHINGTON: The Ukrainian Catholic thing other than Word documents. This applies especially to photos, as they must be scanned daughter, Lydia Prokop, will take place at 1 Education Foundation invites you to a roast according to our specifications in order to be properly reproduced in our newspaper. p.m. at the Ukrainian American Cultural to celebrate the Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak’s Any questions? Call 973-292-9800. Center of New Jersey, 60 N. Jefferson 50th birthday. The event will take place at Road, Whippany, NJ 07981. Donation: $10. the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center, 3900 Harewood Road NE, at 6 p.m. Tickets are ALEXANDRIA, Va.: The Washington $150 per person. For more information Group Sunday Music Series continues with contact Marta Kolomayets, 773-235-8462 a recital by Mykola Suk, internationally or [email protected]. acclaimed pianist, in a program of virtuoso works by Beethoven, Thalber, Hummel and PALATINE, Ill.: The Ukrainian American Skoryk. The concert will be held at The Veterans 1st Lt. Ivan Shandor Post 35, ACT Lyceum, 201 S. Washington St., at 3 p.m. for America and Veteran Defenders of Meet the artist at a reception immediately America invite patriots and veterans to a following the performance. Suggested presentation “Threats to National Security.” donation $20; free for students; unreserved Topics will include the type of books seating. For event information call 301- assigned to high school students, the gradu- 229-2615 or 202-364-3888. al introduction of sharia law in the United States, the impact of illegal immigration on NEW YORK: The New York City Friends security and the need for leadership to pro- of the Ukrainian Catholic University tect our national sovereignty.. Teri Paulson (UCU) and the Ukrainian Catholic will present the book issue, Cmdr. Chuck Education Foundation invite you to a bene- Dobra (ret.) will discuss sharia law, and Lt. fit luncheon for UCU. The guest speaker Col. Pete Pedersen (ret.) will analyze the will be the rector of UCU, the Rev. Dr. structure and function of leadership in Borys Gudziak. The event will take place at today’s complex world. Col. Roman Golash the Ukrainian National Home, 140 Second (ret.) will moderate the session. The meet- Ave., at 2 p.m. Tickets are $50 each. For ing will take place at the Palatine Library at more information contact Marta 1-4:30 pm; there is no admission charge. Kolomayets, 773-235-8462 or marta@ucef. For information call 847-910-3532 or org. e-mail [email protected].


Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community.

Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication. No information will be taken over the phone. Items will be published only once, unless otherwise indicated. Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address.

Information should be sent to: [email protected] or Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054; fax, 973-644-9510. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments; simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message.