December 3, 1998

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December 3, 1998 Knowledge is Liberty" VOL. 76. N0.25 —— TOOAV'S WEATHER INSIDE N Partly cloudy, high 66°F, ' 0j3 WR M E S p. 3: Alleged UREC k>w4.VF. thief identified Exlended forecast on page 2 p. 5: Police wrap up Ho Jo's burglary case p. 11: E-mail addiction Dow JONES p. 29: POTW 69-00 close: 9064.54 B R z E p. 31: 'Scopes & Soaps t U N E R THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1998 Apartments burglarized over break houses, Squire Hill apart- ment and had stolen anything at 14 reports filed ments, University Place and all," Fleisher said. "Just the whole Olde Mill Village. idea that someone would come in Student held at gunpoint by off-campus Sites said the Hunter's Ridge and violate our place While we and ofiered the victim a ride. and Squire Hill areas were "load- were gone — I really feel bad for K RAD JENKINS "Once the person was inside residents ed" with complaints. my roommates." D news editor the vehicle, the driver pulled a The 14 burglaries are classified Fleisher said he's fortunate the handgun," Sites said. The man RAD JENKINS perpetrators only took a few of The Harrisonburg Police are by breaking and entering paired searching for a man who then drove to Wachovia Bank, news editor with an intent to commit a crime, his CDs. 224 S. Main St., where he B "It was like they were going allegedly forced an 18-year-old Off-campus students filed 14 Sites said. JMU student to withdraw money allegedly instructed the victim The six trespassing complaints shopping or something," to use his ATM card to burglary and six trespassing com- Fleisher said, noting the CDs from an automatic teller machine plaints with the Harrisonburg are classified by breaking and at gunpoint Monday night withdraw money. entering that resulted in non theft. that were taken were mostly of Police don't release the Police Department this week fol- the same genre. Police are looking for a black University Place resident Chris male with medium build, about amount of money taken in lowing an apparent Thanksgiving Most of the perpetrators used break crime spree. Fleisher, a senior, said he 5-foot-10, who weighs 185 robbery cases. Sites said. returned to his third-floor apart- force to gain access to the resi- pounds, Lt. Richard Sites, HPD After the victim gave the All the incidents occurred dences, Sites said. "One or two" between Nov. 23 and Nov. 29. ment to find one roommate's tele- spokesman, said. suspect the money, the suspect vision and stereo gone. His other of the residences were entered The victim, whose name fled the area'and left the The complaints centered through unlocked windows, Sites around Hunter's Road, Devon roommate's computer was miss- police declined to release, was victim there. ing. Fleisher noticed about 10 of said. "It depends on where they returning to campus on foot Anyone with information Lane, Bradley Drive and South could get in the easiest without Avenue, Lt. Richard Sites, HPD his CDs and a "cheap desk lamp" Monday at about 10:30 p.m. about the alleged incident spokesman, said. being observed. when the a man in a late 1990s should contact the HPD at were also missing. "A lot of electronic equipment These streets .house Hunter's "It was more disconcerting that model burgundy Jeep 434-2545 or Crime Solvers at Ridge apartments and town- someone had been in our apart- see BURGLARS page 9 Cherokee reportedly stopped 574-5050. --*- AIDS Memo vigil targets canceled grade INA MONTEFUSCO u'assistant news editor inflation Five hundred candles missed their chance to shine for World HEATHER NELSON AIDS Day on Tuesday because of staff writer a statewide ban on open fires. The Remembrance Vigil in Faculty members should honor of World AIDS Day has examine grade distribution this been a tradition at JMU since semester and take grade inflation 1990. This year marks the 10th into account when developing anniversary of World AIDS Day, spring semester syllabi, an which is held annually on Dec. 1 administrator and the Faculty and recognized by the World Senate speaker stated in a joint Health Organization, said Ann memo to the university. Simmons, coordinator of health "In the pressure of giving education and programming for grades, issuing reminders to the Health Center. faculty is just a useful thing to "Be a Force for Change" was do," Faculty Senate Speaker Arch the theme for 1998. Harris said. The University Health Center, Harris said he and Vice UREC, Eta Sigma Gamma, the President of Academic Affairs Panhellenic Council, the Douglas Brown "indirectly sent" Interfraternity Council and the the memo in response to a Breeze Valley AIDS Network were set to series detailing grade