Tribal Corridor Management Planning

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Tribal Corridor Management Planning MTI Tribal Corridor Management Corridor Planning: Caltrans Guide and for Model,Tribal Case District Study, 1 Funded by U.S. Department of Transportation and California Tribal Corridor Management Department of Transportation Planning: Model, Case Study, and Guide for Caltrans District 1 MTI ReportMTI 10-01 MTI Report 10-01 June 2011 MINETA TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE MTI FOUNDER Hon. Norman Y. Mineta The Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies was established by Congress in the MTI BOARD OF TRUSTEES Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). The Institute’s Board of Trustees revised the name to Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) in 1996. Reauthorized in 1998, MTI was selected by the U.S. Department of Transportation Honorary Chairman Boardman, Joseph (Ex-Officio) Kempton, Will (TE 2012) Turney, David L.* (TE 2012) through a competitive process in 2002 as a national “Center of Excellence.” The Institute is funded by Congress through the John L. Mica (Ex-Officio) Chief Executive Officer CEO Chairman, President & CEO Amtrak Orange County Transportation Digital Recorders, Inc. United States Department of Transportation’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration, the California Legislature Chair House Transportation and Authority through the Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and by private grants and donations. Infrastructure Committee Camph, Donald H. (TE 2012) Wytkind, Edward (Ex-Officio) House of Representatives President McKim, Cindy (Ex-Officio) President California Institute for Technology Acting Director Transportation Trades Department, The Institute receives oversight from an internationally respected Board of Trustees whose members represent all major surface Honorary Co-Chair, Honorable Exchange California Department of AFL-CIO transportation modes. MTI’s focus on policy and management resulted from a Board assessment of the industry’s unmet needs Nick Rahall (Ex-Officio) Transportation Canby, Anne P. (TE 2011) and led directly to the choice of the San José State University College of Business as the Institute’s home. The Board provides Vice Chairman House Transportation and President Millar, William* (Ex-Officio) policy direction, assists with needs assessment, and connects the Institute and its programs with the international transportation Infrastructure Committee Surface Transportation Policy Project President community. House of Representatives American Public Transportation Cunningham, Julie (TE 2013) Association (APTA) Chair, Mortimer Downey Executive Director/CEO MTI’s transportation policy work is centered on three primary responsibilities: (TE 2013) Conference of Minority Mineta, Norman Y. (Ex-Officio) Senior Advisor Transportation Officials Vice Chairman PB Consult Inc. Hill & Knowlton Research Dorey, William (TE 2012) Secretary of Transportation (ret.) President/CEO MTI works to provide policy-oriented research for all levels of Department of Transportation, MTI delivers its classes over Vice Chair, Steve Heminger (TE 2013) Granite Construction Inc. Pinson, Stephanie L. (TE 2013) government and the private sector to foster the development a state-of-the-art videoconference network throughout Executive Director President/COO Gilbert Tweed Associates, Inc. of optimum surface transportation systems. Research areas in- the state of California and via webcasting beyond, allowing Metropolitan Transportation Fernandez, Nuria I. (TE 2013) Commission Senior Vice President clude: transportation security; planning and policy development; working transportation professionals to pursue an advanced Major Programs Group CHRMHill Steele, David (Ex-Officio) interrelationships among transportation, land use, and the degree regardless of their location. To meet the needs of Executive Director Dean, College of Business Guilbault, Rose (TE 2012) San José State University environment; transportation finance; and collaborative labor- employers seeking a diverse workforce, MTI’s education Rod Diridon* (TE 2011) Mineta Transportation Institute Vice President management relations. Certified Research Associates conduct program promotes enrollment to under-represented groups. American Automobile Association Toliver, Paul* (TE 2013) President Barron, Thomas E. (TE 2013) the research. Certification requires an advanced degree, gener- New Age Industries President Hamberger, Ed (Ex-Officio) ally a Ph.D., a record of academic publications, and profession- Information and Technology Transfer Parsons Transportation Group President/CEO Association of American Railroads Townes, Michael S. (TE 2011) al references. Research projects culminate in a peer-reviewed ** MTI promotes the availability of completed research to President/CEO (ret.) Honorary Barron de Angoiti, Ignacio * Chair publication, available both in hardcopy and on TransWeb, professional organizations and journals and works to Transportation District Commision of Horsley, John ^ Vice Chair (Ex-Officio) Hampton Roads the MTI website ( integrate the research findings into the graduate education Director Passenger and High Speed (Ex-Officio)* # Past Chair Executive Director program. In addition to publishing the studies, the Institute Department International Union of Railways American Association of State Education also sponsors symposia to disseminate research results (UIC) Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) The educational goal of the Institute is to provide graduate-lev- to transportation professionals and encourages Research el education to students seeking a career in the development Associates to present their findings at conferences. The and operation of surface transportation programs. MTI, through World in Motion, MTI’s quarterly newsletter, covers San José State University, offers an AACSB-accredited Master of innovation in the Institute’s research and education pro- Directors Research Associates Policy Oversight Committee Science in Transportation Management and a graduate Certifi- grams. MTI’s extensive collection of transportation-related Hon. Rod Diridon, Sr. cate in Transportation Management that serve to prepare the na- publications is integrated into San José State University’s Asha Weinstein Agrawal, Ph.D. Frances Edwards, Ph.D. Executive Director Urban and Regional Planning Political Science tion’s transportation managers for the 21st century. The master’s world-class Martin Luther King, Jr. Library. San José State University San José State University degree is the highest conferred by the California State Uni- Karen E. Philbrick, Ph.D. versity system. With the active assistance of the California Research Director Jan Botha, Ph.D. Taeho Park, Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering Organization and Management Peter Haas, Ph.D. San José State University San José State University Education Director Katherine Kao Cushing, Ph.D. Diana Wu Donna Maurillo Enviromental Science Martin Luther King, Jr. Library DISCLAIMER Communications Director San José State University San José State University The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the information presented Brian Michael Jenkins Dave Czerwinski, Ph.D. herein. This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation, University Transportation Centers National Transportation Security Center Marketing and Decision Science Program and the California Department of Transportation, in the interest of information exchange. This report does not necessarily San José State University reflect the official views or policies of the U.S. government, State of California, or the Mineta Transportation Institute, who assume no liability Asha Weinstein Agrawal, Ph.D. for the contents or use thereof. This report does not constitute a standard specification, design standard, or regulation. National Transportation Finance Center MTI REPORT 10-01 TRIBAL CORRIDOR MANAGEMENT PLANNING: MODEL, CASE STUDY, AND GUIDE FOR CALTRANS DISTRICT 1 Joy K. Adams, Ph.D. Mary Scoggin, Ph.D. June 2011 A publication of Mineta Transportation Institute Created by Congress in 1991 College of Business San José State University San José, CA 95192-0219 TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. Report No. 2. Government Acession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No. CA-MTI-11-2604 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date Tribal Corridor Management Planning: Model, Case Study, and Guide for Caltrans June 2011 District 1 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Authors 8. Perfo rming Organization Report Joy K. Adams, Ph.D. MTI Report 10-01 Mary Scoggin, Ph.D. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. Mineta Transportation Institute College of Business 11. Contract or Grant No. San José State University DTRT07-G-0054 San José, CA 95192-0219 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered California Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Sacramento, CA 94273-0001 Research and Innovative Technology 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Administration (RITA) Office of University Programs 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 15. Supplemental Notes 16. Abstract In Northern California, tribal governments and personnel of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 1, have applied innovative context-sensitive solutions to meet a variety of transportation challenges along state highways that traverse tribal lands. This report describes and discusses the efforts under way and offers
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