Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1970-04-03
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NEWS CLIPS . lJnion .Chiefs, Arab,:'sraeli Battle ' TEL AVIV IA'I - I s rae I and Syria • fought a day-long air, tank and artillery Nixon Agree batlIe Thursday along their l00-mile frontler. Israel claimed downing three Syrian warplanes while losing one. The Syrians claimed their fighters and antiaircraft guns knocked down seven Israeli planes and that the pilots of the To Postal Pact U.S. -made Phantom and a French-made Mirage had been captured after their WASHINGTON (AP) - The nation's 750,000 postal workers - and all civil planes crashed. workers of the government - were promised a 6 per cent pay increase Thurs Syria acknowledged the loss of two day and, for the first time, tbe right to collective bargaining. planes. The Syrians also claimed they had The historic agreement, which requires congressional concurrence, was reach destroyed 25 Israeli tanks and killed or ed between government and postal union negotiators after seven days of bar wounded 120 Israeli soldiers. They ack gaining. Blount said "it applies to all civil work i, nowledged the loss of two tanks, 18 The pact stemmed ditectly Irom. the ers of the government." I soldiers and killed and 35 wounded. first major postal strike, which disrupt ed the mails last month. Blount, Secretary of Labor George P. , * * * It promises postal workers an addi Shultz and Geqrge Meany, president of Weathermen Chargecl tional 8 per cent pay raise as soon as the AFL-CIO, spoke to newsmen after the Post Office Department is reorgan- the final details were hammered out in CHICAGO IA'I - Twelve members of a 2% hour session. • the Weatherman faction of the Students ized. ' for a Democratic Society were indicted The Nixon administration has sought They left immediately for tbe White Thursday by a Cederal grand jury and to establish a government corporation, House to confer with President Nixon. charged with conspiracy to cross state but this phase of reorganization was not "1 think they wilt be qui t. pl ••sed lines to incite rioting - the same thing mentioned. with this," Meany said. of which the Chicago 7 were accused. ' The 6 per c.nt w.g. Incr.... Is to It has been estimated that a one per The case was assigned to U.S. Dis be r.tro.ctiy. to Dec. 27, 1"', for .11 cent increase for all Civil Service em trict Judge Julius J. Hoffman who pre post. I .mploy.. s. Th. tim. It t.kes I ployees would cost $433 million a year sided over the tumultuous conspiracy AFL-CIO Pres. George Meany, left, .nd Postmaster Wiman M. Blount .nnounce posttl .mploy. to ri .. from $6,17' t and for postal workers alone, each one trial of the Chicago 7. in Wlshington ThursdlY In Igr.. ment In the postal disput.. Goyernment.nd y.tr to the top lUI. - new $1,422 - I. per cent would amount to $62 million. Among those indicted Thursday were unIon negotiators agreed on I two·stlge, 14 per cent pay Incr.a .. for post. I werle· to be compressed from 21 to .ight Y.lrs. Kathy Boudin, being sought by New The 6 per cent across-the-board in Postal Agreement ers which is tied, in part, to • major overhaul of the mail ..rvice.Presld.mNllIIf! The agreement does not mention the crease for all government employees York police for questioning in the two million 0 the r Civil Service em· has Isked Congress to turn the post offic. i"to • ~ublic corpor.tlon. would amount to an increase of $2.6 bil • • bombing of a townhouse ; Bernadine - AP Wlrephot. ployees, but Postmaster Gen. Winton M. Dohrn, a former national secretary of lion under that formula. The additional SDS; and ' Mark Rudd, weatherman 8 per cent for the post office would cost leader . another half billion dollars. , . * * * Sitter Spring Spring revealed its bttter side Thur~~ Truckers day as a storm heaped a record snow on Chicago and bloated rivers and streams oil owan In the East with torrential rains. Serving the University qf Iowa and the People of Iowa City Tornadoes hit the South. Neari~g The storm assailed the Midwest with EstablIshed in 1868 10 cents a copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto JOWl! City , Iowa 52240-Friday April 3, lt70 snow, freezing rain and high winds be fore it lost its bite as it headed north; east. Contract ' Portions of Illinois, Indiana and Michr -New Involvement Not Contemplated- WASHINGTON IA'I - Teasmsters and igan were blanketed by snow~ up to. a t rue kin g negotiators were reported foot , but temperatures in the upper 30S Thursday to be close to a three-year and 40s melted enough of it to make wage agreement for 425,000 truck driv most roads passable by afternoo/l. ers