inflation sponsor the Remembrance Vigil during the past three decades. and an Illumination of the Quad Harris said that although there on Tuesday at 7 p.m. is already a great deal of The vigil was canceled at 5 awareness among the faculty p.m. after Simmons contacted the LINDSAY MANN/avw.vrun/phi HO editor concerning grade inflation, Breeze JMU Department of Public Safety UNSEASONABLE: If it can be Christmas in July, how about summer in December? Students returned articles have helped keep the from Turkey Day break to unusually warm weather. The Quad has been graced all week with students like see BAN page 9 senior Julie Nozynski and her dog, Gage, who enjoyed the sunshine Wednesday afternoon. see INFLATED page 9 2 Thursday, Dec. 3, 1998 INFORMATION _IMr TABLE OF CONTENTS B R Em 2 P SPORTS To the press alone, chequered as NpWS OPINION STYLE it is with abuses, the ivorldts • pg. 14 — Virginia repertory • pg. 23— Cross Country fin- • pg. 3 — SGA Senators dispute • pg. 10 — House editorial: Reg- indebted for all the triumphs veto dance concert which have been gained by istration ishes ninth in the nation reason and humanity over error • pg. 3—UREC thefts • pg. 15 — "A Bug's Life" • pg 25— Women's basketball • pg. 3 — Christmas service • pg. 10— Spotlight: Should movie review and oppression " projects JMU celebrate Martin Luther • pg. 27 —Sports Beat — James Madison • pg. 5 — World Bank vice • pg. 17 — "Rusted Root" CD King Jr. Day? • pg. 29 — POTW president speaks review FYI • pg. 5 — Feb. 17 Hojo's rob- • pg. 11 — DARTS AND PATS FOCUS LIFESTYLE ber pleaded guilty • pg. 11 — Column: Entagled in • pg. 18-19 — Semester abroad in TV Breeze is published Monday and • pg. 5 — Holiday jobs • pg. 31 — 'Scopes & Soaps Thursday mornings and distributed Smeon'sevil web by Randi Molofeky Australia throughout James Madison Uruveraty and the local Hamsonburg commurl ty. Comments and complaints should be addressed to Courtney A. CWu • A student reported an white males pushed and slapped editor. " unwanted sexual encounter by a residents of Blue Ridge Hall on MaMncaddrasa: male friend in a residence hal on Nov. 22 at 2 a.m. at Blue Ridge The Breeze POLICE LOG Gl Anthony-Seeeer Hall Nov. 21 at 7:20 p.m. He ended HaB. MSC6805 CTEVENLANDRY car, he observed two subjects the encounter at her request, but James Madison University \jpolice reporter enter his car and drive away. He the victim expressed a desire to Driving Under the Influence Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807 chased thero on foot, but gave be examined at Rockingham • David Q. Kozak. 18, of Phone: (540) 568-6127 Campus pobce report the foflowing: Fax:(540)568-6736 up near Waytand Hall on Memorial Hospital's £R, where Virginia Beach, was arrested and E-Mai addwH. charged with driving under the Grand Larceny Auto Biueatone Drive. she was transported. the_ The ventole was later influence of alcohol on Nov. 22 BnaafM: • Two unidentified individuals stole a food deBvery person's car recovered at Mason and CantreB Arson at1251a.m.inX-lot on Nov. 20 at 9:20 p.m. on DrtW tiy Harrtoonburg Police. • An unidentified individual set Section phone numbers Grand Larceny Opinion/Style: x3846 Greek Row. The food delivery, The vehicle was secured for fire to a poster taped to an News: x6699 person left his car unattended, processing before it was elevator door in Chandler Hall on • Unidentified individuals stole a Focus: x6729 with the key in the ignition and Its reteased to its owner. Nov. 22 at 5:40 p.m. black CD case from a room in Sports/Graphics: x6709 engine running as he went to th»vlcftr| Is a rtorwtfudent. Potomac Hall on Nov. 23 at Photo: x6749 deliver food to one of the Aasautt Cheryl Floyd, x8084 houses. As he returned to the Poutfato Sexual Assault • Two or three unidentified see POUCEIOQ page 7 | Bookkeeper Susan Shirflett, x8089 LOCATION T>UKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR The Breeze is located in the lower level of Anmony-Seeger Hall * JMU Breakdancing Club, 3:30 p.m., UREC MAC room, e-mail Josh at » • Bible Study, 815 p.m., Wesley Foundation, 690 & Mason Street, call Ben at 434-3490 SATURDAY, DEC 5 • Earth Club Meeting, 5 p.m., Taylor 305, cafl Warren at 438-1210 • Christinas Semiformal: "The Holly Ball," 9 p.m., CCM House (1052 S. • Fellowship and Praise, 5:30 pjn., Baptist Student Union, call 434-6822 Main St.), sponsored by Catholic Campus Ministry, call Matt at x4817 • Fellowship Dinner, 5:30 p.m., Wesley Foundation, 690 S. Mason Street, call Ben at 434-3490 SUNDAY, DEC. 6 • Folk Group Practice, 7:30 p.m., CCM House (1052 S. Main St.), spon- • Contemporary Worship Service, 7:15 p.m., Wesley Foundation, 690 S.
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