Comiquiz 2014
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Comiquiz 2014 Organizer Raptus Bergen Internasjonale Tegneseriefestival Task 1 - My lonely friend, the end Stripeserier lever ikke evig. Comic strips do not live forever. De følgende sitater er hentet fra siste stripe til avsluttede epistler i tegneseriehistorien. The following qoutes are collected from the last strip of some closed adventures in the comic universe. Vi ber om seriens navn (engelsk), tegner(e) og dato for siste stripe. We want the name of the comic (in English), the name of the artist(s) and the date for last published strip 2 poeng per sitat (½ for navn, ½ for tegner, 1 for dato) 2 points per qoute (½ for name of the comic, ½ for artist, 1 for date) 1. "Let's go exploring!" a. Calvin & Hobbes, Bill Watterson 31.desember 1995 2. "And goodnight air Goodnight noises everywhere" a. Opus, Berkeley Breathed 2.november 2008 3. "... how can I ever forget them..." a. Peanuts, Charles Schulz, 13.februar 2000 4. "Want to see the ultrasound on my iPhone?" a. Cathy, Cathy Guisewite, 3. oktober 2010 5. "Looking back looks wonderful" a. For better and for worse, Lynn Johnston, 31 august 2008 6. "And this is where we leave our ---. For now -" a. Little Orphan Annie, Jay Maeder & Ted Slampyak, 13 juni 2010 7. "'We'll go back to the comical books and regroup...' '____!'" a. Pogo, Walt & Selby Kelly, 20 juli 1975 8. "I planned on marching off into the sunset, but she's going in the other direction." a. Moon Mullins, Frank Willard & Ferd Johnson, 2. juni 1991 9. "All honor to his art and name!" a. Steve Canyon (daily) 4. juni 1988 Milton Caniff/Richard Rockwell 10. "Dandelion patch - No stomping" a. + Bloom County, Berkeley Breathed 6. august 1989 11. "-but... Thank you and goodbye!" a. Rip Kirby John Prentice, June 26, 1999 12. "Ha! - Any day is okay when an - ugh! - dogpatch maiden kin ketch - sob! - a dogpatch bachelor!!" a. li'l abner Al Capp 13. november 1977 13. "Por quien nos tomares?" a. Mafalda, 25 juni 1973, Quino 14. "Oh, if he'll only be the same when he appears again" a. Moomin Tove Jansson/Lars Jansson 22. juni 1959 Task 2 - Judgement day Navngi dommerne (1 poeng per dommer): Name the judges (1 point per judge) Judge Caligula / Judge Hadrian Volt Judge Cal Judge Larter Judge Fish Judge Hershey Judge Joseph Dredd Judge Smiley Judge Demarco Judge Minty Judge Renga Judge Grampus Judge McGruder Dirty Frank / Judge Bachmann Judge Frank Judge death Task 3 - Superherotrivia Ett poeng per rett svar på spørsmålene One point for each correct answer 1) Hvilken serie og utgave, hvem skrev, hvem tegnet? Hvem gav forlaget, ved redaktøren, skylden for hendelsen? 1) Which comic and edition, who wrote it, who drew it? Who did the publisher via the editor blame for the incident? (5 points total) (Ctp A #602, Ed Brubaker (writer), Luke Ross (pencil + ink) Butch Guice (Ink) Letterer: Joe Caramanga. Marwel v/Joe Quesada gav teksteren skylden for et hasteoppdrag for å fylle en side med tomme plakater. Superhelt hjernevaskes til å delta i erotisk film. 2) Hvilken superhelt og hva het skurken som (nesten) fikk det til og hvem redder situasjonen? 2) Superhero is brainwashed into participating in an erotic movie. Which superhero, and what was the name of the villain that (almost) succeded and who saves the day? (3 points total) (Superman and Big Barda make a porno (Action Comics #592593, 1987), skurken heter Sleez. Barda’s husband, Mister Miracle, breaks through the ceiling of the shabby porn set and stops Superman before Big Blue does work on her. Den døde kjæresten viste seg å ha blitt gravid med erkefienden hans og født ham tvillinger. 3) Hvilken kjent skribent har skrevet episodene og hvilken superhelt snakker vi om? Her dead girlfriend got pregnant with his arch enemy and gave birth to twins 3) Which wellknown writer has written the episodes and what superhero are we talking about? (2 points) stcontroversialcomicbookstoriesofalltime/sinspast Written by J. Michael Straczynski, this story revealed in a flashback that Norman Osborn, a.k.a. the Green Goblin, had impregnated SpiderMan’s old girlfriend, the late Gwen Stacy, with superpowered twins while the two were still dating. Avengersmedlem tiltalt i New York for overgrep. 4) Hvilket medlem, hvem var forsvareren og hva ble resultatet? Avengers member charched with assault in New York 4) Which member, who was defender and what was the result? (3 points) tml Eros of Titan Starfox forsvarer: SheHulk/aka Jennifer Walters saken hevet av tekniske årsaker Kontroversiell kjærlighet mellom familiemedlemmer. 