PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED Weekly list for 10/05/2021 to 14/05/2021 Listed by Ward, then Parish, Then Application number order

The following list of applications will either be determined by the Council's Planning Committee or the Director of Planning and Infrastructure under the Councils adopted Scheme of Delegation. Where a case is listed as being a delegated matter, this is a preliminary view only, and under certain circumstances, the case may be determined by the Planning Committee. Should you require further information please contact the case officer.

Application No: 21/00784/FUL

Location : Brookend Boarding Kennels And Cattery, Stocks Lane, , Malvern, WR13 5DY Proposal : Conversion and change of use of Boarding Kennels to form 2No. Dwellinghouses, with Associated Landscaping and Drainage Works Date Valid : 26/04/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr & Mrs L Childs Agents Name: Mr M Teale Application Type: FUL

Parish(es) : CP Ward(s) : and Leigh Ward

Case Officer : Karen Wightman Telephone Number : 01684 862365 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00452/FUL

Location : Tundridge Mill, Blackhouse Lane, , Worcester, WR6 5DP Proposal : Change of use of land to residential garden and the siting of a machinery and wood store. Date Valid : 10/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Keith & Mrs Penelope Beard Agents Name: Miss Lauren Taylor Application Type: FUL

Parish(es) : Suckley CP Ward(s) : Alfrick and Leigh Ward

Case Officer : Karen Wightman Telephone Number : 01684 862365 Email : [email protected]

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Page 1 of 12 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications Application No: 21/00671/HP

Location : The Cottage, Astley Burf, Stourport On Severn, DY13 0RX Proposal : Dismantle existing garage/workshop and rebuild in a different location, and erection of oak framed garage/cart shed Date Valid : 05/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Richard Bilboe Agents Name: Mr Richard Bilboe Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : Astley and Dunley CP Ward(s) : Baldwin Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00672/LB

Location : The Cottage, Astley Burf, Stourport On Severn, DY13 0RX Proposal : Dismantle existing garage/workshop and rebuild in a different location, and erection of oak framed garage/cart shed Date Valid : 05/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Richard Bilboe Agents Name: Mr Richard Bilboe Application Type: LB

Parish(es) : Astley and Dunley CP Ward(s) : Baldwin Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00826/SCR

Location : Larford Quarry, Astley, Stourport On Severn, DY13 0SQ Proposal : Request for a Screeing Opinion for the change of use of land to allow for the siting of 100 holiday caravan lodges with an entrance/reception lodge, managers accommodation and environmental improvements with landscaping throughout Date Valid : 30/04/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Allens Caravans Estates Ltd Agents Name: David Middleton Application Type: SCR

Parish(es) : Astley and Dunley CP Ward(s) : Baldwin Ward

Case Officer : Lee Walton Telephone Number : 01684 862314 Email : [email protected]

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Page 2 of 12 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications Application No: 21/00765/CU

Location : Northington Farm, Farm Lane, Holt Heath, Worcester, WR6 6NQ Proposal : Change of use of ground floor of one unit to B8 Date Valid : 10/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr & Mrs G Probert Agents Name: Mr Justin de Vries Application Type: CU

Parish(es) : Grimley CP Ward(s) : Baldwin Ward Holt CP Hallow Ward

Case Officer : Hayley Jones Telephone Number : 01684 862241 Email : [email protected]

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Application No: 21/00886/AGR

Location : Hollingshead Farm, Holt Heath, Worcester, WR6 6TA Proposal : Application for prior approval for the erection of an agricultural storage facility for the secure and dry storage of machinery and feed Date Valid : 11/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Robert Somer Agents Name: Mr Robert Somer Application Type: AGR

Parish(es) : Holt CP Ward(s) : Baldwin Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00712/RM

Location : Land At (Os8202 5595 West Of Worcester), Road, Lower Broadheath Proposal : Reserved matters application for the approval of Enabling Development and Infrastructure Works comprising of the main Primary Street, drainage, the principal areas of Public Open Space, with associated infrastructure and engineering works, pursuant to Outline Planning Permission Reference 15/01419/OUT Date Valid : 05/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Redrow Homes Ltd Agents Name: Mrs Katherine Putnam Application Type: RM

Parish(es) : Lower Broadheath CP Ward(s) : Broadheath Ward CP

Case Officer : Simon Rowles Telephone Number : 01684 862158 Email : [email protected]

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Page 3 of 12 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications Application No: 21/00834/HP

Location : Little Orchard House, Broadheath Common, Lower Broadheath, Worcester, WR2 6RL Proposal : Two storey rear extension and single storey wrap around extension and new front porch. Date Valid : 04/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr & Mrs Spilsbury Agents Name: Mr Matthew Gullick Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : Lower Broadheath CP Ward(s) : Broadheath Ward

Case Officer : Laura Saich Telephone Number : 01684 862422 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00901/RM

Location : Land At (Os 8209 5440), Bromyard Road, Crown East Proposal : Application for approval of reserved matters relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping (pursuant to outline planning permission reference 20/01038/OUT) for 150 dwellings along with associated drainage, highway and green infrastructure. Date Valid : 13/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Jon Bryan Agents Name: Jon Bryan Application Type: RM