and some striking workers were re Chicago was hit by its second major Rogers Says No'to Cambodian Aid turnlng to their jobs. snowstorm in a week and the 10.7 inches "The secretary is quite optimistic that of wet snow dumped on the city since WASHINGTON (A'! - Secretary of Rogers' appearance , in which he de nence in all of Indochina, calling the a lot of progress has bee!1 made," said a the start of the storm Wednesday broke State William P. Rogers told memhers livered a broad attack on the Nixon Hanoi government strong enough to re spokesman for Secretary of Labor Geo three records. of ·. IheSenate Foreign Relations Com administration's Southeast Asia policy. sist Chinese domination, but too weak rge P. Shultz. mittee Thursday the United States is The Arkansas Democrat, in what he to pose a challenge to either U.S. se However, ma!lY of the thousands of * * * not considering any aid or other involve said was the first of a series- of curity or the rest of Southeast Asia. striking drivers in dozens of cities re Drug Abuse Stucly menUn Cambodia. speeches, said the Uoi(ed States should In a last-minute addition to the mained off the job while the national U.S. policy, Rogers told reporters welcome North Vie namese pre-emi- contract bilks 40ntinued in :lJ'eamsters DES MOINES IA'I - A 20 per cent spe~h, Fulbright said "the administra after, 8 three-hour <Ippearance before a tion would do well to respond favorably Union headquarters here. Increase In drug ofCehses listed on tlie I cl.osed session of the committee, is .,io .records of youths admitted to the Iowa * * to the extremely constructive suggest Sources said bargaining teams headed guarantee the neutrality of Cambodi.<1 ." • * I ion" by France for a general confer· Training School for Boys at Eldora In He urged North Vietnam to follow suit. by the Icting Tumst"s prt5ident, ence aimed at neutralizing all of form Frank E. Fitnimmons, .nd chief In. dicates a growing trend in drug abuse There have been reports that Cam er Indochina. dustry negotiltor Ray F. Beagl. had problems, two state researchers said bodia 's new government might seek Cambodia Refuses to OK Thursday. U.S. aid in its efforts to rid the coun Sen . Stuart Symington (D-Mo.) a narrowed their earlier ID-cent gap in Howard Tupker, chief psychologist, try of thousands or North Vietnamese Foreign Relations Committee member, wage posItions to a difference of about and Garyl D. Miller, statistical research troops. told reporters "the French have a very 3D cents. And they were continuing ef· forts to compromise. • analyst for the Iowa Department of S0- But Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark ) U.S., South Viet Pursuit big interest in Cambodia, Naturally The talks reportedly centered in the cial Services, compiled their evidence told reporters , "He said there had been they want to preserve their interests in a 14-month study of 278 youths at By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 115 contents were nOt disclosed, but there." area of about $1.25 an hour wage In no request on it and they weren't con The Cambodian government declared Rldio Pek'ing announced •• rli.r th.t in the school. templating it." Rogers said the United States is crease over three years, plus improved Thursday it would n eve r consent to his message Sihanouk Insi.ted h. stili studying the French suggestion, saying, mileage pay , pensions, health a!ld wel Fulbright and two other senior com U.S. or South Vietnamese forces pursu was ,h ief of stlte. He .uked the United * mittee members, Democratic Leader "We are interested in a'ny kind of ne fare benefits, vacation and cost·of * * ing the North Vietnamese or Viet Cong Nations to try to get Am.ric.n force. gotiations that would lead to peace." Jiving pay . Sank Tax Sill into Cambodia. withdrawn from the Indochi.,. .. penin' The strikers which returned to work DES MOINES IA'I - A Senate amend This policy was enunciated despite the sula. did so on the assurance that whatever ment to a bank tax bill was overwhelm Census Reaches government's report that 40,000 North French Foreign Minister Maurice finai agreement is reached will be re ingly voted down , 96-15, Thursday by the Vietnamese and 16 ,000 Viet Con g in Schumann in Paris enlarged on the Cab 40 States Violate troactive to Tuesday midnight wlten the Iowa House. Cambodia border sanctuaries po sea inet's proposal Wednesday for negotia old contract expired. The bill w9uld impose 'a franchise tax threat to the new regime . tions of all interested parties to bring While the two days of scattered walk on the income of banks and other lend Everywhere, Even peace to the lndochina peninSUla .