Rain on the Nile by Ajahn Amaro

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Rain on the Nile by Ajahn Amaro Rain on the Nile Ajahn Amaro Rain on the Nile Ajahn Amaro Talks & Travels © Amaro Bhikkhu 2009 Abhayagiri Forest Monastery 16201 Tomki Road Redwood Valley CA 95470 USA Printed by: Whitehall Printing Company, Naples, Florida This book is dedicated to Luang Por Sumedho. May his great light burn long and brightly in the world. Contents Preface i Acknowledgements iii The Lotus, the Papyrus & the “O! as is…” Part 1: Santa Rosa – Amaravati 1 The Source of Creation 11 Part 2: Ghiza & The Western Desert 18 The Contemplative Heart 33 Emptiness and Pure Awareness 42 Part 3: Abu Simbel & Aswan 48 The Real Me 55 Self-Portrait 64 Part 4: Aswan – Kom Ombo 66 Perfect Proof 73 Beyond Being and Non-being 82 Part 5: Edfu, Esna & the Valley of the Kings and Queens 91 Meaning in Myth 101 Part 6: Luxor, Abydos & Dendara 118 The Greater, the Lesser, the Diamond, and the Way 129 Part 7: Luxor, Sharm el-Sheikh & Mount Sinai 142 The Ring of Fire 150 Part 8: Mount Sinai & Sharm el-Sheikh 163 Life Without Sila is Like a Car Without Brakes 170 Part 9: Sharm el-Sheikh – Amaravati 181 Wisdom 186 Notes 193 Glossary 202 Author’s Biography 210 Preface WHEN SILENT RAIN WAS FIRST COMPILED , back in 1993, part of the idea of producing such a varied collection of material – talks, poems, travelogues and artwork – was that it would then provide an easy source for smaller offprints over the years. Things, however, rarely turn out as predicted by foresight and thus, up until now, no smaller booklets had been spawned from it. This present book, Rain on the Nile, is something of a remedy for that, being both an outcome of that original intention as well as an arena for the offering up of some more recent material – to wit, the travelogue of a journey to Egypt made in December of 2006. In truth, without there having been plans to reprint some of the talks from Silent Rain, the Egyptian diary would never have been written. The idea to select some talks from the book and to create this smaller reprint was originally that of Venerable Tenzin Chogkyi, an American nun practicing in the Tibetan tradition. She had been the recipient of a bequest from a family member and was of a mind to direct some of it to be used to bring parts of Silent Rain back into circulation, the original stock of books having long ago been exhausted. She had found the book very helpful in her own life and wished it to be accessible to others. She thus approached me, in the autumn of 2006, and floated the idea of such an offprint being sponsored by her. I readily agreed and, during the conversation, it was mentioned that I had plans to travel to Egypt with Luang Por Sumedho that December. “You’re going to Egypt!” she exclaimed, “I grew up there! At least that’s where I spent the first four years of my life. What’s taking you there? Are there Buddhist groups? Are you giving teachings?” “No, nothing like that. There’s a small group of us who have been on little expeditions in recent years – to the Arctic and then to Bhutan – and now there is the plan to visit Egypt; also, one the monks who is going is an amateur Egyptologist, he can even read and write hieroglyphics.” She was enthralled and inspired by the idea that Luang Por Sumedho and the i rest of us would be making the journey to her “homeland” (she spoke Arabic more fluently than English in her earliest years); accordingly she suggested, “What about including an Egyptian travelogue in the book?” And thus it was. By the end of our sojourn in Egypt, those nine words of hers had transmogrified into some 26,000 of mine, filling the pages of a thick, soft-bound notebook. Along the way several thousand photographs were also taken – by Edward and Ead Lewis, Richard Smith and I – so it seemed natural to include a number of these along with the Egyptian narrative. In this manner Rain on the Nile took shape, to be rounded out with a number of pieces of artwork that had appeared before in Silent Rain. One notable exception amongst these illustrations is the spectacularly intricate and evocative graphic, originally crafted by Ajahn Sucitto and included in his book Dawn of the Dhamma, that appears in this volume before the chapter entitled “The Ring of Fire.” His book is a combination of illuminated manuscript – in a mode best described by imagining Robert Crumb doing a Buddhist rendition of The Book of Kells for a Grateful Dead album cover – and an erudite and practical commentary on the Buddha’s first discourse, “The Setting in Motion of the Wheel of Dhamma.” This book was originally published by Buddha-Dhamma Foundation in 1995, in