Parish(es) : Rushwick CP Ward(s) : Broadheath Ward

Case Officer : Lee Walton Telephone Number : 01684 862314 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 20/01718/FUL

Location : Lynden Bungalow, Grimley, Worcester, WR2 6LT Proposal : Engineering operations to infill excavated plot for wildlife purposes Date Valid : 12/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Edward McDonald Agents Name: Mr Edward McDonald Application Type: FUL

Parish(es) : Grimley CP Ward(s) : Hallow Ward

Case Officer : Karen Wightman Telephone Number : 01684 862365 Email : [email protected]

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Page 4 of 12 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications Application No: 21/00731/HP

Location : Fieldy Cottage, Shoulton, Hallow, Worcester, WR2 6PX Proposal : Single storey side extension providing annexed living accommodation. Date Valid : 10/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Nick Field Agents Name: Nick Smith Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : Hallow CP Ward(s) : Hallow Ward

Case Officer : Karen Wightman Telephone Number : 01684 862365 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00581/LB

Location : 4 Old Road North, Kempsey, Worcester, WR5 3JZ Proposal : Take down existing front garden walls, rebuild to match existing and introduce railings. Date Valid : 07/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : William Rimell Agents Name: William Rimell Application Type: LB

Parish(es) : Kempsey CP Ward(s) : Kempsey Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

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Application No: 21/00595/CU

Location : Linden House, 17 Bestmans Lane, Kempsey, Worcester, WR5 3QA Proposal : Change of use to mixed use private garden to site mobile catering trailer/unit with ouside seating Date Valid : 05/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mrs Adele Gibbons Agents Name: Mrs Adele Gibbons Application Type: CU

Parish(es) : Kempsey CP Ward(s) : Kempsey Ward

Case Officer : Lee Walton Telephone Number : 01684 862314 Email : [email protected]

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Page 5 of 12 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications Application No: 21/00860/HP

Location : 4 Old Road North, Kempsey, Worcester, WR5 3JZ Proposal : Take down existing front garden walls, rebuild to match existing and introduce railings. Date Valid : 07/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr William Rimell Agents Name: Mr William Rimell Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : Kempsey CP Ward(s) : Kempsey Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00614/HP

Location : High Acre, Dumbleton Lane, , , WR15 8JR Proposal : Gable extension to front elevation Date Valid : 07/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr & Mrs Martyn Stroyd Agents Name: Mr & Mrs Martyn Stroyd Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : CP Ward(s) : Lindridge Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

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Application No: 21/00825/HP

Location : Nags Head House, Lindridge, Tenbury Wells, WR15 8JQ Proposal : Ancillary Annex to provide accommodation for dependent relatives Date Valid : 13/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Ms. T. Butcher Agents Name: Miss J. Greybanks Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : Lindridge CP Ward(s) : Lindridge Ward

Case Officer : Karen Wightman Telephone Number : 01684 862365 Email : [email protected]

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Page 6 of 12 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications Application No: 21/00609/FUL

Location : Wide Horizons Holiday Park, , Kidderminster, DY14 9JG Proposal : Proposed extension of approved holiday park to provide 14 additional static holiday caravans together with landscaping Date Valid : 05/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Finney Agents Name: Mr Philip Jones Application Type: FUL

Parish(es) : Mamble CP Ward(s) : Lindridge Ward

Case Officer : Lee Walton Telephone Number : 01684 862314 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00616/HP

Location : The Cowshed, The Rampings, Longdon, Tewkesbury, GL20 6AL Proposal : Remove concrete garage and replace with Oak framed garage Date Valid : 10/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Stuart McGhee Agents Name: Mr Lee Smyth Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : Longdon CP Ward(s) : Longdon Ward

Case Officer : Laura Saich Telephone Number : 01684 862422 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00748/CU

Location : Land at (OS 7635 4748), Wants Green, , Proposal : Change of use of land to residential garden Date Valid : 20/04/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr A Johnson Agents Name: Mr Justin de Vries Application Type: CU

Parish(es) : CP Ward(s) : Martley Ward

Case Officer : Karen Wightman Telephone Number : 01684 862365 Email : [email protected]

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Page 7 of 12 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications Application No: 21/00785/HP

Location : Bush Farm, Bush Lane, , Worcester, WR2 4TF Proposal : New outbuilding featuring a garage/Storage, a small garden store and a single lightweight lean to.

