Warthill Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday 9 September 2020 at 7.00pm Meeting held by Conference Call due to Covid 19 Social Distancing Restrictions.

Councillors on the call: Paul Spetch (Chairman), Tony Fothergill, John Haynes and Henry Whitten

Apologies: Derrick Hayton

2020/27 Paul Spetch advised the Parish Council of his resignation as Chairman and conformed that he would step down immediately.

2020/28 Henry Whitten was nominated by John Haynes and Seconded by Tony Fothergill to the position of Chairman.

2020/29 Henry Whitten to Notify Council and North Council.

2020/30 No members declared an interest in the agenda items. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

2020/31 There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.

2020/32 Planning matters: John Haynes confirmed that no planning applications have been received in the period.

2020/33 Treasurer’s Report: Current bank statement is £2,884.46. Future income in the next period includes the second half of the precept in the amount of £900 and £40 for grass cutting. There will also be a submission for claiming back VAT of £137.91.

Costs in the next period will include Chris Atlay grass cutting / stimming costs, and the Church bill of approximately £80. Submission for claiming VAT back (income) £137.91.

Future expenditure will include repairs and painting of the benches.

Tony Fothergill confirmed the audit papers have been submitted.

2020/34 Drainage ditch on East side of Common Lane: There have been no further complaints about the drainage ditch in the period. As the ditch falls within the title deeds of the properties along the line of the ditch it is the responsibility of the owners of the properties to keep it clear and not the Parish Council. See emails appended to minutes dated 10/06/2020

2020/35 The Common land which is the responsibility of the Parish Council was discussed and identified as the triangle at the end of Northgate lane, the area around the village pond and fenced off area adjacent to the pond, and the triangle next to the pond with the bench.

2020/36 The Neighbourhood watch signs – A question was raised as to whether these still fulfilled a purpose and needed replacing. It was confirmed they are a legacy from when there was a Neighbourhood watch scheme running and Bill Harding was the co-ordinator.

2020/37 Repainting Benches: John Haynes to chase Chris to carry out the work.

2020/38 Proposed reorganisation of Ryedale District Council: No members were available to listen in on the Zoom meeting on 25 August 2020. Henry Whitten to contact Caroline Goodrich to provide an update.

2020/39 It was agreed there is no need for any bulb or tree planting this autumn. However John Haynes will check on the condition of the trees along Common Lane. 2020/40 The next meeting was agreed for Wednesday 9th December 2020 at 19:00. If the meeting cannot be held in Warthill School due to Covid 19 restrictions it was agreed to hold it by conference call. The meeting closed at 19.45.