Thailand, and has long (and sadly) been out of print. The illustration is used there, as here, to describe the process of dependent origination and is thus ideally suited to be included in this collection; indeed, the epigraph for “The Ring of Fire” (“Circles can be peaceful, but they can also be vicious”) is the opening phrase of his corresponding chapter in Dawn of the Dhamma, entitled “Getting Burned.” All of the talks that appeared in the former book have been left largely as they were, with minor adjustments made only for consistency of grammar and spelling, and for the correction of a couple of factual errors. The order of the material has been changed, however, this being with the intention that the content of the talks somewhat match the flow of the extended travelogue. As is the spirit in which Buddhist teachings are traditionally offered, all the words and images gathered here are presented for reflection upon by the reader; may the eye and heart take in and retain what is useful, and may all the rest be gently laid aside. Amaro Bhikkhu Abhayagiri Monastery, California May, 2009 ii Acknowledgements BY A HAPPY QUIRK OF CIRCUMSTANCE Ven. Tenzin Chogkyi was an editor before she became a nun; thus, once the text had been transcribed by the generous and careful hands of Pamela Kirby, Ven. Tenzin was able to apply her considerable skills to bringing the manuscript and its illustrations into their final form. Mark Gatter, a graphic designer now based in Wales, kindly undertook the production of the book and saw the project through to completion. Along the way the manuscript was thoroughly scrutinized by Ajahn Vima- lo and his helpful suggestions and corrections, particularly with respect to all the details of Egyptiana, were of inestimable value. Mark Gatter is also to be thanked for his meticulous and skilful editorial and design work in relation to the photographs; and Richard Smith, and Edward and Ead Lewis for their kind- ness in contributing many of those included in this volume. iii iv The Lotus, the Papyrus & the “O! As is…” Part 1: Santa Rosa ~ Amaravati Angela Center ~ November 22nd 2006 The mind is the Triple Gem: Dhamma is the Substance Buddha is the Function Sangha is the Manifestation ~ DRESSING THE MIND in an array of desire, opinion, imaginary accoutrements of love and hate, past and future is like tipping vases of dead flowers and rancid water over a Buddha-ru¯pa – an unthinkably coarse, pathetic and pointless thing to do, sad and unworthy. Tend the mind gently, respectfully; leave it pure, central, soft in its symmetry, strong in its stability: unqualified, self-sustaining, self-evident. If sexual desire no longer has any meaning, what remains? If book projects no longer have any meaning, what remains? If concern for what “others” think of “me” no longer has any meaning, what remains? The persimmon spreads its multipartite leaves and sprays the ground with colour – bold oranges swell with blood and scarlet in the leaves against the damp grey skies. A room, dank and dim, is a universe – calories and photons dispel its gloom for the human within; when the causes cease the clammy cave returns. Within this world forays surge: into the tales of Nileside life, spun by 1 The Lotus, the Papyrus & the “O! As is…” – Part 1 Isha Schwaller de Lubicz in the book Her-Bak, into concerns for well-being of those gathered for retreat, into reflective reaches of the heart – searching out what might be useful, timely, true for the crew. As the scales fall away, what remains? On what presumptions, reliance on the privileges of the Anglo-male world, or heap of beneficial circumstance does this insight balance? Fluxes of good fortune have brought health and en- ergy, the blessings of great teachers, the presence of the Dhamma in the world – this time, this place, this heart – a garden in the fullness of its season. A Buddha enters the world heralded and attended by a vast welter of pa¯ra- mita¯s – a great array of forces come into alignment that support the finality of ripeness. The eyes scan the pages and imagination stretches to envision young Chick-Pea, the eponymous main character of Her-Bak, under open skies and treading the black mud of flood-fields. Such a ripeness there too, that gave rise to 30 dynasties, cascades of generations from the days of Narmer, Aha, Djer and Djet, as many years before Gotama Buddha as those that have passed since his time. Abstracted realms, bardos that bloom into being and dissolve at the bell for the next sitting. Fragile fronds of palm, even-chiselled stones – the inner eye cannot hold the forms – it’s all so far away, unreal as yet.
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