Date Valid : 11/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Matt Kvesic Agents Name: Mr Richard Owen Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : CP Ward(s) : Powick Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00797/HP

Location : 9 Alton Park, Callow End, Worcester, WR2 4UJ Proposal : Rendering of front and part side elevation Date Valid : 11/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Anthony Workman Agents Name: Mr Anthony Workman Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : Powick CP Ward(s) : Powick Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00803/FUL

Location : Court Farm, C2103 Deblins Green, Deblins Green, Callow End, WR2 4UE Proposal : Substitution of approved four permanent log cabins (plots 8 - 12) with four motor homes / caravans. Addition of five tent plots on site. Change of use of Equine building and adjoining yard for caravan storage Date Valid : 12/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr and Mrs Jones Agents Name: Brian Griffin P & C C Limited Application Type: FUL

Parish(es) : Powick CP Ward(s) : Powick Ward

Case Officer : Hayley Jones Telephone Number : 01684 862241 Email : [email protected]

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Page 8 of 12 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications Application No: 21/00861/AGR

Location : Highfield House, Hope Lane, , Worcester, WR6 6HE Proposal : Prior notification for purpose built grain store. Date Valid : 06/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Philip Richards Agents Name: Mr Nick Champion Application Type: AGR

Parish(es) : Clifton upon Teme CP Ward(s) : Teme Valley Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00318/HP

Location : The Salmon Pool, Orleton, Stanford Bridge, Worcester, WR6 6SX Proposal : Erection of Garage Date Valid : 04/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Robert Forster Agents Name: Mr Robert Forster Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : Stanford with Orleton CP Ward(s) : Teme Valley Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

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Application No: 21/00862/AGR

Location : Lower Millcote, Mill Lane, Rochford, Tenbury Wells, WR15 8SJ Proposal : Replacement livestock, fodder and machinery storage building with lean-to Date Valid : 06/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Nick Champion Agents Name: Mr Nick Champion Application Type: AGR

Parish(es) : Rochford CP Ward(s) : Tenbury Ward

Case Officer : Karen Wightman Telephone Number : 01684 862365 Email : [email protected]

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Page 9 of 12 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications Application No: 21/00824/ADV

Location : Lloyds Tsb Bank, 71 Teme Street, Tenbury Wells, WR15 8AQ Proposal : New illuminated Fascia with TSB Logo x3 TSB Projecting Sign x1 TSB New ATM illuminated tablet x1 New double sided A frame x1

Date Valid : 30/04/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : TSB Agents Name: Mrs Laura Carniel Application Type: ADV

Parish(es) : Tenbury CP Ward(s) : Tenbury Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00836/FUL

Location : Land At (Os 6090 6587), Sutton Court, Sutton Proposal : Change of use of land for the siting of 3 no pods for holiday accommodation. Date Valid : 13/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : RW & PM Brown Agents Name: Mrs Hannah Weatherall Application Type: FUL

Parish(es) : Tenbury CP Ward(s) : Tenbury Ward

Case Officer : Karen Wightman Telephone Number : 01684 862365 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00597/LB

Location : 27 Church End, , Worcester, WR8 0BL Proposal : New oak canopy to front door Date Valid : 03/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Antony Garner Agents Name: Mr Antony Garner Application Type: LB

Parish(es) : Hanley Castle CP Ward(s) : Upton and Hanley Ward

Case Officer : Sarah Jones Telephone Number : 01386 565246 Email : [email protected]

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Page 10 of 12 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications Application No: 21/00669/FUL

Location : Britannia Works, Dunns Lane, Upton Upon Severn, Worcester, WR8 0HZ Proposal : Demolition of existing workshop and outbuildings. Erection of 4 new dwellings, including car parking, footways and landscaping. Date Valid : 10/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr. Roy Pendleton Agents Name: Mr Robert Beswick Application Type: FUL

Parish(es) : Upton-upon-Severn CP Ward(s) : Upton and Hanley Ward

Case Officer : Simon Rowles Telephone Number : 01684 862158 Email : [email protected]

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Application No: 21/00896/S106

Location : Land At (Os 7452 6790), Clows Top Road, Proposal : Application under Section 106 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to alter provision of 6 No. social rented dwellings which form part of the overall affordable housing obligation. Date Valid : 11/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Agents Name: Ian Greatrex Application Type: S106

Parish(es) : Abberley CP Ward(s) : Woodbury Ward

Case Officer : Simon Rowles Telephone Number : 01684 862158 Email : [email protected]

Click On Link to View the planning application : Click Here

Application No: 21/00659/HP

Location : Rotherfield, Worcester Road, , Worcester, WR6 6HU Proposal : Erection of Swan neck gate to replace existing field gate Date Valid : 05/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mr Timothy Scott Agents Name: Mr Timothy Scott Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : Great Witley CP Ward(s) : Woodbury Ward

Case Officer : Sam Witham Telephone Number : 01684 862402 Email : [email protected]

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Page 11 of 12 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications Application No: 21/00681/HP

Location : 31 The Glebe, Great Witley, Worcester, WR6 6JR Proposal : Erection of side extension Date Valid : 06/05/2021 Expected Decision Level : Delegated Applicant : Mrs S Sebesta Agents Name: Mr Paul Farley Application Type: HP

Parish(es) : Great Witley CP Ward(s) : Woodbury Ward

Case Officer : Lee Walton Telephone Number : 01684 862314 Email : [email protected]

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Page 12 of 12 Total Number of Applications = 33 Doc Ref: Weekly List of Planning Applications