5) Hvilken superheltgruppe (og historiesekvens) og hvilke karakterer? Hvorfor er disse to aktuell igjen i 2015? Controversial love between family members. 5) Which superhero group (and storysequense) and which characters? Why will they feature in newsstories in 2015? (4 points) Scarlet Witch/Wanda og Quicksilver/Pietro tvillinger. Avengers 2 Age of Ultron. Det siste tiårets største bryllup som aldri fant sted. 6) Hvem skulle vies i hymens lenker? og hvorfor (beskriv kort) ble det avlyst? The wedding of the decade that never happened. 6) Who were supposed to be married? And why (short description) was the wedding cancelled? (2 points) (Kate Kane og Maggie Sawyer Batwoman) depicted1257106266 Task 4 - What? No pictures? Spørsmål fra den hjemlige sfære (OK litt fra Amerika også, da…) 1 poeng pr riktig svar Some questions from closer to home (OK, some from America also...) 1 point per answer: 1. Hva heter kjæresten til Nemi? What is Nemi’s boyfriend called? a. Grim 2. Mounir i "Kollektivet" er abonnent på hvilket kulørt "magasin"? Mounir from “Kollektivet” is a subscriber to which “colored magazine”? a. Elloskatalogen 3. Hvem har mottatt Raptus' debutantpris to ganger? og når? Who has received Raptus’ debutant award (??) twice? And when? a. Mads Eriksen (2002 & 2004) 4. Henning og Flemming Hvilken serie? Henning and Flemming which comic strip? a. Kampen Park 5. Hva heter hjembyen til Simpsonsfamilien? What is the name of the hometown of the Simpsons family? a. Springfield 6. Hva heter nabobyen de rivaliserer med? What is the name of their rivalling neighbour city? a. Shelbyville 7. Hva heter Barts bestevenn? What is Bart’s best friend called? a. Millhouse van Houten 8. Hvor gammel er Lisa? How old is Lisa? a. 8 år 9. Hvordan døde Maude Flanders? How did Maude Flaunders die? a. Hun falt ned fra tribunen på en speedwaybane etter å ha blitt truffet av tskjorter skutt ut av en kanon. 10. Hvilket band er Pondus og Jokke enige om er bra? Which band can both Pondus and Jokke agree upon being great? a. Abba 11. Hva var Pondus ikledt i sitt eget bryllup? What did Pondus wear in his own wedding? a. Fotballsko 12. Hva het den første tegneserien til Roger? What was the name of Roger’s (the comiccreating nerd in Pondus) first comic strip? a. Pia og Pusekatten 13. Hva er Jokkes indianernavn? What is Jokkes Indian name? a. Blanke Måne 14. Hva står på skiltet i Pondus' bar? What does the sign in Pondus’ bar say? a. Sod Off! 15. Hvorfor er presidenten i den somaliske regionen Puntland, Abdirahman Mohamud Farole, interessant for oss? Why is the president of the Somali region of Puntland, Abdirahman Mohamoud Farole, of interest to us? a. (Saksøke SOmalianCanadian artist website reports that the President of Puntland, Abdirahman Sheikh Mohamed Farole had decided to sue the SomaliCanadian artist Amin Amir for libel. Puntland president was angered by Amin Amir’s cartoon showing a bespectacled man standing by a moneyprinting machine with the caption “Money factory of Farole”. The bubble quote with the cartoon reads :“ There is an economic problem in Puntland but no shortage of money.” The comics journal 298 May 2009 16. New York Post hadde en tegning i sin avis onsdag 18 februar 2009 som skapte opprør i lokale medier. Hvorfor? The New York Post printed a drawing on Wednesday, Februrary 18 2009. This drawing caused an uproar in the local media. Why? a. (Ape skutt “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill” rasisme s 185)The comics journal 298 May 2009 17. The Perry Bible Fellowship vant en Comics Contest samtidig med at den ble plukket opp av New York Press. I hvilken by var den konkurransen? The Perry Bible Fellowship won a Comics Contest at the same time as it was picked up by the New York Press. The contest took place i what town? a. (Baltimore side 73)The comics journal 298 May 2009 18. Gode gamle Archies nyeste gjengmedlem? Good old Archies newest gang member? a. esfirstcharacterwithadisability/ Task 5 - We repent - half’n’half I tegneserienes verden er genetisk ulikhet sjelden et hinder for reproduksjon. Hva heter disse karakterene, og hva er foreldrenes rasetilhørighet? In the world of comics, genetic inequality is rarely an obstacle for reproduction. What are the names of these characters, and what are the parents’ racial affiliatons? (1 point for name and 1 point for both parents, total 2 per picture, even for the last one) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. Albert Destine (ClanDestine) Menneske/djinn 2. Coney Dewclaw (Kevin & Kell) (Kanin/ulv) 3. Genesis (Preacher) Engel/Demon 4.